Download - ^iS- FURNITURE. - · Aunw n la tho noljjhborhoo d bega dostroylug you miir t bW unMI mippe



OBoionBlaolreellatantliitilmrloHi•.-'.. y.KatlonaJDom Bmi,

i HBMH O» 8OBSCBIPT1OS UfrARIi,.;• :..,;.,. BLTfJf'SttUjmt.. ^ I •


(stccuioi m 4.1




1 ooLtrmr

5 •!!*>

SCO,19 oo

S J68 SO

' 8 00i

8 60,. «6O

SCO7 00


6 i »

10 00 18 0013 60 16 35 US 60 36 00

l l B ,

Sheet Lead,Lead Pipe,

Pumps, «c. |


S«AK osirsurosiA BPEOIAWr,

Great Seductions; in Prices Dur-' ing the-ptil^Seagoa *

pairs of Shoes, the niatcrinl alone in them beingwortli the money. They comprise the following:

200 pairs Women'* Dongola Button at $1 55; worth

children aonietlnu* loll dlmerooabloUilug,•rtll t ie utmost fronlu,o« A Hitoaushter of a Morrhnown baker,friend's houne tho othnr day whoaasked aa to tlio lipnltb of a ciomlfamily. Bhe i,u*l« U,O pnijier rmaildal : ''Fitlliur's hotter «n, H

l A K O n s J O H W P . KT. TABOBS OEOWTH.great deal of a plooaaat At tlio tweuty-iim annual mooting of the •it Newfoundland, Morris lot owners at ML Tabor, tho report of the

•, anil ita autocruOo landowner and trurtees, nuwlj by llov. Jas. JuVltKomerr tha«epi», Mr. Joliu r. Brown, nod all of secretary, (Howcd some Bratlfyinit feataraa

anooletas, „!„!„ u,,,, p d ^ out Mr. Tho orlsinal 28 acres of land i ^ i l>r 'vu a peculiarities, pay him tho tribute of Aasociatlon has been aoupd to till It' i^atnooosaful hotoi keeper and sterling poneoasojlIM auw, laid out 1m. John P. la a « : r a na a host, anil !»•««, playgrounds and mil g

Ills hold la rtoBt'rvodly ono of tlo most popular Fur tho comfort and oonvanlauoe ofntreat* In New Jureuy. Tbe tilg It hus a apadoua tabernacle, two a

'Manilla i i in .Rn u n i t UKU, KO-TIOU 16 OBITS MSLQH.:; ./-.-: • ••

180 pulrsSion'H Tap Sole Lace and Congress at $1.35;worth J ^ T S a n d ¥2.00.

200 pairs Boys' assorted JUco and Button at VI.25 j. . . . . . . _... . worthiii.iiO. '•>.';.!;. V.V;- •••..- •

C A R P E T S . ' '•' Thobalsiicp beings a mixed lot of all Muds of the

26..pioMaofTapMtry*B^i^yrognlarpr«opor7ara75q.i ? * « ^ M ^ ^ « 9 » ' ^ W"1 U t «IO feet of all ages,dawa to coo. ': •'.' :•''"'.'(: \r':i •••-."•• '•' r':" ; : ; ; ; • ••• :\ilfe'8^io7JSftg^ttpfe(p'to'iiii sexes, at prices 60 low,

ieoes of Tapralrjr Brussels Oorpet, regular-piiob-iror ynrd 65o j fcy only | % e in a position to buy Immense quanti-

^7".a t o 6 0°' , '.; , V • /,v \ ' y i '*•-•'• ties for sii()tfl8sh,i could possibly offer the good thliifjs25 picoes extra snpBr nil-wool Ingrfiiii Oarpot, per yard only 65a . • • ; ! „ © ( .•• ; .. . " °g gs

g p , p y y 5a vt '25 ANTIQUE OAK BBDBOOM BuiTS, regular pnoa m co; wo hare foi; our customers, at the prices limned. Call

Losses promptly adjusted and reduced lo $13 50. W M I « •*"> >•»«» « •—

Vu nnmuer ul pooiile supportod at Uie ,


obrni»forti« «.

"" T W '"" '""" .f*p»'1'o.t™,t,tbolUB!od tb . .

T "mit of


pntlo,t. In tlio Morrl. Plain,inraatototoa Poor Hou.,, Ml idrM'.Ho»e, and II prLomr. 1»jail, m a n . , a total ol aitIpoopaululalntdot U» o q n . oft

r*TJ£™ollont Art apparel™. H(.

w » " » ao oompl.t» l n It. .ppofafTlolbiaiicklooodltif U i i d

,tate Prtaol»opl. from Uub Ji? arly800.


pduct ot alanda to b

uvo luked me to

ooUoed by 11. ,„!«o o n u t , f a n n E ?

tb. „„ T

if a mile away, the two»line, tlio white bridge; _uannock river, and the nionte. TheflnandalconditionVtheaasoou^

h surround tliovalloy. The moat Won from tho beginning baa paaattl tlmnreho feature of thiue is Uio abrupt end- «muy Tlcfawitiidoa, but is now orBnPondllouuUin, olid ouo never factory hauls. During tha part

• tires of looking at II. niBgod face. Itackofth, has been reduco. «l,too Taa reaoctloi1 house tho rltor trends a«a ; through broad wooldhavoexowieilthatamountbrnooobii• groon meodowa, and the view from tbe buck for the large and unusual outlay for l L , ^

wliKhw. I. BttraMiv.. Ulreotly lu front of " » failure of aom \mmm to pay SSbUhln'apUy ground. Mr. which tb.y o™ the A-eclat ta"Our entireittle i«rk between Uiu debt thb time Is about *19,«M and our anrre-

aUou aud 11B hotel a beauty spot, and lu it gate aasest* about aao.uoy. The pohoy ofthe"e Buniinor IIOUBM, awiiup, and flower buda. board has beeu to diminish rather than to In-



a WarnnSt,

paid In cash.

• " ' » I RKAL, E8TATK FOR SALE.UODI to Bmnrjr^ Cafe." I . •

I j HpefJtH-iHje>, Booi.inon.Wy. TontWi MpiuK ran; oiicup rites. Aadrefi.X.- HABXiit, Au't (ieu'J T«aio

towm.AseD(,4»a.8ia'-Putl. " ' "5.1,

%.* COOTEB,.,•., :;>:-.Ario»KKi-Ai.'iA»»-,'i»o

maiEU j»» eouciToi i in oiiAKcuiiy.

, ; ' ; ' ]'O^oe.lntheToa* Building,". '

Oretj.JLJijoa'atiuire, - '; I)OVEtt,K. j .

SloBBfttid bHok work, t)iMt«nitB»iiajobljirjf(promptij kttonded to. Order* Ion M m- ""

' on Eiici St., neir OtaM flmio, will i; prompt attouUon. .-

»Ht> 1PKJUU8T JH TBB TREAT\.-'"-h--^\~i>9-'HUthXUSi D1SB4BB0.

ornoti TDEPX]


- "i oovn, H. j .


•unror. t«dJa' anil OLUono'a Halt Ootll |ft .paeialty. ^ , >' ,

.TOI.LIl'8 BOtKIi,, • •

' 6am. DuaamLt am Sn,,

' BOTKB, S )

L B. J O U J K r - J - - - - Paor.ur™./ \

I.Hprm and.OarrlagM to let,

25 ANTIQUE OAK BEDBOOM SUITS, regular price $27 B0,Induced t o ! 1 8 GO.

25 Parlor Huite in phiBi, regular price ISO; rodnccd to $37 SO.2C Parlor Snits iu pluali, regular price $05; rodacod to $17 CO.

while we have your t>lzo.


HEAGAN St Co.Jl'tf.B.1 Hover.N.J.




CHAIRS, EXTENSION TABLES, ete'etotaken fiom my main building ami marked In plain figures at half their

value to get rid of thnra. Pnrtios in pursuit of bargains villbur goods at very low prices bv calling on mo.


Hmn U» r -.,..BuidiioM men of large Mperlaace, L». „ ,•wraaCUia board, believe UmtwitJiln thont,.Ire yeoro largo Bumiof money ought to bo «_

^.naru uretupwiuptM tUo wxlvfll of the muJlB In iwudocl in opouing np nod dovaloplng tbeBulgiii, neighboimg funuars, for &Uowlng Muson Tlwdore'i utoni iwrt dt»r. If you cnUre groundB. Tliafr opinion U Uiat, b / atliIiiU«togrowoutt>lrltuidfl. Aisounube arrive too Into for breakfast yomnurt wait wise and liberal two of money, Tabor can beinstituted tlim ralU all Uio othur cnrolm until dinner tlmo, and ir too U(« for diaiMr !?«** ona o( tho tnort beduUtid and popularAunwn la tho noljjhborhood began dostroylug you miirt bWo unMI tho mipper boll rings, "uminer i-Mort* in tie country, wd U»t thethe growing wwdn oo their pmnJaoB, for fear This la acknowledged aa a Jaw of tbe hwm, h&uxot now residents would be so large, andtlwy alw would bo proeeoutod. Pwhnp« a but tbon i l l b u n N . made to be broken, aud f11*^1™ ot^proportj would be 00 enhanced

soroo bonaflniul mult tiiiro.

pomouta p oken, and of proporty would bo ao enbanogdBiuillar action on ths port of aom. of tno thorelaauosc«{iUoiitoe>-otyrule. Anoxoop- l>y tbo Inrostment, tbat largo profits wouldfarmer, of this gcctlon might Vwluoa tne tlontotbiarulaiaquotod, and Itlaaoldto be accrua to Uio Association. v .•nnobonollrjalmiiiltliimj. thoeul/ono. In faet, lomo old gUMlaof tbe Tbo report of J. Smith BldumUon, TlM»-

•«• bot«[ pretend to doubt tno rtory Juat bocnUM urcr of tnc Asauclatlou, allowed tbat tbo ro.PelorJ. Caa^ly ennouneoa blnmolr aa s It upubj all ot tbdr legsnda about the pUos, oH|it»forUioy«arendlneAprUI«t,1«»,Trar.

D™ocr>IIoosndl,l«t«forUioAis«inblylntlie and ibay rejoice in telling of tlio poaiKarltfa »lo,0Jl«l, Of this amount «u,«jo «»a fromSeooudDMrlctof fcr'T Cltj. Ho win Uio of John P. T1» nturj l« thai « Troll Inoini tapomry loniu. 11» <!amp oieeliog ooUwI'MIOU tlorh in ono ol Uie moet notoriomly tmtlrmiaji froui Foil amnga nirtvwl »t Ibo " '* • w* >«•' «mounl«d lu (fflCia, and Uiocrooked VUUUK dlatliula In Ulat city last fall hotelatSo'docklnUioaftoniooiireoeoUyand oolIooUons before mid after Uw regular maefr.aud baa boen Indicted ond put under M,0l» retiitered wllli his party, Jobn P. remarked, ings wer.flM.7I. TbeaxpondituroaanioullBdball awaiting trial for atutlng ballot b j i u "Ianpposeyoudou'toipect togetdloner." tolM/llT.lg, tM.7« In oicoa ot tbe rsoalpta.with l i t * Jolior tldiela, II . could not hope " Ko," said tbe l««der of UU parly, " we are "otai, Interoat, .to., amounting to 17,022.30,to t» a cnmUdato of nuy imrty oioepUligUi. going ovor into tbo park to out grasa." weropild.

. . Blniou puro and uundultomtMl Danocraoy. "Huropb; I suppose you euebungry thenr"

SUS8EX8tl#ET,0W. Central Railroad Depot, DOVER, N. J. J ^ ^ ^ J E S * * - ^^S^S^S^i


J >. BACKO»,* DOTH, X, I.,i ' "'»h»leiale dealM la

laiTltaa dealera taad exuihu bla sloci and crlth* beat gooda at tsa lowestAU ordeH b j Ball will receive proajpt sttsa<

throofthent tbaa sloci and crl

t t lowest




atiarii axD. Houdini IR CIUKOIRT.

' all Ooarts.

mat, id njKBE npn,Dina,DOVEB M. I.

Hue am.

uoaai; *mDnelagtllD Ofi^Mldl...for i»diei,i MIOM iafl Ctnldrm,

iDdftfreibwid ftttTMUi» altiekof DrjOood*In whlohU«otiU!nedtbt nemtt fkbrltn. ThspobUd^ill *1», find-tint ihi h u •> BM( Ud-—'- - -"-' "iftol Boot! udStaoei, u d th»t


In loll of S acre* and opwardi•nriUliavl.^AgO

.:ESXSOttNH nailr for U.O1.J.Minn

fEEM.E88 DHU sbd PB1EB BISDKB-60S'o QaJIDill BEEDJ li lull, l l tie

r Ati^ran6caBbiBA:"pHiBMacV.''' v: •.v.

t ij i.AixouinvivJiiw, ~


aav soraar nsue,

' * ' ' " ' ^ BTARBOf«,H.i

HotlcVoi Sottlement.


~ Haadsotse^Ilnstle :«aaHa;

sayajate.tstTla.iQre.raai.rlT as >o«Cbla,

M s b;i .ky,i , ,n t l iu ' th«i»««Lb» a mitllri... oiiaaciaatr-itoaTd of'Exsmlatraolaforna

.. ..naty, lo, He .naUnaUoo of eauuid.U a far. . . _ L — . __Tjflc^ea ^at>Do»ar, :-1» •' Publlo



. IAICIEH a\ffl> BUT BTOOIla ibeilaU



Insurance and RealEstate Business

at ma' OLD ABU BaXlaBLll AOEVOI, anav:*«ilialM>lnolade,'

, iiUiiiid-lfliiliu^:Sorreilag and pi.pplDEf.'t ThebandllnK of allkinds if preperlT, aegotlaUon of leaaa andooltaitlonsot.rsnla.. - .••-_: "^ • • ( • • 1

, ^ . . V.I- it

• CiiWiTGiyKir.:ip DESIRED.) • .' '•?

j-J S00/W DXIIF2BB) )BK j j - OB*S0M TO j^>Ujir ' f l i ; TflitB3VU1*'




' ••:.•• - K ; i i l ; ' i " . • • ' , ' • . ' : ' . • • . . ; ; • . . " • ; ' " " :

Teag^fifeeSj Sugars and- Spices;and Butter,



••'; : /pnB ; :MO?Ip^)Vi i l iE»p isBf'.TBasB-WnoiOis .roixpw.'V/U

' :?- l t t piiBisaABLSvOASH GHOOEB A»b;IlBA !



I oat graas do you Twere gro»U/aurprtari BIKI iiloaairf last

k to reoolvc s vltdt from Jolui H. Davis,

phlo. Fr*holto'oil.,»f i S m / i S n ; ""IS™, n " ^ t™1""" " d "*• for "»' :

would b..lx,ut*dl.teuririmSrrl^wS^^^^M^'rito'U"to17'1

x^i.£^r;r a week uul I Invent booh abla to get aUy paper. I don't know tuiyt&lng."' He

thereupon bought book nnrobera of tbe dolly:popon covering U10 period of bis alwouce andtali ho would go ami road up. TI1I1 InddeatUIustrabMt fact It you would /eel like annUolnto Jgnorainiu go away for several danto wrao place where you cannot gst 11 dallypaper, Tho world nil] seem like n perfectvoid to you Mid you ill b l d

p p ld nil] seem like n perfectvoid to you. Mid you will bo nirprlsod to findhow much ahxlBty and unty o u r d a i j y i ^ r i

lh« loss r>(


: The olllce of Uio Ocntr aoiiBrintenaent otlohools I. iDMtod la Boon No. 3. M.bontlJnlan £sok Bullnlnff, DoTer. where I raaT betmoa en Wedunday and Batntdsu ([Uinooolofeaohwssk.-' ' ' i" '" '•T l T r . JA8,0. OOOPFR,

. ; . . : OounlyBipstjalandintofBcbeels.


Krauatati, n.iitUou, KiiUli,

A. G. BUCK,ruonruL

Fainter, Dooorator, Gralnerand Paper Hangar.

A ana. newline'or. TALI, PiPKBdi In allatilca aon al all prloss. SIGN WOUK i spo*SitiT BlaoswsliaiOOP I n J . A fflnlo.


Firalui' itirn,• r r U o Trl—mlag, attUisaaa.' aaala,

wlsuIowsiualMaaade ana l a s f t e xatauia sir wad laid, earn, asatbag,lass. * • * sioniui It . . INITICR.


FOUND,tba nik BidE i

enUei of £ut3«n*yHBdy iB lyof £ut3«n*y W«M(HDBday4iBly38tb.l.In her fafta, wbleh

... - — - _.'.r,:-t. _.on 8atafdBT..tba"a)h , _

JlesntiforjiMrUltateatainJd be mr.UABE. jrllh'slilp in hirtfaev »>l«n--a«lyat8:30?'olrarA M. .«.. -.; I u .oio.r cmaieb j proilLi s«d

H kfel s£ ?*'-'?•! JAS." a- OOOf BE, •:'••[ l u l u In this •dTirSseo..! and ••-J/--

t : J>: '.liialyoomipiedH a&nniKT'Bnit, inawillopin AVRIL l i t i



WALTOH;DBOXaEBa h»Te bid mo.«xpBri«noo:ftr"ni*Biyt+ri u^ne

oloil)Ur«i»r«prtetloilcQlt*rt»nil moken of onibmj work, knrf i n ..tile t

in tb«^ .lift of trtJo to ih6p«plt)o/I)oT« and rid

GENERAL REVISION!Notwitbntindlng our prices are always found as low aa tht lowoit,

yob we propose to male a GrsmAl, SMnanTEn in nrioea thrmiglioatour cntiro stook Many-groat bargains will bo found, moll us poihapswere never heard of in Dover before. .We give no.figures bare, but a•*isit to onr store mil convince aty one the way our goodn are marledthat vro are inrpiaied by none. Do Dot be surprised at onr lowprices. Wo moan business and TO shall sell goods at remarkably lowprices.



9 •DOVER N. i.


BgNT'SjOJl,d Maaoa's Ualarlals. CeaVefall aiais aen-i i t K S 12Td"ia4'd'.llrtisa. ora«iiHr,ta


JOHN J. ECKHART.(iMKHtex loemllhtlcllirl)


llUutllaku and natarlals rornllaen forBCILDINGB, BRIOOEB.




Prtnclp»Hr.iel ,oH M<(8»Bro«ilSt,Bnil6aOr I l l«ert. ,rV«waHl.

•BBANOH STOBE, Bt|MjIIT. K, J.; y'-\ " '/' .'•';' ''''/.I'1'-1 "I" . \ '

tor Infants and Children.

r, • , - TMOwjitnOoKrirr.WiriJ

NOW YOU'LL BUY THEM!?a desire to close oat oar oottro Btock of-SUMMER OLOTHHVO

that nothing may beoomed over to next season There is always ademand for ovorytlung at a price. Wo think wo'vo made prices whichwill in8aro a speedy clcnranco,


Nearly all oar $16,00 Suits now go for -Nearly all our $14.00 Baits now go loi -


Pants reduced In liio proportion. Tho lover grades and tto betterquality goods can now be bud for far less than W T O boon selling thorntor daring tbo soason ; and, an yon veil know, onr nsnal prices aremoat moderate. Have yon waited nntil tho end of Uio season forbargains? Here they are irith a vengeance, and t ie very things yonvant and must hnvo THEY'LL GO 1 Tlio only quoslion is, will youbo benefited by tha reduction or some one olse ?

This sale mil commence at once nnd oontmno nnfal fnrthor notice.'Twill be monoy in your poctot to see what wo are offering.

MCGREGOR & c<>.: ' 850 & 852 BROAD St.,


ij.:^^.:;n;A:! :

rpet weaving, Uye

Fine Job Printing of every descriptionoheaply aad skilftdly exeouted. ;

hono floeb,' heavy irlililtey : drinko™ 1 aidcrooked poJItidiuiB Bumox baa no equal. • -:-,,• ; • - ; . ' . • • . . • • • . • . + * • , : ' , - . [ • • • • • • " • ' ~ - : . ;

Mi'. Stopfapa-c. Dony, of this fjxx, t> «n-attur.aC cur old'taHmlt who, caa recollartwhenwDlna infMted thii secUon; JUnoeras he can reoollMt, it wuia 'Uio winter of1835, whan tut and hta elder brother wencoming to Mbool In tteVlllago.onoi'rioftii.that they nw a wolf feedlag upon ti» bodyot a bom vhich lny in tat, open fleH wheretha Loctut Hill Camateryli now locate.. Allthe taunt*™ in and about the Tiling itartodout to hunt tbe animal, but did not succeedlakUllngit. : •.••• . " . ;- , . - . . . . • • : • . v - v • • : : . : r : j : • ; •

Mr. Borry also rameuibcn hou-lng bla fathertoll the following story; One algbt an'aolaul•nhlclj he BUppoaed to be «iTrolf, entered hisjTanayard uid UllBd a yearling call. Tbeelder Moaos Surd, who Ured on tbe place nowDiwupiodby John \f, Hurd. ownoil a'wolttrap which M>. Bony borrowed, baited, andBut. iii his yard to catcU the volt should bereturn for more meat.,: To his great unrprisspost morning bo found that the trap badraptured a good-dial hlank bear - J -

" • - . . . . : . " . * * * . " . - . . - :

Tonight tba August moon fulls, and thereIs an old Baying among fanners that If we,escape frost until this time wb wHl not tiweIt until the September moon f ulla.1

: • • . ' ; • • ':

- . " • • • • • • •;



- .:

- v . . . ':

Hayo you Been tho now way In which thaboys doff tholr hate to tba todies 1 , 3Twy taletJieeitroaioedgo of tho rlmat tha front bvtween tba.tlp of lio thumb and forefinger,Spread tho other flngera of the hand apart,and aa they lift tha hat'deuci-lbo with tb adrdo In the air, to (MrrwpoiU with. the in-clination of th» hood,, I t is tooBwoo1 foranj'-tidng, as tha girb say, and whan it li doua by0 dude the effect baUirtJJiiff, . ' <.1 • \ - - • • . . - \ * . • - • - • . , . ' . • : • • •: Thero waB an obeorvonco nt SouthDld, L. L(

on lVcdnoaday which Bhould have hiul a greatinterert for many Morri* County paoplo.. Itwas the.celubratlon of Uo 350th annlverairyot tha flettJement j f that plows by a littleband d pioneer Puritans, nho omigntod fromSouthwold, England. Among Uum wereCaptain BnmabM Horton, Lieut. John BndJ,MatthlaaCcrwIn, Philamoa Dickcrwo, Tbofi.KCOTO, William Salmon, John Swajfe, Jiahnand Honry TutUe, Joftuph' YoiuigH and papt,John Youngs. Tha dosoendonta of these mencame to thii eecUon and settled a goodly partof Morrifl county, and hemea w* have all thennomofl, BO plentifully represented among us,even to thii day, •. ;•'. -''.'•.• ;; •

; .. A CDBB Browt OBSEIIVIB. :

- ••_- ' The l i n t Step.Fcrbipi jon ure run down, a t . ' , oat, oan'i

sleep, can't think, o*n't do anjtblnf to jonrutlilistlon, and sonmaaScr wbat alii yon.Ton alionld heed the wtniiiiff, 7011 t\r« takingtbe flnt Rtep Into Korrotu Froitratlon. Yottnsad a NOTTS Tonlo tnd la Slceltlo BitUn yonwlllfipS Ineeuat nmeAj far restoring journerroos lyilera to iu normal, healthy coaSi-tlon,,' Bnrpnting remit• follow the Die or tbligroaltTerre Tonlo and AltciatUs. Yoorippc-tito totnrnr, Rood tUgestiOD fi reitored, andtbe LlTor and Zidneji reiamo tienltby notion,Xry tbottlo.; mcaliOc. it Bobert Killffdre'iDrug Blore, Pover, utt} ?. N. Jcnklua' DinK

Blore, Ohoaler, H. J, . : :

John P. tells liquor, and IM famoui for hit•pplejackwithrooti In (t |but it I* aaidofhim thatitlsnotaihortiray to htigood eraoeito be Ubenl at his bar, and that, in fact) hedeqrfiMatiuutWaitVdrinks much.- I t ianid,•In, Out be hates a dodo, and that ha oarrlesthis point too far, inaaduch aa m man who Ispartlculu-ly neat lnhlsapi»rei li likelyto falliutohia category «»o dude, no matter whathliqiiallti«;cf iultidnxaybe..iltii n ldto b*bart to get into don intimacy with John p. ; |but then, what does that matter t You go |there to rest, and you get ploanant nirround-Jngi, flnt-clais (ate, and dean rooms withgood beds. Yougfat all those, and why shouldyou try ta captivate tha man.who provider

" Tbe Manly Art of Self Defence."ivlnit "hlaw for blow," ia often, more

thought of, than that other " art'of eolf de-fence," which conttst* In defonJing one's owntfstem from the tumults of dboasoand aeg>l*ct When dyipcprfa, constlfaUou, Wlicmt-nom, "liver complaint,'1 jaundice, and t ieliko lay bold of the syiitan, the best, defence'is the Immediate use of Dr. Pieree'i PlauactTettota; Uuy, sugmsxiatod' Granubs, madefrom conoentrated Tegatable extracts ; ono a

' d o ;

Z i r , . w ^ r . ^ . w . . ! U e o o u W "olplt.and hi u i« l l ydU help i tled him Into thB dining room, and torn dimp- H ^ • I n £ t ^ ( t a l l l t a b t o ^ ^ d wonder-polntodhimby pointing out of tba back win-1 * , , „ „ „ . • ».... • ^ ^

A well known-Newark politldaa telia agood BU.17 which UliiBtratesMr. Brown'atiirnof thought. Ha got up from tba breakfasttable one morning reoattly. and alter lightinga cigar, approached Joan P., .and remarkedthat he would Ilka to have a hone andbiigeyand tale a ride,' That waaail right; and JohnP had no objections to' o f fe ' b t h tt

went to Kontgomeiy oouaty, N, O.t whare ha [ '• •--Li«retiwJiiaJeveriinc^iianT^wife tbere.: He founded a ^ town' than whkji;: •* i;j'g.^beartttie nanw.of ElDorido, •udowniiiV'1 ' ' ' - ^

« of lawJ1 •'•bo, on -whisk M*'jmytagh^qualltJee of gold on. which' lnrort tad> tb* .amount of (ran t«n to flftnn tfaotuud ..m en to flftwndolian monthly'ln bntlipn. : He laue* themine* to tiiepwitei who work thorn and maitM

d hi k^ i !p

a good thing of It.d j

g g ^ TO y w n wellandgnaUy enjoyed bla visit bo«. E«buattin flnt»' merrripwoiind " In thk notion ofthe country;, KM], like everything ehn he took,hold of, puBhedlWoraUitwM"worUi.^jBney-

A 0AMPINO BXPBBI3KSNT.An Elteabeth' doctor U cunplnc with hisiffi on t ie fihorw of Uia fair Hopatcong,d their camp Is known to all the sojournera

ftbout the lake for its many unique and crfg-inol ftppolntniuats,' Campeiv usually go intor .comfort alone, regardloas, to a certainextent, of looks. At this porttcular camp,bowever, everything Is neatnew perranlfled,Tbe two tenta and a small parcel of the!kdjoining land are Inclosed within a low f oncefaf barrel stavee'crlse<roi»ad and white-washed.. 8ome flue turf- has bnen procuredind a tiny lawn nete off the two snotr-whlteanta sod give* the place tha aspect of aj;reenwppd bower. At the landing are MV-:iral UfAiee cardboard picture* of tha kind.bat are neon aa dgofvtto adTtrtiaementB Inobaoooatets' stores. They havo boua cut offit half length,' and the Upper half of each'astound to a tree. One npnsenbi a maiden,mother a policeman, while at the side of onetftto tents b another ota girl with only the

bust., Each baa a hinge axraagtaurat,'andWben «teamen and boata para by tbe landingtba compare, by polling a single string withinone of tha tente con « t all Uie figures mov-ing. The cigarette lady at the landing ewaystor body majertfeally as If la gnve anddeforentJal saluto, aipl 'tbo polioetnan doeaiikowiae, ; Tbe girl bob* her bead around tboiomer of tbe tents and a small placard on tho

TBU by nine lawn lifts Itself np and admon-^boBorerjbodyto "kespoirthegnus.11 Tbebowing Hgitrea have mado no end of fan andiftkYH brought many ctuious Ttaitori to thecamp. 'One day not long ago, 'Uii told, twoyoung men wore roaming by the curap andqploitba cigarette advertlBomenU whim not;Ip motion. . They promptly pulled up to tbelanding and jumped ashore. Walking Into

: ibe camn.tfaey found tbe doctor3! wife. "Got^ k f a Beotr quoth the foremost of tho

g men. " I beg your pardon T replied

lady, Tbe question was repeated, andtlio doctor's wife was more mystlflod thanever. " Don't you ' sell cigarettes hero rciuorldd tho astonished and Tapldly reddeningyoung man at last, "No, indeed," was tbeindignant rejoinder. The young moa retiredin confnaion and silence, and getting Intottiolr boat pulled out of sight aa quick aapourihte. .They bad lnlstaken tha camp for arural tobtoco store, and their friends havehad the laugh on them ever dnot.—Call.

A large number vituMnd tt» lonbtutloii of,".'Uie KjTlghteotPyttilM Lodge In Marrtatown "•ThursdayOTontng of iMtwoek. -Then ••«>«',•present dalogn tea from Long Brwich, Jfawiuk ,-and SamcrviUe. Honry Clay Lodge, otKew- :ark, wlt ia ddecaUon of nrnity-aye n

;agementof tto Gnud Ixxlge,'Qnnd.Chaaoel-lor DewIltO. Bolton offloiaUng. Thlrty-flrs -wen toade Knlghte, and the following o3oen ;

instatlodi Paitpb>noBllor,H.Ii.Rodemond||:Chanoallor Commander,. A. -H. Sbenaani >Vioa CbanoBllor, Thomas Alexander; Prelate, .TT. H.' ToorblMj Keeperof Beoordi, J. A.CUB; aiastBMitrAring, s . T. Warne; Uutor :«f Finance, W, B.8anborn; Uuter of Ei-chequer, J. E.8tilea; Ouards, H. K Bobbins«ndC.D.WiUbergar. AbounUftil ttJlatun .was served by Day. . ;, • , ;•• " [•?>''/

.TeanuatSCandbam, ' 'The Ifendham Tennis Clnb began Ito annual-

handicap tournament Tnesday. Aug. 19th,and finished Thursday morning on Bar." OM, •P. Noble's court The tournament wai playsd

diy t T h f i u Udon mudiiy courts:, TheT h d

tiie LM

Tort hire luard jonr friendi tnd neighbor*ta k'uij tboutlt. Yon may jounolfhs eneeflthe mwijT who know from personal eiparlenoejoit how goo%*. thing It i*. If you h»v« trottilod it, yon MO one of its stiunoh friends,because lh« wonderfnt thing about IIU, that

1 Wien onos giren a trial. Dr. Slug's New SU-obretyflTer after kolds a ptsoa In Iho boon.If jon btT* nem wed it and ibunid H af-flloled with a congh, cold or anyThrott, Lnngor Gbeit tronble, iBoars a bottb fct once u dgiro it i filr triil., It li gnu-anloed tier? tlrntor,mon*y r*Iond«d.. Trial bottles tree i i BKlltfforfl'i Drug Store. Dorer, aad P. H. Jcn-klu'Drag Store. Obeittr.

Dr. Hint's lUanriy. ij tin tort remedyknown for Imomnla, or sleop'eanw*, which I

"*" ito BO numy perwu. and whkh leads to

, Suverona Trifilnf,It la not only Ioolish, but danRerotu, to trifla

with conitlpatlon, lodigMtlon, ptlei or llrer1 dei>ftugenieat. Tabs the propar remedy at


Bore's Corner

l*UM2atn.n& T l d t l u OanU,Mm sljlos at Uo I H I Hit afflte. .

n»oiira»liiamarjoi«!7.- Twmbttrm?»ars Ago La left Morrlstoim amd for • abort 'ttoa a« waa la tta slora bostoaas In Troy. AaJ>*to« of tha campaign of ISM In rtu, be ;ugored Is well remombersd b ; mairr. DanielWebster spoke on ltorrlsmmarean»t« maai :m~0o», and Mr. Ea«< oam. dorm too., Jet.. ifreedom yrlth twelre .wagon. loadadwltJi"pwpleand bafora them a l l n s •tmntTalxTk f I tb

* the

hfi TO y w n well !

b E b a t >

pywore pUytd

a Bd dy , e pUyd

Thursday morning between VT. a Bnyder andH. H. T. Koble, romdtlnglna^ctoryforSny-doraftera hold straggle of two boon and a 'half, tbo ucon> being 8—3, 5—1, 1—6', 0—<.Snyder played a net gamo, plaolng tba baUlwell In tho back of toe court Noble) although 'playing a good game, failed to return many 'of bis adrersary'i driveB. The score w u ufoUowiii A. K. Whitman beat'M. B. StoUo,0-2, 10-fl; H. H. T. Noble'best VT. No««,.0-1,0-0; W.B.BiiyitobmtXCoch.nui.7-r>, 5- i ; n . H. T. Koble beat A. E. Whitman, '••b-Q, 4-6, 8-0; W. B. Snyder beat L, Coch-mn, 0—1,0-2; W. B. Snyder beat H. II. T, 'K U 0 a 5 7 7 « ; T

Tbe farmart, of tMsswtion may loan •»•&• 'thing to their proStfrom on experiment madonear Kewton, of which tbo Bataex BegalarMyai Tbe «xperlmcnt of rulamg tobacco atthe Red Gate farm this year was •completo \•accen, and tbo crop was gathered this week,:>

Between flve and six acres were planted and :•throve remarkably, the plants averaging rabout four feet in height' When dried tin 'crop In expected to net about dghteen torn,">which will bo worth from IB to S3 rVatsh-pound, or a ratmn of abont $400totheaem '• •

TwoOood Assla Orona., : ... ->-.>; David Thompson, of, Towwhlp,

says tie Jerwyman.baa'tbout 300 buihels offine winter applet, mostly Baldwins, and baaaokl the crop to R 8. Day, Zonas H. Smltbj Iot .IVaablngtoa Vallay, has 300 bushels, of ..tianQeld apples. *.!nusTaiiety,wsbaTenoUoei, r,bi bearing full crops in this year of general 'scarcity. I t Is a sweet apple, Tary blr , u dsuparior for baking or elder,.. . : ' •

TtutHNiiatreinUiiwarU lotOaU,S«ni -BrnlK*. DIOOT, Bkll Bheam, UTV Barm. -T*H«,^Oi>pp«S HUMU; OhiibUlaj, OOTIM, > -wfl ill fltla Eruption*, and potittnir. « t M '

13«g>% Catarrh Remedy cam. Fifty onto, MttMtt tUPtt box, Ite u k kfSl^ltltiy aragjUt* 'BBfirt



The 1VI.MII.1MHI *i Urn ur tl ti Cjunllea ol

K('r«b (:.».gtt.«»lon*i lliHt-riet or Naw J » ' " J

VBitldb to ba t n d ID ATOLio BALL, in I *t-

i i t . . .«•{•• Hie Kilty K.1.UU1I Con«T'n

i n d ono foreiuh ward m d tIran OQU del<-);€t

ultml tlubi-TCAtorUI ntiwlliBrj |r«nl>u 0T«r IIfly •">'•to«DnUi|i bring entit le, to

" A. (! Hoi.DtUM. !l*tftm,A A. VAUIW. Morris.JO* W. COHUOOB, I'ttHWi

Colt 18 b, IbiM



K I I I U L V ' K K « Yuri; ll. ' .aM bunuivdlbtriunder tiro IIIIUTP liundln^ f mm which we <')liitlii< follmvint:. wlik'li IH uf local inUiix-st:

" The nuwt ii)(fivJ,tl»K i"«l l*'t lini» tlio modfnilH.rtjtnt nf all tin" ux]H>rlMioiits lie is uov

ti aixl record Iliy IHIB

miles In .Utuwith beautifu but nwdil Hit

hiontilty sliiMl

'iit to u

iudu iu tlio mm'uro foliiMHl \j'm

m billionth itsixty tliuiitnm

ually Mssrclntuming, "eruiillv(pin «pWch oe«

liuiUVtltlullH l.f t>Vi r.Hu- huiiji'vO tii

nud niilcit—iilit'iioiiivna ivlilcli Prof. ViBAJ'M " it iii no tixiiggerntiuii to apeak I>( H*vcrilalilo expWmiM."

At Ug.iL-n, X. J . , tiieiv la ft maw of Irona mile lung xUiiilmg ppt-ptnidlcidur undtending into tliu botvib of the wirlb tu gibut uukuuwii depths, tsiilil to contain BOVhundred inillliin tuus uf umgunic materialA H the vlulout bUinns nml upruxhus In tb<mil product.1 dihturbimces of thu iiirtli's inniiotisui which aro ixvimlud on tlie magnetmuUirn at tlio Koiv and otlitir obsurvatorlrai,has wuurral lo Sir. Edison Hint tlm litruiigt!nf tlio Htilur dlhtnrl«viin>, nt, raerwtlplanet, could " IJO liu'rvawd I'limmoutilizing u vein nr nmpiotlc iron crumiiiiK "round tun body ot oru wvvn] iiillaof "iru, forcing mi inductive circuit,wl'kli )KKV«.rfnl rWtr ic currreiiU would U>tlirnwu 1))- »ny (IIMLUI-1I.IIII.-C ot the wtrtU'tmagnet lain." "Dy thu use of luiitruiuciiteevery change," lie soys, "could lw mconlod,mill by tlie *m of tlio t.-bplnmu u) | soundspwduix'd on Uu> tain would 1K< hoard on ourplmiot." Ho Is, nmmliiigty, erecting \i\a-Krupli iwk-s on muk Mo of tliu Ogde.1 uro lilllnnd imrultel with it, on which lio IN foiling aniiisubtwl Hint limuy times iirmnid thu wholearea uhuro tliu wirtU'a nuuniutfc l)iu>. leavetliu Iron uiounhiiii und oxUiiul lute Kpoce.Tin; two ends i>r tlio lone v i m will bu taken


FOHT M O R B I S .H was uol Bun. AUiu who uiflrriwl MiwjhiiMJii lust » w t , but i.oUy 1 buu- not l« t« Ui-rov.T n l u t Uio ntlitmati'.t II'MIW

IMU. Mr.Koally will kituw, aiul nutliititory

r Frank Slaau was Kuiiig towurJUuuoki-n "iUi train itt, Uiu other day, four

on tho railroad track aluwlul bun betn i*u l'oi t Oraai furnac-o und the

n.vs(MiL bridfju. He wniuik-I km ,vUi»tli>l thi<y j;<<t uil alUT a Ml, but one nf ttieiit uii u^uln und BUi'Unl tu run acn*» t l•Utge, just iw Mr. Moae (jot within a fuw f •»

if it, tuid ft won Impo>*ib1u U> gtiip liin truhTbe Luitu did nut gut n (frwit miy cu tl

ulil liix log* went down IwtHmii lltios, mid tlia | Jlut uf tlie eiigiuo lifted liim oiimd tlmig him in tlic river twlow. Ur. Maways tlioy were fine liomi; and regret* tha t ho:illucl that one; but lie ilid nut no/ ouythliisif tho cool liwiJ and nurvu tlmt iiruui.iUx] hima Btlelt to his online, knuwiug that tbuliauoHi von) (i to 1 tliu burse won idIn-own tlie witciiif i.lT the trnrk nnd thoULih l tliu »iiob> hhintinK niatrb into the-iv,.r; klllMl Hmiimi nud MIKIIIMHigitwaul t rn la I nni sorry ftvlio 1-jst tlio liorse, but if It bad boea thatroiiiiU ciijiiiK*!" who caiue t« Mr. Maao'ts & few>n*.-kHuKu »holiwt hfa fnthur it would havejvun itilliilUily worn1. A inlaa in GH gixxl OH anilo, Fruiik.

Uov. Clins. Aiidorcoii, of HuUicrforl, is tak-ing his vmntiou n t VT. It. Unity's, lit Bton-I11.IM-. HiniiuitetiniU) n littlu mlilroM lo tlioW, V, T . I), in C'iarkV Hull hi Iliut t..vvn «nust Kul.lutli iif(ai-tn«>« I t MOHnUnnixmilu-u

IiilU--aiidniiiiblonii<l<>lrKlucnt UNL<. He WHSfolbmwlhy Mr. CiLHU-rliuc, nf t'biladeli>lilii,

it hojournliiK i» tho town, anil Abramli. CUik, who 1B btllf nu winittrt tomncramo

Eva Btruulo is vitdting MIEH NellieKniKlit, at HlaiOioiw. AUKH Htmblc lined Iutoach In the Staahopu jmblic school nnd iiuuiyaf bur former iiujillu uiid tlirfr jiareiiUi wuioglail to w« bur.

Uov. Mr. Rich precched ia tlio jiulplt ofItov. 1. 11. Coiulictat HtanLoiw lostUabbatbnionilug and evmiiiig. Ho pronrhod tu'iexccllout xunuonii.

Tliaciiiij,'refiotii>ii of the RUuibopo l'rraliy-teriim Ciiunh is U> liavu a vamtlim iiuxiKabl«Lh,

Tlmt v.aa a vory uioo story tlioy told

CHKSTEE-Tlio niotit VHIIIQUU liorw it) the lot, hroii U>un by tlio Kqiiirenuil bU f*rtuer Tr

Mis; [.i«if Jenkins crpnii;uliuiiul L'tmn-h, >>k it Jib her tiruUiu

ilrt of Uiiit.i% ti BI*I _dmn,'ixt. Hhe

ouliyUsriiuut fin Balilxith.ill U- n »<»£ son-ice In tbu M. E.i n.-U KiliUlli fv^nisiK, '.Hut iiii.1.,u U> the rpgular boi'vieo. Como and

blie wrhixil IK be inn |>rei»n)d forJII l ici t Tui.-s.tay, Kept. 2.1. Tho>'o LxH'ii tiinriiu^iilyfleajied, UIO j'urd;<.-. Tiitf. KIMT, uliu Ux k>eit Priu-'our yuam. will again bavu charge{don n1ll liavo charge of tho towel

gnulu. It will bo well lor all tliu childruu (o" for tho flrrt day.Ucud, Mr. Lcuigiloii, wu uru ^hidlo tu bo out ugnlu, After hia long

•earn nffo tho tailh bint. Mr. .1. nt I'wiiwek, N. J . A.'hat.i then 1 'Hu* then weo llttlo boy[41 ltd till* lllllll til

aiul ttui wilb a family nf UII gi-owu cliildnin,11 ut wham are niarriud uicoiit Jliss Koto,lid tills Tigar will be n run; prito if It can Ix

caugbt. Air. T. luut lived nt bis preaout homifor wmio 4« yean, uud in n incinboi* o( tinI'nxbyturliui C'buivh of Chimtcr. I to and his" " wifo of U years wore n.uite

altoiiitiful folding chui i" i -hi ldn • •

POST ORAM.William Tynck'n new hauae id coinnluU.illid lu> luu nwvoi UU hu.isetmia g<HKkUu>rL>iii.Win. Uiiy left bi-ro for tlu> iron n'uimm utii'liigunlatit wwk.Jlr. Vulnn, a fi>n;mun at the f uninco, liad n

honw kilk.l by a Iniii. ou tlm P., I , & 1Y. B.It. ut tho thrcti ejiun bridge last wtok. Itcolly,thb bid U h f t l i t t tb

t J in . Hluc-kbowerniiilberiiotiidiJietc. Your Ktouh»,» corrcsjiaiidiint cnlls IM" r a . V.mrgQ KtncUbmiHO-iiut that Is only

mo—nnd stiyg tlio vimdiur otc. luul btlmt tmvt) and tlio KtAtiliDjio Knglu _

with iiinra circunuilauco yot, I am sorry Iay Mitt 1 truth In tho etory. Tho

into lila Ulisurvntbiwith ttu

1-Vninand H'le

i n<CL'l\ lug tievery jvol.itntl i lc-t i i is!

:i Htatiun anil.'luiihoitD.Uf vluW-lKNltin'nniiM.'H U> lm

Mt. Tabor Meetings,£|)wurLk IMIIJUO I)ay nL Ji t . T u W last

Rutunlny wan a mnitta in ovury i«rtlcular.Tlui ftttf mlniiM) van lurgu nnd addresses woreolo.uently tietiverttlnuJ inWn-irtiiigly llatwiodto, tho llor. Ur. Berry, of Chiengo, cdiUir oftho Epworth Hcralil, l*lng the prinrl]ialfjjwakor. Tlio Kunday wrvlccs wuro also

' larguly nttomlal, Hov. Dr. Hurry pnauihliigtu IUI uvorflovlng uongtvgntion In the nioru-ing and Hov. Jammi Moiitgotnery la tlio atid tho Huv. C. 11. Barucs hi tho evoii-Uig. ThoBiruciul service fur Monday was theitieotltiK of. tlia Women's Homo MlnaloimryBovluty, which was aildn»sed by Mm, Flotchorof Indiuu Territory, ai'id otlioru UitorutUxl inthe work. Tlilx glfhxl woiof such au interostiug (.'hare

ouelicr" Mr. Hloukhnwor got was onlyblank jiunsioti ajijilication. Hha liad noverniailc aii|ilif«tlfin oven Iteroro, but I hope HIIIwill gut it xpcodlly.

Nun- tlmt I). L. Best lias Ucu ajipoiutediwlirciiinn for StAiibojio It i» to l-o liojxxl tlioTowu Commlttco will hurry up with thntlook-up, 1K) It cage or stall, la which to ji "thfl di'iinkou anil jirofans Ir^fert who chocto nuke night hideous by tholr druukoa |>ifenlty. Idou'toxpectto seo another circiia1'ko Uoorgo Htrt and Us mulo bad Saturday' Kill. U B L any Lady nhould mlitatio thli> fete

JO!V> Hurt, Uie ttiitnta r, I itt«y my It is milys iJnmkim noiuwikc, Who wus tJwt definedloiLfer as a two-Ioggod brutu with inure

stomach thau head t The muio soomod to lieio more sensible hrutu of tbo tun.Tho Y. P . H. C. E. of tbo Htnnbo]» Presby-

Uiriau Cliutoli bold Uidr uiuutbly nuclal at tlioresidence of Mr. T. J . Knight of t i n t Uinu.They toll me tlioy bod their usual good timoIn Hjilto of tho rain. 1 nut sorry I could uot'lOtliore,

Mr. Mihony, tJionow Lcaclior or tbo Boutb8tjuiho]« sell (Mil, bus moved to Is

The etockholdor Bays tho uumbor of onloyrcs mid tho unioniit of uolarits pnld by thi

Now York Contrnl and Hudson River It. It.,t tlm HIM) or ^|itciiil)or, 18SU, wuro: Kui-lnyt«t>, ; Babriifi, * 1 ,70(1,51:1.37. IlniDU nvei- Ht<i|ii«o*l U> cuiuidcr tliat 'the manhoconlilHUIJIall tbe« men from Wdik and

deprive tholr families of nil tliia money by U:tJiui]> of bin fliigur, lm« a llttlo moro ]>owertkuu a free )>oopla would dura trust in thohmids ofauy TrodJuut of the Uuited SUitcs fDooaMr, Loo care any moro for the hitercataof tbo public than Mr, Webb, when, becauseho wua discharged aud because ha 'happenotlU> U SInster Workman of A. D. !M(I, hoavenged biinsolf by utonping every whoel be-tween Altuuiy and Now York wben 7 o'clockcame tio matter about how mudi tbo travel-inp jiubllo were inconTcnicnood nor how farthey wore away from dome t It Bceins to »fellow u]i a tree hero in Morris county thatthe Knlghta nf La lnr do too much work wlUitheir mouths. Tboy bmg aud blunter and' ' r too much. And now they want "govormncut tu buy out tho railroad corpora-tion! anil n m tliain—tluit in run tlio rallroadu.Theruinny bo sonic tyrants uaoitg Wr^Vebb'sbofiw»—somo of them may drink nnd sweataud toko boxes of clean, niid bottles oE whis<key from tho men who are compelled to work

ir iujnwnutiful silk 11111-

thbt bridgo al l

ui U* hganliual, as well as to the hum

Ti ill ! l i

ye futality to tbo

Tin TO will !H) (i hlKxiting muti-h lutweeii thonf tbw Port Orain Uuu Clubou Mon-

day, Kojilitmlmr lot, a t 1 o'eloc-ii V. M. Thero" iiiirkiiinuu in thin club un<)

n the line of shooting is nn-UcliKtU'xl. Tlie mutdi will taka iilawneartboHull mine.

John Whiifonl, Jr . , had ouo of hU flngoragfivort'ly injuitxl a t one of the miues hero lastSaturday, which will coiiiiwj him to abandonMil t iburforn ixirlixl.

Juliu Hjmrr luiamnvod Into tbo house vi.1 by Wta. IXicharcIs, on Fiiniac* HL Thos.lickB oci-npies tbohoUHj vacatej by Bpi>nd JL,1III IVnr™ IIEUI tni.vol to the upper pif CniinlHt. Quiton niovinj; toawin Ibis

lIojMiroii Tril^, No. 68, I. O. H. M., willhold a festival und dnun) on noxt Hominy,

alwr Day.Mr. Jos. Mitchell'* fuuerol was held Uili

oftcniooii In Ht. John's M. £ . Church withRogcru olilciatJnK, tuking for tlio

ndatioii uf bin retuarkH II Timothy, 4lht. Tlie roicalns were

him by hiirollii by his gnuidebUdrun, nixl a beautifuliliirk diawl fur Mm. Ti^er by tho rlilhlran.

Ml the children nml nil tho £rn"d(.-ulhlruimda taw oUior frietidx, about thirty-flvn Inill, gathered to remind Mr. T. of b!a birth-day TO yearn ago, and to ivolcoiuo tho nowdaughter (in-law) and sbtor who watt married

i tho UOtli iust. I t was a vory enjoyable

Some of our [waplo had intended to go t«camp meeting, but tbe ralu luu hindered.

Itov. T. K. Dunoff gave a very lnt«r*sstiDglot-lure on Saturday iilgbt, and pre&chixl Bab-butb evening to a largo audienco in tho M. E.Church.

Sir. VIKIUIUOIT, a Bulgarian, w i n once lootlireil here, viHitod bbi friend, U\m Joitlt "

i, this weok.'i"o v'uu fin I to mi intoi'tjQit lii towi

hnlil. This was especially interesliug to thuyoung men. Thu jury of twenty-four monlni]iaiiclal a t tha Ctieslcr IIOUHU boforo thoI'oiiiinissloiiers—Whlteliefld, Btaiiebuiy

determine as to tho uoundneilulad of Miss Mary Ilowell, returned a unan-

" " " inpus inoiiUti," uflorflftooii nif

rill ncod to bo njijioltit*projierty.

Miss Jennie Bnrry hri-ory pleasant vacatiun tour. Hlo stales n,-ery unfoyablo und intorestiuK timo, and b

;liai>Ui-, l»t uud lilthen tulwn to Dover ivboro tbo hut funor&IriU-e woro pci-rormod by Hopoeon Tribo, NiM, I. O. It. I I . , of wliiuh HID "

Our "Rons TcutiwnuiraluliLbtliovodRwillproi

(It to our growing coimnuMr, Wni. Ty<ick has n

houao, on JInlii utrcot.Qulta n niimbor of uiei

wnipany store stoop on Sunday lnornlnga undivenings, week Inoud out, onddiBCUSManj suchliieMtlon which may arise. "Why not stop this,

an well as tkn boy a Htopped from l'Kiflug ontenii 'ra!

Mlsa PUillipB, of Yonkers, ia paying MissTilly Willlama a vbilt a t her liumo at I'ortOrnm.

Our hiua Italj club went in Ut. UojiHiitnrduy last uiid dcfodtwl Uio Mt. Kopo boyuby tlio seoru of (I to 4. Tho day wiw rniuy andtbo hall niAoinblal a tot unto, which could notba Imtted outuldo tbo iliamontl.

TIID Bed Mon arc pruimred for n good tbla tbe I'iiio Grove on Monday next, LaborDay. Tutu day Its bound to be ono of TortOram'u tcrouUwt. duy« yot, nut eiceptlug the

j ' tovoin" l

lUB tim•al pro-

of tbo Wranau'B Foreign Missionary Society,aud was an interesting occasion.

Tbo programme for to-day and tho lialanet}of thu aieuting is as follows:

Friday, ]"::» A. M., Rev. I. Hlnimous ; S;TOI*. II., Itov. Uuorgo L. Taylor, I). D.; 7;!M., Itop. W. r. George, D. D.

BuUmlny. Ifljito A.M., Itev. D. II. V. Bati-doliih ; U^l I'. M., Dr. Ujilmm; 7:30 P. M.,Kov. T. C. Gordon.

Sunday, lttilO A ^ M ^ R M V . L. Clark, D. D.

A S m u t Aleck and Hla Pen.Tbo y . M. U A. Koten for September, pub-

ludml in Morriatowu, contains on account of atrip to Uio Y. M. C. A. cauin In lVanvticounty, fnun which we extract tho following

"Thus prepared, we took sejita in tboBtnokur, for wo were shrinking and modestfound notoriety and didn't care to bo con-spicuous. After pawing through n n-traberi.f miiall vUla«i«, aud among tbuin Dover,wliem a crowd of boys always congregatewlion a train stops, jump oil tho platform,bawl, mvnar ami gonorally moku tlioniselvcs

we finally reachnt lloclietts-'

udki tTrytnj IoUit t &uHocraVelectocla Pmddcnt tboy would turn out all tho IU>publlcon brakumon and wheu, In tlio coursaif ovi'iite, tlio Itopubllcaus eleoted a Pre&idont

all tbo llcpubllcaun would bo reinstated andtbo Domocrotio brakomeu would bo fired.I'aU'raal government, oh t None lu mine,thank you I Tbe ' ' •y(lo to attend to It*

Tbe government hns enough toto Ite h l If I h d

ough toIf I had myf Cl

Tbo ckueiflcntlun of Dover oa a m u l lvillage, and tho attributing of a cuHtom toboys which docs not exlit, nlthaugb ba mayLava witnessed an exception, 'shown on thepart of tho writer a dsrire to Bay somethingamart rather than a r e ^ r d for tliat trutlifid-IMMS which alioubl chnrncttirfEo a rollglousnubllcaUoti.

Onlr 1,000 T O M .The Strait Oomuiitteo Uio ilrat of UiU week

onlorud a mispoiiiioii of tbe work Of crocking•tone for street purpose*, after brooking onlyabout 1,«« tons of rock, and niohtorUds wnsput on Black-well street, wlwre it was notnce<lod, to Uio exclusion of utrveU v,]ioro t ie

" TO needed. Uudur tho Ilopubllcnn nd-

to Ite own huelniws- I f I had mychoice of en autocrat I would prefer Cluiun-wy Dopow to KOTO. "Wouldn't you f

Tbo excursion of the conductors wai a grandmixem. and so is Olon Inland. Whoa wopiuscd Blackwoll's bland going up somebodyfling out, " O look t t all tho men droved IDtheir hvnn-tennlH snlta I" But Uiey Bay theeditor was there and saw all tho ttafintneence.So I will sing small. I noticed among tilecrowd Coudnetors Abo Ball, J o r r y Goorjce,Joo Houuli, Couover, and I canglitagllmp&i-of A « t 8upb F . J. O. Tom Koobln wnLthere, too, aud I nntlcod that f rleud Ball worntbs ribbon of tha President of tbo now andIndopunlant Order of Railway ConductorsThe gnotMookins editor of the l\rafbliigtoiiStar was there, and Mayor Cornlah of tlioSUDO town. It would take a whole news-paper to toll of oil t ie people wlio wore Uiere.I was very glad to note how tbo people Boomedto encouraga tbn first annual excursion of thi

«iyt -of " toocliiiig tlio young iilen ho'

| shoot." .Mra. Bodlno was called to Hobokcn by &legrnm, to her brother's, her eliitcr-lu-lawiTlnp Mtrcrcly lmnied her amiJIlus Miller is voting her o n


FLANDERS.Aii cpproprinlc clock for tho

Church hoH been received from Mr. WillimiHarrix, of Dot-or,. Mrs, Young and her llttloson, Claude, bad expruwed tho Intention ofduimllug u Unio-plcco for tbo building, butwore /oreatalled by tbo gift of Mr. HarrisMru. Voung etigngod thu clock of Mr. llarrin

-ntliiB tho iiayniQiit Mr. HUITL-ept It, Miylng tliat bo made t

j donation of a clock to every now churoLvitbin a radius uf thirty miles. Wliila tha

>preclato tlie kindnoss andHarris they altw feel very

grateful to lira. Young who was unable tocarry out her wishes.

A luiudsomo communion table-!H>llxh«l oak has lioon dountwl by Mr. andMrs. llonry l\r. Miller, tho fattier aud mother>t Mr». Youiitf.

Mrs. Turtoit nnd children, Planter Harryand tho Misses Mabel and EIHIO, of Nowark,are visiting with Mr. an.1 lira. D. E. Fronibos.

Mra. Francvs Hughes and child are spend-lug Homo UIIIG a t Uio home of M, F. Dkkurson.

Siisa White uud a niece and nepbow, ofUruoklyn, are bourdlug ut Woodland Cottage,which charming jiloeu la full of boonlora anuvlaltora. Thero ara a uuiu~Uio village now. Flaudurstrange fascination for those who have oncevlKlted it, for thoao who luive onjuywl It* hon-pitalities seldom foil to return.

The fair on Wednesday next promises to bo

people greatly np|liberality of Mr. il

t f l t M

COMr, Win. K. Miller, ouo of tlie oldwt resi-

dents of UiiH ploco, posaed to tlie other worldon Sunday afternoon, Tho funeral wrvicee

! t k l W d l t th M K C h ht the M. K. Church,! took placo on WouD«ul»y atof which Boeioty Mr. Mlllorbor for about IW year*. His roniaiiu werecarried to tho field, about ono mile ahovoFlanders, which Mr. Miller denied to tins M,* . * . . Wt. ,,wrt, jura. Witt aud Miss Amu,Hoivell, are spending

Mrs. John DoeHug, undl d P A l

wt aud Miss Auuafew davant.Vf


hn DoeHug, und MOEJIB. WilliamSalmon and P. A. llofftnau, tho conunltteu

'chosen hy the Y. P. S. C. E. to purchaseUuiil» for Uio locturo-rooin of tho ProshyUirsauChurch, mode a very satisfactory j-ei»rtr«iUio society a t tlio monthly business mootingon Wednesday night. Fuur lani|w hare boon'Bocurwl Irom Win. H. Itakor, ""k i d l d d d

order, I fcopo they will keep It up,Tho Stanhope brass bond Beronndwl

town on Monday night. They plajwl roniark-Uu-

ably well, too. D.J.

niiuiatrationa tlio lp

nt of cracked Bcacked BtODOumxl Was gcucinlly 2,000 tons a year or Up-wards. Tho iwlicy tbo Dtmioerato Is to showa surplus next spring but cutting down tbo•treetwurk, rtifuilng to build a vcult for thetbe Bccurity of uubllc records nnd jiapeni, andomitting the gGiioral progrefia tbiil our grow-ing little city should bo makbiit with themums ot ita command. Hut when U19 cost ofweighing aud tho differcnee balwocu gross anil» ; t tons is considered tlio 1,000 tons of atooathey have' cracked this year will cost nearly usmuch i s it coat tlie Republicans fur 2,000 torn'of stone in previous years.

John I. Blair's Birthday.Tho elgbty-eigliUi anniversary of tlie birth

of John L Msir, was celobratod atBbunrtoiralast Friday wltL groat wlat, the most inter-esting feature ot the celebration being theoctogenarian himself, hale and hoarty, andwltU.the vigor muntally, of a man In theprhuu of life. Tbero wero music, addrossusand other observances of tlio day, and MBlair was congratulated by the entire popuhtlon of hUt aativo place and by a number ofvisiting friends and relative. Mr. Blair Isestimated to In worth at least fifty million*,-whlisi has been made In railroad speculation*ripM be mu 45 yean, old, lie Is the last *ur>.vivor of tbo original projector! of the Lack- jawauna Itollrood.

TROY HILLS.The quiet llttla hamlet of Holseytowa troc

thrown In a fever ot excitement on Fridaymorning. ThefacUiu-etheae; Ia thecolorclsection JoUn Btrubey and wife entered Into ahand to band encounter. Mrs. Diiy and SODFrank, beating the disturbance, ran to tlierescue, whon a general flgbt ensued. WeIcom warranta Trill be lamed for tbe arrest 01all tho partios in tbe oncouutw.

Edward Braated, who formerly w u pro-prlBtor of tho Monroa Cornors Hold, has nowlocaUfd in this vicinity and i« dealing In roadand heavy draught homes. Tha lovers ofhorsoileBhwUldowiUtocallonuini. Wofallyot to learn of a single instance whore horsesliavo boon purchased from Mr. Drastal that-"-* not fully come up to the standard.

braui Sbaugur, who for many years pnatbeen in tbo emjiloy uf. the Vondarhofl

family, u row Making now Cclds tuid green"""*• The Lut seott of Abo ho was wund-pnrtu M M .ing blB way toward Hlbernlo, where wo loarnho has accoptod a lucrative position iu themines.

Frank Young was arrested Satarday byCoiirtable Ilryan, of lTbippany, for dmwinjtthe gate cf. DoWItt gulmby's pond anddertroylog meet of tie fish. He was tokenbefore Justice Kimball and committal to Mor-riistowu jail, pending tbo action of the Grand

lani[ifl hare b•, cf Dover, \

kindly deducted a large jiercoiitage, nuikingtho cost to Urn society i ulto nnnll. Mrs. J .W. Untlinway aud John Dooriiig UBIBUXI the•ocioty greatly by n goncraiu donation of'nonoy for the lamp fund.

A donation halJ at tho Prosbytorian por-sonago on Mouday night, put «43.T7 in thochurch treasury. It won nn impromptu affair,gotten up iu a vory f«w days, hut tbore was alargo nttondanco of poojilo wbo tecmod tooujay nieeUng each other, anil tlio Itov. T. A.Mills, wbo was really tho instigator ot the•chcuio for raising fumls ton-nnla hoatitig thvchurch. ~

there will bo a ball gameDiamonds, of I'ort Oran

aud the Boo a ton club, for prlro of &. aanto conuuouco at 10:1)0 and in ociwctad to bo ain to rusting gamo. In tho nfUJmnoll at 1:!tliere will be another LTUIHJ butweon thoVgluntecre, of Port Unun, and the Mt. Hopenine for a prize of i$. Then the pic-nlo anddaucu coiuuiouces nnd will bo kept going uu-Ul dnuixjrs aro tired. Kaisor Jlros' stringbaud will funitsli music.

John Qniily tjieiit Sunday with his paranUbore, anil Mt on tho evening train for Newark,where he clorku bt n retail proccrv hi.

MIRS .Nolllo Mnlwin bus rnturn»'l frownnkd vklt iimung frlMiilx ID IViiuinyt'

It is rcportud Unit Mr. JainiuMulihown willvacate tho hold November (Irnt.

Mlw Chaniiiiou Liu returned fruui a week'svhdt to I'ennsylvnutu.

Mr. Win. Hicks ami MIBH TivmU'rth wereunited In wedlock i

HZBEBNIA. .s Hattia UtuikU and Miuiile Fint-if Mt. Hope, haveUx-uvlaiUtib'frltnds

at tliiw place.JIbis Jenkins, uf Unxiklyn, is vltdtlug herloud, Miss Eliza lieol.Mr. and Mra. Chan, llowel) and Ml™

Houvll, of UwkotUtowu, bare been visitingat 11. M. Mutchlor'o.

Misses Addlo atwl Swnu arc rocreahuron S]>ring.Mliu I^tty COUTHCU in at Torrjtown, N. Y.,

for n BOOHOC.Kehool beglnaonTueaday. Tba bouses have

been ekttiiul and Lew boob* willed to tholibraries.

idationa are being laid for two newhoiiBoa at %lm Willis Mine,

John Larsau, a tjwodo miner, foil from abucket and was badly Injured Wednesday lout.

Lost Saturday eveaing Mr. Courtney Harry,p., lod Mlsa Carrie, tlaiigbtor of H. U. Lyon,

to the altar of Hymnn, Rev. J. Vf. Barretto(liciatiD«. The event took place at tho rosl-douce of Uio bride's poronU, nt<out fifty guiwUbeing present. All eujoy«l a very pleasantivenlug. and did ample ]u*ilce> to thu bridalupjxtr, wliich wiu vory tomjitliig In npj>ear-incu. We join In the (.•ougnitiilatioua nndTell wishing* of their friends and wiab Uicin

a bright and happy future.Rev. and Mrs. J, W. Barrett are at Mt.

Tabor on bis annual vacation. Mr.Lobbwillconduct tho Borvioos ou Huuday.

Our proposed excursion to 'Lake Donmiukhas boon abandoned on account of a difficulty

l obtaining favorable rotes.

RUSTIC.Mra. Dunn, Miss Dunn and Urn. C. Deinp-

soy, of Morris town, are tbo guuata of 1*John. Laws thin weuk.

atUe Armlt, of Pblllipsburg, is visit-ing her aunt, Mrs. Jacob Uoker.

A large party from this place attended theConductors1 fixcundnn to Qlen Ifilaud on lastTuMdoy and had a duligiitful timo.

Mr. C. A. Baker, of tha firm of Baker Brae.,Keavll. is, -we ara sorry to say, quite ill atthis writing.

Master Goorgo Hand bos been vfcdting rulo-tivoa In Hackettfltown.

A vory iutenwUag boat racu for tadlitho Drofilin and adjacent cottages will takeplace In front of. tha Unwlln on Saturday

1 afternoon, a t S o'clock.Mm. Henry Miller had her arm amputated

on Wednesday, and at lust accouutadoing nicety. ', Tho boll given by tho Hojatcong steamboatI met) In the Arlington pavilion on Wednesdaywas a great success, and a great deal of creditis ilue to those who woro interested In It.



fonnor rosldont of this pinMr. I\itor Tucker, latetldsplnco, who died i>u Si

DENVILLE.AfairuittKl oudlouco vi-eiit tho day at Mt.

Talior on Hun.lny. Hhoiild next Siuidny Iwwanuur thero ivill bu a much larger crowdpresent no doubt.

Several oi our toivuMioapIa spent tlia day atGleu Island on thsUlth with the K. It. Corductors eicundon. '

Wo nra sorry to nave to note tlio death of ."• - •• • » In Uio punton of

IOUI proprietor ofnday moroiug last

at bis rcHldcnce in Powonlllo, after a longand soriouB 11 luces cnuscd by blood paiiwnltig.Mr. Tucker was n good andgonlul nulghborand many frienils mourn bis loss.

A party of twelvo from Miss E. B. Cooper'srcfdtlouco are sponding the day (Thursday) ntHopau»ng.

Ttiaro will be preaching in our church net tBabbatli by Uio jnGUir and Suudoy schoolv.111 be lield ut Zi'M P. III. ou that day andthereof tor.

Tho rule luado by the Grocers' Union to dosetholr store*, at 81\ M. has proved a fine thingfor our gonlal storekeeper, Mr. J. 11. Illghter,eejwclally for tbe last week.

Mrs. J. H. Wallace, of Pino Buah, N. Y., Invisiting her mother, Mm Jane ltighter, ofhis town.Tha ltiversido D. I). C , of Newark, played

a puno with tbe Mt. Tabor Club on tbaDcn-vllle grounda last Saturday and defeated them"' * " r v « of IS to 0. Ollroy, of tho AtlanticAssociation,»..._, 4, , -y j , ~ .and cadmui. of tho• SJK£. ffv. *

Miss llnrn-"*' Boyder loaves home for DOB*tou on priday. OnUondayfollowIugshe willenter the Harvard College Annex as a stu-Tw.».-""Ur. Peter Tucker, a highly esteemed rcsl-

af lloclcaway Valley, died a t bis borne and l t Ili f l h ld






(Next to Pardec A

Every article of a thoroughly reliable quality, at prices no higher than are usuallycharged for inferior goods.

We carry in stock many Hues especially suitable for Summer trade, pic-nics,excursions, camp supplies, etc.

The best brands of Minnesota Flour,Graham and Bye Flour, Granulated Meal,and all kinds of farinaceous goods.


All kinds of Domestic and ImportedCHEESE.

Ferris1 Smoked Hams, Tongues, andBoneless Bacon.


L.ctteri remaimnii unclaimedIn the Pott OMce at Dover, N. J.

Dover. N. J . . A OR. flOlh.tfOO.I t P. Allen, Annie HcCormick,

H a u a Fietro,M. 1'yraUiniD,Wattoo FafloUie,GuIcsBip rettlinlchi,Kellio Eikor,Tlioiiiiu BlnimniiK,W. A. TrowbriiiEo,

, Katnuol Vaiidoi-hoft,Uenry Walker.

ToobUlDKoy u/ttie aboveletteri lay *'»<"•]rlfied"snd Blve date of this Hit.

* JAB. B. MELIOS. P . H.

Andorwn,JU. D. liarnes,reston Booglo,

KatoDrlant,Fred. Daniol,~ aro aernocio,


PORT ORAH, N. J., An*. 38th, 1E90.J.W.Uondorson,.

Vm. Faniell,V. E. Bortodo, .To nbulD any of the above letters sayt i d " d l « diteoftlifs lut

Mrs. C.W. Kenworthy,Tlioinaa Moylo,Frank Iteagan.Capt. Peter Rickanl,

Imported and Domestic Green and DriedFRUITS.

The finest Oolong* Japan, Young Hyson*Gunpowder and English Breakfast Teas.

Fresh Roasted Rio, Maricabo, Java andMocha Coffees.

Strictly Pure Spices, both whole andground.

Burnett's Flavoring Extracts, all Flavors.

CANNED GOODS!Peaches, Apricots, Cherries,Pears, Plums, Quinces, &c,

Crolden Gate and other first-class brands.

Gordon & Dillivortli's, Crosse & Black-well's, Curtis Bros. Preserved Fruits,

Jellies «nd Jains, in glass.

Richardson & Bobbins' and Underwood'sCanned Meats, Deviled and Potted

Meats, Sausage, &c.

Canned and Pickled Fish of all kinds inglass and tin.

Canned Vegetables of all kinds, both im-ported and domestic, from the

best packers.

PICKLES of every description, Olives, OliveOil, Catsups, Sauces, Salad

Dressing, &c.

Ross & Go's Imported Ginger Ale; Apol-linaris Water, and Dover agents for

Lincoln Lithia Water.

ulD any" »nd gl

of the above lettrs« diteoftlifs lut,


FORCE—YOUNG—la Dover, Aug. r,th, a ttlio parsonage ef tho Grace M. E. Church,by Hov. FreiLjilooin, John 0. Force, J r . ,and Laura B. Young, iwtU of Dover.

HICKS-TREMBERTH-In Dover, AugtutMtu. i i t the parsonage ot the Grace M? E.Church, byRav , Fred. Blooni, W. A. Hicksaud Mary X Tremlwrth, both of Fort Onuu.

C O L E - M I L T O N - I n Duvor, Auc. 1Mb, a t

ncn;, of

m, isG E E M A N

Mrs. Charles Downs, of HacbottstoiwnJing a week with bar daughter:Airs. Fred. Bwackhamer and son have boon

visiting old friouds in this communityA sorrlM of song was held lost Sabbathreuingln tho Lutheran Church, and was wall

attended.Miss Eona I t . Smith is spending a wook nt

Succagunua wllh her aunt. Mro, J . B. Bmlth.Rev. H. M. Voorheos, of High Bridge, a

fornior pastor of Uio Presbyterian Church,exchanged pulpits last Sabbath with Rev. T.F. Chambers.

Mrs. Joan M. Todd recently spent afew days'with friends a t Somcrvillo and Raritan

Mia Wack, or Mlddlo Valley, has bocnvtab-liig Wlso Gray.

WcnotlcoMr, C. B. Henderahot and wirehave returned from their annual vocation.

Mlsa Kate Morgan, Of Newark, la tho guestaf her fdstor, Mrs. Isaac Oorlaud.

Some of our young hula and locales took amoonlight rtroll to High Falls on Mondayevening. Wo bavo aotheard how-many pilotsUiey encountered on tho way.

Friends rrom Brooklyn nre being ontcrt*Inodat Mrs. Jacob IV. WUct's.

U Khiiur Hendershot hna been vlsitlnjt hiaer la our vilhiBU

ay alley, died a t bis borne anSunday last Ilia funeral was hold on Tues-day Morning,

Mrs. Morris Van Ncrdou It very HI withconsumption.

Master Fred, Myers Las bad tbe best ofluckfishing with rod and line. Hemndencntcliofsovorol flno baas in the Rockuway river oneday last week.

Mr, Stophon Dlckurson is hulldlog a newhouse and ataro, histoud of remocleliug tha olj"no, a i stated bv error Iu tho E R A of last wouk.

DenvUlo has bean well filled witli visitorsfrom Uie Eurroinidlnir towns for tlia past twoweeks. Those having frlcndii living near thscoiniigroundsliaveniadeuBoortheni. Itdoosseem OB If some people ought to know that theresldontfl af Denville would Uko to attend thoinuutiugH thcmselvw, instead of staying nthoaia to outui taiu viiltora.

CLEKK WANTED.A general clerk Ii wanted by

" OltAM, HASCE & CO.,•'y ; Port Onun, H. J.

• HOTEL FOE BENT. .Tho subscribers offer for rent the wull.knomi

FORT DRAM HOTEL,one of tho l»»t lintel Btnnds in this part ofMorris county, from Oct, Tib, For particu-

ORAM, HAN0K & CO.,v Port Orom, U, J.






brother l vilhiBU.Ouo oveniug during the fore part or last


Isina youtha vmnki«gonpofhi»K;ini-wcotlytri|«tog o

d on tha street IV.ilytrijwtowould kin


Jury.James Hand ville, vluago wheelwright.

Bared to the Town.The annual publication giving the school

data of the county boa been Issued by CountyBuperintcndont Cooper, and from itwewiabto note, simply an a matter of record, tintDovtr school district rocdved allowance thlayear in the apportionment of tbe State schoolmoulds tor tha 01 children who were overlook-t*l by District Clerk Harris when be took tbeoeusus, but which wore found by the ERA andafterword added. To ho exact, tbo work oftlao ERA In this matter sarud to toe town thomimof«»7.S8)wuIch otberwlBB would navebeen loot.

Tho crook* who liunooed farmw VanstekJeof Dtekortown, out of |3,«0 went from Uieroto Hamburg, wboro Uioj hired a rig of Mr.Smith tte hotel proprietor, whicb* they didnot return. The next day Mr. Smith receiveda telegram from Port Onun,-, saying bis horsewas at I*ta Hopafawng, and tie tollowhigday• totter dated at 3>over enclostog »io for the

lost a %-alualila hone last weeklUchanl Smith, wifo and family, hav« gone

on a trip to Fredonia, W. Y. Mr. "Smith'sbMlth hu-been failing him for nme time,tnereforoun) above trip.

XUISLS VALLEY.Misses Uillio Trimmer andNehlolIftnn have

been visiting tholr aunt a t Drakoevillo.Miss Kate Morgan, of Newark, has l*»n

spending a few dayi a t W m . B. Trinmer's.Miss I fd laDal lo rd has beeu eQUrtaininE

frfradafromllMktttirtowii. ^ ^ ^OmrgaAJinugh shot a large bird on the

mill pood tort Mondaj, wblch moasurou liveIn length, and six foot from tip t o t ip or i tswingi.

Miss Emma Park, of Eartloy. ia vhiOattfriends In town.

Miss Laura Llnell returned to ber home nearNewark, Ohio, last Thursday.

Master Albert Baker, of DraboviHe hasDoen spending a few days widFbl i grand-poronta hi thi* place.

Lenrnol Neighbour has purchased a Sue cowof AuitlnBcom.

Jin. Ouio, of Anuudalo, has been rlajhurdangbtor, Mrs. S. J. Carhart.

gcrtto this young man that ho upend afewmore years with his mama and cot stroll BOfar awny from homo.

Ills* hnuisa Hartley Is enjoying ft f «w dayswith Sirs. Floyd Weodliull, at Morristown.

Mrs. William Johnson, of Harlem, N. Y.,Is upending a couple of weeks with Mr*, Lyman

The lawn mower is serving its term with Itsusual push.

About forty of our town people attended thefair a t Cokesbury on Wednesday evening, andall were well pleased with tha female band

Mrs. Evoritt, or Dover, and Miss Fredericks,of South Orange, spent Wednesday a t tbohome of Mr. L. Kieo.

STANHOPE.Tbe Stanhope brass band is hnni-ovlng in

IUBIC. . . •Tbe Sussex fair, WD ore glad to see, Is ad-

vertlBod to be hobl again tliia year.Tbo llsv. Mr.'Audorson proacbod la thu

SUinhope i t . E. Church hut Sunday oToainfr.Tho Itov. Mr. Blch. of California, preachedmorning and evening in the Prosbytorian"hurch.

John Shiner, Deputy County Clerk of Sus-n x , made us a v td t on Tuesday. <

John D. Lowronco, of Uio firm of Lawronca& King, 1B now anjoying his mimmer voca-tion. Ho will step a t Niagara Foils awhile.M. R. King, hia partner, went t o Danville,Pa., by wagon and team, and returned lastSunday a wook ago. Bia family accompaniedhim.

Davy MJsol seems to enjoy hla saw safetybicycle hugely. lie-wight to have a doublo-seated ono and hunt up a partner for life.Wouldn't that bo nice, though T

Communion was hold in the Stanhope M. E .Church and eight probationers woro tokeninto full niomhenulp and fellowship by thepastor. Moro probationers will be taken infull membership soon.

. •: '•)•'•:- -.XtieaChutsdas.'10 «wt* fn r o d , w 73 MBU p u pfir, •* Ut^UT*fi>«nwXtorwSJ •

ICLLBl iOOX,0. K. Johnson, oar public school toacboL,

as moved hi Mrs. Emma Young's house, andis going to start school on Tuesday, Sep t 3d.We hope our children will like him, and thatbo will Ifke our children, for where there is amutual affection between teacher and scholars,tbo beat results a n accomplished.

Henry Tarlm and bis cousin, Geo. Brown,of Kant Orange, were visiting JosJah Parka*family on Sunday b u t

lira, OUlcn, of Boston, mother of A. D.Glllm, of this place, bos been vialUng rela-tives and friends In this vicinity tha nast-louth. .

Ur. Toed and family, of Newark, have beenspending same time in this place.

Mr. William Roilgon, of Nowark. has boonvisiting his parent* tbe past week.

W glid to soo Mr, Hcrson around

Tho Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Ituthcrford. andWin. D. Casterh^iB,of Fhlladelphia.oddresaedthe temperance meeting h u t Sunday after-noon. Mr. A . L. Clark also maile some earn-est remarks and true, which Boomed to exciteHome present very much. Mrs, Brooks wasleader. •

There seems to be quite a number of board-ora yot lingering around Sudd's U k e , althoughmany have left. . - - \ •• • • .

Thero was a free street row after the police-man retired from duty hut Saturday evening.Tho "famous^gotknockqdoutiuuiniai . -, Wai, D, CasUirUno and wife are stoppingwith Mrs. Haggle Baldwin as swnmnr guestsTMr. CaistarUne reddos in Fblladelphla, butformerly resided in Newton, and was a t onetimo local editor of the Sussex Register.

Tbo Trustees of tho South titauhope schoolbavo built an addition to the school buildinga much nooued linprovomont. Worh is pi



CALL AT PRANK COX'S STABLEfflWw • • • • ' . . .




Office haari:-9A u to 3<!•/• JiB 0. V


Rheumatic SpecificOCMFOUHDFJ) «ITH T a « OnEiTB


ilii^ Iron Sd.lktin. enr j iltp w.,cd OD joar ipcclSa

..koDmulim, dntinj mitli tin. enr j iltp w.,K palcrnl coin, I ci mmciiecd OD joar ipcclSa•nd now alter »row weolii, ukloff It filiurnllt. . .d.l.rf, 1 li.l but™ "i '"?*".? Luiline lor llio p.,t m „„, V f "

.l.rf, 1 li.l but i ?lor llio p.,t m „„,. VO

^ For uls bj lobnl Ki





(Eight Pieces,)

WITH 22x38






this iwolnUon

110.M0 to sell moat ofSlk™ ttal 1S1STrfUjrirm i ooeonllns to the frowSS S







1. k OARDSBR,T l l

grewdnjto 1 tho new building nt Stanhope.AIUCTJB.

.ujain.Ur. Davenport ii putting i

roof on bb wsgon bonw thhi mnew sheet iron


ladies of the Mlddlo Valley SandaywiU bold a lawn soda) on tLe «cbool

nds on Tuesday eveohr. Bent 3d.o Ubrary!

l U bold a lawn sohonso grounds on TuesdayProceed* for the bewfltof t

Porovd to Z i u v e Horns.63 lOnr 63 people wore totai to iMTs tbeli

tomei ynterdtr lo nil it their drugglil'i for* • • • o ( r.fug'1 Funijj MJ,)!.Ui*ldn«. If joni blocfl is bad. yoor liter __„•-•-* oat'of order, I f /on 'u i oonitipited

re br*Uobo MQ •noniighliy itbll to oalt on iny drajntli

• Udiei pnlss It, ETWj coo tiku It. l ^ »

A. D. Oillon is molting quita lome Improre-ment about bin placo hi tbo form of a n«wstone wall.

Tboro ara quite snino complaints heardabout Uio bad condition of the nxuli in thisvicinity, but I thick they ara about at goodat can ba expected from Ue amount of mowy4l-fttl» spent oa them. Mr. Cooper Intornu

D ttiat be rocelTW *35 to keep about flreilM of road Ia & puaublo condition, and ba

•aya If any ODD elaa about bore can do bettorthan that, they a n wolcomo to tfce.offlca ofrotui overseer. ^ . . .

There a a famOv in this place wbo think Ibecause Uioy live on a bill that they ara above_.u 1- _._ ,._,__ -• - fo,. t n jy

TBAB0. ,. . " John Hclitor found ona of his

horses dead in the stablo h u t week. I triuite a loss to him.

Samuel Francis and ytila, from Boonton,spent Sunday h u t with some of bis friends'bis place.' .

While In church on Sunday last I noticedthat Uio trustee* bad placed ia the pulpit anow Bible and hymn book; also a mow hymn!xx>k for the organist, which was needed vorymuch. -

•Tomes Rico, a son of Tfaos. Rice, received _cry bad hurt white playing on tin trestle of

tho coal dock on Saturday last, try falling offtbo His haatl ctunB in contact wf Ui thiUmber as he vrns falling. He Is recoveringvery slowly. , ' " ' ••

The excursion w i t went from here en Mon-day last was one nf tbe largest that ever wentfrom" bore. WhOo 'wandering about herothrough tho day I could hardly ftnil any per-son. I t looked Ilka a fonaVon place; fctwhenthey came back It was qulto a lively scone to

pttaar people, who llvo below them,have been to the habit lately pi. rv-otheir sawentgo tlopi in • iprinK-mn, mgnrd-lenof tho health of Ihelr nobhbon belowthem. Tboy bave tx*n caught a t Itthan ODCB, i n d I tl»l»k If "-— *- —* -thant will ba tnn on Uw

HoopskirU Aralnj may came into style, but it is hopod not Thotmiuformation which will bring back thatstyle ot crinolines ought to ho indefinitelypostponed. TruisfornutJons In tbe brailtl,of thousands cf women throughout the coun-try h a n Utorn place during the post tewyuan. Fate, haggard, and dispirited, theyliavo became briehtxyed and fcealthy. Thewcrat!' Ur, Kcrce's Farorita Prescrlptloi

amoBKFtlw"«aintij*l1lcncllnia •U $"»* chronic "woaknogra. ' T ^ Q U O H : ^aaddistreadiig ailmenbi peculiar to women.

1 NOTICE.Tho Eaudolph : TownBbipj

Committee will meet in theEngine House, Dover. N. J., onTHURSDAY, Sept. 24th; 1800,

t 180 ' l k i

HORRI8TOW1V, ti, J.,


PreiWent-^HKKer W. BILtKB.Vle« PnaId«Dl-ADBSLlD8 B. BULL.


Btaij d PitMv: UnrrW.HUton'"'AmustDi aOanOald, Annliai li. Hall.Binpinn o I b r b . Philip D HoffmanCb«. Y. Bw«, IL D. Jobn

PC.BMH,™ '

• ABnETB. ;" . ;.• ;,.

and adjust all olaims for dam-ages done to sheep in the town-efilpbydoge. All bills ibrauohdamages must be presented at «•» -1«™ ««> opporBmiwL«t h n f t i « i a * ' n W/I1TIT graiKleit trotting events uiat bavitnattime. 0. JOJfN, laco in UieBtafi of Hew Jersey.iw_ gowaahip Clerk.

Biirploi .

Please write to us and we will come andsee you and give you an estimate.







Mauch Chunk, Glen Onoko andSwitchback R, R,


Three minute dan, 11 eutrit*

2riM cloas, 10 cubit*.

mlM the otiporttinity to witness tho I Jnljof «iok j iwf t* n thet .„..!.._ • i - . j - / . rup token UloM iU montlii kntliitM.- , ... . , •

ids on «r W a n UsStdVri ofv , _ r . J,Jolj u d OotoberttrawlD>«rtit i

Inn thi Bnt d»js of laid MaithtBUIK1KO I10DUS

9. A . K. to i p. H . daily, and 7 to 9 P . M. flttnr-d.j

M l ,

&S7 dim, 11 cntriii.

2-M class, 13 a t r i a

Free-for-all trotting, 7 entries, Indod-. ing the best horse? tliat have





euoii AS

Caiiol ToBina, . Oaiaid PcaeVu,'. -*



. . . . . ., .|LunboVSjmo»Y Henlwfc.Chsrtiffit

230 daa, 8 mtria. :H A R D WOODxtiMBEa,:;

J^l«w- Kcrtk Ouollna ant White PfB*WblU Wwd,•tuaing,: VlntivK: ?e«ol"J;

Hobokeii, N. J.


is WORTH aEEroaf , Utoim^e^;x»b&z:$&?&lv£• WaelalBitoMrrTaT«TTtlilii|bptiBC«.ll

[ track, 80 cents. OOOD OS AU.TBAIKB. I ; , . ' ~ t (nnicfllusOKim.* |


. Turtaj, ••;,



' ' "' '"'.fSMip;


FRAZEE, GONNET & Co.Central Dry Goads Store,

No. 683 BROAD St.,Batmtn Wnt Paid' uid Cedir sti.



'/ '• ';;;SALEI

Dntxor Fnoir f a s HiLtu.

imr no DI A«D BUT vttmi nr nn cm

W, E BAironos ";

Ii V n f i y rlvaa t b i t tiitra will lt'<i $, mt^tlnttortbn OonntT B o n d «r EwmlofMof MorHi

n t t r f t t a l M f d K t M f«r

EMh' appllflKiVfcV- a :wrtlfiut« -alis' 'prtamtuawljM&Mo'alook'Ailln.''_._:>.; r :

Friday. Aug. 29,189O.o ptihe f.lit Offlct »t Dover, »,


Tho SUBSOX Fair will open Oct. 7th.The new Bchool year besias next Tuesday,Monday next is Labor Day, and it is a

h o l i d a y . ' ' > • . ':"•/•".•..

Tho ML Hope school will open on Tuoeda;

The Teachers* Examination will ue held

Bmll Stamp! and Fred. Johnson haieach bought a bicycle,,.. 'j\-z

Madison has disposed of Jta«lM)tOOO worth

Paul Vettex took a 4)tf pound pickerelCroon Pond on Monday,-;.-

Tbo weather went crookod again at . 1opening of camp meeting.-'- ,-.i-'-' ',.

Morris county peaches broughVlS a baakelat wholesalebut Saturday. ' ; .

The Common Council will moot to-nightHoloct a town registry board. . • ; . . . _ •

Several eicurdom-wJIl v'lfcft Lako Hopornig on I*bw Dny, next Monday,

Hates Pargavel alone sold $3Tfi worthtickett fortbe.ConductorB'OHnirsifln. .- ••

The proposed now town hall in Morrtstownis like Kooly's motor—It doesn't seam, to go.

An-exchange^says tha t . ' ' t he dudes ancatching on to the bellyband hi great shape.'

The Dover Wafer Company luuiliepipestho ground for,Uie. extension'of their, waterm a i n s . • - . : - ' ^ < v \ •'•-;'•••••'. • . •; • •. •

Jan. Boekrow will hulld a new bonsnBergen street, ad joining that of Cbas, H>Eagles./:.. ;-•"; '.•, '^-.' : ' .>. , '

A now counterfeit tea cent piece b i n circu-lation, and to dimcult to dectoct from theg e n u i n e . . . - . '•. --','•..!.'.'• '•/•'...:"-' _ ' - "

Tbe employees of an Elisabeth ship yard willmake an excursloh to Lake Hopatcong next

An atbletio club bos been organized in Rock-away with. boadquar()9ra over tlw atoro of H.a T u t t l a A ^ v - ' ;-'V;v.•...:•;_,• . v . - - ;

Mr. John B. Eyram has boughtn Una lotonthe Colles tract, Horristbwn, upon which tie

The striksT on/ the New York .Contra! haslargely Increased the milk shipments over thoL o c k a w a n n a . ' : " ' , ' . " ' . i- ' '1" I ' . ' " - ' 1 • ' !,';'-••• "

Several New Yorkers havopurcimsod build-ing lots at Liikij Doninarb. on which Uioy wille r e c t P o t t B g * i . " V ; '•', ; "',• _-.; .-. * •';.

Aid. J J. Vmlinfl is eniiUnp; torgs coolchutes at Hinisink for the Ksnyll' Coal' andL u m b e r C o m p a n y , ' •".- ';•"••'• . -

Bear in nunenibrnnco tho feaUval of the Y.M.;0.;A;!to-inorrow evening, They era pro-paring for a fine time. ; ; : :'," . . .

Tlio 8, GriniUi AaaoulatJon of Lackawannaemployees is innlrtiig IU annual excursion toLake HopatedaB; to-day,': ;•'."•: '..•.•'•

,TUQ flrst flttyper Gent of tbo amounts sub-scribed for tboraljrondextonalohto Mondkainaro being paid In rapidly,, 1 -•: . .-•-.' The first t i i ln Dntjjo nnw-braiioh of'thePOBBOIO & Delaware R, R, toBodoilnlstorwaarun Jost Fridayafternoon,yv ",.<] ••' :.'-,\\'

The Hotel Breelln was so fall of guestsSaturday evening that appUoants for roomswukl not jbo accommodated. ',''• •;"'; ;"" . '•

In a polo match at Newport last Friday theMorristown Polo Club was beaten, by theMyopias,'by a soora of H to 4, \ ; ;. ','•','•

Tlia nierctiry fujl to £0 (logrpes last' Satur-day audio B3 in the'evenlngi at which point itremained till Sunday mondnfr,,' •.-'.: ' -.'• "

A'pu^^f 's lxwoU mounted Phlladdphlanespent last Sunday, at the Lake, and tholr fluehorsw'nttraotadmachattention.' ,.;

. W a r n Surnburger his bought of BorouclCow,' for! *02-Va lot on the West side of Hud.Boo;8.treo^"jthldihewf]l build,- *!,>$)'£)•,.;' The' RocJawa^Wwiwhlp1 Committee haveflied an anriaal license fee; "of flO for packpedlarsand 125forfragonpodlAr&l,•<;. .-:A-

. \'-, Branch No. 3, of the A. o! H.( Is arrangingfor n fin*! dancing entertainment In Bt Mary's

Mr. ThamaaM. F. Kandolpb. has purchase- farm now UtUeton ot about HO a c mwill work it himself..

"Mfthlon Pituey hni purchased tlw lot tu»«tho Fonda place, in Morrintown. of Mr.O. Marsh, who originally paid «4,00O far

The Board- rf Euglnosr., gf Uorrlrtowihave finally xoBolved to rejaot tho name« oWlnfleld West and John Denmanas foremenof Uio two steainar oompnnies.

The annual subscription hop came off atHeath boon, EScbooley's Honntaln, last Bator-day night. A feature was tho' illuminationof " the circle " by weans of colored fins,

Bev.Janies R. DiyoDjOf St. Paul's H . EChurch, aad Rav. Vm. Day will exohange

lpita next Babbath. Mr. Bryan will preaan^ Uie First Church a t 10^0 A. JL aw) 7^5

Every comrade of MoDavlt Poet, Isquwtcd to be presant a t tie meeting Sept. Gth,to make arrangements with Torbet Pu t , ofMorriitown, for an exourdon to Lake Hopatr

The Bimirilrm of the Holy Name Society,81, fiornard'a Church, l i t . Hope, to IHopatuung on Monday, w&s a very largo <and was successful aun enjoyablo in everytfoular. .

Tho corporate title of tlio Baptist Church aMt Olive, which has always been known atho "SchoolBy's Mountain BnpUat Church,'hoaLeonchangud to the " M t Olive Baptist^hnrvh." ,

The Now Jerooy and Ponnsylratila Conooitmtiug Worka, ot which Thou. A. Edison liProsidout, with plant a t OgdatMino, have in-creased their capital stock from 1250,0004350,000. . .

The contingent of the M. ft B. EmployeesMutual BcnoQt Association attbteplaaeiilnnflourlshlueoonditlon. The total membowblphere, deluding the car Bbujw and Oovw stJon, Is over 850. •• - ., ;. : •

The inannat of instractlan for election -fleers, which the Secretary fit Btata bad hadprepared by Major James Yard, of Freehold,is now in typo, mid will la re*dy for dl

uttonthe latter part of n*xtWook,r.: .'Tho YDungMea'iiCathollo IJIorary Anocio-

tlon ofJaiiabetli will inake their animal targetexenndon to Uorristown on Monday, Beptom-bcrlet. After.th9 shoot an ekbonto dinnerwill bo given to the association and guesta.

. Biro Bros, bare shipped to Oermany tha bayriding Majolica, record S.10, the mare KUa

J., Flefltetejw ana anunnambdwiTol guiding.Tbe horm have been purcbaaed by Gormanparties, who will use them in trotting mow.

Tbo storm on Tuesday night drove tho fish

!roni tbo Force pood at Fl&ndnrs dawn into-ho mill roco and n Hue catch was made nextlornlng by MastorB Itobert ondOebrge Lyon,I Newark, who aro summering- In Flanders.Tbo members of HortulesEagino Co., Va. B,

'tSattan, will cciebi'i;i& MM UUILU naulvors-iry of tbufr orsarJ*n(!ou at ibu Coclinmlouae on trlday eroalcg of next wtulc We

' ;e \iih tluuilu the rwclptof an In-

Spooking of a;dinner tho Newark CameraHub partook ol at Vortman's the Ctdl Bays;Tbe dinner was a surprise to all who had

lever stopped at;. Vcrtumn's before. In[uantity and quality it excollod auy spread

club ever bad on any of Its raemerousings."'.".'1 .':,.",•. . .:' • : / .' . -.:'. ,' '

Hopocoa .Tribe, I. O. It, H.t ot Port Oiam,111 observe LttborOaywiUiagroud festivali tho Pine Grovonext Monday afternoon and'enlng. A game of hue (tall tor aprhw of

HO wtHbopUyod'ftt 9 .F.,M., Ka)«a-.;BroB'irchoatra ni|l furnish tnualafori^ancing, andbore will bo rofrosbmeuta nnd. all the'othbr

ilremduts of a good timo,TUoaunualLuwn Fovtjva|of tho ladies of10 Ciiryeta) Street Chappt, wi|l be hold ou

it street, opposite the hoqso of Mr. Pedrick,

upper will bo provided for the very low rato/ SO oonU for adults and ldpantflfor cbildron,

rof roejimonta, gamee au<) pastlnies will bo•Mod, A good thuo (a aamrnl and all are

The V, P. B,.'a' p f of die' Presbyterianliurch w|ll:,hold an (ce (ireoip anU;4»adytivnl •(n tho lecture room of U^ohurchonIday evening; Auy., fiUi.Day1*'loo oreain,

f ^ T b ^ ^ V o l t e t i b ^ f w ^ Y e n K m b ^•;'tb JobiiM.f;Tuniii Whioh'liai not bwarepajred

In sixity.'yeaffl and yet keeps good tiino, :_') -';•* :

tTbeCAilfoncreamoiy-fonacVly conducted1 b b

tTbeCAilfoncreamoiyfonacVly conducted• by WDL:a,Naugbright, 1Jnow. beingim by;

Low;-:noTmau add lUchsrd FhUhower. : - . :;..:'vTieJirjiiaidw,! ot Newark,- gave^(heMorria,-dIub a gnat scald aVlIorrlstowri hut '.Batiitvday, I M ^ I ^ thro fay a ra^

farm, formerly ovrnodi by Bilas DeII,*to'hlgbrothor, Blla* Co^v btUhlorirflle, W, t ^ \ . ,

.' AWnDiyInan;'-Naughrieut^.b talkiiig of. building an:loo:house and creamery la tho

moadqw-ll6 P V i l t F t a d i V 'TbB^.a^o^/tolwigto^/

Sunday •ehool .to Lake Hopatooog on Tuesdaycarried, ay;4r^)0 people from'that ptaoe aluuei.' Thei ory/afim iidptyTreaBuryseomi ridicu-lousVwb^tlia'g^Tertuneiitut.biiylng ite ownbondsaudglvlngtheboldor a yoarti interest.

*• Lost $ttadar!>nw the'cobieatfAngust dayover recorded Inlibfa' Vicinity "sinco the. n , p.-Sli^r»W»loebesanit«re<»nl nluotwrnyears ggRtwork o y;ttact reconUypiirchased by Iftmpr B, Boieau-

Wlth '.'UMI;- porniiiiaon of'Jack Fjwst, thehuclmhedbT.orpp"will be n largo.ono. Thoprpaent onndltion of tbo fields it vary pranuV

' two -townihipfl - at Cumberland • county, vptod to chaee a; Hrjubr, Uooniie for •S.OflO un-

der ihp^cr ta lawj wiilch is practtwllypro-

••••*;fii furnished;two flne.flagB' which tip O . U ' A , : H . ^ will present to the

- " - l -Union Bchools next Monday

-•'.•. ChanoeUor Mcpill ' ^>»K>ppoIn tod ilrl: aeo.,C.lfihawT:r*»iTor;;ofithe1 dBfunct Wy-

nocUalrah 'CmapmfiTUn company failed

. _ , . _ . _ — j n r e i p w t ; to pick- "4,000 baJcoti- from' -their' peann orobardaln

Morrl*, flosaaxvaM^arrfln-iKiunU^, and in

' Vfip.JL.',VI'tJ]aTf of ITowton, who lost a' bono, found he bad tbrayed to tho Morri (town

wator works, whore he had boon in use during

AustinAyeral a^MorHatown'wrokb,' boathis grandmother, aged TO yeara,'becaoBo htabr«ikfafltdMnotplBsu«hlin,"and;l»IuUl'llh-'

Toe neir election law providaa that election' oUcarifor munfcinaliaoa shall bo appointed. by tha goVonilng bodlM of such municipalities

re ^ t i k t ; ; ^ ^ ; ^ : ; ; . ; ; ; , . : . .• -r: p.LI^Bi^ynn^rf I roi la ;k Wkrginetbeoldpond and maklngnrood acrpea thedoin,' thnfl

• cutting Rwaj aboht flftson feet' of the gradeb j ^ | I N ^ ' ' ' ' "'

for Its registry board .Win. Brown and JamesH- Hoil]y, RepublJcaas, and N. 8. VnoDnyne

; d J h ^ H ^ ' I ^ t ; V ^ : ; ^ ; :

^ernotonTu^iaii/ appointed asnOir-.CoaniujBionerB' of Dc«da Honry P.ndT)r^WrA:Green, of Chester, and

rfMtplI^'^li;;^-/T . B i i g e M T h ^ r f M t . p l I ^ ^ l i . ; . ; - ^ /' ' :• Peter Fiineganv am of Martiil Fnwcgiu^ of

UtHopDJ.-waii aererely hnrt lnEaat Orangey » fall t»fao feet fromaicaf-

tbtdlY^tmOra.of ro^&nd por»nlpropertj in'iforrlsUiwji, According to the taxduplieatft,ii'|T10!»,T50.; TUB tax rate li thirty-

p p ^ ; p g eaid MwrirThnm;-which was boiiaht last weelcb/J:H:i^entJnefar«^),000IbsiiIdtohaTr

. A^coniini to, ^ , B W / . o I o c t i b n l ,* naminailDns for pnbjlo o(E«i mart, be njadfl a

^ .l^Vfortiyda'ysbcfore'eJccUon, whichinoan"_thta'jw.nbt tater Una paptember ffith.' ' •

• r A s ' w M t a s « n liy'adTortisoajont tho'wellVnrtbWiifrat, Mr, Ja*,

M o t t h o i r . W r i n g d e e d e d to roUre f rom Uis i -"'..' ness (m aoijotth^[it t h n Ulnossof h is w i f e ; ' " "

;.;. to wn^Jp'camniittic, and will hereof tor a;?)'aU dlidi^£j)erscuu'withoata

wn.f mrfwiolns a •rrtesbr«pnini: oodalterations' which; when' corapMcd, will

gi^UiUt.proTetUpftraow of tbohall

arrived them the place was still partly filledwith smoke and there worn no lights to be•ion. Under the circumstances ho wouldhave bteti justlltod In making a hasty retreat,but his anxiety for the men was keen, andwith groat countgo he groped his way throughtho darkness aud aiuuka tu search of ttwm.To his horror and surprise he first came acrosstbe dead body of Frank Duffy, which was Ina sitting iweturo and loaniugoa a pleco of ore.Ue pnrniod his search a littlo furthor andabout ten fuot below camo acromt tlio body ofJoutos Mit^hull, alw dtud, whiuh Lara theappoaranoo of n, man lying down asloop. HooonTeyod tho sad Intolllgunce tu bin comrwlesabove aud the dead bodtw ot tbo man weruremoved from the mine. Justice John Cook

s summoned and gnvo an order for tholrremoral to their homos.

At V oSdock on Tuesday morning Hii[mrin-tondent h. O. Blerwirth and Uossrs. Richards,Hill, Cook, Peneluna, Tonltlng and Kaiserwent into the mine to ascertain if possibletho causes of such a serious occldout. As uasboou stated, it was a wot place, aud Ins

^ Uio action of the powder hi looseningDa uiunnt bo determined, it being apt

BomoUmea to tako nil eutirely dlltorent dlreo-Uon from UIAI .Intended. In this inatanco itevltleutly luowned a piece of oru, weighingtboub a ton, in tbo banging wall overhead. If-bo mou hod waited till the smoke cloarod

ray thU daugerous plow might have oeonIbcoveroil. But it is supposed that In thslrlurry to conclude then: work as soon as theIOIOS went oft they wont to the treost beforeho smoke cleared off, and while gropingiromid In tho darko-ssa wore struck by theoiling of tho ore which tho bolos did nut

undown. A pick which laid by tho side ofiQ-ylaulcaiod that ihoy mlgbt havs been

oxandnuig It wLea it tell It Is thought theheavy rock first struck puffy In tho back, abcu Btruclf Mtclio.ll in ilm IM.1, '*.\*KU

I oft tha BtiiU. ny-.ttfk bact, l*Hb hi* legHafracturod, whilt Mitchell's

neck and oue leg were broken. In botu casctjdeath was doubtless instantaneous. Afterviewing tbo promisee and reaching them con-clusions Justice Cook decided that tho acci-dent was ooa that could not nave been pro-vented by any precaution on Uie port ofithora and decided that an inquest was unnoo-

The place where It occurred was onoi.considered very safe, and no miner

ould have thought that be could, have'orltod In a.locality more secure. ; ' ': ;James Mitchell was 89 yours of ago t^vosawuTe and three-children. l ie wa

hard working, Industrious man, of excelbwtcharacter anil quiet way* and the estesm Inwhich bo was hold throughout (bocommunity

'an general, lie had J net joined HopopcqTribe'of Hod Men,' but post unfortunatelybod not bean a member Joii^ enougji to cnt|tlflbis faniify to rece|vo. benouts.. Prank Duffy

as a single man, 27 years o)d; Ho, too, WASstcomod as induitrfous aud honest, am) hod.groat nuuiy warm persona} frjendB anjorg

l a a c q u a u i t a n p e g , - ' , ••'.."••-••' ,

Tho funpmls of'both. fflon worp bp]d on. ffl lJ y w f .yranlf puffy (roju J

Mary's Ohurch, Dover, a t 10 A. M., and thatf J M i t h H ' f St J h ' U fi

will be proridal. . The. proflti are toirt a hHllding fund tor Uie ireotlon of a nowroh.' The occasion will also offer anop-

)rtualty to the oongrogntlon to welcome Hov.H l l l from.Wi vacation, ;' -...,';

Our Corii-reatman on &!• UrnThe Demoeratlo fllibuiterlni;' and obstruo-

lonlst tactics, wblcb hare jnulo so many boergarden scenes in Congrens of late resulted onMonday In a bigger row than uaut], Cannon,of nilnpls, for mitny yearsicne ot tie-tobetourtoous men in fho House, became ovor-wi-.sperolod Vt the nagging of. UoAdoo, of New'erapy, and replied in language more forcible

' piilltei In, iiie twraolL ^lat foUowedin," of Waahington, an$ Qeckwith, of this

listrlct,' bscama^uiilecly J(«brollo<l In hotrordi and struck at each othor,.hut were sop-iratod before any harm was done. The whole

. _ . ; . r : . . . „•_". rf-.V.i .=•:-..« . . . . . w e r o ' a ^

The Condaotori'.Bxraraloii, *Titylur Council of'.the Independent

Uer of Railway Conductor^,'which Includespst'bC the conductAi-a of theM. & .£.- Dlvl-

made their first annual excimdon to Olonid on Tuesday laat, and largo numbers of

plofromullthe towns a!ong>tho:Jhia In,nrris county accoiapanlod i t , Three specialunH,-nuiuuwIug &i curs, wttiy lu'u,: tunl allJrocrovnJcd. Tlie l»(g a(eftinor Bom Sloan,

not Butndout to carry'ths party, ami thentaom'er Howard Carro)! bod to be'added.Thnurnlxir of pa»nngarB:reKtst<rBd'Dnl»Ui

tswoaovorU.BOO, anil all prostmtVoMitof tho fbiost and bpst oondaatoil exour*a they liad over attendod. <'':'-.-

V: l i Wght H t v e Been I f nrder. , ,'3won Ogdoa, hailing from BUMOJ, Trout tot Tabor last Sunday and In someway un-unrnbecoma loaded with bng juice. A t the^tVUw^vonipg. l ie asmultod • Win.- Deri-[mn,lof Morriifowt, wbo promptly knockedto down, mien Ogdoil got himself togethori d rose to his foot lie iliougtit another young

^ J h i l l h d L i t b l . He

w a revolver, cocked it, and thnitt It Infaoe, but Kalloy quiokly knocked him

wn'. As' soon as he could recover lio ngaiflvol«i his', revolver "and tfils time flrod

, the ball narrowly tnualiig some ladl

William 'VanNosa, flf toeu year* old, of Boon*DnVjournsyBd to Newark on Tuesday m ftlanol boat to visit bis ancle. Not being able,

tho address of hit relative, bo lay downsleep for tlienlgbt in a Uallway at the

nor ot Market and Broad streets.' Two rtrootgamins foil In with the Boonton youth andgtole his watch, revolver andmas»y. WilUuri

jbling and Bonjftmln.Colller,'bootblack*od nowiboys, were' arrosted fdr having rob-ed VanNess. They admitted Utah- guilt and

committed for trial. V ,;- . : : • .'".

.:' The Omltli Family Pio-nle., "The annual tdc-nio of tha' Bmith'' family at

on "WodnoHlay w a i u usual a 'tre-i ftffftlr, and attracted great crowds of

Kjplo. There was banil niudo and appropri-a exercises and an oraUon by Jox Q. Bergen,1 Satnerkvtllo. There are said to be about two

ibotwuki rfescondante of: the original-Mr;Smith, of PEaprck, now living. IHo, hhnsolf,!iad Bovenloen children, and flftydnven grand:

jldren. Tboy wore all long-lirai, and utethem Und'to >o 1(M ysen old. All of tbo

children lived to bs over'«, ' '

Injured in" tha Kine. ';\ .Andrew Larson/aSwodei was severely hurti the mine* of JoBaph Wluuiou at Hibomla.

onThnrsday. He was taklaffa keg of pow-der" out'of a bucket and callad to tbe tnan*

>vo io lift the bucket,. At thp BBino ttmahadbji lootovor tbesltjo otUie.bupket,

^ when it was lifted he w« thrown oatandfell adlstancb of about th|rtv feet,' His shook

Was broken' by tbo fall and adeop gnsbmQIcted acrosi the top of tbo nose.

Bowell's ice cream aol Quyjnilj bejnld a t WK> V- V, P. A. fm

atDrfayeronliW, Aug. DOto, m t t orlna. People from the neighboring vidnlty,ho cannot remain for thoevenlae, may have

njna attention offered them fnan thraodock-tfMrikir.: Dont forgotthattbiiwUltoo grindMt aKtiva' °* the sc

-' .; ; Oreat Eadnotton,Thl» wpatln price of all Pocket rKnlv« a

3eriy &CrfsHardware Store, Dovor.. Nowalhetlmbtobuy,: ' ••-"-•*•- *

ft Hajnlln Orffana and XUnot,



A dlslreeilimly faW aocUent, and yot owhich uo pii>uautlau or fore kuowledgo ou thep v t of employer* could have provmiUnI, oo-ourrod In tfaa Hurd mine at Port Oram, oper-ated by Uio New Jersey iron Mining Company,at a very uarly hour on Tuesday morning.TUB unfortunate victims of the disaster wereJama. MUehall aud Frank Daffy, two expe-rienced miners. As they werework in a wot place, - and

~ ADl«trauln«Aooldei>i, .Mrs. Clark, ot Harris flains, wltols keeping

ousn at Mt. Kreedoiu for her parents, Mre. 8. D. Youiiga, while they art absentt a WnsUru trip, went hut Friday with her

Illtle daughter aged H years, to visit herBister, Mil. Demorest, who lives hi the


Tlie school yixii- bujjltw unit Tumday uudPrincipal J. T, Coriew and tbe Trustee* of

J Dov ur Dlstrk-t hare been making prcijamtlonaBams neighborhood. A t tbe same timo Ur*. tor a sueoestf ul inauguraUau of the work.Oeo. WoUo, who ulst Uves in that neighbor- The building Is as frculi and cloau from tap tohoud, and Is Ukewbie a siater of iSia. Chu-k and bottom on new paint, wliitewasb and thoroughMis. Demareflt, io'ucd them for tUa purpose of j scruiibing can uiakoit, tlie principal's room•pending the day. In the eoun» of the day a j has boon rocarpeted and othorwlse adornod,

a t rsmdvor -m* touod and laid out with tbo and new books havo boon pi* i . ™ ^ .T -••-—• ;—:• to B9* - Btatamont that it w*a empty. Junt aflor, fl^ecUve work in the various grades. Someotthrough, they asked permission when staiUng cUnn,,,. the niece got hold of UIB revolver, the text books provided aro entirely now.fea-in to work on Monday iiigut to do all their} and playfully pointing it toward Urn. Young, I turw, and at oncework boforo oamnuc UD out of the mina. i t I aaM ti A ««» . i i. • . n »_ »t_i v I

mmioiul attontiou by it

bdug the rule f or tlie man to come up at mid-«tun^d about to see what was wanted of hernight for suppur. Thoy were given the de- the revolver went off and the bullet entered

, I T ^ O a a n d c o n 8 e ( lu e i l Uy >» «!«"" tlw side of her bead, just about™ «»because they did not come up with behind ths ansle of hor rtebt eye* ° ? n . Atia.J»A.M.twodistinctbla8ta ^ ^ Z ^ X ^ X ^t stinct blast*

e heard anil at 1 o'cJock Petor renelnna,thj chargonuu.; went dlrocUy to the placewliero theao mi 0 working, l\"hou he

ton of tholr vory evident uUlity. Aiuougthem are "The Story of Our Country," avory ptea&antnarraUvothatrdleve* tlio studyof hltttory of all drynuu anil awaktiH nuabsorbing Interest hi UiopupUej "Tbo BuvtmLittlo Siateru," a story in grogrnpby tlmt iin-purl* iuformatloa while it ouUjrtaius;

Knowing-• was severely hurt, although nat

snfforlng much pain, Mrs. "Wolfe wentoutanduntlsd tor horao, Lftol her carriage about intho rood, und thun drovo to iior liouio, fromwLonoo aho summouod Pr. Coudlct of Duvor,and Dr. Taylor, of Buccaeunna, to attend her.Tuny Insertei a probe for two Incbeo, but didnot touch the balL Boms of tho vitius werecut, coualngodlscolorodswolliug ovor Uio oyo,Dr. Wolfe, of .Fatenon, arrived Saturdaymorning, and It was decided, to remove Mrs.•Wolfe to St. Mlcliael1* H»pital, hi Newark,to which placo «lio ww taken on. Saturday j to asald't tlwni inUielr work,aftui-noou. I t was then Uiought tbut tin ball The tnutuuH have" nlsii inado anothur ImwaalodgoddlreoUy behind tho eye, that tho l»rUuitdq«i-turehisocuiiiig tbaili-Mt Hooroi

WHAT NEXT F .To TIIE Punuc:—A fuw uiontla slnoumica In town were greatly ixmcoruwl

whether I uouhl ruinitln here on proprietor ufthe 1'oik HoU'l. That uhaso of Intei^t hav-ing been Mttlal, I wm 8Ur])ris«l to lou-o lastweek that partius had ulrculaUia report* totbo effect tluit I was on the verge of an as-signment. They argued that I hod expendedconiiderable sums of money In tha equipmentof my now livery establndinwuit and hi thefurnishing uf tho building hi which Mrs.Smith conducts a restaurant They were alsopositive of tho fact that to meet these outlaysI had gtvon notes of considerable amount)that Uiww notes were about, maturing, _tuatlwasuttorlyuanliletomeetthoai. The]even went EO far as to inquire of my kndlortIf I luul paid my rent. Tho appointment ofan awduuiM wua the unly thing weeded to com-pleto my (Icajiclol dowufoll, and I was ovennaked who would be the party to summiposition. To tost tho eztont of this g<



Fred. Cox would up hliPark.

a slnillar purpose under luu guts* of epleasant narrative, and ' ' Our Vorld,"also lavefits the study of grogrflpby witU aninteres takln to that uf a very pleasant story.With 8U<:h works the'acquiring uf infurmiLUobwowcfl rathor a postlmo Uian a profuuutor;task which tho scholar of ton loams to dislike,Sew authorities, text books and globes LavinlflO boon placed on the dusks of

g y t y ,Sight of that eyowoulJ bo da.troyod,anatlmJt would bo necessary to remove tho eye inordertoextracttlieball. Although the Woundwas a serious one Mrs. Wolfe's condition wsuch as to ji»Ufy the hope that tho camquonces would not extend beyond the toestho 0110 eye, . . . .

y , , ,James MitcheH '-fronr St.- John's U.

iurcti| Port Ornm, Qt 3 P t If,,. I<arge ooihs of friends dtien^Pd botb funerals and

l bi ^Pd b ls

Bervloestnboth L « M were very affwti. i , * 1 ; . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . J . ^ I - I . . . i ' i . - i . . - • " • > ,

;"';v Oo^orsJ'Ooopai'BBadg*^':'"'!Corporal Engone J. poopor b the sucoenfulrkunan of Oompany G In tMs year's com*

itiUon forthadUion's Podge, and will carryb»it«ul, trophy for * year, at least.

, frDunhain, who won tho badge larttk*»hoot>4iassw'»Utt1 tOit

eondhi^ with llghtm'iig-like rupldlLy fromthree to five thousand foot, tbe daring Frofes-wr cute loose from his balloon and wltli blaIiaracliuto soils gracefully to tha earth, pro*Tiding the grand oat and most sublims, as wellaa tbe moat thriluag and awe inspiring ej>oc-tade ever witnessed by the human eye.

r "Hew Hotel at Woodport,'Frooholdor Thomas Bright bos bod a won,

derfu]ly successful Biuniqor soqsou qt thowell-known Woodport Houso, antl |s at tboprosont tjmp entortnhi]ng about UJrty.ilvoguotta.,; This has boon really tho ur&Cyoar.that Uio ploco has boon nyujo on]»clqlly aSunnner resort; bat Uio sucooaa wblcb bosUttondetl It hits tod &fr. Bright Ui (tutornihwto begin tiu> fa]l tb.o ereoMon of a Ifli-go nowhoto| to ftfloommodato this trade fn tb« future,t, wl)l be located, cjlrectly apro^a the way

from the premht fdjfloe, upon o> sjta wh{chwi)l oonuqand a Tory fine v|ew of .Xialfe Ho?pfttoong. I t wHl bo fqur Btorios hjgb, no((ucludlng btwuent, ,wil| ooiita4a forty rdomialiove tho groand,^nd'will ^ sunpljedwithall mod,orn Qonvonjonoes and comforte. A\\the o)d barns and sl^ala wilt be token aivayand a large new born will be erected on tlieleft side of the mad, so that the wbolo estalv,liahmfnt will be enth^ly nqw an4 U)odorn\ I tl4aliQOOntautDlate4ta tleepen tlwobaunsl oftiie little Uke, so that itaamboatfl aw run tothe hotel, which' oan be dona a t not very greatexpanse, A> WahJ,; SmlUi's steamer made thepsasage but Friday, with a par^y of flftoonpeoplo oh board,.,^Another year the Wood-port end of the lake will team with Bummorlife and'.wilt be one of tho most attraoUvoparts of this deligbUul resort...." *•

iyea^IJTOtenant Dunham andper tied w^th a ecore p(23in^tliB>rlguisl

oontott, but In shooting off tbe oontert Llaut>Dunham won the badgo with a sboreoT S8,rhicb Is just the same as Corpora! Cooper1!rinnlng score of this year. -' Last Saturday was the final, day for.theeompolitibn tills year. A eold, drialing rolttwas falling, and a strong galo was blowing

Irectly aerosa the ranges, making high sooreiImwt -imposiiblel'TOnly Uireo nwn Went to

xit under these adverse condttioCB, but Uieare* of two wore' very creditoble under the^umstances. The following was Hie result:

' ' • ' v • COOyds.. B00yda-' .Total. . . j.Loaheyfl888S-1S 8iOS(K-I0 ; 2fl,

torg't J.Chrystal 4 8 4 4 4-10 48 9 9 (Ml •-, 80.Jorp. J. BrookoS9SOO-',IHIOOOO-aWMr. M. Muuson Scaring, who DBvor shut ailHtary rifle before, went but upon tho riuigc9 othor evening und madathpvery (liwftcoro

8 5 . . • . - . - . ? ; - • • • = • • : • • • . ' • : \ - : - . ^ - - ' ;

The dilJiiren of Mr.: tteorOT W-Madbun, and aome fit their frloudfl; had sometableaux on Uonday afternoon In the towtr oftlio bulldinff which Mr, rAvariU rents for a

Shortly after thoy Wt, and aboutquarter-after.five o'clock! 'tho! tower was

dtsrovered.tobo:ln:namoft)lb bdng tiupiwaedt h t rtl il f th t b l h d t kdtsrovered.tobo:lnnamoft)lb bdng tiupiwaed . . . , . —that a ciirtaln tjsoil for the tabloaux had taken and will give 0 free concert from G to 0 P. H,

etrampe, while, BtrolliDg up Dlaokwell

to t ie barbersiiop' of Prof.Boeing the shop flUod with : cnstwnorjj

wlon.'::Bornetjnis after,•when'ttie',shppfas empty, tltuy conie book, .Twooftliemretlainod aaroH tbe stroata^l thootber, a larga

i y fellow,- came to tbe doorond to a bold' demanded a sharp roior, Frank asked

_ it bo wanted to be shaved, adding. Oathsmid shave him; even if bs had no' money.) refused the offer and again, demanded thoMr. FrankthentoldblmtbatuiBbostthlngcould do would be to leave U» place, wbere-

i tbe tramp asked bhn what ho would dodidn't go, and Frank replied.that ha

(uldputhlmout : The tramp put his right1 to bis hip pocket for Bomethlng.wbenik, seeing his opportunity, launched .out

1th his right In true SulllvanisUo shape, and"t him a'terrtflo blow under the ear, .which

the tough down the steps, acrbes the side:k and Into U|O gutter. H I J two partnorijiedBcrmi8tioway,butbytys tjmo Frank

id anned b\om\r with aclub and was guard:tho door in tuch a monicing manner that

: An Official Vi»lt.The local oflloore and manbont of Ute Mor?

l & Emx R. R. Employees' Mutual BehestiVssoolaUon reoeived. a visit on Sunday from

esident B..O. Chapin and Secretary anlpeasurerT.M. Condlt, of-tin AasodaUtm,

. day was passed'in vtilllng'tba differentmetnbant at their homes.. The officers break-aated with Mr. F n n k Praod, lunched at VicePresident U B.' Hodden's, sampled some ofneineer Geo. H. BUcher'i Florida peon and

ed with Relief Committee Cha&Haanakahis new rCTklanop on tha hilLiDame Bttmorlit that both MOST*. Chaplh aadCbndltInvoterate chicken eatara and that'after

ivourtcg Mr. Bannaka'a twolvo' pound roo»-tor Mr. Dondlt'wuacompollod to sppoalforassbtanceinordnr to navigate successfully,

d aim that Mr. Chapin was discovered withtnontifcy of feather* in hti coat pocket. Ina evening tho bfSoei'siwero given:* dlnnfrthe tiotol, VJceJPrwIdoqt Qediea pr«ldlnfi,

» which a largo "numbor of wei||»known rail.«Rd'empiovaei were present, ' , ' •< . . .

Mr, JoteVh 0. I^eek, of Uendbam towtuhlp,got tired of walUngfiw adooant road tobe model ' h l s vicinity by the fearfully' slow; uitmva-

and wostefn] HieUiPds of public maddnff. sobo went to work along hiiprop-y, blasted otit tha rooks, widened the hlgn-

woy, and tbowc4,what«, nloo. and pibrtanttalrood can be ^ o application of fU t t l r i » t o m > c l > work-/"Any'n»anlecoiriraraBao»tom>cl> work/Anyn»anwbodoeBajohllkethU, which dlacredlta U.eworthless old methods, Is a public benefactor,

his enterprise deserves publiarocognlUoo.

^ p S Hattersfhave all the new stylos In FflU Pprbyi,

AtiUpf tho,V«unan, Spellman:* MU.erBlocks. Also" special Blocks of our owndesign hi all grades now ready. Call and SOB

FJerson ft Co,, ppp. Bank, Dover,

Wo have a fine lino~ ylea. Call and*

street, Davsrv,

5«B them, • Tajrlor Bras,

Tot Putrated «irealais aaad to Vni. V,

. Korrlatown Txotttiur Ueetlnsr.IniicaUonspointtoa brilliant mooting

the llorriatowu Driving IWb, Bcpt 1st, Sdand 3d,. Among tbe entries oro some of thewell known and best horaoa In the country,such as Susie B., record 3tl.r»; J . U. ltldinrd-son, record S;17; Wonlta, record 2:30; LynW., record 3S»i John W. Morris' Great Eai-tOD, record 237, wlio lias ubowii a trial recent-lya t I-'lootwood of 2:23; nndaluwtof otliorithat can trot dosa to 9:30. Hover boforo n>the tintory of tha Hnrruitowu Driving Forkwere there BO many horses of so great morjtias will come together a t tho mooting noitweek, oommonclng on X^bor Day. I t is suf-Sdttut tu drawan atteodnnue from every portof tha country to wltnosi the trotting Uut<may be expected on this occoslun. A Bjioeialtrain has been arranged to leave Dover lt^O,with oxcundun rate, Including admhHton totbe park, fixed at BU cents, Any one fond oftrotting will not regret tho expense by witness.ogtUIsaffair. , , , : '

Prof. CUas, J. E«ry has also boon engagedto mako a ballon wettiid'm "nil parartniU <ln-Noent aiyh dav during the races. After MH

dh h ldlthiwiar prurrd b<*r uxiKpUoiia]TlKbo iadlw, wilb Princi|x.l Uorjew mid iiiwFelvor, will be domld|ed at Mrs. >YouiigB<boardiug -loupe,, ou. Proepcut street. i\imAggie Gogo, tlio other new teacher engagoj,Is too veil known by rcuxuu of bor work Inthh nation to uocd; UitroduoUou to IJovorpeople. BbD but returns to nor former (laidof labor, and will n*4da with hori>aiBergen Itrwt, ,

Those prc]xtratioh» indicate a now «r& tu thap ] t

blxlory uf Dovel r t

y D p U * h peplenow umnlfert a spirit of internet, and not ofbjckciiagand fault.undH r without caufio-Buch ft i])lr(t M wilt coimtdor tho welfajo of tlioschool above personal inoti\'wi. We eontri-buto ]|l>ora)ly to odtteatlon hi Dover, aud ourchool system ought to he UUD of tip very bout

in tho State, Nothing' will oontrloulu morelargely te make it so than tlio right kind ofInterest 011 tbo part of the ppoulo,.

A 271M Pair to Hunt Thieves,Two moil iroQi tho vlolnlty of Newton wero

1 Dover lost Friday nlglit In quwt of a horsethat ha4 boon stolon in tlioir locality. Theyhad ooiao by the way of New Found land andmust have stopped for, liquid rofreshmtrata ntvery tavern oa the way, for they.wore loadsd

to the nvuslo when tl»y arrived, hero, Thoy.drovo up Blaokwcll s W t and than otunedenm the railroad track uuder the Frcepoatt t brid Bd h f t h

m litroBt bridge,:

hg : g , ch

then about due, boon on timo they wouldwo been caught and ground to stains. Or

If. they liad mot thkivea the .latter wouldprobably, hare ftiMiU Uielr rig to the original

: '•.-_.'; •,".Ba«asj1*ji5~Festtval.;-.YiVThe ladies of fl«glanders M1',X.C|uurch

-nriil hold a U a i a ^ i a SouiiooUon witi"UiiIrutunin Peitlyal, on 'Wednesday1 aftdrnoen

ndevoalngnext.':An'oxoullont nipporwiHbe served, and ia)-CToiuu,!opnfectldnery andfruits will bp Boldrnun the, tables., At tho

will In displayud for sola mnny fancyf i t i l T k ^ H i b ! C l dpy y y

and uasfni artioloa,, Tke^Hanniba! ColoredBaud, of Murrlatewn, will be hi attendance

from a iiAh left Uhlhd by. OLO chUdron.The Madispii'.htok. and kddoroompan'y'iTenttcUwisoeiit^ hol'wera t*o 'Utdto WrvutlMibuilding, which-was wholly destroyed. Alltha neighbors'and firainen'; workod industri-Busly to' save; tho oontouto, and as.the ttreburned downward, Uiay enoooeded in reniov-'.Ing nearly all the furniture before tbo flames :reocbod the lower floors and drove thorn on't jTJie,building was fujly four tours in burnlngt!andabuieGtM.peoplq vjsited the sceno, using;tba'funUtore scifttered about the lawns to tit |

whlls thoy watched the 'spectacle., -. Mayor ibrightg^vo\Uu*AvoHll family^ tomportry!

Bheiter at h|« residoiicfl. Mr, Avor^ll is a Kevj :

Thoy bavo.all tbo arrangements completeda grand good U1110 and .will heartily Wol-10 all who attend, •' L. '

pfk hudECsBmati andrented, thoe Bryce estate.;.. The houso was bul|b obout

n^fiQva, yearB"fgo R t A po»t of :'abontltt.000, and tho graundt wore kept |n excel*

lent ordor, ^arao.befttitiful trow;near ttioh^wdit^dbthn>nioa "

A'.'utw club h u beon oiganfied at M t Tabor,to be known s*M ThetrncasClub,*1 the'onitersof which'aieW.UPrlw, President,' M. A1U:

soniVleeFreeident,'W;'B. Tale, Secretary,~~ 1.' Johns, Treasurer. The principal

^ - ^ - ^ • o l u D l B / t o sicare new athlotiprounds outef cje of T^bor,, buihl a club homo,

aiidtohava.iaoh'iuperviKloo of their, propertyhat they will not b* nndor the control of men

i* who even ordpr tho tennis riots to be takendown daring the mooUngi." Thdrideais'thafb*ealthf ul and narmlew nthleMo sports may, bepursued at any Bown, Thjelr first game, offallv' " "" ~ "" "' '

ofKowwk,Although, twatcn tt o ftomo «ani gnvo tho 'vWitors a pood game, tbfi Bpore atandlne 13 to 7.Aftertbegaue.tha.UnMti Club gave a ban-quot at tbo Tho Arlington iu honor of themventdes, ^rnenewolob now enmbersabout40 nu^beri and; the prospcot for suooc« Iswry favorabld, ' ' •; ' . ' -V:>' . '

A n OverdoiB Killed Him.Alexander Barker, .at llorrlstown^ while


afferinff. froo^deuralgla- OTT ftitarday .nigook na 0verdosB of morphlna. * He soon V^

into stupor and his •wito,' becoming iUarmftl,antfora'physlclan; who worked with him (illo'oloEk Bunday morning, when the mart rii. ,t.

He, bad bsoa' suffering from naurolgb furseveral daya. The pain became unbeanbloand he Bent to tha drug 'store for two ouncesof morphine. 'He pound out about twentygrains and took it in a glass of water. Ho hadbeen in the hatit of taking morphine to relieveneuralgia pains, but It had always been prthpored by a phyriclan. - Barker was a Sootditman, thirty-nine years old, and wo> employedasVcoachman by Oflo,.Q,,iPpp, ft'wealthyresident of Morrirtown. 'Ho 'came to.tillscountry tea months ago,'^ Be Jtayas * wlfonod four small ohUdron.. V • ' '

; To ICaaoh Ohtuik and a ien Onoko..The; I t e s^uo CoimoUof tbo Hoyal Arcanum

has pbrfected. orrangumenta for.11" gnudannual oxcardon. .to U e above; delightfulpleasure raaorts on Thnriday, Sept. 4th, andon, o4versjjement aa the op|»s(te : page givesparOculari for the baneflt of those w^o maydedratojoin.tne excundan party at Dover.The trip is ono of tbe moat delightful that canbo taken, the fare Is very reasonable, and thofact that the excursion ts under tlie manago-ment of Asa't Bupt K. J . Orimtb, :of .the IL<& E. Dlvtcion, i t a mffident guariitoB/that

e comfort and pleasure of the pfu-tj w)ll beTed hi every partjeujftrt ,--.'; ,..", .."'..

AVUlttotheOsnaeiaCoUcctlons.The New York!MiconUoBfcs^Club wIU

atUiie lAbor Day, Monday next, for a visit tothe celebrated Confield CollecUoasat" fWro-Monta,". Thoy will.-JMTH New York on the950 train and arrive in 'Dover at 10:40, andretuni to New York b j a ocnvonlont evening'

, Themoinbens ot the Dopartwants ofand Qeologyare Jnvjted ton

V Clotaing•rtdeb wo are stOlluj low,;; Taylw^Enw,'

tiie Odd Fellows' 'bulldlne on KURNOX stnutlately ooeupiul as a reetaunuit, for 1to Uw school, to rultovo the pressure on th(prosent building until such tune u penuanouloccammodations con bo pravidu}. I t wilwave tug childrun from climbing to tha top ot 1building^ will provide them with butter accomiuodatfous and will be coiivci, lent for Uu

of tho prfadpaL Tito interiornow balug ceated aud ai-rangvd for Iho acommodutlou uf two dupnrUneute ot tliischool. • .. ,*: .

The new teachers ougnged for tho variauHdepartments are bollovod te be highly qualifiedfor tho work to whlclrtlutjr will bu wssignod,Miss 1'jiiina U. tarlt, who will have diargeolie hiitbest closu, No. 10, is a graduato of theNow York Stati) Normnl School a t Oawcgo,who hot rualntaliitMl a iwroantega of 1UU intheory and practice, Olid COUIOB hero with thebistiest commuDdatiDiu. Uba Minnie L.Koudnl), of New Providence, has also UIAUI-tolned steadily tho maximum poruentagQ lathroryaiid practice, and Lor work has givuitho IiighoatsBtkfaction to those who lrnve ex-amined it. BliowUlboplacedluchareooftlioannex in the Odd fellows' building.Scklarbaun, ot iiadtfion, who will s u i r ltend tbo work of thepiimary department, IsgraduntdufFalix Adler's famous Kindergar-ten In New York city, which has thn lupnta-Ucu of being tlio bo»r"»chool of primary in-rtll J U d l k hg

. Uui opy

. and lw.- «jrk ha*

hschool. 1*6 tha peopleite d

Awwcintlou. Tho net uf Uie cumiiany wasI of liU uul^i.iwrc uid rriuiidti nlottu. Mr. Everett la I ' M ! Pi-nlduui

of Uieiiixproiifiniou'tAiiaociation, having hidilthe office of l'roiiileut for eight years, nnd 1111-Ing It with groat credit to himsolf and hlaassociates. I t waa to show tbolr appreciationfor him that the roproaoutatlves of tho Amo-elation cowetollocketUtowulaHtoveiilngishortly niter ho got in tbe house PresidenttnniGoy arose mid preeontud him with a goldratch and chain In behalf of Uio Amc

< say that l[r. Everott was suri>rUod wouldputting It mildly, but ho had te givo Uie

llnokottetowu fire doportnwut a crook lu binreply, Ho arosu and sold ho was like thiDutcbnian In tho flro departuient, who, whenpresented wllh a tojton of their Odtooui sold"Qeutloinon and Ladies, uo, py t&m, dot'sn-rong." " IAII IW aud gentlemen, well, py

" ', Tin irtuck." Everett was not stuck; boooiDplotely knocked out. After tho

irosGutatloii a collation WAS Gorrodand ov-ery-M y enjoyed themselves till midnight, Thoworst part of It all was that the membcra of

Association had to I w e on thaSiSO trainIn tbe morning and jwor Everett hod to laytwake all night to keep' them from misting

ptho fast freight, which

b i

Two QueaUons Often Aakcd.1st. In there no other. Democrat capable of

serving on the election board in the SouthernDistrict In place of D, B. Crater I Or'is Itreally ucoossory fur tha success of the partyto keep him in for llfef

Sd. Was there any other man In the districtiut Qua, PIOMOU who favored hla appouit-

it I •," , . , , MANV DKitociurs.

The second annual bail of the. SteamboatSbhptoyoeapt take HopstteWig'ofrWedciMda]evening was a grand success,' The ArllogtoiPavilion, In which It. was held, was Land-nomelydoeomtodond brilliantly llluminatoil,and.: the steamboat ,lwya troated; all their[Hosts hi the most hospitable maniior, inakiiig

ovening of great' enjaymeut.' •"'. ' .

Tha Newark Call says V there are aa largoasi - in Bopatcoug as In Oreonwood, Lakbt

'he only difference Is that the" big bam. aroryught \p tho latter lako, \7hthi [n Hopqteoiig

- - ire so gorged wrlth fierrin^ that thoy w(l(a bite." A Call reporter saw a coup)e: of

men catch three bucketsful of u,err(ng^ Utrcohauls of a small ecUio from. '$> dock, on MonOsynlgfet. Them herruig are tho bono of Lake!Hopatponfr, qnd th.o {tsblnjj, will never M as i

od as (t 1« In Oroonwcod Lflke until tiieIsdlmlBlBhed," ','' , ".-. . . ; ".i

Tho Morrbtewn Lawn,TtumbClub will glrets annual invitation tournament on LaborDay forgentiemen's doubles; Firstand iccoiid

*a.wiU bo awarded: Teams from t iejlowoc4.FiddClub,0t,.aoorgols Crlckat

Club and the Summit t* j rn Tonhie Club, inaddition to a number of tearaa from the HomoClub', will toko part, and I t is' expected thatwane One playlue will bo. socn ou tha club's[Todilds, ' : .'•'""" 7 .••' t'jxf-f ?.*''}•-'•"•'':. • '•.

. A Pine Oatebjof Hah.IDr.B.B. , t v

L. Dickersbn made a very flno catch of flab, atBbangum Eako on Mondayi TTnit took a BHound UUick boJa, afod/tbjongjMj b? wi\g goingo be the champion of tl|o day, but tho Doctor

dispelled the Uoa by landing a four pounder,flothwerooftlieBmallinouUiVarlety, Ed.L,TUckerson aim had a couple on hlg string thatweighed ovgr two pound* each. • ' '

, ; Buda'a Lake. .The "uabsteriw" t«Ui i t Sudd's Lake are

all booked up by tangfblojqvidonce.. Tbo catchof tho wook was mode by; Walter Rico, theton-year-old son of the Forest Hoiua maiagor.Tho hid hwked^a .small-month', black banwhich tipped thd Hcaldi 'at six pounds onoounce HIB day's string held tUIrty-twoothorDishos.' Hondr^tls of ppuads of.flih ore car-ried away each. day. ij.,''..,,»•,-. : •- -. .' .

rro«iBoa«hor» to Mountain,All t i e inonbtain and' kike 'resorts of this

section have bean filled, this year with Now,axkora'wbp'fonnerly spend t h ^ . Siunmera akthe ibeaibore. BemardsvlUa.^BaikuiEridge,Schobley's MountaK Budd'i I*Ve, Lako Hopjtteong, NewFouncHand and. other plates areinvaded liy Kewnrkers who ware never satlffied hitherto w(th onythjmj ba t tbo sea side

' A Mineral Surjne Sitcovered.\ o leem that Maj,'r?!noa. O. BuUd has

opened a mineral spring on tho shares ofBmtd's Lake. It It. on tho property ofAbraham D. Budd ond-comes out ot a. highbank a little northwest' of his boiiso,' Tbawnter contains Iron and magnesia and h uthe appearance of being a good spring,Ifopened further In tho bank.; . _. . . •

Slgnor Companlol, the great Italian tentha* been the social lion at Lake Hopatoong for

a post two weeks, . Be •' undertreatment and did not sing until within a fewdays. A few nigbta ago he was tio gueit ofDr, Blter,a at his pretty cottage^nd the ptiuaaof the Droatb • 1 orowdod .while he Bang,Campanlnl is also a good, pool-playpr.

- " 1 OliemicalThe A, do Castro Chemical 'Works, abrancb

of the American Forctte "Powdor Company,closed their worta at"I«k"e-Hbpatainff onSaturday h u t Tlio powder worki will here*After bo supplied with odds from tie GroseeU>Chemical; .Works, at Elinibethport. Aboutjdxty man are thrown qnt of eniiifcymont by

, The substitute for stained glass is ninfect,durablfl and cboop. "Windows filled with itquickly and estimates gtvon by Arthur Force,t t B k y l t e : "

littlo .I"«JJI, but everywhere found suspicioand reJuial, except In a solitary instance, tbuoxwjjiUon behiR Hunry (J. Kowkiik. E>oug good friutid or the post, wha had oftunfound occadou to draw upon my purso for

enTct'ntlng at lonst *;),«», fur thoor which bo novor (mid n cent, wos 10 tdeuly contnictwl fluauciitlly that ke madeexit from town as quickly an a M y «f hi''at could go.This condition of affaire wurrauts

iwentJiig a fuw foots that I know to lxreliable: It Is true my recent venture* havirequired a considerable outlay of money,

•Jy equipped livery stable contains horatUoah, vuhieloa, haniees, ete., that have costleast tfl.oOO; tho furniture and QtUugs of theI'nrk Hotel roprusant an outlay of Ht IX)U, andU10 uowly fm-nl»li«d rostaui-aiit luui bouii ao-

Uhod nt a coat of over »a,OOU. Insteaduf giving notes, all those requirements werebought fur cadi, and no living human bo Inghas n dollar of claim upon nny port of thosecsUliIiahmeuta, KciUmr' baa any pumjii aclaim against mo in the shape of a note, Jutlu-mont or' utbur uhllgation. If thh doo« notsatisfy tlusopcoploofmysUuiduigllnaucially,I hold myself in roodinoaa te supply uny ofthuin with a taw tuousmida in hard casli upouthe [iresontaUoQ of approved security.

IU-Bpoctfully yours,


Qeo. Everett Buxprisod,Mr. Goo. Evurctt, Eipreamiaii on tbuavbelUtown Mall, went out hut ovoning

after suppur saylug lie would in back by ninoo'clock. Whon ha got back ho was surprisedto find tho hmiHQ full ot company, among

'ere Prcsidont Qoo. Ramsey, Sao'ySmith and 011a or two other rei i rcsuutitlio D., L. & W. Exiireesnioii's Uutnol BenefitA i t l Th t f

Krod. AUou U homo from Fatenon ouacatlon.Mias Katie Fair has been visiting Or

oiut, L. I.Rev. Oliver T. Crane, D, D., of Morristown

s at Saratoga,Mlas Sony, of Chester, has been vldting

friends nt Pataroon.Uun. John W. Qi-iggs, of Puterson, was

>wn hist Suturday.Joun A. Ljou }vtt Ui-dor for a two dai

stay ot Milfurd, Fa.Ucv, A. dishing Dill hat returned from hU

outiug trip In (Janadii.Miss Anna Palnior lias beon visiting friend

in Xowtan and vicinity.Hiss Lulu Heasey, of Boonton, is at thi

Cuntennlal, Ocoim Grovo.Miss Miniiiu Higgott, of Ilocfcawny,

Ing a tow woulcs in Cbeuter.Miaj KutUe V. Thouuut, uf Newark, Is Bum-nrfug at Lako Ilojiatotjng,Mm. Eliza Iluut, of Doontun, has booncudtng a mouLU In HUSHOJC.filr. Ueorgo BiiiRlotou sjicut a monou at the

Atlantic Iloufio, Ocoun Grove.Mrs. Goo. li. Cbwlwall and family, of &f<

ristown, (iro at CnUkill, N. Y.KIINI. COO, of Newark, hiu Imeu S[ioudiug

*w tioyn in teivn wltli fHoniL).lion. Nurrb and family, ot Itoclwwa

have gime tu ttrid^poit, Coun,Mn. Dr. Cook, of IUckettetown, has beeu

'luting her son, I)r. li . h. Cook.Cuas. E. Koblo and Jos. C. Bird, of Morris-

owu, ore off ou a trip to Kansas.HisaMary Boi-nihiKbain, of Ulne Hill is

visiting frloiuls In Now York d t / .

Wm: T. Allan fa upending tho wuek ou I*ugIsland, whom ho formerly ruddoil,

Mrs. Wm. U, Lamlxirt and daughters are>endiug A soosou at Asuury Fork,llev. Dr. Larew, of Port Oram, uas been

upending tun dnya a t Ocean drove.Mna Kva Struble, of Trenton, la vlsitinz the

family of I. N. Bench in Bodunay.Boinuol IClutz uud family, of Nouark,IfilUng Mi-g. K. Stickle lu llocksway.Mr. und Mrs. Hamuel U. Younga, of Mt.roodom. aro visiting tliolt- win hi Ohio.Goo. Ilicbordi*, Jr., and Kiwi. 11. itaybarry

Are Hjrandiug Uie weuk at Atlantic city.Mrs. J. II. Hillur, son and daughter,

Doouton, soiled for EuroiNi last Saturday,Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Vorr, ot Port Orain, bav«

ecu visiting tliofr sou at Wllkouhurra, Pa.Tho Ouoonla Club, of Madison, acvotuiuiii

tiy lodloa, aro In camp at Laka Hopatcong.Prewooutor V. W. Cutlor and llcv. Prod-

rlok W, Cutlor liave Iwon to Dlock Inland.MIt» Lena UrianL ooutcmplotes a steamerrip to ltiuluiioud for tha bciioflt of her health.MiUTki T. Hull aud family, of Morrbrtown,

re oiijoyijig their OUUUE hi the AdirondaakK.Mm Lcddoll and MIBB Borah Loddoll, of

ElaUteutown, will unon make a Western trip,T. M. Pwk anil fttudly, of Madison, aro

Inyltig at Ocoati drove for a coitpla of wooksMr. Joliu li. Cfllluni, ol Vnritiaut. wa

inltliiy tils lirutwii', AiOuniian I'ulknl, Lhii• txk.

Tlioo. F. King, of DrakoevUle, Is viBltingJamtogu, Laka Uoorge, Niagara Falls amBoston,

Ulifw. A. Itathbun and Ilobert AiknIad(non, are unjoylng n trip to tlie TbouiamdBlands. 'Mrs. Alfred Taylor and Mlaaos Mattio andAttie Toylor ore with friends hi "junty, M. Y.Mrs. U. H. Boajftiuln and Miss Alice are

[pending the wouk with Mrs. Bon jamhi's aunt,it J i t Tubor. ,

Mr, and Mrs. AUitsd Predinoro and son, of'ark avenue, ara visiting friends at Fatereonid Hawthorne.Mr. and Mm. John B. Pollott and Uiss

I'ellott, of Jerwy City, are Bponding theirmention In luwu. ;

Mr, A. D. Deata and mother, of FlemingsHI, are viultiug Uio family of Mr, J. W,roUierUiu, near Dover,MltMEimnaWoodhull U enjoying

tlon wulch will include Binglnuntun, Rocboa-tor, Bulftilo and otUor pohtts..

Rev. It, Johns was in town last Sunday andprooobed In tho morning to his former con-groRation in tho P i n t M. a Church,'

Hon. and Mm Ii . W. Hunt aretrip of Boveral weeks (o the White ..tains, Lake Champlaln and I^ke Qeorge.

Qdvernor William GUpin, of Cenvflr, Col.,rlth. bis two Bons and two daughters spent

days a t tbe Mansion Houso, Morrirtown,HhMS Harriet and America Davis; of Fort

>rani, have'roturnod from an oxtendodtri;lirough tha pioturcequo" regions ora n i a . ••', "•'Tb« ResolutA Camping Club, of Horrtstown,

returned from tho lako by way ot Dover lastSaturday evening and stirred things up withtheir'jtrlng'baud.'••'! •>, .. - '

Mrs, Forrihgton, of Pigeon Hill, is enter-ainuighorslgUrVfroui'Brookryn^.Y. HOTiouaoi»*l«ohoingj>*lntecl in thrco colors and.rovidodwIthhurgowindowBinfrdn't. - ' .Mr. Bdwaid Uiird, of Idaho, is vlsltins

sister, Mrs. B. D. I ta«, He isan old reait_it of Dover, but left hare in. V$a, and t abhis flrst visit to nil old home rinoe that time.Mrs. Mayberry, Miss Berths Mayberry and

Mayberry were spending thatr vacationWiike&barre, I^,~, last week, and were

mile and a half, of tha track of Hie


M \ uly , ot nibbrnia, #01 r*-lovo to Calumet, Mich. , .W. N. CorleU, formeriy of Morristown, li

about to open a shoe store In Newton.; Rnv. W, W, Rnllowfty, Jr., preached hutSabbath in the Park Chunk, Newark,

lion; 1+ A, Thompson, of Bomervillo, whilefUisj n.t Wio nopateoug, lauded a throe

, pickerel- ' '•Win, A; BOWCU, eon of Oeo. T7. HoweU, baaenappointed oaAasistantDlriHlon Engineertbe Hoadlng Railroad. - .

Prof. Qeo, Qrobo, a well known mmlotaachar of Boonton, dial suddenly, of pa-ralyula, ou Monday morning. " ' •'

Tho Boonton M, E, Church jiot only, voted[toy. E. Meathem a vacation, but pay the ex-enses of hip trip to Europe,.Mrs. Borah Troxell, mother of

ll H l•UTB. NUIUI j.ruxuii, uiouier oi- jar, j^ugena

rrozoll, of Madison, died at Easton, Fa., lastveok, aged a littlo over 8$ yoars.Ur. Amos Frudon has withdrawn from the

firm of Snuddon & Frndeh, Morrktown ma-sons, and will retire from active btuInGM.

Mr. Paul Lum, of Chatham, sailed for Bra-tdl lost week to look after the exteojive busl-

interests which be haa oatnuUshtd there,<o. H. Clark, C. £., formerly of Boonton,

and a brother of Mrs, E. O, ionlAns.has beenoffered a professonhk) in Cornell Uulvorrity.

Engineor Sooch, who built the waterworkst Turrytown, N. Y., has boon engaged touperfntond the construction of tho now waterrorJwafMftdlson; •-.:Mr. F. H, Donls, of Morristown, is a delo-

jato to Ute National Pharmaceutical Conven-tion to bo )ield at tbo Qygeia Hotel, Old Fohitpomfort, iu SoDtctnbor. • . , \ .

TUo main driving rod on Engineer Keonnn'Beiiirfno on the Lackairanna Toad broke on tbemorning of tho 10th, and Tom had a narrowoscnpo from death or matmmg.. : ••

Mr. John D. Evans, of Chester, lias not only;ot his Ponnsylvaula colliery,in succesaful)poratlon but bas a contract for all thu coal10 can mine durtug tha next six months.

Landlord Joseph Brooks, of the Centrallouse, Roekaway, has been. Incapacitated

iver three wooks, with a lame hand, A heavyIron pnmp fell on his thumb, injuring bothloints.' .: - .. • • •

Carroll Ph. Bassett, the civil engmeor, sonMr. A. L. sett, of Franklin, bos. made

for a oowerago system that bait boonadopted, by the dty of WiUlamsport,. Fa.,which will coat over •mQQO. -

A. ,1V. NibeUui represBnted Uw AmericanInstitute of Mining Engineers at the oeremouylast Saturday of transferring the remains ofJohn Ericsson to tho war ship Baltimore fortransportation to his native country. -

The will of tho late Jos. T, Swift, of Mor-rittown, devisaa $5,000 to the Church Homeat Geneva, N. Y. Robert Hull, his coach-mantgete«l,0Q6,and Thos. Weiss, an old at-tendant, rDoolves the Interest on tiO,OOU for

n f o . ; ' . . ; . • . • " , • • - • • '.;• , • , . - . . ' , -

Vice-Chancellor Pitney In a case nt Hack-ensnek soored one of the Assessors of BergenCounty an account of hta ewom obligation toMom lands at tlioir full value, and Ha ttdmia^

or oath In the caso In court that bothe lands in dispute at: about half

leir real value.'.Phe.wlfe of Rev. Mr, Timbrell,, a well

known Methodist preacher, stationed In War-1 county, has boon taken to Morris Plains

Asylum, she having become- deranged fromgrief bocamn of tha Ion of a child, who died afew weeks ago after eating a quantity ofquinine pills, . ' .- l l n . Catherine Knight, mother ot Mr, C.I, Knight, of tho Now York Custom. UOUBO,

died at Uie residence other son hi Morristownon Monday evening at the ripo old ago oteighty-eight yean. Mrs. Knight was born InI'oi-tlfUKl, Ho., ID 1603, and retained the usef all her faculties until bor deathMr. Oeo. R. Gerard and Miss Carrie Questrere marriod at I I o'clock on Wednesdaylornlng a t tha rosldenco of tha bride's father,r. Isaac Ouwt, on Basoz ctroot. by Rev.

IVm. Day. TUP wedding was private and thoprincipal* started on a wedding trip, fromwblch thoy will return In tuna for tho groomto begin his dutiw ai principal of l i t , Hopeschool. Tbe ERA offers them aoarUert can-gratulations and best withe* fur prosperity

. - TJnbrsakabla."Wo have a lino Fall Hat that is guaranteed

uubrcokablti. Ask to see it, Taylor Bros.

•bftrgaini,Mtheya«dotlngontBto(*, *

HAVE YOU SEENThe early Fall style Men's Suits.We axe the leading house inNorthern New Jersey for thelargest assortment, quality andmodest prices. We still maintainour position at the front for Boysand Little Boys' Suits. Theschool days are here and we areprepared for it, surpassing all'past efforts in this line.

Have you seen the early Fall style

Men's OvercoatsWe can suit the most fastidious in style,

quality and make up. PRICES LOW.

Mr. and, Mrs. I. D. CJondit, Jr.,"of Mllburna,vebeenia towit this'week, ^vidting Mra,bndlt's parents, Mr. and Mrs; E.\M. Jack-m, Mr. Cotidit bat recently Invented a re -laxVaUy clever geometrical punle. - " . 'Mim Jennie Berry, of Charter, and :MISR

tnunn Molick, of Patenon, have been spend-lg a couple of weeks at Atlantic City, Capo

May and Philadelphia.. Prom thore tboy wentto Luruy Inn, Va.tfraui which place theyvisited the famous cavoniB and the naturalbridge. Ou their return they spent a day on

te battlefield of Gettysburg, and enjoyed aII history of tho battle by Capb Long..

; HUBDTOWK,MIBC Llelia Jaynw, cf J e m r Ctty, we are

irry to say, Bprainod hor ankle white coming•cm a ba.ll las* Saturday night."r, P, S. Dolaney has bought the Stidwor-_ farm. ; : . r

Miss Ltudo Tioraoy, of Sparta, Is spendinger vocation with her parents. ..' '—*• ' .Mr. nud Un. David Vanarden, ot Woldfn,

race visiting friends a t Uurdtown hut Sun-

"Justice Coble has beoa kept busy of late.V*m. l ist , of Weldon, was fined |3S and costaor iM*a«lt on Miss Uttle. of Hurdtown.Edward Hall, of Woodport, we aro sorry to

learn, Is leaving tho etoro. Ch». Cbanibor-laln will fill his plow. • ' "'

School opens next week, with Mr. Tibnaiii teacher. . ; . • . .Tbo Woodport House Is overflowing with

o a r d e r g . - . " . • ; . . • • • . • . • 'Mr. Oakley Norman boa treated his Louse toflnacont of point. • . . . .'Misses Julia and LUUa Hyde are spending

lielr vacation with their mother, ot Hurdtown.A very neat little station is being erected a t^urdtowu Crossing, which waa much needed.Albert and'Ezra Holley have sold their

iteomertoa gentleman at LakaHopatcvhosn name we have not learned.

Uiss Annie Black, of Dranchvllle, is theguM t ol Mre. Somuol Flat*.

2IXNB HILL.Our servlco Sunday evenlnc was led by the

•oung neople of the church' and the subjectvas prayer.'

Tho Bad news has reached us this week ofdeath of Thomas Williams, son of Ur;

Enoch Williams, Isto of Ulno Hill, but now ofPlymouth, Ecnn,

Hiss Uziio Jeremiah, of Now York, IsIslting tho iliswM Winnio and Lissie Cbunn.

Mr. Wlllicun Ubby Is able to be out againifter throe wooks illness.

Mr. Richard PenberUiy was hnrt In thellckonon mine this week.School commences next Tuesday, Wo hope

our former teacher back again.' "' ' ' • • ' H l L L J t t t .

Olalniinjr the ^POHT Oiuu, Aug. 27Ui, 1800.

EbrrOR OF T r a Inoit Eo*.;—The Voloxt, of Fort Oram and tho Mt. Hope club

played their second ganio loBt Saturday, andVolunteers won by a 'score ot a in 4. T

ae that tbo Hibornia club claims tho chorn-pioualiip of Morris county, stating tlio dabsthey havo defeated and among them naming

i Oram, They defeated onlr tha soenndof Port Oram. It soems thoy do not wanticct tho Fort Oram Volunteers, b j t they

must before they can claim the county cham-pionship, If they will not come to Port Oram

play, our club is willing to meet them ontoy neutral ground tboy may aoloct.

' VozuimotB.

A Woman A-reitud.Fanny Goldstein answered boforo Justice

Sage on Wednesday a waront for her arrest,charge is that sonw Umo ago she met the

daughter of Mr. Henry Helman on ths streetd so insulted and frightened her that therl had a fit ot nervous prostration which re-Ired medical attention. The Justice putr under C100 bait to aniwer a t court.

BatalHatstl HatalllAll the new Fall Styles now on hand nt

V » n & Co., tho Dover Hatters andClothier*. Children's Hutu and Cape, lateststylos being received dally. All tbe noveluea

the market can be. had at their sboro a!•reit prices GtvetJiera a call.

X+dlta* XnvTHVCd YislUsv Oarda,Ltvttit •tylfjt t t tbs U w E u afflot.


(AH Flavors)- A T —


ft. I * ft




IOE CREAM FREEZEBS,REFRIGERATORS, HAMMOCKS,:Soreen Doors and Window Soreens,Mason Fruit Jars, Granite Kettles,Oat Forks, Wagner & Apgar Grain Cradles,Buckeye Mower and all the Extra Parts, i -Fishing Tackle, Boys' Express Wagons..Wagon and Carriage Wood Work.

SPECIAL SALE!00 pairs Colored Bath Towels at 25c. pr.0050

" White " 50e. «/•.


0 pcs. Cotton Challie at 6c. yd.lalance French Ginghams at 25c. pr. yd.iO yds. Black Silk Dress Net at 75c. " «

(Reduced from 95c. per yard.) ;10 yds. Children's Hemstiteheit Flouncing

at 30c. per yard. ;0 yds. Ladies' Hemstitched Flouncingsat 50c. per yard. - ,;

losing out the balance of White and EcruLace Flouncings at half price. •.



• T o n . S imon unit D r o e s H e l p e dliui'tUa Lv.n.paotv

Haw llirUisi'sbtJiiL foMia1 SU)v»ii9 said yHack ntmepof t],o Iwil l bo."

I had liuard tills .ant remark oftencnouj;h to jrrow hardened to It, nnuuviir. di-i-jitiicd uf taking ofTonau, IdUiiulii Moii-H. who bad iiroph.mfod.yoo:lit tore. Unit I'd "makiJ uotnolliiii1 sonllioi.-." ami alill held lo that opinion,juit cluwii thoiUjJiiur tu Buy, with m<than ordinary ompliasU: "You lot liarUku it. Mm. "Tuln't rooro'n & tullecrosj-lotM, und tlio monoy'U got thenjust us HUCO IH if 1 stopped In tlio tnlddliof hay in* to go."

"It'fl biittcr t o Joovo tho b a y i n g o v ea duy ttiaii La loso thirty dollari,sighed Aunt Ann, aopulcurally. "llutyou'll havo your own way about it,wbntovur 1 do or say. Only I want youto romumber i f any ti l ing happoniMo** , wlio H wna that sent lior."

"Wu-nl," liuxtlly usauuteil UnolMoses, as ho Htartotl for tho liay-lloli

AunL Aim, deprived or ono llatonoiturned tuiuo, "I don't know but whalH u Just aa wull for you to RO,"mittcd. "Wo proinisod to jiuy for tbicow tbo lificonth, nrnl aho'a particuhto tlio hour. Hut I wish It was MilviBitliifr hero lufltoad of you. AmAugusta In Ilia stirao rolatlon toyouifimiily un sho is to ins, and i t wouldn'Burprlxo mo any If (tho uliould tiku 1Into horlinad ti>d« aatuuthtnK foraomool you vlilldrun. I do hope, llorthn,Itubo liuiuircs who you aro, you'll trynnd act BJ as not to spoil tlio chances oltlio rent ol tho family."

"I'crliairt," 1 liaUutrileil, aa I donnodfcvsl RU>MVE, "alio'U Uik» a fancy toand plvo uio » iimalciil oducatlun."

"Hhu wiwi't," dudurcd Aunt Ann, w i l la docluloit that left no room lor hope"HUu'a oiiu uf tbo most particuliwomen I uvcr saw. nnd any ono s itokoa a toncy to lvould bavu lo look asIf they'd jiiriL corno out ol a bandbox.You could fix up all you wns a-mlnd to,you wouldn't linvo tho s ty lo lo pleaseher. It lan't 1» you- Mllly, H<wouM .•<.• L\ girl nftnr lini- uwn liunrLwaa the otliur day I bollcvoiI'd try lo got hor acqunintod willWilly."

I ijiivo (t di.i£iif*U:d loolc nt tho reflec1

tiou of m j tbln, brown fuco and Ianbody In tho i;tiis3, nnd mournfully iktided AunL Ann wu» rifflit. Oh, dour,dear! why wns not I Mil ly? Or, Ifmust bu myself, why couldn't I huibeen bora with a tuato for sowing ni"lUlnf-up," Instead of for ulluibhtruos, and racing thu oldUoKO rouitbo lota bareback. I puzzled over tblacon u nil rum till I wan nul l on my wayonly lo glva i t nr> an unamworablt"lint at any rnto," 1 dooidod, pbllosophcally, o,9 I pullod my bljr ehado bnlfarthc? over my Dyes, "I uan S\IOW)IOTknow how to not, It I don't look a s 1( I1

como niitof auandbox."- I bad alwaysbcon nural could talltbutler tlmnMllll-cent, and over tbla rollout!on 1 booiq»1 to mysnlfafruin, and went on pick'lug my way through tho pasture, wlilaIng "Vankoo Doodle." What If 1 wasft black alioop? II my drousoachoso totonr, and tuyshoea to woar out, HOOIthan otbor peoplo's, 1 waamiro It wasany fault of mine. And tlmro oouliln1

bo uny till tiff wrong In climbing troeior riding thu old horse barobaok. Oi


course I shouldn't do It whon I waaKnown up, and a grofct piano plnyer,but—

"Hulloal"Tho voioo seemed to come from somo*

frhoro underground. 1... stooped andlooked around. Thr* only living crouuro in slcbt was a brlndle cow, whitBtood on tho cdffo of a bank, ponslrol;lootlnif ovor. 1 wnltod a moment andtfaon uhoutod inrotum: "IIullo&l Whoroato you? What do you want?"

"Down tho bank. Como over hero,wna tbo nngwor..

Jly first glftiico down tho steep lodgeoxplainod the cow's Interest In tba sit-uation. Tbore, at tho bottom of tho ra-vlno In an uncomfortably cramped posi-tion, lay tho smallost spoclmon o( abrindlod, tossy oal f 1 over saw. By tho•ldu of tho calf 'stood a boy—varyfreckled, very rtjrjjod, and somo twyoara yDungor th'ttn myaolf—staring*mo with a wondorfullj.dlsgustad oz-p r c B s l o n . • ' ••"' •" "• - ' •

"AVas that you n-wlilatlin1?" ."Yos. Wh»t do you want?""Don't want nothin1'o you," ho ex-

blninod;]n A d«oply Injured tone-thought you was a boy, an* J waa golu1

to IHTC j e t l.oli» git. th,» c»U cut. Ican't climb up with him alonof I'TOVontryln' hnlf an hour.1'

•MVliy don't you go horaetnd

•oraobody?" i domandott, epprt>ao_._'perilously noar tho cdffo In my eagoenosb to tako In tho situation.

•'Well, tt.nt'H what I'vo got to do; nn'don't s'p'oso ho'll llro UU I got back.•• I hosltatcd.' Oil Urindloeocmod \divine tho situation, aad loolcod at mowith pleading oyos. But I abo^d beBure to got my clothes torn somoway,and then Aunt Ann would talk aboutblack Hhoop. "I'd help you myoolf. If

• It wasn't for my dress," I said regret-/u»j, wjlth a Blanco at tho l-uflloa andfrills.

But tho red-halrod boy dljl notsaomto be Imprc&sod by my kind intontlotn.Ho looked at mo and grinnoi ' • 'holp," ho \ ojaculatod- '.'Iluhl Youcouldn't climb down here, to any notblior BUUnf bnckr*

Dross, gloToa, rlUbona, woxo of no no-oountaftor that! Tha iioxt mamontwas flornmblinff down tho almost poipondloular path. '. t , • • • •

I think we wore an bout getting tbttoiWup tho bank) but It certainly wunot, 1 toro so many littletbroo^ornerad boles In my dross that Igive up count them; o l a oTiered up tho stospoit places on myhands and lenoes, and WAS not * bit d'la-


1 whon, lilco tlio fro* in tha

ro allinlk.d up ono step aud

«o mo. ro • m P J ^

ay uair ntoon, uut tno Cttil w u plloaoin <«>!Id ground at last.

l'ivu luiuutca later a ocrvant had usnil tno iu to wait "'til tho mlemiuiiu." "JSoiiH! oiio to Bno JVIIBB Wnlin .miKirtatit iHiiiliicin," 1 tiean*. her e.

Iiliilnliitf outside. "A beggar-jrlrl,

"lifjl""' //''''." inJoi'd! Hut just the

ijijMjaHc, aud sauk liauk la tliu ubitlr, f<Jii.n) ..anally Irljfliuii*!. I liadlino^liut my dress uns torn, my Imir frowf

end my jrlovos Btafnodi but tbo knovledge had not troubled tno much.

ras not Milly. end druim wouldn't mak<nioh dlfferoncQ ivitb a black shoo

What I had not known was that« BBJOif in ad reached from my twwo crossvay

to my ear: and, worse yet, tho rentluyehooUad oxtendod to my Htouklnleaving exposed a considerable parta very muddy fout- "Whm" I though'ipringiug to my foot—"what If I ubiipoll the chances of tho rest of tho rura-

lly!" Itofoni I cot-id decide whether 1waa best to run or btay nnd bravo It ouithe door opened and Aunt Aug-tiBt

In; and Lbsi. my latit taint bopdied away. Sh* was so tall, BO dlflul&o&, and—to n&it. "Oh, Mllly, Mllly!1

I buhmcod injBolf on ono foot In adosperato onduavor to coiiuual tbe riipgiubot, aud told my errand witb a canapo born ol dospair. "I uavo brougyou tho money for a cow—thirty do]law—from Mr. Hoses Smith."

She looked at mo, surprUod. "Vithank you. I will givo you R receiptBut, pardon me, I do not seem to reoognlao you. You are—"

"1 am Airs. Smith's nlocc," I BUImerod.

"What? Not ono ot Oeorge Lam]son's ohildron?" Ihoro wi*a oortalnly igood deal uf surprliio In hor voice; amI folt that now, fo; tbo credit ot tlfamily, an explanation imiHt IwgiveUut (the should never know—

"1 should not have cotun looking th!way," I began, In my mostmanner, winking bard tu keep back th<tears. "Hut I stoppod lo help a ltttlboy got a calf up a ruvlno, and—" M,long balancu on ono foot gavo nay.otufffforod, mado a wild plungo, aud rocovorod mysolf only by doscribinff isort of half-clcelo with tlio olh«r foolnow olmout bare That, and tho troiulous smile on Aunt AutfusU'a llpa,was too much. The ne:tt minute Icrying* aa if my heart would break.. "It—Itlan't that I caro about myself,I (reaped, bQtwuQii n.y sobi "Only 31—muan't laugh—OP—think any lessHue—or—or Mllly. It was -ny ovfault, every bit of It. I looked all rltfhlwhen I Btartoj, and—and thon I Btoppedto help nUttlo boy with a calf, bo-»bocftuiB ho Bald I couldn't, and tOre'jn:dreH and my shoe, nndAnn will bo BO mod, and—oh, dear) J'm.the black snoop of tho family, &a4:always will boland I don't aa© how Ihelp It"

"uo you moon to toll tno," oxolaiAuot Ann tint eventnr, vhon sh<hoard tha wholo story, "tliatobBaotually wanted you to iley la dinner; anhad you alt down with nor, looking 'way you did?"

"Yes, mu'ani," I answered, moekl;"I washed my fuao, and lor raalcoaihod my hair; but that was all."

•Wull. I can't undoutaml 1L If ijh<iy ono, she takes 1'11 ffot youf iniisici

education, I guoaa, if you want itj'l only liopo it will do ycu somo goodBut I can't BOO Into It. You—and af toyou'd bolpod that llttlo Irish boy witho calf and got to looking tho «ay yoido now. If you hud got what you. doserved, rnlsB, It would bo » good acol<

"Tboroi tliero, Ann, wlint'a tbo urngoing on so?" expostulated Unolo Mosei"tibo'B done all right ubout t ie oulf. 1always said Hortlia would laaltn a smaigirl-11

"Smartl I never said but wbatslwouldl"-exclaimed Aunt Ann. "Biyou Imowyoursolf, Mosoa Smith (tbiIn great disgust), Bhn's tho bUok sbee]

takes a fancy to uny ono, she takbsfor vectain. You'll got fo i

Taallao Fhslps, in N. Y. Indepondonfc.


Glimpeea of a Land That la Littli


8tr««t Boenei In Fooul-A City QendBri- D o w the Womao and CblUlriti

AppeJtr I; Foreign Eyu»-Mode* at TrMTet.

It Is highly probablo that tho ponlisulft o[ Coroa, projecting southward botwoen Clilna and Japan, will at eom(future day, says tbo Now York Commerolil, be a position ol great Imiwrtanoito European rivals for maritimepromnoy in those regions. Its extent ifabont equal to that of grout Britain.For many yearn It has boen claimed as I

flopendoncyof thoChineso Empire, huiit Is practically in : Independent SUto,with a population of. about 9,000,000,ruled by an hereditary (Sovereign, whoIn turn Is supported by a powerful aris-tocracy, v.i • -• t - •- .

Tbo most recent and adoarate aa-count of the country is that r;lven bjMr. W. II. Carlos, who, u English Viee-Consul, onjoyod unusual opportunitiesfor study and observation. Do describestoe capital city, whioh Is called Seoul,

A UT 6TIUCET 131 SEOUL,or Kyounp, a Urge walled town of 150,-000 or 200,000 people' Bltuated ontbo Hang-Kuug, tho chief river of theinterior, toward tbo west coast. Thebtiildinffa, except'tho royal palieo, aremostly in tbo Chinese stylo of aroblteot-nre, like tboso of Pekin, but tho cos-tumu and mannora of tho pcoplo arepcoullor. Tho men of tho roipocUble

- - « « WOMAJT jLjnj emu).

* M ail we« *nite rebta, unlus Uiej

. Gororntnent onelaU,' who are »t-

Irod io Bilk or crape.

Tbo Bbops, froqtjonUy nrmngod tn

amall open compartments around tboiliail Af A n n •• • ! ai • T « ^ l t . . .•*_ *

cry. riadillcry, (I lii^rno and fnn;s; bin thu c..n-:iri nintiufticturui

r> i i

) TlioItlilioothsforuin, mout on

arlstocruoy rldol l ditlioir ordinary eon vuyutiuu, an they »u

dom or nnvcr walk in pultllo, ia a elmcarried on lung1 puU-s, like 11 litter, upoi

m's ulioukk'iu, nldod BomoUmcn byiglo wlic'ol itnileinentu tho ubalr- Tbi

epolccn lun(,'iiagi> of tho Corenn ptoplo is•f Tortar oiiyin, but mixed u'iib JupunIEO and Chinese farms uf Gpoouli, anhe ,vriUu:i lituruturo 13 In Chines

characters. Tlio [luddhiat polifflonprovulelit. hut tho l.noTzo, or oncior,rellffioii of Chiim, la cbrvislioJ by uJiinof the older famillos

Old I'lilloEitpliiir (ix-proviiipiy)—I soi-au have a Imblt el Judging if^n I)hulrduthtis.

Vuunjrdo Dudo—Aw, y.m«j that's th1

tnly way. don't y* know.

lookinfr man nil cud? He Is not <ju!io Iru^a and tut tarn, hut Ills clottics ni'lerribly tlircadbtiro, 11ml duubtlcaa wor[ho chuiipost kind of rcady-inudu farnonls whoii they wore now. That maiti a profound Oruolt and Latin eoliolar.

Do Dudo— Vnosi ho loolia it—Mfo.

1'lUlU Uf ria)r)«Hl.

Cholloy—Icawn't Inmfilno n-bat yoaro going out in the country for. MIPDashing. Vuo uro auo>i a lavorlto wit

10 men laboiild think you wouid Ilkco bo whoro wo nro.

MIBS Unaliliifr— Tbat's tho very roauoI'm goin(f to tho country—to sou Ifjan't find a real nmn some whoro.—Mminy'a Weekly.

Quito Anoilier Tliluir.Tom Dletir—Why did you irlvo up you

•oom vitli Mrs. .Iiicifn, ••rn.'kv 1 thongli1I10 tri'ulcd you U!(o n mutli'.-r.

Jiiclt UppiTB—No, liiilucd', sliu HT.IUIno 111(0 u Bonl—Puck.

tie HDuron.Tanfflo — Mondolnsolin'H "Slumbi

Sung" la u. wundurful picuo of muni<Isn't It?

Mra. 'l^nglo—I doubt If i t ' s a s w o ilorful OB your uliinibur Bung ia sum'times.—\Yost Slioro.



QUALITY AND IOT PBIOESPanata will do wall to oaks our pUo

.b(,rli*ftdqo»iUr» lur CUl.arsn1* NaOdi.

UOYB1 8UIT8 11.98. » tt. $2 08, and np.B0YH'OVKUCO ATS, $3<8 to $5 08 and njD0Y81 PANT8, 40a, to |1.33 and up,

:S81:B- 01NQBAU DBES8ES, TOa. to* up>

HISSES' jACKBTfl, «,2S to *3 88 and up.HIBSES' JEB8KJ8, 4Be, to D60. and Dp,

BOYS' BHOEB, |L9i to W 4D and np.II1S8ES' B B O E B , Qt)«.tQt2.4e uidap.UISSEB* MUBLIN WEAIt,23o. to eSo.tndHISSES' iPBOHS, 20o. to 880. and up.M1BRE3' CORSET WA1HTS, 33a, to 75o. Uli

Vp.lAJSVa BASKETS, 80 U 19s. aad up.LUSCU SATCQELa. BOo.totlug »D« «p.CHILDREN'S KEEINO WE AH, IO4, to CS,

and np.OHILDUEK'S UMD&BLLAS, « o . to 08,

BOYS'DaESSSHlBT8,BSs.t9fl^ nnrt njBOYS' NECK-WEAK, 0a, to SOB. and np-BOlTft' SU8PSNDBI.S, ]0D. to 36a. nod •»BOrS1 WA1STB, 21s. to U80 and np..BOYS' MNKK CULLA.B8, Wo. »Qd IJJo li

HOYd' LINEN CUVFS, 14s. and 17a. UtMl

UI6SB8' QLUVES. lOo. toSSo.Md np.SCHOOL BAQ9, Ho to 48a, »nd np.bOHOOL BTK4PB, Do. *.10o.aod np.LAgE COLL A KB, Bo. to Wo. n d np.WaBES.BOrs m b 01RL8 RUBBER QAU-

HEHT8, 08«. to 11.08 and op.CHILDBEH'S nAKDKiiiiCmEb'd, 6a. to

25c and op. 'Oemplita Hn« of aeliool worn n«od», ao

tST FALL Dit&BS QO0DS now rt«djWrlM tor MUplM *nd mention tt.ii piper.

C7* ELAHKETfl AKD COUFUBTABLES,•e iowctt prltw line U Now Jorwy,

L.S.PLAUT&DO707 to 719 BEOAD St.,

N E W A R K , H. 3.




Headquarters at Paterson.






md purity.

Tkfamaw voter* of Saratoga

and Ox ApoUinmrUmadom/arlar,

latte or carbonaling purposa. Fro-

omad by physician* to contain gnat

medical pmparlia/or kidney trouble

and general d&ilily.

We thatt add to mr many brand*

the nuut o&brcfed Lngera in iAc

rfcJ On Jiodutler Bohemian Jleo-

a aeoaont a car toad leing on tha

nod now for Dover which will toon

ready for aampting. We don't

ance " aeooadfid&U" lo any one,bul

n botmd ilu qycOily o/our goods



Once a Luxury,Now a Necessity




" TL0E1DA"




sorabinwJ, all gIvfnjt jierfect unda

PECIALLY dofignod for warmfoif pri»»t8remdcacoi In city or conn try, hatntit, oluti

UBER, tiotet, echooli, tLoutrei, tpartmeutuie*. hotoriea, bDiiaesi blooki nud nubile



Fon* for olrBBlara. Eitim»lct/red. lleiultianaTkOtcDd. IATRCSI Blotm Heater UUBIUOH[ntlieBtalo. Correapondeuce •olioitod.


Qeacnl Agent tor Oentril »nd NorlliernNaffJcrwsj.


T0EO, HATjamuOHT, Bn.,

3 , B U ( M C 0 .


Mine Hill, N. J.


IbBriiri CUMW.N TLZS.—Willl»m 8. Helton vs.Wllllmo lUneh lurt Ellcaboin Hatloii., do Lo at ter on ilMtcled jadftmeut. He-turnflbl* to October term A. D 1830.


BY vlrtoo of ttio RUOVO eta tod <rrll at Qeririctiitin my limdB.Ialjill CIDOBB TOTBIIB

tpubllo veuduir at tbo (Jonrt IIuuBMu Uir-

MONDAY, the 31d day rf HEITEUBlilt,next, *• Dil8B3, bettvoon Iho honra of 13 SI.ind 6 o'clock F,H. . tl.*t In ID say at 3 o'cuokIu iho Rtiotuuau at tftld C&\, %\\ tbkt certaintraot or purer! uf laud anuprumlsta, liertin-tftcr pArtiotalirly desarib-il, rllualu. lyinc ttlribeiug In tho toivpuhip or W»(II[DBIOD, IU tbeConnly of MonlB aui Stftto or Ned Jeraoy.' Danded ind dciorllod nfolbwei

Uef(lnnl!tK In the middle of tlia roid no»rUtmj Milk-r'-t mill dlnttot cliirty-toar UnUi onaoonrie OIBHIIII lortj-one dcRrooa we.t fromtlio lontlnroBt corner or a vloao dwellinghome and rum tlieocs u the ncedlo polntcSIn 1E03 (I) iiarili nt.TBlx dogrtes c u t t<">bftlog nnd ninotv fouMinU ; iiieuce (3j ii-jrlbnontr-una dciKriiii c*»» -ereu'j liuk< tu Hie(icwicl outlier af tho wliolc tnct u dODteyoiaoilburyUUIcrf tliunaojS) norlu twcntf-llreiiidouO-bilf dcfireca ve>ttenobalaB tna BIOD<

IUKB 10 M largo none ueir me road; lliauco

isv.n obunH tnd iwentj-soTPn llDkt to7bo

wo liuuilit-clilii acre* or laud more or !DSB.Jelnglbo latno picujBcudtnorlDtd in t, nu°tlfrom hytma Kioo, SU'pbtn OIUUID sml I « » PL. Kine, OoromlS'l'iuera to AuEuitni Kollet.tlitod U»roL JHI, 1889, »Df! rceordo'] in UorrlaOonutf ltecorJa in BOOK Y 10, pane 610, &o,

IJ1A W. (JURY HlieriflDated Anaust 15lh. 1800. ' to CO


Bear Iroala, will l o opeo to rcoeiie atpplcn ot

HONDAY, BEfTEHBEtt l it . 1890, by

883* p P. D. COUV.



For pa>tUnlui addr«ai

att-lin H1DB L. D. HAG1IS, DoW, N. J.



New iertey Business College,!Ufc7UBI!0.U> ST., NEWARK,

EDOC ATE FOR BUSINESSImtraetlon tborongLt

BtUuluUoa gutraDteodl

POIIHODI for >J1 woU qualified 1

Toilira joiaonsblol

CaUtogae free)

Open all tbo year 1

N. B.—OFPJO* UCLP ruaiimin OB

p . T. WILLEB, r



Wboleule ind itUU dealers and liottlen

8oie agents tor BaOantlne <t Co'i OeUbralti

Export and Lager Bier, tupplltd In any

a box to • ear load.

Bon'iIndia Pile _ - . . . c _ap in pint and bftll pint tottlei ipeolillj«aagtBdfer hotel»nd taralljMe.



MOST UBERAI* TERMS.Uoequitod ficiiillai. Onn of (ho Urgeat,oldcHt-oitablltbnl, and boat knowa Nnr-noiiiiri In tl)D oauutry. Aililreai W. A; T,HlllTll. U n e v i Nuticrr, Oeuova. N. Y.

E»TiDU8HEE IK 1810. 10-OtT 0. O, (T,



BY L. D, 80UWAIIZ,•1- 8U88EX STKEEr,-:-

1>OVER, W-J.

BARGAINSI BARGAINS!To dose ont tkoso samplen, I will soil regardless of cost, saving you

20 to 80 per conl.



AND TEA POTS, 1 ItANGE with olovatoa Oolvinizod Iron

Doilor; 2 SECOND-HAND BANQES, witU KoBernoitB;

1 OOPPEB 40 GALLON BOILER; I him) a fall

lino of OIL and OASOLINE 8TOVE8,





and all itork dono promptly nad in tlio "cost mnnnor. Bujing oil my

goods for cabu, Icanmuet nny competition.


Watchmaker and Jeweler,Blackwell Street,

•M' for * DlamsudiGold «Bd Silrer Watchea,


" ' • - • • • • . " - • . ' ; ' : * , : • • - . ' • .

Also • fall line ot Art \ovel-

tlei, CJarUbatl iToiry^ Boyal

Y>QTC*titt*kct Ttaelargeitand

inoit conplrte Buortment

•rior offered In Dover* Prlcei

OB all loom low.


;:0IALXT, WitoliM told"n LutallmeiU.



0IUPTEH Act to provide lor auumUtlD^ proposed

idmectit lo tbe uou«titution to 'to tbe peoplo thuoof.

w, CerUUQ propcbed ftmendmen .tbe ooautimttoti of tho aUto of Now JOI-N T were at tbo session ot t ie legUUtnrcof tbb Blue la tue jewr one tionuDdeight Imndred and elghtj'Dinf, BgreeTbv » m»joritj of the meioben eleolweftoh of iLe two bonm thereor, uidtered ou tbe fonnutU ot cieh of uiihonsea, «Ub the ytu (Ad u y s Uktithereoti and referred to iht legfslatunthen nrx to tw chosen { uid whereu, thiBald propoied amendment* were publiahed aa requlrad br tha oanaUtnllonand *bemB, in the legtiUtara theiobonej, baing the lefriatatnre nowl _•ion, eooh propwtd •mendraenU haibeen agreed to by ft majoritj of ail fmember* doc ted to cacti honw; avberotu), tbe oonstilnlion of thb atalequlreitbelegifllftluro to inbmlt Boob proposed amendments u bars beeu agreed ti•a afoiewtd to tbe people ftt»Apt«lalele<;UOD to bo belli for that purpove onlytherefore,

1. Be it ecaoitJd hy tbe Benafco and Qoral Aaeembly of ths Bute Of New Jerae]TUftt on Tueftdflj, the Uilrtietb day of Hitefflber next, aa election shall be bed ia Ieereral (ov?iubff > aad wtrdi of this slate,the plauc or plaoea In each of eald towithlpe or warda vhere tbe lost election fcfloverijor waa bald, lo enable the eltatoiqaalificd to Tote for member* of tbe kglilatura to vute for or aRalnat each of auoproponed ftmendinDnU. to ths com li In lion.

2. Aud b» it ennoUd, That the jadge*election In tbe w e n d townibips and wawho khull be iu office on the thirtieth £ot BtpUmbor next, shall bs the judgessaid ofoation, and the poll* ibaH be oneniand closed al tbe tlnwi now tUed by l»w fiopening and oloebg of polli *t theumniielOTtlon in tils elate, aad tho said olootloishall be conduottd by the same ofQoori amIn the manner now reaolred njrlawlnoonduullng tbe •.nnual tlcotionn in ttls atatonltiau otborwiBP cUreotod In ibis act,

8. And be it enacted, That at BUCU eltlon eaob voter may presant a ballotwbmh shall IHI ffritiou o.- prtotcd, or partiyrriuanor paHly printed, In tlio fo.mfoloffiug, KUtntly i

For all preposition!) on Ibis ballot woloare not o^oetllcd with ink or penol), tBS*inrU ail wliiub Rro BO oanoelled i

For tbe proposal ammitlrnont to nrtlclo fc•'- soveu, elaune, subdivblon tlire

, reads as follows,, " regulating tbo ittoriialoiruirnof tovviwaud couutnw, appoinliua local olllces or commissions tn regulat

' -1 nlloim11 by omltUug tbe wordng thu iutcma! aJTairs uf torvns an<uuU by cliauging tlio word "olllces"

to "olilueni," HO tliflt tbo btur^ nball nod " ftpUxtiuE '"w*1 oQIcera or coinwlauiuiis to rtsgu-£ ii.unfciijai aJfiUrtJi11

i'or the pruiiwud nmouJmont to arU<aovou, ncUon twu, c\aam two, by omitiing th'wonts " tJinll tio DiHHilntul by the mnataaniguaralawraldjr^Mnt. i iMt

ral nmntl

court of cuintnon pleaa shall told their ofllaTlM' yuan.; hut wliwi npiMiiutcd fa Jill viiuiclu tiit'y uiiail hold rorttiounoxpfred tuiily,1'

•1. Anil bo It cuuutul, That uacb of Baldlot) shall U> counted aa u vote c u t for L_proposition tburoou not cancelled with Inkpcii uil, ODJ against ouch proposition BO can&Alod, mil) i-oturji tlioreof shall be mado ao-corJiii(jly by UID judgoa of election.

B. And iiitt owtited'tkot tdlporwn« ontitled to vote in thin xtate for nmmborB of thlogialnturo nt the time ofsalil olectlou shalliu tlidr rtwjioctlvo towiuhliw and wards, IHentitled to voto at tho poll wbero they uuubu entlUod to vote for monition* of the legislature.

- And be it enacted, That after fuiall'

Ul.^ 1*.1J,J D.,1111 lUUUb I4UU tOli'UB^ HID U|U|Ugiven, relative tocuoh of UID said proposeoiiicuiliiicnts to tlio coiutitutloc, and thonupon sball set down iu writing tha who

1 bar of votosgivon for eiicuoftlie Bald ur, . ._ d amoiidineuW in tbe words ia which tsaid proposed amoiiilinont is bereinbefcgivou, aud tiiawholo number of votes glv.against each of the sold proposed amendmentaa berelubofore given, and shall certify tanbubscribeaBtatemontofUierefultoftnenmeand causo tho same oaitflled to be delivonxby a messenger appointed by them to tba 1rotary of state of thla state wlEbln ono wofwr Bald cliwtion, who ihall - forthwiththe naino in lUi olDce as du uOIcial paper.

7. And be it enacted, That it ahull beduty of tlio governor to summon to attendLim, on t ie twenty-first day Afttr Buch elec-tion, four or more of tha mamben of tba sen-ate, who nhf,U meet on U» lait named day 1tbe Beiiato chainhor, in the city of Trenton, 1tho boar of two o'clock P. M., and thayTwlitho governor, shall constitute a board o i itacanvaesers to'canvass and oatimate the vol

given Tor and against each of Baldmente, and tha said board of state u™,,™era suolt proceed to orgaalis and uotermlnitho result according to tbe provtaona of thenet entiUed l'Au. aot t*Tregulate eloo-Uonfl," approved • April atsUnutb.' dghtoenhundred and forty-six, so far as they nrenpplioAblo, and ahall detannlne oiid declarewhich of said praposad, amondmenU havebeen adapted, and shall fartlkwtth UeUvuf estatement of the rosult as to each amend-ment to ths secretary of state of this atute, tcbeHIed In lilsofBoeafl an official paper, aany proposed amandment wbloh by uldctltfcAte and doUroilnatlon at tbo boardslats canvaaBera aliali appear to have rcceJv<in its favor a majority o fa l i tbe vutea cartUto ntflterarand against Bald propeeodaumeat sUoU frum tbe tlmo of filing said otcato be and become mi.amendment to —part of the oonstitutlon ot thla state, aadshall be the duty of tbe governor of thk utaifortbmth, afterswdi.determination, to iaa proclaination deolarina vhlob of said pposed amendment bare been odoptod by

^ A n d be It enackd. That,*aether with tlio said proposed aroendmaahaU bo publUhet) in autiTe nowtpanwbitut were nutbonieil by law, on tbe 1day of January; eighteen Bundred aul nineto puttWb tno laws ot tals state, and•an&sUaU be publlbhed In the sold UOWBWMTB for 'our weeks nest preceding said ef«

Hon.onoo in eocli we«kt and no othur publcation, sball bo uuido In said nowepopen,, bunogloot or failure to nubllah aa oforcealishall not impair the validity of mich electionand tha Mcnrtary of state shall fumlultcopy til uns law to tsuii «i£ saiii uutVHutpum,

9. And bo it enacted, That tbe came notof tbo elootlon provided for by this net intowwOilw.aud wards of the state shaUriven aa is now required by law in case che ontiiial election for members of the leg

lature. •10, And bo It enacted, That 'all officers

election who thai: assist In conducting BU.fllootlon shall rccolro the same compcjilaUonand bo pnid in the same mii— *-irovidod by law In case of t

ll ' And be it anactod, Thatnoliiw roapect-inetbe ncuitniUou of voten shall Ua.Vpicablo totHa elooUon provided for by t i ia-

for In this act in tbe formprovided for the 096 of the voteS

tlie rrtaw, and ahall, at lout two w«ks Ifora tba iiu« fixed herein for said elwU,^tnaamlt to tbe clerk of MOD ouunty in (bisstate a aoffiolant nomber for tbe uw of tlTOten of that oonaty, and it shall be theduty of Iheolerk.of each oonnty, at leuone wetb before said election, 10 transitthe Judges of eleotionin oaoh poillnntrie, of his county a sufficient ouubt r fa rthe use of the voten of auol - • " °

13. And be it enai " "take effeot immedluUly.

Approved J a w u , U8Q.[Proposed amondmonU to the ConsUtuUou of

tbe State of Hew Jereer 1

ibdlvUon 3, wblcb rmi i a. fcito!

BLACKWELL STREET,• '-'.,:. . . ^ ^ - B H L E R S . I N - . : ' : : • • • • -



COAL, WOOD AHB BUILDIHB MATERIAIIwajs on nani. , H»»lnf lately enoted »larg«Cort Trestle with COVSRBDjpocKET

aod a oapaolty of one boodrr4 care, we oan mpply oar aitattimtua with

AND SCREENED COAX.»1 tnrt: nal na h»*». H anvrara u l tt>«d*il "itfcoM »\mt\\*


STJSSEX STREET, DOVER, N. J.ia orpBniHa JUST how A tursiu] LINJC or

Box Writing Papers,which be la wnfldont Is lbs Uuit stock of tlie kind o t « brought to DoTsr, tnd to wtiltlL bepirtictOariy Innles ibo atkenllon o\ h31ei, AJiu arerjlhlnfr pepnlar aud Indlng Io tha wtf of

Books, Magaziaes, PeriodicalsiDaily and Weekly Papers,


Choice Segars and Tobaooos, Pipes, Fouohes,«to.( tog«Uiw n,;u k Ono uiorunent ol UoXoa) buinuneatf, Ontlary infl oltiu





Ctrpenter tad Builder,


On and after 8«pt«a.ber l i : . t t f propertyniwnaa lite La«;ur fVIi'la pin*, roroar ofEllhtt etmei ind lUaduIpb V*enca. will be

^t. Apply (a '


epot In Kflw Sort, foot at lUrcUf St.

foot of CbnstopUcT Bt.8OUUEQ AHUAKGEMtNTB.

Oommeuoiiig U O N D A Y , JUNE W, 1S9




Buffalo ExwrBBS* 6.38Oewoao Eipreu* 0;08Dorer Expreie 0i6CBaokettstowii Ex p.7»3Wubiogton8pl* 8:08BastonEipres* B:i0" lOalo B*prBssV.8-*B

Dover Aooonj. H:i5ElmlraBx.* 1:86Eit.on Ki l l a.ftO«weRO Etprcn* t ; l ifi'kottatcwn Bpl** tli&QDoror AOOOED. ^ 8:M

ai ipr*ii ^

BfcttUttoW 10:DoVtrExprfiBB 11:

lLoeom, isEipfow^aEiprei i8

fiaiB Expteii 0:6or»nioE El." Bi1' > « r B r e " 7i

i l 8

•TU, Boonton Brauob.



KorrialOrTo.r. 7.21 A. H.

u:au •• n u n[H:iSp. a. 1:10 p.2:41 " 11:100:09 " CM '

Lo^re. ArrifiUnrditovn. Dorer-flsos*.K. eat,81 iff •* o.-as

10:38 •' 11:1011:63

1:58 P.M.i-JHI "5:6* 'e:507:80




LEAVE NEW I0HK FOR DOVEIl.At 1:20, 7:10, 730*. 0:00', 9:10, 9.10, Id

A, M.J 12:00 y., 1:00*. 8^0, *:I0', 4:80, B««0,1W, 8;00", 8-.00 aud 6iM." r. u,

•Via. Sounton Drauoh.


Wutaard. Rations. tiastoi.M. r.u. r.v. i.n r.M.10:33 8:05 6:1710J3 »:67 %m10:13 2:63 6:t)l10:02 3:47 5:C9 'Suocasuana 7:12 12:18 49:63 9:43 5.03 MoCainsTille 7:16 13:221.8:40 SJ36 B;17 Port Or»m 7iB3 13^0 B:S^5 3:S0 6;W Dav«r 6;TO I3:SS G:!The HuketUtawu Eipreni atopi at Pi

p « . « Rmn s >n 7;as *. «,; j o S g Weat


Oentrol Railroad of New Jorse.


JirSsw itflBi.footofLlbertySt.,NorthLBAVB. ' VPTBAINI

AM. i.W. A, M. V.U. >.M I, M. A.hew Vork 5.16 B.00 : j 00 (,QO tj



ndorr..Cftrr'i . . .S»VfUl«Kenrll,.;

- 8.80^t,03, O'ua


7JJ iO.uo8.05,8.17 lO.oa

; 8,2 J 1HCB8.M 10,CO8.88 41.058.87 1 U 08.41 11,13SAG 11.17B..0 11.9',6.S1 U.'JS8.H 11.27

' 12-EdBlB e it>3 1s.8i i.tag 98 89 UogiO,8 ii tJS»\lU8.4S 7.04 ID.s.ei 7.D6 11*

7 6) 0.09 11,80 2.11 8.1:9 7.18 10,,.7.03 9.10 ll.iO 2,4? 4,01 7.18

fl.OO 8.16 11.10 a 68 1.C9 7.M, 8.17 0.22 11.62 0 OH.17 7.H9

aonnau VaUey..,, J.. 7.808.8311.1B*.16 «.<OhMtBrFarnio*..... 7.42 8.i8H.SB*.a5 O.IChester.... 7.i1B.6t 11.801,90 7.

BOWDATI Oxt-r—Oennan Vnllej 0:10 t.Chaster Fatnto* 0^5 * . ar.f Chester TiW r.


11.80 9.80 0.39 OJQll . i t 8.16 8,00UU11.49110311.671101U40Vlib

1.08 ' i.flJ7.0;l

e.w»>v5e.ii lit?



OheeUr....LT. 7.0S 8.16 10 ID 11,fB 8.B0 6.:Cheater For. 740 6.3010 SO 11JSI SJSJ 0.GetmaunU«iT.» »•» ,11.01 W.Cfl t . » 9.3

Bumnn OHIT—Obeiter 0^0 r. «.} ObeiteFarsMe SiH r,».) Gerufta Tallej < -M t. X.

TraJas leave Dorer forMmnlalnk n d LakiHou^tMinj US, SS<1. 11,30 A, M.; 3.80, a 80and B M p. M. For nil atatlona to Of den&S8,8.56 A. «u; 9.30 r. u.

Conveyaueaa nan be proonwd *\ GemVallewtoendfrora Sohoolev'a MeanUlajFlanders to u d from Bodd's Lake.

Trains IMVIDC Roekawaj at &30, Killif.. 8:33 r. K., eonneata lor IrOOg fitmncOcean Grove, ate. .

EABTOH CONNKCTION-Ooaneotloamade at Kgb BHdse tn orij frnm RMIOQ.


J. H. OtHiOira, OSD. Snnt.


R O C K A W J L Y , I?. JV

' J A S E H T 8 T 0 B T H E • '•••'•••''

Steam HeatersUoplox Btoaw and Sot Water He*t«it. Thiy

a n mad* of wroubk bnUei-.lnni, kmvo OOP*parfloM, and oltJin enparlortbr In «ha fol-lowlBsTpfflntst' GM»teoono*itl"»'walI'81nj;

ieitj i»f «iMt»nflUo«l rHo) vaaeeMslblir

aalt im -keep eleax I: K*«y to u u a g * I ' Nolift to U« Wp Of »laxs* aa^M-

f&asw.AU'ttlnfla of PlumblnB. Bcoflos and Sheet-m Work •aUafaototy euauted. la ittoekat

Umaa Btorea and Hot Air Jamme* of enry• i J - " ~ - ™--aw*r»OnU£rTTlrjT»r*Oi




i,and aoldfttllrlng'^rteat.' Calltni.warn.;

1/ All goods dlliNnd

F ibatomaLsbott notloej;



M O R R I S T O W N ,



Seed, and FtrtUixen,SAFES e\KD SCALES,


Acme Harrow, Wheel CDltlrators, Witer A. Hood Mowers, Meaner* *>llitideraf Horse Itafcra, American HiTdd L d T d U f»i

Hoolitideraf HoTedderm Le

• era, •

e Itafcra, American H*»d Tread Uorae f*»i

CIOTIOHfcjui bl onte


letpMlallr adapl

„ , lonanfllaoB.




J . P. 0KAY0N, Gen'l Agt




Firs, Lightning «r TornidoB:In protecUos yoar bqmel and bailnflai

American naDltal and home erjterprlae.*Slook Inenred .gainst lightning anywhere,

and agalDat fire In anj prlvatA barnaatabl«lnNe'J«n«7 '

IPEOIUJ.—All nalduona Innredpbolosrapbad. - Voo gat a PaffrooBAX!jronr nalaaDM £*AER : V'


G&oupt, Foanunai Vrawa i)

fiiauoatwrto WoBa.

"D0HIBTI0" wUcHuhlo

Muon and Hsmlin Organs,• BEAL BSTATE AOEHDT.'.fi

Orden bj mail will noalra earilaii ajteiitlc!

i» B u 138,'Kccnwlr, H. I .


PRICE OF BEEFPorterhouse Steak, 16c.


. ' All 6tl.r onl. la pret.rtioo. :;

Abo OOOCKK1E8 al 1U1U1 ra&md jdou.

BWan. aaall aad b . oonTltiMd ol t l .

Ho, 4, Itiok'Blook, fiorer.


M»terl«l~for Panoy. Tf ork:

v.y., ,'i-'V A T VvVr^

A u e i n d u » o».Fiutox.'iinD:8TA»£«-

10:sTO10&BLOCK;-.;! iiOTBi; » . i ,

Headache Troches

sraybpB; Bjiirara'. b i bpsoESTira:

:;,-.••;. - , -...•TiiTiaioituir.'. :'-'b:/-V- ..;'•"

This U to oettl.T toi l I Uva'iHd for

1 Beadapfae lioohes,r; Tbo rtinear tmrej— MtUebei, etpcoU'lr sabb u tffeof Herv-me Women, |han atvUiIng I an Mqualntidrllb, and it this «crtlfleato. will bs (to roeani

•-rinsing U fo .tboifavonbla 1 " "tan from thai Ironble, I shalldone tatm ft aMrrtoa.; L I

O B E R T K I L L G O R E , D l l

OTOE AND 1OT POE SUiEa riibwriier cJferi'fot aili big toni» '»£&

' - b n r t , loutei n«r Iha lll0Mi«ottiiUdd

Estate of Nathau Hopkins,' '-:': deceased;'::-'PUBfltTANX io ib . order oi the tliuruu.

ot tbe Oo»oir of aaor^'MaJJ^J";twenly^lltb daj or loan A. 0 ' oiie ih

herebj gt»m to all t»i»in.ruVng oZmasalaat lbs eibtft of mtbin n<,pkii]M,*lat.

tuna Qndoro»tbor»fflraD»t

IK flfll^.,•aid onlor; and >»I trtdilor aeileeiuti tbring lor and oillblC bla o>. ha J K ' j S j ™oatborafa™»tlon,i.ltutntli. U m e J o n S !will bo toreror birred of bl. orVer 2 , . 't h f l t t theAdmlninrator. °

'»^j.»-'/«A D

DR. A. (3r.

itoiw, aad lnrltM » tturt of ihaebe;


Dr. Freeman TIM been mr own and ramii*" * as Blso for the, Wal t* aid «hDla2

iitltnta for tbe pMl twelve jeiri."JJW reoummend him u a^f.ia'at ull.aTl- ?*?!,"? "

tentlst, M also foiufUelostltatafoi _Is a. gre»t pleaanro W »enanat.iirltlm~tboraughryoompflMntanrl reliable drntl

BIT. Gfco. M. Wstxaaxi D. DresiawtHaoketUtown"" • * - "


rwWeM Baokottatoni CoII.» / .owalntane?Sth D,. t

tended over a period of taai»ja.lf,f.mllja»dpatrenaIejjjjdjta „ ae«.K«, r

Df.Fr..n,..b»tl..p«S^'il.WifamlljofSniltbi at Waterloo, and we nhthim great auceeia la bli hew nild. •

'- Bimvni sunn

A G. FBIBMAK. ;D « A » flinj-i ahall be liippj to k m joo

use my onm* w.tli otbtirt M you BnggMt. II

Kn leave Hanbo tta town wf an glad yon »|||•0 near aa Ooyer. flinctrelj vanrt,

- B. W.BoABDitiw D i> •Da. fJIKEMAKj-petr 8lrt If the ose'of

my name Is of »nv Hneflt si ft nfarenut. 3 nire welcome to Oi6 it. 0.11, NELDW, Jrf! I)

A few/ ninuii«r Dover peopl« t u whom 1J i« done work la tie 3 > \ " l f r (a"(i

Dr. Wm. H, OoodaJef • ' D«Id AlleB,Geo. UoOrukim. . • - Bldaer Bmltt.


; ' eat eao lenqw" :

and reveraame, " • ™

lNU KINUItVEB, itroi,[and coousBilcai .


: :';^jii


GI^AKLNband PlTl,l.KV8,lar>e. . . .-• ••! n n d a a o a l l . . . - - •; . .Be«j and U«bt'ba«ir, ,J:! . tren, Bmi,•DdPhoiphorBronie, ForalDoi of eT.rr do'•QripUonl BOTXiBBS, honaontal, tnbnlir anaeprfght. i •.••:.' ^i.:l;V^;;'>:v-):,:- . . ; ,

The Equipment of Iron

; : :'•'-. ••;.;'.' OOtotnnd Workt -. •'••••, • .•:•.;.-• e0BBiXfir..i>qVKii;H-i.)



KONDIY. BBPTEIIBBE 16th.•r Tf a Koroii J84&^ief'a*lVoroiiab pro.;fenlonal trahl«for"t«ebta«, the Modelp f b l the drawng-room. er

aladlu burJ; waiKi

DormltoriM ole.inUT fsnlahed, providwUkbittbs, «l«.*V0r nnbei'iraKieiUrii


-^ .*•• .*- . — • • • • ja a.a n • w n a j j O l l flaillu' rV

^Offle^uidalitip &r .7f BUokiMU and S(T

llackberry Brandy

iDlsr«,r C l i l i r i '•Metbi.'t.'; Colte/ •CriiMes;lVeMllls|t.Dysatttar7>J>larrbiBa,.siBi) B I I . 1

Slata.foroubad from lb« belt oiarrlei«jn l l l l t l o aaftlild. If fa. v:

;J^.X,(YL.>yi;,^ii3>. M7iiV4*t^i/