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24 Feb 2013 | Jaypee Model United Nations Conference 2013

The International PressGeneral Assembly Plenary- Sanjna Sudan Indian Emperor Council 1857-Ridhi Singh War Cabinet of India 1971- Avtansh Behal Sub Editor- Hemani Bhandari Designer- Arushi AwasthiPhotographer- Yatharth Budhiraja

I n d i a ’ s P r e m i e r N e w s A g e n c y

War The Big Story

IEC 1857

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War Cabinet

Page 2: IPC release for Session (3-4) press trust of india.

Indian Emperor Council 1857


IEC : In erratic consensus?

IEC, Feb 23 (PTI) Devoted, the nobility had left for lunch, rather a grand feast, on a note to come back geared up for the application of directives. Post the break, the representatives were required to impose certain clauses for the purpose of defense against the fortifying British Cantonment which were presented to the council in the last session. The updates provided by the Executive Board gave an incentive and direction to the drifting discussion. The whole idea was to administer the troops that had held their horses for long so as to get commands from the royalty in Delhi.

The Maharaja of Bikaner, an ardent speaker, had dared to provoke the royalty of Bithoor. In response to his variable inputs, the latter took no break in proceedings and muted the fellow representatives with his brilliant response with cynicism. The Nawab of Bhopal enquired about the number of days needed by the cavalry to reach Delhi to which the Executive Board took pride in saying that having fought no battle, he’s absolutely clueless.

The Rajputana “Aan Baan Shaan” was reflected in the insightful methods put forth to assemble the artillery. The pen is definitely mightier than the sword as the points put down by Maharaja of Bithoor, that too in Hindi, fetched appreciation. Hyderabadi Nawab too didn’t miss a single oppotunity to impress the council with fine responses to every situation. The agenda gave freedom to the council to travel back in time, plan and strategize and conduct a recalcitrance. Hopefully, the committee will find its way through and come forward with a clever decree.

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• The capstone doctrine as an answer to thisissue focuses on creating effective mandates for PKOs, as more than half of Capstone’s chapters are dedicated to the challenge of crafting, implementing and successfully completing PKO mandates.

• Thedoctrinehasgonethelengthtoproperlydefine the use of force to differentiate between peace enforcement and “robust peacekeeping”.

• The doctrine addresses ways of ensuringadequate logistic and administrative support to missions, and of improving the ways that the various components (civilian, military, police and support) work together.


• Withtheconstantstruggletofindresources,UN peacekeeping missions can be hamstrung by poorly envisaged mandates. In some situations, PKOs are used to fill the gaps where the P5 and strategic regional powers are reluctant or unable to become directly involved!

• There is always this question of whatcriteria should be used to determine peacekeeping deployments. This problem can be traced back to the UN charter itself, which does not define what a threat to or a breach of the peace actually is, even though these are conditions that peacekeeping mandates (coming from the SC).

• UN peacekeeping also faces a range ofpersistent logistical challenges. Says, analyst Brues “On an average, it still takes the UN 4-5 months to put peacekeeping troops on the ground and many national contingents continue to come without the equipment they promised”

General Assembly Plenary


BANG ON!!!!!

GA, Feb 23 (PTI) The concept of peacekeeping has not been mentioned in the United Nations (UN) Charter; however both the practice and the terminology used to describe it has evolved progressively over more than half a century in which peacekeepers have been deployed. In this time, peacekeeping has become one of the most important aspects of the UN’s global footprint.

In January, 2008, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) approved the Capstone Doctrine (Capstone). It was aimed at making it a way of helping bring operations under one conceptual roof. Following the interesting debate about the capstone doctrine in UNGA today, we decided to take the plunge.


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War Cabinet of India 1971



24th February, 2013. 10:00 A.MThe first session of the penultimate day of the War Cabinet promises to be different. No, not because of the standard of debate (that won’t improve), but the EXTREMELY serious faces of the delegates, as if they are completely out to change the world.The Executive Board, notoriously infamous in MUN-land for turning up late, arrives right on time for the committee, with our three good people entering the War Cabinet together. The short briefing session and roll-call is done away with pretty quickly.This scribe realizes that something is seriously wrong when every representative is found present, including the ones who’d shamelessly absented themselves yesterday. As we move on, the debate on the plan improves by leaps and bounds, with everyone making sharp observations, while observing the protocol for turns. The Armed Forces are no longer at loggerheads with the Ministries of Defence and External Affairs, and the observations of the Judge Advocate General are taken into account at every step. (What happened last night?) Such is the feeling of brotherhood amongst our representatives, that the Chief of RAW, when allowed to speak, directed the Chair to allow the Minister of Home Affairs (who wanted a word in herself) to speak first (This can’t be! This just can’t be the Indian Parliament!)The Conference Staff looks sleepy due to the obvious lack of funny chits to pass. Even my fellow reporter is looking to sleep off. My face looks as if all my MUN experience is useless…SuddenlyI am jolted awake by my mother. As I wake up, soaking in the reality, Mom asks me what happened.I have only one answer:May this nightmare never come true. The fun must never die in MUNs.

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Indo-Pak 1971 (reloaded)

War Cabinet, Feb 23 (PTI) Prior to the arrival of the Executive Board, we saw the representatives locked in a heated discussion as they went over possible plan and discussion. The PM, stricken with fever, remains a shadow of herself today, though she is still effective (Get well soon). The second crisis update finally arrives, revealing that the Calcutta harbor has been bombed. A livid Cabinet is led by the PM declaring immediate WAR, though she amused the IP when she mentioned ‘the best time’ to attack.The bulk of the action seen has been naval, with activity also seen in Port Blair. A game of cat-and-mouse ensues, only to establish that Britain has mysteriously entered the war. On the positive side, USSR and India ally, vindicated when USSR rejects an American plea for ceasefire in the UNSC. A key issue remained the safety of key naval vessels, while some ministers also pointed out the cholera outbreak in refugee camps.Post-lunch, this scribe was in for a visual treat seeing the Chiefs of the Defence Forces and the Director of RAW actively discussing strategies, only to be joined by the Cabinet Secretary, who enlightened us with his suggestions. IP’s dear friend, the Minister of External Affairs, humored us early in the morning with a couple of amusing, yet pertinent chits. We were pleased that she took our advice post-lunch, and was seen having a word with both the Cabinet Secretary and the Vice-President.The committee clock continues to irk us, with the date having already progressed to December 7. India’s Operation Trident was successful, only for Pakistan to hit back strongly by bombing a refugee camps. War talk is, well, beyond the IP. We only hope to pull off an encore of 1971, and bid you farewell on this hopeful note.

War Cabinet of India 1971

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Nizam of Hyderabad

Maharaja of Bithoor

Nawab of Bhopal

Maharaja of Rajputana

What do you think is the council thinking of ? –Bloodshed

Which is the last book that you read? – Dying Declarations: Bloodshed at Harrogate

One thing that you associate with the royalty of Rajputana –Bloodshed

A for : Apple and B for : Bloodshed :P

What is tabling? - Bringing a motion on the floor.(Crown Council was dumbfounded. Tabling is switching to another topic ! )

Yeh toh kaafi critical situation hai. Humein mutiny ka to pata nahi but heart mein uprising of 1857 ho rahi hai. :P

(Has unremittingly been passing chits to the Nizam of Hyderabad we understand it’s the month of love but get a grip Bithoor ! )

Looks at the phone. Looks up. Smiles. Texts back. Nizam of Hyderabad a.k.a. Bloodshed is pretty much addicted to her phone. Now we know why. :D

Tet-e-tete with IEC

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War Cabinet of India

WAR CABINETYou can’t judge a book by its cover.

CABINET SECRETARYClothes make the man.

VICE PRESIDENTWell begun is half done.

CHIEF OF NAVY STAFFCan’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISORBetter to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubts.

MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRSIf you can’t beat them, join them.

JUDGE ADVOCATE OF GENERAL INDIAN ARMYAblow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.

MINISTER OF DEFENSE Don’t bark if you can’t bite.