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  • 7/24/2019 Islam Should Not Be Extended Religious Liberty.


    The Declaration of Independencebegins with a preamble under the heading 'The

    Unanamous Declaration of the Thirteen States of America,'and proceeds, "When in the

    Course of human events, It becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political

    bands hich have connected them ith another, and to assume amon! the poers of the

    earth, the separate and eual station to hich the las of #ature and of #ature's $od%%%",

    the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible, "%%%entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of

    man&ind reuires that they should declare the causes hich impel them to the separation%"

    Said preamble needs now in our time as Wethe People at the helm of America's ship of

    state to be amended by the followingsentiments inserted after the words 'whichhave connected them with another' changingthe text to read as the situation currentlydictates in order to address the Islamofascistenemy we are faced with today! themurderous cult of Islam and its world

    domination agenda dedicated to theestablishment of a oneworld "aliphate! toread as follows#

    '$$$which have connected any people withanother even such a connection as with theintolerable ideologies of others whether

    wrapped in the trappings of religion as in thespeci%c example of Islamofascism or not&ideologies which have and do de%nethemselves through the actions of theiradherents and by the doctrines and tenets

  • 7/24/2019 Islam Should Not Be Extended Religious Liberty.


    plainly laid out in the writings that adherentsto said ideologies exempli%ed by every sect!denomination! subgroup! or! division! or

    branch of Islam! hold as authoritative$

    The espousing of such beliefs held by Muslims within every form of Islam define every

    Muslim as ideologically in opposition to the to the unalienable rights including the right to

    liberty with which all men are endowed by their Creator, the risen Lord Jesus Christ of the


    ince every group within Islamhas throughout its history and does to this day e!plicitly hold

    to doctrines of world domination under the tyranny of what amounts to far more than a

    simply a religion but in fact a comprehensive method of societal governance and control

    that the Muslims call Sharia a, and that under Shariathe dhimmitudini(ationof non"

    Muslims is to be achieved by the strategy of Civili#ation )ihadin its countless dimensions

    'We the *eople'must recogni#e that the values espoused in the teachings of every

    manifestation of Islamare incompatible with the $merican e!periment in government of the

    people or with any free society, and that the barbaric Islamo"fascist totalitarian

    political%religious ideology should not&must not&be tolerated in the 'nited tates of

    $merica or any of her territories.

    It was the contention of the signers of The Declaration of Independencein recogni#ing the

    entitlement of separate and e(ual station availed by the laws of )ature and )ature*s +od,

    the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible, unto a free nation that any such nation*s citi#ens should

    rightly e!ercise the action of decently respecting the opinions of Manind in the Course of

    human events by declaring the causes which impelled them towards separation from, in the

    trial of their time, +reat Britain.

    $mericans today should as well decently respect the opinions of Manind in the Course of

    human events and declare as we face the trial of our time&the advance of the world"

    domination agenda of the barbaric totalitarian and supremacist ideology which mass itself

    as a *religion of peace*- Islam&an enemy as seemingly insurmountable in its dimensions

  • 7/24/2019 Islam Should Not Be Extended Religious Liberty.


    today as +reat Britain surely must have seemed unto our nation*s ounding athers, the

    causes which impel us at present unto the deliberate separation from, re/ection of, and

    e!clusion of all those who define themselves as enemies of the $merican e!periment in

    government of the people by their professed embracing of and dedication to the enslaving

    totalitarian Islamo"fascist ideology or through their demonstrated or otherwise

    acnowledged allegiance to the murderous, barbaric, supremacist, totalitarian

    comprehensive system of control over all spheres of society codified within what are

    regarded by all Muslims as the authoritative writings of every form of Islam&from

    participation within the $merican e!periment in government of the people.

    Islamo"fascism is antithetical to the values upon which the $merican e!periment in

    government of the people has been established.

    $merica must determine to defeat its Islamic enemy. )othing short of unconditional

    surrender on the part of our pan"Islamic enemy will suffice for to permit any form of Islam

    participation within any society which would aspire to e!tend unto its citi#ens the ability for

    them to reali#e their +od"endowed unalienable right to liberty is an invitation for the

    cancerous spread of the totalitarian and enslaving cult that openly professes in the

    doctrines and tenets of every denomination, division, group, or branch of Islamits barbaric

    aspirations of world domination under a one"world Islamic Caliphateto be achieved through

    the implementation of the multitudinous dimensions of the strategy of Civili#ation )ihad.

    0olding the truths which are self"evident as did our nation1s ounders denies the toleration

    of any encroachment upon those same truths by erroneous totalitarian ideologies which

    deny the Creator, the risen Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible, from 2hom we are endowed with

    *certain unalienable 3ights, and openly strives to replace The Constitution of the United

    States of Americawith Sharia a%

    The truth that 4all men are Created eual, that they are endoed by their Creator ith

    certain unalienable +i!hts, that amon! these are ife, iberty and the pursuit of appiness'

    rings familiar within the chest of all those who would call themselves $mericans.

  • 7/24/2019 Islam Should Not Be Extended Religious Liberty.


    $ny who would deny that -all men are Created eual, that they are endoed by their

    Creator ith certain unalienable +i!hts, that amon! these are ife, iberty and the pursuit

    of appiness'have no legitimate right to call themselves $mericans.

    Those words are the very tintinnabulation resounding for generations within the hearts of

    'We the *eople'of the 'nited tates of $merica&the 4pirit of 56671 as it were&the

    $merican spirit of Liberty8 words revered and saluted symbolically in $merica*s Liberty Bell

    which, though craced and silent, still resonates strongly within the breast of all those who

    assent to the truth that all men are in fact endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable


    The Declaration of Independencecontinues, 9That to secure these rights,+overnments are instituted among Men, deriving their /ust powers fromC:);)T : T0; +:eople to alter or abolish it, and to institute new +overnment, laying itsfoundation on such principles and organi#ing its powers in such form, as tothem shall seem most liely to effect their afety and 0appiness.>rudence, indeed, will dictate that +overnments long established shouldnot be changed for light or transient causes8 and accordingly all e!perience

    hath shewn, that manind are more disposed to suffer, while evils aresufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which theyare accustomed. B'T 20;) $ L:)+ T3$I) : $B'; $)=''3>$TI:), >'3'I)+ I)

  • 7/24/2019 Islam Should Not Be Extended Religious Liberty.


    doctrinal strategy, that is to say Islam/s*design1 or strategy, of pursuing the same ob/ect of

    world domination which it has pursued invariably for all of its 5"plus"year history over

    non"Islamic societies.

    Islam has a long train of abuses and usurpations evidenced inits murderous history of its barbaric advancement of the Islamo"fascist world domination


    Dhimmitudeis slavery. IslamicCivili#ation )ihadistsof every stripe illegitimately /ustify in

    their own sic minds the relegation under haria Law of all non"Muslims unto the de facto

    slave status of what the Muslim regards as the Dhimmi%

    Islamadvances an invariable pursuit of an ob/ect-namely, aone"world Islamic Caliphate8 and evinces a design to reduce $mericaunder the absolute despotism of Sharia-The design being the multi"faceted Islamic doctrine of Civili#ation )ihad.

    It is our right and our duty to throw off the tyrannical chains of Islamo"fascism as much as it

    would have been for $merica*s *+reatest +eneration* to throw off the tyrannical chains of

    )ational ocialism, that is to say )$DIM, and throw out adherents to such a murderous,

    tyrannical cult and enslaving political ideology%worldview as that of every form of Islamas

    sure as it would be to throw off any government that might arise which so clearly and

    precisely would meet the description of any such government which $merica1s ounding

    athers reali#ed might one day arise on history1s stage and of which they chose to give us

    warning and direction as to how to proceed against such tyranny.