Download - IPENZ Waikato Branch Newsletter September 2013-Final

  • SEPTEMBER 2013

    Branch Events Calendar

    Date Event Venue

    Tues 10 September IPENZ 2013 Pickering Lecture - Neville Jordan CNZM, DistFIPENZ, Endeavour Capital

    Waikato University, S Block

    Tues 17 September Graduates Presentation Evening presentations by three young engineers

    Ruakura Club

    Weds 25 September Committee meeting

    Thur 17 October Branch meeting (Thursday) - Presentation on the Fonterra development at Waitoa

    Ruakura Club

    Wed 23 October Committee meeting

    Thur 14 November Retired Engineers Annual Outing

    Tues 19 November Branch AGM and Presentation by Mike Duke on M & E Research at Waikato University

    More details to come

    Weds 4 December Combined Committee meeting

    Chairmans Chatter

    Hi All, and welcome to spring, albeit with a cold snap about to move over New Zealand as I write this. The highlight for August was the Annual Dinner in Rotorua with Ray Stark, founder of TALKINGtech as our guest speaker. Our thanks to Ray, who spoke of his early career and the gem of an idea that he turned into the globally successful interactive messaging company. Thanks also to John Richards and Andy Bell for organising this successful event.

    Ray and TALKINGtech are to be admired for their strong ethic of corporate social responsibility through the TALKINGtech Foundation. Financial assistance is provided with the belief that transparency and accountability are crucial elements of success when giving through their foundation. It is of note that TALKINGtech Foundation aligns with three of IPENZs Code of Ethics:

    Sustainable management and care for the environment

    Commitment to community well-being

    Professionalism, integrity and competence

    Upcoming events - There are two events for September - the Pickering Lecture by Neville Jordan at the University on 10 September; and the Graduates/Young Engineers evening on 17 September at the Campus Club. Please make a diary note to attend both of these events.

    Milestone - It was with awe that the Committee acknowledged at our last meeting, the 40 years Membership of IPENZ by John Richards. Congratulations to John on achieving this milestone which also gives him Life Membership of IPENZ. We also thank John for his enthusiasm and the discussions he brings to our meetings.

    Committee - As I also mentioned last month, with the AGM coming up in November we wish to encourage members to consider standing for the Branch committee. Whilst we are in good heart, we would be pleased to welcome new members and their ideas around the table. Please contact me if you wish to take on this challenge.

    Peter Wilding [email protected]

  • Pickering Lecture 2013

    How an Engineer Spots New Technology and Creates a Billion-dollar Business Neville Jordan, CNZM DistFIPENZ

    Tuesday 10 September, 7.00pm University of Waikato, S Block, Ground floor, SG.01

    Award-winning engineer and entrepreneur Neville Jordan will reveal how he spots ground-breaking science and technology and invests in others to improve lives around the world. He will share his inspiring journey from humble start to global success, as well as some of the mistakes he has learned from along the way.

    The 2012 Wellingtonian of the Year will describe how he grew his microwave telecommunications company into a multi-national, billion-dollar enterprise listed on the NASDAQ main board, and shared that success with his employees.

    In 1998 he founded Endeavour Capital - an international private equity company investing in CleanTech, ICT and advanced manufacturing with a sustainability theme.

    See: for more information

    All welcome - spread the word around family, friends and colleagues. The Pickering public lecture series, is hosted annually by selected IPENZ Branches to stimulate interest in engineering matters, in the community.

    September Branch Meeting

    Young Engineers Presentations evening

    Tuesday 17 September Ruakura Club

    Nominations have now closed for the annual presentation competition. Engineers under 30 years of age, or within eight years of graduation, were invited to enter. Four finalists have been selected from the nominations received - thanks to those who volunteered but missed the cut.

    Presentations will be for ten minutes, on any engineering topic that involved the presenter. Five further minutes will be allowed for questions from the audience. Presentations will be judged by a suitable panel of fellow engineers and cash prizes awarded - $300 for first place, $200 for second place and $100 for third place.

    This event is ideal training and very good experience in preparing and then giving a presentation to a friendly and supportive audience. It is also meant to be fun! Members are asked to support and encourage all the presenters on the night.

    Any queries to the event organiser: [email protected]

    October Branch Meeting

    Presentation on the Fonterra development at Waitoa

    Thursday 17 October, 5.30pm drinks/nibbles, 6.00pm presentation Ruakura Campus Club

    Here is a good news story for the Waikato - a new multi-million dollar development in our own backyard. Putting our primary production back in the forefront of this countrys importance to the world.

    Come along and hear the word first-hand from those directly involved. Then when out for your Sunday afternoon wander, pass by and see the real thing.

    Note this meeting is on a Thursday and not the regular Tuesday.

  • November Branch Meeting

    Annual General Meeting and Presentation

    Tuesday 19 November, from 5.30pm (AGM starts 6pm) Ruakura Campus Club

    This is the climax of the year, when the Branch reviews its activities over the past 12 months and plans ahead for the coming year. This leads on to the election of who you want on the Committee to lead the Branch through 2014.

    Who do you want for Chairman and who do want to be on the Committee in 2014?

    Do you know someone who should be on the Committee? Are you willing to be a candidate?

    Come and encourage some new blood with new ideas, and support those prepared to continue - a mix of old and new is just what the Branch needs

    You will need to be there on the night to cast your vote, to have your say and offer your suggestions for 2014 and the IPENZ Centenary celebrations. Please confirm your interest in standing for the new Committee and any specific position with the Chairman, Secretary or any exiting Committee Member. There is always room for more - Your Branch Needs You

    6.30pm Presentation - Mike Duke on M & E Research. The AGM will be followed by an interesting presentation on this research being undertaken at Waikato University.

    Connect Lunchtime Event

    Waikato Region Economic Development

    Tuesday 24 September, 12.30 1.30pm Hamilton City Council Reception Lounge

    Sandra Perry, CEO of the Waikato Chamber of Commerce, is going to share with us her vision for economic development of the Waikato region - the highs, the lows, what the future may hold and what our part in that future may be.

    Sandra has been a fixture in Waikatos business community for more than 12 years as the leader of Hamilton economic development agency Opportunity Hamilton. Her Chief Executive role at the Waikato Chamber of Commerce allows her to live her passion for supporting small and medium business and providing vital links and networks in the regional business community. She has qualifications in business management and economic development, and a keen interest in ensuring we have a skilled workforce to help grow business and in turn economic wealth. In her spare time Sandra is a self-confessed petrol-head, with a particular interest in motorcycling, is a Trustee of the Waikato District Council Community Wellbeing Trust, and North Waikato Victim Support Trust.

    Cost: $5.00 on the door

    Register: Please register online via the IPENZ Events calendar.

    Email [email protected] if you have any queries.

    Report on the Branch Annual Dinner

    A very pleasant evening was had by the 40 guests in the Kowhai Restaurant at the Distinction Rotorua Hotel on Tuesday 20 August. It was great to catch up with our Rotorua colleagues and our thanks go to Andy Bell, his able assistant - Moana Petrie, and Paula Meredith, for their part in organising the venue and getting the word out to the members.

    Guest speaker, Ray Stark, captivated the audience with his talk about his company TALKINGtech and how he started it. With the automation he has now developed, he could contact every phone in New Zealand in about

  • ten minutes so it was obvious he was going to have to expand to overseas markets to make it viable. We dont hear much about him because his clients are large account holders with client bases of millions of subscribers.

    Ray very openly states that you only need so much money for yourself, so he puts his profits into his staff and the community. He found long ago that charity doesnt work, so he formed TALKINGtech Foundation to help needy people become self-sufficient both here in New Zealand and overseas. And of course his passion really came out when he told us about his Concerned Citizens campaign and how he is trying to influence change in local bodies by moving the non-performers on to make way for new blood. None more than in Hamilton where he is known as the billboard man. It was noticeable that many in the audience were nodding their heads in agreement with his words of wisdom. Ray delivered a very memorable evening.

    John Richards

    PS - If you can access the Waikato Times, Saturday 31 August, see page B1 for a full page article on Ray well worth reading. How was that for timing !

    Science Fair 2013

    The secondary schools science fair was again held this year at the Hamilton Gardens Pavilion on 22-24 August. Thanks go to Barry Butcher and Bruce Birnie for helping with the judging. The Branch is also a supporter with a bronze sponsorship. As I dont have the official results yet I will post a report with more details of the fair and the major winners in the next newsletter.

    John Richards

    Joint ICE and NZGS Presentation of the 52nd BGA Rankine Lecture:

    Performance-based design in geotechnical engineering

    Speaker: Professor Malcolm Bolton, Cambridge University

    Tuesday 1 October, 5.30 for 6.00pm. University of Auckland - Room 1.439, Faculty of Engineering,

    Wednesday 2 October, 5.30 for 6.00pm. Wellington - Royal Society of New Zealand, 11 Turnbull Street, Thorndon

    Thursday 3 October, 5.30 for 6.00pm. Canterbury University - C2 Lecture Theatre

    You are invited to enjoy a selection of refreshments from 5.30pm prior to each presentation.

    RSVP please by Thursday 26 September to: Jo Conway, [email protected]

    Engineering design consists of a sequence of decisions which should satisfy the clients objective performance requirements. This lecture will argue that an assessment of geotechnical performance must involve ground displacements, and that the traditional approach of specifying safety factors is potentially wasteful. In particular, the Limit State Design (LSD) approach adopted in the Eurocodes will be shown to lack objectivity and therefore to be inadequate to the needs of clients and society at large. Improvements will be proposed through the adoption of Mobilizeable Strength Design (MSD) principles in which the designer explicitly considers the stress-strain behaviour of the ground. Central to the MSD approach will be an assessment of the possible deformability and strength of the soil that lies within the anticipated deformation mechanism of the proposed geo-structure. Displacements are then calculated by applying the principle of conservation of energy to the deformation mechanism. This leaves the designer with an implicit assessment of deformations before any other checks which might later be made by Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and ensures that the intended design performance can always be checked by monitoring during construction. Examples of the application of MSD will include earth retaining structures, slopes and foundations.

    Professor Malcolm Bolton is Professor of Soil Mechanics at Cambridge University; Director of the Schofield Centre for Geotechnical and Construction Modelling, and head of the Geotechnical and Environmental Group in the Dept of Engineering; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and holds a BGA Prize, a Telford Premium, two T K Hsieh Awards, an Oscar Faber Award, and the Sir Benjamin Baker medal. He was founding chairman of the ISSMGE Technical Committee Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro (GM3). He has collaborated on piles with the Giken company for 17 years, and is the founding chairman of the International Press-In Association. He served on the Slope Stability Technical Review Board for the Hong Kong

  • Government, and acts as a consultant in relation to soil-pipeline interactions on the sea bed. He helped to draft BS8002 Earth Retaining Structures, and has over 200 publications on a variety of topics, including his textbook A Guide to Soil Mechanics.

    With thanks to our sponsor: Jo Conway Trans-Tasman Regional Administrator Institution of Civil Engineers

    Retired Engineers. Annual Site Visit and Luncheon

    You have all noticed the All Blacks (and many other signs) that appear on the outside skin of Air New Zealand aircraft. These planes fly around the world, and the signs have to withstand many Celsius degrees minus at 35,000 feet, as well as the scorching heat of the sun on tropical airfields.

    What, you may well ask, has this to do with retired engineers? The answer will be yours on Thursday 14 November, commencing at 9.30am.

    On that day, we retired engineers will be having the production of these and many other types of sign both shown and explained to us. The day starts with a guided tour of the premises of Admark Visual Imaging Limited. This will be followed by the usual lunch and social gathering an experience which many past attendees say they always really enjoy.

    As in past visits, advance registrations are essential. PS - You do not have be retired to attend.

    Register now by emailing your intention to attend to the organiser, Bob Armstrong: [email protected]

    IPENZ Foundation

    The Branch recently received a letter from the IPENZ Foundation, reminding Committee Members about the purpose of the Foundation and highlighting some of its recent work.

    29 August 2013

    Dear Branch Com m it t ee Mem b ers


    As you w ill b e aw are, t h e IPENZ Found at ion w as set t led as a Char it ab le Trust no t on ly t o

    con t inue t he w ork o f t he Benevo len t Societ y - p rovid ing relief t o IPENZ Mem b ers and t heir

    f am ilies w ho have suf f ered m isf o r t une - b u t also t o t ake on a w id er p ub lic-good ro le on

    b ehalf o f t he eng ineer ing p ro f ession .

    Th is let t er , t im ely in t he con t ext o f t he Pro f ession s ro le as a w ho le, is t o ask you no t t o f o rget

    t he Benevo len t Societ y f unct ion o f t he Found at ion w hen consid er ing your b ranches go als

    and act iv it ies

    Read the full text of the letter and its attachment at the end of this newsletter.

    Waikato Engineering Heritage

    IPENZ Waikato-BoP is endeavouring to have a book compiled and published covering the Engineering Heritage and History from within the Region. Such publications have been successfully produced for a couple of other regions and now it is this regions opportunity to record the history of the various engineering developments that have occurred. If you can help please contact the Immediate Past Branch Chairman, Barry Dowsett who has kindly volunteered to be the contact person and collector of information within the Branch.

    Remember also that IPENZ will be celebrating 100 years of existence in 2014. Any suggestions for suitable celebratory events within our Branch will welcome. Everything considered. Again Barry has volunteered to be the receiver of suggestions throughout 2013.

    Contact Barry at [email protected]

  • Public Notice - Professional Engineers in Emergency Management

    Lifeline resource links - At the August meeting of the Bay of Plenty Lifelines Group, the following lifeline resource links were provided to Wellington Lifelines Group reports:

    1. A 2012 report on post-earthquake restoration:

    2. A 2013 report on transport route recovery:

    Waikato Bay of Plenty lifelines forum - The combined WaikatoBay of Plenty Lifelines forum is to be held in Hamilton on Thursday 17 October 2013.

    Hamilton City Council of Elders

    The Council of Elders is a voice on current issues and future objectives for the residents of Hamilton with the aim being to help shape positive outcomes for the city. This council is made up of 15 men and women from different backgrounds and vacancies are arising for the coming year.

    The Council of Elders meets on a monthly basis and regularly liaises with councillors and Hamilton City Council staff in a range of capacities. Consultation with the wider Hamilton community and attendance at Hamilton City Council Committee and Full Council meetings is encouraged.

    Nominations for membership are open to anyone over the age of 60 years who is a resident of Hamilton. Nominations open early November and can be submitted up to ten working days prior to the Council of Elders AGM held on the first Friday in December each year. It would be great to see one or two new engineers on this Council to share their wisdom. For further details contact - John Richards, phone 07 8436437 or email: [email protected]

    Editors Request

    Anything and everything will be considered for the Branch Bulletin. Forward all and any copy to:

    Alex MacKenzie, Opus International Consultants, Private Bag 3057, Hamilton 3240. [email protected] Phone: 07 / 834 1817 or Fax 07 / 838 9324

    Waikato Branch Committee 2013

    Peter Wilding Chairman [email protected]

    Emily Botje Treasurer [email protected] 07 838 6415

    Campbell Moore Secretary [email protected]

    Alex Mackenzie Bulletin Editor [email protected]

    Barry Dowsett I.P.C. [email protected] 07 958 7224

    John Richards

    Committee Members

    [email protected]

    John Dale [email protected]

    Ilanko [email protected]

    Andy Bell [email protected] Rotorua

    Clark Houltram [email protected]

    Harry Bowkett [email protected]

    Rene Engelbrecht TBA YES / SENZ

    Natasha Jokhan [email protected] Engenerate Rep.

    Simon Hoekstra [email protected]

    Judith Makinson

    [email protected] Deputy Chairman

  • 29 August 2013

    Dear Branch Committee Members



    As you will be aware, the IPENZ Foundation was settled as a Charitable Trust not only to continue the work of the Benevolent Society - providing relief to IPENZ Members and their families who have suffered misfortune - but also to take on a wider public-good role on behalf of the engineering profession.

    This letter, timely in the context of the Professions role as a whole, is to ask you not to forget the Benevolent Society function of the Foundation when considering your branches goals and activities over the next period.

    As is clearly understood, the IPENZ Foundation's funds must be used by its Trustees for purposes that are in furtherance of the Foundation's Objectives, which incorporate the Objectives of the Benevolent Society, and include:

    To assist, in New Zealand, Members suffering hardship due to physical or mental sickness, disability or incapacity to participate in education or rehabilitation programmes that enable them to resume a career.

    To promote the relief of poverty, in New Zealand, among Members or their dependents arising from age, physical or mental sickness, disability or incapacity or death of the Member concerned.

    In recent years there have been a number of requests for assistance under these two objectives of the Foundation.

    I am writing this letter to remind you all of the benevolent aspect of the Foundations activities, and to ask that you consider whether there are members within your branch who may benefit from consideration in this context.

    We are aware that many people are, for a number of reasons, often reticent to seek assistance, and so I am asking you to look at your wider membership and consider if there are any candidates whose situation, with the appropriate supporting information and background details, could be advanced to an application to the Foundation.

    Requests do not need to be made by the members themselves but can be made on behalf of a member provided that the member has given you his or her consent to do so.

  • To assist you in considering worthy candidates for assistance I refer you to two examples: 1. Dave Kettell FIPENZ: Dave received a $3,000 grant for mobility aids. The

    grant helped him buy a walking frame and a mobility scooter. Daves story was summarised in the December 2008 IPENZ Foundation Newsletter (attached).

    2. Jeffrey Coleman MIPENZ: Jeffrey suffered from motor neuron disease. He

    received two grants from the Foundation to assist him purchase assistive technology that provided him with the ability to control and drive his wheelchair and also to communicate via his PC even after he was no longer able to talk. Jeffreys story was summarised in Dimension #104 dated June 2011 (attached).

    All requests for assistance are to be addressed to:

    Executive Officer IPENZ Foundation PO Box 12241 Wellington 6144 Ph (04) 473-2029 or email: [email protected]


    We, as the Foundation, look forward to receiving requests for assistance from our membership, and ask you to circulate this letter among your branch committee membership for consideration at your next executive meeting.

    Please note that all requests for assistance are always treated in complete confidence.

    We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely

    Tiina Hall-Turner IPENZ Foundation Trustee

  • Growing the Profession 03

    Earlier this year the IPENZ Foundation eased the way for Dave Kettell FIPENZ CPEng with a $3,000 grant for mobility aids. The grant helped Dave buy a walking frame, affectionately nicknamed the land rover, and big red rooster, a mobility scooter.

    After developing Parkinsons disease, Dave took early retirement from Opus International Consultants in Wellington, where he was Principal Environmental Engineer.

    Since his retirement, he has had both knees replaced with artificial joints, one of his artificial knees replaced, and an operation for cervical stenosis. Then, in February 2008, he suffered a heart attack and subsequently had two stents placed in his coronary arteries. Hes now unable to drive a car.

    Dave continued to contribute his expertise to IPENZ after he retired by serving on ethics committees. While discussing ethics matters with Charles Willmot, IPENZ Director Engineering, Dave mentioned he was aware that one of the Foundations functions is to provide financial support to IPENZ Members in situations of need. Charles suggested that Dave contact the Foundations Executive Officer, Susie McCutcheon, who put his case forward to the Foundation Trustees.

    Dave now uses big red rooster to get out and about in his local area, without relying on his wife. The scooters top speed is 12 kilometres per hour, and it can go for 50 kilometres before needing a recharge. The land rover, which fits into Daves car, supports him when walking and allows him to sit down and take a break, thanks to the built-in seat and locking brakes.

    During his career Dave has notched up more than 35 years of experience in civil, public health and environmental engineering. After qualifying in the United Kingdom, he worked in Canada for five years before travelling to New Zealand. His work experience comprises environmental engineering projects in New Zealand and South East Asia, including a two-year aid project in Thailand and water supply projects in Laos. Another career highlight has been his involvement in

    the Clearwater Wellington wastewater project, which won the 1999 IPENZ Environmental Award.

    Dave served as a member, regional representative and board member of the New Zealand Water and Wastes Association, and contributed a number of technical papers. He has also pursued interests in institutional and government policy, and strategic development.

    The support of Members and their families is an essential part of the function of the IPENZ Foundation. There are two objectives under which this support can fall: To assist, in New Zealand, Members suffering

    hardship due to physical or mental sickness, disability or incapacity to participate in education or rehabilitation programmes that enable them to resume a career.

    To promote the relief of poverty, in New Zealand, among Members or their dependents arising from age, physical or mental sickness, disability or incapacity or death of the Member concerned.

    The Trustees discharge this function by making grants in response to approaches for assistance from Members or their families. Inquiries or requests should be addressed to the Foundations Executive Officer, Susie McCutcheon. All inquiries or requests for assistance will be treated in complete confidence.

    Contact details are:Executive OfficerIPENZ Foundation

    PO Box 12241Wellington 6144(04) 473 [email protected]

    Big Red Rooster and the Land Rover

    IPENZ Foundation Newsletter December 2008

  • Engineering Dimension is printed using vegetable-based inks with

    the key ingredients being soy and linseed oil. The paper used is

    manufactured using Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified

    Mixed Source Pulp from FSC-approved well-managed forests and

    other controlled sources and is elemental chlorine and acid free.

    The plastic wrap on Engineering Dimension is recyclable.

    President Stephen Reindler president@

    Deputy President Graham Darlow deputy.president@

    Chief Executive Andrew Cleland [email protected]

    Registrar Jeff Wastney [email protected]

    Editor Member Communicatons Matthew Winthrop editor-comms

    Membership Enquiries Michele Boniface [email protected]

    National Office Ground Floor 158 The Terrace Wellington New Zealand

    04 473 9444 [email protected]

    Jeffrey Coleman 19622011

    It is with sadness that IPENZ reports the passing of Jeffrey Coleman MIPENZ, who died on 10 March 2011.

    Jeffrey was a lover of technology, and this, in combination with his capacity for getting stuck in across a broad spectrum of interests, saw him make a great deal of achievements in both his professional and personal lives.

    After working as an engineer for eight years, which included stints with New Zealand Railways, Cray Communi-cations, Northern Telecom and Peat Marwick (the latter two based in the United Kingdom), Jeffrey moved into information technology in the early 1990s. At around the same time, Jeffrey settled in Nelson with his wife and they had three children.

    As an Information and Communications Technology Project Manager, Jeffrey built up a wide network of clients, and was involved in at least 100 projects in both Nelson and nationwide. It says

    something of Jeffreys nature that clients often became friends.

    A professional interest in managing projects saw Jeffrey establish the Nelson group of the Project Manage-ment Institute of New Zealand (PMINZ), a model which was used to set up several other groups around the country. In Nelson he served as the group coordinator for seven years while also sitting on the South Island branch committee and helping organise the PMINZs national conference in 2000. In 2004 Jeffrey became a Fellow, the Institutes highest accolade.

    Outside his professional work, Jeffrey volunteered his services to the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology, serving on its information technology advisory board, the Suter Gallery and Matai School. He was also a lover of nature and wildlife, and became passionate about the Brook Waima-rama Sanctuary (a recently established pest-free zone on the outskirts of

    Nelson). Even when he began to lose his mobility due to the onset of motor neuron disease, he liked to go to the sanctuary and lend a hand. The sanctuary was, therefore, a very fitting location for a celebration service held for Jeffrey in March.

    Signs of the disease began to appear in 2006, affecting Jeffreys mobility and speech. Despite no longer working as an engineer, he remained a committed Member of IPENZ. In 2010 the IPENZ Foundation made two grants available for Jeffrey to procure assistive techno-logy that provided him with the ability to communicate via his PC, even after he was no longer able to talk. This technology was virtually Jeffreys only method of communication, allowing him to type emails, text instructions and requests, and talk by typing or selecting words from a list.

    IPENZ expresses its sympathy to Jeffreys wife Sandy and their children Oliver, Hugo and Elsie. //

    Waikato Branch Newsletter September 2013IPENZ Foundation Letter to Branches Aug2013