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Medical research has come a long way since sequencing of the human genome and we now have a deep understanding of genetics and why faults in certain genes can cause specific diseases.

But, not all diseases are due to simple gene faults and epigenetics can help explain why.

Epigenetics is the master controller of the organisation of our genome, governing context-dependent packaging of our DNA and gene activity. This occurs by chemical modifications to the DNA and to the proteins around which it is packed.

These epigenetic modifications not only guide normal growth and development but also influence and reflect how our genes interract with the environment, often with long-term effects on our health and wellbeing.

Epigenetic controls can also malfunction and these underpin many complex diseases including neurological diseases, cancer and diabetes. Moreover, changes to a person’s epigenetics can be passed on to future generations which means a mother’s diet during pregnancy can influence her child’s chance of developing certain diseases later in life.

Epigenetics is also important in learning and memory, something we are only just beginning to understand.

How does epigenetics cause disease?

I’ve heard of genetics but what is epigenetics ?

How can diet during pregnancy influence disease later in life?

How are identical twins different?

What role does epigenetics play in diabetes, mental health and cancer?

Public Lecture

with international guest: Professor Peter Jones PhD DSc

Garvan Institute of Medical Research

6:00-7:30pm Tuesday 7 February 2012

Drinks and canapes will precede the presentation

Garvan Institute of Medical Research - 384 Victoria Street Darlinghurst -

RSVP: [email protected] or phone +61 2 9295 8110 by Wednesday 1 February 2012

Peter Jones’ Public Lecture is sponsored by the Australian Academy of Science, Rudi Lemberg Travel Fellowship

“How the exploding science of epigenetics will transform our understanding of health and disease and Australia’s participation in it”

Nature or Nurture: Epigenetics links your genes with the environment