Download - INUTE...MORTON. BLOOMINGTON. CHAMPAIGN APRIL 2019 CHANGE JEFF NEIHOUSER INUTE So how do you like “change”. Be honest. For most of us it depends on what is changing. Some things

Page 1: INUTE...MORTON. BLOOMINGTON. CHAMPAIGN APRIL 2019 CHANGE JEFF NEIHOUSER INUTE So how do you like “change”. Be honest. For most of us it depends on what is changing. Some things






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So how do you like “change”. Be honest. For most of us it depends on what is changing. Some things we have little to do about like our heath and aging. Those changes we learn to adapt to. Or maybe it is the change of seasons. We may have a preference and yet endure the changes that come and go. For many of us, we get into familiar patterns and when those get broken, we can have an attitude about adjusting to the effort to adjust to the “new normal”.

At our last all company meeting, there was quite a bit shared about what is coming such as the use of cameras and sensors and technology. Also about how we should be continuing to find ways to elevate our customer experience to be AMAZING at all touch points. This will require all of us to make changes to our current patterns and routines and find “new normal” for doing our roles in special and exciting ways.

So change happens and we are thankful for it, not always thankful while “in it”. But for some of us

older ones, think back to some of the changes we experienced…

• Remember what it was like to pick up a phone and wait for the dial tone? Or calling someone and getting a busy signal? And using a rotary phone to dial a number and messing up on the last one and having to start all over?

• What about taking a cross country trip and packing food in a cooler…no places to stop unless you found a small town drive in.

• Remember hand crank windows or the little “wedge” window that opened a little bit to let in some fresh air but kept the big window up?

• How about when fast food chains finally began to pop up in various places and then oh my…drive thru??

• Remember driving up to a filling station and hear the “DING….DING” of the bell as you alerted the attendant’s to come “fill it up” and they cleaned your windows,

checked the oil, and took your money while you just sat in the car.

• Then came self-serve and convenience stores.

• Remember going to your travel agent to plan out your trip…airline tickets, hotels, etc. Now it can all be done self service.

So many of us have experienced LOTS of change. And while it can be uncomfortable, it can also be very valuable and impactful.

Let’s all embrace the future by performing in amazing ways with what we do today and realize there might just be a “BETTER WAY COMING”!!

Hang on for exciting times ahead!!!

Page 2: INUTE...MORTON. BLOOMINGTON. CHAMPAIGN APRIL 2019 CHANGE JEFF NEIHOUSER INUTE So how do you like “change”. Be honest. For most of us it depends on what is changing. Some things

1 year - Brian Brown3 years - Nathan Koster5 years - John Reatherford11 years - Nick Schuck13 years - Carl Russell14 years - Susan Chadwick16 years - Peggie Schmidt

April Birthdays

March Anniversaries

1 - Kyle Nygren13 - Jim Gabbard17 - Nick Schuck20 - Lyndle Toland20 - Jeremy Richards20 - Austin Vogel23 - Amber Rippy24 - Brian White28 - Sean Sarver30 - Bill Chambers

Special Occasions in April!

Oh boy, he’s finally here. Miniature humans are so much fun, especially if they aren’t mine. Look at this little ray of “son” shine. Congratulations Sarah and Jesse Williams on the birth of your son, Elijah Scott!

Welcome, Little Williams

If you think your phone rings a lot, I welcome you to sit here for a day! Every now and then you’ll see a friendly face other than mine at this desk. Here’s our Outstanding Employee of 2018, Todd Sluder, admiring pictures of my dogs and probably stealing my gum.

4.23.201910:39 PM9 lbs 1 oz12.5” long

Secretary SluderOfficer ReeseA cop pulled me over last week. You can imagine my relief when Brandon Reese, our previous Warehouse Manager, walked up to my door. He said “papers”, so I said “scissors, I win” and drove off. Okay that didn’t happen. But I did see him in Mackinaw a few days ago talking to himself.. I overheard him say “you’re under a vest”. Then I realized he was talking to his belly button. He asked me if I had been drinking and told me to say the alphabet backwards. So I said, “the alphabet backwards”. But really, who can say the alphabet backwards in the first place!?

Welcome, Slightly Taller William

4.23.201910:39 PM9 lbs 1 oz12.5” long



Page 3: INUTE...MORTON. BLOOMINGTON. CHAMPAIGN APRIL 2019 CHANGE JEFF NEIHOUSER INUTE So how do you like “change”. Be honest. For most of us it depends on what is changing. Some things

Safety Corner May Topic: AED

What are AEDs?Automated External Defibrillator

Lightweight, portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart. The shock momentarily stuns the heart and stops all activity. It gives the heart the chance to resume beating effectively.

HOW TO1. Turn on the machine and wait for instructions.2. Follow the dictated steps to position the machine on the patient.3. The machine will analyze the heart rhythm.4. If an abnormal rhythm is detected, the AED will charge and instruct you to push the shock button.5. Wait for dictated instructions to continue chest compressions until it is time to re-analyze.6. These steps will repeat until medical professionals arrive.

• The average response time for first responders once 911 is called is 8 to 12 minutes. For each minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival is reduced approximately 10%.

• An AED will not shock someone who does not need to be shocked.

• Once on, never remove pads or turn it off, it will continue to cycle and recheck the victim every 2 minutes, taking you back to CPR each time.

What does it mean to be a certified IICRC company?The IICRC is the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, a non-profit organization for our industry. It has accredited over 60,000 Certified Technicians and over 6,000 Certified Firms worldwide.

Unmatched in technical excellence, the IICRC Standards are developed to provide the highest quality concepts, terminology, and procedures recognized in the cleaning and restoration industry.

Dan Beal: Being accredited by the IICRC establishes us as a reputable company in our industry and gives insurance companies/customers insight on our professional competence of the globally accepted industry standards. Angie and I both hold the IICRC Master Water Restorer license and allows us to be experts in that field to give comfort to our clients knowing that we will take care of them and their property.

Aaron Gallagher: It means the customers know we’re doing it right!

Page 4: INUTE...MORTON. BLOOMINGTON. CHAMPAIGN APRIL 2019 CHANGE JEFF NEIHOUSER INUTE So how do you like “change”. Be honest. For most of us it depends on what is changing. Some things

Our Master Restorer, Angie, was really board one day and knew something fun wood come along. Dan sent her a water emergency, let her borrow his Carrie Underwood CD and off she went, leafing her fellow Master Restorer behind.

I don’t want to get sappy here, but I’ll go out on a limb to say this hardwood restoration job is just phenomenal. I mean really, birch please.

I’m stumped at how she did this. Angie can seriously chop it like it’s hot - well you guys know, you saw her in the fashion show last week. She really spruced up the meeting!

Angie, you are tree-mendous. Knock on wood that we ever lose you, because you are so dang pine.

Wood you just look at this transformation?!

Get to Know

LINDSEY SMITHWhat are some small things that make your day better?A picture of my babies during their day or a message from my hubby or best friends; sunshine, a caffeinated beverage, a good song to jam to

What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?Going for a run/yoga/paddle board yoga on Saturday, then heading to the Coffee Hound with my fam & getting our iced coffees & avocado toast; walk to the farmers market after breakfast; then playing outside at home, grilling out & enjoying some wine!; church on Sun morning w/the fam & outside all day again - currently ending these Sundays watching Game of Thrones with the hubby after the babies are in bed.

Who are your favorite sports teams? Cardinals baseball & Duke & Illini basketball

If money weren’t an object, what would be your dream job? Owning my own bridal boutique or mobile flower shop!



Page 5: INUTE...MORTON. BLOOMINGTON. CHAMPAIGN APRIL 2019 CHANGE JEFF NEIHOUSER INUTE So how do you like “change”. Be honest. For most of us it depends on what is changing. Some things

Congratulations, 1st Quarter Winners!THE MENOLD WAY



WIll Hamm

Menold in CancunKevin Krippel and Amber Rippy both went to Cancun this month! Unfortunately, they were in separate resorts and not able to spend any quality Menold time together. Here are a couple photos they shared. We are thankful they came home just in time for the surge!

Amazon SmileThis is a gamechanger, people. Most all of us have all used Amazon when ordering products online. You may already know this, if not, I have a little secret for you. Next time you want to order online, go

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization

every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from over one million organizations to support.

There are endless national organizations such as Alzheimer’s Association, American Red Cross, The Nature Conservancy, Susan G Komen, ASPCA, etc. I’ve opted for a local organization, TAPS, in Pekin. AmazonSmile will show you how much you have generated and as you can see, they have donated $124,651,081 to charities since this program kicked off. Pretty awesome!

Page 6: INUTE...MORTON. BLOOMINGTON. CHAMPAIGN APRIL 2019 CHANGE JEFF NEIHOUSER INUTE So how do you like “change”. Be honest. For most of us it depends on what is changing. Some things

Autumn evening bonfire and potluck

with our families.

Menold golf outing on a Saturday

Spring cookouts during lunch time

Love my coworkers, but I’m ok with the

current amount of

Of the suggestions below, which would you most enjoy for a Menold activity?

Where should Tom Menold go next?

Dubai/Singapore Australia/New Zealand

Bali, Indonesia

Afrian Safari

Which Disney movie are you most excited for?

AladdinMay 24th

Toy Story 4 June 21st

The Lion King July 19th

Frozen 2 November 22nd

Star Wars Episode IX

December 20th

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Check social media

Brush my teeth

Let the dog out

Make coffee

Go back to sleep

0 6 5 9 11

3 5 8 3 12

9 7 7 8

7 12 0 12

April Survey! 31 Responses (weak)