Download - Introduction of pg_statsinfo and pg_stats_reporter ~Statistics Reporting Tool for DBA~

Page 1: Introduction of pg_statsinfo and pg_stats_reporter ~Statistics Reporting Tool for DBA~

 Copyright(c)2013  NTT  Corp.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Introduction  of  pg_̲statsinfo  and  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  

~∼  Statistics  Reporting  Tool  for  DBA  ~∼  

NTT  Open  Source  Software  CenterMitsumasa  KONDO

Page 2: Introduction of pg_statsinfo and pg_stats_reporter ~Statistics Reporting Tool for DBA~

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• Official  Company  Name    •  Nippon  Telegraph  and  Telephone  Corporation  

• My  Belonging  •  Service  innovation  Laboratory,  Software  Innovation  Center        Researcher

• My  work  •  Middleware  development  for  PostgreSQL    

•  pg_statsinfo,  pg_stats_reporter  •  High  Availability  PostgreSQL  Cluster  using  replication  with  Pacemaker  

•  PostgreSQL  community  development  •  Improvement  of  disk  IO  bottle  neck  

• Past  work  •  Data  mining,  Natural  Language  Processing,  Machine  Learning,  Recommendation,  Information  Retrieval  

•  I  have  already  been  good  at  them  than  databaseJ  

• Hobby  •  Photography  •  Pure  Audio  

About  Me

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• pg_statsinfo  • Monitor  and  Collect  PostgreSQL  Statistics  and  Activities

• pg_stats_reporter  •  Visualize  PostgreSQL  Statistics  and  Activities  getting  from  pg_̲statsinfo

Todayʼ’s  Introduction  Software  



pg_statsinfo Repository  Database

Database Statistics

and Activity

DB  Server  A

DB  Server  B

DB  Server  C

Sample  report  which  was  created  by  pg_stats_reporter

Creating report

Store  of  DBstatistics


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• pg_statsinfo    ~  Monitor  and  Collect  DB  Statistics  and  Activities  ~  • What  is  pg_̲statsinfo  ?•  Feature  Introduction•  Demo

• pg_stats_reporter  ~  Visualize  DB  Statistics  and  Activities  ~  • What  is  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  ?•  Feature  introduction•  Demo

• Visualizing  DBT-­‐2  Benchmark  using  pg_statsinfo  and  pg_stats_reporter    

•  Introduction  of  DBT-‐‑‒2•  Visualized  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter•  For  more  performance  


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• pg_statsinfo    ~  Monitor  and  Collect  DB  Statistics  and  Activities  ~  • What  is  pg_̲statsinfo  ?•  Feature  Introduction•  Demo

• pg_stats_reporter  ~  Visualize  DB  Statistics  and  Activities  ~  • What  is  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  ?•  Feature  introduction•  Demo

• Visualizing  DBT-­‐2  Benchmark  using  pg_statsinfo  and  pg_stats_reporter    

•  Introduction  of  DBT-‐‑‒2•  Visualized  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter•  For  more  performance  


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• Monitoring  and  Collecting  PostgreSQL  Statistics  and  Activities  •  Collecting  statistics  and  activities•  All  tables  in  pg_̲catalog  schema•  pg_̲log  information•  OS  resources  

•  Other  Features•  Create  Report  by  command  line•  Alert  and  Monitoring  function•  Log  management  function•  Auto  repositoryDB  management

• Other  relative  information  •  BSD  License•  Latest  version  is  2.5.0•̲id=1000422•  Working  on  PostgreSQL  9.3!• Web  online  manual  is  here•̲statsinfo-‐‑‒ja.html

What  is  pg_̲statsinfo  ?

Collective  Database  Statistics

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• Programing  Language  •  C

• Starting  and  Pre-­‐Setting  method  •  Start  pg_̲statsinfo  via  shared_̲preload_̲library•  Add  postgresql.conf  to  pg_̲statsinfo  configuration,  then  it  can  start  normally  in  PostgreSQL.

• System  Configuration  •  Install  pg_̲statsinfo  in  monitoring  instance

•  Not  need  to  install  in  repository  database  instance•  Monitoring  instance  and  repository  database  can  set  together  incetance  

Architecture  of  pg_̲statsinfo


Collect and send database statistics


Monitoring  instance

Repository  database


OS  resources

pg_log Statistics  ofdatabase

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• Collect  statistics  and  activities  in  PostgreSQL  •  All  information  gathering  PostgreSQLʼ’s  statistics  collector  (ex.  pg_̲catalog)

•  Detail  of  statistics  collector,  please  see  PostgreSQL  documentJ

• /document/9.2/html/monitoring-‐‑‒stats.html•  Get  statistcs  as  snapshot  at  uniformity  time

•  Default  every  10  minute  

•  Analyze  pg_̲log  and  get  activities  from  logs•  Get  activities  which  only  output  pg_̲log

•  Checkpoint  activities•  VACUUM  activities

•  Get  OS  resources  information  in  /proc•  Get  every  5  seconds  in  sampling,  when  get  snapshot,  insert  average  values  of  sampling

•  CPU  usage  information(idle,  iowait,  system,  user,  Load  Average)•  Memory  usage  information(memfree,  buffers,  cached,  swap,  dirty)•  Disk  usage  information(IO  size,  IO  time,  usage  size  of  disk)

Features  of  pg_̲statsinfo    1/5

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• Create  reports  on  command  line  •  Output  text  format  report  on  command  line

•  Example)  Database  admin  or  SQL  Engineer  who  wants  to  see  database  statistics

•  Cover  almost  all  report  item  created  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter

Features  of  pg_̲statsinfo  2/5

$  pg_statsinfo  -U  postgres  -B  2013-10-01  -r  ALL  |    less  

Command  example:  Create  report  for  all  monitor  instances  on  2013-10-1  to  now

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Features  of  pg_̲statsinfo  2/5

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• Auto  maintenance  repository  database  feature  •  Delete  statistics  that  stored  in  repository  database  automatically

•  Pg_̲statsinfo  stored  data  that  are  used  partitioning  method  per  day.  •  So  it  can  use  TRUNCATE  to  delete  old  data•  Delete  data  is  faster  and  lower  cost

• Note  • When  we  use  in  multi  monitor  instance,  giving  priority  to  shortest  maintenance  period  of  stored  data  configuration

Features  of  pg_̲statsinfo  3/5



Maintenance period of stored data config

1 week

Maintenance period of stored data config

2 weeks

DB  server  A

DB  server  B

Store  of  database  statistics

Default maintenance period of stored data is 1 weeks

Get  and  Send  database  statistics

Repository  database

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•  Log  management  feature  •  Easy  to  manage  PostgreSQLʼ’s  log•  Log  filtering  feature

•  Can  set  log  level  in  pg_̲statsinfo,  it  means  that  we  can  having  two  log  level•  example)PostgreSQLʼ’s  log  level  is  lower  setting  to  save  detail   information,  and  pg_̲statsinfo  log  level  is  higher  setting  to  easy  to  read  in  daily

•  This  feature  can  fix  log  file  name(ex.  postgresql.log)  It  can  use  in  monitoring  log  software.

•  Multi  output  log  feature•  Can  output  syslog  and  pg_̲log

•  Change  log  level  feature•  If  you  want  to  change  log  level  in  especially  log  message,  we  can  change  it

•  ex)change  log  level  INFO  to  LOG  in  especially  log  message

•  Log  compression  and  managing  feature•  Compress  old  logs  and  manage  automatically

Features  of  pg_̲statsinfo  4/5  


pg_log(csv  format)

Log  by  statsinfo(postgresql.log)

log formulation

Flow  of  extraction  statistics  from  pg_log

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• Alert  and  Monitoring  Function  (Trigger  Function)  •  Output  alert  log  when  over  the  alert  thresholds  in  database

•  usage)monitor  alert  log  by  monitoring  software•  Alert  function  is  executed  in  every  snapshot

•  Default  setting  is  under  following,  set  property  value  on  your  server

•  Setting  method  is  UPDATE  SQL  for  statsrepo.alert  table

Features  of  pg_̲statsinfo  5/5  

colum  name default explanation

instid - Target instance ID rollback_tps 100 Number of rollback (sec)commit_tps 1000 Number of commit per seconds (sec)

garbage_size 20000 Garbage records size in the table(%) garbage_percent 30 Garbage records percentage in the database(%)

garbage_percent_table 30 Garbage records percentage in the table(%)

response_avg 10 average response time in the query (sec) response_worst 60 Worst response time in the query (sec)

enable_alert true Enable alert function

Alert configuration table

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How  to  install  pg_̲statsinfo  ?

$  su#  rpm  –ivh  pg_statsinfo-2.50-1.pg93.rhel6.x86_64.rpm

1. Install  RPM  file’s

#minimum  configurationshared_preload_libraries  =  ‘pg_statsinfo’                                #  pre-load  library  settinglog_filename  =  'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'  #  configuration  of  log  file’s  (must  need)

2.  Add  configuration  to  postgresql.conf

$  pg_ctl  –D  data  start

3.  Start  PostgreSQL  in  normally

server  startingLOG:    loaded  library  "pg_statsinfo"LOG:    pg_statsinfo  launcher  started

LOG:    startLOG:    installing  schema:  statsinfo

LOG:    installing  schema:  statsrepo_partition

4.  If  we  see  under  following  log  messages,  install  was  succeed  !

How  to  install  pg_statsinfo  is  indicated  in  Web  manual  !  J

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2.Confirmation  of  Install  

3.Collect  Database  Statistics  and  Activities  (Snapshot)  

4.Create  Report  

Demo  of  pg_̲statsinfo

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• One  snapshot  size  is  300kB  ~  800kB•  Be  careful  disk  full  by  snapshots!

• Software  installing  degradation  is  almost  nothing  •  But  little  bit  happen.  In  DBT-‐‑‒2  benchmark,  we  confirm  2%  degradation.

•  If  you’d  like  to  separate  repository  server,  set  “pg_statsinfo.repository_server”  in  postgresql.conf  .  

•  Default  setting  is  ʻ‘host=localhost  port=5432ʼ’

•  If  you  use  password  in  repository  database,  set  /var/lib/pgsql/.pgpass    

•  pg_̲statsinfo  works  on  postgres  user

TIPS  of  pg_̲statsinfo

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• pg_statsinfo    ~  Monitor  and  Collect  DB  Statistics  and  Activities  ~  • What  is  pg_̲statsinfo  ?•  Feature  Introduction•  Demo

• pg_stats_reporter  ~  Visualize  DB  Statistics  and  Activities  ~  • What  is  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  ?•  Feature  introduction•  Demo

• Visualizing  DBT-­‐2  Benchmark  using  pg_statsinfo  and  pg_stats_reporter    

•  Introduction  of  DBT-‐‑‒2•  Visualized  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter•  For  more  performance  


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• Visualization  PostgreSQL  statistics  and  activities  getting  from  pg_statsinfo  

•  Report  items•  Transaction  situation•  Size  of  Database•  OS  resources•  Amount  of  WAL  output•  Replication  state•  Deadlock  information

•  Successor  software  of                                        pg_̲reporter

• Extra  information  •  BSD  License•  Latest  version  is  2.0.0•̲id=1000422•  Detail  online  manual  is  here•̲stats_̲reporter-‐‑‒ja.html

What  is  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  ?

Report  of  pg_stats_reporter

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• Software  •  Apache  +  PHP  +  PostgreSQL

•  Only  PHP  +  PostgreSQL  combination  is  OK•  Need  PostgreSQL  8.3  later

• Programing  Language  •  PHP  +  javascript  +  SQL

• Using  Library  •  PHP  framework

•  Smarty•  User  Interface

•  jQuery,  jQuery  UI,  tablesorter,  Superfish•  Creating  graph

•  dygraphs,  jqPlot

Architecture  of  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  

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• By  Wab  Browser  •  Only  a  few  clicks  for  creating  report.

How  to  Create  Report  ?  1/2

②  Push “create new

report” button

①  Select database instance

for reporting

③  Set term and time of report

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• By  command  line  •  It  works  on  phpʼ’s  stand  alone  mode.

•  Usage  scene•  Create  report  in  command  line.•  Create  reports  by  crond  in  regular  intervals.

•  If  you  use  only  command  line  mode,  Apache  wasnʼ’t  needed

•  If  you  have  security  policy  which  cannot  install  Apache

•  Need  to  save  reports  in  long  term•  Repository  database  is  saved  until  certain  terms•  Created  reports  arenʼ’t  erased.

How  to  Create  Report  ?    2/2

$  pg_stats_reporter  -B  2013-10-01  -E  2013-10-08  -O  report_dir  [LOG]  Report  file  created:  sample_localhost_5432_1_20131008-1419_20131008-1945.html

Command usage: Create report in 10/1 to 10/8 at report_dir�

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•  Index  of  Report  feature  •  Create  report  and  index  of  reports  in  report  directory•  It  is  easy  to  see  and  sort  out  reports

How  to  Create  Report  ?    2/2


Report  HTML  1

Libraly of pg_stats_reporter

Report  HTML2


Directory of Report

Reports which were created past

Index of report

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How  to  install  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  ?

$  su#  rpm  –ivh    httpd-2.2.15-15.el6_2.1.x86_64.rpm  \\                                php-5.3.3-3.el6_2.8.x86_64.rpm  \\

                               php-common-5.3.3-3.el6_2.8.x86_64.rpm  \\                                php-pgsql-5.3.3-3.el6_2.8.x86_64.rpm  \\

                               php-intl-5.3.3-3.el6_2.8.x86_64.rpm  \\                                pg_stats_reporter-1.0.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm

1. Install  pg_stats_reporter  RPM  and  dependency  RPMs

#  vim  /etc/pg_stats_reporter.ini-----  configuration  of  repository  database  -----  host  =  localhost

port  =  5432dbname  =  postgres

username  =  postgrespassword  =

2.  Set  pg_stats_reporter.ini(configuration  file)  (default  setting  is  under  following) 

#  service  httpd  start

3.  Start  Apache  HTTP  server

4.  Access  under  following  URL  


How  to  install  pg_stats_reporter  is  indicated  in  Web  manual  !  J

Please set SELINUX disable!!

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2.Confirmation  of  Install  

3.Create  Report  

Demo  of  pg_̲stats_̲reporter

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• Android  and  iPad  are  ready  

•  It  is  based  on  jQueryUI  library,  so  we  can  easy  to  change  interface  design  (mostly  color)  

•  Logo  picture  can  be  also  changed  with  file  replaced

•  It  can  select  report  items  on  reports  •  If  weʼ’d  like  to,  set  /etc /pg_̲stats_̲reporter.ini  with  your  needed  report  item

• For  Security    • We  can  use  .httpaccess•  Apacheʼ’s  security  technic  can  use  in  same

TIPS  of  pg_̲stats_̲reporter

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• pg_statsinfo    ~  Monitor  and  Collect  DB  Statistics  and  Activities  ~  • What  is  pg_̲statsinfo  ?•  Feature  Introduction•  Demo

• pg_stats_reporter  ~  Visualize  DB  Statistics  and  Activities  ~  • What  is  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  ?•  Feature  introduction•  Demo

• Visualizing  DBT-­‐2  Benchmark  using  pg_statsinfo  and  pg_stats_reporter    

•  Introduction  of  DBT-‐‑‒2•  Visualized  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter•  For  more  performance  


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• TPC-­‐C  benchmark  software  that  developed  by    Open  Source  Development  Labs(OSDL)    

•  Shopping  simulation  in  parts  wholesaler• /

•  Benchmark  score  is  calculated  by  only  response  in  uniformity  time

•  Response  time  is  very  important!•  IO  bottle-‐‑‒neck  benchmark

• Mainly  benchmark  parameter  • warehouse

•  Database  size  parameter•  Increase  one  hundred  thousands  record  per  adding  1  parameter•  Mainly  used  coordination  size  of  database

•  TPW•  Transaction  per  warehouse

•  Prepared  clients  corresponding  warehouse  size,  Default  10•  If  we  set  lower  TPW,  it  will  be  CPU  bottle-‐‑‒necked  benchmark

What  is  DBT-‐‑‒2?

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• Mainly  bottle-­‐neck  •  Random  read/write

•  Almost  SQL  plans  are  index  scan•  Random  read/write  performance  and  cache  or  buffer  replace  performance  are  important

•  Parallel  execution  performance  is  also  important•  PostgreSQL  is  better  than  other  RDBMSJ

• Other  features  •  Plan  of  SQLs  are  very  simple

•  Most  of  SQLs  are  only  index  scan  access.  •  Exist  ideal  Benchmark  score  

•  If  DB  response  all  transactions  in  limit  time,  it  is  be  ideal  score

•  Limit  of  performance  is  memory  2x  equals  database  size.

•  Amount  of  WAL  output  is  less  than  pgbench,  WAL  is  not  bottle-‐‑‒neck.  

Transaction  Tendency  in  DBT-‐‑‒2

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Test  Server  and  Settings  of  postgresql.confServer HP  DL360  G7

CPU Xeon  E5640  2.66GHz  (1P/4C)

Memory DDR3-10600R-9  18GB

RAID  card P410i  /  256MB  cache

Disk 4  x  146GB(1.5krpm)  RAID  1  +  0

max_connections = 300 shared_buffers = 2458MB work_mem = 1MB maintenance_work_mem = 64MB fsync = on wal_sync_method = fdatasync full_page_writes = on wal_buffers = -1 archive_mode = on

checkpoint_segments = 300 checkpoint_timeout = 15min checkpoint_completion_target = 0.7 random_page_cost = 2.0 effective_cache_size = 9GB default_statistics_target = 10 log_destination = 'syslog’ autovacuum = on

postgresql.conf    (mainly  changed  parameter)  

Wherehouse  size  =  320(database  size  is  about  40GB)  and  TPW  =  10  

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Visualizing  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  1/5

• Transaction  Situation  •  It  was  seen  fluctuates  transactions.  It  is  because  some  benchmark  

specifications and some implementation dependent in PostgreSQL•  Lower  performance  in  executing  CHECKPOINT•  CHECKPOINT  was  mainly  caused  by  checkpoint_̲timeout

•  postgresql.conf  sets  checkpoint_̲timeout  =  15min  and  checkpoint_̲segments  =  300

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• Amount  of  WAL  output  •  Output  4.6GB  WAL  in  data  load  to  benchmark  finished•  In  data  load,  Maximum  WAL  speed  is  54MB/sec•  In  executing  benchmark  test,  Maximum  WAL  speed  is  12MB/sec

•  When  starting  CHECKPOINT,  WAL  Speed  is  higher,  it  is  because  “full  page  write”.

Visualizing  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter  2/5

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• CPU  usage  •  Iowait  is  most,  next  is  idle  (It  indicates  IO  bottle-‐‑‒neck  situation.)•  Part  of  final  CHECKPOINT  causes  high  Load  Average

•  It  is  because  executing  ugly  consecutive  fsync().•  PostgreSQL  CHECKPOINT  logic  is  not  goodL

Visualizing  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter    3/5

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• Update  and  heavily  access  Tables  •  HOT(Heap  on  Tuple)  is  good  working!•  order_̲line  table  and  stock  table  have  many  access•  Each  tableʼ’s  Cache  hit  rate  are  very  high,  but…  (Is  it  really?L)

Visualizing  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter    4/5

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• Query  executed  situation  •  Queries  which  have  complicated  filter  phrase  is  slow•  Unexpected,  COMMIT  assumes  long  time!

•  It  is  because  long  transaction  COMMIT  needs  lot  of  WAL  (WAL  buffer  writing)

•  Final  CHECKPOINT  fsync()  phase  makes  queries  slower

Visualizing  DBT-‐‑‒2  by  pg_̲stats_̲reporter    5/5

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• Use  direct_cp  in  archive  copy  command  • When  we  use  archive  mode  in  PostgreSQL,  cp  command  consume  large  amount  of  waste  file  cache,  and  it  is  caused  lower  performance

•  BSD  License  Software•

• Use  SSD  •  In  general,  database  bottle-‐‑‒neck  is  random  access.  SSD  has  10  times  faster  random  access  than  MD

•  If  you  need  large  disk  or  donʼ’t  have  cost,  you  may  use  tablespace  in  only  hot  table,  it  is  very  efficiency.

• Use  large  RAID  cache  card  •  PostgreSQL  CHECKPOINT  does  not  consider  fsync()  schedule  at  all.  It  is  caused  very  heavy  disk  write  and  fail  overL

•  If  you  use  large  raid  cache  card,  it  may  prevent  a  little.

For  More  Performance

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• pg_statsinfo  •  Monitor  and  Collect  PostgreSQL  Statistics  and  Activities  with  time  series

•  BSD  License•̲statsinfo-‐‑‒ja.html

•  Collect  whole  of  statistics  an  activities  for  DB  admin  needed•  If  youʼ’d  like  to  another  new  report,  Create  reporting  SQL  from  collecting  information

• pg_stats_reporter  •  Visualize  PostgreSQL  Statistics  and  Activities  that  are  collected  by  pg_̲statsinfo

•  BSD  License•̲stats_̲reporter-‐‑‒ja.html

•  jQuery  Based  Useful  Interface•  Report  index  feature  is  also  useful

•  It  is  easy  to  improve  software,  because  it  is  created  by  PHP  +  JavaScript

•  It  is  also  easy  to  submit  patchJ
