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  • 8/3/2019 IRDA Q&A


  • 8/3/2019 IRDA Q&A


    7. The amount of insurance depends on

    The peril

    The risk

    Neither the peril nor the risk

    Both the peril and the risk *

    8. The amount payable under a life insurance policy depends on

    The income of the insured person at the time of the claim

    The income of the insured person when he took the insurance

    The amount of the sum assured *

    None of the above

    9. State which of the following statements is correct

    Risk is uniform for all assets

    Life insurance improves standards of living *

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong

    10. An insured person can afford to

    Ignore safety precautions

    Be less serious on the packaging of goods

    Be lenient on controls in warehouses

    Do none of these three *

    11. Insurance works on the principle of


    Probabilities Large numbers

    All of the above *

    12. Insurance works on the principle of




    All of the above *

    13. Insurance works on the principle of

    Mutual help *


    Both of the above

    Neither of the above

    14. Insurance works on the principle of

    Equal contributions

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    Proportional contributions *

    Contributions dependent on affordability

    None of the above

    15. Micro insurance can be transacted by

    Life insurers only Non-life insurers only

    Both life and non-life insurers *

    Only by specially created insurers

    16. State which of the following statements is correct

    Risk, if certain, cannot be insured.

    Risk refers to the loss that happens

    Both the above statements are correct *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    17. A human being

    Is an economic asset

    Is an income earning asset

    Is a perishable asset

    All the above *

    18. A human beings value is measured by

    The income that he generates *

    The value of the goods that he produces

    His academic qualifications

    All of the above

    19. The asset, which is a human being, perishes when

    He dies

    He becomes disabled to work

    He retires from work

    In all the above situations *

    20. Which of the following events are insurable in a life insurance policy?

    The child to be a born is not a male child

    The child, when born, has physical deformities Neither of the above situations *

    Both the above situations

    21. The insurer, being a trustee, has to ensure that

    The claim paid is genuine

    The premium charged is fair and reasonable

    A suspicious claim is not paid

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    All of the above *

    22. An insurer, as a trustee, has to ensure that

    The life fund is safe

    The life fund earns the maximum interest

    Both of the above * Neither of the above

    23. An insurer, as a trustee, is responsible to the

    The policyholders *

    The IRDA

    The Government

    All the above

    24. An insurer, as a trustee, has to give priority to

    Policyholders, as a class *

    An individual policyholders difficulties

    The claimants financial condition

    All of the above

    25. The probability of 50% for an event happening means that the event

    Will happen regularly every alternate occasion

    Will happen 50% of the time over a very large number of trials

    Will never exceed 50%, however large be the attempts made

    Will become closer to 50% as the attempts increase *

    26. The probability of an event is mentioned As a ratio

    As a percentage

    Neither as a percentage nor as a ratio

    Either as a percentage or as a ratio *

    27. A probability of one in a hundred is valid

    When it happens once in a hundred trials

    Even when the event happens fifty times in a thousand trials

    When the event does not happen even once in a hundred trials

    In all the above situations *

    28. Insurance is legitimate

    When an adverse happening is likely *

    When an adverse happening is unlikely

    When an adverse happening is certain

    In all the above three situations

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    29. Insurance covers situations

    When the consequences of the happening are beneficial

    When the consequences are harmful *

    When the consequences are immaterial

    When the consequences cannot be measured in money terms

    30. Life insurance is arranged because

    Some one may die

    Some one may live

    Of both the above reasons *

    Of neither of the above reasons

    31. In a life insurance contract, the beneficiary may be the

    The policyholder

    The life insured

    The dependents of the life insured

    All the three mentioned above *

    32. Which one of these principles does not apply in the case of a life insurance contract?

    The principle of indemnity *

    The principle of good faith

    The principle of insurable interest

    The principle of large numbers

    33. Insurance benefits


    The country The society

    All the three *

    34. Insurance reduces the burden on

    The society

    Individual families

    Business houses

    All the three *

    35. The business of insurance has

    Social implications

    Impact on economic development of the country

    Impact on the economic well being of families

    All the above implications *

    36. The business of insurance affects

    Availability of capital for business *

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    The life span of individuals

    The safety of equipments in factories

    All these three

    37. The competition for the business of life insurance is

    Non-life insurance Small savings

    House property

    None of these three *

    38. The competition for the life insurance agent comes from those who canvass for

    Small savings

    Mutual funds

    House property

    All the three above *

    39. Life insurance is better than other avenues of savings in respect of




    All the three above *

    40. Life insurance is better than other avenues of savings in respect of


    Tax benefits

    Usefulness in emergency *

    All of the above

    41. State which of the following statements is correct

    Insurance is related to probable loss. *

    Perils are avoidable

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong

    42. State which of the following statements is correct

    Premium is based on expectation of losses

    Living too long is a risk Both the above statements are correct *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    43. State which of the following statements is correct

    The strength of a wrestler can be insured

    The losses are shared equally by all the policyholders

    Both the above statements are correct

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    Both the above statements are wrong *

    44. State which of the following statements is correct

    Insurance prevents the risk

    Insures compensates losses in full

    Both the above statements are correct Both the above statements are wrong *

    45. Reinsurance is the name given to

    An individual taking insurance for the second time

    An insurer placing insurance with another insurer *

    Both the above situations

    Neither of the above situations

    46 State which of the following statements is correct

    Living too long is a blessing, not a risk

    Living too long is a risk *

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong

    47 State which of the following statements is correct

    Perils are avoidable

    Perils are not avoidable *

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong

    48. State which of the following statements is correct

    Probabilities of death and of survival are mutually exclusive

    There are no substitutes for life insurance

    Both the above statements are correct *

    Both the above statements are wrong




    1. Which one of the following statements is correct?

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    A life insurance policy is a contract, enforceable in a court of law *

    A life insurance policy is not required to be stamped

    Both the statements are correct

    Both the statements are wrong

    2. Which one of the following statements is correct? The principle of utmost good faith applies only to life insurance

    The principle of utmost good faith applies only to non-medical cases

    The principle of utmost good faith is operative only for two years

    All the above statements are incorrect *

    3. The principle of utmost good faith is meant to protect the interests of

    The insurer

    The community of policyholders *

    The shareholders

    None of the above

    4. The principle of utmost good faith is important to ensure

    That the premium charged is correct

    That no one gets an undue advantage

    That there is no adverse selection

    All the three factors mentioned above *

    5. The responsibility to comply with the principle of utmost good faith rests with

    The agent

    The proposer *

    The life to be insured All the three

    6. The principle of utmost good faith does not apply to

    Facts of common knowledge

    Facts of law

    Facts which are not material for underwriting

    All the three kinds of facts mentioned above *

    7. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Capacity to contract applies to both parties. Consent to the contract can b e implicit

    Both the statements are correct *

    Both the statements are wrong

    8. Which one of the following statements is correct in life insurance?

    The principle of good faith continues to operate till the policy becomes a claim

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    Facts which happen after the policy has commenced, need not be reported *

    Illnesses after the policy has commenced must be informed to the insurer

    All the above three statements are correct.

    9. A life insurance policy becomes invalid if

    There is a change in occupation after the policy has commenced If the policyholder changes his residence to another country

    The statements in the proposal are found to be substantially wrong *

    The insured person becomes sick after issue of policy.

    10. The principle of utmost good faith will operate in an existing policy

    Every time the premium is paid

    If the policy has lapsed and it has to be revived *

    If the insured person falls sick and is admitted to hospital

    If the insured person changes his job

    11. If the life to be insured falls sick, that fact has to be informed to the insurer

    If it happens within two years of commencement of risk

    If it happens before the first premium receipt is issued *

    If it happens before the policy document is issued

    Only if there is a specific query from the insurer

    12 Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Duty to disclose applies till the claim arises in life insurance

    Insurers are responsible for adverse selection

    Both the statements are correct

    Both the statements are wrong *

    13. The existence of insurable interest is decided by

    The interest which the proposer has in the asset being insured

    The relationship between the proposer and the object of insurance

    The legal decisions on these matters

    All of the above *

    14. Which of the following risks are insurable?


    Economic * Sure to happen

    All of the above

    15. Insurable interest is

    Defined in the Insurance Act

    Defined in the Contracts Act

    Defined by the IRDA

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    Not defined in any written law *

    16. In the case of life insurance, insurable interest should exist

    At the inception of the policy *

    At the time of a claim

    At the time of every renewal premium payment All the above occasions

    17. In the case of life insurance, the principle of insurable interest operates

    In the same way as in marine insurance

    In the same way as in fire insurance

    In the same way as in motor insurance

    Differently than in other forms of insurances *

    18. Which of the following statements is correct?

    The principle of indemnity does not apply to life insurance policies *

    The principle of indemnity does not apply to insurance on human beings

    The principle of indemnity does not apply to third party motor insurances

    All the above statements are wrong

    19 Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Declaration at the end of the proposal form has no legal sanctity

    Declaration at the end of the proposal is a warranty *

    Both the statements are correct

    Both the statements are wrong

    20. Because of the principle of indemnity, There would be difficulties in settling claims in general insurance

    There are frequent disputes at the time of settling claims

    There may be attempts to exaggerate the claims

    All the above three may happen *

    21. Which one of the following statements is correct, with reference to life insurance?

    The claim payable is subject to the principle of indemnity

    The claim payable will depend on the Sum Assured *

    The claim payable will depend on the income of the deceased person

    The claim payable will depend on the size of the family left behind

    22. Which one of the following statements is correct, with reference to life insurance?

    The claim can be paid only after verification of the income of the deceased person

    The claim amount should not exceed the loss of income to the family

    The claim amount payable should be determined by a surveyor.

    None of the above statements is true *

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    23. An insurance contract is valid because

    It is not a wagering contract *

    It promotes socially desirable causes

    It takes care of the destitute

    It provides Government with large funds

    24. Retention of risk may be done conveniently by Large corporations *

    Small companies

    Single individuals

    None of the three

    25. In the case of life insurance, the risks

    Can be avoided

    Cannot be avoided *

    Are avoidable through medical science

    Are avoidable through proper food habits

    26. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    It is difficult to accurately value a human life.

    It is possible to reasonably estimate the value of a human life.

    Both the statements are correct *

    Both the statements are wrong

    27. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The needs of people are different

    The needs of people vary according to life styles

    The needs of people depend on their upbringing All the three statements are correct *

    28. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A person who has just retired from a lucrative job may not need life insurance

    A person who has spent twenty years in Dubai may not need life insurance

    A person who has just taken up his first job needs life insurance *

    All the above statements are wrong

    29. Which is the right time for taking life insurance?

    When you are about to get married

    Soon after you have got married

    Just when you are joined a new job

    All the three times are right *

    30. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A person whose children are well settled does not need life insurance

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    A person who has no family does not need life insurance

    Both these statements are correct

    Both these statements are wrong *

    31. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Life insurance helps when one wants to take a loan for a house Life insurance helps one to retire a comfortable retired life

    Both these statements are correct *

    Both these statements are wrong

    32. In which of the following situations will a life insurance policy come in handy?

    When you want to set up an independent business

    When you want to buy a new house

    In neither of the above situations

    In both the above situations *

    33. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    People hesitate to buy life insurance because they are not aware of their needs

    People hesitate to buy life insurance because they prefer to enjoy the present

    Both the statements are correct *

    Both the statements are wrong

    34. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A person with an established business does not need life insurance

    Life insurance is necessary to save income tax

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong *

    35. Which of the following needs can be met though life insurance?

    Providing for family in the event of sudden death

    To lead a comfortable life in ones old age

    Completing ones investment plans

    All the above *

    36. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Many people think that they do not need life insurance

    Many people think that there is no hurry to buy life insurance Both the above statements are correct *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    37. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Life insurance helps people to get loans for car or house

    Life insurance helps policyholders to save income tax

    Both the above statements are correct *

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    Both the above statements are wrong

    38. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    People do not see the need for life insurance as top priority

    People are unwilling to set aside immediate pleasures to secure life insurance

    Both the above statements are correct * Both the above statements are wrong

    39. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Term insurance policies are suitable for elderly adults

    A nominee must have insurable interest in the life insured

    Both the statements are correct

    Both the statements are wrong *

    40. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Retention of risk is an alternative to insurance

    Insurable interest exists between partners

    Both the statements are correct *

    Both the statements are wrong


    1. A town has 4000 houses. Experience of past ten years shows that over a period ofone year, one in every thousand houses gets burnt by fire. If the expected loss is

    Rs.2,00,000 per house, what would be annual premium to cover each house ?

    a) Rs.200 * b) Rs.300 c) Rs.400 d) none of these

    .2 10 persons are expected to die in a year out of a group of 10,000 persons aged 50,

    who are normal healthy lives. If each persons family is to be given a sum ofRs.1,00,000 as death claim amount, what would be the share of each person

    towards this loss.

    a) 100 * b) 150 c) 250 d) 200

    .3 There are ten thousand employees aged 50 and have similar prospects of

    longevity. Experience shows that over a period of one year, ten persons out ofthousand persons die. If the economic value of a deceased person is assumed to be

    Rs.50,000/-, what would be the share of loss of each person.

    a) 500 * b) 1000 c) 750 d) 1500


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    20 The following illustrations are based on certain assumptions with regard to practices

    of insurers. These assumptions are specified at the appropriate places. While makingcalculations for any policy, the practices of that insurer must be conformed to.

    Step 1: Find out tabular premium i.e. premium quoted in published premiumrates, for given age (nearer, next or last birthday as the case may be) for the

    relevant plan and term. This premium is usually stated as Rs. per thousand SA.

    Assume that the figure is Rs. 45.60

    Step 2 : Deduct adjustment for large sum assured, if applicable. Assuming that

    the insurer allows rebates as follows

    Sum Assured Rebate per thousand S.A

    Rs.25,000 Rs.49,999 Re.1/-Rs.50,000 Rs.99,999 Re.1.50/-

    Rs.1,00,000 and over Rs. 2/-

    and that this is a policy for Rs.75000 SA, the premium would be Rs. 44.10 (45.60

    less 1.50)

    Step 3 : Make adjustment for mode of payment of premium. Assuming that the

    insurer provides rebates of 1% for yearly mode and that the mode proposed in this

    case is yearly, the premium would decrease by 1% of 44.10 or Rs.0.44, makingthe premium Rs. 43.66

    Step 4 : Add Extras. Assuming that the Extras in this case are Rs.1.50 per

    thousand for occupational hazard and Rs.2 per thousand for supplementarybenefits, the total addition is Rs. 3.50 making the total premium Rs. 47.16

    Step 5 : Multiply by SA (Rs.47.16 X 75) equals Rs. 3537.00

    NOTE: If the adjustment of 1% for mode is made before the adjustment for SA,

    the deduction would have been 0.46, instead of 0.44. The difference can be

    significant, if the insurance is for a large SA. Insurers would clarify how theywant it to be done

    21 The above calculation was made for yearly mode of premium. Therefore, the figure of3537 is the premium to be charged. If however, the mode was quarterly, then the annual

    premium worked out by the above method, without the rebate of 1% for yearly mode,

    will have to be divided by 4 to determine the quarterly instalment premium.

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    22 In the calculation shown in the earlier paragraph, the final figure arrived at has no

    paise. If there are paise in the final figure, they may be (i) ignored or (ii) rounded off to

    the next higher integer, or (iii) rounded off to the nearest integer or (iv) rounded off to thenearest 50 paise or any other adjustment, as the insurer may practice.

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    23 A few examples are given below

    Plan term S.A. Age Mode Other riders

    1. 14-30 Rs.25,000/- 35 Hly DAB + EPDB

    2. 5-35 Rs.50,000/- 30 Yly Health extra Rs.3%3. 75-20 Rs.30,000/- 30 Mly (SSS) DAB + EPDB

    NOTE : DAB stands for Double Accident Benefit and EPDB stands for Extended

    Permanent Disability Benefit. Most insurers combine these two benefits together

    1. Tabular premium is Rs.36.55 (1)

    Less adjustment(a) for * SA 1.00 - (2)

    (b) for Hly mode 1.5% 0.55

    Balance Rs.35.00 - (3) (per thousand SA.)


    Balance x SA = 35 x 25 = Rs.875.00 - (4)

    Add DAB + EPDB + 25.00 - (5)Rs.900.00 - (6)

    Half yearly premium Rs.450.00 - (7)

    2. Tabular premium Rs.28.40

    Rebate for large SA Rs. 1.50Adjustment for Qtly. Mode nil

    Balance Rs.26.90Balance x SA. In thousands

    i.e.26.90 x 50 = 1345.00Add : health extra Rs.3 x 50 150.00



    Quarterly instalment premium Rs.373.75

    3. Tabular premium Rs. 66.80

    Less adjustment for SA 1.00

    ------------Adjustment for mode nil Rs. 65.80


    Annual premium 65.80 x 30 = Rs.1974

    Add for DAB + EPDB + 60----------


    Monthly instalment premium

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    (SSS) (divide by 12) Rs. 169.05

    i.e. Rs.169.00


    1. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The premium is the price paid by the policyholder to secure insurance

    The amount of premium varies according to the insurance plan

    Both the above statements are correct *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    2. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The premium under a life insurance policy may be paid monthly

    The premium under a life insurance policy may be paid annually

    Both the above statements are correct *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    3. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The sum of all the premiums paid will be equal to the Sum Assured

    The sum of all the premiums paid will be more than the Sum Assured

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong *

    4. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The sum of all the premiums paid will be more than the Sum Assured

    The sum of all the premiums paid will be less than the Sum Assured Both the above statements are wrong *

    Both the above statements are correct

    5. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The annual premium must be twelve times the monthly premium

    The annual premium may be less than twelve times the monthly premium *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    Both the above statements are correct

    6. Which of the following statements is correct?

    The annual premium is equal to the SA divided by the term of the policy The annual premium increases as the term of the policy increases

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong *

    7. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The annual premium for a long term policy is more than for a short term policy

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    The annual premium for a long term policy is less than for a short term policy *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    Both the above statements are correct

    8. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The premium increases as age of the insured person increases *

    The premium decreases as the age of the insured person increases

    The premium is the same whatever be the age of the person

    The premium is the same for a person aged 30 for all plans of insurance

    9. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

    The premium depends on the age of the policyholder *

    The premium depends on the age of the insured person

    The premium depends on the health of the insured person

    The premium depends on the occupation of the insured person

    10. What does a premium depend upon?

    Age of the person to be insured

    Family history of the person to be insured

    Medical history of the person to be insured

    All of the above *

    11. What does a premium depend upon?

    Religion of the person to be insured

    Income of the person to be insured Both the religion and the income of the person to be insured

    Neither the religion nor the income of the person to be insured *

    12. The premium actually paid by the policyholder depends upon

    The wealth of the person to be insured

    The level of risk as assessed by the insurer *

    The tables of rates printed by the insurer

    None of the above

    13. What does a premium depend upon?

    The place of worship visited by the person to be insured

    The state of health of the policyholder

    The decision of the underwriter *

    The report of the agent

    14. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The rate of premium charged can be less than the tabular rates

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    The rate of premium can be more than the tabular rates *

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong

    15. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The premium collected in the early years is less than what is required

    The premium collected in the early years is more than what is required *

    The premium collected in any year is exactly what is required

    All the above statements are correct

    16. The pure premium will be

    Less than the office premium *

    More than the office premium

    Either more or less than the office premium

    Neither more nor less than the office premium

    17. The net premium will be

    Less than the risk premium *

    More than the risk premium

    Calculated by adding expenses to the risk premium

    More than the pure premium

    18. When interest rates fall, the premium charged by an insurer are likely to

    Increase *

    Decrease Remain the same

    Neither increase or decrease

    19. The premium is loaded because of

    Interest likely to be earned

    Likely expenses *

    Likely claims

    Age of the insured person

    20. The policyholder is concerned with the

    Office premium *

    Pure premium

    Net premium

    Risk premium

    21. The premium rates printed in the promotional literature are

    Risk premiums

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    Net premiums

    Office premiums *

    None of the above

    22. The premium printed on the schedule of the policy is worked out from Net premiums

    Risk premiums

    Office premiums *

    None of the above

    23. The reason for charging level premiums is

    Risk increases as age increases

    It is convenient to the policyholder

    It is convenient to the insurer

    All the above reasons *

    24. The practice of charging level premiums

    Makes it convenient to the policyholder

    Reduces the likelihood of lapses

    Adds to the reserves of the insurer

    Has all the above benefits *

    25. The practice of charging level premiums has the benefit of

    Making it easy for the policyholder to maintain the insurance cover *

    Increasing the returns to the policyholder

    Helping the agent in his sales effort All the above

    26. Adjustments are made to the tabular premiums because of

    The health of the person insured

    The frequency of premium payment

    The occupation of the person insured

    All of the above *

    27. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    All insurers charge same premium rates.

    Premium rates are determined by the IRDA

    Premium rates are determined by the actuaries of insurers *

    All of the above statements are correct

    28. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The age next birthday is always higher than the age nearest birthday

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    The age next birthday may be sometimes less than the age nearest birthday

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong *

    29. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The premium calculated on mortality alone is called risk premium Insurers collect premium in advance

    Both the statements are correct *

    Both the statements are wrong

    30. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The age last birthday can never be the same as the age nearest birthday

    The age last birthday is always less than the age next birthday *

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong

    31. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The age nearest birthday is always less than the age next birthday

    The age nearest birthday is always more than the age last birthday

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong. *

    32. In life insurance, profit is determined by

    The accountant who prepares the balance sheet

    The actuary who makes a valuation *

    The auditor who certifies the annual accounts

    None of the above three persons

    33. In the business of life insurance, valuation means

    An actuarial exercise to determine adequacy of funds *

    An attempt to determine the correctness of the values of assets

    Estimating the values of immovable property

    All of the above

    34. The addition to the life fund in a year represents

    The profits made by the insurer in that year

    The moneys set aside by the insurer for the policyholders * The extra premium charged by the insurer to its policyholders

    All of the above

    35. The addition to the life fund arises because of the

    Loading in the premium for bonus

    The practice of charging level premiums *

    Not having paid the claims on time

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    All the above reasons

    36. A valuation is done by a life insurer because

    It is a statutory requirement

    It is necessary to be able to declare dividends to shareholders

    It tells the insurer how well it is managing the business All of the above *

    37. The surplus in the life fund represents

    The profits of the business

    The excess premium collected by the insurer

    The dues to the shareholders

    None of the above *

    38. The surplus disclosed in a valuation means

    That the interests of the policyholders are safe

    That the funds of the insurer are adequate to meet its liabilities

    That the business is being managed well

    All of the above *

    39. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The life fund belongs to the policyholders *

    The life fund belongs to the shareholders

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    40. Which one of the following statements is correct? In a valuation, the actuary calculates the fund that the insurer must have

    In a valuation, the actuary calculates what the liability of the insurer is

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong.

    41. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Bonus is declared out of the surplus declared by the actuary *

    The S.A is automatically increased when a bonus is declared

    All bonuses are reversionary bonuses

    All the statements above are correct

    42. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The bonus declared is uniformly applicable to all plans of insurance

    Bonus may vary between plans *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

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    43. The minimum percentage of the surplus to be set aside for policyholders is

    Ninety five

    Ninety *


    Nil (there is no minimum)

    44. For what period is an interim bonus valid?

    For as long as the policy is in force

    Till the next declaration of bonus *

    Till the next valuation date

    As long as the management wants it to be

    45. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Bonus is paid along with the survival benefit in a money back policy

    Bonus is paid when the money back policy matures *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    Both the statements above are correct.

    46. A bonus becomes possible because

    Actual experience is better than expectations

    The assumptions made in constructing the premium were conservative

    There is a loading for bonus in the premium

    Of all the above reasons *

    47. What does a surplus in the life fund signify?

    That the premium rates must be revised downwards

    That the premium rates are appropriate That the company is too miserly in expenditure

    None of the above three *

    48. When a certain level of bonus is declared, what does it mean?

    That this level will be maintained in future years

    That it is the return on ones investment, viz., premium

    Both the above meanings can be made

    Both the above meanings will be wrong *


    1. Given the following data.

    Tabular premium Rs. 55 No rebate for mode. Rebate for SA above Rs. 50000 Rs.2.00 per thousand. DAB @ Rs. 1.50 per thousand. DAB granted upto Rs.

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    8,00,000 only. Occupation extra Rs. 2.50 per thousand, what would be the half

    yearly premium for SA Rs. 1,50,000.

    (a) 4025 * (b) 4175 (c) 4250 (d) 4350

    2. On the basis of the following dataS.A. Rs. 1,00,000/- tabular premium.. Rs. 33.10

    Rebate R. 2/- per thousand for yearly mode. Re 1/- for half yearly, none for

    quarterly.Rebate Rs. 3/- per thousand for Rs. 1,00,000 and above.

    DAB Re. 1/- per thousand

    Occupation extra Rs. 4/- per thousand.

    Calculate the yearly premium for Rs 1 lakh SA.

    (a) 2810 (b) 3110 (c) 3310 * (d) 3360

    3. Calculate quarterly premium (rounded off to the next higher rupee) on the basisof the following data.

    S.A Rs. 50,000/- , Date of maturity Rs. 24.12.2036.- Term 30 years.Date of birth 28.06.1979., mode rebate yly Rs 1.50 per thousand, hly Rs. 1.00,

    quarterly, nil and monthly 5 % extra. SA. rebate Rs. 1.50 per thousand for Rs.

    50,000/- and above.

    Tabular premium. For age nearer birthday 26 Rs. 26.4627 Rs. 27.08

    28 Rs. 28.15

    (a) 312 (b) 320 * (c) 331 (d) 339

    4. Calculate half yearly premium on the basis of the following data

    Date of birth 28.06.1978. Date of maturity 24.12.2041., SA Rs 1,00,000/- , term35 years. Tabular premium for age next birthday- age 27 Rs. 27.46, for age 28,

    Rs. 27.83 and for age 29, Rs. 28.37. Rebate 5 % extra for monthly, less Rs. 1/- for

    hly Rs. 1.50 for yearly, SA Rs. 1.50 for SA Rs. 50000/- and above.

    (a) 1266.50 (b) 1267 (c) 1293.50 * (d) 1294

    5. Calculate monthly premium (rounded off to next higher rupee)S.A Rs 60,000/-, endowment 39 years, date of maturity 28.09.2045, large sum

    assured rebate Rs. 1.50 for Rs. 50,000 and above. Dat ofbBirth 26.12.1976

    Premium per thousand SA For age next birthday 29 Rs 27.4630 Rs 28.83

    31 Rs 29.37

    (a) 139 (b) 140 * (c) 141 (d) 142

    6. Calculate monthly premium (rounded off to next higher fifty paise)

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    S.A Rs. 30,000/- with DAB for Rs. 1/- per thousand and occupational extra of Rs.

    1.75 per thousand. Date of Birth 21.10.1980 5% extra for monthly mode of

    payment. Tabular premium Rs. 32.81

    (a) 93,00 (b) 93.50 * (c) 94.00 (d) 94.50

    7. A proposal for SA of Rs. 10 lakhs with DAB for monthly mode under SSS.

    Proposer had a previous policy of Rs. 5 lakhs with DAB. Proposal was accepted

    with health extra of Rs. 2.75 per thousand SA premium for DAB Re 1 perthousand 5% extra for monthly mode large SA rebate of Rs. 2/- per thousand for

    1 lakh and above . Tabular premium Rs. 48.20 maximum total SA. on which

    DAB is allowed is Rs. 10/- lakhs.

    Find monthly premium, rounded off to the next higher rupee

    (A) 4102 (B) 4121 * (C) 4183 (D) 4195

    8. A policy for Rs.12 lakhs taken on 14.7.2007 under endowment plan for 20 years

    with DAB. Date of Birth is 12.11.1980. Proposal is accepted with [email protected] per thousand (maximum Rs.10 lakhs) and occupational extra of Rs.2.75

    per thousand. No rebates for high SA However for yearlymode a rebate of Rs. 2

    is given. Calculate yearly premium

    Tabular premium for age nearer birthday, as follows :

    Age 25 - Rs.48.20Age 26 - Rs.48.40

    Age 27 - Rs 49.10

    Age 28 - Rs.49.80

    (a) 60480 (b) 60980 (c) 61080 * (d) 61380

    9. Given the following information, indicate which of the four options given below would

    be the correct half-yearly premium for an endowment policy for rs. 1 lakh, on the life of a

    person born on 28.6.1974.

    Term 35 years

    Date of maturity 24.12.2037

    Tabular premium for age nearest birthday 27 - Rs.27.46 per thousand

    Tabular premium for age nearest birthday 28 - Rs.27.83 per thousandTabular premium for age nearest birthday 29 - Rs.28.37 per thousand

    Premium adjustment 5% extra for monthly mode, Rs. 1 less for half yearly modeand Rs. 1.50 less for yearly mode

    S.A. rebate Rs. 1.50 less for Rs. 50000 and above


    1266.50 *

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    None of the above

    10. Given the following information, indicate which of the four options given below

    would be the correct premium to be deducted from the salary of a person born on28.6.1974, who has taken an endowment policy on his life.

    Sum assured Rs. 40000Term 35 years

    Date of maturity 24.12.2037

    Tabular premium for age nearest birthday 27 - Rs.27.46 per thousandTabular premium for age nearest birthday 28 - Rs.27.83 per thousand

    Tabular premium for age nearest birthday 29 - Rs.28.37 per thousand

    Premium adjustment 5% extra for monthly mode, Rs. 1 less for half yearly modeand Rs. 1.50 less for yearly mode

    SA. Rebate Rs. 1.50 less for Rs. 50000 and above


    87.77 *



    None of the above

    11. . Given the following information, indicate which of the four options given below

    would be the correct annual premium (rounded off to the nearest rupee) for an

    endowment policy on the life of a person born on 28.6.1974.

    Sum assured Rs. 50000

    Policy taken on 3rd March 2003, to be back dated by three months

    Tabular premium for age nearest birthday 27 - Rs.27.46 per thousandTabular premium for age nearest birthday 28 - Rs.27.83 per thousand

    Tabular premium for age nearest birthday 29 - Rs.28.37 per thousand

    Premium adjustment 5% extra for monthly mode, Rs. 1 less for half yearly mode

    and Rs. 1.50 less for yearly modeSA. Rebate Rs. 1.50 less for Rs. 50000 and above




    1242.00 *

    None of the above

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    12. . Given the following information, indicate which of the four options given below

    shows the monthly premium (rounded off to the nearest rupee) to be paid by a personborn on 28.6.1974, who has taken an endowment policy on his life.

    Sum Assured Rs. 40000Term 35 years

    Date of maturity 24.12.2037

    Tabular premium for age nearest birthday 27 - Rs.27.46 per thousandTabular premium for age nearest birthday 28 - Rs.27.83 per thousand

    Tabular premium for age nearest birthday 29 - Rs.28.37 per thousand

    Premium adjustment 5% extra for monthly mode, Rs. 1 less for half yearly mode

    and Rs. 1.50 less for yearly modeSA. Rebate Rs. 1.50 less for Rs. 50000 and above


    97.00 * 97.40


    None of the above




    1. A plan of insurance is said to be different from another if

    The sum assured is different

    The age of the life to be insured is different

    The date of commencement of policy is different

    The conditions when the sum assured becomes payable are different *

    2. A plan of insurance is said to be different from another if

    The mode of payment of premium is different The amount of premium is different

    The conditions for payment of sum assured are different *

    The date of maturity is different

    3. A plan of insurance is said to be different from another if

    The date of maturity is different

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    The date of commencement of risk is different

    The underwriter decides to charge extra premium in one case

    The conditions when the sum assured becomes payable are different *

    4. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Every plan of insurance is a combination of two basic plans * The name given to a plan indicates the benefits available under the plan

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statement s above are wrong

    5. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Plans of insurance can be compared by reading the names given to the plans

    Plans of insurance can be compared by comparing the premium rates

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    6. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A whole life plan is basically a term insurance plan *

    A money back plan is basically a pure endowment plan

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    7. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A marriage endowment policy is taken on the life of ones daughter

    A childrens deferred insurance policy is taken on the life of ones child *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    8. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A marriage endowment policy insures the father and daughter together

    A term insurance plan can be for a long period *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    9. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The sum assured under some policies increase every year

    The sum assured under some policies reduce every year

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    10. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

    The SA payable on death can be more than the SA payable on maturity

    The SA payable on maturity can be more than the SA payable on death

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    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statement above are wrong

    11. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The SA is always payable immediately on death or survival

    The SA payable on death may be paid long after the death of the insured * Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    12. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The SA is always payable in a lump sum

    The SA is always payable in instalments

    The SA is always payable in a lump sum unless asked for otherwise

    All the statements above are wrong *

    13. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    There is no difference between a term assurance plan and a Whole Life plan

    A Whole Life plan is a term assurance plan with an indefinite term *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    Both the statements above are correct

    14. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In a limited payment policy, there is a maximum limit to the SA

    In a limited payment policy, there is a maximum limit to the term

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    Both the statements above are correct

    15. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In a limited payment policy, the premium is paid as long as the policy is in force.

    In a limited payment policy, the premium stops before the end of the term *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    16. For the same age and SA, the premium under an ordinary Whole Life policy

    Will be more than in a limited payment Whole Life policy

    Will be less than in a limited payment Whole Life policy *

    Will be the same as in a limited payment Whole Life policy

    Can be more, less or the same as in a limited payment Whole Life policy

    17. For the same age, SA and term, the premium under an Endowment policy

    Will be the same as in a limited payment Endowment policy

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    Will be more than in a limited payment Endowment policy

    Will be less than in a limited payment Endowment policy *

    Can be same, more or less than in a limited payment Endowment policy

    18. For the same age and benefits, the premium under a limited payment policy

    Will be more than in a non-limited plan * Will be less than in non-limited plan

    Will be the same as in a non-limited plan

    May be more, less or same as in a non-limited plan

    19. Limited payment plan policies may be preferred by persons

    Whose careers are likely to be short *

    Who are young and have just started their careers

    Who have large families

    Who are very wealthy

    20. Limited payment plan policies may be preferred by persons

    Who are not first class lives

    Who are in their best of health

    Who careers have just begun

    Who do not expect to be in active employment for long *

    21. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The educational annuity policy is an annuity policy

    The educational annuity policy is meant for persons having young children

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    Both the statements above are correct

    22. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Any policy which promises a payment on a fixed date is an Endowment policy

    If the SA increases every year, it is a participating policy

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    23. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Only participating policies are entitled to the benefit of bonus *

    A bonus is the return of additional premium paid by a participating policy

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    24. Which one of the following statements is correct?

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    In a convertible plan, the insurer can refuse the conversion on medical grounds

    In a convertible plan, the conversion is done on the request of the policyholder *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    25. Which one of the following statements is correct? Convertible plans allow whole life plans to be altered to endowment plans *

    The option of conversion can be exercised whenever the policyholder chooses to

    Both the statements above are wrong

    Both the statements above are correct

    26. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    If the option of conversion is not exercised, the policy will come to an end

    If the option of conversion is not exercised, the policy will continue as before *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    Both the statements above are correct

    27. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A conversion becomes effective when the policyholder exercises the option *

    A conversion option is subject to the insured person being in good health

    Both the statements above are wrong

    Both the statements above are correct

    28. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Convertible plan policies do not participate in bonuses

    Money back policies are not convertible plan policies *

    Both the statements above are correct Both the statements above are wrong

    29. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A joint life policy may cover two brothers under one policy

    A joint life policy may cover a married couple under one policy *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    Both the statements above are correct

    30. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A joint life policy may cover partners in business under one policy

    A joint life policy may cover a married couple under one policy

    Both the above statements are wrong

    Both the statements above are correct *

    31. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The premium of a joint life policy depends on the age of the older person

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    The bonus on a joint life policy is calculated on double the SA

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    Both the statements above are correct

    32. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Double endowment policy has no maturity benefit The bonus on a joint life policy is calculated on double the SA

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    33. Which one of the following statements is correct with regard to joint life policies?

    The premium is the total of the premiums for insuring the two persons separately

    The premium will be less than the cost for insuring the two persons separately *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    Both the above statements are correct

    34. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    They insure minor children *

    They insure only school going children

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong

    35 Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    Risk cover begins on or after vesting date

    Risk cover begins immediately after the policy commences

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    Both the above statements are correct

    36. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    The insured child becomes the owner of the policy on vesting date *

    The insured child becomes the holder of the policy only when it is assigned

    Both the above statements are wrong

    Both the above statements are correct

    37. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    The deferred date is a policy anniversary

    The vesting date is a policy anniversary

    Both the above statements are correct *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    38. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    The policy vests at age 18 last birthday *

    The policy vests at age 18 next birthday

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    The policy vests at age 18 nearest birthday

    All the statements above are correct

    39. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    Risk will commence on deferred date automatically *

    Risk will commence on deferred date after satisfactory medical examination Risk will commence on deferred date with enhanced premium

    All the statements above are wrong

    40. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    On the deferred date, the insured child has to be at least 15 years old

    On the deferred date, the insured child need not be a major *

    On the deferred date, the policy must have been in force for at least ten years

    All the statements above are wrong

    41. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    An assignment has to be done on the deferred date

    An assignment has to be done on the vesting date

    Both the above statements are correct

    Both the above statements are wrong *

    42. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    The ownership of the policy changes on the deferred date

    The ownership of the policy changes on the vesting date *

    Both the above statements are wrong

    Both the above statements are correct.

    43. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to Childrens policies?

    On vesting, the insured person has an option to change the term of the policy

    On vesting the insured person has an option to increase the SA

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    Both the statements above are correct

    44. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A money back type of policy is a variable insurance policy

    A convertible policy is a variable insurance policy

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    45. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A variable insurance plan combines an insurance plan with an investment plan *

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    A variable insurance policy guarantees a return or yield

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    46. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A variable insurance plan is good when investment conditions are favourable A variable insurance plan is good when the stock market is booming

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    47. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Industrial assurance is meant only for industrial workers

    Industrial assurance is meant for people with low incomes *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    48. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A salary savings scheme policy is an industrial assurance plan

    A salary savings scheme policy can be taken for a SA of Rs.10 lakh *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    49. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In industrial assurance the lapse rates tend to be high. *

    In salary savings scheme policies, the lapse rates tend to be high

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    50. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In industrial assurance plans, the premium is deducted from the pay roll

    In salary savings scheme plans, the premium is deducted from the pay roll *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    51. Who is benefited if a policy is under the salary savings scheme?

    The policyholder

    The insurer The agent

    All the three above *

    52. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The premium under a SSS policy is paid monthly

    The premium under a SSS policy is one twelfth the annual premium

    Both the statements above are correct *

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    Both the statements above are wrong

    53. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In a SSS policy, the policyholder has to ensure that premium is paid *

    In a SSS policy, the responsibility to pay premium is with the employer

    Both the statements above are correct Both the statements above are wrong

    54. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In life insurance, the word rider means the person taking part in horse races

    In life insurance, the word rider refers to additional clauses *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    55. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A rider modifies an existing condition in the policy

    A rider supplements or adds to an existing condition in the policy *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    56. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Riders provide supplementary benefits to the basic plan *

    No rider is allowed unless the underwriter agrees to the same

    Both the statements above are correct.

    Both the statements above are wrong.

    57. Which one of the following statements is correct? A premium waiver option is allowed as a rider *

    The premium on all riders depend on the age of the insured person

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    58. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The premium on a rider varies according to the basic plan

    The premium on riders cannot exceed specified limits of the basic premium *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    59. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    There is no death risk cover in an annuity

    Though called an annuity, the payments may be paid every month

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

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    60. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    An annuity is paid only to the person who takes out the annuity policy

    An annuity is paid only till the death of the person taking out the annuity policy

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    61. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    An annuity policy guarantees a pension *

    An annuity policy is issued only after a medical examination

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    62. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Under an annuity certain policy, the annuity stops after the certain period

    Under a deferred annuity policy, the annuity commences immediately

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    63. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    An annuity can be taken only on a single life

    In a life annuity, the risk of death is covered

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    64. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In a deferred annuity policy, the premium has to be paid in a lump sum

    Annuities purchased during different years may all commence on the same date * Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    66. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Physically handicapped persons may be given annuities at ordinary rates

    The amount of annuity depends on the age at which the annuity commences

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    66. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    In group insurance, a single policy is issued covering many persons *

    A master policy covers servants of a master

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    67. State which one of the following statements is correct?

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    In group insurance, there is only one proposal to insure many

    In group insurance, there is only one policy covering many

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    68. State which one of the following statements is correct? In group insurance, the proposal is made by the employer *

    In group insurance proposals are made by each of the insured

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    69 State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Group insurance covers a large numbers of persons in one policy

    Group insurance is relatively cheaper than individual insurances

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    70. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Salary savings schemes policies are group insurance policies

    Group insurance policies benefit only employees of big organisations

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    71. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    In group insurance the premium changes every year *

    In group insurance the premium is paid by the persons who are covered

    Both the statements above are correct Both the statements above are wrong

    72. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    The members of a housing society can negotiate for a group insurance policy

    A sports club can get a group policy for its members

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    73. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    A bank can take out a group policy for its account holders A finance company can take out a group policy for those taking loans from it

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    74. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    The amount of cover in a group policy is chosen by individual members

    The amount of cover for each member is fixed by the terms of the policy *

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    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    75. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    A master policy is issued in a group insurance policy *

    Each member in a group policy pays the premium directly to the insurer Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    76. Which of the following is true for a group policy?

    Copies of the master policy are given to all members by the insurer

    The group has to be formed exclusively for the purpose of insurance

    Entry into the scheme and exit out of it, is at the option of the members

    The amount of the cover is determined by the scheme *

    77. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Group insurance business is growing faster than individual business

    Group business is socially very relevant

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    78. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    A trade union can take out a group insurance policy for its members

    The cover for an employee can be equal to his age multiplied by a fixed number

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    79. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    A group insurance contract is between the insurer and the insured persons

    The extent of insurance cover is chosen by each individual member

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    80. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    The members covered by a group insurance policy changes every year

    The amount of insurance for any member may change from year to year

    Both the statements above are correct * Both the statements above are wrong

    81. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Group insurance is the same as salary savings schemes

    Premiums under some group policies are paid by governments *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

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    82. In what respect does group insurance differ from salary savings schemes?

    The person who pays the premium

    Responsibility to pay the premium

    Decision to take the policy

    In all the above three respects *

    83. In what ways does group insurance differ from salary savings schemes?

    Number of persons insured under a policy

    Responsibility of employer

    Issue of premium receipts

    In all the above three respects *

    84. In what ways does group insurance differ from salary savings schemes?

    Ownership of the policy

    Mode of payment of premium

    Parties to the contract

    In all the above three respects *

    85. Who amongst the following can take out a group insurance policy?

    Office-goers who travel in the same compartment in the suburban train

    A contractor who engages the same people every day on daily wages

    A group of travelers on a package tour

    Members of a toddy tappers association *

    86. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    In group policies, the chance of adverse selection is low * In group policies, every person is medically examined

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    87. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    In group policies, each case is separately underwritten

    In group policies, personal histories are not examined *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    88. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Entry into and exit from group cover, is controlled by the terms of the policy

    The extent of cover is not decided by the life to be insured

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    89. State which one of the following statements is correct?

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    A group insurance cover is given only if there is a certain minimum number

    A group policy is not granted if the group has been formed only to avail of cover

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    90. State which one of the following statements is correct? The cover in a group policy could depend on the ages of the lives insured

    The cover could be a uniform flat rate for all employees of a certain category

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    91. Which of the following could be the basis of the cover in a group policy?

    Amount of annual income

    Level in the hierarchy

    Age of the person

    All the three above *

    92. Which of the following could be the basis of the cover in a group policy?

    Height of the life insured

    Age of the life insured *

    Size of the insureds family

    All the three above

    93. Who pays for the premium in the group policy?

    The insured persons only

    The person who has the master policy only

    Both the insured persons and policyholder jointly Any one of the three ways above *

    94. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    The amount of cover under the master policy does not change

    The premium under the group policy is the same every year

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    95. Which of the factors below help to avoid adverse selection in group policies?

    No option to choose quantum of insurance cover * Minimum number to be included in the cover

    Similarity in the nature of the jobs

    All the above three factors

    96. Which of the factors below help to avoid adverse selection in group policies?

    Reputation of the employer

    Records of the employer

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    No option to choose entry or exit *

    All the above three factors

    97. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Group superannuation polices provide pensions to retiring employees *

    A group superannuation policy can be taken by a company for its mortgagees Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    98. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Group gratuity policies require that trustees be appointed

    Group superannuation policies require that trustees be appointed

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    99. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Trustees have to be appointed in all group policies

    All group policies need approval of the income tax department

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    100. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Employers are required by law to take out group gratuity policies

    Employers have different options to fund their pension liabilities *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    101 State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Group policies help employers to avoid fluctuations in gratuity outgoes

    Employees have less anxiety if employers have taken group policies

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    102. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Group policies are popular because of legal compulsions

    Group policies give employees benefits better than legally required *

    Both the statements above are correct Both the statements above are wrong

    103. State which one of the following statements is correct?

    The scope for group policies is limited by the requirements of the law

    Group insurance policies can be tailor made to suit specific needs *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

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    104 State which one of the following statements is correct?

    Members of a group will get certificates showing details of cover

    Profit sharing, in group insurance, is worked on actuarial bases

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong



    1. What is a proposal?

    A request for an insurance cover

    An offer to enter into a contract

    Both a request and an offer to enter an insurance contract *

    None of the above

    2. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Selection is the same as underwriting *

    The underwriter guarantees that the policy monies will be paid

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    3. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The underwriter assesses the risk

    No policy can be issued without the underwriters decision

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    4. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    For a first class life, the premium charged is less than in the tabular rates

    For a first class life, the vested bonus will be more than in other cases

    Both the statements above are correct Both the statements above are wrong *

    5. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The underwriter determines the premium to be charged

    The underwriter is an employee of the insurer

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

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    6. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    An underwriter acts in the interests of the policyholders as a whole

    An underwriter acts in the interests of the insurance company

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    7. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    An underwriter charges extra premium for physical hazards *

    An underwriter charges extra premium for moral hazards

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    8. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A physical hazard affects the probability of death

    Body measurements may indicate physical hazards

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    9. Financial underwriting is done to evaluate

    The probability of the policy lapsing in future

    The possibility of moral hazard *

    Both lapse and moral hazard probabilities

    Neither lapse nor moral hazard

    10. The underwriters assessment will include

    The genuineness of the need for insurance The intentions of the proposer in applying for insurance

    Both genuineness and intentions *

    Neither genuineness nor intentions

    11. Moral hazard may be suspected in cases where

    The life to be insured is old

    The insurance is for a very large amount

    In both the above cases *

    In neither of the above cases

    12. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Moral hazard exists if the proposed SA is ten times or more of the annual income

    It is possible to quantify the extent of moral hazard and charge extra premium

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

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    13. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    An underwriter is an actuary

    An underwriter uses financial and medical data *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    14. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A medical referee is an underwriter

    The medical examination at the stage of the proposal is done by a medical referee

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    15. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A medical referee examines the life to be insured

    The medical referee only sees the reports received by the insurer *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    16. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The underwriter makes his decision only after the medical referee sees the case

    The medical referee usually sees only cases for large SA *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    17. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A medical referee is an employee of the insurer A medical referee is an underwriter

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    18. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In some cases, the underwriter consults the reinsurers before deciding *

    The numerical method of underwriting is the best method

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    19. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    If the underwriter feels that the risk is more, he will accept at OR

    If the underwriter feels that the risk is more, he may impose a lien *

    Both the statements above are correct

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    Both the statements above are wrong

    20. A lien may be imposed by the underwriter if

    The additional risk is expected to wear off in course of time *

    The proposer is unlikely to agree to pay a higher premium

    In both the above cases In neither of the above cases

    21. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A clause restricts the benefits under the policy *

    A clause is the same as a rider

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    22. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A lien operates for a specific period

    A clause excludes specific risks

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    23. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Underwriting is done only when there is a medical examination

    Medical examination is necessary before a policy can be issued

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    24. The system of non medical underwriting is introduced because Medical examiners are not available in all areas

    Most of the cases are found to be standard lives acceptable at OR

    Of both the above reasons *

    Of some other reasons

    25. Under the system of non-medical underwriting

    There is no restriction on age

    There is no restriction on SA

    There is restriction on both the SA and age *

    Only some towns are covered

    26. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Working women are treated on par with men

    Educated women are treated on par with men

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    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    27. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Underwriters are more cautious while considering cases on female lives *

    Underwriters are more cautious while considering cases of educated women Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    28. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The agent is expected to make his report commenting on the risk factors

    The agents report is important for the underwriter

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    29. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    By writing a truthful report, the agent is helping the insurer

    By writing a truthful report, the agent is helping the life to be insured

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    30. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Smoking is a hazard inviting additional premium

    Drinking is a hazard inviting additional premium

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    31. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Underwriting standards are changing *

    The underwriting standards of all insurers are the same

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    32. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Underwriting is the process of verifying the level of risk of each new entrant *

    Working ladies are charged extra premium, even if there are no impairments

    Both the statements above are correct Both the statements above are wrong

    33. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Standard life, normal life, average life, all mean the same thing *

    The underwriter can definitely detect all attempts at adverse selection

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

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    34. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A clause restricts the benefits under the policy

    A lien operates for a specific period

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    35. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    In the case of a lien, the amount payable on death will vary from year to year *

    A lien operates till the policy matures

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong




    1. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The policy is the basis of the insurance contract

    The proposal is the basis of the insurance contract * Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    2. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The proposal must be signed by a witness *

    The answers in the proposal form should be written in English

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    3. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The proposal must be signed in the language in which it is printed

    The proposal can be signed in any language *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    4. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The proposal must be written by the proposer himself / herself

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    The proposal can be written by the agent

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    5. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The declaration in the proposal must be signed by the proposer * Anybody can sign the proposal form on behalf of an illiterate proposer

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    6. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The declaration in the proposal makes the principle of good faith operational *

    The declaration in the proposal establishes insurable interest

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    7. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The information in the proposal form is used for underwriting

    Wrong information in the proposal form can nullify the insurance contract

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    8. If the proposal form is filled up in a language not known to the proposer

    The person who filled up the form has to sign a declaration *

    The agent has to declare that he had explained the questions and answers

    All further correspondence must be only in that language

    The life to be insured must be medically examined

    9. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Some of the particulars in the proposal form have no bearing on underwriting *

    The name of the proposed nominee must be mentioned in the proposal

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    10. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The personal statement must be witnessed by the agent

    Personal statements are required only in medical cases Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    11. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A copy of the proposal has to be given to the proposer *

    A copy of the medical report has to be given to the proposer

    Both the statements above are correct

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    Both the statements above are wrong

    12. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    A copy of the personal statement is to be given to the proposer

    A copy of the proposal has to be given to the proposer

    Both the statements above are correct * Both the statements above are wrong

    13. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The proposer will not be shown the agents report to the insurer

    The proposer will not be shown the medical examiners report

    Both the statements above are correct *

    Both the statements above are wrong

    14. Which of the following are confidential and will not be given to the proposer?

    The medical report

    The agents confidential report to the insurer

    The medical referees advice

    All of the above *

    15. The proposal form and personal statement contain information relevant to determine

    Level of risk

    Moral hazard

    Insurable interest All the three *

    16. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    FPR is the evidence of the insurance contract

    The medical report is the basis of the insurance contract

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong *

    17. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The statements in the medical report form part of the insurance contract

    The medical examiner depends upon the statements in the personal statement *

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    18. Which one of the following statements is correct?

    The FPR is proof of commencement of risk *

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    Risk does not commence till the policy is signed

    Both the statements above are correct

    Both the statements above are wrong

    19. The FPR is issued when

    The first premium is adjusted in the