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Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




INTRODUCTION An individual who enrolled at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) must read, understand and comply with the Students’ Disciplinary Rules & Regulation of UTP, upon registration and during their study at UTP. This Disciplinary Rules & Regulation will guide students to understand the University’s disciplinary requirements within the premises of the University and/or at Residential Village. The handbook will also provide information on Students’ Disciplinary procedures and the types of actions/penalty that can be taken against a student if they fail to comply with any Disciplinary Rules and Regulations. References: 1. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Constitution, Act 555, sections 30 of the

Malaysian Laws. 2. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Students Discipline, 1998. 3. Private Higher Education Institutions Act, 1996, Act 555. 4. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Students’ Handbook.

Issued In September 2011

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




1.0 STUDENTS’ DISCIPLINARY RULES & REGULATIONS 1.1 This Rules and Regulations are known as “Students’ Disciplinary Rules &

Regulations of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS”. (Hereinafter referred to as Regulations).

1.2 These Regulations apply to all students and/or the entire period of their

studies in the University. Disciplinary action can be taken against students who commit any infringement of the provisions contained in these Regulations.

1.3 In any circumstances, the conduct and discipline of the students are also

governed by other written rules that currently and/or will be enforced by the University from time to time.

2.0 DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITY 2.1 In this Regulation, the term “Disciplinary Authority” shall mean the University’s

Management, whose function includes supervision of the code of conduct of all of UTP students.

2.2 In carrying out this responsibility the University’s Management may delegate

at its discretion any of its disciplinary functions, powers and/or duties to any member of the staff.

2.3 Definitions.

2.3.1 “University” means Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. 2.3.2 “Campus” means the area and/or areas, together with all buildings

and/or other structures thereon, which belongs to and/or are used, whether permanently and/or otherwise, by the University.

2.3.3 “Residential Village” means any residence, whatsoever it is being

called, which has been provided by the University and/or Students accommodation.

2.3.4 “Student” means an individual who is registered in the University

and/or the purpose of receiving education, instruction and/or training of any description from and/or in the University.

3.0 CODE OF CONDUCT 3.1 In accordance to the provisions of this Regulation, disciplinary can be taken to

any students involve and/or committed any of the following: 3.1.1 Conduct and/or kind of conduct which are prohibited by Malaysia

Syariah and Civil Law such as the use of drugs, liquor, pornography, damage to public and/or personal properties, gambling, prostitution,

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




stealing, physical harm, arson, robbery, sexual harassment, murder etc.

3.1.2 Conduct and/or any kind of conduct which can cause injury to others

and own self such as fighting, disturbing, abusing, ragging, extortion, demonstration (picket), commit and/or involve with any immoral activities, commit and/or involve with any conduct which can be as vulgar, unauthorised activities, vandalism etc.

3.1.3 Conduct any kind of activities that are against the ethics of National

Education such as long hair, smoking in campus, failed to adhere to the UTP Appearance & Dress Code Rules & Regulations, move and/or displace any University properties without permission and etc.

3.1.4 Conduct of any kind, which may cause disturbances to the University

activity, and/or with regard to its studies. 3.1.5 Conduct of any kind, which may cause detrimental to the reputation of

the University and/or its students. 3.1.6 Conduct of any kind, which may cause the public to lose confidence in

the University. 3.1.7 Dishonesty or conduct of any kind, which may be considered as


3.1.8 Irresponsibility or conduct of any kind, which may be considered as irresponsible.

3.1.9 Disobedience or conduct of any kind, which may be considered as

disobedient. 3.1.10 To produce, keep or use object of any kind, which can be considered

as dangerous weapon, firearms and/or explosive. 3.1.11 To produce, own, control, in the care of and/or possession of any kind

of substance, which may be considered as drugs or poison or chemical which are prohibited by the government with the exception of medication which is permitted by the government.

3.1.12 To give, supply, distribute, offer or intend to give, possess or offer

substances of any kind that can be considered as drugs or poison or chemical prohibited by the government.

3.1.13 To consume eat, drink, smoke, and/or ingest substances of any kind,

which are considered as drugs or poison, or intake into the body through injection or any other means.

3.1.14 Under the influence and/or effect of substances of any kind that can

be considered as drugs and/or chemicals prohibited by Government.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




3.1.15 To obstruct the management or University Authority from instructing students suspected of involvement in the abuse of drugs from undergoing medical check-up and/or medical test and/or other relevant tests.

3.1.16 Students, and/or student groups and/or student councils/club/society

are not permitted to publish, hand out and/or distribute/post any kind of document/pamphlet/writing, whether within the University or outside, except with the written authorisation of the Management, subject to any form of restraints, limitations or conditions which are deemed necessary or appropriate.

3.1.17 Students, and/or student groups and/or student councils/club/society

are not permitted to produce, wave, exhibit, show, own, store or control any kind of flags, banners, stickers, posters, symbols or any other type of objects which may cause disturbance, riot or disregard for Students’ Regulations.

3.1.18 To spread and/or promote any kind of teaching which deviations

/contrary to the Islamic faith. 3.1.19 To commit any action which may be considered morally improper

and/or sinful and/or contrary to Islamic faith, whether within the premises of the University or Residential Village.

3.1.20 To posses, keep, store or distribute any kind of object, which may be

considered as phonographic within the premises of the University or Residential Village.

3.1.21 To bring, keep, store, drink or distribute any kind of alcoholic drinks

within the premises of the University or Residential Village. 3.1.22 To organise, manage, carry out or participate in any kind of gambling

activity, betting or lottery within the premises of the University or Residential Village, either individually or in-groups.

3.1.23 To use any kind of conduct or language which may be considered

rude towards employees of the University, students of the University or member of the public.

3.1.24 To enter any off-limit places or areas of the University, except with

special authorisation from the University Authority. 3.1.25 To obstruct and/or disturb the University Authority from carrying out

his/her duties, functions and/or responsibilities. 3.1.26 To detain and/or obstruct any students from attending any lectures,

classes, practical work and/or any other activities conducted by the University and/or lawful and/or ordered by the University and/or approved by the University.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




3.1.27 To organise, incite or participate in any boycotting of any lectures, classes, practical work, examinations, tests and/or any other activities conducted by the University and/or lawful and/or ordered by the University and/or approved by the University.

3.1.28 To interrupt and/or disturb any kind of class, lecture, practical work,

administration and/or any other type of activities conducted by the University and/or lawful and/or ordered by the University and/or approved by the University.

3.1.29 To create nuisance in any manner whatsoever which may cause

danger and/or difficulties within the premises of the University and/or Residential Village.

3.1.30 To commit and/or involve in any unauthorised work and/or activities

which are not approved by the University.

3.1.31 To smoke within the premises of the University or Residential Collage. 3.1.32 To use the office, the Residential Village facilities and/or any property

of the University without the permission of relevant University Authority.

3.1.33 To be inappropriate and/or indecently dressed within the premises of

the University and/or Residential Village.

3.1.34 Fail to bring and/or show and/or display the Student’s identification card within the premises of the University and/or Residential Village.

3.1.35 All students are absolutely prohibited from inflicting any kind of

violence towards other students, including bullying, extortion, brutality, torture disturbing and/or the use of force.

3.1.36 It is forbidden for students to form, take part in and/or become a

member of any unauthorised group and/or society by the University.

3.2 Residential Village Rules & Regulations.

Students who stay at the Residential Village are required to comply with the Residential Village Rules and Regulations established by the University as per stipuled in the Students’ Handbook. Additional Residential Village Rules and Regulations is as per Attachment II in this book.

3.3 Industrial Internship Programme.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




Students who undergo Industrial Internship Programme are required to comply with laws and Regulations stipulated by the University and respective company/industry.

3.4 Utilisation and Care of Property.

3.4.1 Students are prohibited from:

a. moving, taking in or taking out any item, property of the University and/or under the procession of the University from classroom, hall, workshop, laboratory, Residential Village and/or University premises.

b. removing, disturbing and/or to take any articles, object, items

and/or property of the University and/or under the possession of the University within the Campus and/or Residential Village and/or outside, which may cause and/or obstruct, cause nuisance, damage, perish and/or loss.

c. parking vehicles and/or other means of transportation in places not

designated for parking by the University.

d. burning any object, items personal properties and/or properties belonging to the University and/or under the control of the University within the University and/or Residential Village.

e. carrying out any unauthorised modifications or additions to the

electrical equipment that have been installed in the University premises and/or Residential Village.

f. Carrying out any unauthorised modifications or repair on any

machinery or buildings of the University or Residential Village without prior decision.

3.4.2 Students are required to:

a. take care of the premises of the University or the Residential Village at all times, ensuring its cleanliness, orderliness and safety.

b. report to the University Authority, any matter and/or individual

behaviour, which they suspect, could jeopardise the safety of the University, Residential Village and/or its residence.

c. pay for any damages and/or losses of properties of University

and/or the Residential Village, deliberately done on purpose and/or because of negligence.

3.5 Appearance & Dress-Code Regulations

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




All students are required to be smartly and suitably dressed at all times in

campus and adhere to the stipuled University Appearance & Dress Code regulations as per Attachment III.

3.6 Traffic Rules & Regulation

Students using vehicles in the University premises and/or at the Residential Village are required to comply with the University Traffic regulations as per Attachment IV.

4.0 DISIPLINARY SYSTEM 4.1 The University’s Disciplinary System consists of the Students’ Minor Offences

Disciplinary Committee, Students’ Disciplinary Committee and Students’ Disciplinary Appeal Committee.

a. Student’s Minor Offences Disciplinary Committee.

The Student’s Minor Offences Disciplinary Committee will meet once a month or whenever the Committee feels it is necessary to do so. i. Composition:

Senior Manager, SSSD - Chairman Senior Manager, Security Department /representative - Member Manager, Residential Village - Member Executive, Finance - Member Executive, Academic Administration - Member Executive, Registry - Member Executive, Student Relations & Disciplinary Unit - Secretary

ii. Responsibilities:

(a) To deliberate on minor offences (summon/fine) issued. (b) To decide on the appeal and penalty.

b. Students’ Disciplinary Committee.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




The Students’ Disciplinary Committee will meet when the Committee received an official report on a disciplinary case. i. Composition:

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs & Alumni -Chairman Senior Manager, SSSD - Member Executive, Student Relations & Disciplinary Unit - Secretary Any 2 or more executive nominated by the Chairman at his/her discretion.

ii. Responsibilities:

(a) To deliberate on the case received. (b) To determine whether a Disciplinary Hearing needs to

be conducted or otherwise. (c) To nominate members for the Disciplinary Hearing. (d) To review the disciplinary hearing report and

recommendations by the panels. (e) To decide on the type of punishment based the

University’s Constitution and/or Student’s Rules & Regulations.

(f) To submit to Students Disciplinary Appeal Committee official written appeal received from the accused.

c. Students’ Disciplinary Appeal Committee.

The Students’ Disciplinary Appeal Committee will sit, whenever an appeal is received from the accused. i. Composition: Vice Chancellor and any member of UTP

executive staff nominated by the Vice Chancellor. ii. Roles: To deliberate on the appeal received. The Committee

at its discretion will decide whether to change and/or maintain the punishment imposed by the Students Disciplinary Committee.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations





5.1 A student who is found guilty for any disciplinary conduct can be

imposed any one or more appropriate punishment concurrently or consecutively as follows:

a. Reprimand b. A fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit (RM 1000.00). c. suspension from one or more facilities of the University for a

specific period. d. Exclusion from any part of the University for a specific period. e. Academic suspension for a specific period. f. Expulsion from the University.

6.0 PUNISHMENT AND APPEAL 6.1 Punishment imposed by the Students Disciplinary Committee.

6.2 Any appeal on the punishment imposed by the Students’

Disciplinary Committee must be forwarded to the Chairman of the Students’ Appeal Disciplinary Committee within five (5) working days after official punishment letter received by the accused.

6.3 Fine imposed to students must be paid by the student within

fourteen (14) days after the date of issuance of summon to the University’s Finance & Asset Management Department. If the student wishes to appeal, the appeal must be forwarded to the Chairman of the Minor Offence Disciplinary Committee within fourteen (14) days from the date of issuance of summon.

Attachments: A. Attachment I - General Rules & Regulations. B. Attachment II - Residential Village Rules & Regulations. C. Attachment III - Appearance & Dress-Code Rules & Regulations. D. Attachment IV - Traffic Rules & Regulations.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations





Note: Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC)




Conducting any kind of social activity and/or event and/or gathering in the Campus without prior approval from the University Authority. Involve and/or abetting in item 1(a).

A group of more than 3 (three) persons can be considered as a gathering.

i) A maximum fine of RM

50.00 and/or ii) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.


Disturbing and/or causing inconvenience to other student/s and/or other/s.

i) A maximum fine of RM

50.00 and/and/or ii) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.



To cause damage and/or deface and/or defile and/or misuse any properties, assets and/or equipment belonging to and/or controlled by University. Involved and/or abetting in item 3a.

i) A maximum fine of 3 times

the cost of repair/replacement, and/ and/or

ii) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.



To consume and/or own and/or posses and/or distribute and/or to be under the influence of intoxicated substance within University area. Involved and/or abetting in item 4a.

i) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.



To own and/or possess and/and/or use inflammables and/or explosive and/or poisonous and/or acidic substance in Campus. Involved and/or abetting in item 5a.

i) Items will be confiscated

and/or ii) A maximum fine of RM

50.00 and/or iii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations







To possess and/or own and/or take and/or distribute prohibited drugs. Involved and/or abetting in item 6a.

i) Lodge a report to the University Security Department for future action.

ii) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.



To possess and/or own equipment relating to drug abuse and/or trafficking. Involved and/or abetting in item 7a.

i) Lodge a report to the University Security Department for future action. ii) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.



To own or in possession and/or usage of dangerous weapons. Involved and/or abetting in item 8a.

i) Weapon confiscated and/or ii) A maximum fine of RM50.00

and/or iii) Lodge a report to the University Security Department for future action.



To duplicate and/or own and/or to possess any keys for University building without prior permission. Allowing anyone to use and/or make and/or possess and/or own and/or use duplicate key/s belonging to the University.

i) Keys confiscated and/or ii) A maximum fine of RM 50.00

and/or ii) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.


In close proximity with opposite gender in a suspicious manner within University area.

i) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.



Behaving and/or acting in gross and/or indecent act and/or manner and/or behavior and/or immoral and/or improper and/or unnatural act. Involved and/or abetting in item 11a.

i) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.



Gambling and/or betting. Collaborating and/or abetting and/or being present in a gambling and/or betting area and/or vicinity.

i) Item confiscated and/or ii) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations







To read and/or own and/or possess and/or distribute pornographic and/or prohibited materials. Involved and/or abetting in item 13a.

i) Item confiscated ii) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.



To watch and/or own and/or possess and/or distribute pornographic picture and/or audio visual and/or prohibited materials. Involved and/or abetting in item 14a.

i) Item confiscated ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.


Smoking in University area.

i) A maximum fine of RM50


Littering in the University area.

i) A maximum fine of RM50




Ill-mannered and/or preventing and/or obstructing any authorized personnel in their course of duty. Attempting to prevent and/or obstruct any authorized personnel in the course of duty. Involved and/or abetting in item 17a & 17b.

i) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.



Committing any conduct and/or act/s classified as criminal offence/s. Involved and/or abetting in item 18a.

i) Submission of report to the

SDC for further action.



Engaging in conduct and/or act/s that may cause danger to oneself and/or others. Involved and/or abetting in item 19a.

i) A maximum fine of RM

50.00 and/or ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.


Fail to comply with the Student’s Dress Code and Appearance Regulation.

i) A maximum fine of RM20.00

and/or ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations






Absent from Disciplinary Hearing without any valid reason/s.

i) Suspension from studies and/or

ii) Expulsion from University



Do not abide to the University Authority instruction such as vacating building during the fire drill exercises.

i) A maximum fine of RM

50.00 and/or ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.


Fail to comply with any other rules and regulations implemented by the University from time to time.

i) A maximum fine of RM

50.00 and/or ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.

Important Note: These provisions are subject to change by University at its own discretion from time to time.

Attachment II

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




B. RESIDENTIAL VILLAGE RULES & REGULATIONS Note: Student’s Disciplinary Committee (SDC)




Allowing someone of the opposite gender to enter and/or be in his/her hostel room and/or block. Allowing a third party to enter and/or be in his/her hostel block without prior approval from the Residential Village management.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00

and/or ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.


Allowing third party to reside in his/her room.

i) A maximum fine equivalent of 3

times of the daily room rate (for the duration of the stay) and/or

ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.


Student who resides in another hostel and/or residential Village room without permission.

i) A maximum fine equivalent of 3

times of the daily room rate (for the duration of the stay) and/or

ii) Instructed to vacate the

Residential Village


Fail to register with Residential Village within the stipulated time.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00

and/or ii) Instructed to vacate the

Residential Village


Changing room without prior approval from Residential Village Management.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00 ii) Return to his/her registered room.


Disturbing and/or causing inconvenience to other residents in the hostel and/or Residential Village.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00

and/or ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations







Fail to vacate room as instructed by Residential Village Management. Fail to return key as instructed by Residential Village Management.

i) A maximum fine equivalent of 3 times of the daily room rate (for the duration of the stay)

ii) Instructed to vacate the

Residential Village


Remove and/or modify any property and/or asset and/or equipment belonging to the Residential Village from its original location without prior approval from the Residential Village Management.

i) Relocate the property and/or

asset and/or equipment to its original place and/or

ii) A maximum fine of 3 times the

repair cost and/or to replace the property.


Bringing food into the bedroom.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00


Fail to use bed sheet and/or pillow-case.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00


Usage of electrical appliances other than those provided and/or approved by the Residential Village Management.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00 ii) Item will be confiscated


Fail to switch off fan and/or lights and/or electrical appliances and/or water tap when leaving the unit/room.

i) A maximum fine of RM 10.00 for each offence.


Parking vehicle in the Residential Village building and/or outside designated area.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00


Cooking in the residential unit.

i) A maximum fine of RM 50.00 ii) Items will be confiscated


Room is not kept clean.

i) Instructed the registered occupant to clean/tidy up the room immediately and/or ii) A maximum fine of RM30.00

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations







Preventing and/or obstructing and/or attempting to prevent any University Authorized personnel from entering the room in the course of discharging official duty. Involved and/or abetting in item 16a.

i) A maximum fine of RM50.00 and/or ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.


Make a clothes hanger/line and/or hang clothes at a place(s) other than the designated area by the Residential Village Management.

i) A maximum fine of RM30.00 and/or ii) Clothes hanger confiscated


Behave in a suspicious manner in the opposite gender’s residential area.

i) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.

Important Note: These provisions are subject to change by University at its own discretion from time to time.

Attachment III

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations





All students are required to be suitably dressed at all times in campus and comply with the following dress codes:



1. 1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 1e.

ATTIRE (Male Students) Shirt/T-shirt i. With sleeves. ii. Collared. iii. Not oversized. iv. Not torn and/or patched. v. Writing or picture on shirt/T-shirt must not contain obscene and/or rude

messages. vi. Wind-breakers are not allowed to be worn in library, classroom,

laboratories, office and examination hall. If the temperature is too cold sweaters are permitted.

vii. Students are encouraged to wear National Costumes (when and/or appropriate).

Pants i. Not torn and/or patched. ii. Hem of Pants is not torn and/or bushy. iii. Not too tight and/or too loose. iv. Seasoned pants are not allowed. v. Short pants are not allowed in class, laboratory, office and/or library. Sports Attire i. Proper attire must be worn during sports activities at any sports venues. ii. Sports attire should not be worn in class, laboratory and/or library. Shoes Students are advised to wear appropriate shoes when they are in the class, laboratory, office and/or library. Slippers and sandals and the like are considered improper attire for the places mentioned above. Hair i. In general, hair must look smart and not long. ii. Hair at the back must not touch and/or beyond the shirt collar.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations




iii. Hair on the sides must not cover the ears. iv. Hair in front must not cover the eye brows. v. If the hair being shaved, it must be completely shaven. vi. Hair must not be bleached or coloured. vii. Hair styles like Mohican, afro, punk etc are not permitted.



2. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e.

Attire (Female Students) Dress i. In general, dress must cover from neckline up to the knee. ii. Not too tight and/or sticking to the body and/or revealing. iii. Long sleeve. iv. Writing and/or picture on shirt/T-shirt must not contain obscene and/or rude

messages. Sarongs/Maxi i. Must cover the knees. ii. Slits must not expose the thighs area. iii. Must not be see through. Pants i. Not torn and/or patched. ii. Hem of Pants not torn and/or bushy. iii. Not too tight and/or too loose. iv. Seasoned pants are not allowed. v. Short pants are not allowed in class, laboratory, office and library. Sports Attire i. Proper attire must be observed in any sports activities at sports venues. ii. Sports attire should not be worn in class, laboratory and library. Hair i. Hair must not be bleached and/or coloured. ii. Hair must not be too short and/or bald. iii. Hair styles such as Mohican, afro, punk etc. are not permitted. Shoes

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations





Students are advised to wear appropriate shoes when they are in the class, laboratory, office and/or library. Slippers and sandals and/or the like are considered improper attire for the places mentioned above.



3. 4.

General Rules

a. Male students are not permitted to wear women’s attire and/or accessories such as necklace, bracelet, earring, nose-rings, hair ribbons etc.

b. Caps are not permitted in the library, classrooms, halls and offices. c. Students should always look neat, clean and presentable. Their attire and

appearance should not embody/depict any undesirable or unacceptable culture/lifestyles by the society.

d. All students must carry the Students’ Identification Card (ID) at all times. The students ID card should always be clipped to the chest area of the students’ shirt or dress with the photo facing the front.

Disciplinary Action and/or Dress and Appearance Student who failed to abide to the above students’ attire and appearance rules and regulation, the following actions can be taken against them. i. Warning. ii. Fine up to a maximum of RM 50.00. iii. Reported to Student Disciplinary Committee.

Important Note: These provisions are subject to change by University at its own discretion from time to time.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Peraturan Tatatertib Pelajar

Students Disciplinary Rules & Regulations








Using vehicle without displaying official sticker issued by University.

A maximum fine of RM 50.00


Parking his/her vehicle in prohibited areas and/or causing obstruction of traffic.

A maximum fine of RM 50.00


Driving motor vehicle exceeding the speed limit and/or dangerously.

A maximum fine of RM 50.00


Driving motor vehicle on non-gazette roads/path.

A maximum fine of RM 50.00


Riding bicycles, motorcycles and/or scooters with more than one pillion rider.

A maximum fine of RM 50.00 (rider and/or pillion rider)


Violating the provisions of Transportation Act 1967 and/or other laws and/or bylaws that are enforced by the government of Malaysia.

i) A maximum fine of RM

50.00(driver/pillion rider) and/or ii) Submission of report to the SDC for further action.

Important Note: These provisions are subject to change by University at its own discretion from time to time.