Download - iRODS Rule Language Cheat Sheet

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IRODS Cheat Sheet (version 3+)Version 0.9 by Samuel Lampa, BILS (

Contact author: samuel dot lampa at bils dot se

Numeric Literals

1 # integer

1.0 # double

Strings'A \'string\', ' ++ "another \”string\”"

# Some valid escape characters:

“\n, \r, \t, \\, \', \", \$, \*"

Boolean constantstrue # True

false # False

Boolean comparison

! # Not

&& # And

|| # Or

%% # Or used in the "##" syntax

Arithmetic operators

- # Negation

^ # Power

* # Multiplication

/ # Division

% # Modulors

- # Subtraction

+ # Addition

Arithmetic comparison> # Greater than

< # Less than

>= # Greater than or equal

<= # Less than or equal

Arithmetic functions




floor(<num>) # always returns integer

ceiling(<num>) # always returns integer

average(<num>, <num>, ...)

max(<num>, <num>, ...)

min(<num>, <num> , ...)

String functions

writeLine("stdout", "Hi!");

Prints out “Hi!.”

"This “++”is”++” a string."

Equals to “This is a string.”

"This is a string." like "This is*"

Equals to true

"This is." like regex "Th.*is[.]"

Equals to true

substr("This is a string.", 0, 4)

Output: This

strlen("This is a string.")

Output: 17

split("This is a string.", " ")

Equals to: [This,is,a,string.]

writeLine("stdout", triml("This is a

string.", " "));

Equals to: is a string.

trimr("This is a string.", " ")

Equals to: This is a

List functions

list(<elem>, <elem>, ...)

Creates a new list, Ex:


elem(<list>, <index>)

Retrieves elements from a list (0-indexed). Ex:


# returns “This”

setelem(<list>, <index>, <value>)

Updates an item in a list. Ex:


# Evaluates to list("My","list").


Gives the size of a list. Ex:


# evaluates to 4.


Gives the head of a list, Ex:


# Evaluates to "This"


Gives the tail of a list. Ex:


# Evaluates to list("is","a","list")

cons(<element>, <list>)

Add elements to a list. Ex:


# Evaluates to list("My","list").


Tuples are created like so:

( <component>, ..., <component> )

If statements

Logical if:

if <expr> then { <actions> }

else { <actions> }

Logical if example:

if (*A==1) then { true; } else {

false; }

Functional if (returning value of any type):

if <expr> then <expr> else <expr>

Functional if example:

if true then 1 else 0

if *A==1 then true else false

The following abbreviation are allowed (the red

striked part can be abbreviated) in functional ifs:

if (...) then { ... } else { ... }

if (...) then { ... } else { if (...)

then {...} else {...} }

Multiple abbreviations can be combined for


if (*X==1) { *A = "Mon"; }

else if (*X==2) {*A = "Tue"; }

else if (*X==3) {*A = "Wed"; }

Foreach loops

Without iterator:

foreach(*C) {

writeLine("stdout", *C);


With the iterator variable (*E in this case):

foreach(*E in *C) {

writeLine("stdout", *E);


Page 2: iRODS Rule Language Cheat Sheet

Defining functionsFunctions can be thought of as microservices written

in the rule language and are defined like this:

<name>(<param>, ..., <param>) = <expr>


square(*n) = *n * *n

Variables in functions: The let expression

As function definitions are based on expressions

rather than action sequences, we cannot put an

assignment directly inside an expression. For

example, the following is not a valid function


quad(*n) = *t = *n * *n; *t * *t

To solve this problem, the let expression provides

scoped values in an expression. The general syntax for

the let expression is:

let <assignment> in <expr>

For example:

quad(*n) = let *t = *n * *n in *t * *t

The variable on the left hand side of the assignment in

the let expression is a let-bound variable. The scope of

such a variable is within the let expression. A let

bound variable should not be reassigned inside the let


Defining Rules

Define rules with nontrivial rule conditions like this:

<name>(<param>, ..., <param>) {

on(<condition>) { <actions> }


The rule condition can be skipped for rules with trivial

or non-existent conditions:

<name>(<param>, ..., <param>) {



A rule can have multiple conditional expressions:

<name>(<param>, ..., <param>) {

on(<condition>) { <actions> } …

on(<condition>) { <actions> }


Generating and Capturing Errors

In a rule, we can also prevent the rule from failing

when a microservice fails:


The errormsg microservice captures the error

message, allows further processing of the error

message, and avoids the default logging of the error

message, like so:

errormsg(msi, *msg)

In a rule, the fail() and failmsg() microservices can be

used to generate errors.

fail(errorcode) generates an error with an error code.



failmsg(<errorcode>, <errormsg>) generates an

error with an error code and an error message.


failmsg(-1, "this is an error message")

The msiExit microservice is similar to failmsg:

msiExit("-1", "msi")

Inductive Data Types

The features discussed in this section are currently

under development!

An inductive data type is a data type for values that

can be defined inductively, i.e. more complex values

can be constructed from simpler values using

constructors. General syntax:

data <name> [ ( <type parameter

list> ) ] =

| : <data constructor type>

| <data constructor name> : <data

constructor type>

For example, a data type that represents the natural

numbers can be defined as

data nat =

| zero : nat

| succ : nat -> nat

Here the type name defined is “nat.” The type

parameter list is empty. If the type parameter list is

empty, we may omit it. There are two data

constructors. The first constructor “zero” has type

“nat,” which means that “zero” is a nullary constructor

of nat. We use “zero” to represent “0”. The second

constructor “succ” has type “nat -> nat” which means

that “succ” is unary constructor of nat. We use “succ”

to represent the successor. With these two

constructors we can represent all natural

numbers: zero, succ(zero), succ(succ(zero)).

Pattern matching

If a data type has more than one data structure, then

the "match" expression is useful:

match <expr> with

| <pattern> => <expr>

| <pattern> => <expr>

For example, given the nat data type we defined

earlier, we can define the following function using the

match expression:

add(*x, *y) =

match *x with

| zero => *y

| succ(*z) => succ(add(*z, *y))

For another example, given the "tree" data type we

defined earlier, we can define the following function

size(*t) =

match *t with

| empty => 0

| node(*v, *l, *r) => 1 +

size(*l) + size(*r)