Download - Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Page 1: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

2 December 2005

Advanced Topics in Information Systems

Prof. Beat Signer

Department of Computer Science

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Page 2: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

2 February 12, 2012

Seminar Organisation

Prof. Beat Signer

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

10 F 721

+32 2 629 12 39

[email protected]

Dr. Bruno Dumas

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

10 F 709

+32 2 629 37 13

[email protected]

Page 3: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

3 February 12, 2012

Seminar Organisation ...

Lode Hoste

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

10 F 733

+32 2 629 33 06

[email protected]

Brecht De Rooms

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

10 F 707

+32 2 629 11 03

[email protected]

Page 4: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

4 February 12, 2012

Seminar Organisation ...

Ahmed A.O. Tayeh

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

10 F 710

+32 2 629 11 04

[email protected]

Reinout Roels

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

10 F 707

+32 2 629 11 03

[email protected]

Page 5: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

5 February 12, 2012

"As We May Think" (1945)

When data of any sort are placed in storage,

they are filed alphabetically or numerically,

and information is found (when it is) by

tracing it down from subclass to subclass.

It can be in only one place, unless duplicates

are used; one has to have rules as to which

path will locate it, and the rules are cumbers-

ome. Having found one item, moreover, one

has to emerge from the system and re-enter

on a new path. The human mind does not

work that way. It operates by association. ...

Vannevar Bush

Page 6: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

6 February 12, 2012

"As We May Think" (1945) …

... It affords an immediate step, however, to

associative indexing, the basic idea of which

is a provision whereby any item may be

caused at will to select immediately and

automatically another. This is the essential

feature of the memex. The process of tying

two items together is the important thing. ...

Vannevar Bush, As We May Think,

Atlanic Monthly, July 1945

Vannevar Bush

Page 7: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

7 February 12, 2012

"As We May Think" (1945) …

Bush's article 'As We May Think'

(1945) is often seen as

the "origin" of hypertext

Article introduces the Memex memory extender

store and access information

follow cross-references in the form of associative trails between pieces of information (microfilms)

prototypical hypertext machine

trail blazers are those who find delight in the task of establishing useful trails


Page 8: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

8 February 12, 2012

Video: Memex

Page 9: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

9 February 12, 2012

The Mother of All Demos (1968)

Douglas Engelbart and his colleagues

at the Stanford Research Institute

developed the oNLine System (NLS) as

part of the Augment Project vision about the future of interactive computing

NLS was demonstrated at the Fall

Joint Computer Conference in 1968 showed first practical use of hypertext

computer mouse

remote collaboration (connected computers)

raster-scan video monitors

screen windows


Douglas Engelbart

Page 10: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

10 February 12, 2012

NLS Demo

Page 11: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

11 February 12, 2012

Hypertext (1965)

Ted Nelson coined the term hypertext

Nelson started Project Xanadu in 1960 first hypertext project

non-sequential writing

referencing/embedding parts of a document in another document (transclusion) transpointing windows

bidirectional (bivisible) links

version and rights management

XanaduSpace 1.0 was released as part of Project

Xanadu in 2007

Ted Nelson

Page 12: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

12 February 12, 2012

Digital Documents as a Paper Simulator?

Most people don't understand the logic of the

concept: "What You See Is What You Get" is based

on printing the document out ("get" means "get

WHEN YOU PRINT IT OUT"). And that means a

metaphysical shift: a document can only consist of

what can be printed! This re-froze the computer

document into a closed rectangular object which

cannot be penetrated by outside markings (curtailing

what you could do with paper). No marginal notes,

no sticky notes, no crossouts, no insertions, no

overlays, no highlighting - PAPER UNDER GLASS.

Ted Nelson, Geeks Bearing Gifts: How the Computer

World Got This Way, Mindful Press 2009

Ted Nelson

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

13 February 12, 2012

Video: Ted Nelson About Documents

Page 14: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

14 February 12, 2012

Video: Apple Knowledge Navigator (1987)

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

15 February 12, 2012

Video: Sun Microsystems' Starfire (1994)

Page 16: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

16 February 12, 2012

Video: Microsoft Office Labs Vision 2019

Page 17: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

17 February 12, 2012

Video: A Day Made Out of Glass 2

Page 18: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

18 February 12, 2012

Three Main Domains of the Seminar


Systems &




& Navigation



nd Navigation Human-Machine &




multimedia web applications

flexible displays


semantic user interfaces

open cross-media systems indoor scene capturing

web document formats

semantically rich web objects

context modelling

information extraction

visual programming languages

augmented reality

fluid views

conversational systems

mobile text entry interfaces

multimodal interaction

graphical querying


gesture recognition

continous gesture recognition

co-present collaboration

ubiquitous interfaces

multi-touch interaction


Page 19: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

19 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics

1. Web Document Formats A REST Protocol and Composite Format for Interactive Web Documents,

John M. Boyer, Charles F. Wiecha and Rahul P. Akolkar, Proceedings of

DocEng 2009, 9th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Munich,

Germany, September 2009

2. Semantically Rich Web Objects Clui: A Platform for Handles to Rich Objects, Hubert Pham, Justin

Mazzola Paluska, Robert C. Miller and Steve Ward, Proceedings of UIST

2012, 25th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and

Technology, Cambridge, USA, October 2012

Page 20: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

20 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

3. Multimedia Web Applications Timesheets.js: When SMIL Meets HTML5 and CSS3, Fabien Cazenave,

Vincent Quint and Cécile Roisin, Proceedings of DocEng 2011, 11th

ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Mountain View, USA,

September 2011

4. Lifelogging Socio-Technical Lifelogging: Deriving Design Principles for a Future

Proof Digital Past, Steve Whittaker, Vaiva Kalnikaité, Daniela Petrelli,

Abigail Sellen, Nicolas Villar, Ofer Bergman, Paul Clough and Jens

Brockmeier, Human-Computer Interaction, 27(1-2), 2012

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

21 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

5. Information Extraction Sift: An End-User Tool for Gathering Web Content on the Go, Matthias

Geel, Timothy Church and Moira C. Norrie, Proceedings of DocEng

2012, 12th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Paris, France,

September 2012

6. Open Cross-Media Systems A Model and Architecture for Open Cross-Media Annotation and Link

Services, Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie, Information Systems 36(3),

Elsevier, May 2011

Page 22: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

22 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

7. Context Modelling A Survey of Context Modelling and Reasoning Techniques, Claudio

Bettini, Oliver Brdiczka, Karen Henricksen, Jadwiga Indulska, Daniela

Nicklas, Anand Ranganathan and Daniele Riboni, Pervasive and Mobile

Computing 6(2), Elsevier, April 2010

8. Slideware NextSlidePlease: Authoring and Delivering Agile Multimedia

Presentations, Ryan Spicer, Yu-Ru Lin, Aisling Kelliher and Hari

Sundaram, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing,

Communications and Applications (TOMCCAP), 8(4), November 2012

Page 23: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

23 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

9. Semantic User Interfaces iMapping - A Zooming User Interface Approach for Personal and

Semantic Knowledge Management, Heiko Haller and Andreas Abecker,

Proceedings of Hypertext 2010, 21th ACM Conference on Hypertext and

Hypermedia, Toronto, Canada, June 2010

10.Crowdsourcing CrowdScape: Interactively Visualizing User Behavior and Output, Jeffrey

Rzeszotarski and Aniket Kittur, Proceedings of UIST 2012, 25th Annual

ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology,

Cambridge, USA, October 2012

Page 24: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

24 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

11.Graphical Querying DataPlay: Interactive Tweaking and Example-driven Correction of

Graphical Database Queries, Azza Abouzied, Joseph Hellerstein and Avi

Silberschatz, Proceedings of UIST 2012, 25th Annual ACM Symposium

on User Interface Software and Technology, Cambridge, USA, October


12.Flexible Displays Steerable Augmented Reality with the Beamatron, Andrew Wilson,

Hrvoje Benko, Shahram Izadi and Otmar Hilliges, Proceedings of UIST

2012, 25th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and

Technology, Cambridge, USA, October 2012

Page 25: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

25 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

13.Fluid Views Fluid Views: A Zoomable Search Environment, Marian Dörk, Sheelagh

Carpendale and Carey Williamson, Proceedings of AVI 2012,

International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Capri

Island, May 2012

14.Visual Programming Languages A Visual Programming Language for Designing Interactions Embedded in

Web-based Geographic Applications, The Nhan Luong, Patrick

Etcheverry, Christophe Marquesuzaà and Thierry Nodenot, Proceedings

of IUI 2012, 17th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,

Lisbon, Portugal, February 2012

Page 26: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

26 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

15.Augmented Reality ClayVision: The (Elastic) Image of the City, Yuichiro Takeuchi and Ken

Perlin, Proceedings of CHI 2012, SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors

in Computing Systems, Austin, USA, May 2012

16.Indoor Scene Capturing Capturing Indoor Scenes with Smartphones, Aditya Sankar and Steven

M. Seitz, Proceedings of UIST 2012, 25th Annual ACM Symposium on

User Interface Software and Technology, Cambridge, USA, October


Page 27: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

27 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

17.Mobile Text Entry Interfaces WalkType: Using Accelerometer Data to Accomodate Situational

Impairments in Mobile Touch Screen Text Entry, Mayank Goel, Leah

Findlater and Jacob Wobbrock, Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM

Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Austin, USA, May


18.Co-Present Collaboration Cross-Device Interaction via Micro-Mobility and F-formations, Nicolai

Marquardt, Ken Hinckley, Saul Greenberg, Proceedings of UIST 2012,

25th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and

Technology, Cambridge, USA, October 2012

Page 28: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

28 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

19.Gesture Recognition Gestures as Point Clouds: A $P Recognizer for User Interface

Prototypes, Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Lisa Anthony and Jacob O. Wobbrock,

Proceedings of ICMI 2012, 14th ACM International Conference on

Multimodal Interaction, Santa Monica, USA, 2012

20.Continuous Gesture Recognition Continuous Recognition and Visualization of Pen Strokes and Touch-

Screen Gestures, P. O. Kristensson and L. C. Denby, Proceedings of

SBIM 2011, 8th Eurographics Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces

and Modeling, Vancouver, Canada, August 2011

Page 29: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

29 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

21.Multi-Touch Interaction Proton++: A Customizable Declarative Multitouch Framework, Kenrick

Kin, Björn Hartmann, Tony DeRose and Maneesh Agrawala,

Proceedings of UIST 2012, 25th Annual ACM Symposium on User

Interface Software and Technology, Cambridge, USA, October 2012

22.Multimodal Interaction Mudra: A Unified Multimodal Interaction Framework, Lode Hoste, Bruno

Dumas and Beat Signer, Proceedings of ICMI 2011, 13th International

Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Alicante, Spain, November 2011

Page 30: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

30 February 12, 2012

Seminar Topics ...

23.Conversational Systems Learning Speaker, Addressee and Overlap Detection Models From

Multimodal Streams, Oriol Vinyals, Dan Bohus and Rich Caruana,

Proceedings of ICMI 2012, 14th ACM International Conference on

Multimodal Interaction, Santa Monica, USA, October 2012

24.Ubiquitous Interfaces Touché: Enhancing Touch Interaction on Humans, Screens, Liquids, and

Everyday Objects, Munehiko Sato, Ivan Poupyrev and Chris Harrison,

Proceedings of CHI 2012, SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in

Computing Systems, Austin, USA, May 2012

Page 31: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

31 February 12, 2012

Assignment of Topics

Select 3 topics/papers from the presented list and mark

them (with A, B and C) according to your preferences

Send an email with your choices (e.g. 6A, 8B, 14C) to

[email protected] no later than February 15

Each student will be assigned a paper that has to be

presented in the seminar and the final seminar schedule

will be made available by next week

Page 32: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

32 February 12, 2012

Seminar Organisation

Presentation should be 30 minutes long (not longer!)

Structure of your presentation introduction of topic and problem statement (5-10 mins)

proposed approach (15-20 mins)

review (5 mins)

- critical analysis

- at least two positive and two negative points about the paper

Send a draft of your presentation to your supervisor no

later than one week before the presentation and arrange

a meeting with your supervisor you will get feedback about the structure and content of your


Page 33: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

33 February 12, 2012

Seminar Organisation …

Each student has to write a report about their presented

paper/topic same structure as presentation

not longer than 5 pages

send a draft to your supervisor to get some feedback

- arrange a meeting with your supervisor

deadline for final report: 21.5.2012

Page 34: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

34 February 12, 2012

Seminar Organisation …

Each student will be

assigned as a reviewer

for two other papers hand in a review via the

Open Conference System

deadline: at least a week before the paper is presented

Each student is finally assigned as a metareviewer for a

paper hand in a metareview via the Open Conference System

based on the two reviews and the metareviewer's knowledge

deadline: at least one day before the paper is presented

prepare at least two questions to open the discussion round

Page 35: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

35 February 12, 2012

Seminar Organisation …

Final grade is based on presentation (70%)

written report

reviews and metareview

active participation in the seminar

Everybody is expected to have a look at each week's

papers before the lecture! after each presentation, we should have enough time for questions

and a discussion about the topic and content of the paper

Attendance to all presentations is mandatory!

Schedule will be made available on PointCarré first presentations: 12.3.2013

Page 36: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

36 February 12, 2012

Some Tips for the Presentation

Talk to the audience and not to your laptop screen do not read your talk from paper

Make use of available resources and tools (in addition to

slideware) if appropriate overhead projector


paper handouts

laser pointer/highlighter


A quick demo, movie or application screenshot can often

help to clarify an approach

Page 37: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

37 February 12, 2012

Some Tips for the Presentation ...

Content put the presented research paper in the right context (topic)

investigate additional resources

- possibly use additional information (not from the paper) in the introduction

- check the content that is referenced in the paper

do no overload your slides with long sentences - the audience cannot read overloaded slides and at the same time listen to you

do not just summarise the paper

- selection of important parts might be necessary due to time constraints

use graphical features carefully

- a fancy slide background might reduce the readability

- too many colours and different fonts can be distractive

- no "misuse" of animations or sounds

Page 38: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

38 February 12, 2012

Some Tips for the Presentation ...

Content the slides should support your talk rather than being a script that

you read from the screen

make sure that you do not have too much content for the 30 mins

- rehearsal

if you copy content from the paper (e.g. figures) make sure that they are readable – otherwise redo them

avoid "empty" slides like the classical "Questions?" slide at the end of a presentation

- the last slide is likely to be shown during the entire Q&A session and should

therefore be used for your give away message (e.g. some conclusions)

prepare some backup slides which might support you during the Q&A session

Page 39: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

39 February 12, 2012

Some Tips for the Presentation ...

Presentation style the audience will be more attentive if they see that you are

motivated to give the presentation

think about your body language

Preparation a good preparation gives you more confidence and freedom

during your presentation

practice, practice, practice, ...

Page 40: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

40 February 12, 2012

Some Tips for the Audience

Of course the first and most important thing is that you

listen to the interesting talks and learn some new things

Other things you might observe during the presentation is the structure of the talk clear?

what about the presenter's presentation style

even if you should not comment about these things, you might always ask yourself how you might have done things differently or learn new things from good presentations

Ask questions and give comments after the presentation

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Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

41 February 12, 2012


Vannevar Bush, As We May Think,

Atlanic Monthly, July 1945

NLS demo

Project Xanadu

Ted Nelson demonstrates Xanadu Space

Page 42: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - [email protected]

42 February 12, 2012

References ...

Apple Knowledge Navigator (1987)

Sun Microsystems' Starfire (1994)!

Microsoft Office Labs Vision 2019!

A Day Made Out of Glass 2, Corning Inc.

Page 43: Introduction - Lecture 1 - Advanced Topics in Information Systems (WE-DINF-15240)

2 December 2005

Next Week Assign Topics and Answer Questions