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American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 4510 West 89th Street-Suite 110, Prairie Village, Kansas 66207.

Braunwald E, et al Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 11th Edition , New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1987, pp 1313-14.

Environmental Health Perspectives, National Institutes of Health: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Washington, DC: United States Printing Office.

Randolph, TG. Human Ecology and Susceptibility to the Chemical Environment Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1962.

Rea, W. Chemical Sensitivity Vol. I-IV Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers, 1992-1996.

Reeves, AL (ed). Toxicology: Principles and Practice, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1981.



iNTroDUCTioN To PHeNoliCs

Runny noses and persistent post-nasal drips are the result of the body’s response to a simple component of a food or pollen molecule – a phenolic.

Substance intolerances show up in many forms besides the common allergic rhinitis symptoms of swelling, itching, and run-amuck mucous. For instance, it is not uncommon for practitioners to have patients report that “chocolates give them headaches”, “tomatoes cause joint pain”, their “tongue swells up”, or they “develop blisters when they eat nuts”, and they get “severe diarrhea from oranges”. Other allergic reactions can include nausea, fatigue, depression, irritability, insomnia, trouble concentrating, muscle ache, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and a host of other unexplained and difficult-to-treat symptoms and disease complexes.

To this amazingly diverse list of afflictions, you can add autism, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, insomnia, enuresis, respiratory allergies, headaches, abdominal pains; and asthma in children, as well as in adults; migraine, colitis, hypertension, menstrual disorders, dermatological problems including eczema, and arrhythmias. Don’t confuse what we’re talking about with “cure-all.” What is given here is a very brief introduction to a discipline of diagnosis and treatment in which the practitioner and the patient will learn a lot more about biochemical reactions and their effects on human health than they ever thought they needed to know.

Which Are The real Allergens?

The laborious efforts of traditional allergists are well-taken and necessary to unravel the vexing problems of allergies. Their conventional beliefs are reflected in a statement made by Martin D. Chapman, Ph.D over the internet when he alleged that allergic reactions are caused by the production of IgE antibodies to inhaled foreign proteins. While there seems to be truth to this comment, it is worthwhile to consider the possibility that it might not be true of all allergic reactions.

It is time to rethink allergies. Maybe the more universal cause of allergies is a set of chemical compounds, more simple than proteins, called phenolics or aromatics. After all, one well known allergen is urushiol, a group of closely related oily materials which cause the violent allergic reactions to poison ivy or poison oak. Urushiol is definitely not protein; it is a phenolic.

Consider this: proteins are made up of amino acids and three important amino acids, namely, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, contain aromatic components. Most proteins contain one or more of these three amino acids. Biochemical metabolites of these types of amino acids result in such pharmacologically active chemicals as histamine, serotonin, tryptamine, tyramine, and dopamine, to name a few. Unfortunately, many researchers holding to the concept o f proteins as allergens have largely ignored the work done on phenolics.

Some studies over the past decade suggest that attention should be focused, not exclusively on proteins, but instead on aromatic organic chemical compounds found in most foods, pollens, and other organic materials. Since many of these aromatic chemicals, characterized by unsaturated ring structures, are related to phenol, they are called phenolics as a class of physiological substances.





Heal Thyself

Robert W. Gardner, Ph.D., biochemist and professor emeritus of Animal Science at Brigham Young University, is a pioneer of phenolic studies. In his monumental work, Chemical Intolerance: Physiological Causes and Effects and Treatment Modalities, Dr. Gardner has shown with hundreds of references, that the phenolic approach gives an accurate picture of allergic responses. He has also shown in many cases that the homeopathic neutralization of allergic responses is much more satisfactory than allopathic medication.

Twenty years ago Dr. Gardner was personally afflicted with progressively worsening nearly total food intolerance, which mean that almost everything he ingested caused one or more adverse reactions. Though an adult male, he weighed barely 130 pounds and he was sickly and frail. After undergoing conventional medical treatments, including exploratory surgery, and being assured that the constant energy-sapping diarrhea and abdominal upset were only due to “nerves” and a “blushing colon,” there was no solution in sight.

Dr. Gardner was referred to Dr. Ray Wixom, an allergist in Las Vegas, Nevada. After a period of testing and treatment with no real results, Dr. Gardner was challenged to seek out solutions. It was suggested that as a biochemist, perhaps he could find answers that had eluded the physicians to whom he had looked for help. His subsequent search of literature published on the pharmacological effects of phenolics (he had been told he was sensitive to phenolics) caused him to pursue phenolics as the causal factors of adverse responses to food. Some of his early reading was the work by Singleton and Kratzer who gave a list of over 800 different phenolic substances of plant origin. Their 1969 paper “ Toxicology and Related Physiological Activity of Phenolic Substances of Plant Origin,” included this quotation: “phenols appear generally toxic if natural barriers or detoxification mechanisms are overloaded by amount, circumvented by the manner of administration, or foiled by uncommon compounds such as methylene dieters or isoprenoid structures.”

Singleton and Kratzer also referred to a symposium held in 1959 at the Oxford University in England, in which the pharmacology of plant phenols was discussed in depth. This group concluded that “phenolics prolong the life and intensity of cellular responses to catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, etc.). They each act as cardiac stimulants and produce tachycardia. Nicotine, a hetroaromatic compound, was observed to have pronounced effects of biological membranes, i.e. it increases the permeability of these membranes to certain pharmacologically active substances, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, and others.”

Dr. Gardner began taking sublingual doses of phenolic dilutions. It was found that while most levels of dilution would cause adverse physical symptoms, like heart rate increase, diarrhea, and other reactions, just the right level of dilution ( called the neutralizing dose) would cause the symptoms to disappear entirely. Initially, microgram amounts were needed and over an extended time period the dosage level increased to milligrams. Gardner’s personal experiments with sublingual doses of phenolic compounds allowed him to overcome adverse reactions to most of his diet. He now enjoys foods which once made him ill and his life has become more normal with an improvement in vitality.

Varied examples of phenolic influences are in the smell of a rose, the color of it’s petal, a vitamin and the poison strychnine. Most perfumes, many cooking odors, and many other chemical smells are phenolic compounds, as is everything from the purple color of a grape (malvin) to the spicy taste and smell of cinnamon (cinnamic aldehyde). Not only are phenolics the cause of a substantial number, maybe most of allergic responses, but when administered in homeopathic quantities to patients, these phenolics can induce the human chemistry system to protect itself from massive infusions of the same materials.

The point is that any protein which may be considered an allergen probably contains phenolic components which may give rise to the real allergic response whether in the form of a protein or not. Whatever part proteins play as allergens, they do not represent the complete causal reality. A substantial step forward in understanding allergies is taken by considering the part phenolic compounds have in the plant and animal kingdoms and in human body chemistry. This is especially true of food allergies.

All food starts with carbon dioxide and water being processed in the chlorophyll of plants to create more complex molecules. Typical biological processing involves three carbon dioxide molecules being reduced to a three carbon chain which can be transported and then transformed into a variety of products useful to the plant. The three carbon building blocks can be transformed into sugars which can be converted to starch or cellulose. The same building blocks can be used to form unsaturated ring structures, called aromatics.

One of the simplest of these aromatics is phenol, a six-carbon benzene ring with a hydroxyl group attached. Aromatic compounds related to phenols are almost everywhere in living plants. For example, in wood the main structural strength comes from fiber bundles of cellulose. However, these fibers bundles are held in place by an extremely complex tangle of phenolic compounds called lignin, Lignin comprises over one third of weight of dry wood.

The biological manufacture of phenolic materials in plants is as pervasive as the formation of sugars, cellulose, starches, or proteins. Tens of thousands of different unique phenolic variations are found throughout the plant kingdom. Along with phenolics, plants manufacture fatty (non-cyclic) hydrocarbon compounds. Sometimes there is an interplay between the aliphatic (non-cyclic) and the aromatic or phenolic (cyclic) organic compounds which are manufactured in plants and further processed and transformed in animals.

Some clinicians dismiss phenolics outright while others are searching for new ways to look at the chemical arena of allergies. Attempting to pigeonhole all allergies into a protein picture is ridiculous. For example, many people react adversely the phenolic dye F.D.&C. Yellow #5 (tartrazine). Tartrazine is not protein, yet it has been established as an allergenic culprit in numerous instances. In other words, phenolic materials are being shown to be allergens independent of any protein which might be present. Stich has cited about 175 references to show that a number of well-known simple phenolic compounds have both beneficial and hazardous effects on people. Furthermore, phenolic components of food have been shown to be allergens for a substantial number of people.





Heal Thyself

Robert W. Gardner, Ph.D., biochemist and professor emeritus of Animal Science at Brigham Young University, is a pioneer of phenolic studies. In his monumental work, Chemical Intolerance: Physiological Causes and Effects and Treatment Modalities, Dr. Gardner has shown with hundreds of references, that the phenolic approach gives an accurate picture of allergic responses. He has also shown in many cases that the homeopathic neutralization of allergic responses is much more satisfactory than allopathic medication.

Twenty years ago Dr. Gardner was personally afflicted with progressively worsening nearly total food intolerance, which mean that almost everything he ingested caused one or more adverse reactions. Though an adult male, he weighed barely 130 pounds and he was sickly and frail. After undergoing conventional medical treatments, including exploratory surgery, and being assured that the constant energy-sapping diarrhea and abdominal upset were only due to “nerves” and a “blushing colon,” there was no solution in sight.

Dr. Gardner was referred to Dr. Ray Wixom, an allergist in Las Vegas, Nevada. After a period of testing and treatment with no real results, Dr. Gardner was challenged to seek out solutions. It was suggested that as a biochemist, perhaps he could find answers that had eluded the physicians to whom he had looked for help. His subsequent search of literature published on the pharmacological effects of phenolics (he had been told he was sensitive to phenolics) caused him to pursue phenolics as the causal factors of adverse responses to food. Some of his early reading was the work by Singleton and Kratzer who gave a list of over 800 different phenolic substances of plant origin. Their 1969 paper “ Toxicology and Related Physiological Activity of Phenolic Substances of Plant Origin,” included this quotation: “phenols appear generally toxic if natural barriers or detoxification mechanisms are overloaded by amount, circumvented by the manner of administration, or foiled by uncommon compounds such as methylene dieters or isoprenoid structures.”

Singleton and Kratzer also referred to a symposium held in 1959 at the Oxford University in England, in which the pharmacology of plant phenols was discussed in depth. This group concluded that “phenolics prolong the life and intensity of cellular responses to catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, etc.). They each act as cardiac stimulants and produce tachycardia. Nicotine, a hetroaromatic compound, was observed to have pronounced effects of biological membranes, i.e. it increases the permeability of these membranes to certain pharmacologically active substances, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, and others.”

Dr. Gardner began taking sublingual doses of phenolic dilutions. It was found that while most levels of dilution would cause adverse physical symptoms, like heart rate increase, diarrhea, and other reactions, just the right level of dilution ( called the neutralizing dose) would cause the symptoms to disappear entirely. Initially, microgram amounts were needed and over an extended time period the dosage level increased to milligrams. Gardner’s personal experiments with sublingual doses of phenolic compounds allowed him to overcome adverse reactions to most of his diet. He now enjoys foods which once made him ill and his life has become more normal with an improvement in vitality.

Varied examples of phenolic influences are in the smell of a rose, the color of it’s petal, a vitamin and the poison strychnine. Most perfumes, many cooking odors, and many other chemical smells are phenolic compounds, as is everything from the purple color of a grape (malvin) to the spicy taste and smell of cinnamon (cinnamic aldehyde). Not only are phenolics the cause of a substantial number, maybe most of allergic responses, but when administered in homeopathic quantities to patients, these phenolics can induce the human chemistry system to protect itself from massive infusions of the same materials.

The point is that any protein which may be considered an allergen probably contains phenolic components which may give rise to the real allergic response whether in the form of a protein or not. Whatever part proteins play as allergens, they do not represent the complete causal reality. A substantial step forward in understanding allergies is taken by considering the part phenolic compounds have in the plant and animal kingdoms and in human body chemistry. This is especially true of food allergies.

All food starts with carbon dioxide and water being processed in the chlorophyll of plants to create more complex molecules. Typical biological processing involves three carbon dioxide molecules being reduced to a three carbon chain which can be transported and then transformed into a variety of products useful to the plant. The three carbon building blocks can be transformed into sugars which can be converted to starch or cellulose. The same building blocks can be used to form unsaturated ring structures, called aromatics.

One of the simplest of these aromatics is phenol, a six-carbon benzene ring with a hydroxyl group attached. Aromatic compounds related to phenols are almost everywhere in living plants. For example, in wood the main structural strength comes from fiber bundles of cellulose. However, these fibers bundles are held in place by an extremely complex tangle of phenolic compounds called lignin, Lignin comprises over one third of weight of dry wood.

The biological manufacture of phenolic materials in plants is as pervasive as the formation of sugars, cellulose, starches, or proteins. Tens of thousands of different unique phenolic variations are found throughout the plant kingdom. Along with phenolics, plants manufacture fatty (non-cyclic) hydrocarbon compounds. Sometimes there is an interplay between the aliphatic (non-cyclic) and the aromatic or phenolic (cyclic) organic compounds which are manufactured in plants and further processed and transformed in animals.

Some clinicians dismiss phenolics outright while others are searching for new ways to look at the chemical arena of allergies. Attempting to pigeonhole all allergies into a protein picture is ridiculous. For example, many people react adversely the phenolic dye F.D.&C. Yellow #5 (tartrazine). Tartrazine is not protein, yet it has been established as an allergenic culprit in numerous instances. In other words, phenolic materials are being shown to be allergens independent of any protein which might be present. Stich has cited about 175 references to show that a number of well-known simple phenolic compounds have both beneficial and hazardous effects on people. Furthermore, phenolic components of food have been shown to be allergens for a substantial number of people.





Mixtures of Phenolics

Mixtures of phenolics also show combination allergic responses. For instance, salsolinol is a product of natural fermentation in some plants and alcoholic beverages. It is a metabolic catecholamine in many animals and is considered to be a logical derivative of dopamine. When the body does not metabolize salsolinol in a normal fashion, the result can be obsessive-compulsive behavior, according to Joyce Baker, ND, BSN, of the Worthingon Wellness Center, Worthington, Ohio. She says people with this behavior are “like a housewife who has to clean every speck of dust off the floor or they can’t rest.” “Children’s rooms have to be absolutely immaculate.” This type of person overdoes everything from business to pleasure and often experiences depression and anxiety.

Many people with a reaction to salsolinol crave sweets, carbohydrates, and alcohol. They often find themselves driving to the store specifically to get that candy bar or bottle of beer. This imbalance also effects short-term memory. Such patients constantly forget why they went into a room and they make lists or write things down immediately or they’re forgotten. Intolerance to salsolinol, according to Baker, often indicates imbalances in the functions of the thymus, pancreas, and kidneys. These organs must be supported in conjunction with salsolinol therapy to help speed the healing process in addictive chocolate cravings, alcohol cravings, and in calming obsessive behaviors.

Cow’s milk is ranked as one of the most allergenic foods in the entire human diet. Substantial proportions of the forage in a cow’s diet are phenolics. When coupled with fermentation products from rumen, large amount of phenolic materials must be excreted by the cow. Milk is one excretory route. Milk then contains a large array of very reactive phenolic compounds.

“When we developed the concept of phenolic therapy, we were amazed at how many ways there were for people to respond to the chemicals we used,” says Dr. Gardner. “They could make you happy or sad, fight a virus or grow hair faster. Phenolics are (an essential part of) what we are. They give us the ability to keep ourselves in balance with our surroundings. No change in the body is possible without a phenolic being involved.” When we are out of balance with our surroundings and our health, a phenolic in therapy might well be indicated.

individual responses

Do people differ from one another in their responses to allergens? They certainly do. Also, one person can have different allergic responses at various times in their lives. Witness the person who has roamed in the woods for 50 years and who suddenly becomes sensitized to poison ivy.

Phenolics are essential to life as we know it, but when metabolized incorrectly, they can cause major and minor physical, mental, and emotional disturbances in a large number of patients. Here are a few examples of the effects of some simple phenolics found in everyday foods. These summaries and observations were given in a paper by Abram Ber published in 1983 on the basis of his clinical experience. What follows are direct quotations from Dr. Ber’s paper.

Coumarin “is found in some 30 foods, including wheat, rice, barley, corn, soy cheese, beef, and eggs. It has been found to have a large effect on asthmatics who, almost 100% have coumarin intolerance. Neutralization of all the phenolics, especially coumarin, has improved significantly 20 asthmatics treated… Coumarin contributes to arthritis and tested positive with 13 out of 18 arthritics. There is a direct correlation between coumarin and those complaining of low back and cervical neck pain.”

Cinnamic Acid “ is found in approximately 22 foods, especially fruits, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes…It is commonly found…with common dermatological problems including acne, eczema and psoriasis, with bladder problems, especially enuresis, and recurrent cystitis, (and) with chronic fatigue.”

Gallic Acid “ is found in 70% of all foods, including food coloring agents and is, unquestionably, the most important of all phenolics. Neutralization of gallic acid is the basis of the Feingold Diet which eliminates salicylates. Instead of making a child’s life miserable utilizing a restrictive diet, neutralization of gallic acid is less traumatic. Frequently, parents often report a marked improvement in their child’s school performance and a normalization of hyperactivity. It neutralizes the craving for sweets that is prevalent in so many of these dyslexic children. Gallic acid has effects upon the muscular skeletal system (14 out of 18 arthritics), the lower back, the main contributor to sciatica, and chronic severe chest pain which is non-cardiac and seems to originate in the thoracic wall and is non-cardiac in origin.”

Ber tested and treated with 24 phenolics in hundreds of patients between November 1982 and August 1983 and reported “vast improvement in a majority of his patients.” While Dr. Ber’s remarks lack the rigor of double blind clinical trials, they do indicate the scope of consideration in phenolic neutralization.





Mixtures of Phenolics

Mixtures of phenolics also show combination allergic responses. For instance, salsolinol is a product of natural fermentation in some plants and alcoholic beverages. It is a metabolic catecholamine in many animals and is considered to be a logical derivative of dopamine. When the body does not metabolize salsolinol in a normal fashion, the result can be obsessive-compulsive behavior, according to Joyce Baker, ND, BSN, of the Worthingon Wellness Center, Worthington, Ohio. She says people with this behavior are “like a housewife who has to clean every speck of dust off the floor or they can’t rest.” “Children’s rooms have to be absolutely immaculate.” This type of person overdoes everything from business to pleasure and often experiences depression and anxiety.

Many people with a reaction to salsolinol crave sweets, carbohydrates, and alcohol. They often find themselves driving to the store specifically to get that candy bar or bottle of beer. This imbalance also effects short-term memory. Such patients constantly forget why they went into a room and they make lists or write things down immediately or they’re forgotten. Intolerance to salsolinol, according to Baker, often indicates imbalances in the functions of the thymus, pancreas, and kidneys. These organs must be supported in conjunction with salsolinol therapy to help speed the healing process in addictive chocolate cravings, alcohol cravings, and in calming obsessive behaviors.

Cow’s milk is ranked as one of the most allergenic foods in the entire human diet. Substantial proportions of the forage in a cow’s diet are phenolics. When coupled with fermentation products from rumen, large amount of phenolic materials must be excreted by the cow. Milk is one excretory route. Milk then contains a large array of very reactive phenolic compounds.

“When we developed the concept of phenolic therapy, we were amazed at how many ways there were for people to respond to the chemicals we used,” says Dr. Gardner. “They could make you happy or sad, fight a virus or grow hair faster. Phenolics are (an essential part of) what we are. They give us the ability to keep ourselves in balance with our surroundings. No change in the body is possible without a phenolic being involved.” When we are out of balance with our surroundings and our health, a phenolic in therapy might well be indicated.

individual responses

Do people differ from one another in their responses to allergens? They certainly do. Also, one person can have different allergic responses at various times in their lives. Witness the person who has roamed in the woods for 50 years and who suddenly becomes sensitized to poison ivy.

Phenolics are essential to life as we know it, but when metabolized incorrectly, they can cause major and minor physical, mental, and emotional disturbances in a large number of patients. Here are a few examples of the effects of some simple phenolics found in everyday foods. These summaries and observations were given in a paper by Abram Ber published in 1983 on the basis of his clinical experience. What follows are direct quotations from Dr. Ber’s paper.

Coumarin “is found in some 30 foods, including wheat, rice, barley, corn, soy cheese, beef, and eggs. It has been found to have a large effect on asthmatics who, almost 100% have coumarin intolerance. Neutralization of all the phenolics, especially coumarin, has improved significantly 20 asthmatics treated… Coumarin contributes to arthritis and tested positive with 13 out of 18 arthritics. There is a direct correlation between coumarin and those complaining of low back and cervical neck pain.”

Cinnamic Acid “ is found in approximately 22 foods, especially fruits, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes…It is commonly found…with common dermatological problems including acne, eczema and psoriasis, with bladder problems, especially enuresis, and recurrent cystitis, (and) with chronic fatigue.”

Gallic Acid “ is found in 70% of all foods, including food coloring agents and is, unquestionably, the most important of all phenolics. Neutralization of gallic acid is the basis of the Feingold Diet which eliminates salicylates. Instead of making a child’s life miserable utilizing a restrictive diet, neutralization of gallic acid is less traumatic. Frequently, parents often report a marked improvement in their child’s school performance and a normalization of hyperactivity. It neutralizes the craving for sweets that is prevalent in so many of these dyslexic children. Gallic acid has effects upon the muscular skeletal system (14 out of 18 arthritics), the lower back, the main contributor to sciatica, and chronic severe chest pain which is non-cardiac and seems to originate in the thoracic wall and is non-cardiac in origin.”

Ber tested and treated with 24 phenolics in hundreds of patients between November 1982 and August 1983 and reported “vast improvement in a majority of his patients.” While Dr. Ber’s remarks lack the rigor of double blind clinical trials, they do indicate the scope of consideration in phenolic neutralization.





A 25 year old female came to his clinic complaining of migraine headaches. They began approximately a week before the beginning of menses. This was a pattern that began when menstruation first occurred about the age 13. The patient had looked for help from at least two other physicians but without success. Over the last two years, however, there had been increasing experiences with non-migraine headaches as well non-cyclical migraines.

On testing, it was discovered that she was sensitive to tyramine, which is a common naturally occurring phenolic in food. Moreover, tyramine has been associated with triggering migraine headaches. She was advised to avoid foods containing tyramine and was treated with a tyramine homochord. Following treatment the general headaches and non-cyclical migraines ceases but the cyclical migraines continued. Further testing determined she was sensitive to progesterone and apiol. Desensitizing the patient with progesterone and apiol homochords caused a virtual elimination of the migraine episodes general diminishing of all other premenstrual symptoms.


What if the practitioner could find common denominators that were consistent with a patient’s symptoms and found in more than one antigen source? The work of identifying the symptoms associated with common food phenolics led to the discovery of vast symptom pools that were previously denied to be associated with allergy. The fact that practitioners could simultaneously negate the known allergy was extraordinary in itself. The value of this therapy was the recognition that there was potential for standardizing antigen product from doctor to doctor. The result of Dr. Gardner’s work has been of great benefit to many people besides himself. Now many hundreds of patients who heretofore had been unable to find relief from their symptoms have options in many unanticipated ways. The technique of rapid neutralization with phenolics is becoming a preferred method of therapy and help is within everyone’s reach. The areas where phenolics are effective are as vast as there are people with health problems. There effectiveness borders on the miraculous and appears to be very long lasting. Phenolic therapy offers a wide array of options for the treatment of allergies and other health problems. Like other treatment modalities, however, successful use of these important tools requires some careful study. Enough evaluation and clinical experience has been accomplished, however, to offer the health practitioner reasonable confidence that such time would be well spent.

Those clinicians who have embraced homeopathic phenolic therapy as a part of their armamentarium for dealing with patient needs are generally positive in their support for such therapy. It appears, therefore, that phenolics are useful tools in the hands of health professionals and will increase in direct proportion to the knowledge made available regarding these substances.

examples of Modern Practice

Reference has been made to various studies by Ber where he implicated phenolic sensitivities in a wide variety of maladies including schizophrenia, diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, migraine headaches, allergies, and even depression.

Of course, Ber’s claims need to be tested further in more carefully controlled trials. Nevertheless, this statement of his should not be ignored: “the treatment has been particularly successful with infants and children, with excellent results in autism, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, insomnia, enuresis, respiratory allergies, headaches, abdominal pains, and asthma.” Results with adults have been exciting, with remissions achieved in many chronic problems, including migraine, fatigue, depression, asthma, arthritis, colitis, hypertension, menstrual disorders, dermatological problems, chronic constipation, and arrhythmias.

Is this too much to expect? According to Dr. Joyce Baker the answer is “Probably not.” She further states, “Phenolic therapy is a new and refreshing way to relieve a variety of symptoms of clients of all ages.” Following are brief case histories among the many Dr. Baker has experienced:

A 72 year old female presented good health except for Parkinson’s-like tremors of the right hand. The tremors caused the entire hand to be in constant movement. The client had not taken any therapeutic drugs at this point. Then she was given dopamine (phenolic) at one drop, three time a day, at first, increasing by one drop every few days. Within three days the client felt slowing of tremors. By the fourth week the tremors were 70% improved. At the 4th week visit the client was given dopamine 200c at five drops three times a day. By the tenth week all tremors had been quieted. By that time the dopamine only had to be used 5 drops once every 1 to 2 days to control the tremors. This Amish client was very pleased with results as she preferred not to use any drug therapy.

An interesting case involved a 26 year old female who had been put on Prozac for suicidal depression. She hoped to get waned off Prozac eventually. Electro Dermal Screening showed a need for the phenolics serotonin and tryptophan. She also showed a need for Vitamin B complex as well as essential fatty acid deficiencies. She also had very cold hands and feet along with PMS, suggesting low thyroid functions. Her auxiliary temperature was 97.1 F. She was given Neuro I, which is a homeopathic combination which includes serotonin and tryptophan, B-complex supplements, omega 386 oils, and thyroid tissue extract. Sepia and ignatia were also given in high potencies.

This patient showed a 100% change in panic episodes in 6 weeks; however, her depressive state was improved about 40%. Another bottle of Neuro I was given at 200c potency. The client no longer needed the B-complex or the essential fatty acids. Thyroid support continued. The Neuro I was “teaching” her body to use serotonin and tryptophan again and she was given the proper nutrients and classical homeopathics to stimulate her endocrine system. In 4 months this patient presented a far different and much healthier picture. She experienced normal menstruation, showed a renewed interest in men, had normal energy, and no longer needed Prozac. This patient came from a family with a strong history of depression, but now carries a smile that would indicate she had found the happiness she had been seeking.

Another clinician, Dr. Craig Wagstaff, has used phenolics in his practice for over a decade with significant success. One case he has described is as follows:





A 25 year old female came to his clinic complaining of migraine headaches. They began approximately a week before the beginning of menses. This was a pattern that began when menstruation first occurred about the age 13. The patient had looked for help from at least two other physicians but without success. Over the last two years, however, there had been increasing experiences with non-migraine headaches as well non-cyclical migraines.

On testing, it was discovered that she was sensitive to tyramine, which is a common naturally occurring phenolic in food. Moreover, tyramine has been associated with triggering migraine headaches. She was advised to avoid foods containing tyramine and was treated with a tyramine homochord. Following treatment the general headaches and non-cyclical migraines ceases but the cyclical migraines continued. Further testing determined she was sensitive to progesterone and apiol. Desensitizing the patient with progesterone and apiol homochords caused a virtual elimination of the migraine episodes general diminishing of all other premenstrual symptoms.


What if the practitioner could find common denominators that were consistent with a patient’s symptoms and found in more than one antigen source? The work of identifying the symptoms associated with common food phenolics led to the discovery of vast symptom pools that were previously denied to be associated with allergy. The fact that practitioners could simultaneously negate the known allergy was extraordinary in itself. The value of this therapy was the recognition that there was potential for standardizing antigen product from doctor to doctor. The result of Dr. Gardner’s work has been of great benefit to many people besides himself. Now many hundreds of patients who heretofore had been unable to find relief from their symptoms have options in many unanticipated ways. The technique of rapid neutralization with phenolics is becoming a preferred method of therapy and help is within everyone’s reach. The areas where phenolics are effective are as vast as there are people with health problems. There effectiveness borders on the miraculous and appears to be very long lasting. Phenolic therapy offers a wide array of options for the treatment of allergies and other health problems. Like other treatment modalities, however, successful use of these important tools requires some careful study. Enough evaluation and clinical experience has been accomplished, however, to offer the health practitioner reasonable confidence that such time would be well spent.

Those clinicians who have embraced homeopathic phenolic therapy as a part of their armamentarium for dealing with patient needs are generally positive in their support for such therapy. It appears, therefore, that phenolics are useful tools in the hands of health professionals and will increase in direct proportion to the knowledge made available regarding these substances.

examples of Modern Practice

Reference has been made to various studies by Ber where he implicated phenolic sensitivities in a wide variety of maladies including schizophrenia, diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, migraine headaches, allergies, and even depression.

Of course, Ber’s claims need to be tested further in more carefully controlled trials. Nevertheless, this statement of his should not be ignored: “the treatment has been particularly successful with infants and children, with excellent results in autism, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, insomnia, enuresis, respiratory allergies, headaches, abdominal pains, and asthma.” Results with adults have been exciting, with remissions achieved in many chronic problems, including migraine, fatigue, depression, asthma, arthritis, colitis, hypertension, menstrual disorders, dermatological problems, chronic constipation, and arrhythmias.

Is this too much to expect? According to Dr. Joyce Baker the answer is “Probably not.” She further states, “Phenolic therapy is a new and refreshing way to relieve a variety of symptoms of clients of all ages.” Following are brief case histories among the many Dr. Baker has experienced:

A 72 year old female presented good health except for Parkinson’s-like tremors of the right hand. The tremors caused the entire hand to be in constant movement. The client had not taken any therapeutic drugs at this point. Then she was given dopamine (phenolic) at one drop, three time a day, at first, increasing by one drop every few days. Within three days the client felt slowing of tremors. By the fourth week the tremors were 70% improved. At the 4th week visit the client was given dopamine 200c at five drops three times a day. By the tenth week all tremors had been quieted. By that time the dopamine only had to be used 5 drops once every 1 to 2 days to control the tremors. This Amish client was very pleased with results as she preferred not to use any drug therapy.

An interesting case involved a 26 year old female who had been put on Prozac for suicidal depression. She hoped to get waned off Prozac eventually. Electro Dermal Screening showed a need for the phenolics serotonin and tryptophan. She also showed a need for Vitamin B complex as well as essential fatty acid deficiencies. She also had very cold hands and feet along with PMS, suggesting low thyroid functions. Her auxiliary temperature was 97.1 F. She was given Neuro I, which is a homeopathic combination which includes serotonin and tryptophan, B-complex supplements, omega 386 oils, and thyroid tissue extract. Sepia and ignatia were also given in high potencies.

This patient showed a 100% change in panic episodes in 6 weeks; however, her depressive state was improved about 40%. Another bottle of Neuro I was given at 200c potency. The client no longer needed the B-complex or the essential fatty acids. Thyroid support continued. The Neuro I was “teaching” her body to use serotonin and tryptophan again and she was given the proper nutrients and classical homeopathics to stimulate her endocrine system. In 4 months this patient presented a far different and much healthier picture. She experienced normal menstruation, showed a renewed interest in men, had normal energy, and no longer needed Prozac. This patient came from a family with a strong history of depression, but now carries a smile that would indicate she had found the happiness she had been seeking.

Another clinician, Dr. Craig Wagstaff, has used phenolics in his practice for over a decade with significant success. One case he has described is as follows:






1. Remington, D.W., Harper, D.D. April 1989 “ Allergy Treatment with Phenolic Compounds”, A copyrighted patient bulletin issued by Dr. Remington, 1675 North Freedom Blvd. Provo, Utah 84604.

2. Martin D. Chapman, Ph.D., 1997. http://[email protected]. Middleton, E., Jr., et al., 1993, Allergy Principles and Practice, Volume I and II, Fourth

edition, Mosby, St. Louis.4. Desmond, R.E. and Treutlein, J.J., 1981, Annals of Allergy, 46, 81ff.5. Stich, H.F., 1991, Mutation Research, 259, 307-324.6. McGovern, J.J., et al., 1983, Arch. Otolaryngol, 109, 292-297.7. Gardner, R.W., 1994, Chemical Intolerance: Physiological Causes and Effects and

Treatment Modalities, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1994.8. Singleton, V.L. and Kratzer, F.H., 1969, “ Tocicology and Related Physiological Activity of

Phenolic Substances of Plant Origen” J. Ag. Food Chem., 17, 476ff.9. Fairbarn, J.W. (Editor), 1959, Pharmacology of Plant Phenolics, Academic Press, New

York.10. Ber, Abram, 1983 ”Neutralization of Phenolic (Aromatic) Food Compounds in a Holistic”.11. General Practice, The Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 12, (4), 283-91.12. Baker, J. 1995, Taped interview.13. Gardner, R. W. loc. Cit., p. 139.14. Fairbairn, J.W. (Editor), 1959, “Pharmacology of Plant Phenolics”, Academic Press, New

York.15. Baker, Joyce, 1997 Private communication.






1. Remington, D.W., Harper, D.D. April 1989 “ Allergy Treatment with Phenolic Compounds”, A copyrighted patient bulletin issued by Dr. Remington, 1675 North Freedom Blvd. Provo, Utah 84604.

2. Martin D. Chapman, Ph.D., 1997. http://[email protected]. Middleton, E., Jr., et al., 1993, Allergy Principles and Practice, Volume I and II, Fourth

edition, Mosby, St. Louis.4. Desmond, R.E. and Treutlein, J.J., 1981, Annals of Allergy, 46, 81ff.5. Stich, H.F., 1991, Mutation Research, 259, 307-324.6. McGovern, J.J., et al., 1983, Arch. Otolaryngol, 109, 292-297.7. Gardner, R.W., 1994, Chemical Intolerance: Physiological Causes and Effects and

Treatment Modalities, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1994.8. Singleton, V.L. and Kratzer, F.H., 1969, “ Tocicology and Related Physiological Activity of

Phenolic Substances of Plant Origen” J. Ag. Food Chem., 17, 476ff.9. Fairbarn, J.W. (Editor), 1959, Pharmacology of Plant Phenolics, Academic Press, New

York.10. Ber, Abram, 1983 ”Neutralization of Phenolic (Aromatic) Food Compounds in a Holistic”.11. General Practice, The Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 12, (4), 283-91.12. Baker, J. 1995, Taped interview.13. Gardner, R. W. loc. Cit., p. 139.14. Fairbairn, J.W. (Editor), 1959, “Pharmacology of Plant Phenolics”, Academic Press, New

York.15. Baker, Joyce, 1997 Private communication.
