Download - Introduction to django (and py)

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Introduction To Django (+ py)

Adrian Andreiaș, Elvsoft

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• Worked as software engineer (C++, C#)• Graduated UBB, Cluj in 2003• Founded Elvsoft in 2004• PHP, then switched to Python & Django• Currently internet hosting & tools

Shameless self promotion

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1. Short look at Python2. Introduction To Django3. Django live coding: A Digg app


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• interpreted, general-purpose high-level programming language

• design philosophy emphasizes code readability

• combine "remarkable power with very clear syntax“

• batteries included

Python goals

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• Readability counts.• There should be one-- and preferably

only one --obvious way to do it....• If the implementation is hard to explain,

it's a bad idea.…

The Zen of Python

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Python syntax

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• dynamic typed• duck typed = name resolution (late

binding)“if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck"

Python is

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Fully:• object-oriented programming• structured programming

Elements of:• functional programming• aspect-oriented programming

Python paradigms

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• (google) Python tutorial• (google) Dive Into Python

Learning Python

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• The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines

• Django makes it easier to build better Web apps more quickly and with less code.

Django is

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• Loose coupling• Less code• Quick development• DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)• Explicit is better than implicit• Consistency• Encourage best practices

Django philosophy

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• Python developers should (mainly) write Python code (not YAML, XML, SQL)

• No generated code• Use introspection, Luke!• Web development done right:

• validations• separation of concerns• clean URLs• take care sql and mail form injections etc.

Some Django principles

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• MTV instead of MVC• Models: Object-relational mapper• Template engine• Views: python functions, Request

in, Response out• URL mapping: list of regular


Django components

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Templates (with inheritance!)

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• Automatic admin interface• Cache system• Internationalization• Authentication & authorization• Form processing and form sets

Django free stuff

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Coding a DIGG app

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