Download - Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Page 1: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Introduction to XML

Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others




Integration & Integration & InteroperabilityInteroperability







Page 2: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Such Format, which Describes the Content of a Web Document Rather than the Way to Display it, is among the Basic Needs of the Intelligent Web Applications

Page 3: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &


XML is a text-based markup language that is fast becoming the standard for data interchange on the Web.

As HTML, XML uses tags. But unlike HTML, XML tags identify the data, rather than

specifying how to display it. Where an HTML tag says something like "display this data

in bold font" (<b>...</b>), an XML tag acts like a field name in your program. It puts a label on a piece of data that identifies it (for example: <message>...</message>).

Page 4: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

HTML vs. XML<h1> Bibliography </h1>

<p> <i> Foundations of DBs</i>, Abiteboul, Hull, Vianu

<br> Addison-Wesley, 1995

<p> <i> Logics for DBs and ISs </i>, Chomicki, Saake, eds.

<br> Kluwer, 1998


<book> <title> Foundations of DBs </title>

<author> Abiteboul </author>

<author> Hull </author>

<author> Vianu </author>

<publisher> Addison-Wesley </publisher>



<book> ... <editor> Chomicki </editor>... </book> ...


HTML tags: presentation,

generic document structure

XML tags: content,

"semantic", (DTD-) specific

Page 5: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

External Presentations from XML

<address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town></address>

XML Markup:

Xaver M. LindeWikingerufer 710555 Berlin

External Presentations:

XML stylesheets are,e.g., usable to generatedifferent presentations

Xaver M. LindeWikingerufer 710555 Berlin. . .

Page 6: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

<address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <place> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town> </place></address>

XML to XML Transformations

<address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town></address>

XML Markup 1:

XML Markup 2:XML stylesheets arealso usable to transformXML representations

Page 7: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

<address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>Wikingerufer 7</street> <town>10555 Berlin</town></address>

WHERE <address> <name>Xaver M. Linde</name> <street>$s</street> <town>$t</town> </address>CONSTRUCT <binding> <s>$s</s> <t>$t</t> </binding>

XML Queries

XML Markup:

XML Query (XML-QL):

XML queries canselect subelementsof XML elements



<binding> <s>Wikingerufer 7</s> <t>10555 Berlin</t> </binding>

Page 8: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

PART_OF and HAS_PART Example






Page 9: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &


<FLAT> kitchen </FLAT>

Page 10: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Role of an Object

to be place for making food in kitchen


kitchenflatto be place for making food in

Page 11: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &





Page 12: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Multi-Roles Object


University of Kharkov

to be Head of Department

to be a lecturer

to be Head of Research Lab.

to be Member of Council

to be Head of Exchange Programs

Page 13: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML (1)








Page 14: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML (2)



<ROLE 1> Member of Council </ROLE 1>

<ROLE 2> Head of Exchange Program </ROLE 2>

<ROLE 3> Head of Department </ROLE 3>

<ROLE 4> Head of Research Lab </ROLE 4>

<ROLE 5> Lecturer </ROLE 5>



Page 15: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML (3)






<ROLE type = “LECTURER”> Vagan </ROLE>


Page 16: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Multi-Contextual Role of Object

University of Jyvaskyla


University of Kharkov

to be Head of AI Departmentto be a lecturer

Page 17: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML (1)



Head of Department






Page 18: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML (2)


<ROLE place = “UNIVERSITY OF KHARKOV”> Head of Department </ROLE>



Page 19: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Multilevel Context Roles


Kharkov University

AI Department

Ukraine... citizen

... employer

... Head

Page 20: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &


<NAME> Ukraine </NAME>


<NAME> Kharkov University </NAME>


<NAME> AI Department </NAME>


<NAME> Vagan </NAME>





Not enough

Page 21: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &


XML SpecificationDocument Type DefinitionsCascading Style SheetsQuerying XML

Page 22: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML Specification

Page 23: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Elements, Attributes, and Values

XML uses the same building blocks as HTML, elements, attributes, and values

Elements contain attributesAttributes contain valuesValues contained in quotations (“ ”)

Page 24: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Simple XML Element (no attributes)


name of the element

opening tag closing tag

name of the element

content of the element

Page 25: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Simple XML Element



<position>professor</position>is equivalent to



is different with

Page 26: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML Element with Attribute

<position place = “university”>professor</position>

name ofthe element

opening tag closing tag

name ofthe element

content of the element

attribute ofthe element

value ofthe attribute

Page 27: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML Element with Two Attributes

<position place = “university” type = “teaching”>



Page 28: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML Element with Two Attributes

<position place = “university” type = “teaching”>








is similar but not equivalent to

Page 29: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Do Not Forget to Put Quotations

… place = “university”...

quotations are obligatory

around the value of an attribute

Page 30: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Nominal vs. Numerical Attributes

<price currency = “Euro”>



<constant value = “3.14”>

</constant >

Page 31: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Empty Element


name of the element

opening and closing tags are merged together


is equivalent to

Page 32: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Empty Element with Attribute

<picture location = “/images/blueball.gif”/>

<picture location = “/images/blueball.gif”></picture>

is equivalent to

Page 33: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Tags Must be Nested Correctly











Page 34: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Case Matters


Artificial Intelligence



Artificial Intelligence


is not the same as


Artificial Intelligence


Page 35: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

A Root Element is Required



Artificial Intelligence



Information Systems




Artificial Intelligence



Information Systems


Page 36: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Writing five special symbols

To write the five special symbols:Type &amp for ampersand (&)Type &lt for the less than sign (<)Type &gt for the greater than sign (>)Type &quot to create a double quote (“)Type &apos to create an apostrophe (‘)

Page 37: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Declaring the XML Version

At the very beginning of the document type: <?xml

Then type: version=“1.0”Type: ?>

<?xml version=“1.0” ?>

Page 38: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Declaring the XML VersionObligatory and Optional Attributes

<?xml version=“number”


[standalone=“yes|no”] ?>



Page 39: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Encoding Attribute

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“US-ASCII” ?>

Page 40: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Encoding Attribute ValuesUS-ASCIIUS-ASCII is a 7-bit encoding scheme that covers the English-language alphabet.

UTF-8UTF-8 is an 8-bit encoding scheme. Characters from the English-language alphabet are all encoded using an 8-bit bytes. Characters for other languages are encoding using 2, 3 or even 4 bytes. UTF-8 therefore produces compact documents for the English language, but very large documents for other languages.

UTF-16UTF-16 is a 16-bit encoding scheme. It is large enough to encode all the characters from all the alphabets in the world, with the exception of ideogram-based languages like Chinese. All characters in UTF-16 are encoded using 2 bytes. An English-language document that uses UTF-16 will be twice as large as the same document encoded using UTF-8. Documents written in other languages, however, will be far smaller using UTF-16.

Page 41: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Standalone Attribute

<?xml version=“1.0” standalone=“no” ?>

<?xml version=“1.0” standalone=“yes” ?>

An outside DTD is needed to correctly interpret the XML document

An outside DTD is not needed

DTD (Document Type Definition) is a file which describes the elements and attributes that may appear in the XML document and used to check its syntactical structure

The optional standalone attribute in XML declaration specifies whether a DTD is required to parse the document. The value must be “yes” or “no”.

Page 42: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Writing comments

To write comments:Type <!--Write the desired commentsType -->

<!-- This is a comment -->

Page 43: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &


Namespaces are a recent addition to the XML specification. The use of namespaces is not mandatory in XML, but it's often wise.

Namespaces were created to ensure uniqueness among XML elements.

Page 44: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

<CS_Faculty xmlns = ‘’>



element Value - namespace identifier (URL)Attribute - XML


area of validity of the namespace

Page 45: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Namespace Prefix

<stock xmlns:edi=''> <!-- the 'price' element's namespace is -->

< edi :price units='Euro'>32.18</edi:price> ... </ stock >

Namespace prefix

Page 46: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Document Type Definitions

Page 47: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Document type definitions

A DTD specifies how elements inside an XML document should relate to each other

It also provides grammar rules for the document and each of the elements

A document that fits to the XML specifications and rules outlined by its DTD is considered to be “valid”

(Not to be confused with a well-formed document, which adheres to XML syntax rules

Page 48: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Declaring DTD in XML Document

<!DOCTYPE CS_Faculty SYSTEM “faculty.dtd”>

keywordfile with DTDroot element

in XML file

Denotes that DTD resides in a separate local file

Page 49: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Declaring DTD in XML Document<?xml version=“1.0” standalone=“no” ?>

<!DOCTYPE CS_Faculty SYSTEM “faculty.dtd”>

<!-- Here begins the XML data -->

<CS_Faculty> <department> Artificial Intelligence </department> <department> Information Systems </department></CS_Faculty>

Page 50: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Declaring an internal DTD

At the top of the XML document, after the XML declaration, type:

<! DOCTYPE root[where root corresponds to the name of the root element in the document that the DTD will be applied to.

Type: ]> to complete the DTD.

Page 51: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Example code

<? XML version=“1.0” ?>

<!DOCTYPE CS_Faculty [


Leave room between [ and ] for document type definitions.

Page 52: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Declaring a personal external DTD

In the XML declaration at the top of the document, add standalone =“no”

Type <!DOCTYPE root (name of root element)

Type SYSTEM to indicate that the external DTD is a personal, non-standardized DTD

Type file.dtd, where “file.dtd” is the DTD file

Type > to complete the document type declaration

Page 53: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Writing a personal external DTDThus use declaration like:

Create a new text file faculty.dtd with a text editorDefine the rules for the DTD (document type

definitions for defining elements and attributes, and entities and notations)

Save the file as text only with the .dtd extension

<!DOCTYPE CS_Faculty SYSTEM “faculty.dtd”>

<?xml version=“1.0” standalone=“no” ?>

Page 54: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Naming an external DTDType:

+ if DTD is approved by a standards body

- if DTD is not a recognized standard


// Owner//DTD where owner identifies who wrote or maintains the DTD

Type a space followed by a label for the DTD, then //XX// where XX defines the language

Page 55: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Naming an external DTD (example)

- //Vagan Terziyan//DTD Faculties//EN//

Vagan Terziyan is the owner

Faculties is the DTD description

EN means the DTD is written in English

Page 56: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Declaring a public external DTDIn the XML declaration at the top of the document, add

standalone =“no”

Type <!DOCTYPE root (name of root element)

Type PUBLIC to indicate that the external DTD is a standardized set of rules

Type “DTD_name” where DTD_name is the official name of the DTD you are referencing

Type file.dtd, where “file.dtd” is the DTD file

Type > to complete the document type declaration

Page 57: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Example code

<?xml version =”1.0” standalone = “no”?>


“- //Vagan Terziyan//DTD Faculties//EN//”


Page 58: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining elements and attributes in a DTD

Type <!ELEMENT tagType name of the elementType EMPTY if no contentsSpecify contentsType (ANY) to allow any combination of

elements or text

TYPE > to complete the element declaration

Page 59: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining an element to contain only text

Type: <!ELEMENTType: name of the element

Next type: (#PCDATA)Finally type: >

<!ELEMENT faculty (#PCDATA)>

Page 60: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining an element to contain one child

Type: <!ELEMENTType: name of the element

Next type: (child of the element)Finally type: >

<!ELEMENT faculty (department)>

Page 61: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining an element to contain a sequence

Type: <!ELEMENTType: name of the element

Type: (child1, child2 ,…, childn of the element)Type: >

<!ELEMENT faculty

(deans_office, department)>

Page 62: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining choices

Type: <!ELEMENTType: name of the element

Type: (child1 | child2 | … | childn of the element)Type: >

<!ELEMENT faculty

(deans_office, (department | research_lab))>

Page 63: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining how many units

To define how many units

Type ? To indicate that the unit can appear at most once, if at all (zero or one)

Type + to indicate that the unit must appear at least once (one or more)

Or type * to indicate that the unit can appear as many times as necessary, or not at all (zero or more)

Page 64: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining how many units

<!ELEMENT faculty (deans_office, financial_office*, library?, (department+ | research_lab+))>

Page 65: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

About attributes

Attributes add information about an element

Information contained in attributes tends to be about the content of the page

Elements are perhaps better for information you want to display attributes for information about information

Page 66: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining simple attributesType <!ATTLISTType elementType attributeType CDATA

Or type (choice_1 | choice_2)Type DEFAULT

or type #REQUIRED or type #IMPLIED

Type >attribute must be explicitly provided

attribute is optional

Page 67: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Defining attributes example

<!ELEMENT slideshow (slide+)>

<!ATTLIST slideshow




language (English | German) # IMPLIED


<!ELEMENT slide (title, item*)>

Page 68: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Creating shortcuts for textPredefined Entities

In the DTD type <!ENTITYType abbreviationType “content”

Type >

Page 69: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Using shortcuts for text

In the XML document type: &Type: abbreviation

where abbreviation is the identifying name of your

entity (and matches the one used in the previous


Type: ;

Page 70: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Example<!ENTITY product "WonderWidget"><!ENTITY products "WonderWidgets">

<slideshow title="WonderWidget&product; Slide Show" ...<!-- TITLE SLIDE --> <slide type="all"> <title>Wake up to WonderWidgets&products;!</title> </slide><!-- OVERVIEW --> <slide type="all"> <title>Overview</title> <item>Why <em>WonderWidgets&products;</em> are great</item> <item/> <item>Who <em>buys</em> WonderWidgets&products;</item> </slide>

Page 71: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Cascading Style Sheets

Page 72: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &


CSS was made to format XML documents for presentation

External Style sheets global control of presentation

Page 73: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

The Anatomy of Style

A style is made up of a selector and one or more declarations

Declarations determine how the chosen elements will be displayed

A selector can be as simple as an element name

Declarations have a property and a value: color:red or font:bold 12pt Tekton

Page 74: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Creating an External Style SheetTo create a style sheet:Create a text documentType name of selector for elementsType { to begin the properties that

should be appliedDefine as many properties as desiredType } to mark the end of the rule

Page 75: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Sample CSS code

name {display:block; position:absolute}intro {display:block; border:medium

dotted red; padding:5; margin-top:5}picture {display:block}population {display:inline}latin_name {display:inline}more_info {display:inline}

Page 76: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Calling a Style Sheet for an XML Document

To create the processing instruction manually:At the top of the document, after the initial XML

declaration, type:

<?xml-stylesheet type=“text/css”Then type: href=“style.css”Finally, type: ?> to complete the processing


<?xml-stylesheet type=“text/css” href=“style.css” ?>

Page 77: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Setting the Text Color

To set the text color:Type color:Type colorname, where colorname is one of

16 predefined colorsOr type #rrggbb, or rgb (r,g,b) where each

can be a value from 0-255Or rgb (%r,%g,%b) where r, g, b, specify the

percentage of red, green, or blue.

Page 78: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Aligning Text

You can set up certain HTML tags to always be aligned to the right, left, center, or justified, as desired.

To align text:Type left to align text to the leftType right to align text to the rightType center to center the text in the middle of the

screenType justify to align the text on both the right and left

Page 79: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Underlining Text

To underline text:Type text-decoration:To underline text type underlineFor a line above the text, type overlineTo strike out text, type line-throughTo get rid of underlining, overlining.

Etc., type text-decoration:none

Page 80: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Querying XML

Page 81: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

A Query Language for XML: XML-QL

Designed in AT&T Labs (w. Alin Deutsch, Mary Fernandez, Daniela Florescu, Alon Levy)

Implementation on top of Strudel (Alin Deutsch, Mary Fernandez)


Page 82: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML-QL Example Data (bib.xml)

<bib> <book year=“1995> <title> An Introduction to DB Systems </title>

<author> <lastname> Date </lastname></author><publisher><name> Addison-Wesley</name> </publisher>

</book><book year=“1995>

<title> Foundations for OR Databases </title><author> <lastname> Date </lastname></author> <author> <lastname> Darwen </lastname></author> <publisher><name> Addison-Wesley</name> </publisher>


Page 83: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML-QL Example Data (bib.dtd)

<!ELEMENT book (author+, title, publisher)>

<!ATTLIST book year CDATA>

<!ELEMENT article (author+, title, year?, (shortversion|longversion))>

<!ATTLIST article type CDATA>

<!ELEMENT publisher (name, address)>

<!ELEMENT author (firstname?, lastname)>

Page 84: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Query ExampleFind all the names of the authors whose publisher is


WHERE <book>

<publisher><name> Addison-Wesley </name></publisher>

<title> $t </title>

<author> $a </author>

</book> IN "www.a.b.c/bib.xml"


Page 85: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Query Example (syntax)The use of </> instead of </XXX>:

WHERE <book>

<publisher><name> Addison-Wesley </></>

<title> $t </>

<author> $a </>

</> IN "www.a.b.c/bib.xml"


Page 86: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Result of the query:

The output is in XML form:

<lastname> Date </lastname>

<lastname> Darwen </lastname>

<lastname> Date </lastname>

Page 87: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML-QL: Pattern Matching and Selections

WHERE <book><publisher>Springer</publisher>

<author> $a </author>

<year> $y </year>

</book> IN "www.a.b.c/bib.xml”,

1991 <= $y AND $y <= 1994


Page 88: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML-QLConstruction of New XML Data

WHERE <book> <publisher> Springer </>

<title> $t </>

<author> $a </>

</> IN "www.a.b.c/bib.xml"

CONSTRUCT <result> <author> $a </>

<title> $t </>


Page 89: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Constructing new XML data: (result)


<author> <lastname> Date </lastname> </author>

<title> An Introduction to DB Systems </title>



<author> <lastname> Date </lastname> </author>

<title> Foundation for OR Databases</title>



<author> <lastname> Darwen </lastname> </author>

<title> Foundation for Object/Relational Databases: The Third Manifesto </title>


Page 90: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

XML-QL Semantics

Step 1: find all substitutionsStep 2: construct XML result

WHERE $X..$Y..$Z


Page 91: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &


XML is for structuring dataXML looks a bit like HTMLXML is text, but isn't meant to be readXML is a family of technologiesXML is modularXML is the basis for RDF and the Semantic WebXML is license-free, platform-independent and well-


Page 92: Introduction to XML Based on tutorials of B. Cormia, D. Suciu, H. Boley, S. Decker, M. Sintek, E. R. Harold and others Tools Web Services Integration &

Web References