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  • IS/Hum 152

    Senior Seminar II

    Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

    School of Humanities

    Second semester, 201415 F, 6:00-9:00 pm/by consultation

    Course Description In this course, the student completes, defends, and submits the final form of the senior seminar paper.

    Learning Outcomes

    At the end of the semester, each student should be able to 1. accomplish the goals of his or her senior seminar paper according to the proposal that he or she submitted last semester (in IS/Hum 151), 2. report findings, analysis, and recommendations, or document the creative process, 3. orally defend his or her senior seminar paper before an external examiner. Course Outline and Timeframe 10 November Plenary and submission of Chapter 3 or equivalent

    Weekly consultations and periodic submission of drafts of succeeding chapters Submission of the complete draft of the senior seminar paper. By complete is meant everything from the preliminaries to the back matter of the paper. Per department policy, failure to submit the draft by the deadline results in an F for the course.*


    Christmas Break

    Submission of the revised senior seminar paper

    Consultations and further revisions as needed/submission of defense copy

    Defense period. See below for guidelines. Submission of the final copy of the senior seminar paper (hard copy and electronic file). Per department policy, failure to submit the final copy of the senior seminar paper results in an F for the course. See guidelines below.

    *Deadline for obtaining load revision forms to withdraw from the course is December 16; deadline for submitting the same to the Registrars Office is December 20.

    Weeks of 16

    February23 February

    Weeks of 17



    8 December

    Week of 15


    22 December4

    January 2015 Week

    of 5 January Week

    of 12 January

    Weeks of 19 January9 February

  • Course Requirements

    Regular attendance (4 cuts = W for the course) Regular and prompt submission of drafts (prompt means that a draft must be in two days before the consultation)

    Grading System Process, consisting of regular submission and adequate revision of drafts (1/3) Product, consisting of the complete first draft and defense copy (1/3) Defense, consisting of oral presentation and final copy (1/3)

    Class Policies 1. Plagiarism in any form results in an F for the course. Refer to the student handbook and Code of Academic Integrity for the definition and scope of plagiarism in the Loyola Schools. 2. The deadline for the complete first draft is departmental. If a student fails to meet the deadline he or she will be asked to withdraw from the course. 3. In exceptional cases, a student who is unable to meet with the mentor at the appointed time may request a deferred consultation. It is the mentors discretion whether or not to entertain the request. 4. In general, IS/Hum 152 is not offered in the summer. Students who fail the course will have to retake it in the second semester of the following school year. 5. Students are advised to check the IS bulletin board or their e-mail inbox for updates or announcements. 6. All submissions, whether drafts or near final copies, must be presentable, that is, they

    must follow the conventions prescribed in Turabian, 6th

    edition. Handwritten, ill-written, and incompletely documented drafts will not be accepted. 7. As usual, revisions must come with the corrected drafts. Revisions that are submitted without the corrected drafts will be considered incomplete.

    Notes on the Defense 1. Once the mentor approves the senior seminar paper for defense, the student may schedule a defense. 2. The mentor and the student agree on a reader. The mentor makes the final decision. 3. If the proposed reader agrees to the assignment, the mentor will give the student a form letter with a confirmation slip for the reader to sign. The student will be responsible for coordinating with the reader, mentor, and the department about the time, date, and venue of the defense. The student must also give the reader a copy of the senior seminar paper at least a week before the defense. 4. The defense itself lasts about 4050 minutes. No more than ten minutes will be allotted for the student to present his or her paper. The rest of the time will be for discussion and interrogation. 5. The mentors role is to facilitate the defense (e.g., he or she takes notes, clarifies the readers questions, etc.). Students are expected to be ready to respond to the readers queries without help from the mentor. Needless to say, the student must have a ready copy of his or her paper on hand. 6. After the defense, the student leaves the venue, and the mentor and reader deliberate on the defense. The student is called in afterwards and is briefed by the mentor. 7. It is customary for the student to show his or her appreciation for the readers time and attention by giving the reader a thank-you present, usually food that the reader can carry away.

  • 8. The final copy of the senior seminar paper is to be bound following the format prescribed by the department. It is to be submitted with an electronic copy.

    Guidelines for the Final Copy

    1. The final copy must be hard bound (binding available at ISO, Intermatrix, and UP). 2. Cover must be in midnight blue. 3. The cover page inscription must match the inscription on the title page. (See attached template.) 4. Paper size must be A4. 5. The spine must bear the following information: Last name of student (top), Title (middle), and Year (bottom). 6. Electronic file (PDF) of the senior seminar paper and the defense presentation (if any) must be written on a CD encased in square-shape case. Do not use paper or cloth sleeves. 7. For projects, the output, encased CD, and hard copy of the senior seminar paper must be placed inside a durable plastic envelope or other appropriate filing material.

    Consultation Hours MWF, 9:30 10:30 am or by appointment. Faculty contact details [email protected]

  • [format for the senior seminar research paper cover page:]



    A Senior Seminar Paper Presented to

    [Mentors full name]

    The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

    School of Humanities

    Ateneo de Manila University

    In partial fulfillment

    Of the requirements of the course

    IS 152 [or Hum 152]


    [Students Full Name]


    [format for the senior seminar creative project cover page:]

  • [TITLE


    A Senior Creative Project

    Presented to [Mentors full name]

    The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies School of Humanities

    Ateneo de Manila University

    In partial fulfillment

    Of the requirements of the course

    IS 152 [or Hum 152]


    [Students full name]
