Download - Ipc lesson plan 13 social support

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AgendaO Last time – IntimacyO Today – Social Support

O Presenting – AJO Pass out papers

O Next – Relational Maintenance (Ch 9.1)O Presenting - Samantha

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Social SupportCNA 210

Interpersonal Communication

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EmpathyO Emotion or Action?O What are the advantages to feeling

empathy?O Improved relationshipsO Higher job and school performanceO Popularity

O What are the disadvantages to feeling empathy?O UncomfortableO Out-of-sync solutions

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Social Support

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Person- Centered Position- Centered

“It must be difficult. I know you two were really close.”

“He was a jerk, why are you flipping out

about him? Let me set you up with Floyd.”

“I know you are sad, but there

are plenty of fish in the sea.”

Support Messages

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Invisible Support

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Types of SupportO Visible ~ Recipient inefficacy

O “I can tell you need some help. I think you should call a department meeting”

O Visible ~ Recipient EfficacyO “Obviously you don’t need my help.

But, if I had to say anything, I would say call a department meeting.”

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Types of SupportO Invisible ~ Recipient efficacy (Self-

depreciating)O “Do you think you are going to call a

department meeting? I am not sure what I would do?”

O Invisible ~ Recipient and self-efficacyO “Clearly you know what to do. If it were

me, I know I would just call a department meeting.”

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What do you think?O Which do you think causes most distress?

O Visible – Recipient inefficacyO Visible – Recipient efficacyO Invisible – Recipient efficacy, self

depreciatingO Invisible – Recipient and Self efficacyO Doing nothing

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What do you think?O Which do you think was seen as most

supportive?O Visible – Recipient inefficacyO Visible – Recipient efficacyO Invisible – Recipient efficacy, self

depreciatingO Invisible – Recipient and Self efficacyO Doing nothing

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In PairsO Your best friend is trying to study for

an exam in a class you aced last semester. He is getting incredibly frustrated and at one point, he throws the book across the room.O How do you offer him support?

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In PairsO After a hard day work, you come

home and hear your spouse complaining about work. You remember reading about a similar problem in one of your textbooks from college and you remember what the authors suggested.O How do you offer your spouse social


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In PairsO Your classmate just entered the

break room full of tears. You heard earlier that day that her fiancé had been caught sleeping with someone else. She sits next to you but does not say anything to you.O How do you offer her social support?

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In PairsO You just completed a 20 page history

paper, printed it, and placed it on the table. Your 4-year-old nephew comes in from outside covered in mud. He grabs your paper and gets mud all over it. In a panic you yell at him to put the paper down. He looks up at you and begins crying.O How do you offer him support?

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ReviewO Is Empathy an emotion or an action?O What are the advantages as

disadvantages to feeling empathy?O Is Social support an emotion or an action?O What are the two ends of the support

messages continuum?O What type of support causes the most

distress?O What type of support is seen as the most


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A.J. Presents…