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Is  PALMT  Brewing  the  Formula  for  Its  Own  Downfall?  Making  sense  of  everything  &  learning  lessons  

Benjamin    Eugenio  LMT,  CIBTAC,  MPA      

Page 2: Is PALMT Brewing the Formula for Its  Own Downfall?

Is PALMT Brewing the Formula for Its Own Downfall? By Benjamin Eugenio Jr LMT, CIBTAC, MPA

It is wee hour in the morning and yet I am still robbed of my precious sleep-Anonymous

The events that transpired during the last national Department of Health Committee of Examiners for Massage Therapy (DOH-CEMT) meeting I have attended in Manila recently, has disturbed me a lot.

Some Philippine Association of Licensed Massage Therapists (PALMT) officers caused and imbroglio when they violated an agreement among training institutions, training providers and the Department of Health through the Committee of Examiners for Massage Therapy (CEMT) about the standardizing tuition fees.

A few months earlier, it has been unanimously agreed that training institutions should peg their tuition for the training on the DOH massage licensure examinations to a minimum of Eight Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P8500) per person. Some training institutions purportedly offered similar training at a whopping price of Four Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P4500) only. This development caused a stir among those present in the said meeting.

What is mind-boggling is that the personalities involved were current national officers of PALMT.

Here are my personal views on the matter:

How did the good intention go awry? The deadline for the implementation of Department of Health Administrative Order 2010-0034 is coming to a close. Some organizations such at the Quezon City Chamber of Commerce meant it good when it invited select training institutions such as the Occupational Oikogeneia Provider Corporation, the Potter’s Hand Training Institution and IV-A Training Institution (for easy recall, I shall be using the acronym OPA) to come up with an offer on the tuition for the training of massage therapists in Quezon City, the much-acclaimed “Health and Wellness Capital of the Philippines.”

However, the gleeful meeting turned into a combative mode bordering on high-pitch and rapid exchange of words when the Chamber’s representative took the issues upon herself. The discussion of valid and legitimate issues made a downturn when albeit unintentionally, everything

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switched into somewhat a struggle among personalities involved. To me, things could have been avoided were if not PALMT took immediate and effective damage control.

Is having double standard become the norm here? Said training institutions and PALMT officers were perfectly aware of the standing policy among DOH accredited training institutions that it should bench mark their tuition fee rates as mentioned earlier. Why on earth, did OPA and said PALMT officers never raised a howl about lowering the tuition fee rate into such a scandalous proportion much to the detriment of majority of the training institutions all over the country?

Needless to mention that the most affected institution in this entire hullabaloo is the Department of Health, who relentlessly announced in media and other forum over and over that the standard rate is P8, 500 and yet these institutions, for whatever intents and purposes, offered a prohibitive rate. Now isn’t that a clear case of manipulation and unfair competition as training providers and abuse of discretion as PALMT leaders?

Didn’t the concerned training institutions and PALMT officers involved made an error of judgment in this regard?

Finally, when things have settled down, it has become clear that the OPA/PALMT officers made a mistake by failing to follow agreements made by the group members. They were easily swayed by the lofty and noble ideals of the Chamber (which are intrinsically faultless) but they have unconsciously negated their duty to uphold a standing policy on tuition and created chaos in the process.

We sorely missed the national PALMT leadership during this crucial moment.

When things went offhand and DOH aired its concerns among the trainings institutions and training providers present, where was PALMT then? Obviously, it skirted its way out by failing to make a stand to help diffuse the situation thus causing uneasiness among all present especially the Chamber representative. Causing the latter to leave the CEMT meeting with a heavy heart and the rest of us confused and baffled not knowing what to do.

Lessons Learned. However, things had happened and it cannot be undone anymore. Perhaps, we can learn a thing or two from this unfortunate incident.

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First, apply stick-to-itiveness. Let it be noted that we have to abide by any unanimous agreements we made among ourselves. If instances call for some allowances let it be but it should never be the norm to wantonly disregard principled agreements.

Second, think of the others. Let us be reminded that the current splurge of students is but temporary. After the DOH exam moratorium ends this year, things will definitely change. I expect that there will be fewer people to enroll. We cannot afford to lose friendships on quick fixes and subtle manoeuvres, can we?

Third, be conscious of your standing in the community. Elected officers must lead by example. As they say, "to whom much is given much is required." They should never be blind followers and be toyed around by friends putting the PALMT organization or industry in peril.

Fourth, let us never forget to obey the Code of Ethics at all times whatever the situation might be and be ready to face consequences for the wrong done to rectify the situation.

Last, but not least, the public and the PALMT members deserve an apology from the training institutions and the PALMT officers involved for the confusion, distrust and doubt the ensued after the latter committed and error of judgment which may sound harmless at first but could prove fatal in the future and sadly (God forbid!) usher the beginning of downfall of PALMT. Bbe

Editor’s Comment: Days have passed and this writer expected that the PALMT officers involved shall show remorse over the controversy, unfortunately, the public has not seen any yet. Under the principle of accountability as espoused by the Massage Code of Ethics and the right of every PALMT member to know, the author is compelled to make this issue known to all.    Note: Linda Villagonza, also a member of the PALMT Board of Trustees and Chapter President of PALMT Quezon City, allegedly posted at Facebook the much-ballyhooed rate. I suggest that PALMT has to investigate her about it.