Download - Introduction To Marke Tel

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Introduction to MarkeTel

428 Victoria Avenue

Regina, SK

Canada S4N 0P6

Toll Free: (800) 289-8616

Phone: (306) 359-6893

Fax: (306) 359-6879

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Company in Brief


Why MarkeTel?

Customers Verbatim


MarkeTel’s Competitive Advantage

Our Operating Principles


Software- Prospector- Virtual Display Pro- SuperScript


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MarkeTel was incorporated in 1993

Business Development Canada (BDC) Young

Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Export Development Corporation’s Export

Achievement Award

Target market is small to mid-size companies

Experts in Contact Centre Solutions

Products include hardware, software and services

Exceptional customer satisfaction

Excellent quality

Company in Brief


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Experts in Contact Center Solutions

We provide end-to-end contact center solutions to enable our customers and partners to achieve their goals and realize their full potential through exceptional products and services


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Financial ROI within 6 – 12 months


Increase Productivity by 200%

Exceptional Technical Support

Total Call Compliance

Easy to Set Up

More Agent Control


Patented Keytone Technology

No Pause, No Delay

Database Management

Simple, Reliable, Effective

Why MarkeTel?


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High Quality Product – Minimize risk

Robust Solution – Realize value faster

Cost Effective – Improved bottom line

Exceptional Customer Service – Ease of mind

MarkeTel’s Competitive Advantage


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Customer Centric:- Embracing a customer-focused culture by knowing our customers,

understanding their needs, and delivering exceptional results beyond expectation

Quality: - Efficient, reliable, and value-added products and services

Integrity:- Allowing our conscience to be the guiding force in everything we do

Accountability: - Taking on big challenges and seeing them through

Trust & Openness: - Promoting an open and honest environment where there is high integrity

Team work: - The only “I” in this organization is in “wIn”!

Passion: - Love for the company, customer, and technology

Innovation:- There is no limitation to the possibilities

Commitment:- Our success is measured by our customer’s success

Our Operating Principles


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Customers Verbatim

“Pure Water Consultants has been using MarkeTel Systems since 2004. As a result, we employ half the staff, yet our productivity has increased.”

Jodie Smith, Inside Sales ManagerRainSoft Pure Water Consultants

“When working with MarkeTel I found that our campaigns run phenomenally well. After install there was no need for dedicated IT staff…Tech support is amazing, they bend over backwards to help.”

Mike Warren, VP of Information Technology24/7 Intouch

Chet Johnson, Owner/Manager Direct Marketing Specialist

“I have been working with predictive dialers for over 5 years. MarkeTel is by far the best dialer system I have encountered or used. There simply has not been any downtime as a result of the dialers”

Survey Says …

Overall CSAT with Technical Support: 93%

Overall CSAT with MarkeTel: 93%

Overall Comments:“Quality, reliability, simplicity, dependability”

“The guys there have been excellent!”

“They were on top of things. We couldn’t have asked for a better


“Been able to resolve everything.”

“They’re perfect!”


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Eliminates - Busy signals - No answers - Ringing - Dialing

Simple - Computer network optional - Patented key tone entry system - Training take minutes, NOT days

Reliable - Solid state components - No volatile network required - No costly downtime

Effective - REAL TIME reporting – vital stats updated continuously - Intelligent software - Talk to prospects for up to 45 – 50 minutes of every hour (manual dialing typically 15 to 20 minutes per hour)


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Eliminates - Busy signals - No answers - Ringing - Dialing

Integration - Analog compatible - Digital compatible - VoIP compatible

Versatility - Operator computers - Telephone keypad entry system

- Highly scalable

Effective - Increases productivity by over 200% - REAL TIME reporting – vital stats updated continuously - Allows you to spend more time training your operators how to sell!


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Real-time web-based reporting Run multiple campaigns simultaneously Use multiple phonebooks in each campaign Large seat capacity Windows Explorer style Interface for Ease of Use Dialer chains can be stored in a remote location Real-time reports and vital campaign statistics Import call-lists and change settings “on-the-fly” Low training time

Software - Prospector


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Two options to call with confidence:

Maintain your own DNC list by simply downloading either state specific or National DNC lists (these numbers are cross-referenced with those in your phonebooks) onto the Prospector® computer.

TeleBlock®’s IP Based Blocking Service! MarkeTel’s latest TeleBlock® integration service offers centralized control for large and/or multiple location operations. This also means that companies will be able to utilize it regardless of their location and (lack of) technological ability of their local telecom company. Connected with an IP address via a VPN (Virtual Private Network), each number is screened against the appropriate DNC list(s) preventing any costly violations.

Call Compliance Made Simple


With our equipment you will not have to worry about calling someone on the DNC list

Avoid the risk of costly fines and save on resources spent scrubbing your phone lists against the DNC list

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Pause or stop dialingwhenever you desire!

Easy to monitor vital stats!

Change dialing order andother campaign settingson-the-fly!

Import more phone numbersor add more phonebooks tocampaign while dialing!

Add more operators andassign more chains whiledialing!

Perform multiple tasks orchange settings while dialingmultiple campaigns!

Campaign DialingCampaign Dialing

Prospector TM


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Dialer Chain StatisticsDialer Chain Statistics Individual Operator StatisticsIndividual Operator Statistics

Dialer Chain Queue StatisticsDialer Chain Queue Statistics

Campaign Dialing Statistics


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Browse through the campaign’s dialing results

You can even perform searchesto find specific dialing result records!

Campaign Dialing Results and Queries


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Session reports enable us to view important reportingdata to better monitor our operators performance

Keytone Count shows a break-downof results by individual operators as wellas all operators, including totals!

Session Reports


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Current Status shows the status for each operator, how long they have been in that status and if theyare on a call what the phone number of that call is!

This section shows comprehensive timestatistics for each individual operator aswell as that for all operators, includingtotals!

Session Reports


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Accessible from anywhere, MarkeTel’sweb-based reports enable you to viewan abundance of statistics! Includes,well-written information explaining whateach area means to you!

Build your report simply by enteringthe dates and times of your choice, then click the ‘show report’ buttonand your report will be built in seconds!

Easy navigation!

Productivity pie-chart clearly illustratesthe level of production for all operators

Call summary table shows supportingdata for operator connect behaviour!

We can even choose to view individualoperator statistics!

Web-Based Reporting


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Individual operator statistics shows ustwo productivity pie-charts – one foroperator production on all campaignsand one for operator production onselected campaign for you to compare

Below the pie-charts is a table showingsupporting data of the selected operator’sconnect behaviour

Included in the individual operator statisticssection are candlestick charts to clearlyillustrate how good or bad that operator isperforming under specific results

Red is generally bad, unless the result is anot interested or skiplist and green is generallygood, unless it is a not interested or skiplist

Web-Based Reporting


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The result entry table shows a break-downof results by individual operators as well asall operators!

The result summary table shows thelatest call results as well as overallphonebook statistics

Web-Based Reporting


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This graph clearly illustrates the no answer trendsduring the two selected time slots chosen to generatethis report. A highly useful tool when planning whichareas are best to call at which time of day, or whattimes are best to schedule your shifts!

The Compliance Report helps us to seewhether we are within the guidelines ofthe U.S. telemarketing regulations byhighlighting anything that we may havemissed whilst setting up our campaign

Web-Based Reporting


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View Current Operator Status

Read Manager’s Messages

Memo field for your agents to keep notes of each call

View keytone totals of the session and the entire campaign!

Agents can view the entire recordand can edit/update importantinformation

A new, cleaner, sleeker and more organized look, which includes tabs to SuperScript, a separate Result Entry screen, Options, and your in-house CRM application!

Easily adjust font size

Quickly log-on or off the system at the check of a box!

Double-click to quickly enter the call result and move on to the next call

Virtual Display Pro


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Scripting Made Easy!Scripting Made Easy!

Create scripts with easeusing the SuperScriptä wizard

To build the script simplyclick to add new controlsand choose your next step

Preview screen allows you to seehow your script is progressing

Easy to navigate through the differentpages of your script, and at the click ofa button, test out your script as you create it

SuperScript TM


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Required fields

Multiple choice, with the optionto randomize results every time

View/edit call record information


Script appears within Virtual Display Pro’sinterface with a simple flowing browsertype appearance

Includes many otherexciting features!

Rating scale

Collect and ready data for in-depth analysis!

SuperScript in Action!


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