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Is this where everything began?

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Page 2: Is there where everything began this where everything began?

A boulder, called "The Foundation Stone," al-Shakrah and "The Moriah Stone," atop the highest spot in Jerusalem could not be more holy to four major religions. Today it is enshrined by Jerusalem's most recognizable building - the golden

Dome of the Rock - which sits atop what the Jews revere as the Temple Mount. This is the site of Solomon’s Temple. This hilltop was home to the Knights Templar for a century. From the site, they took their name. This is said to be the very spot from which Islam was birthed. In some traditions, it is believed to be the first rock created when the Earth was formed. In one legend, it is the spot where life was first breathed. In another, it caps a mysterious well where the souls of everyone yet not born await. Thus, this is a place of beginnings.

Page 3: Is there where everything began a inceput totul?

O stanca, numita “Piatra Fundatiei," al-Shakrah si “Piatra Moriah," aflata in cel mai inalt punct al Ierusalimului este cum nu se poate mai sfanta pt religiile cele mai importante. Astazi este sfantita prin cea mai usor de recunoscut cladire a Jerusalimuluis -

Dome of the Rock cel aurit- care este situat in varful a ceea ce israelienii venereaza cel mai mult, Muntele Templului.Acesta este locul unde va fost Templul lui Solomon. Acest varf de colina a fost sediul Cavalerilor Templieri timp de un secol. De la acest loc si-au luat ei numele. Se spune ca exact in acest loc a luat nastere Islamul. In anumite traditii se crede ca ar fi prima stanca ce a fost creata cand s-a format Pamantul. Intr-o legenda se spune ca aici a aparut prima forma de viataIn alata se spune ca acopera o fantana in care asteapta sufletele celor inca nenascuti.. Deci acesta este locul tuturor inceputurilor..

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Page 5: Is there where everything began

For the last 1,000 years, it has been faithfully tended by a mysterious Muslim fraternity called the Waqf. Although Israel soldiers took control of the spot in 1967, within hours, the rock was returned to the Waqf's guardianship. It has been said that tearing down the mosque over this site could easily provoke the start of World War III - and the Battle of Armaggedon. So, why is a boulder on a small hill in a Mediterranean country the size of Delaware so vital to Christians, Jews, Muslims and Bahai?

A Jewish tradition says that the rock enshrined under the Dome is the very spot on which Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, fashioned in His own image the first man, Adam, from the dust of the Earth ... ... and here breathed first life into him.

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In ultimii 1,000 de ani a fost ingrijit cu sfintenie de o fraternitate Musulmana misterioasa numita Waqf. Desi soldatii Israelieni au preluat controlul acestui loc 1967, in decurs de cateva ore stanca a fost returnata paznicilor Waqf. S-a spus ca daramarea moscheei care se afla aici ar putea usor provoca izbucinrea celui de al III-lea razboi mondial – si Batalia Armaggedonului. Atiunci de ce o stanca aflata pe o colina atat de mica intr-o tara Mediterraneana de marimea statului Delaware este atat de vitala pt Crestini, Everei, Musulmani si Bahai?

O traditie evreiasca spune ca stanca altarului de sub Dom este chiar locul unde atotputernicul Dumnezeu,, Creatorul Universului, l-a facut dupa propria Sa imagine pe primul om, Adam, din tarana Pamantului... ... si aici a suflat asupra lui ca sa-I dea viata.

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According to Jewish tradition, the rock is the very site on Mt. Moriah where Abraham - with a heavy heart - obeyed God and prepared to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac - the apple of his eye, the son born in his old age.

They also believe this is where an angel pointed out that God had provided a ram instead - as the Lord demonstrated to Abraham that His promises are not lightly made ... and, indeed, through Isaac, Abraham's offspring would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sands of the sea.

This is a promise that both Jews and Christians today believe still applies to them and their children.

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Conform traditiei evreiesti, stanca este exact locul de pe Mt. Moriah unde Abraham – cu inima grea – s-a spus lui Dumnezeu si s-a pregatit sa-l sacrifice pe iubitul sau fiu – lumina ochilor sai, fiul nascut la batranete.

Ei cred deasemenea ca acolo s-a aratat ingerul care i-a spus ca Dumnezeu a adus in loc un berbec – si astfel Domnul i-a demonstrat lui Abraham ca promisiunile Sale nu se fac cu usurinta... Si intr-adevar, prin Isaac, urmasii lui Abraham vor fi tot atat de numerosi ca stelele cerului si ca nisipul marii.

Acesta este o promisiune despre care atat Evreii cat si Crestinii cred pana azi ca se aplica atat lor cat si copiilor lor.

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Muslim tradition says it was Ishmael – who they call Ismail – who was almost sacrificed by his father, who Islam calls "Ibrahim." Also, Muslims say the incident occurred in Mecca, not here.

Christians, Jews and Muslims agree that many of the Arab people are descended from Ishmael/Ismail.

However, Islam teaches that Ismail was Ibrahim's favored son and first-born - and that Allah's promise to bless the world through the generations to come is fulfilled through Ismail.

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Traditia Musulmana spune ca a fost – caruia ei ii spun Ismail – ca a fost aproape sacrificat de catre tatal lui, pe care Islamul il numeste "Ibrahim." De asemenea Musulmanii spun ca incidentul s-a petrecut in Mecca, nu aici.

Crestinii, Evereii si Musulmanii sunt de acord ca multi din Arabi people sunt descendenti din Ishmael/Ismail.

Totusi, Islamul invata ca Ismail era fiul favorit al lui Ibrahim si primul nascut- si ca promisiunea lui Allah promise ca va binecuvanta lumea in generatiile care vor urma este indeplinita prin Ismail.

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The Bahai teach the incident is vitally important.

However, some Bahai scholars teach that just which son was involved is unimportant.

The importance, they say, is that both Isaac and Ishmael were symbols of sacrifice.

And that God fulfills His promises.

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Bahai invata ca incidentul are o importanta vitala.

Totusi, unii invatati Bahai spun ca n-are importanta exact care fiu a fost implicat.

Impotant, spun ei, e ca Isaac cat si Ishmael erau simboluri ale sacrificiului.

Si ca Dumnezeu isi implineste promisiunile..

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It was on this site that Solomon’s Great Temple was built in 957 B.C., replacing the portable Tabernacle constructed in the Sinai Desert by Moses and the Children of Israel.

It was filled with the riches of Solomon's kingdom and included the original golden and jewel-encrusted altars, laver, menorah and the Ark of the Covenant, all which had been fashioned at the foot of the fiery mountain after Moses returned with the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments - which were kept inside the Ark along with Aaron's staff and a bowl of manna.

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Pe acest loc a fost construit in 957 B.C Marele Templu al lui Solomon, inlocuind Tabernacolul portabil construit in Desertul Sinai de Moses si de Copiii lui Israel.

Era plin de bogatiile Regatului lui Solomon si includea aurul original si altarele incrustate cu pietre pretioase, vasul, menorah si Chivotul Legamantului, care toate fusesera facute la poalele muntelui aprins dupa Moses s-a intors cu tablele de piatra care contineau Cele Zece Porunci – which care erau pastrate in Chivot impreuna cu toiagul lui Aaron si un bol cu manna.

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The Ark was kept in the Holy of Holies and viewed only once a year by the High Priest when he approached the Mercy Seat atop the Ark and sought forgiveness for the people's sins of the previous year. The rest of the time, it was hidden behind a thick veil, separating mankind from the presence of the Almighty.

Because no one but the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies, strict Orthodox Jews today refuse to visit the Temple Mount for fear that they would unknowingly violate holy ground.

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Chivotul era pastrat in Sfanta Sfintelor si vazut numai odata pe an de Marele Preot cand se apropia de Scaunul Milei din varful Chivoltului si cerea iertare pt pacatele poporului facute in decursul anului precedent. In restul timpului era ascuns in spatele unui val gros, separand omenirea de prezenta Atotputernicului.

Pentru ca nimeni in afara Marelui Preot nu putea sa intre in Sfanta Sfintelor Because Evreii Orthodocsi stricti azi refuza sa viziteze Muntele Templului de teama ca fara sa vrea ar putea viola pamantul sfant.

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Solomon’s temple was first sacked and desecrated by an invading Egyptian army led by Pharoah Sheshonk I.

It was reconsecrated by Jehoash King of Judah in 835 BC during the second year of his reign.

Again filled with gold furnishings, it was stripped and desecrated by Sennacherib, King of Assyria around 700 B.C., then looted, defiled and finally destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. when their invading armies leveled Jerusalem,

Most of the Jewish population was forced into slavery in what became the first Jewish “dispora” during which they were expelled from the Promised Land and scattered over the face of the earth.

Of the 12 Tribes of Israel, ten were lost to history although some descendants claim they can prove their lineage today.

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Templul lui Solomon a fost prima data pradat si pangarit de o armata invadatoare Egypteana condusa de Pharaonul Sheshonk I.

A fost resfintit de Jehoash Regele Iudeii in 835 BC in timpul celui de al doilea an de domnie.Mobilat din nou cu aur a fost pustiit si pangarit de Sennacherib, Regele Assyriei in jur de 700 B.C., apoi pradat, profanat si in final distrus de Babylonieni in 586 B.C. cand armatele lor invadatoare au facut Ierusalimul una cu pamantul.

Majoritatea populatiei evreiesti a fost dusa in robie in ceea ce a devenit prima “diaspora” evreieiasca in care au fost expulzati din Pamantul Sfant si raspanditi pe suprafata pamantuluiDin cele the 12 Tribes ale Israelului, zece au fost pierdute pt istorie desi unii descendanti pretind ca pot dovedi ca fac parte din ele

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According to the Book of Ezra, some members of the two surviving tribes of Isreal - Judah and Benjamin - as well as members of the priestly tribe of Levi, were allowed to return.

They began construction of the Second Temple, authorized by Persian King Cyrus the Great in 538 B.C., after the fall of the Babylonian Empire.

The new temple was completed 23 years later, but wasn't as extravagant or imposing as its predecessor.

It nevertheless dominated Jerusalem’s skyline.

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Conform Cartii lui Ezra, unii membri ai celor doua triburi supravietuitoare ale lui Isreal - Judah and Benjamin – ca si membrii tribului de preoti al lui Levi, au avut voie sa se intoarca.

Au inceput constructia celui de al doileaTemplu, authorizat de regele Persan Cyrus cel Mare in 538 B.C., dupa caderea imperiului Babylonian.

Templul cel nou a fost terminat 23 de ani mai tarziu dar nu a fost atat de extravagant sau impunator ca predecesorul sau.

Totusi el domina cerul Jerusalimului.

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When the Greeks conquered Jerusalem, the temple narrowly avoided being destroyed again in 332 BC when the Jews refused to acknowledge that Alexander the Great of Macedonia was a god.

Alexander was allegedly “turned from his anger” at the last minute by astute diplomacy and flattery.

However, the Temple was ceremonially defiled by Emperor Antiochus IV of the Seleucids in 167 B.C., who outlawed religious observance of the Sabbath as well as Circumcision.

He erected a statue of Zeus inside and sacrificed pigs in the Holy of Holies.

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Cand Grecii au cucerit Ierusalimul, templul abia a scapat de a fi distrus din nou in 332 BC cand evreii au refusat sa il recunoasca pe Alexander the Great of Macedonia ca zeu.

Cica Alexandru a fost was allegedly “linistit din furia lui” in ultimul minut prin diplomatie iscusita si flatterie.

Totusi Temple a fost profanat in mod ceremonios de Imparatul Antiochus IV al Seleucizilor in 167 B.C., care a scos in afara legii respectarea Sabbathului precum si Circumcision.

El a ridicat inauntru o statuie a lui Zeus si a sacrificat porci in Sfanta Sfintelor.

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The Jewish festival of Hannukah began here.

Ordered by a Greek official to perform a pagan sacrifice in the Temple, the Jewish priest Mattathias instead slew him in righteous indignation and led the people of Jerusalem in an armed rebellion.

Today Jews commemorate the successful insurrection as part of the annual Festival of Lights or Hanukkah, celebrating the miracle when the Temple’s sacred Menorah - a candelabra originally constructed by Moses at God’s command - continued to provide light for eight days ...

...although it only had enough oil for one day.

The temple was rededicated under Judas Maccabaeus in 164 B.C.

Their independence was short-lived as Jerusalem was soon conquered by the Romans. A century later, the Temple was renovated by the Roman-appointed Jewish King Herod the Great.

It became known as Herod's Temple

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Festivalul evreiesc Hannukah a inceput aici.

Cand un functionar Grec i-a ordonat preotului evreu Mattathias sa faca un sacrificiu pagan in Templu acesta l-a ucis pe el cu sabia indignat pe Ibuna dreptate si a condus o rebeliune armata a poporului din Jerusalem

Astazi evreii comemoreaza succesul insurectiei ca parte a Festivalului Luminilor ori Hanukkah, celebrand miracolul Menorah sfanta a Templului- un candelabru construit de Moses comanda Domnului- a continuat sa lumineze timp de opt zile... avea ulei numai pt o zi.

Templul a fost rededicat sub Judas Maccabaeul in 164 B.C.

Independenta lor nu a durat mult pt ca Ierusalimul a fost curand cucerit de catre Romans. Un secol mai tarziu, Templul a fost renovat de catre Regele evreu Herod celMare, numit de catre romani.

A devenit cunoscut ca Templul lui Irod.

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Christians revere this site, considering it particularly holy since Jesus spent a great deal of time in the Temple.

It is here that the baby Jesus was presented to the priests, two doves were offered to God on His behalf ... and the 40-day-old baby was first recognized by an elderly worshiper, Anna, and an aged priest, Simeon, as the being the long-awaited Savior of mankind, the Messiah.

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Creistinii venereaza acest, considerandu-l deosebit de sfant de cand Iisus a petrecut mult timp Templu.

Aici a fost copilul Iisus prezentat preotilor, fiindu-I oferite din partea lui lui Dumnezeu doua turturele ... Iar copilul in varsta de 40 de zile a fost intai recunoscut de un batran numit Annavsi un preot in varsta, Simeon, ca fiind mult asteptatul Salvator al omenirii, Messiah.

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It is here in the Temple that the 12-year-old Jesus turned up missing, worrying Mary and Joseph, who found Him discussing the Law and the Prophets with Temple scholars. When He heard her frustration, the boy gently told His mother, "Don't you know I must be about my Father's business?"

And it was here during His ministry, that He prayed, taught, performed miracles and drove out the moneychangers defiling the House of God . It was on His way here that all of Jerusalem turned out, shouting his name, waving palm branches and throwing down their coats in the street for Him to walk on in His "Triumphal Entry."

Here, too, His arrest and crucifixion were plotted by jealous temple officials - and it was here that 30 pieces of silver were paid for His betrayal.

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Aici, in Templu a fost gasit Iisus cand a disparut la 12 ani, ingrijorandu-i pe Maria and Joseph, care l-au gasit discutand Legea si Profetii cu invatatii Templului. Cand Le-a auzit supararea, copilul I-a spus cu blandete mamei Sale, “Nu stii ca eu trebuie sa urmez cele ale Tatalui Meu?"

Si a fost aici in timpul propovaduirii Sale, cand el aS-a rugat, a invatat, a facut miracole si a alungat camatarii din Casa Domnului. Si cand s-a underptat aici a iesit tot ierusalimul turned out, strigandu-I numele, fluturand ramuri de palmier si aruncandu-si hainele pe strada ca El sa treaza pe ele in “intrarea Sa triumfala”

Si tot aici au fost planuite arestrea Sa crucificarea de catre oficialii gelosi ai Templului – si aici au fost platite 30 de arginti pt a fi tradat.

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In obedience to Jesus’ instructions, the apostles waited in Jerusalem after His ascension for the promise of a "Comforter" and "helper" who would be with them always.

Ten days later, they received a dramatic infilling of the Holy Spirit of God.

Filled with power and boldness, it was on the Temple’s wide side plaza, called “Solomon’s Porch” that a formerly cowardly Jewish fisherman, Peter, in 33 A.D. proclaimed to festival-goers that God’s people had murdered their long-awaited Messiah, but that His death and resurrection offered mankind new hope if they would repent of their sins.

Three thousand Jews responded to the first-ever altar call.

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Supunandu-se instructiunilor lui Iisus, apostolii au asteptat in Ierusalim dupa inaltarea Sa pt ca li s-a promis un “Mangaietor” si un “Ajutor” care vor fi cu ei totdeauna

Zece zile mai tarzi s-a pogorat asupra lor Duhul Sfant in mod dramatic .

Plin de putere si indrazneala in piata cea mare a Templului, numita “Porticul lui Solomon” un pescar care fusese cam las pana atunci, Peter, in 33 A.D. a proclamat celor care participau la festival ca poporul lui Dumnezeu l-a ucis pe mult asteptatul Messiah, dar ca moartea si invierea Sa ofera omenirii o noua speranta ca se vor absolvi de pacate daca se vor cai.

Trei mii de evrei au raspuns la prima chemare spre altar.

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Peter and the other disciples were arrested days later after performing healing miracles at the Temple in Jesus’ name.

They were ordered by officials not to preach anymore - an admonition they ignored.

Stephen, a young deacon filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, defied the ban on preaching and became the first martyr – stoned to death for proclaiming the Gospel.

Saul of Tarsus then undertook a reign of terror against the Christians – forcing them out of Jerusalem. As a result, Christianity began its spread worldwide as the exiles preached the Gospel wherever they went. In a surprising turn of events, Saul was dramatically convinced of the legitimacy of this new religion after Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus, Syria.

Saul became the Apostle Paul and not only was transformed into the first Christian missionary, but the writer of most of the New Testament - letters to the widely dispersed Church.

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Peter si alti discipoli au fost arestati cateva zile mai tarziu dupa ce au vindecat in mod miraculos oamenii la templu in numele lui Iisus

Li s-a ordonat de catere oficiali sa nu mai predice, dar ei au ignorat avertismentul.

Stephen, un tanar diacon plin de puterea Duhului Sfant, a infruntat oprelistea si predicand a devenitprimul martir– omorat cu pietre pt ca a vestit Evanghelia.

Saul din Tarsus a inceput sa terorizeze cu inversunare Crestinii – alungandu-I din Ierusalim. Ca rezultat crestinismul a inceput sa fie raspandit peste tot in lume pt ca exilatii vesteau Evanghelia peste tot pe unde mergeau.. Intr-o rasturnare surprinzatoare de, Saul a fost convins in mod dramatic de legitimitatea acestei noi religii dupa ce Iisus i-a aparut pe drumul spre Damascus, Syria.

Saul a devenit Apostolul Paul si nu numai a fost transformat in primul misionar crestin, dar este si scriitorul a celei mai mari parti din Noul Testament – epistolele catre bisericile dispersate prin lumea larga..

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Herod's Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. in an effort to subdue the ever-rebellious Jews.

In what was the final revolt of the Jews against the Romans in 132–135 A.D., Judean leader Simon bar-Kokhba wanted to rebuild the Temple, but his revolt failed.

Jews were barred from Jerusalem and exiled throughout Europe, Africa and Asia.

Their Promised Land taken away from them for more than 2,000 years.

For 20 centuries, they were denied access even to pray at the ruins of the Temple.

Today all that remains is the Western Wall.

For 2,000 years, Jews prayed facing the direction of that wall and the hilltop above it, the former site of the Holy of Holies.

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Templul lui Irod a fost distrus de catre Romani in 70 A.D. intr-un efort de a subjuga evreii vesnic rebeli.

In ceea ce a fost revolta finala a evreilor impotriva Romanilor in 132–135 A.D., Leaderul iudeu Simon bar-Kokhba a vrut sa reconstruiasca Templul, dar revolta sa a fost infranta.

Evreii au fost scosi din Ierusalim si exilati int Europe, Africa si Asia.

Pamantul Promis lor le-a fost luat pt mai bine de 2.000 de ani.

Timp de 20 de secole, li s-a interzis chiar si sa se roage la ruinele Templului.

Astazi tot ce a ramas din el e Zidul Vestic.

Timp de 2,.000 de ani, evreii s-au rugat cu fata catre acel zid si catre varful colinei de deasupra lui, locul fostei Sfinte a Sfintelor.

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For centuries, Christianity was forbidden by Roman law. Terrible persecution resulted with Christians being fed to wild animals before cheering crowds in Rome's Colosseum, with Nero burning Christians to death as human torches to illuminate his drunken orgies, and with the Apostles each dying for Jesus, just as He warned them they would.

However, 300 years after Peter's Pentecost sermon, the Roman Emperor Constantine’s mother, Helena, a devout but secret Christian, convinced her son to abolish the religious laws.

In February 313, Constantine proclaimed the Edict of Milan, allowing all Roman subjects to follow the faith of their choosing. He also removed all penalties under which perhaps a million Christians had been martyred over 300 years.

In Jerusalem, Helena built a church amid the ruins of the Temple.

She called it the Church of St. Cyrus and St. John. It was later enlarged and called the Church of the Holy Wisdom

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Timp de secole, crestinismul a fost interzis de legile. Au avut loc teribile persecutii cand Crestinii au devenit hrana pt animale salbatice in fata multimilor entuziaste Colosseumul din Roma , iar Nero a ars Crestini de vii ca sa devine torte umane care sa-I lumineze orgiile lui alcoolice, iar fiecare Apostoles murind pt iisus, exact cum I-a avertizat ca se va intampla .

Totusi, la 300 de ani dupa predica de Rusalii (Pentecost ) a lui Peter, Elena, mama Imparatului Roman Constantine, o crestina devotata in secret, l-a convinspe fiul sau sa aboleasca legile religioase.

In Februarie 313, Constantine a proclamat Edictul de la Milan, permitand tuturor supusilor Romani sa urmeze credinta pe care o vor. Deasemenea a indepartat totate prevederile datorita carora poate un milion de crestini au fost martirizati timp de 300 de ani.

In Ierusalim, Elena a construit o biserica printre ruinele Templului.

I=a spus biserica lui St. Cyrus si St. John. Mai tarziu a fost marita si I s-a spus biserica It was later enlarged and called the Biserica Sfintei Intelepciuni

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Islam teaches that around 621, Muhammad was praying in Mecca, when the archangel Jibral (Gabriel) brought him Buraq, the heavenly horse of the prophets.

Buraq carried Muhammad to the Temple ruins in Jerusalem. There on the same rock where Adam first breatthed, Adam, Moses and Jesus joined Mohammed in prayer.

Buraq then took Mohammed to heaven where Allah instructed him that peace would come only through total submission to divine will. At one point, He said that mankind should pray 25 times daily. Mohammed negotiated this requirement down to five times daily, saying that 25 times a day was too much for everyday men and women.

Islam means “submission” to Allah, proven by obedience to shari’a, Islamic law

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Islamul invata ca in jur de 621, Muhammad se ruga in Mecca, cand archanghelul Jibral (Gabriel) I l-a adus pe Buraq, calul divin al profetilor.

Buraq l-a dus pe Muhammad la ruinele Templului din Ierusalem. Acolo pe aceasi stanca unde a respirat prima data Adam acesta, Moses si Iisus s-au rugat impreuna cu Mohammed.

Buraq apoi la- dus pe Mohammed in cer unde Allah i-a spus ca pacea va veni numai prin suspsunere totyala fata de vointa divina.. La un moment dat I-a spus ca omenirea trebuie sa se roage de 25 de ori pe zi.. Mohammed a negociat acesta cerere la numai 5 ori pe zi, spunand ca 25 de ori pe zi era prea mult pt oameni.

Islam inseamna “supunere” fata de Allah, dovedita prin supunerea la shari’a, legea Islamica.

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A Muslim army conquered Jerusalem around 690 A.D.

Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan ordered the destruction of Helena’s church and the construction of the Dome of the Rock atop the Temple ruins.

The al-Aqsa Mosque was built nearby in the Temple courtyard.

The Dome of the Rock was designed by Yazid Ibn Salam and Raja Ibn Haywah. The Caliph wrote that he hoped that the Dome would “house the Muslims from cold and heat” – he intended the building to serve as a shrine for pilgrims and not as a mosque for public worship.

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O armata Musulmana a cucerit Ierusalimul in jur de 690 A.D.

Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan a ordonat distrugerea bisericii Elenei si constructia Domului Stancii peste ruinele Templului.

Al-Aqsa Mosque a fost construita in apropiere in cytea Templului.

Dome of the Rock a fost proiectat de Yazid Ibn Salam si Raja Ibn Haywah. Califul a scris ca spera ca Domul va “adaposti Muslimii de caldura si frig” – el intentiona sa folosesca cladirea ca un altar pt pelerini si nu ca o moschee pt serviciu public.

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In 1099, the Dome of the Rock and the nearby Al-Aqsa Mosque were captured by Christian armies from Europe.

The Dome of the Rock was turned into a church with a large cross at the top of the dome.

The Knights Templar set up their headquarters in the adjacent Al-Aqsa Mosque for much of the century and dedicated it as a church, which they called "Templum Domini" or God’s Temple.

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In 1099, Dome of the Rock si Al-Aqsa Mosque din vecinatate au fost capturate de armatele Crestine dinEurope.

Dome of the a fost rransformat intr-o biserica ce avea o cruce mare in varfrul Domului..

Cavalerii Templieri si-au stabilit cartierul general in Al-Aqsa Mosque pt cea mai mare parte a secolului si au dedicat-o drept biserica pe care au denumit-o "Templum Domini"

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Jerusalem was recaptured by the Syrian general Saladin in 1187.

The dome was reconsecrated as a Muslim sanctuary. The cross on top was replaced by a golden crescent.

The building was damaged by earthquakes, restored several times over the years, but has been protected through the centuries by an ancient Muslim fraternity, the Waqf, who oversee it to this day - and who will demonstrate their belief that the rock floats in mid-air by tapping on the rocks underneath, which resound as hollow.

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Ierusalimul a fost recapturat de general ul Syrian Saladin in 1187.

Domul a fost reconsacrat ca un sanctuar Muslim. Crucea din varf a fost inlocuita cu o semiluna aurita.

Cladirea a fost deteriorata de cutremure, restaurata de cateva ori dealungul anilor, dar a fost protejata timp de secole de o fraternitate veche musulmana, Waqf, care vad de ea si in ziua de azi – si care vor sa demonstreze credinta lor ca stanca pluteste in aer ciocanind in roca de dedesubt, care suna a gol.

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Israel took control of the Dome of the Rock during its victory in the Six-Day War in 1967.

Israeli soldiers hoisted their flag with the Star of David atop the dome and a soldier named Shlomo Goren entered the building with a Torah scroll – the first five books of the Old Testament – and a shofar, a trumpet made from a ram’s horn.

A few hours later, the soldiers lowered the flag on the orders of Israeli General Moshe Dayan, who returned custody of the site to the Waqf. Dayan said he did so in order to "keep the peace."

The Waqf continue to have a special relationship with the Israelis as well as with Arab governments and exercise almost complete authority over t site he site.

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Israel a preluat controlul Dome of the Rock ca urmare a victoriei din timpul Razboiului de Sase Zile in 1967.

Soldatii Israelieni au infipt steagul cu Steaua lui David in varful domului si un soldat pe nume Shlomo Goren a intrat in cladire cu un sul Torah– primele cinci carti ale Vechiului Testament – si un shofar, o trompeta facuta dintr-un corn de berbec.

Dupa cateva ore soldatii au dat jos steagul la ordinul Generalului Israelian Moshe Dayan, care a returnat custodia locului catre Waqf. Dayan a zis ca facut asta in scopul “mentinerii pacii."

Waqf continua sa aibe o relatie speciala cu Israelitii ca si cu guvernele Arabe si exercita o autoritate aproape completa asupra locului..

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Will the Jewish Temple be rebuilt here?

Some say Bible prophecy requires it. Others say that even touching a single tile of the Dome would provoke World War III and the Battle of Armageddon.

A few years ago, a controversial plan - illustrated in this photo - was unveiled that would leave the Dome in place, but put a new Temple next to it. Scholars supporting the concept said that the Dome is actually not over the site of the ancient Holy of Holies, but slightly south.

The idea was not well received. There are no known proposals at present before the Waqf or the Israeli government for any such construction project.

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Va fi Templul Evreu reconstruit aici?

Unii spun ca profetiile din Biblie cer asta. Altii spun ca atingerea fie si a unei singure tigle din Dom va provoca World War III si Batalia Armageddonului.

Cu ccativa ani in urma un plan controversat - - ilustrat in aceasta poza- a dezvaluit ca Domul va fi lasat la locul lui, dar ca se va pune un Templu langa el. Savantii care sprijina acest concept spun ca Domul de fapt nu este peste Sfanta Sfintelor ci usor mai la sud.

Ideea nu a fost bine primita. Nu se cunosc in prezent propuneri facute Waqf sau guvernului Israelului pt asemenea proiect de constructie.

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Beneath the Dome of the rock is a cave open to visitors and called by many the “Well of Souls.”

According to legend, it is a place where the voices of the dead can be heard along with the sounds of the Rivers of Paradise. Indeed, the cave resounds with unexplained noises that are the subject of much conjecture.

The Well of Souls is believed by some Christians to be the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant – and was where fictional archeologist Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. found the Ark in the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, although the movie inexplicably moves the Well of Souls to Tunis in northern Africa.

In Jewish legend, the Well of Souls is “Guf,” where the souls of the not-yet-born are stored - making this spot even more the location where all of us began life.

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Sub Dome of the rock este o pestera deschisa visitatorilor si numita de muti “Fantana Sufletelor.”

Dupa o legenda, este un loc unde pot fi auzite vocile mortilor impreuna cu sunetele Raurilor din Paradis. Intradevar pestera rauna de zgomote inexplicabile si se fac multe speculatii pe acesta tema.

Unii crestini cred ca Fanatana Sufletelor ar fi locul unde e ascuns Chivotul Legii—si acolo arheologul fictional Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. a gasit Chivotul in filmul Raiders of the Lost Ark, desi filmul in mod inexplicabil muta Fantana Sufletelor in Tunis, in nordul Africii.

In legenda evreiasca, Fantana Sufletelor este “Guf,” unde sunt pastrate sufletele celor inca nenanscuti – facand ca acesta locatie sa fie punctul unde fiecare din noi isi incepe viata.

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The Jewish holy book, the Midrash, refers to this heavily contested site as the very first rock created in the formation of our planet.

"As the navel is set in the centre of the human body, so is the land of Israel the navel of the world... situated in the centre of the world, and Jerusalem in the centre of the land of Israel, and the sanctuary in the centre of Jerusalem, and the holy place in the centre of the sanctuary, and the ark in the centre of the holy place, and the foundation stone before the holy place, because from it the world was founded." Midrash Tanchuma, Qedoshim

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Cartea sfanta a evreilor, Midrash, se refera la acest loc atat de puternic contestat ca fiind prima stanca ce a fost creata cand s-a format planeta noastra

"Asa cum buricul este asezat chiar in centrulcorpului , asa si pamatul Israelului este buricul lumii... situat in centrul lumii, si Ierusalimul in centrul pamatului lui Israel, si sanctuarul in centrul Ierusalimului, si locul sfant in centrul sanctuarului, si chivotul in centrul locului sfant, si piatra fundamentala inaintea locului sfant, pentru din ea a fost fondata toata lumea " Midrash Tanchuma, Qedoshim

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Traducere din engleza: Viorica Munteanu.Muzica: Vanghelis-- Apocalipsis