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Introduction to Advanced Product Options |

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Advanced Product Options

Advanced Product Options extension enables creating any number of the predefined custom options or combinations of them for products. Then you can bulk assign predefined custom options to any number of products as well as bulk remove the assignment of the predefined custom options. It is also possible to apply predefined custom options directly on the product edit page.

Advanced Product Options extension makes the process of creation of custom options for bunch of products easy and smooth. You do not have to create the same custom options for several products separately. All you need to do is to create custom options template and assign it to needed products in one click.

Moreover, you can upload images for custom options, track stock inventory, set default options and make custom options dependent.

Recently Added Features |

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1) Compatibility with Firegento MageSetup Extension for German market2) Compatibility with Innoexts_StorePricing3) New feature "Do Not Restore Deleted Options" is added to the options templates4) Ability to select customer groups for special and tier prices5) "Cost" attribute is added for custom options6) Ability to update/keep unchanged quantity of product options when updating options template7) Multi-dependency functionality8) "Allow Backorders and Notify Customer" feature9) Ability to "Allow Backorders" for out-of-stock options |

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Weight for Custom Options

1. Ability to specify a weight for custom options 2. Ability to setup an absolute weight (option's weight replaces a product's weight) 3. Shipping costs include weight of custom options |

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Custom Options Images / Color (Image) Swatch

1. Ability to upload images for custom options (give your customers graphic example of what you are offering) 2. Customers can see the images in original sizes on the front-end 3. Ability to create custom options of the "Swatch" type (it displays only images instead of custom options on the front-end. Customers will click on images to select a custom option's value) 4. Ability to replace a product's image with a custom option's image 5. Ability to replace a product's gallery with option's gallery 6. Ability to append option's images to product's gallery 7. Ability to display all uploaded images of a custom option above the custom option (applicable to the drop-down and multiselect only) 8. Ability to change a sorting order of images using a drag-and-drop functionality 9. Ability to specify color's hash codes to display color's thumbnail on the front-end (it allows creating color swatch options) 10. Ability to combine several images by placing one image over another. (Example: you can put an image with some wording over an image with a t-shirt) |

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Extension URL :

Live Demo

Frontend URL :

Admin URL :

(Please select "Advanced Product Options" in the list of available extensions) |

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Frontend Display |

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1. Disable Compilation Mode if it is enabled2. Log out from Magento Admin panel if you are logged in3. Unpack the contents of the ‘extension’ folder from the package file purchased from MageWorx to your Magento root folder4. Log into Magento Admin Panel5. If Cache Control is enabled in Magento go to ‘System > CacheManagement’ section, select ‘Refresh’ under ‘All Cache drop down nu and press ‘Save Cache Settings’6. Enable Compilation Mode back if necessary7. Now go to ‘System > Configuration > MageWorx tab >Extensions & Support’ section. If you see ‘Advanced Product Options’ in the list of installed MageWorx extensions you are done. |

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If you use a custom template or theme you need to copy the extension’s layouts and templates to the folders with the custom design. You should copy all the folders (“layout” and “template”) inside the folder “app/design/frontend/default/default/” of the extension’s package to the folder with your current template and/or theme :

“app/design/frontend/<your_template>/<your_theme>/”.Don’t forget to refresh the cache if enabled |

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Extension Usage

Log in to Magento Admin panel and go to ‘Catalog’ > ‘Advanced Product Options’ section. Click on the ‘Add Options’ button to add a new template. You will see default features available for custom options: |

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‘Title’ – name of the template. It will be visible for admin on the product edit page in case of manual assignment.

‘Status’ – a status of the template (Enabled/Disabled).The process of addition of new options is the same as standard one in Magento except for new fields like “Description”, “One - time” and “Default”, i.e. when adding new option you need to specify:• Title of the option (displayed on the front-end);•Input Type – the type of options (textarea, check-box, drop-down etc.)

Is Required – determines if an option is required or not at a product page;

• One-time – if enabled, custom option’s price will be added only once to product total despite the quantity of products added to cart ( Technical note: the option's price is being divided by the qty of products added to the cart, though appears as a whole value in the cart);

•Sort Order – determines the sort order of an option among other custom options at the product page.

• Description – the description of a custom option, which will be displayed near the option on the front-end. It gives your customers the full details about what you are offering. |

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You can also upload an image of each custom option’s value and set the default value for them

Add image – allows you to upload an image of a custom option. It will be visible on the front-end near particular custom option. If there is an image already uploaded for an option’s value, the button transforms to “Change Image”

Default – this option allows you to specify a default value for custom option. If specified, appropriate value is shown for custom option by default on the front-end. If the option’s type is radio-button or drop-down you can specify only one default value. If it is check-box or multi-select you can specify several default values |

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When you are done with options you can assign them to the products. For this just switch to ‘Products’ tab and select the products you need. Click on ‘Save Options’ to complete. After that the custom options will be assigned to chosen products and displayed on the front-end for them.Note: you can use built-in filters to find necessary products easily.One more feature since v2.0 is the “.One more feature since v2.0 is the “Duplicate” button. It allows you to duplicate existing template so that you don't have to create all custom options again. |

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Custom Options’ inventoryAdvanced Product Options extension allows specifying available

stock quantity for each custom option’s value. For example, if you have a custom option “Color” with 3 values: Red, Blue and White. You can specify quantity for each option (Red, Blue or White). This quantity is decreased when product is purchased and retrieved when order is canceled or refunded. Available quantity can be shown on the front-end near each option to show your customers how many products with particular custom options left.

Out of stock options can be hidden or disabled on the front-end(this happens automatically when the quantity gets zero).

Note: in order to ensure that quantities of the options previously assigned to products won’t be overwritten while one makes any changes to the options template, Qty field is not updatable in this case. This will guarantee that quantities of custom options of the products will always reflect actual data.

In order to enable custom options’ inventory you should turn this feature in the extension’s settings. Once done you will see “Qty” field for each custom options’ value. |

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Customer Groups for custom optionsAdvanced Product Options extension allows you to create

custom options, which are be visible only for particular custom groups. It’s useful if you provide different products’ configurations for different customer groups or want to provide different prices of custom options for different customers.

This feature can be turned on/off in the extension’s settings (“Enable Customer Groups for custom options”). If on, you will see “Customer Groups” setting for each option in the back-end |

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You can find extension’s settings in System – > Configuration – > MAGEWORX–Catalog – > Advanced Product Options |

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