Download - IS GIVING OF YOUR TIME TALENT & TREASURE—HONORING HIS ... · May our gratitude and giving be proportionate with the "mercies" we have been so blessed to receive from our ever merciful,

Page 1: IS GIVING OF YOUR TIME TALENT & TREASURE—HONORING HIS ... · May our gratitude and giving be proportionate with the "mercies" we have been so blessed to receive from our ever merciful,


Pg. 2-3 From Pastor Lynell

Pg. 4-5 Youth Group News

Pg. 9-Calendar

Pg. 11- Eagle’s Nest

1725 Porter Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 November, 2016

Prepare your Heart for upcoming Sermons by reading Scripture:

Nov. 6 Communion The Cost of Discipleship, Part 1—Luke 14:25-33

Nov. 13 The Cost of Discipleship, Part 2—Luke 14:25-33 Followed by Congregational Meeting to Elect Elders and Dea-cons

Nov. 20 Dedication of

Pledges The Cost of Discipleship, Part 3—Luke 18:18-30

Nov. 27 Advent Begins!

You Are Invited! Community Wide

Thanksgiving Service

Wednesday, Nov. 23 at

7:00 p.m. at Calvary





Congregational Meeting!! Don’t Forget to Vote!!! Sunday, November 13, there will be a Congregational Meeting between Worship and Adult Ed classes to elect new Elders and Deacons.

Page 2: IS GIVING OF YOUR TIME TALENT & TREASURE—HONORING HIS ... · May our gratitude and giving be proportionate with the "mercies" we have been so blessed to receive from our ever merciful,


CALVARY CALLER Page 2 I got shot recently! That is to say, I got a flu shot or vaccination. My pharmacist informed me that the experts at the CDC start early in the each year, trying to figure out which of the over 2000+ strains of influenza might become prevalent later in the year, because it takes six months or more to formulate the vaccine and get it into production. That is quite a job! Some years they get it right. Some years, not so much. Last year, the vaccination immunized us against three different strains, this year we got four (for the price of three)!

The writer of Lamentations says in chapter 3: 22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The English word "new" is the translation for the Hebrew word "hadas" which means never before experienced. In other words, God's mercy--which we experience today--is different and unique. It is not the same as the mercy we experienced yesterday or the day before. Just as the seasonal flu vaccine changes from year to year, God's mercy changes from day to day. It's a new strain of mercy. Why? Because we are different people. (We didn't sin today the way we did yesterday!) Try this little exercise: Figure out how old you are—not in years but in days. That's the sum total of different kinds of mercy you've received, life-to-date. By the time a person is twenty-one, she's experienced 7,665 unique mercies. When a person reaches midlife, God's mercies number 14,600. And by the time an individual reaches retirement age, God has "mercied" him or her an amazing 23,725 times.* Given God's lavish generosity toward us in this regard, how might we respond? Let me suggest two responses: First: An attitude of gratitude! It is always appropriate to be thankful for the countless "mercies" and blessings that God bestows upon us. This is most compelling when we experience the biggies: the phone call informing us that the test results are benign, the news that our loved ones arrived safely at their destination, that the baby was born healthy and whole. But gratitude is equally important and warranted when we experience the "little" things: the warmth of the sun on a cold day, the sincere smile on the face of a friend, the glistening rainbow arching above us after the rain. Second: Sharing the gifts God has given us! This includes a wide variety of "gifts"--our time, our talents and skills, our "treasure"-- which includes our finances and so much more. When I was a youngster, I observed my grandparents. Every Sunday they went to church. But they never went alone! They were always arranging to pick up those who needed a ride so that their car was always full. This is just one example of sharing which gave them joy, as well as giving joy to those who were along for the ride! During the month of November, we will celebrate a national holiday -- Thanksgiving. For some it is a day off, a day before "Black Friday" and the commencement of the holiday shopping seasons. For Snoopy (of the Peanuts comic strip), it is a day to "Gobble 'til you wobble!" For those of us who are Christians, it is a day of family, fellowship, and food (yes). But one hopes it is also a day when we give "credit where credit is due" as

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Page 3 November, 2016


Full Bellies at Calvary -- As the Mt. Rainier Wellness Foundation uses our facility three or four times a month for its Full Bellies program, a member of Calvary needs to be present on site those Thursdays (from 4 - 7 P.M.). Troy Couch had the vision and enthusiasm to help Colleen Michaels begin this mission for the community over 3 years ago. The three main volunteers from our church (on a regular basis) have been Troy, Cherie Murchie, and Martha Blodgett. Also, helping out are Art Graham, Jim Speed, and Leo Blodgett. We volunteers find that we need more help (other than the times our church provides the meal and serves it). Training will be provided, if you feel you can give your time one Thursday a month (ideally) or be on the sub list. Please contact Martha Blodgett for more details.

Help Wanted—A New Caller Editor for 2017 to start in December.

Do you have computer skills, word processing skills, know how to use

Microsoft Publisher, can manipulate clip art and photos? Do you know what

“Dropbox” is? Do you like to be creative, meet deadlines, be organized and

be “In The Know” about the life of Calvary? Then volunteering to be the

next Caller Editor is the job for you!

The current editor has volunteered for about 3 years now and would like a



2 am on November 6th

we give thanks to the Giver of all Good Gifts! I hope you will join us on Wednesday, November 23rd at 7 p.m. for our Community Thanksgiving Service! Calvary is hosting and providing special music (choir and bells), and Pastor Keith Marshall from Hope Lutheran will be bringing the message. Other churches and pastors from the Plateau Ministerial Association (PMA) will be participating as well! Also in November we - your pastors and elders - will be asking you to pray and give thought to how you might support Calvary's ministries financially in 2017. A letter and pledge card will be mailed early in the month, and pledges will be dedicated during worship on Sunday, November 20th. May our gratitude and giving be proportionate with the "mercies" we have been so blessed to receive from our ever merciful, faithful, and generous God! See you in worship, Pastor Lynell *Adapted from Mark Batterson, If: Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities (Baker Books, 2015), page 61

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Our youth groups are increasingly busy these days. As we head into the holiday season, we will have many

activities and projects that the youth will be participating in. You will hear about those as we announce

them. We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what we are up to during our youth group time.

With three different age groups, there is a lot going on.

The high school youth group is reading the book “The Shack” by Wm. Paul Young. This story is one that has in

its history a bit on controversy. We are choosing to use the book as a way to help our youth understand a

variety of things. First of all, even in the midst of great tragedy, with God’s help, forgiveness is possible. Our

goal is for our youth, to feel comfortable having a personal relationship with God, with Jesus, and with the

Holy Spirit. This story, personalizes the Trinity in a way that makes them relatable. We want our youth to

recognize that realizing that the higher level of comfort and intimacy they have with the Trinity, the easier it

will be for them to hear and understand the guidance they are provided from the Lord. The discussions have

been amazing, and it has been interesting to point out things from the story that relate with scripture. The

kids have been enjoying it.

Middle School youth group is doing something different. We are taking Brennan Manning’s Ragamuffin

Gospel and breaking it down into different sections. The Ragamuffin Gospel is a large part of how we

structure our youth groups. The main idea being that “Jesus loves us for who we are, not who we should be,

because none of us are who we should be.” This echo’s our idea that all are welcome and no one person is

better than any other. Jesus loves us in our broken state and we are so blown away by this that we want to

work to heal our brokenness. We have chosen to do this because the majority of our middle school youth

are new to the group. We want them to fully understand how loved they are, how much Jesus values them,

and that they don’t have to work to be accepted by him, they already have been.

Our newest group, the third, forth, and fifth graders, has gotten off to a great start. We have met twice, and

have welcomed five new students to Calvary. It has been fun to begin working with this younger age group.

There is such a difference in the energy and excitement with this age. Not that they have more, it’s just

drastically different from middle and high schoolers. Our curriculum for this age group has been centered on

choices, and making good ones. We first talked about the wise man and the foolish man and the importance

of building our lives on the strong foundation of Christ. Building on that, we have begun talking about what

are some things to consider when making good choices, and realizing that we don’t have to make them


As you can see, things have been busy in the three youth groups. We look forward to continuing these

current curriculums with each group and we hope to help each child grow in their relationship with God. We

are blessed to have the support of all of you behind us. Look for more information on other activities these

groups will be doing.

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Page 5 November, 2016


Hurricane Matthew has caused death and destruction across the Caribbean and southeastern United

States, including more than 800 dead, thousands injured, and the destruction of communities and

crops, especially in Haiti. Many impacted areas were still recovering from previous flooding and other

disasters. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is supporting the delivery of emergency aid to

those impacted, working with our partners in the ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together) and lo-

cal staff who had been monitoring the completion of prior earthquake and hurricane projects.

In Haiti, PDA is leveraging long-standing church partnerships to assess damage and to develop long-

term disaster recovery and rebuilding strategies. Ecumenical partner ACT Alliance has already issued

an appeal for over $1 million to assist relief efforts in Cuba, and is working with partners throughout

the Caribbean to evaluate needs in Jamaica, the Bahamas, and beyond. After immediate needs are

addressed, PDA will remain, drawing upon its strong relationships and effective prior development

efforts in the region.

Throughout the southeastern United States, PDA has reached out to pastors and presbytery leaders

in areas impacted by the storm. Extensive flooding and storm surges throughout the region have

damaged many homes and churches. National Response Team members are mobilizing to visit af-

fected presbyteries and to support local development of disaster response and recovery plans. In the

coming weeks, PDA will begin deploying teams into as many as seven presbyteries and providing as-

sistance to congregations mucking out as the waters recede.

The needs for the response are great. God’s people are once again called on to stand in the

“GAP”—Give. Act. Pray.

Give: Financial support for relief efforts can be designated for Hurricane Matthew by giving to

DR000193. Gifts can be made online, by phone at (800) 872-3283, or by check, which can be mailed


Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

P.O. Box 643700

Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700

Act: Learn how you and your congregation can help families who have lost everything in the devasta-tion. Stay informed and like us on Facebook, download resources, and share updates with your con-gregation.

Pray: Pray for those who suffered loss of family or home or for those who are working tirelessly to provide rescue, humanitarian aid, and spiritual and psychological support.

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CALVARY CALLER Page 6 Session Highlights from the October 10th Meeting. The following items were discussed: A new Caller Editor is needed at the first of the year.

With much thanks and appreciation the Session accepted the resignation of Bette

Nicholson, as Clerk of Session. The Nominating Committee will be searching for a new

Clerk by the December meeting.

More Sunday School teachers are needed.

Calvary will once again be hosting the Community Wide Thanksgiving Service on Wed. Nov. 23.

Worship and Church Life Ministry Teams will join together to promote decorating the new artificial

Christmas Tree and Sanctuary on Sat. Nov. 26 at 10 a.m. Donuts and juice will be provided.

Session "retreat" on Mon. Nov 28 @ 6:30 p.m.

Church World Service Blanket Drive

The 2016 Christmas cards benefitting Church World Service are ready. They will be available for purchase for $5.00 each in the Narthex on Sunday mornings beginning November 13. Anyone wishing to preorder before then should contact Anne McNeely at (360) 825-4240 or email [email protected] to make arrangements.

All proceeds go to CWS to purchase blankets for those in need. Your support last year generated $2565.00 for this mission project. Special thanks goes to Heidi Russell for contributing her artistic creativity which made the “blanket cards” project a reality again this year.

October was the month all Staff received reviews. This is usually conducted by the Pastor and one Personnel Team Member. This is an opportunity to communicate what is going well and address any concerns. One of the main functions of the Personnel Team is to support each staff member. We realize that we are very blessed to have

such a hard working dedicated staff. Each one continually goes above and beyond their job duties. Hopefully, the review will emphasize the desire to keep the communication open. Thanks for reading this. Sande Nelson, Personnel Elder

From the Mission Ministry Team—Special Thank you to Amy Besola for organizing the

September 24th Faith in Action event. Thank you to everyone who participated in showing

God’s love to our community. We appreciate your support of this semi-annual event.

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Page 7 November, 2016



R.E.S.P.E.C.T In searching for a biblical reference to respect, I discovered some interesting verses from 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy. In 1 Timothy, 3:2-3, we are told that an overseer must be sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, and not quarrelsome nor

a lover of money. Interestingly, in 2 Timothy, also in the third chapter, we are warned that in the last days that people will be conceited, boastful, abusive, disobedient, brutal…and more. Quite the opposite of what 1st Timothy says we should be. In these final days before the elections of 2016, I am gravitating toward consideration of respect. I’m not going to tell you who I will vote for, nor try to influence who you should cast your ballot for, but I do wonder if we are nearing the last days before Jesus comes again. To me, it seems there are far too many people who fit into the 2nd Timothy description of the way people will become, versus the 1st Timothy teaching of how we should be. Respect, honor, high regard, obedience, compassion, friendship—these are things for which we must strive. Quoting from a book from the Calvary library, Heart at Work: Stories and Strategies for Building Self-Esteem and Reawakening the Soul at Work by Jack Canfield and Jacqueline Miller, “Respect allows for differences. Respect is accepting others as they are without wanting them to be more like you…then you honor their areas of expertise, competence, preferences, and strengths as well as their shortcomings.” My prayer for all of my brothers and sisters in Christ at Calvary is that we respect one another for surely we all have shortcomings, but please help one another build up their strengths and lean toward greater personal relationships with God. November is traditionally the month when we say our prayers of thanksgiving for all of our blessings. We might also try to evaluate if we are acting in the most respectful manner, and if our actions are deserving of the respect of others. Respect—whether in the workplace, home life, or church family—is something that we earn. Some thoughts from your Calvary librarian, Marilyn White


It’s that time already to start thinking about our 2017 Budget. It’s hard to think about Church as a “Business” but that is what we need to do in order to be financially responsible. The church has expenses like everyone else, PSE, telephone, office supplies, payroll, and city utilities just to name a few. The only income the church has is the offering. Sometimes we can apply for grants usually offered by the Presbytery to help with expense for a certain project or program but our budget is figured only on Pledges. That is why I am asking you to pray about your 2017 Pledge. Soon you will receive a letter with the date of Dedication Sunday that will include a pledge card. Please, prayerfully consider how God has blessed you and in turn how you can share that blessing. You have seen the many improvements this past year around our campus. Our pride is showing inside and out but the church needs your continued support to carry on this progress.

May God Bless you all for your faithfulness,

Jodine Burke

CPC Stewardship/Finance Elder

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Please keep in prayer… Members and Friends:

Calvary Session Members John McGibbon Pendlebury Family Sally Zoll Merilyn Tyler The people of Haiti Haley Humenik Johanna Vanderlaan’s Family Jim Speed

Those battling cancer: Candyce Stokes

Global Missionar-ies:

In South Africa:

Karl & Jenny Teichert John & Heather Witherow

In Zambia: Rachel Kasanya at Balm of Gile-ad School

Pastor John & Thenny Mpanga at The Healing Place School

Gracia Missions:

Adam & Andrea Carlsen, Costa Rica

Village Steps: Ken & Suzanne Popp

Bonbon UCCP, Philippines:

The Quilo Family

Serving Our Country Around the World:

US NAVY: Adam Almich, Mi-chael Malidore, Matt Thomas

US ARMY: James Borst, Bret Gillispie, Paul Goodfellow, Andrew Hurst, Andy Knudson Jr., Erik Nielsen, Michael Pedersen

US MARINES: Paul Maandig


Alan Plaster

US AIR FORCE: Aaron Baer

Please Lift Up in Prayer:


As of 9/30/16 Checking - WRCU $ 34,201

As of 9/30/16 Savings – WRCU 5,012

Edward Jones Cash Account 20,070

Youth Ministries Checking & Savings 912

Synod Mission Building Certificates 25,782

Synod Mission Development Cert. 10,000

Total $ 95,977

Only part of the Sept. Payroll was paid due to

an issue with direct deposit. So the gain shown

for September will be used up in October with

a larger than normal payroll for October.

General Fund Sept. 2016 Year to Date

Receipts $ 20,893.12 $ 206,411.40

Expenditures ($ 13,425.01) ($ 207,775.69)

Gain or (Loss) $ 7,468.11 ($ 1,364.29)

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Page 9 November, 2016


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:00 Tuesday Bible Study Group 10:00 Caring Hands Bible Study 5:30 Deacons

2 Women Hikers 9:15 Bible Study 6:00 Agape Ringers 6:30 WAM 7:30 Choir Practice

3 5:30 Full Bellies Meal 6:30 Middle School Youth Group

4 Office closed

5 8 AM Men’s Bible Study

6 9:30 Worship 10:45 Sunday School 6:30 Sr. High Youth Group


8 9:00 Tuesday Bible Study Group

9 Women Hikers 9:15 Bible Study 12:00 Circle C 6:00 Agape Ringers 6:30 WAM 7:30 Choir Practice

10 5:30 Full Bellies Meal 6:30 Middle School Youth Group 7:00 Mission trip planning meeting

11 Office closed

12 8 AM Men’s Bible Study

13 9:30 Worship Congregational Meeting 10:45 Sunday School 6:30 Sr. High Youth Group

14 6:30 Session

15 9:00 Tuesday Bible Study Group 10:00 Caring Hands Quilting Caller Deadline

16 Women Hikers 9:15 Bible Study 6:00 Agape Ringers 6:30 WAM 7:30 Choir Practice

17 5:30 Full Bellies Meal 6:30 Middle School Youth Group

18 Office closed

19 8 AM Men’s Bible Study

20 9:30 Worship Pledge Dedication 10:45 Sunday School 6:30 Sr. High Youth Group


22 9:00 Tuesday Bible Study Group

23 Women Hikers 7:00 Community Thanksgiving Service

24 Happy Thanksgiving

Office closed

25 Office closed

26 8 AM Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM

27 9:30 Worship 10:45 Sunday School 6:30 Sr. High Youth Group

28 29 9:00 Tuesday Bible Study Group

30 Women Hikers 9:15 Bible Study 6:00 Agape Ringers 6:30 WAM 7:30 Choir Practice

If you need information on

any of these activities listed

on this calendar, please

contact the Church Office,

(360) 825-3820

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Thank You, Thank You

Cindy and I appreciate the many kind and thoughtful comments, cards, and remembrances during October for Pastor Appreciation Month! We feel appreciated all year around, and are blessed to serve as your Pastors!

Many thanks from both of us, Lynell and Cindy

Transferred to the Church Triumphant

Inez Pendlebury

December 19, 1921– October 6, 2016

Larry Pendlebury

September 26, 1918 - October 7, 2016

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory

through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 15:57

To all our members who are celebrating

a birthday or anniversary during the

month of November...

Page 11: IS GIVING OF YOUR TIME TALENT & TREASURE—HONORING HIS ... · May our gratitude and giving be proportionate with the "mercies" we have been so blessed to receive from our ever merciful,



Isaiah 40:31 - But they that wait upon the Lord

shall renew their strength; they shall mount up

with wings as eagles...

From The Eagle’s Nest

Each year the Plateau Ministerial Association sponsors a

Community Thanksgiving Service. This year, Calvary is

hosting the service. It will be held in our sanctuary on

Wednesday evening, November 23rd at 7:00 pm. Pastor

Keith Marshall from Hope Lutheran will be delivering the

message. Calvary’s choir and the Bell Choir will be

performing. The funds from the offering are given to the

Plateau Outreach Ministries to help them continue with

their services to our community.

For some, Christmas can be an emotional struggle. There

are all kinds of losses and griefs that can take away from

the usual celebratory mood of the Christmas season. Loss

of loved ones, loss of a job, illness and disability, departure

of friends from the area or from church are just a few of

the emotional events that can take away from the desire

for celebration. Keeping that in mind, Calvary will celebrate

Christmas in a more subdued service, The Service of

Darkness and Light. This service will be celebrated on

Sunday, December 11th at 2:00 pm.

Community Thanksgiving Service

A Service of Darkness and Light

For this month’s Caller, there

are two worship services that

I would like to highlight.

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Calvary Presbyterian Church 1725 Porter St.

Enumclaw, WA 98022 Phone: 360-825-3820

Email: [email protected]

Worship Services: Celebration—Sundays at 9:30 AM

Sunday School for All — 10:45 AM

Pastor/Head of Staff: Lynell Caudillo [email protected]

Associate Pastor: Cindy Ehlke [email protected]

Carolyn Andrew, Office Administrator [email protected]

Youth Leaders: Kevin & Erin Luchi [email protected] The Caller Editor: Eva Dietz (Clip Art from

Calvary’s Mission Statement

Calvary Presbyterian Church is called to PROCLAIM Jesus as Savior

WORSHIP Him as Lord SERVE others in His name and

Be an agent to TRANSFORM lives In our church and in the world.

Calvary’s Vision (updated 2013) Calvary Presbyterian Church

is a worshipping family of believers centered in Christ, led by His Holy Spirit, rooted in God’s Word, growing in love,

branching out in faith to serve God in our Church,

our community and all around the world.

Calvary’s Charism: A Legacy of Worshiping God and Serving Others

Calvary Presbyterian Church 1725 Porter Street Enumclaw, WA 98022 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

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Permit No. 89

December Caller

Deadline November 15

Luke 12:34