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ISL Parent Teacher Association Newsletter February /

March 2020

Greetings Association Members!We’re now about six weeks into the second semester of the academic year, and it feels to me like since we all came back from the break, we’ve been moving at an incredible pace - all over school there’s so much going on that it’s hard to keep up. We’ve tried to bring you some of the highlights, but with all there is to report, this newsletter is our longest ever! From the PTA side, we’ve been pleasantly surprised by the turnout at our monthly meetings, and big thanks are due to all the new parents and board members who are coming on a routine basis to our monthly get togethers. I’m also delighted to announce we now have co-treasurers, Kristy Blondin and Charity Call, which means that the PTA Executive Committee is at full strength. Welcome Charity and Kristy! We’ve also been busy working with the Estates Committee and the Head of School to come up with a comprehensive strategy for waste at ISL, including reducing single use plastics, recycling, and more - expect big changes soon, and suggestions welcome in this regard if you’d like to get involved. Finally, we’re going into fundraising season, and want to hear from you - what do you think we should be raising money towards? Be in touch with us anytime, we’re wide open to hear from you.

Enough from me. In this issue, we have excellent news from Kinshasa, developments on the anti-bullying, hear from a teacher just joining us in January, and much more. Enjoy!


From the PTA

Anti-Bullying Policy and Child Protection Policy

ISL Wins Basketball Championship in Kinshasa

Tuck Shop News

Introducing Peter Holdway, ISL Drama Teacher

Recent Events

Upcoming Events and message from BoG

New Feature: Did you know? Insider info about


Have you seen our new webpage? PTA has revamped our section of the ISL website, which you can check out here or by clicking below. There’s a complete archive of newsletters for all you completists out there.

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To the right is a flow chart explaining the policy and reporting procedures for the Anti-Bullying Policy. Click on the picture for a PDF version you can print and hold onto.

ISL’s Anti-Bullying Policy

ISL’s Board of Governors has recently adopted a comprehensive Anti-Bullying Policy which fits within the overall disciplinary policy and child protection policies in place in our school.

Alongside relevant lessons in PSHE at every level at ISL, Secondary Principal Craig Patterson states that, “students have been involved in age-appropriate discussions and presentations on the most pertinent parts of the policy over this past month. For example, the Middle School students (Year 7, 8, 9) attended an assembly where on departure they signed a form that stated they attended the bullying-awareness assembly, learned what bullying is and is not, and understood that consequences would be given to the perpetrators of such unwanted behaviour.”

Also, Year 6 recently performed an assembly for all of upper primary on this topic, explaining the policy, reporting procedures, and practical advice for students when faced with potential bullying situations.

The school counselor, Sekai Chitaukire, and secondary pastoral coordinator, Inonge Chifuka, also gave a comprehensive workshop for parents recently, walking attendees through the full policy and answering questions relating to it. If you missed it, stay tuned. There are plans afoot for more workshops, including one focused specifically on cyber-bullying.

Mrs. Inonge Chifuka is one of our Math teachers and the Secondary Pastoral Coordinator. In the role of Pastoral Coordinator, she oversees the pastoral lesson programme as well as disciplinary issues in the secondary section of the school. Mrs. Chifuka works to foster an environment that is safe for students and is conducive to learning. She also encourages students to reach their full potential in regards to learning, cultural, and sporting areas of their ISL life.

Ms. Sekai Chitaukire is the ISL Counselor and Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) teacher for Years 3 to 11. As counselor, Ms. Chitaukire’s main focus is on supporting students in regards to their social and emotional well-being. This may happen in the form of individual, small group or whole class counseling and wellness sessions.

Together, Mrs. Chifuka and Ms. Chitaukire lead the school’s efforts in the safeguarding of all students who attend ISL. Should you wish to contact the Pastoral Coordinator or the School Counselor, their contact details are as follows:

Mrs. Inonge [email protected](+260) 211 252 291/253 959/250 362

Please click on the policy above to read it, as it is important for all parents to understand. Please feel free to ask your child’s class teacher, tutor, school counselor, pastoral coordinator or the principals if you need and any clarifications.

Ms. Sekai [email protected](+260) 211 252 291/253 959/250 362

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ISL Boys win Championship in Kinshasa!The ISL U19 boys basketball team recently traveled to Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to compete in the annual SAISA basketball tournament. SAISA (Southern African International School Association) is a newly formed international school league which includes schools from around southern Africa; American International School of Cape Town (AISCT), Luanda International School (LIS), The American International School of Kinshasa (TASOK), Windhoek International School (WIS), American International School of Johannesburg (AISJ) and American International School of Mozambique (AISM).

The team was quite successful at the event, and managed to win all of its games, as they brought home their first SAISA championship. Their coach, Jamal Atkins, described the tournament as highly competitive, and felt as if our boys played their best basketball of the season to secure the victory. Upon return, the boys relayed that they were very pleased with their experience, enjoying the hospitality of the Congolese people, the kindness of TASOK students and staff, and getting a first hand view of Kinshasa and its fast paced way of life. Of course, winning the championship helped make the trip especially memorable.

In the future, ISL is working to get all of their secondary competitive teams involved in other SAISA tournaments. Currently, our U19 football teams are looking forward to, and preparing for the upcoming SAISA football tournament in Cape Town in early April of 2020.

(Text and photos contributed by Donald Blondin)

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How much do you know about the ISL’s Tuck Shop? Your children probably know her well already, but we want to introduce you to Ellie, the mom and boss-extraordinaire of our school tuck shop so that she can walk you through how the Tuck Shop works and about all the healthy options she provides every day for our kids.

Here’s some helpful information about the Tuck Shop:

TUCK SHOP DEBIT ACCOUNTS:Did you know parents can open accounts for their kids? Parents can contact Ellie and deposit money into their kids’ accounts and then kids can make orders and eat off their account. Whatever they take is recorded and monitored to make sure they are buying what is allowed by the parents (ie: you can make sure the money goes to meals and not just crisps!).

HOW TO ORDER MEALS:Generally, lunch meals have to be ordered before 11am. However, if kids have Tuck Shop accounts, meals are automatically added on the days they are staying for afternoon activities.Kids can order during break time for a midday meal, or orders can also be made on WhatsApp or by calling Ellie directly at 0979376394.

SPECIAL DIETS?:The Tuck Shop is not halal certified but does buy all halal products and does not prepare anything with any pork products or keep any pork products on premises.Vegetarian meals are always available. But need to be ordered also before 11am.

Tuck Shop NewsPhoto above: Ellie (second from left) and her friendly staff at the Tuck Shop

MENU OPTIONS:The hot meal changes everyday except every Wednesday when the Tuck Shop serves fresh chips with chicken. (Crumbed, roasted, kebabs,)

Also available everyday:● Chicken fillet burgers● Beef burgers● Chicken and cheese sub● Chicken mayo sub● Fresh assorted sandwiches on

brown bread.● Toasted chicken mayo sandwich● Toasted cheese sandwich● Chicken Hot dogs

● Sweet chilli sharwama● Garlic sauce shawarma● Hummus wrap

● Assorted bagels (when available)● Margarita mini pizza

● Chocolate muffins● Chocolate brownies● Banana bread● Doughnuts

● Selection of popcorn, crisps, biltong, pringles, crackers, nuts, health bars.

“I am always available at the tuck shop. I’m a parent too. I make sure everything is prepared fresh and hygienic. The ladies working in the tuck shop are mums too and are very good with the children. We know the majority of the children’s names and they feel very comfortable to come to the tuck shop for most things. Even to call their parents if need be. On a cold day, pop in for a hot coffee or tea! We do cater to parents too. Hot meals and snacks are available to parents.” --Ellie

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Hello, PTA! I'm Peter Holdway and I'm the new Drama Teacher here at ISL.

We came here from the US, where my wife, Marsha, was First Secretary (Tourism) at the Embassy of Zambia. We were there for six years and before that we were in London, UK, although I'm originally from Cardiff, Wales.

I've acted, directed and taught Performing Arts for a loooong time (I'm no spring chicken) and it was one of the luckiest breaks I got, to land this great opportunity to teach at ISL. It was as if the stars were in alignment - if you believe all that astrology nonsense (I know, typical Scorpio...).

Anyway, a month in and nobody has been injured, scarred for life, driven insane, so onward and upward.

I'm carrying on the school work laid down by my predecessor, Chipo Marunda, who left me with big boots to fill but a healthy Drama department - which has made my job far easier.

This past month, we've been getting to know each other. My method is very practical, physical and I do believe in mens sana in corpore sano - a healthy mind in a healthy body - so physical fitness is important. To that end, with years 7-9, we have explored mime technique, movement, the body's rhythm and especially mask, which has been fulfilling to watch.

And in other news, we had a lovely evening on Friday with our Valentines Sundowner, an hour or so of entertainment about all things Love.

So, that's that.For the future? Before the end of this academic year, I want to set up the ISL Theatre Workshop, a family of students, teachers and parents where we can share our skills, learn new ones and produce small, medium and large shows, involving Music and Art as well as Drama. We'll start with an ECA for the students, of course, but it will lead to a more ambitious Arts Centre-type hive of creativity!I've said enough. If you got this far, thanks for reading. Regards.

Introducing Peter Holdway, ISL Drama

PTA welcomes Peter warmly to the ISL community! You can find out more by saying hi if you see him around, and by checking out some of his impressive credentials on his IMDb page here.

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Primary student council held a Valentine’s Disco for Years one to six at the MPC on Friday afternoon. The sold tickets and snacks, with all proceeds going toward improving the playground.

Secondary Student Council worked with the Drama department to hold a Valentine’s Sundowner event later in the evening as well. Students, teachers, and parents alike turned up for a promenade style event encompassing poems, Shakespeare, rock banks, music, and sketches.

Library Lovers Day! The primary library held a “Library Lovers Day” on Valentine’s Day as well. Parents and kids took books out on “blind dates” and had a great time reconnecting with the library and its great resources.

Recent EventsISL Celebrated Valentine’s Day in Style!

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And a message from ISL’s Board of Governors

Early Years Productions: 5th of March, 17hrs

Children celebrate our diversity of languages with special guests and activities

Mark your calendar to join for the annual Early Years musical production. More information will be forthcoming, but be ready for watching some adorable and talented kids!

All are always welcome at our monthly PTA meetings. Join us at the PYP room (across from the Primary Principal’s office).

Our monthly market will be on the 28th of February and the 27th of March, so join us at the amphitheatre area (near the secondary carpark) for food, organic veg, and treats. All vendors must register and be approved in advance of each market. Contact [email protected] if you are interested in selling.

Mark your calendar for a week of good deeds. More information will be forthcoming.

Mother Tongue Day: 21st of February

PTA Monthly Meeting: 16th of March 7:15-8hrs

PTA Monthly Markets: 28th February and 27th of March


ISL’s Board of Governors 6 Feb 2020: Dear Association Members and ISL Staff, Happy 2020 from your ISL Board!

We would like to update you on a few items as we kick off the second half of the school year. A new ISL Bullying Policy has now been adopted by the Board, and management and teachers are working to see that it is implemented in a way that both creates a common understanding of bullying and empowers our students, teachers, and parents to work together to eliminate these behaviours within the school. There will be a parent workshop on this policy on the morning of February 6.

The Board is also continuing to work on plans for the school’s infrastructure development—so please stay tuned over the next few months for updates there! Additionally, the Board is looking forward to the Colour Run, set for 24th May, and the ISL Carnival, which will be held on 30th May.

To support execution of the above items and many others, as well as provide continuity to the school and our students, we are also pleased to announce that our Head of School, Mark Fox has been offered and accepted a two-year contract extension. So Mr. Fox will be with us at least through the end of the 2021/22 school year.

We would like to thank all ISL staff and Association members who participated in the Head of School Evaluation. The Board received input into the evaluation from over 50 members of staff and parents, as well as previous members of the Board and a few students. The Board commended Mark on achievements over the past 2.5 years, and also identified areas of improvement to focus on moving forward.

We would also like to let you know that we are carrying out an evaluation of the Board of Governors, which should be finalized in March.

As always, we remain open to hearing from you, so feel free to reach out either via formal school channels ([email protected]) or in person as you see us around school. In case you don’t know who we are, our photos are posted just outside the Administration block. Also, for your reference, all ISL Board policies and other relevant documents are publicly available here on Google Drive.

We look forward to a great remainder of the school year!

ISL Board of Governors

Good Deeds Week: 23-27 March

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Those of us here on the PTA Executive Committee were meeting recently and the topic of library books came up. “Wait, I can take out books from the secondary library?!”, exclaimed one of us. And just like that it struck us: there is a wealth of institutional knowledge about our school that isn’t immediately apparent. So we started asking around for more little tidbits like this and we all learned quite a bit! Here a few things we all wish we knew earlier. If you have more ideas we should add, please email us at [email protected] so we can add yours to the list and continue sharing in upcoming newsletters! So, without further ado,

Did You Know? Insider information about ISL

1) You (an Association member) can take out books from the secondary library? The library is shown on the site-plan below (it’s essentially behind the admin block) and you can talk with one of the friendly librarians there to get set up. There are great books available, from YA (check out the PTA-funded “YA fom African Authors” project while you’re there), as well as a wealth of recent fiction, non-fiction, poetry, graphic novels… Check it out! You can even check out the catalogue of books on the ISL website HERE.

2) There’s a 750m cross-country track across Kasiba Rd on the football pitch plot? It starts on the main track and you can follow the path southwest onto a meandering path through the south end of the plot and then back along the eastern wall. If you add the running track, the loop is almost exactly 1km.

3) Just across Lukasu Rd from the football pitch plot is Barca Futsol, and on that plot is Mint Active Cafe. It’s easily walkable from school, has great coffee and food, and free wifi. It’s a great place to get some work done while waiting for kids to finish up their ECAs, or for a quick meeting after drop-off.


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We’ve never had a “miscellaneous” page on our newsletter, but this is coming pretty close. We have so much to add this month that we’ll have to leave you with a few short and sweet articles to peak your interest and leave you wanting to become more involved in the PTA...

Odds and Ends… Lost and Found, Fundraising ideas, Raffle requests, PTA Handbook!


Do you know where to look for your child’s lost swim goggles, lunchbox, or bookbag? We’ve fielded a lot of questions about this lately, so we’re working with management, security and staff to simplify lost and found processes. SOOOooo… if your lost item has a name and class number on it, it should be brought back to the classroom and returned to the student directly. Otherwise, all lost items are brought to the primary lost and found area (across from the Primary Principal’s office) or to the secondary office. If you’re looking for something, make sure you pop by those two places!


We are looking for your input! Each year, PTA invests all money we earn (through social events, markets, and the carnival raffle) back into ISL. In the past we’ve provided shade for sports facilities, tuck shop structure and seating area, benches around campus, A/V equipment and modular stage, among other things. We’re looking for what to raise funds for next! Please send us your ideas (to [email protected]) and we’ll compile a complete list and present it in our next meeting and online.


Every year, ISL runs a Carnival and one part of that is a PTA raffle of goods and services in and around Lusaka. This is, by far, our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we’re asking for your help! If you could donate anything to the raffle, be it a 2-for-one restaurant voucher, a free car wash, a bag of mealie meal, a bike servicing, a piece of jewelry or furniture, a weekend safari at a lodge, a phone credit card, a pizza… let us know! Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss ideas!


PTA is writing a handbook for new families to ISL and Lusaka. This is to be a crowdsourced resource that we’ll give to new families introducing them to the PTA and making suggestions for all manner of local resources -- from where to find a tasty cup of coffee to where to have duplicate keys made and everything in between. If you have ideas and insights, please let us know! We would love to share a collaborative document with you and have you help with ideas! Again, write to us at [email protected]