Download - Iowa Department of Public Defense · Iowa Department of Public Defense Authority 2 Staffs of the Adjutant General 3 Military Division State Employee Program 5 State Budget and Fiscal

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Major General Timothy E. Orr The Adjutant General

Iowa Department of

Public Defense

ANNUAL REPORT Fiscal Year 2012

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General The National Guard 1 Missions of the National Guard 1 Responsibilities 2 Iowa Department of Public Defense Authority 2 Staffs of the Adjutant General 3 Military Division State Employee Program 5 State Budget and Fiscal Program 11 Federal Reimbursement Contract Program 12 Contingent Fund Support – Standing Unlimited Appropriations


National Guard Facilities Improvement Fund 13 Military Operations Fund 13 Capital Improvements 14 Human Resources Office

Federal Support 16 State Support 16 Equal Employment Program 17

Government Relations Officer Mission and Responsibilities 18 Summary of Federal Legislation 18 Summary of State Legislation 19 Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel

Personnel and Administration Section 20 Officers 21 Enlisted Personnel 22 Recruiting and Retention Battalion 23 National Guard Education Assistance Program 24 Awards and Decorations 25 Roll of Retired Iowa National Guard Officers and Enlisted 27 Officer Retirees 27 Enlisted Retirees 28 Iowa Army National Guard Strength Recapitulation 31

Inspector General Program

Mission and Function 32 Organization 32 Accomplishments 32

Senior Army Advisor

Mission 35 Organization 35

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Personnel 35 Functions 35

Selective Service

Mission 37 Organization 37 Accomplishments 37

Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations

Organization 38 Training 38 Inactive Duty Training 38 Annual Training 39 Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS) 40 School Training 40 185th Regional Training Institute 41 Mobilization Readiness 43 Provost Marshall 44 Military Support Program 46 State Service 47

Iowa Army National Guard Structure Map 48 International Affairs 49 The National Guard Bureau State Partnership Program (SPP)


FY 2012 SPP Events 50 Key SPP Leaders 50 Iowa Counter Drug Task Force

Overview 52 Fiscal Year 2012 Missions 52 Supply Interdiction 52 Midwest Counterdrug Training Center 53 Civil Operations 53

National Maintenance Training Center Overview 54 Concept 54 Facilities 54 Staff 54 Future Strategy 55 Technician Training Programs 55 New Programs 55 Iowa Ordnance Training Battalion Overview 56 Facilities 56

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Accreditation 56 Office of the United States Property and Fiscal Officer

Establishment of the USPFO 58 Description of the USPFO Officer 58 Organization of the Office of the USPFO 59 Federal v. State Funding 60 Funding Breakout 60 Military Design and Construction History 61 Federal Funding Summary 61

Director of Logistics Overview 62 Major Accomplishments 62 Section Operations 63 Shoemaker Maintenance Excellence Recognition 68

Army Aviation - Iowa Army National Guard Mission and Manning 70 Personnel 70 Units and Facilities 70 Full-time Support Personnel 70 Air National Guard

Organization 72 Missions 72 Strength 73 Commanders 73 Formal Education and School Programs 74 Flying Program 74 Federal Logistics 75 Exercises and Deployments 75 Awards and Decorations 76 Community Service 77 Iowa Air National Guard Officer and Enlisted Retirees 77

Homeland Security Emergency Management Division

Mission 79 Vision 79 Division Authorities 79 Division History 79 Division Structure 80 Homeland Security and Grants Bureau 80 Preparedness Bureau 80 Readiness and Response Bureau 81 Recovery Bureau 82 Structure of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in Iowa


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Disaster Response 83 Presidential Disaster Declarations SFY 2011 84 Round-the-Clock Response 84 Detailed list of HSEMD incident reports 84 Disaster Recovery 90 Programs and Initiatives 90 Funding 97

Annex A. Adjutants General of Iowa


Annex B. Assistant and Deputy Adjutants General of Iowa 101 Annex C. Iowa National Guard Installations 103 Annex D. Iowa Department of Public Defense Organization 107

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GENERAL The National Guard.

The "Militia Concept" is woven into the fabric of the Constitution and early laws for the command defense, and as a result, under federal and state laws, it has both a federal and state status.

The Army National Guard and the Air National Guard, in accordance with federal law, provide essential units as part of this nation's defense structure. The National Guard, whose origins trace back to 1637, is the embodiment of volunteerism. Its members are subject to “call” or “order to active duty” in the service of the United States in times of national emergency and when disasters and emergencies occur in the several states.

The National Guard is organized under Army and Air Force tables of organization and equipment, and is equipped and trained in accordance with Department of Defense policies.

The Iowa Army and Air National Guard, when not in the active service of the United States, are administered in accordance with directives promulgated by the National Guard Bureau, an agency of the Department of Defense, and the military laws of the State of Iowa. The Governor of Iowa is the Commander in Chief. The Adjutant General of Iowa is responsible to the Governor for administration, training, recruitment, and efficient operation of the Iowa Army and Air National Guard when not in the active services of the United States. Missions of the National Guard.

Federal Missions. Army National Guard of the United States - Provide units of the Reserve Components of the Army, adequately organized, trained, equipped, and available for mobilization in the event of national emergency or war, in accordance with the deployment schedule, and capable of participating in combat operations in support of the Army's war plans. Air National Guard of the United States - Provide trained units and qualified individuals to be available for active duty in the United States Air Force in time of war or national emergency and at such other times as national security may require. Military Support of Civil Authority - The establishment under the United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) of a military headquarters to plan for and conduct operations of assigned multi-service military forces (Active and Reserve Components) in support of civil defense utilizing the Adjutant General and the Headquarters, Joint Forces Command for non-federalized National Guard forces and the Headquarters, Joint State Command for monitoring the activities of federalized forces. State Mission. The state mission of the Iowa National Guard is to provide sufficient organizations in the State, trained and equipped to function efficiently at existing strength in the protection of life and

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property and the preservation of peace, order, and public safety under competent orders of the state authorities. Responsibilities.

Federal Responsibilities. Provide pay for federally recognized personnel when participating in authorized inactive duty training and active duty for training including appropriate duty or duties and periods of equivalent duty or training and administrative pay. Procurement and issue of uniforms, arms, equipment, and supplies. Supervision of training. Appropriate monies annually for the expense of providing ordnance stores, quartermaster stores, camp equipage, and to contribute to the state an equitable share of the expense of construction and maintenance of certain training facilities as authorized by law. Audit and inspect National Guard units, Army and Air, and accounts and records of the United States Property and Fiscal Officer.

State Responsibilities. Provide training and storage facilities with funding assistance from the federal government for an equitable share of the expense thereof. Properly account for and maintain all state and federal property and funds. Command the personnel of the Army and Air National Guard. Appoint, promote, transfer, assign, and separate personnel of the Army and Air National Guard in accordance with qualifications established for federal recognition by the Secretary of the Army and Air Force. Iowa Department of Public Defense Authority. Chapter 29, Code of Iowa, Department of Public Defense, created the Department of Public Defense of the State of Iowa, consisting of a Military Division and the Office of Disaster Services Division, and further provided that the Adjutant General of the State shall be the Executive Director of the Department of Public Defense. The Office of Disaster Services Division is now officially referred to as the Homeland Security Emergency Management Division. Chapter 29A, Code of Iowa, The Military Code, provides for the establishment, command, support, administration, and operation of the military forces of the State of Iowa, and promulgated by the Constitution of the United States and implementing federal statutes, the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and applicable federal policies and regulations.

The Military Division, Department of Public Defense - The Military Division, Department of Public Defense, includes the Office of the Adjutant General and all functions, responsibilities, powers,

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and duties of the Adjutant General of the State of Iowa and the military forces of the State of Iowa as provided in the laws of the state.

State Military Forces - The Iowa National Guard (Army and Air) constitutes the military forces of the State of Iowa. The Military Code of Iowa provides for the establishment of an "Iowa State Guard" during such times as the Iowa National Guard is in active federal status. The Governor may activate the organized militias to provide for the needs of the State.

Commander in Chief - The Governor is, by law, the Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the state. The Military Code provides him with the authority to employ the military forces of the state for the defense or relief of the State, the enforcement of its laws, the protection of life and property, and emergencies resulting from disasters and public disorders or for participation in parades and ceremonies of a civic nature.

The Adjutant General - The Adjutant General of Iowa is appointed by the Governor to direct the state's Military Division of the Department of Public Defense. The Adjutant General has command and control of the Military Department, and, as such, is responsible for the administration, organization, equipping, and training of the military forces of the State of Iowa in accordance with Iowa law and with policies and directives of the Department of the Army and Department of the Air Force.

Staff of the Adjutant General of Iowa (as of June 30, 2012)

The Adjutant General and Staff Adjutant General Major General Timothy E. Orr Deputy Adjutant General, Air Brigadier General J. Derek Hill

Deputy Commanding General-Maneuver Colonel Steven W. Altman

Deputy Commanding General-Operations Brigadier General Roy S. Webb

Deputy Commanding General-Sustainment Brigadier General Janet E. Phipps State Command Sergeant Major CSM John H. Breitsprecker

State Command Chief Warrant Officer CCWO Marvin W. Peters

State Command Historian First Lieutenant Brandon Cochran

Knowledge Management Officer Captain Brock J. Bockenstedt United States Property and Fiscal Colonel Allen Meyer Officer for Iowa Executive Director, Homeland Mr. Mark J. Schouten Security and Emergency Management Division Director of Human Resource Office Colonel Michael J. Schlorholtz Equal Employment Manager Ms. Margaret J. Seals State Comptroller Mr. Michael A. Gardner Inspector General Colonel Eric Winkie Senior Army Advisor Colonel Robert P. Stavnes Public Affairs Officer Colonel Gregory O. Hapgood II Staff Judge Advocate Lieutenant Colonel Michael A. Kuehn Governmental Relations Officer Captain Katherine M. Barton State Partnership Program Major Michael A. Wunn

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State Chaplain Colonel Paul Lippstock Camp Dodge Facilities Manager Colonel Benjamin J. Corell & State Quartermaster Joint Planning Group, Iowa National Guard Joint Chief of Staff Colonel Steve Warnstadt

J1 Personnel Lieutenant Colonel Deborah K. Erickson J2 Intelligence Lieutenant Colonel David A. Havercamp J3 Operations Colonel Kevin L. Plagman J3 Aviation Colonel Randy H. Warm J4 Logistics Major Paul W. Deboer J5 Strategic Plans and Policy Lieutenant Colonel Gary W. Seyb J6 Command, Control, Lieutenant Colonel Kerry S. Gill Communications & Computers J7 Joint Force Development, Lieutenant Colonel Alexandra C. Greenfield Doctrine and Training Directorate

Iowa Army National Guard Staff Chief of Staff, Army Colonel Gary A. Freese G1 Personnel Colonel Stephen Osborn G2 Intelligence Lieutenant Colonel Dennis J. Kelly G3 Operations Colonel Curly L. Albrecht G3 Aviation Colonel Randy H. Warm G4 Logistics Colonel Mark D Newhall G5 Domestic Operations Colonel Kevin L. Plagman G6 Information Management Colonel James W. White G7 Installation Management Colonel Scott A. Ayres Diverse Functional Areas Providing Support to the Iowa Army National Guard Commandant, 185th Regional Colonel Daniel D. Darland Training Institute Commandant, Iowa Ordnance Chief Warrant Officer Four Dennis E. Hall Training Regiment Commander, Camp Dodge Colonel Kevin Hulett Training Site Commander, National Maintenance Lieutenant Colonel Donald L. McLellan Training Center Commander, Headquarters (-) Lieutenant Colonel Brent D. Trout Joint Forces Commander, 71st Civil Support Lieutenant Colonel Ryan R. Reichenbacker Team

Commander, Recruiting & Retention Lieutenant Colonel John Cunningham

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Iowa Air National Guard Staff Assistant Adjutant General - Air Brigadier General J. Derek Hill Director of Staff Colonel Kevin J. Heer Command Master Sergeant Command Chief Master Sergeant Lowell Schellhase Military Personnel Management Major Sonya L. Finch Officer Director of Operations Colonel Robert Martin State Surgeon Colonel Christian P. Ledet Staff Judge Advocate Colonel Gregg Schochenmaier Director of Communications Lieutenant Colonel John D. Kabitzke State Recruiting and Retention Senior Master Sergeant Mark A. Houseman Iowa Air National Guard Commanders 132nd Fighter Wing Colonel William D. DeHaes 185th Air Refueling Wing Colonel Brian A. Miller 133rd Test Squadron Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey W. Clemens

Military Division State Employment Program

Adjutant General and Staff-1110 FTE

Clerk-Specialist 1.00

Executive Officer 2 1.00

Historical Program Specialist 1.00

Adjutant General 1.00

Deputy Adjutant General, Army 1.00 (Vacant)

Deputy Adjutant General, Air 1.00

Management Analyst 3 1.00

Executive Secretary 1.00

Total 7.00 Assigned/8.00 Slots

Military -1120

Administrative Assistant 2 1.00

Total 1.00 Assigned/1.00 Slots

Human Resource Office -1125

Human Resources Associate 1.00

Human Resources Technical Assistant 1.00

Total 2.00 Assigned/2.00 Slots

State Comptroller’s Office -1150

Secretary 2 1.00

Information Technology Specialist 3 2.00

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Information Technology Specialist 4 4.00

Information Technology Specialist 5 1.00

Information Technology Administrator 2 1.00

Purchasing Assistant 1.00

Accounting Technician 2 1.00 (Vacant)

Accounting Technician 3 2.00 (1 Vacant)

Executive Officer 1 1.00

Public Service Executive 3 1.00

Accountant 3 2.00

Accountant 2 2.00 ( 1 Vacant)

Executive Officer 3 1.00

Public Service Executive 5 (Comptroller) 1.00

Management Analyst 2 1.00 (Vacant)

Budget Analyst 1 1.00

Budget Analyst 2 1.00

Budget Analyst 3 1.00

Total 22.00 Assigned/26.00 Slots

State Comptroller’s Purchasing -1160

Purchasing Agent 3 1.00

Purchasing Agent 2 1.00

Budget Analyst 3 1.00

Executive Officer 2 1.00 (Vacant)

Total 3.00 Assigned/4.00 Slots

State Quartermaster Section -1170

Clerk- Specialist 1.00

Warehouse Operations Worker 1.00

Storekeeper 1 1.00

Storekeeper 3 1.00

Executive Officer 1 1.00

State Quartermaster- PSE6 1.00

Total 6.00 Assigned/6.00 Slots

Interactive Classroom Support-1216

Telecommunication Specialist Seniors 2.00

Total 2.00 Assigned/2.00 Slots

Environmental -1225

Budget Analyst 2 1.00

Environmental Specialist Senior 3.00

Environmental Program Supervisor 1.00

Executive Officer 2 1.00

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Total 6.00 Assigned/6.00 Slots

Joint Forces Headquarters Building Support -


Custodial Leader 1.00

Total 1.00 Assigned/1.00 Slots

State Family Program -1280

Program Planner 2 2.00

Total 2.00 Assigned/ 2 Slots

Des Moines Air Base- Facilities Operation

Maintenance Account (FOMA)-1310

Secretary 2 1.00

Architectural Technician 2 1.00

Custodial Worker 2.00

Custodial Leader 1.00

Maintenance Repairer 5.00

Painter 1 1.00

Electrician 3.00

Power Plant Engineer 3 2.00

Plant Operations Manager 3 1.00

Total 17.00 Assigned/17.00 Slots

Des Moines Air Base- Real Property -1311

Administrative Assistant 1 1.00

Program Planner 2 1.00

Total 2.00 Assigned/2.00 Slots

Des Moines Air Base – Environmental -1313

Environmental Specialist 1.00

Total 1.00 Assigned/1.00 Slots

Sioux City Air Base-Facilities Operation Maintenance Account (FOMA)-1320

Design Technician 1.00

Facilities Maintenance Coordinator 1.00

Maintenance Repairer 5.00 (1 Vacant)

Carpenter 2 2.00

Plumber 1 1.00

HVAC Technician 1.00

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Electrician 2.00

Power Plant Engineer 3 1.00

Power Plant Engineer 4 1.00 (Vacant)

Total 13.00 Assigned/15.00 Slots

Sioux City Airbase- Real Property-1321

Accountant 2 1.00

Administrative Assistant 1 1.00 ( Vacant)

Program Planner 2 1.00

Total 2.00 Assigned/3.00 Slots

Sioux City Airbase- Environmental - 1323

Environmental Specialist 1.00

Total 1.00 Assigned/1.00 Slots

Fort Dodge Air Base Facilities Operation Maintenance Account (FOMA)-1330

Custodial Worker 1.00

Maintenance Repairer 1.00

Total 2.00 Assigned/2.00 Slots

Des Moines Airbase – Security - 1350

Air Base Security Officer 17.00 ( 1 Vacant, 1Temp)

Total 15 Assigned/17.00 Slots

Sioux Airbase – Security - 1360

Administrative Assistant 1.00

Air Base Security Officer 16.0 (1 Vacant, 2 Temps)

Total 14.00 Assigned/17.00 Slots

Des Moines Air Base – Crash/Rescue-1380

Airport Firefighters 29.00 (2 Vacant)

Airport Assistant Fire Chief 3.00 ( Smith, McKinley, Clearwater)

Total 30.00 Assigned/32.00 Slots

Sioux City Air Base – Crash/Rescue- 1390

Training Specialist 1 1.00

Airport Firefighters 37.00 (2 Vacant)

Airport Assistant Fire Chief 3.00

Total 39.00 Assigned/41.00 Slots

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Camp Dodge- Operations and Maintenance -


Secretary 2 1.00

Information Technology Specialist 5 1.00

Administrative Intern 2.00

Administrative Assistant 1 1.00

Administrative Assistant 2 3.00

Executive Officer 3 1.00

Executive Officer 4 1.00

Budget Analyst 2 2.00

Budget Analyst 3 1.00

Training Specialist 1 1.00

Public Service Supervisor 3 1.00

Public Service Executive 3 2.00

Program Planner 2 1.00

Program Planner 3 2.00

Construction Design Engineer 7.00 ( 2 Vacant)

Construction Design Engineer Senior 5.00

Architectural Technician 1 1.00

Architectural Technician 2 1.00

Communication Technician 1 1.00

Custodial Worker 7.00 (1 Vacant)

Custodial Leader 1.00

Facilities Maintenance Coordinator 3.00

Maintenance Repairer 6.00 ( 1 Vacant)

Carpenter 2 3.00 ( 1 Vacant)

Painter 1 3.00

Painter 2 1.00

Plumber 2 2.00

Equipment Operator 1.00

Heavy Equipment Operator 9.00 ( 1 Vacant)

HVAC Technician 3.00

Electrician 3.00

HVAC Coordinator 1.00

Mechanic 4.00

Mechanic Supervisor 1.00

Water and Disposal Plant Operator 2 2.00

Plant Operations Manager 3 1.00

Locksmith 1.00

Total 81.00 Assigned/87.00 Slots

Camp Dodge Security - 1415

Installation Security Guard 17.00 (3 Vacant)

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Total 14.00 Assigned/17.00 Slots

Anti-Terrorism -1417

Program Planner 3 1.00

Total 1.00 Assigned/1.00 Slots

Camp Dodge- Automatic Targeting Systems-


Electronic Technician 1.00

Total 1.00 Assigned/1.00 Slots

Camp Dodge- Wellness Center- 1427

Activities Assistant 3.00

Total 3.00 Assigned/3.00 Slots

Camp Dodge Billeting Program- 1451

Clerk Specialist 1.00

Administrative Assistant 1 1.00

Public Service Supervisor 3 1.00

Custodial Worker 8.00 (2 Vacant)

Custodial Leader 1.00

Custodial Assistant 1.00

Laundry Worker 1.00

Total 12.00 Assigned/14.00 Slots

Information Management- 100% Federal-


Information Technology Specialist 5 1.00

Telecommunications Specialist Senior 1.00

Total 2.00 Assigned/2.00 Slots

Information Management- 90%/10%- 1840

Information Technology Specialist 3 1.00

Telecommunications Specialist Senior 1.00 (Vacant)

Total 1.00 Assigned/2.00 Slots

Information Management- Distance Learning- 1850

Training Specialist 2 1.00

Total 1.00 Assigned/1.00 Slots

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State Budgets and Fiscal Program Fiscal Year 2012

(1 July 2011 – 30 June 2012) Military Division Receipts: Appropriation $ 5,527,042 Federal reimbursements 39,594,881 Intra State Transfers 928 Reimbursement from Other Agencies 11,615 Governmental Funds Transfers 543,607 Refunds and reimbursements 668,977 Rents and leases (86,027) Other sales and services 8,555 Training & Technology Carry Forward 3,649 Total receipts: $46,273,226

Disbursements: 101 Salaries $21,761,932 202 Travel in-state 298,640 203 Vehicle operation 218,738 204 Vehicle depreciation (5,515) 205 Travel out-of-state 65,680 301 Office supplies 65,054 302 Facilities maintenance supplies 1,115,035 303 Equipment maintenance 172,467 304 Professional supplies 22,541 305 Highway maintenance 0 306 Housing subsistence 1,146 307 Agricultural supplies 41,796 308 Other supplies 63,924 309 Print and binding 2,309 311 Food 0 312 Uniforms 51,364 313 Postage 4,728 401 Communications 1,484,333 402 Rentals 157,180 403 Utilities 3,355,495 405 Professional services 600,138 406 Outside services 1,906,660

Total 304 Assigned/334 Slots

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407 Transfers 7,913 408 Advertising 6,056 409 Maintenance 2,582,134 414 Other Agencies 302,525 416 Information technology services reimbursement 56,063 432 Gov Fund Transfer-Attorneys General 31,775 433 Gov Fund Transfer-Auditors of State 21,890 433 Gov Fund Transfer-Other Agencies State 145 501 Equipment 587,719 502 Office equipment 0 503 Equipment non-inventory 1,059,201 510 Information Technology Equipment 427,578 601 Claims 1,500 602 Other expenses 50,840 701 Licenses 20,820 702 Fees 0 705 Refunds 1,228 901 Capitols 9,740,473 Training/Technology Carry Forward 0 Reversions 2,196 Total Disbursements: $46,273,226

Federal Reimbursement Contract Program – Military Division

Program Scope. Service Operation and Maintenance Agreements: Fiscal year agreements executed between the federal government and the state for the maintenance and operation of authorized facilities. The contracts provide for the joint sharing of yearly expenses ranging from 50% Federal funds to 100% Federal funds. Under the terms of the contract, the state pays all costs, reimbursable at the appropriate percentage basis and is reimbursed by the processing of a Standard Form 270 (SF270) biweekly for each account. The SF270 reflects the total program outlays at full cost with appropriate adjustments to request reimbursement from the federal government at the appropriate percentage. Service agreements provide reimbursements to the state for operating and maintenance costs incidental to the following installations: Des Moines Air National Guard Base Sioux City Air National Guard Base Fort Dodge Air National Guard Base/Communications Site Readiness Centers (Armories) Training Site Facilities Operation and Maintenance: Provides reimbursement to the state for the indicated costs in connection with annual field training and weekend training for Iowa National Guard elements designed to perform such training at certain other designated weekend training sites located within the state.

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Air National Guard Security Guard Contract: Fiscal year agreement between the federal government and the state to provide security and fire protection for Air National Guard facilities located at Des Moines and Sioux City. Expenses are paid by the state and reimbursed 100 percent by federal funds.

Contingent Fund Supporting-Standing Unlimited Appropriations – Military Division Compensation and expense of National Guard in active service. Authority and Scope: Chapter 29A.29, Code of Iowa, provides for payment of compensation of state military personnel and expenses of state military forces as authorized in Chapter 29A.27, Code of Iowa, from the state treasury if not otherwise appropriated. Fiscal Year 2012: General Fund $ 122,316 Receipts-Other States 169,895 Receipts-Intra State 2,532,499 Unearned Receipts 0 Total Expenses $(2,824,710) Reversion $ 0

National Guard Facilities Improvement Fund – Military Division Chapter 29A.16, Code of Iowa, 1981, was amended by the 69th General Assembly to establish the National Guard Facilities Improvement Fund. The fund was established effective July 1, 1981 (Fiscal Year 1982). Source of funds: Revenue derived from the operation or leasing of facilities located at Camp Dodge and the sale of real estate belonging to the Department of Public Defense. Usage of funds: Funds shall be used for only the construction, improvement, modification, maintenance, and repair of National Guard facilities. The fund shall not be used for the construction of new armories without prior approval of the General Assembly. Fiscal Year 2012: Balance forward $ 273,912 Income 1,280,541 Total funds available 1,554,452 Expenses (947,883) Balance forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $ 606,570

Military Operations Fund Chapter 29A.58, Code of Iowa, 1981, was amended by the 69th General Assembly to establish the Military Operations Fund. The fund was established effective July 1, 1981 (Fiscal Year 1982).

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Source of funds: Rental proceeds derived from leasing armories when the lease does not interfere with the use of the armory for military purposes. The finance officer of the office of the Adjutant General shall credit the appropriate armory account with the rental revenue which the armory produces. Use of funds: The revenue credited to each account is for maintaining, improving, and repairing the armory facility and utility payments. Fiscal Year 2012: Balance forward $393,330 Income 44,270 Total funds available 437,601 Expenses (157,100) Balance forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $280,501

Capital Improvements

Source of funds: Capitol appropriations from various funds. Fiscal Year 2012 – Major Maintenance Balance Forward Appropriation 030D $ 791,668

Appropriation 030D 2,000,000 Expenses (2,221,512) Balance forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $ 570,156 Fiscal Year 2012 – Mt Pleasant Readiness Center Add/Alt Balance Forward 041D $ 1,714 Expenses (1,714) Balance Forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $ 0

Fiscal Year 2012 – Mt Pleasant Readiness Center Add/Alt Appropriation 049D $ 100,000 Expenses (84,478) Balance Forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $ 15,522

Fiscal Year 2012 – Armory Construction Improvement Projects Balance Forward Appropriation 054D $ 406,343

Appropriation 054D 1,800,000 Expenses (954,846) Balance Forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $1,251,497 Fiscal Year 2012 – Davenport Readiness Center - New Balance forward Appropriation 057D $ 289,863 Expenses (289,863) Balance forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $ 0

Fiscal Year 2012 – Middletown Armed Forces Readiness Center

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Balance forward Appropriation 064D $ 93,525 Expenses (86,025) Balance Forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $ 7,500 Fiscal Year 2012 – Iowa Falls Readiness Center Appropriation 065D $ 411,463 Expenses (397,472) Balance Forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $ 13,991

Fiscal Year 2012 – Joint Forces Headquarters Renovation

Appropriation 0R38 $1,000,000 Expenses (939,142) Balance Forward to Fiscal Year 2013 $ 60,858

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Federal Support. The Iowa National Guard employed 2015 federal full-time support personnel, 1360 in the Army National Guard and 655 in the Air National Guard during Fiscal Year 2012. Authority for the National Guard Full-time Support Personnel Program is provided in Title 32, United States Code, Section 709. The functions and responsibilities of the federal full-time personnel are the following: Organizing, instructing, administering, recruiting, and training the National Guard units and activities in which they are employed. The maintenance and repair of supplies and equipment issued to the National Guard. Full-time federal employees fall into two different categories of employment as either Military Technician or Active Guard and Reserve. Military Technicians are federal civil service employees of the Department of the Army or the Department of the Air Force, as applicable, and the Adjutant General is designated by federal law as the employer. The Adjutant General is tasked with administering the Military Technician Program in accordance with federal law and regulations. Ninety-six percent of the military technician positions are in excepted service. Excepted technicians are required to be a member of the National Guard as a condition of employment. They must be federally recognized as an officer, warrant officer, or enlisted grade and branch of service applicable to the unit or activity that assigned. They must also be assigned to military positions that are compatible to the functions performed as a technician. Active Guard/Reserve employees are personnel who are ordered to active duty to perform duties of a military occupational specialty/Air Force specialty code. These personnel are assigned to a military position in the military unit and perform duties of the military occupational specialty/Air Force specialty code. Pay and allowances are based on the grade of the individual. Funding for administering the Full-time Personnel Program is allocated by the Department of Defense through the National Guard Bureau to each of the various states. State Support. The Iowa National Guard had 454 state employees in the Military Division of the Department of Public Defense: 171 for the Army National Guard and 139 for the Air National Guard, and 144 in the Homeland Security Emergency Management Division. The functions and responsibilities of the state personnel are:

Administration of the Department of Public Defense.

Maintenance and repair of National Guard facilities.

Security and protection of Air National Guard facilities and assets.

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Crash-rescue and fire protection at the Des Moines International Airport and the Sioux City Gateway Airport.

Equal Employment and Diversity Programs.

The Iowa National Guard's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program establishes policies and responsibilities for ensuring equity and nondiscriminatory treatment for all technician employees. The program explains the discrimination complaint process to the employees and provides an avenue of redress when needed. The program is legislated by federal law and implemented in accordance with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In addition, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title I of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Civil Rights Act of 1991, ADA Amendment Act of 2008, and Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act of 2008 all govern the program. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Department of Defense (DOD) / Army / and Air Force have provided various management directives and regulations that govern the program as well.

The Iowa National Guard's Equal Opportunity (EO) Program for military members establish policies that formulate, direct, and sustain an environment in which Airmen and Soldiers receive fair treatment based solely on merit, fitness, and capability that support readiness. The program is subdivided into two components: The ANG – EO Program for Air National Guard members and the ARNG – EO Program for Army National Guard members. Both of these programs are legislated by federal law as well and are implemented in accordance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Several DOD directives and Departments of the Army and Air Force regulations and instructions also govern these programs.

The fourth program within the Iowa National Guard, which addresses Equal Employment is the Department of Public Defense Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Program for State employees. This program involves ensuring equal opportunity for employment and advancement, providing programs and facilities that are accessible to everyone, and administering programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or physical and/or mental disabilities. This program also involves applying affirmative action measures to correct under-utilization of particular groups in State employment. It too, is legislated by federal law and implemented in accordance with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1978; the ADA of 1990 and 2008; directives and regulations from the EEOC; the Iowa Code; and Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) also govern this program for State employees.

To administer the Equal Employment Programs in the Iowa National Guard, the Adjutant General has two full-time employees in the State Equal Employment Manager (SEEM) office. Other employees that are either full-time or who hold collateral and additional duty assignments in the areas of equal employment include EEO Counselors; ARNG - EO Advisors and Leaders; ANG – EO Director , Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Support Staff; Federal Women's Program Manager; Hispanic Employment Program Manager; Black Employment Program Manager; and Individuals with Disabilities Program Manager.

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Mission and Responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the Government Relations Office to: a. Serve as the primary point of contact for all state and federal elected officials and their staffs. b. Research, monitor, and analyze legislation at the state and federal level that have potential impact on the Iowa National Guard and its Soldiers, Airmen and their families. c. Provide requested information to state and federal elected officials; advise them on TAG/DAG’s policy recommendations; and ensure an open dialogue regarding legislative matters. d. Educate and inform state and federal elected officials and their staffs on matters that affect the Iowa Army and Air National Guard. e. Develop and maintain effective working relationships with state and federal elected officials and their staffs. f. Develop and implement programs and initiatives designed to improve governmental relations for the Iowa Army and Air National Guard. g. Provide recommendations for short-, mid-, and long-range impact opportunities to improve the strategic legislative process for the Iowa National Guard. h. Coordinate and prepare TAG/DAG for all committee hearings, rules meetings, legislative functions and other events of similar nature. Represent TAG/DAG, as required. i. Plan and coordinate meetings with the Iowa National Guard leadership, state and federal elected officials and their staffs. j. Coordinate with internal and external entities in order to provide senior leadership and policy-makers information on legislation. k. Synchronize, network, and collaborate with associations, organizations, agencies and individuals related to legislative matters affecting the National Guard. Summary of Federal Legislation. FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act had not passed Congress at the time of drafting this document. FY 2013 Defense and Military Construction Appropriations bills had not passed Congress at the time of drafting this document.

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Summary of State Legislation. Senate File 2007, an Act relating to and making appropriations to the National Guard Educations Assistance Program. This bill provided an increase to the National Guard Education Assistance Program appropriation for FY2012 of $1.3 million. This supplemental appropriation increased the overall FY2012 NGEAP funding to $4,486,233. This was the first bill of the session signed by the Governor on January 31, 2012. Senate File 2097, an Act relating to the Department of Public Defense (DPD). It was signed into law on April 12, 2012 by the Governor.

This bill exempts the DPD-Military Division and Armory Board from requirements for

the Department of Administrative Services to administer leases. It makes language changes for

federal active duty to conform to federal statue. Changes “state military service” to “national

guard duty.” Conforms the state statue with the State Quartermaster’s roles and responsibilities

over state military facilities. Reduces the period of military service to from 90 days to 30 days

before certain civil obligations can be postponed or suspended. House File 2335, an Act relating to and making appropriations to the Justice System, providing penalties, and including effective and retroactive applicability date provisions, was signed into law on May 25, 2012 by the Governor. This includes $5,527,042 for salaries, support, maintenance, and miscellaneous purposes and funding for not more than 293.00 full-time equivalent positions. Senate File 2316, an Act relating to and making appropriations to state departments and agencies from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, the Technology Reinvestment Fund, the Revenue Bonds Capitals Fund, and other funds, was signed into law on June 7, 2012 by the Governor. The law includes the following provisions related to the DPD- Military Division: - Major maintenance projects at Readiness Centers (RC) and facilities: $2,000,000 - Construction improvement projects at statewide RC: $2,050,000 - Construction upgrades at Camp Dodge sanitary and sewer systems: $610,000 - Renovation, repair, and improvements to Joint Forces Headquarters: $500,000 Senate File 2321, an Act relating to the funding of, the operation of, and appropriation of moneys to the College Student Aid Commission and other agencies, was signed into law on May 25, 2012 by the Governor. This bill included $4,800,233 for the National Guard Education Assistance Program. This was the largest amount appropriated since the program began.

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DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR PERSONNEL Personnel and Administration Section

The Directorate of Personnel and Administration administers personnel management for the Iowa Army National Guard. This directorate is organized to provide human resources support and personnel programs management support for the Iowa Army National Guard. The end of the fiscal year aggregate personnel strength is shown at Exhibit 1. Officers (Commissioned and Warrant)

Appointments, promotions, and termination of appointments for officers are a function of the state as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States and Chapter 29A, Code of Iowa. When qualified under National Guard regulations and appointed by the Governor, Officers are federally recognized by the Chief, National Guard Bureau, and are tendered an appointment as Reserve commissioned officers.

Chapter 29A, Code of Iowa, specifies that officers and warrant officers shall be selected from the classes of persons having the qualifications contained in National Guard regulations and that conform to the standards set forth in Department of the Army regulations. Upon termination of appointment as officers in the Iowa Army National Guard, the officer is simultaneously separated from the Army National Guard of the United States and loses his/her status, unless placed on the Roll of Retired Officers. Concurrently, upon separation from the Army National Guard, the officer becomes a member of the Army Reserve under Title 10, United States Code, unless he/she is separated from there at the same time.

The Inactive National Guard is composed of enlisted personnel who are temporarily unable to participate in scheduled training and who intend to return to an active status. During the period of inactive assignment, they retain their status in the Iowa Army National Guard but are not eligible for promotion, do not earn retirement points, and do not participate in training for pay. They are subject to call to active federal service if their unit is ordered to mobilize by the Department of the Army.

Chapter 29A.23, Code of Iowa, provides for a Roll of Retired military personnel. An officer assigned to the Iowa National Guard who has completed 20 years of military service creditable for retirement may apply to be placed on this roll. Officers placed on this roll are recognized and honored at the Iowa National Guard Officers Association banquet conducted in coordination with the Iowa Army and Air National Guard. Total number of officer personnel on the Roll of Retired is 1051.

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Sources of Army National Guard Commissioned Officer Procurement Source Fiscal Year 2012

Academy Graduate 1

Direct Appointment (All Other) 2

Direct Appointment (Professional) 15

National Guard State OCS 19

OCS/OTS/PLC (Regular-Active Duty) 2

ROTC (Non-Scholarship) 8

ROTC (Non-Scholarship) 1

ROTC (Scholarship) 15

Total 62

Sources of Warrant Officer Procurement Source Fiscal Year 2012 Warrant Officer Flight Training Program 1 Warrant Officer Candidate School 12 ROTC (Non-Scholarship) 1 Total 14

Army National Guard Promotions - Commissioned Officers

From To Fiscal Year 2012 Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant 42 First Lieutenant Captain 27 Captain Major 17 Major Lieutenant Colonel 10 Lieutenant Colonel Colonel 5 Colonel Brigadier General 0 Brigadier General Major General 0 Total 101

Promotions - Warrant Officers

From To Fiscal Year 2012 Warrant Officer One Chief Warrant Officer Two 21 Chief Warrant Officer Two Chief Warrant Officer Three 11 Chief Warrant Officer Three Chief Warrant Officer Four 5 Chief Warrant Officer Four Chief Warrant Officer Five 2 Total 39

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Commissioned and Warrant Officer Losses

Officers Warrants

Completed 20 Years Service, Active or Inactive 18 4

Discharged to Accept Appointment as Comm/Warrant Off 5 Enlisted or Appointed in Any Regular Component 1 Enlisted or Appointed in Any Reserve Component 2 Gained to the ARNG of another State or a USAR Unit 23 1

Selective or Qualitative Retention Action 8 4

Separation, Administrative 33 1

Total 90 10

Army National Guard Enlisted Personnel Gains

Source of enlistment Fiscal Year 2012 Non-prior service personnel 927 Prior service personnel 264 Total 1191

Army National Guard Enlisted Personnel Losses

Causes Fiscal Year 2012

Alcohol Or Other Drug Abuse 38

Completed 20 Years Service, Active or Inactive 96

Continuous and Willful Absence 79

Conviction of a Felony, in a Federal or State Penitentiary 8

Death 2

Discharged to Accept Appointment as Comm/Warrant Off 56

Early Ret Pay At Age 60 (Invol) Med Disqual Mbr(15+Yrs Svc 1

Enlisted or Appointed In Any Regular Component 13

Enlisted or Appointed In Any Reserve Component 6

Enrolled In ROTC Scholarship Or Non-Scholarship 1

Erroneous Enlistment (Other Than Fraud) 13

Expiration Term Of Service 475

Fraudulent Entry 6

Gained to the ARNG of Another State or a USAR Unit 81

Hardship or Religious Reasons 2

Inability to Perform Prescribed Duties Due to Parenthood 1

Incompatible Occupation 1

Medical, Physical Or Mental Condition Retention 170

Misconduct 7

Pregnancy Or Childbirth 10

Pre-IADT Discharge Program 64

Selective or Qualitative Retention Action 21

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Separation, Administrative 9

Temporary Disability Retired List, Placement On 4

Trainee Discharge Program Release From IADT 40

Unsuitability 38 Total Losses 1242 Army National Guard Enlisted Personnel net Gains/Losses – Fiscal Year 2011 Losses 1242 Gains 1191 Total (-51)

Army National Guard Enlisted Personnel Extension of Enlistment Rate – Fiscal Year 2012

(This rate is based on the number of personnel who extend their enlistment upon expiration of their term of service.)

Number of service term expirations 1553 Number of reenlistments or extensions 1090 Rate 70% Recruiting and Retention Battalion

The Iowa Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Battalion (RRB) has 113 assigned of 114 authorized personnel. The total authorization includes 11 officers: one Recruiting and Retention Commander (O5), one Executive Officer (O4), three Operations and Training Officers (O4), one Officer Recruiter (O4), one Specialty Branch Officer Recruiter (O4), one Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) Officer in Charge (O4), one Resource Manager (W2) and three Company Grade officers that are M-Day positions.

The Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) includes 103 Non-Commissioned

Officers (NCOs). The Operations Team consists of one Operations Sergeant (E7), one RSP Operations Sergeant (E7), one Marketing NCO (E7) and one Supply Sergeant (E7). In addition, there is one Recruiting & Retention Command Sergeant Major (E9), one Operations Sergeant Major (E9), seven Recruiting & Retention NCO-In-Charge (RR NCOICs) (E8), 8 Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) Readiness NCOs, one Senior Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Guidance Counselor (E7), one MEPS Guidance Counselor (E7), 62 Production Recruiting & Retention NCOs (RRNCOs) (E7), two Automation NCOs (E7), one In-Service Recruiter/Intra-State Transfer Coordinator (E7), one Personnel Services NCO (E7), one State Retention NCO (E8), and one RSP Supply Specialist (GS7). In addition to the TDA, the Recruiting Battalion has eleven Contractors and two State employees (GS) that work in support of our mission. The eleven contractors are composed of one Initial Active Duty Training Seat Manager, and eight Recruit Sustainment Program (VULCAN) Administrators, and two education liaison partners. The two State employees are MEPS Guidance Counselors.

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National Guard Education Assistance Program (NGEAP)

The National Guard Educational Assistance Program provides funds for the cost of attendance at an Iowa institution of postsecondary education in accordance with Iowa Code Section 261.86. The Adjutant General of Iowa determines eligibility.

To be eligible for educational assistance, a National Guard member must meet the following conditions:

1. Be an active member of the Iowa Army or Air National Guard. 2. Be a resident of the State of Iowa. 3. Have satisfactorily completed initial entry training through one of the following:

a. Completed Basic Training (BT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). b. Completed One Station Unit Training (OSUT). c. Enlisted under the Iowa National Guard Office Candidate School (OCS) option

(eligible upon completion of basic training). d. Attending an Iowa college or university by North Central Association (NCA) of

Schools and Colleges. 4. Have not met the academic requirements for a Baccalaureate degree or a total of eight

Semesters. 5. Not be an Active Guard Reserve Soldier or Technician 6. To remain eligible for NGEAP Soldiers or Airmen must meet the following requirements:

a. Maintain satisfactory performance of duty. (Not receiving nine AWOLS or an Adverse Action Flag).

b. Maintain satisfactory academic progress as determined by the institution for which benefits are utilized or applied.

7. Have maintained satisfactory performance of duty, including attending a minimum 90 percent of scheduled drill dates and scheduled annual training in the past 12 months.

8. Members of the Iowa National Guard who are awarded NGEAP funds and then become ineligible may have their awards recouped.

Funding for NGEAP is subject to annual appropriation by the Iowa General Assembly. In

all cases, the amount of assistance awarded under this program cannot exceed the member's cost of attendance as determined by the member’s respective college. Cost of attendance usually includes tuition, fees, books, room, board, supplies and other costs associated with attending college

The maximum NGEAP award this academic year 2012-2013 will be 100% of tuition costs or

$3,329 per semester. Spring awards may be adjusted up or down based upon available funds in order to stay within budget requirements. NOTE: NGEAP will not fund summer terms.

The Adjutant General of Iowa can make changes to funding limits at any time during the

2012-2013 academic years to ensure proper distribution of funds to applicants. Members of the Iowa Army National Guard may use NGEAP in conjunction with federally

funded programs such as the Army National Guard Federal Tuition Assistance program (ARNG-FTA). Members receiving federal benefits which pay tuition benefits directly to the institution are eligible to receive NGEAP.

Eligible Guard members complete the online application. The Education Services

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Office (ESO) personnel reviews the application, ensures eligibility criteria are met, and approves or disapproves the application. The Adjutant General determines eligibility. The Adjutant General’s determination of eligibility is final. The Adjutant General provides information about eligible applicants to the Iowa College Student Aid Commission (ICSAC). ICSAC will maintain a priority of funding list based on first come, first serve. A roster identifying members approved for funding will be published and updated as required. A roster identifying eligible members pending funding will also be published and updated as required.

ICSAC will communicate to college and university officials the method of verifying enrollment and of initiating payment of tuition aid. The college or university (not the ESO) will notify the Guard member if tuition aid is awarded through a financial aid award letter. Partial tuition at North Central accredited private colleges (located in Iowa) can also be paid in an amount not to exceed 50% of the resident tuition rate of a Regents University. In FY-2011, 1,416 National Guard Members received funding totaling $4,755,919.

Awards and Decorations

The Iowa Army National Guard awarded Federal and State awards in the following numbers by types of awards during Fiscal Year 2012:

























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VALOROUS UNIT AWARD 3 In addition, Leadership Ribbons, and 5, 10, 15, and 20-year Service Awards were presented.

Roll of Retired Iowa National Guard Officers and Enlisted

29A.23 of the Code of Iowa provides for a Roll of Retired Iowa National Guard Personnel.

Any officer or enlisted member who has completed 20 years of military service under 10 U.S.C, 1331, or 12731, as evidenced by a letter of notification of retired pay at age 60, shall upon retirement and her/his request in writing to the Adjutant General, be placed By Order of the Commander in Chief, on a roll in the Office of the Adjutant General to be known as the, “Roll of Retired Military Personnel.

The number of personnel (officer and enlisted) on Iowa Army National Guard retired rolls at the end of Fiscal Year 2012 was 1051 officers and 3379 enlisted personnel for a total of 4430.

Iowa Army National Guard Officer Retirees – 1 October 2011 – 30 September 2012 (25) Name Rank









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Iowa Army National Guard Enlisted Retirees -- 1 October 2011– 30 September 2012 (129)

Name Rank























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Exhibit 1 Iowa Army National Guard Strength Recapitulation by Major Organization

1 October 2011 – 30 September 2012

Units Officers Warrants Enlisted Total JFHQ 71 31 102 216 RRB 9 0 102 111 NMTC 2 7 18 27 AMEDD 31 0 53 84 TNG CTR 13 4 49 66 RTI 14 3 53 70 671st TC 12 1 23 36 67th TC 132 86 1507 1725 734th RSG 95 22 1189 1304 2BCT 282 26 3194 3502

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1. Mission and Functions: It is the responsibility of the Inspector General (IG) to:

a. Report to the Adjutant General on matters affecting mission performance and the state of efficiency, discipline, command climate, morale, esprit de corps, resource utilization and readiness of the Iowa National Guard.

b. Monitor the effectiveness of IG functions (teaching and training, assistance, inspections, and investigations) within the State and inform the commander of this effectiveness and other matters concerning IG functions.

c. Conduct inspections directed by the Secretaries of the Army and Air Force, the Chiefs of Staff (Army and Air Force), the State Adjutant General or the Inspector General for the Army and Air Force, or as prescribed by law or regulation.

d. Teach policy, procedures, systems, and processes to help inspected activities improve operations and efficiency and accomplish command objectives.

e. Provide an impartial status report to the directing authority on the operational and administrative effectiveness of the command.

f. Disseminate information, innovative ideas, and lessons learned as the result of inspections and changes in policy.

g. Provide assistance to Commanders, Soldiers, Airmen, family members, civilian employees, retirees, and others who seek help with problems related to the U.S. Army and Air Force.

h. During the course of conducting inspections, consider management controls in the examination of systemic issues and make appropriate recommendations to the TAG.

2. Organization: The State Inspector General is an active duty, title 10 Army officer assigned to the Iowa National Guard by National Guard Bureau. The following positions have been validated as full-time manning support requirements for the Inspector General Office:

Federal Inspector General - Colonel (Army), COL Eric J. Winkie, T10 Active Duty Detailed Inspector General - Major (Army), MAJ Ed Graybill, Federal Technician Assistant Inspector General - Master Sergeant (Army), MSG Mike Smith, T32 AGR

3. Accomplishments.

a. Inspections: The Inspector General conducted specific inspections requested by the individual major subordinate commands or the Adjutant General and the Staff. The Adjutant General directed the Inspector General to conduct Intelligence Oversight Program Inspections to ensure Iowa National Guard Units were complying with the provisions of AR 381-10, military intelligence components are effectively training all assigned, attached, and contracted MI personnel on intelligence oversight, determine if intelligence oversight is integrated into the unit’s

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Organizational Inspection Program (OIP)/Command Inspection Program (CIP), and if questionable activities or Federal crimes committed by intelligence personnel are reported and resolved in accordance with AR 381-10. Individual interviews are conducted with key leaders and staff who would be expected to be engaged in the handling of intelligence information to determine if they understand the requirements and intent of Intelligence Oversight. A document review is completed by the team to review applicable subordinate headquarters directives, regulations, policies, guidelines, standing operating procedures, electronic and hardcopy filing system, and training records to determine unit compliance. The Adjutant General and Army Chief of Staff are provided an executive summary brief on the inspection results for the year.

b. Inspector General Action Requests (IGARs): The Inspector General received and acted upon requests for assistance in resolving real and perceived injustices from military, civilian, and family personnel. Complaints were either acted upon by Inspector General personnel or referred to the appropriate agency/activity and monitored by the Inspector General until final resolution. The office processed 450 Army requests for assistance and 24 Air Force requests during Fiscal Year 2012. Complaints reflect similar trends from previous years with health care, personnel management, financial accounting (pay), personal misconduct and routine requests for information being the top five problem areas. This past year health care issues comprised the majority of cases, where previously this area was the third most common request for assistance. These five categories of complaints comprise over 85% of all state IG complaints. They also consistently reflect trends in the National Guard nationwide. Case workload has increased this year with Soldiers from the 2BCT returning from deployment, in addition to the state deploying several other Army and Air Force units and individuals during this same time period. Total caseload increased to over 250% from the previous year (205 Army and 6 Air Force cases), the highest recorded number of assistance cases to date in one year for the Iowa National Guard Inspector General’s Office. With the exception of the increased number of medical readiness issues, the overall predominant categories of complaints have remained relatively consistent with last year due to having well over half of the Iowa Army and Air National Guard being deployed or returning from deployment. Despite increased emphasis on educating Soldiers, Airmen, and leaders, we have experienced increased numbers of issues related to medical board processing, pay issues related to incapacitation pay, disability compensation; educational bonuses and entitlements; base pay, entitlements, incentive pay, and other pay issues; promotions and hiring issues; awards processing; and payments for lost or damaged equipment.

c. The Inspector General’s office received and responded to 66 requests for information from various members of State Legislature, the Governor’s office, and Federal Legislative Officials.

d. Teaching and Training: The Inspector General’s office sustained systemic issue briefings to the State Pre-Company Commander Course and to The Adjutant General’s Annual Commander’s Call. Collectively the IG and SJA offices develop and present scenario based leadership seminars focused on how to conduct health and welfare inspections for leaders at the company and battalion levels. Company Commanders and1SGs; Battalion Commanders and CSMs; and the Group Commander and staff attended the IG/JAG Leadership Seminar conducted for the 734th Regional Support Group at the Camp Dodge Joint Maneuver Training Center in November 2011. The purpose of these seminars are to educate and assist leaders in applying solutions to problems unique to mobilizing on active duty in a war time environment, as well as traditional problems for National Guard units. A similar but shorter version is team taught by the SJA and IG at the annual Pre-Company Commander’s Course. The IG office also presented IG information briefings to RSP warriors at different locations prior to warriors being shipped to BCT and/or AIT.

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e. Investigations and Inquiries: The Inspector General examined and collected facts bearing on allegations, reports of unfavorable conditions, and/or situations which were detrimental to the mission, state of discipline, efficiency, economy, morale, and reputation of the Iowa National Guard. The Adjutant General was provided a factual review for determining an appropriate resolution in each case.

f. Mobilizations and Deployments: The Inspector General staff continued to provide opening comments as the initial briefer in all routine and pre-deployment Soldier Readiness Program (SRP) events to inform Soldiers and leaders on historical and emerging deployment issues so they might utilize the information as they complete the SRP and throughout their deployment. The IG Office also conducted several individual IG briefings for individual SRP deploying Soldiers, and conducted 14 group IG briefs Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) warriors preparing to leave for BCT and AIT. The Deputy IG visited units and commands during their Annual Training periods at Camp Ripley, MN for the consolidated Annual Training period following the 2BCT and supporting unit’s return from deployment to Afghanistan the previous year.

g. Unit Visits: The Inspector General staff coordinated and executed 112 unit visits to include participation in the statewide Annual Training held at Camp Ripley, MN in June 2012 in support of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team (BCT) return from deployment. The Inspector General staff conducted full-time staff visits to 32 of the 42 armories, 3 of 3 Army Air Support Facilities (AASF), 10 of 13 Field Maintenance Shops (FMS), and 3 of 3 Air National Guard Facilities in the state. Units and locations not visited in 2012 are scheduled for FY 2013. The Inspector General also conducted liaison visits with 5 ROTC programs, and 11 State and Federal Legislative liaison visits in 11 different locations throughout the state in FY 2012. Many tenant organizations on Camp Dodge also received full-time unit staff (FTUS) visits in FY 2012. Likewise, those organizations on Camp Dodge that did not get visited in FY 2012 will be scheduled for FY 2013.

h. Professional Development: The State Command Inspector General completed the Army Inspector General courses held at Fort Belvoir in FY 2012. The Air National Guard Inspector General participated in the Air Force Installation Worldwide Inspector General Training Conference in May 2012. The Assistant Army Inspector General participated in the IG Western/Central Region Workshop held in Denver, Colorado. These conferences serve as both continuing education forums and as opportunities for the State Inspector General staff to remain current on national emerging systemic trends and to share common emerging trends within the Iowa National Guard. The Deputy Inspector General completed a Masters Degree in Business at William Penn University in Iowa. The IG Office also conducted visits to the Army Reserve IG Office at Fort Des Moines, Iowa and Fort McCoy, Wisconsin for professional development and coordination of cases. All full-time and traditional joint IG staff members attended and participated in quarterly teach and train sessions to discuss emerging new Army and Air Force policy guidance, improved business practices and unique and challenging case studies within the state.

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Mission. The Senior Army Advisor acts as the principal Active Army contact for the State Adjutant General as a member of his personal staff. He supervises and coordinates the advisory effort throughout the state, monitors the management of federal resources within the state, and coordinates assistance within the state. He acts as the President/member of designated boards and is familiar with all First United States Army policies as they pertain to the Iowa Army National Guard. The Senior

Army Advisor informs Headquarters, Division West, First United States Army on issues affecting Army National Guard preparedness and recommends courses of action for First United States Army assistance.

Organization. The Office of the Senior Army Advisor for Iowa is a subordinate staff element of

First United States Army’s Division West. First United States Army’s mission includes the

training, readiness oversight, and mobilization for all U.S. Army Reserve and Army

National Guard units within the continental United States and two U.S. territories.

First Army has two subordinate multi-component headquarters – one division to support the

eastern United States and the other to support the western United States. First Army

Division East is headquartered at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. First Army Division

West is headquarters at Fort Hood, Texas. Headquarters First United States Army is at

Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois.

Personnel. The Office of the Senior Army Advisor for Iowa is authorized one commissioned officer to accomplish the advisor mission. Functions. Advises Army National Guard commanders in preparing assigned units for their wartime mission, with emphasis on training, logistics, maintenance, personnel development, and operational programs. Promotes the “train the trainer” philosophy. Stresses training standardization in accordance with FM 7.0 and FM 7.1. Encourages units to focus training at the crew, squad, team and platoon levels. Emphasizes risk assessment as a leader, as well as an individual, responsibility. Ensures enforcement of standards for appointments, branch transfers, and promotions on federal recognition boards.

Accomplishes responsibilities related to the federal recognition of units, retirement approval authority, selective retention boards, evaluation of Army National Guard Officer Candidate School programs, state military academy academic boards, and fair wear and tear determination of unserviceable property.

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Performs other duties, as directed by First United States Army, associated with Mobilization Assistance Team Chief, Federal Coordinating Officer, Defense Coordinating Officer, and Casualty Assistance Officer duty.

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SELECTIVE SERVICE Mission: Iowa is one of 23 states and territories in Region III of the Selective Service System. The Iowa Detachment executes Selective Service System programs to efficiently mobilize operations in the event of a national emergency declared by Congress and the President. In the event of mobilization, duties would include activation of area offices and respective local boards, recruitment and training of civilian staff, coordination with USMEPCOM, and interaction as a liaison with local media. Peacetime duties include coordination and training for mobilization tasks and promoting and maintaining high registration compliance. Additionally responsible for recruiting civilians to be recommended by the Governor of the State of Iowa to receive an appointment in the name of the President to serve as Local Board and District Appeal Board Members. Ensure that the 145 board members in Iowa receive initial training and maintain currency of training on an annual basis. Recruit high school registrars in public and private high schools in the State of Iowa to provide awareness of the registration requirement. Conduct post office visits to ensure compliance with Selective Service directives. Organization: State Director-Mr. Myron Linn

Detachment Commander-LTC Michael Olson, Iowa National Guard Registration and Improvement Program Officer – CWO4 Fred Hetzel, USCGR

Accomplishments: Recruiting: During TY 2012, 17 community leaders were recruited to fill vacant Local Board Member positions, raising Iowa’s board strength from 91% to 95%, ranked third in Region III. District Appeal Board strength remained at 100%, tied for first in Region III. Additionally, several board members who had not met the training requirement for three years or more were removed and replaced.

Board Training: Local Board and District Appeal Board training were conducted via self-study during the period April 2012 – September 2012. The Iowa Selective Service Detachment ensures that this training is accomplished by new board members and current board members in a timely manner. Completion of Initial Board Member Training (IBMT) is a requirement for all new board members within one year of appointment. During TY12, 12 members completed IBMT, placing Iowa fourth in Region III. Continuation Training (CT) is performed annually by board members to further their knowledge of the Selective Service. Iowa ranked first in Region III with an 82% completion rate for CT in 2012.

Registration Improvement Program: Registration Improvement activities during TY12

focused on high school registrar participation. A 100% survey of Iowa high school registrars was conducted that resulted in 96% of schools responding with contact information for a representative who will provide information to male students regarding their obligation to register.

Post Office Visits: Personnel conducted 20 post office visits to ensure compliance with

requirements to display information and have materials available regarding the Selective Service. This number exceeded the requirement of Region III for such visits.

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OPERATIONS AND TRAINING Organization. As of September 30, 2012, the Iowa Army National Guard consisted of 116 companies or detachment sized units located in 39 communities and Camp Dodge. Training. Training. The Army National Guard conducts training in accordance with directives by Department of the Army; Headquarters, United States Forces Command (FORSCOM); Headquarters, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC); Headquarters, First United States Army and the National Guard Bureau (NGB). Continued reduction in authorized strength of the Active Army Forces has necessitated increased reliance and readiness requirements being placed upon Army National Guard individuals and units. The Iowa Army National Guard received a new training mission in TY-07 that required mobilizing organizations to conduct Pre-Mobilization Training Certification prior to reporting to Mob Station. This significantly changed how units conduct Home Station Activity Plans (HSAP). The following objectives have been prescribed for the Army National Guard: Individuals: To attain and maintain technical and tactical proficiency by all individuals in the fundamentals of combat operations. To develop qualified officers through progressive selection and training to assume command and staff responsibilities at all echelons of leadership and responsibility. To develop and qualify all personnel in their Military Occupational Specialty and grade assignment. To maintain standards of physical fitness which would be required for active duty. Units: To attain and maintain proficiency at the highest training level possible, commensurate with available resources, and be prepared to complete required post mobilization training requirements in the shortest possible time. Maneuver units will train to achieve platoon level proficiency, and CS/CSS units will train to achieve company/battery/troop proficiency. Inactive Duty Training. All Iowa Army National Guard units are required to conduct 48 inactive duty Unit Training Assemblies each training year. These Unit Training Assemblies are a minimum of four hours in duration each. The majority of the Iowa units conduct four Unit Training Assemblies as a Multiple Unit Training Assembly on one weekend per month.

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Annual Training. All Iowa Army National Guard units are required to conduct a minimum 15 days of annual training each training year (October 1-September 30). The principle objectives are collective training supporting the Mission Essential Task List (METL) at the highest level possible for that unit based on availability and qualification of soldiers, collective training status, strength, equipment, facilities and time available.

The annual training schedules for training year 2012 are listed below:


Unit Start End Major AT Site

HQ 185TH REGIMENT 1 Oct 2011 30 Sep 2012 YRT

DET 34 OPN SPT CMD 1 Oct 2011 30 Sep 2012 YRT

B CO (-) 2-211TH GSAB (HVY LIFT) 1 Oct 2011 30 Sep 2012 YRT



1 Oct 2011 30 Sep 2012 YRT

HHC 671ST TRP CMD 1 Oct 2011 30 Sep 2012 YRT

JFHQ-IA-BDE LEVEL 1 Oct 2011 30 Sep 2012 YRT

AMEDD Det 30 Apr 2012 4 May 2012 CP DODGE, IA

DET 2 CO A 1/376TH AVN BN (S&S) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT INDIAN, PA

DET 1, A CO 1-376TH AVN BN (S&S) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT INDIAN, PA

Co B (-) 248TH AVN SPT BN (AMC) 16 Jun 2012 30 Jun 2012 CORPUS CH, TX

Co B (-) 248TH AVN SPT BN (AMC) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT CAMPBELL, KY

JFHQ-IA-BDE LEVEL 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

AMEDD Det 1 Oct 2011 10 Oct 2011 CP DODGE, IA


2 Jun 2012 16 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

C CO 2/34TH BSTB (SIG) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

HHC/1-168 IN 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

A/1-168 IN 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

HHC 185TH CSSB 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

A CO 2/34TH BSTB (ENG) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

B CO 2/34TH BSTB 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

D/1-168 IN 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

F/334 BSB 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA


9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

B/1-168 IN 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

C/1-168 IN 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP DODGE, IA

B BTRY 1ST BN 194TH FA 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

DET 1, 1133RD TRANS CO 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

Det 1, 2168th Trans Co 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

A BTRY 1ST BN 194TH FA 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

1133RD TRANS CO 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

186TH MP CO 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

1168TH TRANS CO 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

B Co 1-133RD INF 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

CO D FWD SPT CO (RSTA) 334 BSB 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

C TRP 1-113TH RECON 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

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HHB 1ST BN 194TH FA 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

HHC 1-133RD INF 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

DET 1 E CO FWD SPT 334TH BSB 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

B TRP 1-113TH RECON 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN


CO E(-) FWD SPT CO 334TH BSB 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

C CO (-) 1-133RD INF 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

A TRP 1-113TH RECON 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

HHT (-) 1/113TH RECON 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

3655 CRC (REAR) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

135TH PA DET 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

DET 1 1168TH TRANS CO 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

DET 2 1168TH TRANS CO 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

HQ 2168TH TRANS CO(-) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

Det 2, 2168th Trans Co 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 CP RIPLEY, MN

209TH MEDICAL COMPANY (AS) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT MCCOY, WI

832 ENG REAR 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT MCCOY, WI

294TH MEDICAL COMPANY (AS) 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT MCCOY, WI

832 ENG REAR 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT MCCOY, WI

HSC 224TH ENGR BN 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT MCCOY, WI

HHC 67TH TRP CMD 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT MCCOY, WI

HHD 109TH MED BN 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT MCCOY, WI

FSC 224TH ENGR BN 9 Jun 2012 23 Jun 2012 FT MCCOY, WI


3 Aug 2012 17 Aug 2012 CP DODGE, IA

Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS). This duty status provides the ARNG and active component with a workforce to meet the additional requirements that cannot be met by the regular full-time force. School Training.

The Army institutional training and education system provides our Iowa National Guard Soldiers and leaders the key knowledge, skills, and attributes required to operate successfully in any environment. Institutional training supports every Soldier in the force throughout his or her Army career. Contributions include pre-commissioning training, initial military training (IMT), professional military (PME) and civilian education, leader development, specialty and functional training, training development, distributed learning (DL), and training support products.

This Army institutional training is known as The Army School System (TASS). TASS is a

composite school system made up of AA, ARNG, USAR, and Army civilian institutional training systems. TASS conducts initial military training, Basic Officer Leadership Courses, reclassification training (for example, MOS and officer branch qualification), officer, warrant officer, NCO and Army civilian professional development training and education, Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES), and functional training (for example, ASI, SQI, SI, LIC). This is accomplished through both standard resident and distributed-learning courses.

Another component to individual training for enlisted Soldiers is Structured Self

Development (SSD). SSD is planned and progressively sequenced DL courseware that follows the enlisted Soldier from Private to Command Sergeant Major. Automatic enrollment into four levels of

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SSD will occur throughout a Soldiers career. Satisfactory completion of appropriate level SSD will be a prerequisite for attendance to the corresponding level of institutional NCOES training.

A majority of our Iowa Soldiers are trained within the RC TASS institutions. The RC TASS

units are functionally aligned and linked to appropriate training proponents. Training battalions are located or established geographically based on density of MTOE structure. All RC training battalions/regiments and AA institutions alike are required to teach courses to the same standards. RC schools teach courses in phases in order to allow units to better manage student IDT, ADT and annual training (AT) periods. This design structure for individual Soldier training supports a cost effective use of our school funding. Additionally, the broadening capabilities of the internet and the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) continue to enhance the capability to train our Soldiers at home.

During the Training Year 2012 the Iowa Army National Guard provided training for 2960

enlisted and officer personnel. 185th Regiment (Regional Training Institute) (RTI). (Formerly Iowa Military Academy). The 185th Regiment (RTI) is a National Guard State School established in June 1957. It is one of 54 such schools in the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Guam. The 185th Regiment (RTI) is located at Camp Dodge, Iowa, and conducts its weekend assemblies, special schools and annual training at this State owned facility. Activities include execution of Total Army School System (TASS) Army Program for Individual Training (ARPRINT) to include Officer Candidate School, Warrant Officer Candidate School, Military Occupational Specialty qualification courses, and other specialty courses. Constant emphasis is placed on the development of leadership for all students through classroom instruction, field exercises, and evaluations in leadership roles. Motto: FORMIDABLE AND FIERY (Regimental Motto). Officer Candidate School Purpose: Train and qualify selected personnel to be second lieutenants in the Iowa Army National Guard and United States Army Reserve. Scope: Present instruction to selected personnel in basic military subjects (weapons, tactics, staff subjects, land navigation, communications, training management, and leadership) and qualify them for commissioning as Second Lieutenants in the Army National Guard or Army Reserve, and prepare them for subsequent officer basic course training and phases of basic officer leadership training.

State Officer Candidate School Training Hours

Annual Training Duty Phase I 168.5 hours Inactive Duty Training Phase II 243.5 hours Annual Training Duty Phase III 233.5 hours Total 645.5 hours

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Concept of Training: Phase I: Consists of course orientation and academics conducted during two weeks of annual training at Camp Ripley, MN. Instruction consists of leadership, drill and command, land navigation, squad tactics, and training management. Phase II: Instruction is conducted during the inactive duty phase consisting of communications, combined arms, effective writing and speaking, methods of instruction, personnel and logistics, unit material readiness, branch training and infantry tactics. This training is conducted at Camp Dodge, Iowa. Phase III: Is the second two-week annual training period conducted at Fort Lewis, Washington. Training is received in operations/tactics, common subjects and leadership practices. Upon completion of this phase, soldiers will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the Iowa Army National Guard or Army Reserve. To date, 1729 Officer Candidates have graduated from the 185th Regiment, including 71 members of the Army Reserve. OCS courses have expanded to include multiple “fast track” options allowing an accelerated schedule for the phases listed above. These include attendance at accelerated portions in Alabama, Maryland, and South Dakota throughout the year. Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS): The purpose of the WOCS is to develop technically proficient Non-Commissioned Officers into Warrant Officers with the ability to apply his/her technical knowledge, their leadership skills, and the high personal and professional standards that must be maintained in the Warrant Officer Corps. The Army Basic Instructor Course (ABIC): The Basic Instructor Training Course is designed to provide critical training techniques for instructors of all ARPRINT missioned courses. The Basic Instructor Training Course is a ten-day, 80-hour resident course conducted at Camp Dodge. To date, 81 courses have certified 1022 instructors.

The Small Group Instructor Training Course (SGI-TC) was designed to train instructors in

teaching small group methods. To date, 16 courses have been conducted certifying 94 instructors. Military Occupation Specialty Courses: Military occupation specialty courses represent the basic or first level of soldier education. These courses are designed to teach the individual soldier the basic tasks that are required to perform within the specialty assigned to each soldier. These courses are usually divided into two phases, with each phase conducted over a two-week training period. Most courses have phase 1 and phase 2 conducted back to back. To date, the 185th Regiment (RTI) has conducted these courses in military occupational specialties of 11B Infantry, 19D Cavalry Scout, 19K M1 Armor Crewman, 29N Telephone Central Office Repairer, 31R Mobile Subscriber Equipment Transmission System Operator, 31R Mobile Subscriber Equipment Network Switching System Operator, 68W Combat Medic, 77F Petroleum Supply Specialist, 88N Traffic Management Coordinator, 88M Motor Transport Operator, 92A, Automated Logistics Specialist, 95B Military Police, and 31U Signal Support Systems Specialist. To date, 72 courses have been conducted with 1355 soldiers completing training.

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Specialty Courses: The Company Commander/First Sergeant Pre-Command Course is designed to provide company level commanders and First Sergeants with current guidance essential to the successful command of a company sized unit. To date, 14 courses have been conducted with 329 officers and NCOs receiving diplomas. The goal of the TC 8-800 course is the knowledgeable precise administration of mission oriented critical tasks on which tactical combat casualty care (TC3) of injured Soldiers depends. The course is conducted in five days of group training time. The first four days are classroom oriented training. The fifth day gives the Soldier an opportunity to demonstrate what skills they have learned in a field environment, incorporating trauma, medical, and NBC casualties. To date, 3 courses have been conducted with over 100 Soldiers graduating. The Combat Lifesaver Course is a bridge between the self-aid/buddy-aid training given to provide emergency care as a secondary mission. The course is conducted in five days of group training time. The first two days are classroom oriented training. The third day gives the soldier an opportunity to demonstrate what skills they have learned and the last two days are written and hands –on testing in a field environment. To date, 35 courses have been conducted with over 839 soldiers graduating. Mobilization Readiness. Mobilization and Demobilization. The Iowa Army National Guard mobilized over 203 Soldiers in support of Overseas Contingency Operations during 2012. Mobilized soldiers defended our freedom both home and abroad, while participating in Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation New Dawn, and JTF-Bravo.

Iowa Units Serving on Active Duty During Fiscal Year 2012

Mobilized Units

Charlie Company 2-211th Aviation 186th Military Police Company 1034th Combined Supply Services Battalion

Operation New Dawn (Iraq) JTF-Bravo (Honduras) Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)

Demobilized Units

B CO 2-211th Ground Spt Avn Battalion

Operation New Dawn (Iraq)

Unit Deactivations


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Unit Activations

None Office of the Provost Marshal. Mission statement: Lead and direct policy for Iowa Army National Guard law enforcement, security and force protection programs, criminal investigation coordination, and provost marshal activities. Support Iowa National Guard for management and execution of the Joint Force Protection mission including antiterrorism operations, intelligence functions, law enforcement coordination, and domestic support operations. Functional Areas:

Physical Security


Operations Security

Information Security

Personnel Security

Civilian Agency Training (Automated Critical Asset Management System)

Provost Functionality Critical Tasks:

Develop plans, policy, guidance, training, and oversight for Army Physical Security, Antiterrorism, Operations Security (OPSEC), Information Security (INFOSEC), Personnel Security (PERSEC) programs.

o Assess risk and plan force protection for Iowa National Guard special events. o Submit ISR data for force protection areas.

Execute Master Cooperative Agreement Appendixes 03 (Security Forces), 04 (Electronic Security Systems), and 10 (Antiterrorism).

Share and analyze threat information with federal, state, and local agencies. o Serve as point of contact for Law Enforcement Sensitive information, Iowa Intelligence

Fusion Center, Joint Terrorism Task Force, and HSEMD Defense sector.

Ensure effective coordination with civilian agencies for law enforcement and emergency response.

o Conduct shaping operations to set conditions for effective JTF-Iowa law enforcement support and information sharing with civilian agencies.

Conduct assessments and inspections to identify risk to Army personnel, property and equipment.

Conduct threat based exercises to test policies, procedures and response to threat based incidents.

Execute additional duties for JFHQ Garrison Commander in support of asset protection programs (Key Control, Physical Security Officer, and Fire Marshal).

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Standard operating procedures and evaluation protocol for the asset protection program were updated and published for all Iowa Army National Guard units. These updates are a step toward integration of Army programs to focus unit efforts and reduce time required for training and administrative actions.

An annual vulnerability assessment of Camp Dodge was conducted, identifying the way ahead to improve state and federal protection programs of the largest military installation in Iowa to be prepared to respond to changing threats of the modern environment.

Conducted Camp Dodge Security training program to ensure proficiency of security officers. Training included defensive tactics and procedures designed to mitigate and respond to emerging threats.

Initiated drug testing and physical fitness requirements for Camp Dodge Security, this requirement were directed in 2009 to meet the funding guidelines under appendix 3 security funding. All but two officers have completed the annual requirement.

Staff conducted security inspections of subordinate units to ensure compliance with Army regulations and adequate protection of and accountability for federal and state property, personnel, and information.

NGB conducted an inspection of the Iowa Army National Guard Antiterrorism program. Inspectors reported several best practices identified within Iowa’s program..

Information sharing partnerships continued to develop. The Antiterrorism Program Manager engaged the Iowa Fusion Center, Regional Fusion Offices, Joint Terrorism Task Force, Safeguard Iowa Partnership, and local law enforcement agencies to build the relationships needed for effective mutual support in a time of increased threat or disaster.

The asset protection working group (APWG) and asset protection executive committee (APEC) continued to address program challenges and identify best practices to introduce within Iowa National Guard. This streamlined staffing and executive approval of many issues and special projects coordinated by the Provost Marshal. Reorganization of the ARNG Force Protection Advisory Council realigned Iowa in a regional partnership with Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. Iowa also maintains relationships with its former regional partnership states, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri.

The Automated Critical Asset Management System (ACAMS) instruction team continues to spend many months traveling nationally to instruct students (primarily law enforcement) in the use of the Department of Homeland Security’s ACAMS software and database. The team was instrumental in teaching and testing system upgrades that allow local and state government agencies to identify vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure and develop plans to better protect key assets. Student feedback and comments regarding the instruction were exemplary.

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Military Support Program.

The Military Support Program provides for the coordination and implementation of Iowa National Guard resources to assist in response to civil emergencies that are beyond the capabilities of civil authorities. Available military resources may be employed in support of the Iowa Emergency Plan to assist in restoring essential facilities, prevent loss of life, and alleviate suffering and restore peace and order. Iowa National Guard forces are prepared to take necessary action to support our state and federal partners as required and are prepared to support the commanders of other State Joint Forces Headquarters and NORTHCOM. Director of Military Support Section is a part of the Deputy Adjutant General Joint Staff. Its responsibilities include the development and maintenance of contingency plans for the Iowa National Guard, providing command and control to forces tasked to support state and federal agencies, conduct crisis action planning with our supporting partners to prevent and mitigate the effects of disasters. The Military Support Section maintains a Joint Operations Center (JOC) for Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA) for the State of Iowa and the Iowa National Guard (NGIA) in order to save lives, prevent human suffering and protect critical infrastructure. The JOC mission is to functions as a day-to-day contingency planning and coordination office providing Military Support to Civil Authorities in the broad area of domestic emergencies. The JOC manages mission responses to a variety of natural and man-made incidents, civil disturbances, disasters, and acts of terrorism. The JOC provides situational awareness to the leadership of the IANG, provides analysis of situations, and recommends guidance on the appropriate response measures for the National Guard to employ in order to ensure the safety of Iowa citizens. The four personnel (Active Guard/Reserve [AGR]) of the section are paid with 100% federal funds. The Section is also responsible for the following:

Homeland Security Operations

Iowa National Guard Emergency Plans

State Emergency Operations Center security

Joint Operations Center

Operational management of the 71st Civil Support Team (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

Activation of Air and Army National Guard personnel in response to natural or manmade disasters

State high-frequency radio communications

Weekly Homeland Security Update Brief (HUB)

Joint Capabilities State Strategic Plan (JCSSP)

Continuity of Operations and Continuity of Government (COOP/COG)

The Guard Emergency Situational Assessment Contact (GESAC) program continues to train National Guard retirees/ alumni on a voluntary basis for critical assistance during local emergencies. GESACs perform initial National Guard assessment during a State or County emergency or disaster. This duty is in a State Active Duty status. GESAC personnel are deployed in advance of National Guard troops based on geographical proximity to the emergency/disaster and will monitor and report situation and projected situation to JTF staff and will advise, assist, and coordinate with area assigned Iowa National Guard units and local emergency response officials.

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State Service. The staff responsibility for the missions and resources of Iowa National Guard units whenever deployed as state emergency forces is assigned to the Director of Military Support and is conducted within the parameters defined in the emergency declaration of the Governor of Iowa as administered through the Department of Public Defense and its Homeland Security Emergency Management Division.

The Iowa National Guard Duty Performed during State Fiscal Year 2012






MO River Floods (cont’d from FY11)

Various 8468 $1,480,899 Organic $191,835

Aviation Support for USSS

Various 12 $3,000 OH58 CH47


Security for Air Force One Fuel

Linn 12 $3,000 Organic N/A

*average man-day cost $250 per day

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D1 CO B 1-168 IN (76)


HHC(-) 1-168 IN (147)

D1 CO F (FSC) 334 BSB (52)

RSP CO D (2)

PERRY (64)

1168 TC (-) (64)


HHB 1-194 FA (99)

D2 2168 TC (51)


D1 HHC (MP) 2-34 BSTB (52)

D1 1168 TC (56)


HHC(-) 2-34 BSTB (129)

CO C (SIG) 2-34 BSTB (46)

CO B 334 BSB (MAINT) (83)

D1 CO A 334 BSB (61)

D1 3655 MAINT CO (55)


67 TC (39)

HHD 109 MED BN (77)

209 MED CO (78)

CO B 1-133 IN (131)

D1 1133 TC (55)

RSP CO C (3)


CO A(-) (FSC) 224 EN (55)



HHC 224th ENG (77)

D1 CO A (FSC) 224 EN (32)DAVENPORT (254)

CO A (EN) 2-34 BSTB (74)

D2 CO A 1/376 AVN (S&S) (20)

D1 HHC 2/211 GSAB (2)

CO B(-) 2/211 GSAB (Hvy Helo) (26)

D1 CO D 2/211 GSAB (Avn Spt) (33)

D1 CO E 2/211 GSAB (FSC) (13)

HSC(-) 248 ASB (43)

D4 CO B 248 ASB (41)

RSP CO F (2)


D2 CO A 248 ASB (55)


HHC(-) 1/133 IN (164)

CO E(-) (FSC) 334 BSB (55)

D1 CO A 1/376 AV (S&S) (24)

D3 HHC 2/211 GSAB (3)

D1 CO C 2/211 (Air Ambl) (43)

D3 CO D 2/211 (Avn Spt) (11)

D3 CO E 2/211 (FSC) (7)

A CO(-) 248 ASB (71)

D2 HSC 248 ASB (36)

D3 CO B 248 ASB (26)

RSP CO B (3)


D2 CO E (FSC) 334 BSB (21)

CO C (-) 1-133 IN (76)


BTRY B(-) 1-194 FA (55)


D2 HHC 1-168 IN (39)


2168 TC(-) (67)


D1 BTRY B 1-194 FA (39)


HHT (-) 1-113 CAV (112)

CO D (FSC) 334 BSB (91)

D1 2168 TC (51)

BOONE (468)

HQ 2/34 BCT (175)

D1 CO A 1/168 IN (38)

D2 HHC 2/147 AV BN (2)

CO C 2/147 AV BN (ASSLT) (43)

D2 CO D 2/147 AV BN (AVIM) (19)

D2 CO E 2/147 AV (FSC) (11)

D1 HSC 248 ASB (87)

CO B(-) 248 ASB (93)


TRP A 1/113 CAV (92)

TRP B 1/113 CAV (92)

CO B (MI) 2-34 BSTB (91)

HHC 334 BSB (80)

CO C 334 BSB (MED) (73)

CO C 1/168 IN (131)

CO A(-) 334 BSB (DISTRO) (73)

D1 HHC 1/168 IN (36)


D2 1168 TC (55)


CO D (WPN) 1-168 IN (79)


D1 CO A 1-133 IN (55)

D1 CO A 248 ASB (52)

State of Iowa Auth by Location (7,145)

HHD 734 RSG (64)

HHD 185 CSSB (69)

HHC 1034 CSSB (69)

3655 MAINT(-) (191)

186 MP CO (167)

1934 CONT TM (4)

IOFST (10)

135 PAD (20)

233 JAG TM (3)

JFHQ-IA (240)

185 RTI (45)


NMTC (35)


AMEDD (85)

671 TC (36)

RRC (98)

RSP CO A (4)

134 MED CO (65)

D1 831 EN CO (HOR) (56)

LE MARS (105)

TRP C 1-113 CAV (80)

D1 HHT 1-113 CAV (25)

RED OAK (71)

CO F (-) (FSC) 334 BSB (71)


CO B(-) 1-168 IN (55)


BTRY A 1-194 FA (94)


CO A(-) 1-168 IN (55)




71 CST (22)


3654 MAINT CO(-) (68)


1133 TC(-) (114) CHARLES CITY (58)

D1 HHC 1-133 IN (58)


833 EN CO (SPR) (93)


D1 3654 MAINT CO (84)


294 MED CO (78)


D1 832 EN CO (MAC) (58)


831 ENG CO(-) (HOR) (103)


832 EN CO(-) (MAC) (58)


CO A(-) 1-133 IN (76)

CO D (WPN) 1-133 IN (79)

D1 CO E (FSC) 334 BSB (47)


FMS and Armory



67th TC

734 RSG



D1 CO C 1-133 IN (55)

D2 CO A 334 BSB (DISTRO) (27)

01 OCT 12



D2 CO A 1-168 IN (38)

CO G (FSC) 334 BSB (93)

RSP CO E (2)

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The National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program (SPP). This program links U.S. states with partner countries to support the security cooperation objectives of US Combatant Commanders. The goals of the program reflect an evolving international affairs mission for the National Guard using its unique civil-military nature to interact with both active and reserve forces of foreign countries. All activities are coordinated through the Combatant Commander and the U.S. Ambassadors’ country teams, and other agencies as appropriate, to ensure support is tailored to meet both U.S. and partner country objectives. The May 2011 pairing of the Iowa National Guard with the Republic of Kosovo as part of this program will enhance civil and military relationships and strengthen partnership capacity between the United States and this newly independent country. The partnership is a result of the selection of Iowa by the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Defense, and the National Guard Bureau (NGB) for participation in this competitive Security Cooperation initiative. The focus of the program is on noncommissioned and officer development activities as well as exchanges in the disaster response and emergency management arena. Kosovo views this partnership as its most important security cooperation milestone since its independence and the formation of the Kosovo Security Force. For the Iowa National Guard, the program allows for continued OCONUS training and development opportunities for its Soldiers and Airmen as deployment and mobilization requirements lessen. The SPP is a proven, cost-effective Security Cooperation tool. With two decades of experience, the National Guard has taken the lead in developing long-term, enduring committed partnerships that build capacity and trust. Created in 1992 to minimize instability and encourage democracy in the former Soviet bloc nations after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the program continues as one of the National Guard’s most effective Security Cooperation programs. It links U.S. States with partner countries around the world to promote access, increase military capability, improve interoperability and enhance the principles of responsible governance. SPP events do not involve U.S. soldiers training soldiers of any another country. Instead, partnership events involve the sharing of concepts, ideas, and lessons learned. With a current total of 65 SPP partnerships, the state partner opens doors for its partner country to the full depth and breadth of U.S. capabilities, assisting in the development of democratic institutions and open market economies, as well as generating interagency coordination, cooperation and enduring relationships. The Iowa SPP supports US European Command’s (EUCOM) Security Cooperation objectives by leveraging the unique nature of the National Guard to interact with the KSF and provide opportunities for other Iowa state agencies and institutional partners to build relationships throughout the Republic of Kosovo. The Iowa National Guard’s relationship with Kosovo is focused around a holistic approach to engagement with military, business, education, government, medical, and agricultural entities. Areas of interaction include bilateral familiarization events, training exercises, fellowship style internships, civic leader visits, medical and agricultural exchanges and potentially even energy, education and environmental sector collaboration.

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The Adjutant General is working to build a “Whole of Iowa” to “Whole of Kosovo” relationship. The Iowa National Guard was honored to host the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, during a four day state visit to Iowa 12-15 June 2012. President Jahjaga interacted with hundreds of Iowans during her historic visit including presentations to business and civic leaders, meetings with academic leaders, agricultural officials and Iowa Sister States members and volunteers. In August, the Iowa National Guard hosted a three day SPP workshop focused on strengthening civic, business, military and academic relationships between Iowa and Kosovo. More than 35 attendees from Kosovo, including 10 KSF members and 4 government ministers, attended the seminar. There were joined by 35 Iowa National Guard officers and NCOs and nearly 50 civic, business and academic leaders from around the state. The Iowa-Kosovo SPP is off to a fast and productive start with more than 30 events and exchanges taking place since the program’s inception. In FY 2012, the Iowa National Guard conducted more than 12 SPP events with the KSF, including the direct involvement of more than 100 Iowa National Guard Soldiers and Airmen and hundreds of KSF members. These events took place both in Iowa and in the Republic of Kosovo. The program is supported through a combination of federal funding sources including funds provided by the National Guard Bureau, EUCOM and the Iowa National Guard. In FY 2012, the Iowa National Guard, in conjunction with the Office of Defense Cooperation at the US Embassy in Pristina, executed more than $119,828 in NGB funding and $176,020 in EUCOM funding in support of its State Partnership Program. FY2012 SPP Events:

KSF/FEMA visit to Iowa: OCT 2011

Senior IANG NCO visit to Kosovo: NOV 2011

KSF CDR (MG Kastrati) visit to Iowa during TAG’s "Condition of the Guard"

address: JAN 2012

KSF observed IANG Best Warrior competition in Iowa: MAR 2012

NGIA TCT to assist KSF with “Friends 1” FTX: 24 MAR-11 APR 2012.

NGIA SPPD & CSAR attended Mil-to-Mil Agreement Conference Kosovo: 9-17 APR


NGIA Disaster Planning TCT for Disaster Planning event: 7-11 MAY

KSF attended IANG FTX at Camp Ripley, MN: 6-23 JUN 2012

LDESP SPP Seminar: 15-17 AUG 2012

Convoy FAM Team support to KSF: 21 AUG – 1 Sep 2012

NGIA G-Staff visit to Kosovo: 16-21 SEP 2012

TAG-IA Senior Leader Visit to Kosovo: 2-7 SEP 12


The Adjutant General: MG Timothy Orr

Senior Enlisted Leader: CSM John Breitsprecker

Iowa Army National Guard, CSAR: COL Gary Freese

State Partnership Program Director: MAJ Michael Wunn

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U.S. Ambassador: Tracy Ann Jacobson

U.S. Senior Defense Official: Col. James Kotts

Office of Defense Cooperation Chief: LTC Ray Wojcik

Bilateral Affairs Officer: MAJ Joel Jacobson

Senior Enlisted Advisor : CSM Rachel Fails


President of Kosovo: Atifete Jahjaga

Prime Minister of Kosovo: Hashim Thaci

Kosovo Ambassador: Akan Ismaili

Minister of the Kosovo Security Force: Agim Ceku

Kosovo Security Force Commander: MG Kadri Kastrati

Kosovo Defense Attaché: BG Xhavit Gashi

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The Iowa National Guard began providing Counterdrug support to Iowa law enforcement agencies in 1989. Until late 1992, the majority of this support was summertime Army National Guard helicopter reconnaissance to search for outdoor-cultivated marijuana plots, known as Marijuana Eradication Missions. In 1992, the Counterdrug Task Force was created and expanded its operations to include Supply Interdiction and Demand Reduction. The Task Force also became a joint Army and Air Guard operation. In 2003, the Task Force entered into the national Counterdrug Training arena by starting up the Midwest Counterdrug Training Center, now one of five Counterdrug schools in the country.

During Fiscal Year 2012, Iowa’s Counterdrug Task Force employed 24 full time Soldiers and Airmen with the State Operations Section, and 11 Soldiers, Airmen, plus one contracted civilian in the Midwest Counterdrug Training Center. In addition, numerous Soldiers and Airmen were employed by the Task Force on a temporary basis to support a variety of operations ranging from transportation missions to drug demand reduction activity support. The Counterdrug Task Force is congressionally funded through the Department of Defense. All Iowa Counterdrug Task Force missions are approved and certified by the State Attorney General, the Adjutant General, the Governor, and the Secretary of Defense. Fiscal Year 2012 Missions.

Program Management/Administration Coordination/Liaison Investigative Case and Analytical Support Communication Support Illicit Narcotics Detection Support Domestic Cannabis Suppression Training for Law Enforcement and Military Personnel Demand Reduction Support Community Based Demand Reduction Support Aerial Reconnaissance Educational Institution Demand Reduction Support Leadership Development Maintenance/Logistical Support Coalition Development

Supply Interdiction.

The supply interdiction efforts of the Counterdrug Task Force provided 10 Criminal Analysts to federal, state, and local drug task forces throughout the state of Iowa. Personnel and logistical resources are provided to law enforcement agencies to assist them in reducing Iowa’s drug threat. This support provides coverage to all areas of the state by supporting all of Iowa’s LEIN Regions and Fusion Regions. During Fiscal Year 2012, the supply interdiction effort conducted 11 year-long missions (each year long mission has multiple cases supported), assisting in 1,599 cases which resulted in 3,269 intelligence products such as association matrix’s, flow charts, and link analysis for the law enforcement officers they were supporting. This led to 1,488 arrests, over $32 million in drugs seized, and over $2.7 million in cash and assets seized. In addition the Ionscan mission inspected over $265,000 in cash through either direct inspections of cash to help with investigations, or through creating a casual contact baseline through the banking system within Iowa for comparison with seized cash.

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The Counterdrug Aviation Detachment (CAD) helicopter support section flew 148 hours in Fiscal Year 2012 in support of marijuana eradication, law enforcement agency (LEA) support, and civil operations support missions. CAD supported Iowa LEA’s as well as agencies in Wisconsin. The full-time CAD operation was shut down in 2012 due to funding issues. Iowa will maintain the capability to provide CAD support on request in FY13.

Midwest Counterdrug Training Center (MCTC).

The Iowa Counterdrug Task Force continued to operate the Midwest Counterdrug Training Center (MCTC) during Fiscal Year 2012. MCTC provides free training to law enforcement officers, military personnel, and prevention and treatment professionals throughout Iowa, the Midwest Region, and the nation. By providing this training, the Center acts as a force multiplier, enhancing the ability of drug task force and patrol officers to fight the war on drugs. During Fiscal Year 2012, MCTC conducted 310 courses, training 9,913 law enforcement officers, 299 military members, and 1,820 coalition members for a total of 12, 032 students from all across the United States. Civil Operations (CivOps).

The focus of the Civil Operations (CivOps) program is to provide National Guard personnel and equipment to Community Based Organizations and upon request, assist in establishing conditions to reduce demand of illegal drugs and abuse of legal substances. Counterdrug personnel assigned to perform CivOps activities utilize numerous military skills including command and control, communications, tactical planning, strategic planning, liaison support, training design, and implementation skills. The Iowa National Guard is an organization with nearly 10,000 members whose families live in Iowa’s communities. Because of our organizational structure and geographic dispersion, we have become a force multiplier to state level agencies and existing community based organizations across Iowa. In Fiscal Year 2012, the Iowa Counterdrug Task Force’s CivOps section supported over 40 community based organizations and coalitions to implement evidence-based prevention strategies in their communities by providing manpower, resources, administrative support, facilitation, and guidance. During the same year, CivOps provided 12 Kaizen Assessments. The Kaizen Assessment is a tool that helps community coalitions develop their effectiveness in the community by assessing the coalition’s infrastructure, products, and capabilities. Through this, all 12 community coalitions were able to understand issues within their coalition and develop an action plan to strengthen and sustain the organization. As a result, the community coalitions were better able to support their communities of over 713,000 Iowans in 9 counties, approximately 23% of the state’s population. In addition, CivOps implemented training to develop problem solving, communication, and leadership skills through the Leadership Reaction Course and other experiential Learning Methods for 1,080 of Iowa’s Youth.

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The National Maintenance Training Center (NMTC) began operations in June 1992. It is the only facility of its kind designed to train Field Maintenance Companies, Forward Support Companies, Distribution Companies, Quartermaster Supply Platoons and Support Battalions throughout the Army. The facility’s mission is to provide a collective training environment on theater specific equipment as well as current battlefield Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) based on the unit’s wartime mission. The NMTC also has the ability to provide command and control, and leadership training for Support Battalion Headquarters staff elements. In addition the NMTC trains full time ARNG Maintenance Technicians and traditional M-day soldiers on the M-1 Abrams Tank, the M-2/3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the M-88 Recovery Vehicle, the 3000-gallons-per-hour (GPH) Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), the Rough Terrain Container Handler (RTCH), and systems maintenance approach with light, medium and heavy wheeled vehicles.

Concept. The NMTC’s concept is to coach, teach, train, mentor, and provide the Combatant Commander with trained Sustainment soldiers capable of sustaining combat power across the depth of the operational area and with unrelenting endurance. This is accomplished by providing training on the Army’s most current TTPs and modern equipment. Training at the NMTC provides realistic Contemporary Operating Environment (COE) training based on first hand combat experience, Army Doctrine and Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) products. Core logistics’ training as well as Warrior Task training is conducted on FORCEMOD equipment such as the M1 Main Battle Tank, M2/3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, Heavy Equipment Mobile Transport Truck (HEMTT), and High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV), Armored Security Vehicle (ASV), Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle systems and the Rough Terrain Container Hauling System (RTCH). Facilities. The NMTC occupies approximately four acres and houses 320,000 square feet. The Battalion Staff Training program occupies 50,000 square feet and is synchronized with the most modern simulation devices in the Army inventory. These devices offer a “real world like” experience for Soldiers as they navigate convoy training and other battlefield scenarios. The Field Maintenance collective training operations are located in five buildings that include over 140,000 square feet. Each of these facilities is equipped with the tools, test equipment, parts, modern components and end items required for collective training operations. A fully functional Supply Support Activity comprising of over 50,000 square feet supports repair parts supply for the NMTC training Department of Defense activities. Staff. The NMTC has 31 full time Iowa Army National Guard and 13 National Guard Bureau (NGB) Title 10 Active Guard-Reserve (AGR). The Center also employs 4 Military Technicians, 15

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Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS) and 22 Contractors. The NMTC trained 34 units during 2011 – 2012 resulting in 3800 trained Logistics’ Warriors. Future Strategy. During 2013 the NMTC will aggressively continue to update its training programs, facilities, and technology in order to keep them aligned with current sustainment doctrine. During 2012, the NMTC stood up its internal staff training program, titled the NMTC University. The purpose of NMTC University is to ensure fully qualified subject matter expert trainers are well versed in current training and sustainment doctrine. The training developers in NMTC University are tasked with monitoring the emerging Sustainment Operations and training doctrine. This training and development cell will ensure our ability to provide warrior ready Sustainment Soldiers to the Force. Technician Training Programs. Individual training programs that the NMTC supported in 2012 included the 3000 GPH ROWPU Training/Maintenance Program, Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) 1500 Gallon, RTCH operators and maintenance course, M1 Abrams Tank Maintenance Technician Training Course, the M2 Bradley Maintenance Technician Training Course, and the M-88A1 Vehicle Recovery Track Maintenance Course. The NMTC launched a series of Systems Maintenance wheeled courses that teach technicians on light, medium, and heavy vehicles. The NMTC trained 379 soldier/technicians in these courses. New Programs. During 2013, the NMTC will continue to assist the Army National Guard Bureau (ARNG) with the development of a sustainment training strategy which supports the type and level of training ARNG logistics elements should train in during the Army Force Generation Model (ARFORGEN). The NMTC training model will continue to add progressively more challenging training opportunities to the logistical support elements to better prepare them for future deployments and state emergencies.

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Overview. The Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment provides hands on maintenance training to

individual soldiers on the Army’s most modern equipment. The mission of the Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment is to provide a variety of courses to include transitional training, sustainment training, skill qualification training, career development training, and specialized training as required to accomplish the individual soldiers’ wartime mission. Facilities.

The Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment is located at Camp Dodge, Iowa and occupies a 35,000 square foot facility consisting of 12 classrooms (one computer lab with 18 computer systems), 10 oversized maintenance bays, and an administrative wing. The facility opened in

October 1987 and trains Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and DOD Civilians. Accreditation.

The Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment is accredited through the United States Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), the United States Army Ordnance Proponent and

Schools and the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). The Iowa

Ordnance Training Regiment has maintained a 100% Accreditation rating since July 2004

and has been designated by TRADOC as an "Institution of Excellence”. Students graduating from the facility are awarded the same qualification certification and diploma as their active Army

counterparts who graduate from active duty-training centers. Since the Global War on Terror

was initiated, many active duty U.S. Army soldiers have conducted training and became

qualified at the Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment before their war time deployments. The Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment is staffed with highly qualified technical instructors who are certified in their respective area of specialization. Each member of the facility is a member of the Iowa Army National Guard. They must undergo an extensive instructor certification program prior to being selected as a staff member. The facility also sponsors guest instructors from throughout the United States military in order to provide the highest quality of instruction to each student. As maintenance skill training requirements change throughout the Army, the Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment will continue to serve as the training center of the future. The facility is effectively maintaining the combat readiness of our armed forces by providing the highest quality of maintenance training to today’s soldiers.

In June 2007, the Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment was designated as the ARNG

Ordnance subject matter expert (SME) cell for the thirteen Army National Guard Regional

Training Site Maintenance (RTS-M) centers throughout the country by the Chief, National

Guard Bureau. The Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment has the additional mission of

coordinating ordnance individual training issues from the RTS-M’s with the National

Guard Bureau, CASCOM, The Chief of Ordnance and the United States Army Ordnance

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School at Fort Lee, Virginia and TRADOC. This prestigious and important selection was

due to the Regiment's outstanding staff, leadership, training abilities, and reputation for


Courses conducted at the Iowa Ordnance Training Regiment during Fiscal Year 2012.

MOS Qualification Courses include: 91B10, 91F10, 91K10

NCOES Courses include: Advanced Leader course: 91 B30, and 91K30 Senior Leader Course

ASI Courses include: ASI-H8 Wheel Vehicle Recovery ASI-H8 Track Vehicle Recovery

Functional Courses include: Standard Army Maintenance System-Enhanced Unit Armorer Course

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Congress established the position of the United States Property and Fiscal Officer in the National Defense Act of 1916, as expressed in 32USC§708. This states that each Property and

Fiscal Officer shall: “Receipt and account for all funds and property of the United States in the possession of the National Guard for which he is Property and Fiscal Officer.” “Make returns and reports concerning the funds and that property, as required by the Secretary concerned.” Description.

The United States Property and Fiscal Officer is a commissioned officer of the Army or Air National Guard of the United States on extended federal active duty assigned to the National Guard Bureau with duty station assignment as USPFO Iowa. The USPFO in fulfilling his statutory responsibility also: Performs the duties as a federal contracting officer in contracting for construction, supplies and services supported by Federal appropriated funds. Issues the documents required for authorized transportation of Federal property and personnel of the Iowa National Guard. Maintains an active internal review (auditor) program to concentrate on areas of statutory responsibility and concern as well as to assist management in administering, safeguarding and monitoring the utilization of Federal resources.

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Office of the United States Property and Fiscal Officer Organization.

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Federal vs. State Funding. During FY2012, the Iowa National Guard (Army & Air) was supported by 96.9% ($362,175,785) Federal funds and 3.1% ($11,472,042) State funds. The following charts reflect the Federal funding, the Iowa National Guard 2012 Federal funding breakout, a historical review of military design and construction funding and a Federal funding summary. Federal funding does not include pay and allowances while mobilized. Federal versus State Funding Fiscal Year 2012

(Total Funding: $373,647,827)



Fiscal Year 2012 Federal Funding Breakout. (Total: $362.176M)





State Funding



Federal Funding



AGR Pay $69.186M


Operations & Maintenance $199.274M 55%

Other $29.663M 8.2%

National Guard Personnel $63.684M 17.6%

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Military Design and Construction History.

% Change %Change %Change


1980 17,450 287,846 265,296 -89.07% -57.42% 64.23%

1981 13,890 914,077 927,967 -20.40% 268.81% 249.79%

1982 65,000 3,672,717 3,737,717 367.96% 301.80% 302.79%

1983 1,335,238 970,968 2,306,206 1954.21% -73.57% -38.30%

1984 565,335 2,151,429 2,716,764 -57.66% 121.58% 17.80%

1985 1,304,872 1,573,754 2,878,626 130.81% -26.85% 5.96%

1986 3,365,896 1,687,702 5,053,598 157.95% 7.24% 75.56%

1987 6,473,802 1,129,272 7,603,074 92.34% -33.09% 50.45%

1988 3,850,994 2,557,143 6,408,137 -40.51% 126.44% -15.72%

1989 12,114,213 3,609,640 15,723,853 214.57% 41.16% 145.37%

1990 1,324,960 3,801,768 5,126,728 -89.06% 5.32% -67.40%

1991 18,621,459 8,424,825 27,046,284 1305.44% 121.60% 427.55%

1992 10,599,996 4,421,526 15,021,522 -43.08% -47.52% -44.46%

1993 10,433,558 6,413,198 16,846,756 1.57% 45.04% 12.15%

1994 10,941,731 11,601,037 22,542,768 4.87% 80.89% 33.81%

1995 8,143,574 14,443,423 22,586,997 -25.57% 24.50% 0.20%

1996 2,258,518 4,870,217 7,128,735 -72.27% -66.28% -68.44%

1997 541,265 4,036,399 4,577,644 -76.03% -17.12% -35.79%

1998 4,630,617 2,161,484 6,792,101 755.62% -46.45% 48.38%

1999 3,393,449 14,514,681 17,908,130 -26.72% 571.51% 163.66%

2000 3,942,276 3,899,311 7,841,000 16.17% -73.14% -56.22%

2001 4,728,971 5,052,448 9,781,419 19.95% 29.57% 24.75%

2002 6,764,855 25,847,600 32,612,455 43.05% 411.59% 233.41%

2003 3,794,250 20,389,900 24,184,150 -43.91% -21.11% -25.84%

2004 6,770,100 6,455,989 13,226,089 78.43% -68.34% -45.31%

2005 4,103,101 1,657,166 5,760,267 39.39% -74.33% -56.44%

2006 36,414,976 319,900 36,734,876 787.50% -19.30% 637.73%

2007 13,129,900 175,967 13,305,867 -63.94% -44.99% -63.78%

2008 13,915,686 1,679,914 15,595,600 5.98% 854.68% 17.21%

2009 9,780,924 13,884,440 23,665,364 -29.71% 726.50% 51.74%

2010 85,282,055 17,617,181 102,899,236 771.92% 26.88% 334.81%

2011 26,651,839 320,195 26,972,034 -68.75% -98.18% -73.79%

2012 0 0 0 -100.00% -100.00% -100.00%

FY2007 thru FY2011 Includes BRAC and Recovery Act

Federal Funding Summary





Fiscal Years 2002 Through 2012



s o

f D






Overall 278.7 254.1 312.8 325.5 375 342.5 379.6 373.1 507.5 381.9 362.2

ARNG 147.7 144.2 219 228.2 249.2 219.6 238.1 236.7 361.9 245 219.8

ANG 130.9 109.9 93.82 97.26 125.9 122.8 141.5 136.3 145.6 133.9 142.4

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

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DIRECTOR OF LOGISTICS Overview. The Logistics Directorate is responsible for providing equipment, supplies, services, maintenance and associated training to the soldiers of the Iowa Army National Guard. This is accomplished by a combination of full-time and drill-status soldiers assigned to the Headquarters, and Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs) of the Iowa Army National Guard. Major Accomplishments. The Directorate executed a $22.2 million budget that provided training, equipment, supplies, services and maintenance for soldiers and units of the Iowa Army National Guard. The Directorate accomplished 340 lateral transfer directives and movement of over $13.5 million in equipment used to support mobilizing units and enhance readiness capabilities within the state. The Directorate provided supervision and over watch of changes to unit’s Modified Table of Organization & Equipment (MTOE). These changes resulted in a considerable number of equipment turn-ins to match new unit missions and equipment authorizations. Over 3,619 turn-ins of excess equipment totaling $39.65 million were directed to achieve the state’s readiness goals and objectives. The Directorate utilized the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS) and Tri-Service Medical Excess Distribution System (TRIMEDS) to acquire resources free of charge. Utilization of these organizations culminated in saving $7.9 million in required equipment to build readiness or support mobilizing units. Utilizing NGB’s Equipment Redistribution Program the Directorate acquired 71 (MTVs) Medium Tactical Vehicles which modernized the state’s inventory with $14.4 million worth of vehicles. The Directorate provided assistance, in conjunction with the Force Integration and Readiness Officer, for the fielding of many new pieces of equipment including the new Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTVs), skid loaders, Graders, Dozers and Dump Trucks. Additional equipment included M1082 and M1095 Cargo Trailers, MEP 831, PU-803 and MEP 531A Generators, Battlefield Anti-Intrusion Systems (AN/PRS-9), Forward Repair Systems (FRS), Standard Army Tool Sets (SATS), Power Distribution Systems, Forward Area Water Point Supply Systems (FAWPSS), and many other equipment items. The Directorate provided mobilization support for Co C 2-211th Medical Evacuation, HHC, 1034th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 186th Military Police Company and the 833rd Engineer Company. The Directorate provided demobilization support for 2/34th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and Co B 2-211th Aviation.

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Section Operations. Logistics Management Officer. The Logistics Management Officer supervises the Supply & Services and Plans & Policies Branches of the Deputy Chief of Staff of Logistics. They function as the Assistant Program Manager for the Logistics Indirect OPTEMPO, Food Service, and IET Clothing Budget Programs totaling over $10.8 million. The LMO supports the logistical requirements for the mobilization, deployment and redeployment of units in support of Overseas Contingency Operations. Establishes policy for the Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) and manages the Command Logistics Program for the Iowa ARNG. The LMO coordinates with the USPFO on property accounting and supply policy and procedures. This officer provides supply and service staff control over unit distribution, redistribution plans and logistics programs within the Iowa ARNG. Coordinates logistical operations with NGB, 1st United States Army and United States Forces Command (FORSCOM) staffs. Duties and Responsibilities.

Alternate Program Manager o 2060 o 2065

Unit Mobilization Equipping

State Active Duty Equipping

Equipment Distribution

Equipment Fielding

Equipment Readiness

Reset-Stock Funded replenishment

FLIPL Timeframes

LOG Awards Program


Annual Update of Policy/Plans

LOI’s for reoccurring LOG Workshops Plans and Policies Officer. Plans, organizes, and directs each command’s logistic programs through the major subordinate commands (MSC) full-time supply technicians. Develops, plans, and manages the technical employment of assigned combat service support functions during IDT and ADT. Works in coordination with the USPFO and MSC for execution of the supply and services plan. Duties and Responsibilities.

Annual Update of Policy/Plans

AT Planning/resourcing

General Support and Problem resolution

Mobilization and Demobilization Planning

Mobilization Station Coordination

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DCSLOG Yearly Training Guidance development for next TY

DCSLOG Training LOI Management

Combined Logistics Excellence Award (CLEA) oversight

Supply and Services Officer.

Manages the materiel fielding plans for Class I, II, IV, and VII to ensure requirements for ancillary and operational supplies are identified and provided to the user. Prepares logistics and service support mission plans to support the materiel fielding plans. Coordinates the plan with the Surface Maintenance Manager for execution and implementation to the supported unit working through the MSC. Duties and Responsibilities.

Unit Status Report Review

IMAP- potential review/financial resourcing

AT Planning/resourcing

Technician Pay

J4 Domestic operations for the State

General Support and Problem resolution Logistics Sergeant Major. Oversees all logistics operations and ensures compliance with applicable regulations and policies. Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for planning and execution of the following programs.

Command Supply Discipline Program Oversight

CLRT-X compliance visits

Publication Management (INGR, SOP and Memorandums)

Training guidance (LOI/MOI and conferences)

Logistics Training Program

Command Supply Discipline Program Team Develops and executes the Iowa Army National Guard CSDP to include the development of the CSDP circular and physical inspections on the Major Subordinate Command Headquarters and all Joint Forces Headquarters activities. Collects data from subordinate unit CSDP reports to analyze and develop statewide trends in order to focus training and readiness to improve the logistical readiness of all Iowa Army National Guard units. The CSDP Team manages the State’s CCDF program. Duties and Responsibilities

Execution of the Command Supply Discipline Program

Conducts unit inspections

Prepares and distributes reports to the Chain of Command

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Collects data to develop trends

Conducts training and provides assistance to correct deficiencies noted during evaluations

CCDF Management

Ensures only authorized users are permitted access to order uniform items

Analyzes orders for efficiency and authorizations

Maintains authorization documents for all units of the Iowa Army National Guard

Cost analysis management

Assists in the development of training to correct logistical deficiencies. Food Service Technician. Oversees all food service related issues for the State of Iowa. Duties and Responsibilities

IDT Rations Management

AT Rations Management

Food Safety and Protection Training and Certification

State Food Service Workshop

Budget Management

Annual update of Food Service Policy/Plans

Order Garrison Food Service Equipment

ISR Report to NGB

Vending Committee

AAFES Committee

Sanitation Inspections-Dining Facilities

AFMIS Training Defense Movement Coordinator. The DMC is responsible for all military traffic traveling in and through the State of Iowa. Technical advisor to the DCSLOG for all matters pertaining to transportation of equipment and supplies for all Iowa units. Duties and Responsibilities: Mission Planning and Movement Execution

o Mobilization o Contingency Operations o Annual Training o State Line-haul missions o Airfield Departure/Arrival Control Group (MILAIR) o Unit, FMS, and FMCD Maintenance evacuation

TCAIMS-II o Manage Data Input

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o Issue Account Access

Convoy Movement Orders

Submit and Issue DOT permits for OS/OW loads

Manage State, leased, and deployable MILVANS

Manage truck and trailer assets within the DCSLOG

Transportation sustainment training o Unit Movement Officer Workshop o TCAIMS-II o Driver HAZMAT Training

Certify hazardous cargo for shipping

Coordinate Material Handling Equipment (MHE)

Annual update of Policy/Plans.

Defense Movement Control Truck Drivers.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Certify CL III loads

Airfield Departure/Arrival Control Group

Operate material handling equipment (MHE)

Transport Equipment and/or supplies for the IA ARNG o Annual Training o Unit Weekend Exercises o Mobilization o Contingency operations o Maintenance evacuations o New Fielding o Lateral Transfers o Bulk Fuel Drops o MILAIR- Transient baggage

Sustainment Automation Support Management Office (SASMO). The SASMO is responsible for sustainment of all Logistical Information Systems (LIS) in the State of Iowa. Duties and Responsibilities:

Principal advisor to DOL on all LIS and Automated Logistical Programs

Plan and schedule work

Assign work to employees

Coordinate with other information technology sections

Develop, modify and interpret performance standards

Approve master leave schedule

Troubleshoot, diagnose, and resolve technical problems

Serves as a Systems Administrator for all LIS

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Reviews SASMO Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure they are current

Elevate problems to Customer Assistance Office (CAO), and Regional Automation Support Center (RASC)

Apply System Change Packages (SCPs), and Interim Change Packages (ICPs)

Establish & develop personnel training plan

Assist functional users in systems management and operation

Maintain Trouble Ticket Database and supporting documentation Equipment Management Team. The Equipment Management Team is responsible for equipping units to achieve the optimal unit wartime readiness. They are responsible for all equipment transactions both inbound and outbound from the state as well as within the state.

Duties and Responsibilities:

All TOPS programs

Request for Issue

OSCAR proposals with USPFO

Consolidated Property Listing

Distribution of inbound equipment

Reset program supply actions

Loan Agreements

Authorization Documents o Past o Current o Future

DODAAC Requisition- Quality Control

ILO document validation

Transformation Planning

Force Structure ledger and stationing

Fielding LNO to DCSOPS

Back-up Q/C of L/T’s and T/I’s

Lateral Transfers and Turn-ins 1. Verify 2. Proposals 3. Posting 4. Tracking

Equipment for Mobilization with Battle CPT’s

Equipment X-level plan due to unit action 1. Transformation 2. J-out 3. Transfer of unit

L/T & T/I ledger for LOG Meeting

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L/T & T/I Status sheet

Property Book quality control

Identify property excess/shortages

Property Book validation report for MOB 1. Print CPL after USPFO validation

Surface Maintenance Manager.

Overview. The Maintenance Directorate is responsible for repairing and maintaining over 68,000 items of military equipment located throughout the State of Iowa. This is accomplished by 181 dual status federal technicians skilled as tactical and combat vehicle mechanics, painters, canvas and fabric craftsmen, welders, electronics repairers, artillery, fire control and small arms specialists, calibration specialists, tool and parts specialists and supply clerks.

Facilities and Staff. There are approximately 378 drill-status Soldiers with over 15 maintenance specialties that complement these full-time federal technicians. The directorate provides technical oversight over twelve Field Maintenance Shop (FMS) facilities co-located at armory complexes throughout the state. Additionally, the directorate provides direct supervision over Field Maintenance Camp Dodge (FMCD) and the Unit Training Equipment Site (UTES) located at Camp Dodge. Included in the FMCD complex is a stand-alone, state-of-the-art paint facility.

Mission. The Maintenance Directorate is the program manager for Iowa’s repair parts, non-tactical vehicles, ground fuel, and maintenance-training budgets. Annually the fully mission capable rate for surface equipment is over 98 percent. This is 8 percent above the objective and establishes the Iowa Army National Guard as a national leader. The Iowa Army National Guard is consistently in the national top ten percent of all maintenance categories monitored and tracked by the National Guard Bureau (NGB).

The Surface Maintenance community is also responsible for resetting mobilized equipment

for Iowa Army National Guard units returning from deployment. Due to the redeployment of the 2/34th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) and the 734th Agricultural Development Team (ADT), the surface maintenance community reset 22,256 items during TY 12. This represents a significant increase from 3,229 pieces reported in 2011 and brings the total to 25,485 pieces of equipment that have been reset since the program started in January 2007.

Shoemaker Maintenance Excellence Awards

Shoemaker Maintenance Excellence Recognition. The annual Shoemaker Maintenance

Excellence Award presentation is a highlight of the Iowa Army National Guard maintenance community. This competition recognizes the best overall maintenance facility in the state. The competition is based on an established Army standard of excellence that each facility strives to achieve. The competition involves in-depth inspections covering a comprehensive spectrum of required performances by each maintenance facility. The areas inspected include environmental management procedures, physical security management, maintenance management, repair parts management, facility maintenance management and accountability procedures.

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Fiscal Year 2012 Winner

Field Maintenance Shop #4, Council Bluffs CW3 Donald Yost, Shop Chief

Runner-up Award

Field Maintenance Shop #10, Boone CW3 Mike Gibbs, Shop Chief

Philip A. Connelly Award The Philip A. Connelly Award was established in 1968. This award is given annually to recognize excellence in Army food service and improve the professionalism of food service personnel.

Fiscal Year 2012 Competitor

3654th Maintenance Company

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There are five flight aviation units with detachments within the State of Iowa, supported by three Army Aviation Support Facilities (AASF’s). These AASF’s are located in the cities of Boone, Waterloo and Davenport. The AASF’s provide logistical and maintenance support to the entire helicopter fleet of the Iowa Army National Guard. The Iowa Army National Guard also has a twin engine airplane that is hangared at the Ankeny, Iowa airport.

There are 118 full-time personnel assigned to the aviation program to support ongoing day-to-day operations such as aircrew training, aircraft maintenance, aviation logistics, mission support, and other mission readiness related activities.

Iowa Army National Guard Aviation has contributed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the peace-keeping operation in Kosovo. The following aviation units from Iowa have been deployed in support of Operation Iraq Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom: CH47 Heavy Lift Company; UH60 Air Assault Company: UH60 Air Ambulance Detachment; Aviation Maintenance Company; and the C12 Fixed Wing Detachment. Currently there are 22 aircraft on hand out of an authorization of 27 aircraft assigned to the Iowa Army National Guard.

In the federal fiscal year of 2012, the Iowa Army National Guard flew 3,730 helicopter flight

hours and 684 fixed wing flight hours. AVIATION UNITS IN IOWA

Community Aviation Unit On-Hand Aircraft

Camp Dodge JFHQ (State Aviation Office) 1-C12 Airplane

Ankeny Detachment 34, OSACOM

Boone 248th Aviation Support Battalion

8-UH60 Blackhawk’s

CO B, 248h Aviation

CO C, 2/147th Assault

Waterloo D1, CO C, 2/211 Air Ambulance

6-UH60 Blackhawk’s 1-OH58 Kiowa’s

D1, CO A 1/376 Security & Support

Davenport D2, Co A, 1/376 Security & Support

2-OH58 Kiowa’s 4-CH47 Chinooks

CO B (-), 2/211 Medium Lift

The State Army Aviation Office manages and directs the state aviation program. These duties include resource management, logistics, aviation safety and aircrew training. Full-time support employees include the State Army Aviation Officer and his staff; federal civil-service technicians that work in the aviation support facilities (AASFs) and Active-Guard/Reserve (AGR) soldiers in the fixed wing detachment.

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Aviation Technicians - 117 Aviation AGR FTM - 1 TOTAL 118

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AIR NATIONAL GUARD Organization. The Iowa Air National Guard program provides the necessary funds and facilities to accomplish the required training of assigned units required by their assigned missions. The Iowa Air National Guard’s four separate organizations are: Headquarters, Iowa Air National Guard, Camp Dodge 132nd Fighter Wing, Des Moines 185th Air Refueling Wing, Sioux City 133rd Test Squadron, Fort Dodge Each Air National Guard (ANG) location has a full-time contingent to support its programs. These personnel are required to be members of their military organizations. Property, funding, and real property responsibilities are delegated by the United States Property and Fiscal Officer for Iowa, who has appropriate assistants at the Des Moines and Sioux City locations. These representatives perform the necessary functions of the office in support of the Air National Guard program. Missions. The federal mission of the Iowa Air National Guard is to provide trained and equipped units immediately available for mobilization in time of a national emergency. Each unit functions independently under the direction of the Adjutant General and the Headquarters, Iowa Air National Guard. The state mission is to provide units that are organized, equipped, and trained to function efficiently at authorized strength in the protection of life and property and the preservation of peace, order, and public safety under competent orders of State authorities. The Headquarters, Iowa Air National Guard mission is to be the senior staff acting on behalf of the Adjutant General, providing ANG information, staff analysis, issue resolution, and action recommendations. The Headquarters also provides guidance in controlling and supervising Air National Guard units within the state, including employment of Air National Guard units for state missions and preparation for their mobilization assignment.

Each operational unit has wartime missions assigned by the United States Air Force. The 132d Fighter Wing's mission is to provide an air-to-air and air-to-ground attack capability. The 133d Test Squadron's mission is to provide command and control testing. They are both attached to Air Combat Command for training, inspections and tasking. The 185th Air Refueling Wing's mission is to provide an air-to-air refueling capability and is attached to Air Mobility Command for training inspections and tasking.

The 132nd Fighter Wing, Des Moines is equipped with Block 30 F-16 Fighters and is a member of a three unit coalition that provides the Air National Guard with precision guided munitions capability. The 185th Air Refueling Wing, Sioux City is assigned the KC-135 “Stratotanker” and is equipped with eight aircraft. The 133rd Test Squadron is heavily involved in

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test and evaluation missions for the United States Air Force. The Iowa Guard is on the leading edge of new technology initiatives making them relevant.


Iowa Air National Guard Strength (as of 30 September 2012)

Authorized Assigned Percent

Officers 249 249 100.0% Airmen 1762 1710 97.0% Total 2011 1959 97.4%

We must ensure that everyone, without regard to race, religion, creed, or national origin, can be a part of the Iowa ANG. Extraordinary efforts are made to ensure minority groups are not disenfranchised. As we move forward in the 21st century, the Iowa ANG must change to reflect the ethnic and racial composition of the communities from which we draw our strength. It is our vision that the organizational culture within the Iowa ANG is one in which each member is respected, valued and treated fairly as evidenced by policies and practices that promote diversity. The current numbers and percentages of total strength for minorities in the Iowa ANG are as follows.


21 .

.011% American Indian 6 .003% Asian Pacific 23 .012% Other 38 .019% Total 88 .044% Females 351 17.9%

Commanders. Iowa Air National Guard Senior Management and Commanders (as of 30 September 2012)

Headquarters, Iowa Air National Guard

Assistant Adjutant General, Air Brigadier General J. Derek Hill Assistant Adjutant General, Strategic Development


Director of Staff Colonel Kevin J. Heer Command Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sergeant Lowell E. Schellhase

132nd Fighter Wing

Commander Colonel William D. DeHaes Vice Commander Colonel Jennifer L. Walter Det 1, DTOC Commander Lieutenant Colonel Michael J. Didio 124th Fighter Squadron Lieutenant Colonel Michael C. McMillin 132nd Medical Group Lieutenant Colonel Jim P. Duong

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132nd Operations Group Commander Lieutenant Colonel Shawn D. Ford 132nd Operations Support Flight Lieutenant Colonel Grant W. Gooch 132nd Maintenance Group Commander Colonel Randy L. Greenwood 132nd Maintenance Operations Flight Major Clarence J. Kulish III 132nd Maintenance Squadron Major Trenton N. Twedt 132nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Lieutenant Colonel Todd M. Sheridan 132nd Mission Support Group Commander Colonel Mark A. Chidley 132nd Force Support Squadron Major Stanley J. Kowalczyk 132nd Security Forces Squadron Major Christopher G. Latcham 132nd Civil Engineer Squadron Lieutenant Colonel Timothy B. Brady 132nd Communications Flight Major Lawrence N. Yazzie 132nd Logistics Readiness Squadron 132nd Comptroller Flight

Lieutenant Colonel Monica M. Blakley Lieutenant Colonel April J. Marmon

185th Air Refueling Wing

Commander Colonel Brian A. Miller Vice Commander Colonel David A. Simon 185th Medical Group Commander Colonel David K. Faust 185th Operations Group Commander Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence L. Christensen 174th Air Refueling Squadron Lieutenant Colonel Kevin S. Slaughter 185th Operations Support Flight Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Taylor 185th Maintenance Group Commander Lieutenant Colonel Scott D. Plambeck 185th Maintenance Operations Flight Captain Angela M. Schmidt 185th Maintenance Squadron Lieutenant Colonel Shawn R. Streck 185th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Captain David R. Klocke 185th Mission Support Group Commander Lieutenant Colonel Stephanie S. Samenus 185th Force Support Squadron Major Justin T. Wagner 185th Security Forces Squadron Major Brandon A. East 185th Civil Engineer Squadron Lieutenant Colonel Gary J. Prescott 185th Logistics Readiness Squadron Lieutenant Colonel Kevin L. Fouts 185th Communications Flight Lieutenant Colonel Kerry S. Gill

133rd Test Squadron

Commander Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey W. Clemens Formal Education and School Programs. Iowa Air National Guard personnel continue to train and improve their abilities through completion of technical service schools, professional military education, correspondence courses, and on-the-job training. The training includes pilot training, aircraft maintenance (in 45 different specialties), plumbing, carpentry, masonry, supply, administration, finance, data automation, ground communications, security, law enforcement, personnel, photography, food service, and medicine.

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Flying Program.

Iowa Air National Guard Flying Program – Fiscal Year 2012 (1 Oct 11 – 30 Sep 12)

Flying Unit Type Aircraft Flying Hours Completed

132nd Fighter Wing F-16C/D 6717.1 185th Air Refueling Wing KC-135 3826.9 Federal Logistics. The Chiefs of Supply, Civil Engineers, and Comptrollers at the flying bases serve as Assistants to the United States Property and Fiscal Officer for property, real property, and fiscal matters. They provide support for Air National Guard programs and serve as administrators of a variety of programs that include Air Force stock fund management, aviation fuels and ground fuels, commercial transportation, procurement, war readiness spares kit, war readiness materials, installation facilities, construction, and fiscal affairs management. Exercises and Deployments. During each fiscal year, the units are involved in regularly scheduled annual training periods and numerous mini-deployments in support of the active forces. The following chart shows the scheduled Iowa Air National Guard deployments in support of tactical and annual training and exercise participation during Training Year 2012. It shows the global mission support being provided by the Iowa’s Air National Guard’s men and women.

Scheduled Iowa Air National Guard Upcoming Inspections and Deployments

Training Year 2013 (1 Oct 12-30 Sep 13)

132nd Fighter Wing

Exercise/Deployment Where When PAX/Aircraft Sentry Aloha Hickam AFB Feb 2013 171/11 Combat Archer Tyndall AFB June 2013 111/6 Combat Shield Tyndall AFB June 2013 111/6 Tropic Care Compliance Inspection

Hickam AFB Home Station

July 2013 Sep 2013

41/0 NA

185th Air Refueling Wing

Exercise/Deployment Where When PAX/Aircraft Vigilant Guard Columbia, MO 1-5 Nov 12 9/0 AEF Rotation ATSO

Al Udeid AB, QA Home Station

Oct-Dec 12 2 Dec 12


Active Shooter Home Station Dec 12 & Jun 13

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AEF Rotation Andersen AFB GU Jan-Mar 13 90/2 Presidential Inauguration Washington, DC 17-23 Jan 13 9/1 Natural Disaster MEGA Drill Silver Flag CE

Home Station Home Station Tyndall AFB

Jan 13 5 Jan 13

26 Apr-4 May 13

Terrorist/CBRNE AEF Rotation AEF Rotation JISEVA Silver Flag-Services AEF Rotation ESOHCAMP AOCI HIS LCAP ARTG CI NATO Support

Home Station Al Udeid AB QA

Andersen AFB GU

Al Udeid AFB GU

Geilenkirchen GM

Apr 13 Apr-Jun 13 May-Jul 13 23-28 Jun

Jul 13 Aug-Oct 13 3-6 Sep 13 4-6 Sep 13 4-8 Sep 13 5-11 Sep 13 6-11 Sep 13 6-11 Sep 13 Sep-Oct 13

25/1 50/1



Awards and Decorations.

The Iowa Air National Guard awarded Federal and State awards in the following numbers by types of awards during Fiscal Year 2012:

Iowa Air National Guard Federal and State Awards Presentations Legion of Merit 2 Airman Medal 0 Meritorious Service Medal 85 Air Medal 25 Aerial Achievement Medal 16 Air Force Commendation Medal 44 Air Force Achievement Medal 59 Iowa Meritorious Service Medal 7 Iowa Commendation Medal 20 Iowa Humanitarian Service Ribbon 0 Iowa Leadership Ribbons 12 Iowa State Recruiting Ribbon 2 Iowa State Counterdrug Ribbon 11 Iowa First Sergeant Ribbon 2 Iowa Distinguished Svc Medal Iowa Medal of Merit

1 0

Individual State Length of Service Awards, i.e., 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25-year were also presented

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Community Service. Operation Patriotism is conducted by the Air National Guard Noncommissioned Officer Academy Graduate Association throughout the State of Iowa and adjoining states. The program consists of a narration and presentation of some of the United States flags that have flown over our country. In addition, all units participate in community parades and conduct military funeral honors. Open houses are scheduled at the Air National Guard locations to enhance and build rapport with the civilian populace. The units also participate in over 150 air shows and flyovers annually. Newcomer orientations are held with both new members and spouses participating in pre-mobilization briefings. Many members donate their service in support of the Salvation Army, Blood Bank, and allied programs for civil relief or assistance. Involvement in schools includes the Adopt-a-School, Shadow, and Partnership Programs. The Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve is also a viable program that benefits the Guard community.

Iowa Air National Guard Officer and Enlisted Retirees

1 October 2011 – 30 September 2012

Rank/Name Unit Date MSgt Don Stevens 132d FW 10/01/2011

Col Mark Foreman 132d FW 10/01/2011

Lt Col Christopher Alfieri 185th ARW 10/06/2011

TSgt Jeffrey Theis 132d FW 10/31/2011

TSgt John Weghorst 132d FW 11/05/2011

TSgt Mark Widhalm 185th ARW 11/11/2011

SMSgt Jill Thomas JFHQ-IA-ANG 12/01/2011

TSgt Jimmy Tidmore 185th ARW 12/15/2011

SMSgt Cecil Bruhl 133rd TS 12/17/2011

Col Kevin Techau JFHQ-IA-ANG 12/31/2011

SMSgt Howard Berkenbosch 132d FW 12/31/2011

SSsgt Russell Schuck JFHQ-IA-ANG 12/31/2011

MSgt Mark Middleton 185th ARW 12/31/2011

CMSgt Michael Rye JFHQ-IA-ANG 12/31/2011

SMSgt Michael Fassler 132d FW 12/31/2011

Col Mark Maly JFHQ-IA-ANG 12/31/2011

Lt Col Jeffrey Myers 133rd TS 12/31/2011

TSgt Joel Jacobson 185th ARW 12/31/2011

SMSgt Craig Hermann 132d FW 01/01/2012

MSgt Jolene Wiegmann 132d FW 01/01/2012

MSgt Dawn Wiebbecke 133rd TS 01/03/2012

MSgt Terry Lively 185th ARW 01/05/2012

TSgt James Johnson 132d FW 01/09/2012

MSgt Deborah Johnson 185th ARW 01/20/2012

Msgt Brent Rosendahl 185th ARW 01/24/2012

Msgt Barry Fox 132d FW 01/31/2012

Col James Bartlett 132d FW 02/01/2012

CMSgt Mark Louw 132d FW 02/01/2012

TSgt Trent Nuzum 133rd TS 02/04/2012

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MSgt John Thielke 132d FW 03/01/2012

MSgt Jerry Roby 132d FW 03/01/2012

TSgt Scott Bohlin 185th ARW 03/04/2012

SMSgt Timothy Day 132d FW 03/04/2012

TSgt Kevin Magnussen 185th ARW 03/10/2012

CMSgt Vicki Dewitt 185th ARW 04/01/2012

MSgt Brian Rupert 185th ARW 04/16/2012

Capt Major Anderson 185th ARW 05/07/2012

MSgt Jeffrey Lamb 132d FW 05/10/2012

TSgt Brian Loper 185th ARW 05/20/2012

SMSgt Richard Milburn 132d FW 05/28/2012

CMSgt Thomas Montgomery 132d FW 05/31/2012

MSgt Donald Kunzie 185th ARW 06/02/2012

MSgt Doyle Carlson 133rd TS 06/26/2012

MSgt Wayne Vanwardhuizen 132d FW 07/13/2012

TSgt John Tejral 185th ARW 07/28/2012

SSgt Termar Watson 132d FW 07/31/2012

CMSgt Angela Vos 132d FW 08/05/2012

SSgt Jake Belcher 185th ARW 08/14/2012

MSgt Patricia Timmerman JFHQ-IA-ANG 09/01/2012

TSgt Ket Phongsavanh 132d FW 09/09/2012

MSgt Gayle Onstot 132d FW 09/22/2012

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Homeland Security Emergency Management Division Mission Lead, coordinate, and support homeland security and emergency management functions in order to establish sustainable communities and ensure economic opportunities for Iowa and its citizens. Vision A state prepared, with coordinated capabilities to prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from all hazards. Division Authorities

The Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division (HSEMD) is part of the Iowa Department of Public Defense (DPD). HSEMD has staff at its main office at Camp Dodge, at the State Emergency Operations Center in the Joint Forces Headquarters, and at the Department of Public Safety Fusion Center in downtown Des Moines. HSEMD’s Recovery Bureau, which is working on recovery projects dating back to disasters that occurred in 2007, is housed at a location on Hickman Road in Urbandale, with satellite offices in several cities.

Code of Iowa, Chapter 29C, establishes the responsibilities of HSEMD, which are to ensure the state is adequately prepared for disasters through administration, preparation and execution of emergency management and homeland security programs. HSEMD is charged with supporting local entities as they plan and implement mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery strategies. HSEMD provides technical assistance, training, exercise facilitation, communications and other support necessary for establishing and maintaining local capabilities. HSEMD is the coordinating entity that ensures consistency and compliance with numerous federal and state requirements and regulations. Division History

The Division has seen many changes since its inception in 1965 when Governor Harold Hughes created the State Civil Defense Agency, with 10 staff members who focused on the threat of nuclear war. In the 1970s, the agency became the Office of Disaster Services to reflect its focus on management of naturally-caused emergencies and disasters. The 1980s saw the office expand its focus from fallout shelters and natural disasters to an all-hazards approach that included radiological and hazardous materials incidents.

In 1992, the office became the Emergency Management Division. The focus of the Division became one of protecting people, property, and the environment from the effects of all types of disasters, and to speeding the recovery from disasters whenever they occurred.

The terrorist attacks in 2001 redefined the state’s emergency management focus. Following Sept. 11, 2001, homeland security responsibilities were integrated into the duties and responsibilities of the Emergency Management Division and in 2003, the Division’s name was formally changed to

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Homeland Security and Emergency Management to reflect its new duties and responsibilities. The Division’s duties and responsibilities are defined and governed through a variety of state and federal laws, rules and regulations. Division Structure

HSEMD’s division administrator is appointed by the governor and currently serves as the governor’s homeland security advisor. Four bureau chiefs comprise the management team.

Grants and Financial Management Bureau

The Grants and Financial Management Bureau oversees the division’s grant management

activities and performs management functions for all designated non-disaster emergency management grants. The state E-911 program and purchasing functions are also under the purview of this bureau.

Grants and financial staff provide guidance and technical assistance to internal and external

customers, grant application development, grant budgeting, grant eligibility reviews, oversight of agreement articles, contracts, letters of agreement and memorandum of understanding documents, procurement action reviews, contract compliancy reviews, performance and financial reporting, grant financial management, maintenance of internal control procedures and sub-grantee monitoring to meet federal and state regulatory and audit-specific requirements.

Staff of the Enhanced 911 (E-911) section includes a state E-911 program manager and a

program planner. They are responsible for the operation of Iowa’s E-911 system, including management and distribution of the wireless E-911 communication surcharge. E-911 staff also works with the State E-911 Communications Council, local E-911 service boards, wireless carriers and telephone companies involved in E-911 services.

Preparedness Bureau

The Preparedness Bureau is responsible for the division’s ongoing planning, training,

exercise, agriculture security and homeland security efforts.

The Preparedness Bureau coordinates statewide response, mitigation and recovery planning requirements as assigned in the Iowa Code. The Preparedness Bureau is responsible for writing state emergency response, hazard mitigation and recovery plans, along with members of other agencies. In addition, Preparedness Bureau staff prepares other State of Iowa plans, including special needs, mass fatality, capitol complex emergency response and continuity of operations and continuity of government plans, which are required by state government. Preparedness Bureau staff is responsible for the State Hazard Mitigation Plan, which is a federal requirement that must be updated every three years. Preparedness Bureau planning staff assists local entities with required planning, including review for compliancy and grant approval.

The Preparedness Bureau is also responsible for the implementation of the Iowa Comprehensive Exercise Program. Bureau staff develops and conducts exercises and provides technical exercise and evaluation assistance to state agencies and local jurisdictions.

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Members of this bureau focus on training initiatives and assess the training needs of first

responders and others who may become involved in a natural or human-caused incident. Preparedness Bureau staff coordinates and conducts courses, conferences and other training activities, and coordinates with other disciplines and agencies on a regular basis to discuss training activities, needs assessments and strategies. Thousands of responders throughout Iowa are involved in training each year, much of which is facilitated and delivered by HSEMD.

Preparedness Bureau staff must also implement and support the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as established by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to facilitate efficient and effective response during emergencies and disasters. This involves planning, training and exercising all elements of response. If Iowa is not NIMS compliant it affects the state’s eligibility for federal preparedness grant funds.

Preparedness Bureau staff coordinates food and agriculture sector preparedness in Iowa as outlined in Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8. If an agriculture disaster impacted the state, Iowa’s investment in disaster preparedness, response and business continuity would be of critical economic significance.

Homeland security staff focuses on homeland security strategy planning and program

management. Homeland security activities include: coordinating with first responders, state and federal agencies, and key private-sector stakeholders to increase security in Iowa; developing and updating an inventory of key infrastructure and critical assets; assessing vulnerabilities and recommending mitigation measures; regional and cross-border collaboration through training, exercise and information sharing; and gathering information pertaining to the mobilization, deployment, and tactical operations involved in responding to or protecting critical assets.

Readiness and Response Bureau

Many of this bureau’s duties are outlined in the Iowa Code, Chapter 29C: coordination of

available services during disasters; response, emergency operation, and emergency resource management; support of ongoing operations of homeland security and emergency teams to be deployed as a resource to supplement and enhance disrupted or overburdened local emergency operations; and management of the intrastate and interstate mutual aid agreements.

The Readiness and Response Bureau is responsible for the readiness and initial staffing of the State Emergency Operations Center in response to natural and human-caused disasters and homeland security events. Because a timely, coordinated response is the first crucial step in getting assistance to communities and citizens impacted by disaster events, this is the bureau’s key mission. This mission is achieved through coordination with partners at local, state and federal levels of government, the private sector and the Iowa Disaster Human Resource Council, which serves as the state’s long term recovery/unmet needs council. Established partnerships are the key to an effective response during times of emergency or disaster.

Since all disasters are considered “local,” the State’s emergency management role is to

support the efforts of the local emergency management coordinators who are tasked with coordinating the response to the disaster at the local level. By law, each county must have an

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emergency management coordinator. The coordinator serves as the main point of contact with the state for information flow and resource requests.

The Readiness and Response Bureau oversees the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) program. Activities include ensuring state and local governments are able to effectively respond to radiological incidents occurring at nuclear power plants, site-specific planning, and exercises and training for each of the power plants in or bordering Iowa. The bureau houses the State of Iowa Radiological Maintenance Facility, which offers complete calibration and maintenance service and works closely with the Radiological Emergency Preparedness program.

The state’s crisis information management system (WebEOC), Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and products, and SharePoint portals available to our public and private partners in the emergency management community are also managed within this bureau. These critical systems support emergency management, homeland security and state fusion programs. There are numerous websites, to include the HSEMD training program site, that are equally important to our customers in the emergency management community.

Communications and technology needs are managed by Readiness and Response Bureau staff to provide planning, design, project management and support for voice, data and video systems as well as computer systems and programs needed to support emergency management and homeland security operations in the State of Iowa. Staff also support and maintain secure communications and warning systems to include the Emergency Alert System.

While all the above activities occur on a daily basis during work hours, HSEMD’s duty

officer (DO) program provides 24/7 coverage for the division, continuing the coordination of these tasks outside of regular work hours. The DO receives requests for assistance from local emergency management coordinators and facilitates coordination with state agency partners on emergency incidents that impact the state. The DO participates in briefings with other key agencies such as the National Weather Service and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Recovery Bureau

The Recovery Bureau oversees HSEMD’s disaster recovery activities, including

implementation and oversight of assistance programs.

Members of this bureau are responsible for oversight of the Presidential Disaster Declaration request process. Once a Presidential Disaster Declaration has been granted, Recovery Bureau staff gathers information, assists local applicants with submittal requests and serves as the coordination point between disaster assistance applicants and FEMA. Because the State is the actual grantee and the local applicant is the sub-grantee the bureau is responsible for disaster assistance grant monitoring and compliance. Structure of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in Iowa

The structure of homeland security and emergency management in Iowa begins with the governor, who holds the responsibility for protecting Iowa’s citizens. The governor appoints the Iowa homeland security advisor and the administrator of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division. Currently the HSEMD administrator also serves as the homeland

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security advisor.

Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management is the coordinating body for homeland security and emergency management activities across the state. The HSEMD administrator relies on state and local-level advisory bodies, executive-level state policy makers, state and local agency points of contact, local first responders, regional representatives, and other community organizations and representative bodies for information to assist in the decision-making process.

The First Responder Advisory Committee is a group of delegates designated by first responder professional and other representative groups. The First Responder Advisory Committee meets regularly and provides the homeland security advisor with a local perspective on homeland security in Iowa.

Each state agency and each county has a designated homeland security point of contact that passes homeland security information between the homeland security advisor and their respective agencies and entities. State agency points of contact meet regularly to discuss homeland security issues; local points of contact do not have a regular meeting schedule, but are kept informed of issues. Disaster Response

Disasters have touched the lives of many Iowans. When disasters strike, the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division is prepared to provide assistance to local emergency managers. HSEMD’s response activities range from full activation of the State Emergency Operations Center at the Joint Forces Headquarters in Johnston, where the Division and other government and private sector partners coordinate state and local response and recovery efforts, to monitoring of local incidents by the Division’s duty officers.

Disaster response starts in the affected community or communities. Counties in Iowa have a county emergency management coordinator who facilitates local government and volunteer response operations such as sandbagging, cleanup efforts, and sheltering for citizens affected by the disaster. County emergency management agencies are the backbone of the state’s emergency management system. They provide coordination of local resources as well as work in partnership with HSEMD to ensure the emergency management and response communities have adequately planned and are well equipped, trained, and exercised.

When a community’s ability to respond to a disaster exceeds its capabilities, the county

emergency management coordinator will work with local officials and HSEMD to request a Governor’s State of Emergency Disaster Proclamation. A Governor’s State of Emergency Disaster Proclamation enables state resources to be used. State resources include equipment, personnel, technical guidance, supplies, and assistance in the form of debris removal, traffic control, levee patrol, security, and transportation. HSEMD coordinates the state’s response activities, including interaction with federal government, non-profit, faith-based, volunteer, and private-sector partners.

When a disaster or incident goes beyond the capabilities of state government, the governor may request outside assistance from other states through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact and/or request activation of the National Response Framework to receive federal

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resources to aid in the response to the incident. If the impacts of the disaster are beyond the state’s capability to recover, a Presidential Disaster Declaration may be requested. If granted, this Declaration can provide financial assistance to eligible applicants.

Presidential Disaster Declarations SFY 2012

August 24, 2011--Severe Storms, Straight-Line Winds and Flooding (Incident period: July 9-14, 2011) Benton, Clay, Dickinson, Marshall, Story and Tama counties

Aug. 30, 2011--Severe Storms and Flooding (Incident period: July 27-29, 2011) Dubuque

and Jackson counties

In addition to HSEMD’s response and recovery work in SFY 2012 for the disasters listed above, HSEMD continued its work in six counties impacted by flooding along the Missouri River for which a Presidential Disaster Declaration was issued in June 2011. And although it did not meet requirements for a Presidential Declaration, HSEMD assisted local emergency management in Union and Fremont counties after tornadoes caused significant damage in the communities of Creston and Thurman in April 2012.

Round-the-Clock Response

During SFY 2012, HSEMD assisted local emergency management in a variety of potential and actual emergency situations. A duty officer is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to coordinate state resources, and ensure the quickest and most complete assistance is given during actual and potential emergencies. HSEMD duty officers responded to numerous incident reports in SFY 2012, ranging from hazmat spills to missing persons. Some calls were for notification purposes only, while many required HSEMD to coordinate assistance with local and state government agencies. Incident reports recorded by HSEMD:

Date of Incident Type of Incident County(s)

7/14/2011 Radiological Harrison

Duty officer (DO) was notified of a Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE) at the Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Station by Department of Public Safety (DPS) Communications. The alert occurred at 7:13 p.m., DO was notified at 7:32 p.m. Notifications to Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), county coordinators and Readiness and Response Bureau chief were started at 7:36 p.m. Termination of NOUE notification calls were started at 7:48 p.m.

8/14/2011 Missing Person Keokuk

DO was notified by Washington/Keokuk County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) at 11:40 a.m. of two missing people. Local law enforcement was conducting the search along with one Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officer and one Iowa State Patrol (ISP) officer. Notifications were made to the ISP liaison and Readiness and Response Bureau chief who notified the HSEMD administrator. County EMA requested the plane from ISP at 12:12 p.m. to assist in the search. At 1:15 p.m. the county EMA notified the DO they had found the missing people. DO notified ISP at 1:17 p.m. to cancel the plane mission and let them know the people had been found.

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8/17/2011 Missing Person Des Moines

Des Moines County Emergency Management Agency called the DO requesting Civil Air Patrol to fly a mission for a missing person. The person had been missing for two days and the person’s cell phone was successfully pinged. ISP was already working the case and used its aircraft to help locate the missing person. HSEMD administrator and Readiness and Response Bureau chief were notified of the event. The person was found dead.

11/21/2011 Hazmat Polk

Polk County Emergency Management Agency reported to the DO that an envelope had been received with white powder at the Federal Building in downtown Des Moines. The individual who opened the envelope put it in his car and took it to No. 1 Fire Station in downtown Des Moines. Des Moines Hazmat was on the scene doing field testing. The DO contacted the Readiness and Response Bureau chief, HSEMD public information officer, and HSEMD Threat Information and Infrastructure Protection Program (TIIPP). The Readiness and Response Bureau chief contacted the HSEMD administrator and a representative for the Governor’s Office. Polk County EMA contacted the DO to let them know the substance appeared to be a pulverized prescription drug. DO and Readiness and Response Bureau chief made notifications to all previously notified to share the information.

12/9/2011 Environmental Davis

DO received a call from Davis County Emergency Management Agency stating Davis County Sheriff is en route to close Hwy. 16 between Eldon and Selma due to a natural gas pipeline break. The pipeline company is on the scene. Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) was notified. The sheriff is requesting barriers and signs for a detour which could last 24 hours. The DOT is working with the district to support the incident. There is no evacuation at this time. Readiness and Response Bureau chief and DNR were notified. At 2:22 p.m. Davis County emergency manager called and gave an update: There is a 6-inch break which feeds the town of Eldon and they are currently looking at running a temporary line. Wapello County Emergency Management Agency has notified Red Cross. At 5:30 p.m. Davis County emergency manager updated the duty officer again at 10:30 p.m. that the repairs are continuing. December 10, 2011, 7:48 a.m. Davis County emergency manager called and stated everything was back on line and the road is opened back up for traffic. The DOT was notified the barriers and signs may be picked up. Readiness and Response Bureau chief was updated and incident was closed.

1/6/2012 Missing Person Washington

DO received a call at approximately 1:30 p.m. from the Washington County sheriff indicating he was looking for the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) to do a search for the vehicle of a woman who was reported missing. CAP indicated it would take time to activate its personnel and get a plane ready to go and with only a few remaining hours of daylight it would be hard to do a search. The DO contacted ISP and requested the assistance of the ISP plane, which was located in Cedar Rapids, to assist in the search. The DO then contacted the Washington County sheriff to let him know that the ISP would be contacting him and that the CAP was standing down on this request. No further information was received by the DO regarding this incident.

1/31/2012 Transportation Linn

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DO received a call from the FEMA Region VII Watch Center regarding a road embargo (Squaw Creek Road through Mt. Vernon Road) in Linn County. That raised questions about why the embargo was in place. FEMA Region VII indicated that often that would be a sign of some sort of food/animal disease. Duty Officer called Linn County EMA and spoke with EMA’s assistant who confirmed with Linn County Secondary Roads that the embargo was in place due to wet dirt roads, and there was a weight limit in place because of the condition of the road. Relayed this information to the FEMA Region VII Watch Center.

1/31/2012 Public Health Story

DO received a call from Story County EMA who reported a broken water main flooding the basement at Mary Greeley Medical Center (MGMC), caused by construction sometime overnight of Jan. 30-31. MGMC was seeking a mobile sterilization unit. The water main will not be repaired until Feb. 7 at the earliest. The medical center is at a reduced capability and is trying to remain viable for trauma/emergency cases. The emergency manager wanted to give the DO a heads up to the issue, as well as notify HSEMD that MGMC would be contacting IDPH for assistance in locating a unit. DO contacted IDPH to give them a heads up on the issue. IDPH did in fact receive a call from MGMC. IDPH stated that most mobile units are very small, and designed more for a dental operation. There are a few vendors that MGMC was referred to by IDPH. In the meantime, MGMC was putting agreements in place with Boone and Story counties to do some sterilization for the center, which is not ideal, but works for now. MGMC will not be asking IDPH for direct assistance. If MGMC needs further assistance, they will contact IDPH, who will keep the DO informed.

2/1/2012 Hazmat Fayette

At 10:10 a.m. Fayette County EMA called the DO to provide notification of a leaking anhydrous tank in the town of Hawkeye. School kids have been sheltered in place, and they called hazmat. No request for assistance from the State at this time, notification only. At 2 p.m., the emergency manager followed up with notification that the leak has been sealed off. Approximately 1,000 lbs. of anhydrous was lost into the air. Hazmat has cleared the site and gone home. School will be released as normal.

2/22/2012 Other Dubuque

DO was notified by DPS State Radio at 5:13 p.m. that the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC) was trying to get in contact with the DOT Aeronautics Division regarding an ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) signal. DO contacted Readiness and Response Bureau chief to advise of situation and obtain guidance. At 5:23 p.m., DO contacted AFRCC. AFRCC informed DO that an ELT was going off in the Dubuque area and they were deploying the CAP to try to locate the source of the signal. AFRCC indicated there were no reports of downed or missing airplanes, however, the procedure requires the CAP response. Also as part of the procedure, the AFRCC is required to notify the host state's DOT Aeronautics Division. AFRCC indicated that they were having problems notifying DOT using the after-hours pager number they had on file and were notifying HSEMD instead. DO informed AFRCC that we (HSEMD) would notify the DOT DO of the situation. AFRCC indicated they would contact DOT at the normal business hours phone number the following day to update their emergency contact info. At 5:30 p.m., DO contacted the DOT DO to make them aware of the situation. DO informed DOT that no actions were necessary on their part aside from any internal procedures the

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Aeronautics Division may follow.

4/4/2012 Hazmat Polk

DO received notification at approximately 4:30 p.m. from the HSEMD legislative liaison that a letter containing white powder was sent to a state representative at the state capitol. The representative’s clerk opened the letter and both came in contact with the white powder. Des Moines Hazmat was on scene. Approximately 50 people were quarantined. Polk County assistant emergency manager requested assistance in testing the white powder from the Iowa National Guard Civil Support Team (CST) and DO spoke with Iowa National Guard Joint Operations Center for coordination and readiness level of the CST. Readiness and Response Bureau chief gave the direction to move forward with the conference call between HSEMD, IDPH, CST, and Polk County Emergency Management. Polk County assistant emergency manager provided a briefing and requested the CST for technical advice and testing in the warm zone. It was determined this was a mission the CST could do without a governor’s proclamation. Des Moines Hazmat will make entry and bring the sample out to the CST for testing. DO received a call back from the State Hygienic Lab (SHL) and provided them a briefing. DO spoke with the ISP duty officer for needed transportation of a sample by ISP to SHL. The ISP duty officer reported there was no one allowed in or out of the building. CST advised they had completed the first of three tests which all came back negative but at less than the incident commander’s desired level of surety. Tests run by Des Moines Hazmat came back negative as well. HSEMD TIIPP sent an email to HSEMD management and ISP for situational awareness of the unknown substance at the state capitol. ISP reported it is coordinating with Post 16. They are ready and standing by for transport of sample to SHL. The all-clear was given at the state capitol and reported to HSEMD Readiness and Response Bureau chief and administrator. ISP reported initial testing has indicated the substance from the letter was laundry detergent.

4/9/2012 Hazmat Osceola

DO received a page from DPS State Radio to call the Osceola County EMA. The emergency manager stated the fire department has been working on a hazmat spill in Sibley. The product was calcium iodide. No evacuations or planning for evacuations is taking place at this time, and no State assistance is being requested.

4/10/2012 Other Ringgold

Received a call from Ringgold County EMA stating that Mount Ayr is without water due to loss of electricity at the city pumping station. Readiness and Response Bureau chief was notified. Situation is stable. A semi load of water is enroute to Mount Ayr to restock stores. Estimated time of arrival is 1.5 hours. The city has also contracted for portable toilets to be used in the interim. The pump is off-line due to loss of a “phase” of power. Currently, this is affecting only the water plant. Electrical crews are working to locate the problem. Ringgold County emergency manager is working to get some information out to the city’s residents about the outage with the assistance of the elected officials and the water superintendent. It is believed that once water is restored, a boil order will go into effect for 48 hours. Emergency manager will keep us apprised of the situation.

4/24/2012 Homeland Security/Public Safety


At 10:19 a.m. Warren County EMA called the DO to report a bomb threat at the Carlisle Middle School. At that time, they were not requesting any bomb team assets, but wanted to make notification to HSEMD in case the emergency manager did need to request assets. The DO conducted a follow-up call with the emergency manager and, in speaking with State Radio, it was discovered that the Fire Marshall Bomb Dog was in training in Kansas City. The emergency manager stated he would call Des Moines Police to get a status on their dog and discovered the

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DMPD's Bomb Dog was also in Kansas City for training. The emergency manager told the DO the school had been evacuated and DMPD would not search the building, according to protocols. Iowa State Patrol was on scene working with local law enforcement and developing a plan using fire and law enforcement.

5/1/2012 Environmental Woodbury

At approximately 3:50 p.m. the DO received a call from Woodbury County EMA reporting a large fire at a Western Iowa Co-op fertilizer plant located near the town of Hornick. The emergency manager reported that most of the town had been evacuated (population 253) and that he was requesting technical assistance from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on how best to put out the fire as well as any threat the smoke plume may pose based on the chemicals present at the plant. DO notified Readiness and Response Bureau chief, who indicated they would notify the HSEMD administrator. DO notified DNR Emergency Response at 3:58 p.m. DNR indicated that they would coordinate directly with Woodbury County emergency manager, but that they need a good account of what chemicals were on site in order to provide technical assistance. DO provided Woodbury County emergency manager’s contact information to DNR. DO followed up with DNR at 4:30 p.m., at which time DNR indicated that a local field office duty officer had made contact with the Woodbury County emergency manager and would provide the requested assistance as the event unfolded.

5/19/2012 Other Jackson

DO received a call from the Jackson County EMA at approximately 6:15 a.m. reporting a trapped male at the Maquoketa Caves and requesting assistance with rescue. A rescue team from Illinois has been on scene from 8 p.m. on May 18 attempting to free the male. A female was extracted, but they have been unable to free the male. DO notified the Readiness and Response Bureau chief at 6:28 a.m. At 6:45 a.m. a conference call was set up for possible activation of the Cedar Rapids Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team. The Readiness and Response Bureau chief contacted the HSEMD administrator and the special teams coordinator contacted the USAR commander. At 7 a.m. the conference call was conducted and at 7:10 a.m. the HSEMD administrator approved activation of the Cedar Rapids USAR Team. At 7:43 a.m. the Cedar Rapids Team commander advised the communications truck was getting ready to head out with as many team members as it would hold. The communications truck would be following shortly with their 40-foot trailer loaded with equipment and more personnel. At 12:03 p.m. the Cedar Rapids USAR Team had 20 personnel on site and reported there had been about five inches of movement toward freeing the trapped individual. At 2:04 p.m. the individual had moved a total of six inches and the team was beginning to plan night operations. At 2:08 p.m. the team commander advised he gave the Sioux City USAR Team a heads up, just in case. At 3:06 p.m. the team commander advised the subject was out of the initial area and there was still a long way to go, but progress was made. At 3:39 p.m. the trapped individual was freed and in “ok” condition.

5/26/2012 Environmental Johnson

At 10:52 p.m. the DO received a phone call from the Iowa City fire chief reporting a fire at the Iowa City Landfill. The fire had been burning for several hours and was producing heavy black smoke. A lining made from tire chips was on fire. The chief was requesting assistance in air quality monitoring and public messaging. The DO informed the chief that the request needed to be received by the Johnson County emergency manager per protocol. The chief responded that he would have the emergency manager contact the DO. DO received a phone call at 11:02 p.m. from the Johnson County emergency manager for air

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quality monitoring and public messaging for the Iowa City Landfill fire. The emergency manager reported there was no local air monitoring equipment in Johnson County. The DO contacted the Readiness and Response Bureau chief to advise her of the situation. The bureau chief directed the DO to contact DNR. The DO called DNR and was connected to their after-hours answering service. At 11:22 p.m. the DO received a call from DNR who forwarded the request for air monitoring assistance. DNR will contact the county emergency manager as well as DNR emergency response. At 11:48 p.m. DNR contacted the DO to let them know Johnson County does not have portable air monitoring equipment. DNR said there is portable air monitoring equipment in Linn County. Johnson County Public Health will work with Linn County. 5/26/2012-5/31/2012 Johnson County distributed public messaging regarding hazards presented by the fire and utilized Linn County air monitoring equipment to monitor the air quality in the area. Vulnerable populations were instructed to shelter in place when the smoke plume was present. No evacuations were ordered or recommended. A FAQ was developed and distributed. 5/30/2012 Johnson County requested assistance in locating a place to haul the by-product sludge from the fire. The sludge was described as a substance similar to pyrolictic oil. The by-product has a very low flash point (140 degrees F) and the site that was accepting the by-product is no longer accepting loads. 5/31/2012 After receiving further information regarding the characteristics of the by-product, DNR responded to Johnson County’s request for assistance on locations that would accept the loads. DNR provided the county a list of used oil recyclers in the state. At 10:30 a.m. the DO received a call from DNR emergency response indicating they had received a call from the DNR field personnel working the Iowa City fire issue. Field personnel indicated that Johnson County Public Health was requesting technical assistance and consultation from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review data collected using the Linn County monitoring equipment and make recommendations to improve the current monitoring strategy, if necessary. If recommendations warrant, Johnson County may also require EPA mobile air monitoring assets to implement the new monitoring strategy. The DO informed DNR that this request needed to come through the proper channels (county emergency manager). At 10:50 a.m. the DO informed the Readiness and Response Bureau chief of the impending request and also spoke with the Johnson County emergency manager, who validated the request. At 11:54 a.m. the DO contacted DNR and instructed DNR to make contact with EPA in Kansas City to request assistance. At 2:23 p.m. the DO received a formal written request for EPA assistance from Johnson County and at 2:38 p.m. DNR confirmed EPA had accepted the request and was deploying an on-scene commander from Kansas City to respond. EPA indicated they could provide technical assistance, consultation and air monitoring support to the local authorities at no cost, however, if disposal or other actions to mitigate a release of hazardous substances or discharge of oil is required, the responsible party would be liable for their response costs. 6/1/2012 At 10:09 a.m. the DO confirmed with the Johnson County emergency manager that EPA was on site and providing assistance. 6/6/2012 At 10:45 a.m. the Johnson County emergency manager requested assistance for the ongoing Iowa City Landfill fires. The County is looking for a carbon dioxide detector that is attached to a probe that can be inserted underground to check for possible fires. The County does not have this type

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of equipment. At 11 a.m. the DO forwarded the probe request to DNR. DNR reported that their Geo Probe is under repair and may be fixed by 6/8/2012. 6/7/2012 Discussion from DNR concerning a Governor’s Disaster Proclamation for Johnson County. Actions for the landfill fire have been taken under the authorities of the DNR. There is no emergency condition warranting a Governor’s Proclamation. DNR reported they are looking into using a hazardous material remedial funds program to pay for the use of the Geo Probe and staff.

Disaster Recovery

HSEMD oversees recovery efforts following a disaster, including working with federal

agencies to obtain and deliver assistance made available with a Presidential Disaster Declaration. HSEMD oversees and is involved in recovery projects from beginning to end—from notification of eligible applicants to completing final paperwork and satisfying state and federal requirements once the project is complete.

At the close of SFY 2012, HSEMD’s Recovery Bureau was overseeing the delivery of funding through the Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation programs for 14 disasters dating back to 2007. Every county in Iowa has been declared under at least one Presidential Disaster Declaration since 2007, with many counties being declared multiple times. It is anticipated nearly $2 billion in federal disaster recovery funding for these disasters will be delivered to the state. Projects for these open disasters that fall under the federal Public Assistance Program include repair to public buildings and utilities, debris removal, emergency protective measures such as sandbagging and search and rescue, repair to roads and bridges and water control facilities, and rebuilding parks and recreation areas. Hazard Mitigation Program projects for these open disasters, designed to reduce or eliminate disaster-caused damage or loss, include property acquisitions, infrastructure projects and tornado safe room construction. It is estimated it will take five to seven years to complete all work associated with these 14 open disasters. Programs and Initiatives

In Iowa, we know we must be prepared to respond to many hazards, including tornadoes, floods, hazardous materials spills, or intentional attacks on our food supply or critical assets. To be prepared for any type of emergency or disaster, HSEMD takes an all-hazards approach to ensure Iowa has the capability to coordinate an effective response no matter the type of disaster.

Following are some examples that illustrate how HSEMD is working to make Iowa and Iowans more secure and better prepared for all hazards. Information on additional projects and initiatives is available at

Emergency Management Accreditation In October 2010, Iowa became one of only 24 states to receive full accreditation for its

preparedness and response programs by the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP). EMAP accreditation demonstrates that an emergency management program meets 63 national standards, including standards in the areas of prevention, planning, mutual aid, training, exercises and crisis communications. EMAP accreditation demonstrates the strength and vitality of

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Iowa’s emergency management system, showing the ability and commitment to bring together resources from partner agencies and entities to mitigate from, prepare for, respond to and recover from any emergency or disaster. HSEMD staff began the long and rigorous accreditation process in the spring of 2009 and during that time performed a self-assessment of Iowa’s emergency management system, underwent an on-site assessment by an independent, trained team of assessors, and a review by the EMAP Program Review Committee. EMAP is a voluntary accreditation process and is valid for five years, at which time Iowa may apply for reaccreditation. Currently, only 40 other state and local government agencies have met the standards necessary to become accredited.

Mutual Aid HSEMD works with other states to provide resources through the national Emergency

Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). Since Iowa became a member of EMAC in 1997 it has deployed many state teams comprised of equipment and personnel from local and state governments. HSEMD’s Readiness and Response Bureau chief will assume the role of chair of EMAC’s Executive Task Force in March 2013 and will provide overall coordination during catastrophic disaster events where the EMAC system is used to ensure requested resources get to where they are needed.

HSEMD was instrumental in the implementation of the Iowa Mutual Aid Compact, an

intrastate mutual aid agreement that provides the mechanism for political subdivisions and emergency management commissions to share resources with one another during a disaster that has been declared either by the local jurisdiction or the governor. IMAC increases each member’s level of emergency preparedness, allowing them to work as a team when disasters are beyond local capabilities.

Volunteer Coordination and Support Volunteers play a crucial role in disaster response, supplementing the efforts of emergency

responders who provide immediate relief and care to individuals and communities following a disaster.

The Iowa Disaster Human Resource Council (IDHRC) encourages organization and identification of volunteers before a disaster occurs. Once identified, these volunteers are able to provide needed assistance in response and recovery efforts. The IDHRC is comprised of faith-based and voluntary agency representatives from throughout the state as well as representatives from key government agencies. HSEMD developed the council at the request of local emergency management coordinators to identify and address the unmet needs of Iowa’s citizens impacted by disaster events. In addition, group members assist with the coordination of volunteers and donations during activation of the State Emergency Operations Center as requested, and continue to promote cooperation among all volunteer and faith-based organizations. The IDHRC encourages the formation of similar groups at the local level, and serves as the state point of contact with National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) and also serves as the state’s Citizen Corps Council.

HSEMD administers the federal Citizen Corps grant program that provides funding for

communities that want to identify and train disaster volunteers. Citizen Corps program activities vary from county to county, but include providing trained volunteers to work as call center

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operators, volunteer radio operators, EOC support, shelter support and weather spotters. Currently, 60 of Iowa’s counties participate in Citizen Corps programs that provide funding for programs such as Volunteers in Police Service, Community Organizations Active in Disaster, Fire Corps, Medical Reserve Corps and Community Emergency Response Teams.

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program trains people in neighborhoods, the workplace, and schools in basic disaster response skills such as basic fire suppression, light search and rescue, basic triage, and first aid. CERT members become an important part of a community’s emergency response team in the aftermath of a major disaster, when emergency services may not be immediately available to every neighborhood. There are 40 CERTs throughout Iowa ready to assist local first responders.

Radiological Emergency Preparedness Four nuclear power plants operate in or on the borders of Iowa. Iowa’s only nuclear power

station is the NextEra Energy-Duane Arnold Energy Center at Palo. Bordering nuclear plants are the Quad Cities Nuclear Station near Cordova, Ill., the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Station near Fort Calhoun, Neb., and the Cooper Nuclear Station near Brownsville, Neb. Regulatory guidance from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), directs state and local authorities to develop, implement and maintain plans and procedures to preclude the exposure of the public to harmful radionuclides. HSEMD’s Radiological Emergency Preparedness program ensures that emergency preparedness, planning and exercise activities associated with the nuclear power facilities in or around Iowa meet or exceed standards and regulations set by the federal government for the protection of the citizens of the state. Nuclear power plants are required by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to support local and state preparedness activity and are required to hold full-scale exercises that involve state agencies every other year. In SFY 2012, HSEMD participated in full-scale exercises for two of the nuclear power plants in or on the border of Iowa.

Exercise, Training and Planning

Exercise, training and planning are the foundation of Iowa’s emergency preparedness efforts. HSEMD conducts, participates in and/or supports many exercises each year. Division staff participates in a wide variety of radiological, natural hazard, and terrorism exercises involving local, state, and federal response to emergencies. The Division helps coordinate the State agency Exercise Group (SEG). The SEG members represent a variety of state agencies and federal partners that have active involvement in emergency exercises. The SEG meets monthly to discuss upcoming exercises and provides a forum to build collaboration and prevent duplication of effort. The SEG has had significant success in combining multiple exercise requirements into common exercises that involve multiple agencies.

The Division also provides technical assistance to county emergency management agencies and homeland security regions, as well as other partners in the non-profit and private sectors. HSEMD staff works with county and regional representatives to provide guidance and assistance during exercise development, conduct and evaluation.

HSEMD is responsible for the implementation of the Iowa Comprehensive Exercise Program. Preparedness Bureau staff develops and conducts exercises and provides technical exercise

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and evaluation assistance to state agencies and local jurisdictions. In SFY 2012, 333 homeland security and emergency management exercises were conducted by the State and local entities. More than 4,000 participants were involved in these exercises that covered a variety of topics including response to natural and human-caused disasters.

Training is another important component of HSEMD’s preparedness efforts. The Division has worked with its many partners in the delivery of courses to thousands of responders at all levels of government and throughout the state. Courses in SFY 2012 covered a variety of relevant topics, including management of donations and volunteers, hazardous materials response, and emergency planning for children during disasters, which prepared responders to deal with a wide array of hazards.

The third component of disaster preparedness is planning. HSEMD is required by state law to prepare a comprehensive plan for homeland security, disaster response, recovery, mitigation, and emergency resource management for the state. The Iowa Comprehensive Emergency Plan is comprised of four separate plans for emergency response, hazard mitigation, disaster recovery, and critical asset protection. HSEMD continuously updates these plans to ensure they remain timely and relevant to the hazards faced by Iowans. The Division also works with county emergency management officials, who are required to develop local emergency plans. Annually, HSEMD planners review more than 400 plans.

Iowa’s Standard Hazard Mitigation Plan has been approved by the Federal Emergency

Management Agency. Approval of the plan ensures the State of Iowa’s eligibility to apply for federal disaster assistance and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program dollars. States must submit their standard hazard mitigation plans for approval every three years. Iowa’s plan is an inter-agency plan that integrates local and state planning efforts through the State Hazard Mitigation Team. The plan includes a statewide hazard analysis and a risk assessment of all natural and human-made hazards that may affect the state. This information is used to develop statewide hazard mitigation goals, objectives, and measures implemented through state and local jurisdictions to address priority hazards.

Iowa also has an approved Enhanced State Hazard Mitigation Plan. Having an Enhanced

Plan qualifies Iowa to receive increased Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds of 20 percent of the total estimated eligible Stafford Act disaster assistance in a federally-declared event. Without an Enhanced Plan, Iowa would qualify to receive only 15 percent of the total estimated disaster assistance.

Enhancing Statewide Capabilities

HSEMD continues to work with government and private-sector partners to enhance

response capabilities that may be used for the benefit of all Iowans. This strategy serves to strengthen the state’s regional response and recovery operations by enhancing existing capabilities, purchasing required personal protective equipment and providing for specialized training. These capabilities are augmented with federal homeland security grants.

Urban Search and Rescue Team. The investment in Iowa’s Urban Search and Rescue Team (IA-TF-1) is ongoing and supported by the Sioux City and Cedar Rapids fire departments. Both have entered into agreements with the State of Iowa to improve urban search and rescue

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capabilities. The USAR Team has been equipped and trained to provide technical rescue response in the areas of structural collapse, confined space, and rope rescue. The team is currently typed as a FEMA Type II Urban Search and Rescue Task Force and also supports the multi-agency planning, training and exercise program for all hazards response. In April 2011, the USAR Team responded to the tornado in Mapleton and in May assisted with the rescue of a man trapped at Maquoketa Caves State Park. Recently, a swift water rescue capability was added to the USAR Team.

Incident Management Team. Iowa’s Incident Management Team (IA-IMT) provides support to local officials who become overwhelmed during a long-lasting disaster event. The team serves in a support function to fill in for fatigued personnel and to provide technical assistance. During the response to flooding along the Missouri River in 2011, the IMT was deployed to Council Bluffs to provide incident support and technical advice to local officials.

Bomb Squad Task Force. Iowa’s Bomb Squad Task Force Program provides statewide coverage for detection, response, assessment and render-safe operations involving increasingly sophisticated improvised explosive devices and those containing chemical, biological or radioactive materials. The strength of Iowa’s Bomb Squad Task Force Program is based in the fact it was established using the foundations of pre-existing bomb squads. Statewide coverage is provided by eight federally-accredited bomb squads, staffed with federally certified bomb technicians and explosive detection canine teams. The eight teams are in Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Marion, the Quad Cities, Waterloo, Johnson and Pottawattamie counties, and the Iowa State Fire Marshal’s Office.

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team Task Force. The State has built a Special

Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team Task Force to provide statewide coverage through the use of eight tactical teams capable of handling high-risk situations which require special weapons or extraordinary special operations. Iowa now has statewide coverage for these types of incidents with four local and two state tactical teams. The local teams are the Cedar Rapids Police Department, Metro Star (combined Des Moines Police and Polk County Sheriff), North Central Iowa Narcotics Task Force (Mason City area law enforcement agencies), and Woodbury County Sheriff’s Office. The Iowa State Patrol has provided two teams.

WMD Hazmat Response and Decontamination. To address the need for a timely response to incidents involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD) which includes chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive (CBRNE) agents, the state provided funding support for a WMD Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) Response and Decontamination Team.

The strength of Iowa’s WMD Hazmat Response and Decontamination Team is that it was

established by building upon the foundations of fire departments possessing a significant base capability. Statewide coverage is provided by seven distinct metro fire departments. The seven communities that make up the WMD Hazmat Team are Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque, Sioux City and Waterloo. Currently, each of the seven cities have entered into agreement with the State of Iowa to deploy personnel outside its home jurisdiction for terrorism and/or WMD incidents when formally requested by the governor or the administrator of Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division.

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Homeland Security Initiatives HSEMD staff work with partners at all levels of government and with the private sector to

increase our state’s security and to develop and implement strategies to protect Iowans from all disasters, whether natural or human-caused.

Many of HSEMD’s homeland security programs reside in the Threat Information and Infrastructure Protection Program (TIIPP). HSEMD formed the TIIPP in 2006 after the federal government placed new emphasis on infrastructure protection as one of the core focus areas of homeland security. Since that time, the TIIPP has been the division’s interface with the public and private sectors for sector protection planning, asset protection planning and information sharing.

As the federal government did in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, Iowa has

identified 17 sectors that are critical to our state. Sector specific planning is a continuous process to identify assets within those sectors, mitigate risk and prioritize and implement protective action programs. HSEMD has brought together sector working groups comprised of public and private industry professionals and worked with them to write sector-specific plans. HSEMD and the sector work groups have to date developed plans for the Banking and Finance, Information Technology and Communication sectors.

After the terrorist attacks of 9-11, when homeland security was in its infancy, a broad effort

was undertaken at the federal level to identify not only critical sectors, but critical assets within those sectors. As part of this effort, the State of Iowa began developing a list of critical assets in October 2001 to be used as a tool to pre-identify assets that may need to take additional protective actions given specific threat information. This original list contained 1,100 assets, the bulk of which were privately owned. Iowa’s critical asset list has been updated over the years and now contains approximately 1,400 assets. HSEMD, in conjunction with Iowa’s Intelligence Fusion Center and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is working to identify the 100 most critical assets on that list and will work with each one to ensure there is awareness of potential threats and vulnerabilities, and that plans are in place to mitigate impacts. HSEMD and partners in this project hope to have the top 100 assets identified and on-site assessments completed by the end of March 2013. Once work on the initial 100 is completed, the process will be repeated with additional assets.

In addition to helping the critical asset holders be better prepared to respond to and mitigate

threats, the relationships that have been established and the information that has been shared help the State to provide better and more timely incident response, should that become necessary. A good example is the 2011 flooding along the Missouri River. Even though this was a natural disaster, the connections that had already been established with holders of critical assets were important in the State’s disaster response. HSEMD was able to identify critical facilities—water and power plants and communications services—that were in danger of being inundated by the flood waters and worked with them to take the necessary protective actions resulting in a win-win situation.

The ability to form relationships and share mutually-beneficial information is an important

aspect of HSEMD’s homeland security program. Another important function of the TIIPP is developing and implementing information-sharing systems with the public and private infrastructure sectors and the asset holders and workers within the sectors. To that end, the TIIPP has worked with organizations such as the Safeguard Iowa Partnership, the Law Enforcement Information

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Network, the Iowa Fusion System and Infragard to find out what systems they have in place, and how we can tie into them.

The Homeland Security Information Network, or HSIN, is another information-sharing

system that the TIIPP is utilizing. The HSIN is coordinated by the federal government to provide a platform for information sharing. The TIIPP has worked with our federal partners to develop a new HSIN-Iowa site from the ground up. The HSIN-Iowa portal is a one-stop shop for all users to access relevant information based on their sector needs. The TIIPP also compiles and distributes a weekly report highlighting sector-specific activities and issues and distributes the report to a variety of disciplines.

Another information-sharing initiative HSEMD is involved in is the State of Iowa Fusion

Center. Intelligence information sharing became a priority following the terrorist attacks of 2001, and since then there has been a nationwide effort to encourage and improve the sharing of information at all levels of government. Iowa’s intelligence fusion center is housed within the Iowa Department of Public Safety’s Division of Intelligence. Because the Fusion Center is a clearing-house for information from law enforcement as well as non-traditional sources in the public and private sector, the staff of HSEMD’s TIIPP is located within it. The integration of homeland security into the Fusion Center over the past few years has enhanced our state’s capability to provide real-time threat information, and act as a conduit to public sector entities, such as other state agencies, and also to the private sector, including the holders of our state’s critical assets. As the majority of critical assets in Iowa are privately held, the inclusion of the private sector as a partner in this effort has been especially important.

HSEMD homeland security staff worked to enhance collaboration with surrounding states

in SFY 2012 through participation in training and exercises designed to evaluate and improve cross-border collaboration. HSEMD also worked with public safety and education organizations in an effort to improve school safety. The result was a school safety planning guide that serves as a template for school emergency planning. The guide was distributed to schools, colleges and eight other states.

Agriculture Security

Iowa has long been known as a leader in agriculture. An attack on any component of our food supply system could have devastating economic impacts to Iowa and the nation.

The HSEMD food/agriculture staff is uniquely positioned to assist various state agencies that support complex food/agriculture incidents. The staff provides technical assistance, training, communications and other support necessary to maintain capabilities. The food/agriculture staff is the link that ensures consistency of planning and execution should the state face a high-consequence disaster in this sector. HSEMD staff represents Iowa as the lead state in the Multi-State Partnership for Security in Agriculture, a 14-state consortium which recognizes that a disaster in agriculture, both natural and human-caused, could have regional, national and global effects. Partnership efforts include development of agricultural emergency planning templates, business continuity strategies, development of agriculture-specific risk communication strategies and materials, and state-to-state networking to ensure efficient and effective responses to any agricultural emergency. The successful collaborations and projects that benefit Iowa are a direct result of Iowa’s outreach and participation in regional and national sector activities.

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E-911 During SFY 2011, the E-911 team started a multiple-year conversion of the state’s existing

wireless 911 network to an IP-based Next Generation 911 network. The Next Generation network will enable public safety agencies to receive information about emergencies from citizens who are using text messaging, video or photos. This is a $2.6 million project, with half of the funding coming from a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the other half from the state’s wireless funds. Installation of the IP-based network was completed in SFY 2012 and when wireless carriers offer compatible technology, the services will become available to citizens.

Educating Iowans An important component of emergency preparedness is making certain citizens are ready to

take care of themselves during emergencies. HSEMD’s Be Ready Iowa! initiative focuses on providing tools to Iowans so they may be more prepared to protect and care for themselves and their families during disasters and emergencies. A website,, provides information on Iowa’s hazards and how to prepare for them.

HSEMD promotes emergency preparedness during several public awareness campaigns each

year. Family Preparedness Month, held in September, is an opportunity to encourage citizens to learn how they can be more prepared for any type of emergency or disaster. Each spring, HSEMD, along with the National Weather Service, participates in Severe Weather Awareness Week activities to promote understanding of, and preparation for, Iowa’s severe weather. The Division also partners with the National Weather Service to promote Winter Weather Awareness Day each fall. In SFY 2012, HSEMD partnered with the Iowa Insurance Division, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and other agencies to promote Flood Awareness Month in March, encouraging Iowans to take preparedness measures for one of the state’s most frequent hazards. In April 2012, HSEMD and the Iowa E-911 Communications Council promoted the importance of 9-1-1 as part of Iowa’s 9-1-1 Education Month. For the first time in 2012, HSEMD promoted hazardous materials awareness, along with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, during Hazardous Materials Awareness Week in January. Other HSEMD public education efforts include development of educational materials, websites that provide an overview of the state’s homeland security and emergency management activities and citizen preparedness, and a newsletter that highlights the Division’s efforts and activities. Funding Funding for HSEMD comes from state appropriations, the Executive Council, federal disaster and non-disaster funds, and the private sector. In SFY 2012, HSEMD had revenues totaling $262,328,826. Of this, $1,849,970 was from state appropriations, $224,059,568 was from federal grants, $17,298,581 from the Executive Council and $19,120,707 was from other sources. State appropriations accounted for .70 percent of revenues, while 85.41 percent came from federal disaster and non-disaster grants, 6.59 percent from the Executive Council for the state share of disaster assistance costs, and 7.29 percent from other sources, such as nuclear power plants.

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HSEMD passed through $238,442,045, or 90.89 percent, of federal, private and state funding to fund local emergency management and recovery activities. This funding was used for a wide range of projects, including: • Facilitating and conducting exercises; • First responder training; • State and local response, recovery and hazard mitigation planning; • Management of grants passed through to local governments for personnel, planning, exercise and training costs; • Coordination of the state’s critical asset protection planning and infrastructure protection efforts; • Information and intelligence sharing with public and private partners; • Public outreach to promote individual and family preparedness; • Staffing and readiness of the State Emergency Operations Center; • Responding to disasters; • Recovering from disasters; • Oversight of the Radiological Emergency Preparedness program to ensure state and local governments are able to effectively respond to radiological incidents at four nuclear power plants in and adjacent to Iowa; • Oversight of the state E-911 program. For more information on the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division, please contact HSEMD at (515) 725-3231 or visit

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1851-1855 Daniel S. Lee, Lee County, appointed April 3, 1851 1855-1857 George W. McCleary, Louisa County, appointed May 16, 1855 1857-1858 Elijah Sells, Muscatine County, appointed January 15, 1857 1858-1861 Jesse Bowen, Johnson County, appointed January 18, 1858 1861-1876 Nathaniel B. Baker, Clinton County, appointed July 25, 1861 (served until September 13, 1876, date of his death) 1876-1878 John H. Looby, Clarke County, appointed October 1, 1876 1878-1887 Noble Warwich, Lee County, appointed September 1, 1878 1887-1889 William L. Alexander, Lucas County, appointed September 1, 1887 1889-1890 Bryon A. Beason, Marshall County, appointed October 9, 1889 1890-1894 George Greene, Linn County, appointed May 1, 1890 1894-1896 John R. Prime, Polk County, appointed February 1, 1894 1896-1899 Henry H. Wright, Appanoose County, appointed February 1, 1896 1899-1905 Melvin H. Byers, Mills County, appointed February 1, 1899 1905-1909 William H. Thrift, Dubuque County, appointed February 1, 1905 1909-1918 Guy E. Logan, Montgomery County, appointed February 1, 1909 (resigned July 1, 1918, to accept commission in United States Army during World War I) 1918-1927 Louis C. Lasher, Scott County, appointed September 1, 1918 (Federally recognized as Brigadier General, AGD, January 1, 1922) 1927-1932 Winfred H. Bailey, O'Brien County, appointed July 4, 1927 (Federally recognized as Brigadier General, AGD, July 7, 1927; resigned January 15, 1932) 1932-1950 Charles H. Grahl, Polk County, appointed January 16, 1932 (Federally recognized as Brigadier General, AGD, July 7, 1927; resigned to accept Active Federal Service, September 18, 1950) 1950-1961 Fred C. Tandy, Polk County, appointed September 19, 1950 (Federally recognized as Major General, ANG, January 24, 1955) 1961-1969 Junior F. Miller, Polk County, appointed December 16, 1961 (Federally recognized as Major General, AGD, February 20, 1962) 1969-1978 Joseph G. May, Polk County, appointed September 1, 1969 (Federally recognized as Major General, AGD, December 11, 1969) 1978-1979 Junior H. Burkhead, Boone County, appointed January 4, 1978 (Brigadier General - Iowa; federally recognized as Colonel, AGD, August 16, 1974) 1979-1985 Roger W. Gilbert, Polk County, appointed March 23, 1979 (Federally recognized as Major General, ANG, August 3, 1979) 1985-1999 Warren G. Lawson, Polk County, appointed May 1, 1985 (Federally recognized as Major General, ARNG, July 16, 1985) 1999-2009 Ron Dardis, Woodbury County, appointed June 20, 1999 (Federally recognized as Major General, ANG, March 30, 2000)

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2009-Present Timothy E. Orr, Boone County, appointed March 26, 2009 (Federally recognized as a Major General, ARNG, December 22, 2010)

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In many of the administrations of Adjutant Generals, there was no title "Assistant Adjutant General, "but the next ranking man on staff probably carried out the duties of the Assistant Adjutant General. In those cases, we have inserted the name and title of the second ranking man. 1861 Colonel John C. Culbertson 1862 Colonel Philo E. Hall 1863 Colonel John C. Culbertson 1864 Colonel F.H. Impey 1865 Colonel Edward E. Bassett 1866-1876 No staff position of any kind; the Adjutant General carried out the duties of all members of the staff 1877 Colonel Albert W. Swalm, Assistant Inspector General 1878-1879 Brigadier General A.R. Dewey, Inspector General 1880-1881 W. H. Thrift, Inspector General 1881-1883 Brigadier General Horace G. Wolf, Inspector General 1886-1889 Brigadier General R.S. Benson, Inspector General 1889-1890 Brigadier General Henry H. Rood, Inspector General 1890-1892 Brigadier General E.E. Hasner, Inspector General 1883 Lieutenant Colonel M.W. McIvor, Assistant Adjutant General 1884-1899 Brigadier General (later Colonel) James Rush Lincoln, Inspector General 1900-1902 Colonel Henry H. Rood, Quartermaster General 1902-1905 Colonel John C. Loper, Quartermaster General 1905-1909 Colonel Guy E. Logan, Assistant Adjutant General 1909-1922 Major Edwin E. Lucas, Assistant Adjutant General 1923-1928 Lieutenant Colonel Knud Boberg, Assistant Adjutant General 1929-1932 Colonel Charles H. Grahl, Assistant Adjutant General 1933-1948 Colonel Ralph A. Lancaster, Assistant Adjutant General 1949-1950 Colonel Fred C. Tandy, Assistant Adjutant General 1951-1964 Colonel Donald B. Johnson, Assistant Adjutant General 1965-1968 Brigadier General Joseph G. May, Assistant Adjutant General 1969-1978 Brigadier General Ronald R. Woodin, Deputy Adjutant General 1978-1978 Colonel Frederick C. Oelrich, Deputy Adjutant General 1979-1985 Brigadier General Warren G. Lawson, Deputy Adjutant General 1985-1989 Brigadier General Neal R. Christensen, Deputy Adjutant General 1989-1995 Brigadier General Harold M. Thompson, Deputy Adjutant General 1995-1998 Brigadier General Roger C. Schultz, Deputy Adjutant General 1998-1998 Brigadier General John A. Tymeson, Acting Deputy Adjutant General 1998-1999 Brigadier General Ron Dardis, Deputy Adjutant General 1999-2001 Brigadier General John A. Tymeson, Deputy Adjutant General, Army 2000-2004 Brigadier General Joseph E. Lucas, Deputy Adjutant General, Air 2001-2009 Brigadier General Mark E. Zirkelbach, Deputy Adjutant General, Army 2004-2008 Brigadier General Douglas M. Pierce, Deputy Adjutant General, Air 2008-2011 Brigadier General Gregory J. Schwab, Deputy Adjutant General, Air

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2011-Present Brigadier General J. Derek Hill, Deputy Adjutant General, Air

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Armories and Readiness Centers

Algona 1511 North POW Camp Road 515/295-3710 Audubon 601 Southside Avenue 712/563-2731 Boone 700 Snedden Drive 515/727-2806 Middletown 16815 US Hwy 34 319/754-8605 Carroll 1712 LeClark Road 712/792-1545 Cedar Rapids 1500 Wright Brothers Boulevard SW 319/363-4511 Centerville 22800 Dewey Road 641/856-2346 Charles City 2003 Clark Street 641/228-4551 Clinton 1200 13th Avenue North 563/242-9135 Corning 1925 210th Street 515/322-4410 Council Bluffs 2415 East Kanesville Boulevard 712/322-1168 Davenport 3615 Brady Street 563/391-6441 Denison 12 North 35th Street 712/263-2240 Des Moines Building 101, 3100 McKinley Avenue 515-334-2804 Dubuque 5001 Old Highway Road 563/588-9603 Eagle Grove 216 South Park Street 515/448-3596 Estherville 4035 18th Street 712/362-3225 Fairfield 1501 West Stone Avenue 641/472-6101 Fort Dodge 1659 Nelson Avenue 515/573-3761 Iowa City 4540 Melrose Avenue 319-337-9567 Iowa Falls 217 Georgetown Road 641/648-2631 Johnston (Camp Dodge) 7105 Northwest 70th Avenue 515/252-4211 Keokuk 170 Boulevard Road 319/524-1325 Knoxville 1015 North Lincoln 641/828-8988 LeMars 1050 Lincoln Street NE 712/546-4908 Marshalltown 9th & Summit 641/753-9421 Mason City 1160 19th Street SW 641/423-9311 Mount Pleasant 1000 South Walnut 319/986-5842 Muscatine 5901 Hiway 61 South. 563/263-2611 Oelwein 201 10th Street SE 319/283-3088 Oskaloosa 2260 Highway 63 641/673-4417 Ottumwa 2858 North Court Road 641/682-3347 Perry 2930 Willis Avenue 515/465-4153 Red Oak 2001 G Avenue 712/623-2344 Sheldon 920 Western Avenue 712/324-2494 Shenandoah 601 West Ferguson Road 712/246-1913 Sioux City 3200 2nd Mech Drive 712/252-4348 Spencer 11 East 23rd Street 712/262-3904 Storm Lake 1601 Park Street 712/732-4431 Washington 501 Highway 1 South 319/653-2271

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Waterloo 3106 Airport Boulevard 319/234-9968

Army Aviation Support Facilities (AASF)


700 Snedden Drive Boone, Iowa 50036-5411


AASF 2 2245 West Big Rock Road

Waterloo, Iowa 50703-9645 319-233-0901


9650 Harrison Street Davenport, Iowa 52806-7338


34th Operational Support Aviation Command (OSACOM) Ankeny Airport

Ankeny, Iowa 50021 515-965-3312

Army Field Maintenance

Field Maintenance Camp Dodge (FMCD) 7105 Northwest 70th Avenue Johnston, Iowa 50131-1824


Field Maintenance Shop (FMS) 2 3106 Airport Boulevard

Waterloo, Iowa 50703-9632 319-232-5062


3200 Remington Road Sioux City, Iowa 51110-1348


FMS 4 2415 East Kanesville Boulevard Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503-1001


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FMS 5 1160 19th Street Southwest

Mason City, Iowa 50401-6404 641-424-4518


Route 1, Parkwest Road Red Oak, Iowa 51566-9612


FMS 10 700 Snedden Drive Boone, Iowa 50036


FMS 11 1659 Nelson Avenue

Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501-8517 515-955-6452

FMS 12

505 West Carpenter Street Fairfield, Iowa 52556-2208


FMS 13 1500 Wright Brothers Boulevard SW

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-9002 319-363-4650

FMS 15

16815 US Hiway 34 Middletown, Iowa


Unit Training Equipment Site (UTES) 7105 Northwest 70th Avenue Johnston, Iowa 50131-1824

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Air Guard Facilities Headquarters Iowa Air National Guard 7105 Northwest 70th Avenue Johnston, Iowa 50131-1824 515/252-4296 132nd Fighter Wing Des Moines International Airport 3100 McKinley Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50321-2799 515/261-8206 185th Fighter Wing 2920 Headquarters Avenue Sioux City, Iowa 51111-1300 712/233-0501 133rd Test Squadron Fort Dodge Municipal Airport 1649 Nelson Avenue Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501-9613 515/574-3241

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Organization of the Iowa Department of Public Defense

(As of June 30, 2012) The Iowa Department of Public Defense includes the Iowa National Guard Military Division and the Emergency Management Division. The Adjutant General serves as both the director of the department and as the head of the National Guard.