Download - Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

Page 1: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

Introduction to Cancer

Page 2: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

DefinitionsThe word “cancer” comes from

the latin word for crab.

The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word oncology or oncologist.

What is the Latin word for swelling?


Page 3: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

Neoplasia (Gk. new growth)

“A neoplasm is an abnormal mass of tissue, the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of the normal tissues and persists in the same excessive manner after cessation of the stimuli which evoked the change.”

--Dr. R. A. Willis

Page 4: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

Benign vs. malignantWell-differentiated - when cancer

cells resemble normal surrounding cells.

benignPoorly-differentiated – when

cancer cells do not resemble normal surrounding cells.


Page 5: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

benign – well-differentiated.

Page 6: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

malignant-poorly differentiated

Page 7: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.
Page 8: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


grow slowly

low mitotic rate

well differentiated

not invasive; well-defined borders

remain localized; do not


Page 9: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Grow rapidly

high mitotic index

poorly differentiated

do not have a capsule

invade surrounding structures; can metastasize

Page 10: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

Nuclei of cellsHave an abundance of DNA and

are therefore large.Hyperchromatic- stain darkly

Page 11: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.
Page 12: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


In contrast, this hepatocellular carcinoma is not as well circumscribed (note the infiltration of tumor off to the lower right) nor as uniform in consistency. It is also arising in a cirrhotic (nodular) liver.

Page 13: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Malignant neoplasms are also characterized by the tendency to invade surrounding tissues. Here, a lung cancer is seen to be spreading along the bronchi into the surrounding lung.

Page 14: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.

This is an example of metastases to the liver. Note that the tan-white masses are multiple and irregularly sized. A primary neoplasm is more likely to be a solitary mass. Metastasis is the best indication that a neoplasm is malignant.

Page 15: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Stages of cancer spread:

Stage 1 – confined to site of origin

Stage 2- cancer is locally invasive

Stage 3 – cancer has spread to regional structures

Stage 4- cancer has spread to distant sites

Page 16: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


TNM system:

tumor spread

node involvement

presence of distant metastasis

Staging may influence choice of treatment

Page 17: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Staging TNM system

1.Size of tumor – T0, T1, T2,T3

2.Degree of local invasion – lymph node involvement

3.Extent of spread – metastasis

Page 18: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Patterns of spread: MetastasisDirect or continuous extensionBy lymphatics or blood stream

◦As clumps or as single cells◦Lymphatics most common

Page 19: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Distribution and common sites of distant metastases• often occurs in the first capillary bed

encountered•Others show “organ tropism”•Due to:• Local growth factors or hormones• Preferential adherence to the surface• Presence of chemotactic factors

Page 20: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Clinical manifestations of CancerPain

◦Usually not in early stages◦60 – 80 % of terminally ill◦Psychogenic, cultural and physiologic

components◦Due to pressure, obstruction,

stretching, tissue damage or inflammation

Page 21: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Clinical manifestations of Cancer

Cachexia – wastinganorexiaearly satietyweight lossanemiamarked weakness taste alterationsaltered metabolism

Page 22: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Clinical manifestations of Cancer


chronic bleeding


medical therapies

malignancy in blood forming organs

Administer erythropoietin

Page 23: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Clinical manifestations of Cancer

Leukopenia and thrombocytopeniatumor invasion of bone marrowchemotherapy or radiation

Page 24: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Cancer TreatmentChemotherapy

◦Cytotoxic drugs + body defenses Single agent Combination chemotherapyAvoids single agent resistanceCan use lower doseBetter remission and cure rate

Page 25: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Cancer TreatmentRadiation

targets DNAkill tumor without damage to

surrounding tissuestumor must be accessible

Page 26: Introduction to Cancer. Definitions The word “cancer” comes from the latin word for crab. The Greek word oncos means swelling and where we get the word.


Cancer Treatment

Surgerymethod of choice can remove entire tumordebulkingadjuvant chemotherapy or
