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Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

Lecture 2By Juthawut


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Outline Information representation Arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction) Instruction Formats Addressing Modes Assembly Language Programming Basic input/output operations Subroutine linkage

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Integer non-Negative Number Representation

1 0... ; 0,1n n iB b b b b

1 01 0( ) 2 2 ... 2 ;n n

n nV B b b b


The most significant bit The least significant bit

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Decimal-to-Binary ConversionV Z

V is divided by 2 the reminder is the least significant bit of B


The quotient is again divided by 2 the reminder is the next bit of B


The process is repeated up to and including the step in which the quotient becomes 0:


1 0... ; 0,1n n iB b b b b

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Real non-Negative Number Representation

1 0 1 2

integer part fraction part

... ... ; 0,1n n m iB b b b b b b b

1 01 0

integer part

1 21 2

fraction part

( ) 2 2 ... 2

2 2 ... 2 ;

n nn n

mn m

V B b b b

b b b

V R5Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

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Decimal-to-Binary ConversionV R

To convert a fixed-point decimal number into binary, the integer and

fraction parts are handled separately.•The integer part is converted as the integer number•The fractional part is converted by multiplying it and then fractional

parts of its products by 2:•The part of the product to the left of the decimal point, which is either 0 or 1, is a bit in the binary representation.•The first bit generated is the bit immediately to the right of the binary point. •The next bit generated is the second bit to the right, and so on•The process is repeated until the required accuracy is attained

1 0 1 2

integer part fraction part

... ... ; 0,1n n m iB b b b b b b b

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9272--------- 463 1


4632--------- 231 1


2312--------- 115 1


1152--------- 57 1


572------ 28 1


282------ 14 0


142------ 7 0


72--- 3 1


32--- 1 1


12--- 0 1












0.45 2 0.90=

0.90 2 1.80=

0.80 2 1.60=

0.60 2 1.20=

0.20 2 0.40=

0.40 2 0.80=

0.80 2 1.60=









927.45 10 1110011111.0111001 2=

927.45 10

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Signed Numbers Representation 1 2 0

1 2 0( ) 2 2 ... 2 ; 0,1 ; 0,1,..., 1n nn n iV B b b b b i n

: 0 2 1nV V Z

The leftmost bit bn-1 is the sign bit:

0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers

•Positive values have identical representation

•Negative values have different representation

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Signed Numbers RepresentationSign-and-magnitude representation (negative values are represented by changing the most significant bit):

+5 = 0101 -5 = 1101

'1 (2 1)nV V

1’s-complement representation (negative values are obtained by complementing each bit of the corresponding positive number):

+5 = 0101 -5 = 1010

2’s-complement representation (negative values are obtained by subtracting the corresponding positive number from 2n):

'2 '1(2 ) 1nV V V

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b3 b2b1b0

Sign andmagnitude 1' s complement 2' s complement

Signed Numbers Representation

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Figure 2.2. Addition of 1-bit numbers.
















Addition of Positive Numbers

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S/M and 1’s-Complement Representation

Since we can’t perform addition and subtraction in the same manner, development of special circuitry for subtraction is needed

1’s-Complement Representation does not allow a universal representation of 0: there are +0 and -0 that become formally different values

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2’s Complement Conversion to Decimal• Positive Numbers: Just ignore the 0, repeat the process studied earlier.

• For negative numbers: Example 1101• Discard the 1 which represents the sign: 101• Subtract 1 101 -001 100• Complement 100=>011• Obtain decimal value (011)B=3D

• Remember is a negative value 1101 = -3

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Decimal Conversion to 2’s Complement

Positive Numbers

• Find signed representation

Negative numbers

• Subtract number from 2n

• Find signed representation

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Addition of 2’s-Complement Numbers To add two numbers, add their n-bit representations,

ignoring the carry-out signal from the most significant bit (MSB) position.

Note: The sum will be correct in the 2’s complement representation as long as the answer is in the range -2n-1 through 2n-1-1

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Subtraction of 2’s-Complement Numbers

To subtract two numbers X and Y, that is, to perform X-Y, form the 2’s-complement of Y and then add it to X according to the addition rule.

Note: The result will be correct in the 2’s complement representation as long as the answer is in the range -2n-1 through 2n-


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Figure 2.3. Modular number systems and the 2's-complement system.

N 2-N 1-



(a) Circle representation of integers mod N





















7- 8-


(b) Mod 16 system for 2's-complement numbers

2’s Complement System

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Addition of 2’s-Complement Numbers





















-7 -8



3+2=5; 3’2=0011; 2’2=0010

3| 0011

+ 2| +0010

5| 0 0101

Carry-out bit is ignored to obtain the correct result

Good method as long as the results is less than 2(N-1)-1

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Addition of 2’s-Complement Numbers





















-7 -8



7-3=4; 7’2=0111; -3’2=1101 (if this were an unsigned number 1101=13)

7 | 0111

+(-3)| +1101 (8 -3= 5=> 1 101)

4| 10100

Carry-out bit is ignored to obtain the correct result19Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

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2’s-Complement Addition The 2’s-Complement System is the most

efficient for addition and subtraction of signed numbers because both can be performed in the same manner for both positive and negative numbers

Same manner=Same circuitry=Less $$$$

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Overflow in Integer Arithmetic1 12 2 1n nV

In the 2’s-complement system n bits can represent the values in the range

For example: When the result of an arithmetic operation is outside this

range, an arithmetic overflow has occurred

78- ;4 Vn

6| 0110

5| +0101

11|= 1011


-7| 1001 1001

+( -1)| -0001 1111


no overflow

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Overflow in Integer Arithmetic

A simple way to detect overflow is to examine the signs of the two summands (X and Y ) and the sign of the result S (S=X+Y).

When both operands X and Y have the same sign, an overflow occurs if the sign of sum S is not the same as the signs of X and Y.

Overflow can occur only when adding two numbers that have the same sign

The carry-out signal from the sign-bit position is not a sufficient indicator of overflow when adding signed numbers

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1 0 1 11 1 1 0

1 0 0 1

1 1 0 11 0 0 1

0 0 1 00 1 0 0

0 1 1 00 0 1 1

1 0 0 11 0 1 1

1 0 0 10 0 0 1

0 0 1 01 1 0 1

1 1 1 0

0 1 0 01 0 1 0

0 1 1 11 1 0 1

0 1 0 0

1 1 0 10 1 1 1

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 01 1 0 0

1 1 1 0

0 1 1 01 1 0 1

0 0 1 1

1 0 0 10 1 0 1

1 1 1 0

1 0 0 11 1 1 1

1 0 0 0

0 0 1 00 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

0 1 0 1

0 0 1 00 0 1 1


2+( )3+( )

5+( )

2+( )4+( )

2- 7- 3- 7-

6+( )3+( )

1+( )

7- 5-


2+( )3-

6- 2-

4+( )

3- 4+( )

7+( )

4+( )


3+( )



5+( )+


























2’s-Complement Addition and Subtraction

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Comparison of Signed Representations

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Character Representation Each character is encoded by 8 bits American Standards Committee on Information

Interchange (ASCII) encoding system – 7 bits encoding

The 8th (most significant) bit is used to encode characters from different alphabets and some extra special symbols

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•Encoding of decimal digits

Decimaldigit BCDcode

0 00001 00012 00103 00114 01005 01016 01107 01118 10009 1001

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)

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Hexadecimal Numbers Base 16 ={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F}


(Z3x 163)+(Z3x 162)+(Z3x 161)+(Z3x 160)=

(Z3x4096)+(Z3x 256)+(Z3x 16)+(Z3x 1)

Example: (A34E)H=

(A x 163)+(3 x 162)+(4 x 161)+(E x 160)=

(Ax4096)+(3x 256)+(4x 16)+(E x 1)=

(10x4096)+(3x 256)+(4x 16)+(14 x 1)=

40960+768+64+14=41806.27Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

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Hexadecimal Numbers Advantages Easier to represent large numbers in compact manner Close relationship to binary numbers Ex.: Find the binary representation of 110101101011101 110 1011 0101 1101

6D=6H 11D=BH 5D=5H 13D=CH


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Conversion Hexadecimal-Decimal

Hexadecimal to Decimal: As shown on previous slide

Decimal to HEX: Same process as with binary.

Example: (1574)D=(?)H

1974 / 16 = 123 rem 6123 / 16 = 7 rem 11

Hence (1574)D=(7B6)H

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Table of ASCII Characters Char Hex Char Hex Char Hex Char Hex(nul) 0x00 (sp) 0x20 @ 0x40 ` 0x60(soh) 0x01 ! 0x21 A 0x41 a 0x61(eot) 0x04 $ 0x24 D 0x44 d 0x64(enq) 0x05 % 0x25 E 0x45 e 0x65(ack) 0x06 & 0x26 F 0x46 f 0x66(bel) 0x07 ' 0x27 G 0x47 g 0x67(bs) 0x08 ( 0x28 H 0x48 h 0x68(ht) 0x09 ) 0x29 I 0x49 i 0x69(nl) 0x0a * 0x2a J 0x4a j 0x6a(vt) 0x0b + 0x2b K 0x4b k 0x6b(cr) 0x0d - 0x2d M 0x4d m 0x6d(so) 0x0e . 0x2e N 0x4e n 0x6e(si) 0x0f / 0x2f O 0x4f o 0x6f(dle) 0x10 0 0x30 P 0x50 p 0x70(dc1) 0x11 1 0x31 Q 0x51 q 0x71(dc2) 0x12 2 0x32 R 0x52 r 0x72(dc3) 0x13 3 0x33 S 0x53 s 0x73(dc4) 0x14 4 0x34 T 0x54 t 0x74(nak) 0x15 5 0x35 U 0x55 u 0x75(syn) 0x16 6 0x36 V 0x56 v 0x76(etb) 0x17 7 0x37 W 0x57 w 0x77(can) 0x18 8 0x38 X 0x58 x 0x78(em) 0x19 9 0x39 Y 0x59 y 0x79(sub) 0x1a : 0x3a Z 0x5a z 0x7a(fs) 0x1c < 0x3c \ 0x5c | 0x7c(gs) 0x1d = 0x3d ] 0x5d } 0x7d(rs) 0x1e > 0x3e ^ 0x5e ~ 0x7e(us) 0x1f ? 0x3f _ 0x5f (del) 0x7f

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Minimum Number of Bits

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Each cell can store 1 bit of information having the value 0 or 1

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Word is a group of n bits

n is called the word length

…0 n-1

Modern computers have word length that typically range from 16 to 64 bits

As a rule, the word length is a power of 2: 16, 32 or 64 bits

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Byte is a unit of 8 bits

Word typically consists of 2 or 4 bytes (2 bytes for the IBM PC)

…0 7

Bits are seldom addressable individually

Bytes have addresses that are used for accessing the memory to store or retrieve a single item of information

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Byte Addressability

Successive byte locations in the memory have successive addresses

Memory is byte-addressable

Thus, successive byte locations have addresses 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,…

If the word length of the machine is 32 bits, successive words are located at the aligned addresses 0, 4, 8, 12, …

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second word (4)

first word (0)

n bits

last word

i th word




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(b) Four characters

charactercharactercharacter character

(a) A signed integer

Sign bit: for positive numbers for negative numbers


32 bits

8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits

b31 b30 b1 b0

b31 0=b31 1=

• • •

Encoded Information

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Usually numbers from 0 through 2k-1 for some suitable value of k are used as the addresses of successive locations (bytes) in the memory

The 2k addresses constitutes the address space of the computer, and the memory has up to 2k addressable locations

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Example k=3 then we can access 23=8 different addresses:

Binary Decimal000 0

001 1010 2011 3100 4101 5110 6

111 7

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Memory Units

Example: 24-bit address generates an address space of 224 =24 x 220bytes = 16 x 1M= 16 M (Megabytes)

Example: 32-bit address generates an address space of 232 bytes =22 x 230= 4 x 1 G = 4 (Gigabytes)

1M (Mbyte) = 220 (1,048,576) bytes = 1,024 K1G (Gbyte) = 230 bytes = 1,024 M

1K (Kbyte) = 210 (1,024) bytes

1T (Tera) = 240 bytes = 1,024 G

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Memory UnitsWhat if we want to address 3,000,000 bytes?





222 bytes =22 x 220= 4 x 1 M = 4 M > 3,000,000 bytes

221 bytes =21 x 220= 2 x 1 M = 2 M < 3,000,000 bytesNot enough addresses!

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Addresses Assignment Big-endian assignment: lower byte addresses

are used for the more significant (the leftmost) bytes of the words

Little-endian assignment: lower byte addresses are used for the less significant (the rightmost) bytes of the words

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4- 2k

3- 2k

2- 2k

1- 2k



0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

0 0



1- 2k

2- 2k

3- 2k


3 2 1 0

7 6 5 4

Byte addressByte address

(a) Big-endian assignment (b) Little-endian assignment





Addresses Assignment

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•Is program provided by DOS•Used for testing and debug executable programs•Displays all program code and data in hexadecimal•Allows to execute programs step by step•Does not distinguish between lowercase and upper case

Commands:•D Display the contents of an area in memory•E Enter data into memory•Q Quit session•R Display the contents of one or more registers•T Trace the execution of one instruction•W Write program onto disk

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Debug DisplayHex




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Debug DisplaySystem Equipment



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Debug DisplayMemory Size


Byte Swap


80 02 02 80 640 k

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Debug DisplayModel ID


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Machine Instructions A computer must have instructions capable of

performing four types of operations: Data transfers between the memory and the

processor registers Arithmetic and logic operations on data Program sequencing and control Input/Output (I/O) transfers

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Data Transfers: Possible Locations Memory locations Processor registers Registers in the I/O subsystem In the instruction itself (immediate data)

Most of the time we identify a location by a symbolic name standing for its hardware binary address:

•Memory Locations: LOCA, LOC, PLACE, A, VAR2, JOHN_SMITH

•Processor register names: R0, R5, R10, …

•I/O register names: DATAIN, OUTSTATUS

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Data Transfers: Register Transfer Notation

The contents of a location are denoted by placing square brackets around the name of the location:

[LOC] means the contents of the location LOC

R1 [LOC] means that the contents of memory location LOC are transferred into processor register R1

R3 [R1]+[R2] means that the sum of the contents of registers R1 and R2 is transferred into processor register R3

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Data Transfers: Assembly Language Notation

Move LOC, R1

means that the contents of memory location LOC are transferred into processor register R1

This is equivalent to R1<- [LOC] in Register Transfer Notation

In the IBM PC the instruction MOV is equivalent to Move (more about this later)!

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Data Transfers: Assembly Language Notation

Move Source, Destination

means that the contents of memory location Source are transferred into memory location Destination.

As a result, the previous contents of memory location Destination will be replaced, but the contents of memory location Source will not be changed

The instruction Move copies the contents of one memory location to another one

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What is “Standard” Assembly?


•”Standard” Assembly



OPcode src, dst

IBM PC Assembly

•Real-life Assembly



OPcode dst, src

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MOV InstructionRemember that the IBM PC assumes that you are talking about the contents of a variable (Move), not its memory address (), hence, if:

X is a variable with memory address 10H and its contents are 24H

1)The instruction: MOV AX,X moves 24H into AX

2) The instruction MOV AX,[X] moves 87H into AX



Address: 10H

Address: 24H

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Basic Instruction Types


How is this high-level language command implemented in the computer?

To carry out the action

C [A]+[B]

the contents of memory locations A and B are fetched from memory and transferred into the processor, where their sum is computed and then transferred to memory

location C 56Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

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Three-Address InstructionGeneral form: Operation Source1, Source2, Destination

Add A, B, C

Disadvantage: This form has 3 operands. If memory addresses were to be used to specify operands, the memory space would be very limited.

Example: if k=10 bits (enough for a memory of 1 KB), then 30 bits will be needed for the 3 operands.

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Two-Address InstructionGeneral form: Operation Source, Destination

An Add instruction: Add A, B performs the operation B[A]+[B]. When the sum is calculated, the result is sent to memory and stored in location B, replacing the original contents of this location.

C [A]+[B] can be implemented asMove B, CAdd A, C

Even a 2-address instruction is too large for a processor with a 32-bit address space !

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One-Address Instruction


Add A means: Add the contents of memory location A to the contents of the accumulator register and place the sum back into the accumulator

Move A means: Copy the contents of memory location A to the accumulator register

Store A means: Copy the contents of the accumulator register to memory location A

General form: Operation Source

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One-Address InstructionThus, C [A]+[B] can be implemented as

(Assembly Language)Move AAdd BStore C

which means (Register Notation):Accumulator [A]Accumulator [Accumulator] + [B]C [Accumulator]

Notice that now the 32-bits will be use only to access 1

memory location and to denote the operation

A two-operand instruction, how is it possible? One Register, One memory location

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One-Address Instruction

In the IBM PC, C [A]+[B] can be implemented as

;Assembly Language Register NotationMOV AX,A ; [AX] [A]ADD AX,B ; [AX] [AX] + [B]MOV C,AX ; [C] [ AX]

Notice that in the IBM PC Assembly Language the operation “addition” is represented by the instruction “ADD”.

The symbol “;” is used to indicate the start of comments. Comments are useful to remind us what the program is doing, but they do NOT effect the behavior of it

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Processor Registers Because the number of registers is relatively small,

only a few bits are needed to specify, which register takes part in an operation

For example, for 32 registers only 5 bits are needed to address them (while 8 bits are needed to address a single byte in the memory)

This makes it possible to use “two”- and “three”- address instructions

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Using Processor Registers for Arithmetic Operations

C=A+B that is, C [A]+[B] can be implemented as

Move A, RiMove B, RjAdd Ri, RjMove Rj, C

4 instructions

If we wanted to do it in this manner, for the IBM PC we would have:

MOV DX,AMOV AX,BADD AX,DXMOV C,AX 63Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

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If One of the Arithmetic Operands is in Memory

C=A+B that is, C [A]+[B] can be implemented as

Move A, RiAdd B, RiMove Ri, C

3 instructions

For the IBM PC we would have:


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Addressing Modes

65Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

Name Assembler syntax Addressing function

Immediate #Value Operand = ValueRegister Ri EA= Ri

Absolute(Direct) LOC EA= LOC

Indirect (Ri ) EA= [Ri](LOC) EA= [LOC]

Index X(Ri) EA= [Ri]+ X

Basewithindex (Ri ,Rj ) EA= [Ri]+ [Rj]

Basewithindex X(Ri,Rj ) EA= [Ri]+ [Rj] + Xandoffset

Relative X(PC) EA= [PC] + X

Autoincrement (Ri )+ EA= [Ri] ;Increment Ri

Autodecrement (Ri ) Decrement Ri ;EA= [Ri]

EA =Effective addressValue = asigned number

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Program Sequencing and Control Programs aren’t all “in-line”, they also need to:

jump to and from subroutines loop branch to exception vectors etc

Use call and branch instructions Can be conditional

Branch > 0 LOOP

Control instruction examples cache control, pipeline control, RFI, WFI

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Specific Machine Levels

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Translating LanguagesEnglish: Display the sum of A times B plus C.

C++: cout << (A * B + C);

Assembly Language:

mov eax,Amul Badd eax,Ccall WriteInt

Intel Machine Language:

A1 00000000

F7 25 00000004

03 05 00000008

E8 00500000

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Assembly Language Mnemonics, symbolic names, and rules for their

use for a specific computer type For example:

Operation: MOV, ADD, INC, BR Register or Memory: R2 or LOC Syntax: ADDI 5,R3

Viable programming language(s) Very good control of the machine Albeit cumbersome!

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Assembly Language No standard format Assembly language is converted into machine

instructions (1’s and 0’s) by a program called an Assembler

Assembler Directives provide other information to the assembler where to place instructions where to put data constant values

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Assembly Language ExampleMemory Addressingaddress ordata

label Operation information

Assembler directives SUM EQU 200ORIGIN 204


ORIGIN 100Statements that START MOVE N,R1

generate MOVE #NUM1,R2machine CLR R0instructions LOOP ADD (R2),R0


Assembler directives

71Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture




































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Basic I/O



MoveByte DATAIN,R1






Ke yboard Display



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Queues / FIFOs First In — First Out

Buffer data between two entities: Keyboard => Processor Processor => Printer Processor1 => Processor2

Scheduling as well: Printer queue Queue of processes for multi-tasking Event queue in VerilogHDL

Queues may use priority ranking

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Queues / FIFOs First In — First Out

The two basic functions are: APPEND an element on one end REMOVE an element from the other

Frequently, one entity appends items to the queue and another removes it

Two moving pointers are needed: IN: location for next APPEND OUT: location for next REMOVE

Wrap-around is needed

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Queues / FIFOs Pointers usually

managed by hardware Overflow occurs when

an element is appended to a full queue

Underflow occurs when an element is removed from an empty queue

May have Empty, Almost Full, Full flags

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Stacks/LIFOs Last In — First Out

Stacks are used to temporarily store items The two basic functions are:

PUSH an element on the top POP the top element from the stack

Frequently, the same entity that pushed the item on stack also pops it

In contrast to the queue Only one pointer needed – it points to the top element PUSH and POP in different directions Wrap-around is not needed

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Stacks/LIFOs Processor Stack

Dedicated Stack Pointer (SP) SP may be a general-purpose register SP “grows” towards smaller addresses Implementation of stack operations:

PUSH: Move NewItem, -(SP)

SP <- [SP] - 1, [SP] <- NewItem

POP: Move (SP)+,TopItem

TopItem <- [[SP]]; SP <- [SP] + 1

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Subroutines Program segments may occur repeatedly:

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Subroutines Solution: Call a subroutine multiple times

Problems: Return address needs to be known! How to pass parameters? Where to keep local variables?

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Subroutine Calling Link register:

Call SUB LR <- [PC]

PC <- SUB Return PC <- [LR]

Address on stack: Call SUB SP <- [SP] – 1

[SP] <- [PC]

PC <- SUB Return PC <- [[SP]]

SP <- [SP] + 1Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 80

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Parameter PassingStored in a designated memory area:

MAIN Move parX, A AddSub Move A, R0

Move parY, B Add B, R0

Call AddSub Move R0, C

Move C, Result Return

Stored in designated registers:

MAIN Move parX, R0 AddSub Move R0, R2

Move parY, R1 Add R1, R2

Call AddSub Return

Move R2, Result

Using the stack:

MAIN Move parX, -(SP) AddSub ?

Move parY, -(SP) …

Call AddSub Return

Move ?, Result

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Parameter Passing through StackSimple Example Re-Using Parameter Space:

MAIN Move PARAM1, -(SP) ; push Param1

Move PARAM2, -(SP) ; push Param2

Call SUBR ; call subroutine

Move (SP), RESULT ; get return value

Add #8, SP ; clean up stack

SUBR Move 8(SP), R0 ; load Param 1

Add 4(SP), R0 ; add Param 2

Move R0, 4(SP) ; store result

Return ; Result = P1 + P2

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Parameter Addressing Remember that Return Address in on the Stack


Assumptions: two 32-bit parameters, no temporary items on stack, result

size is 32-bit, result replaces parameter

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Subroutine Linkage Call instruction is

used to call a subroutine

Subroutine returns control to the calling program when it is done

Stack is used to pass information










Calling programMemorylocation


Call SUBnext instruction

Subroutine SUB

first instruction

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Subroutine Linkage Call pushes

information onto stack

Return pops information off of stack

Stack pointer (SP) and Frame pointer (FP) used to access parameters and variables

SP(stack pointer)

FP(frame pointer)

saved [R1]

saved [R0]


calledsubroutineReturn address




saved [FP]







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The End Lecture 2