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Quantitative Elements of Physical Hydrology:Precipitation, Surface Runoff and Groundwater Flow

 Geological Sciences 158

Environmental Studies 158

Provisional Course SyllabusSpring ‘07

Synopsis of Course: A comprehensive introduction for science, engineering and mathematics students to all aspects of the physical hydrology of precipitation, surface runoff and groundwater flow. Three weekly lecture/discussion sessions will emphasize the quantitative elements of predictive physical models, drawing on the student's background in vector calculus, differential equations and Fourier theory. Extensive class discussion will assess the practical application of specific models. Group collaboration encouraged. One recitation period/week. Lab. No exams. Prerequisites: AM 34, Physics 47.

Semester II; 2006-2007 

October 23, 2006 

John F. HermanceProfessor of Geophysics

Department of Geological SciencesBrown University

Providence, RI 02912-1846

Office: Room 167Geo/Chem Building

324 Brook StreetTel.: 401-863-3830Fax: 401-863-2058

e-mail: n

A comprehensive introduction for science, engineering and mathematics students to all aspects of the physical hydrology of surface and groundwater flow. Lecture/discussion sessions will emphasize the quantitative elements of

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predictive physical models. Extensive class discussion will assess the practical application of specific models. A basic goal of the course is to develop the underpinning concepts of watershed hydrology to a level at which students can a) intuitively assess and critique the technical aspects of fundamental issues; b) perform a series of tasks commonly employed by professional hydrologists and consultants. Our primary objective is to provide the qualitative and quantitative background (and practical experience) for more advanced undergraduate activity, such as an advanced seminar or lecture course, independent research, senior thesis or other such capstone experiences in their Brown career, as well as to lay the foundation for employment in the environmental area upon graduating from Brown. Graduate students will be provided with a general introduction to the physical processes of watersheds that they may find useful in their research, more advanced classes, or post graduate activities in academia, government or industry.

Topics will include watershed delineation, precipitation, infiltration, overland flow, streamflow generation, floods, the interaction between surface waters and groundwater, groundwater flow and contaminant migration. Lectures and group discussions will develop the underlying physical principles, and will extend an intuitive view of these processes to predictive quantitative models. Field and laboratory exercises will provide practical, hands-on experience in observing specific hydrological processes and measuring fundamental parameters. Depending on student interest, demonstrations of, and activities using, state-of-the-art computer codes will reinforce concepts introduced in lectures, although familiarity with computers is not required. Students may either select or be assigned an individual or small group research project on a topic (or topics) of their choice to adapt the course material to their own personal interests and/or needs (some examples are attached). The credit for this might range from a few percent to as much as 15% of the final grade. (In exceptional cases, arrangements might be made for one or more term projects to count toward a larger percentage of the final grade — see Instructor before mid-semester.)

Active class participation is expected in discussions of formal course material, related reports in the media, in the technical literature (not necessarily current) and on the Internet. Students will be judged on their interest level and development, not on their preexisting quantitative background. Inquiries concerning the class are welcomed by the instructor.

Prerequisites: AM 34 and Physics 47, or equivalents. Exceptions to these prerequisites can be made on an individual basis by the instructor in consultation with the student. Permission will be based on the student's needs, motivation and interest in the material. Can be taken in addition to GE/ES 159 with permission of the instructor.

Instructor: Jack Hermance; Office: GeoChem 167, xt 3-3830; e-mail: [email protected]

Required Texts:To be determined. Under consideration: Fetter, C.W., Applied Hydrogeology, 4th edition, (includes CD-ROM),

Prentice Hall.Hermance, J.F., A Mathematical Primer on Groundwater Flow, Prentice Hall, 1998.

See the web site for the course:

and our related site for Environmental and Engineering Geophysics:

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Outline of Topics


An introduction to the fundamental concepts of watersheds and the quantitative methods used to understand them.

1) Watersheds: Fundamental Units of Hydrology (Lecture/Discussion (L/D) 1; L/D 2)(Watersheds are to hydrology as atoms are to modern physics)

DefinitionThe draped impermeable sheet paradigmPoint versus distributed outlets

Delineating a watershedTopographic vs. groundwater dividesTerrain analysis using digital elevation models (DEM’s)Exercise2: Create a DEM. Compute area of polygon; maximum and average slope; roughness.

SynonymsWatershedDrainage basinRiver basinCatchment

Watershed ParametersSurface characteristics (intrinsic vs extrinsic)Concept of generic “watershed reservoirs”Cultural, economic and historic considerationsMeteorological and climatological aspects

Generic Tasks Specific to 158 Material3: Develop general skills for data presentation using industry/research standard applications (Surfer gridding, contouring and 3D surface plots); Introduction to command line programming and numerical methods.

Exercise4: Create a DEM. Compute area of polygon(s); maximum and average slope; roughness. Access digital elevation data (i.e., discrete values of elevation as x,y,z triplets) from an archived data base, contour the values and compare and discuss the results for various interpolation algorithms, Digitize the outline of the principal watershed for the data assigned, and compute its surface area using numerical integration. Digitize a vertical cross-section for your preferred model, and compute the area under the curve using a numerical integration.

“Required5” Lab: Meet for orientation on accessing and plotting hydrologic data (and topo).

2) Mass Balance in the Water Cycle (L/D 3; L/D 4)(One of the fundamental relations in hydrology)

Concept of water balanceConservation conditionConservation of flux with sourcesElements of the hydrologic cycle

PrecipitationEvapotranspirationOverland flowInfiltrationGroundwater flow & baseflowStream runoffGaining vs. losing streams

1 Actual classtime indicated for each topic is provisional depending on student interest and background.2 Exercise topics are for illustrative purposes. Actual topics might vary as the course evolves.3 The sub-text is used here to indicate those topics that will be emphasized in the quantitative track.4 Exercise topics are for illustrative purposes. Actual topics might vary as the course evolves.5 The term “Required” here indicates the labs in which students in the quantitative tracks are expected to participate.

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Dynamic storage of a watershed element(Steady-state vs. transient conditions)

Basic processes & watershed elementsInflowStorage elementsOutflow

Residence timesExercise: Compute residence times for representative “systems”Summary of Surface & Subsurface Flow GenerationExercise: Compute a mass balance relation for a representative “system”

Generic Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Develop skills in independent research though accessing and analyzing environmental data from commercial or government sources.

Exercise. Access an archival data base, extract precipitation data, compute robust statistical parameters, compute exceedence statistics for storm events.

3) Physio/Chemical Nature of Water (L/D 5)The water molecule has a substantial net dipolar moment giving it unique physical/chemical propertiesBulk fluid properties• Density • Compressibility• Thermal expansivity • Latent heat of fusion• Latent heat of evaporation • Surface tension (capillary rise)• Thermal capacity • Solvent power• pH • Dielectric constant (permittivity; index of refraction)• Electrical conductivity • Total dissolved solidsExercise: Compute the temperature of water through several phase changesInteraction of water with other materials• Water-silicate interactions

RetentivityCapillary rise

Generic Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Develop skills in independent research though accessing and analyzing environmental data from commercial or government sources.

Exercise. Access an archival data base, extract precipitation data, compute robust statistical parameters, compute exceedence statistics for storm events.

4) Mechanics of Water Flow (L/D 6)• Water and energy: Bernoulli’s Law• Water and momentum• Flow character as function of viscosity and velocityExercise: Compute an energy balance relation for a representative “system”

Generic Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Review (or derive if necessary) the fundamental principles of hydraulic.

Mechanics of Water Flow. Discuss basis implications of Bernoulli's Law for energy balance in a closed hydraulic system. Discuss flow character as function of viscosity and velocity

Exercise: Compute an energy balance relation for a representative "system"

5) Hydrologic Nature of the Geologic Environment (Physical Geology and Water)Background on geomorphology and surface geologic processes (L/D 7)Evolution & morphology of igneous (batholithic, intrusive & extrusive), sedimentary and

metamorphic rocksParadigm for a conceptual model of the subsurfaceGeneral comments on the soil-bedrock interfaceHydrologic characteristics of earth materials

Saturated versus unsaturated flowConsolidated vs. unconsolidated materialsConcept: Subsurface water fills material voids

Caverns and underground “rivers” are singular exceptions except in karst or limestone terranes

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In saturated conditions, water is found inInterstitial or intergranular poresCracks, joints and fractures

Concept: Pore pathways need to be interconnected for water to flowDistribution of water in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocksWater in sedimentary formations — TeleconnectionsHydrology of unconsolidated sediments; significance of high pore volumeHydrologic provinces of North America based on geologic regimesExercise: Reports on representative hydrogeologic provinces

6) Morphology of Glaciated Terrains (L/D 8)(Fossil landforms relevant to hydrology: exposed, buried or exhumed)

Glacial outwash Alluvial fansRiver valley and streambed deposits (Sorted vs. unsorted deposits)

Clay Silt SandGravel Cobbles

Coastal plainsSignificance of detecting and delineating buried landforms

Hydrologic nature of residual soils & other unconsolidated overburdenUnconsolidated sedimentsNature of soil

Density Porosity Grain size (sieving)Retentivity Hydraulic conductivity

Exercise: Lab characterization of soilGeneric Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Exercise: Discuss lab characterization of soils. Depending on student

interest/background where appropriate draw on students’ prior exposure to engineering properties.“Required” Lab: Sieve classification of unconsolidated materials.

7) Concept of Predictive Models (L/D 9)Purpose of modeling: To develop a quantitative (or sometimes qualitative) representation of the interaction of watershed elements.

Applications (examples):• Floods• Droughts• Reservoir assessment and management (surface water and groundwater)• Contaminant migration

“Predictive” modes:• Forecasting (What will happen?)• Now-casting (What is happening and where?)• Post-casting (What did happen and how? Forensics.)

Physical ModelsBased on fundamental physical laws as mathematically formulated

ExamplesTime of Concentration for a flood waveDarcy’s law for groundwater flow

Usually implemented in computer form, even for the simplest casesTypes:

• Conceptual models for assessing first order magnitudes & effects of very restricted or very generalized classes of processes

• Representational models simulating complicated, multidimensional, interactive processes as true-to-life as possible

Useful for inferring the distribution, magnitude, and past, present and future behavior of a process with limited observations

Empirical modelsLargely a synthesis and summary of data observationsDerived with little or no physical causality relating fundamental parameters

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Statistically based models

8) Data Representation and Characterization (L/D 10; L/D 11)Data miningStatistics: Gaussian versus robustDetermining trends, patterns and extremes

Least-squares estimates of parametersCorrelationTime series analysis

Regression and trendsFourier series and cyclic patterns (amplitudes and phase)

Statistics of extremes – determining 100 year exceedence probabilities from observed data.Exercise: Tools and methods for characterizing data. Application to environmental data.Exercise: “Mine” existing data to estimate relevant exceedence probabilities.

 9) Mathematics of Physical Modeling (L/D 12)

Mass balance and continuity relationsRates of change (differential equations)Cumulative effects (integral calculus)Level pond routingExercise: Dynamic response of a watershed reservoir

Generic Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Elaborate on the value and limitations of numerical and analytical methods, respectively, with examples.


Discussion of the fundamental concepts, observational data, model simulations, & predictions.

1) Precipitation (L/D 13)Point measurementsAreal samplesDepth of precipitationComputer visualization, interpolation and animation of station gauge dataExercise: Compute effective depth of precipitation from distributed rain gauges for a catchment

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Exercise: Compute and compare total depth of precipitation using three, standard procedures.

Access data independently from data archive.

2) Evapotranspiration (L/D 14)TemperatureSolar RadiationWindHumidityExercise: Compute evaporation rate(s) for specified meteorological conditions

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Exercise: Compute evaporation rate(s) for specified meteorological conditions.

3) Infiltration, Depression Storage & Overland Flow (L/D 15; L/D 16)Saturated versus unsaturated flowNature of soil

Density PorosityGrain size (sieving) RetentivityHydraulic conductivity

Exercise: Lab characterization of soilDepression storage

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Direct runoffHorton overland flowSaturated overland flow

InfiltrationExercise: A qualitative, semi-empirical model

Green-Ampt relationExercise: Application of Green-Ampt relation

Subsurface stormflowGroundwater recharge & baseflow

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Exercise: Illustrate infiltration using a qualitative, semi-empirical model.Exercise: Application of Green-Ampt relation versus Richard’s relation.

4) Streamflow Generation (L/D 17)Streamflow & hydrographs: Measuring streamflow

FlowmetersWeirsStage versus discharge

Baseflow recessionOpen channel flowControls on flow (assessing the Manning Equation)

Flow gradientChannel roughnessChannel radius

Exercise: Compute flow characteristics for specific channelTasks Specific to 158 Material: Exercise: Streamflow & hydrographs: Measure streamflow in the field. Compare to stage measurements.Employing the Manning equation (depending on flow gradient, channel roughness, channel radius), compute

flow characteristics for a specific channel.“Required” Lab: Measure properties of a physical “linear reservoir” in the lab.

5) Stormflow Generation (L/D 18 - 20)Rainfall-runoff relationsComponents of storm hydrograph

Characteristic delay times (theoretical versus observed)Response to overland flowInterflow and throughflowEnhanced baseflowDecay of overland flow

Separating components of hydrographUnit hydrographs

Synthesis of streamflow eventsS-curves = Cumulative hydrographs.Streamflow routing

Streamflow statistics (peak flow probabilities, etc.)Characteristic residence timesExercise: Create a theoretical unit hydrographExercise: Create an actual unit hydrograph from observed dataExercise: Compare composite hydrographs for twice the rain per unit time to unit rain for twice the timeExercise: Generate a hypothetical flood by synthesizing elementary stream componentsExercise: Generate the predicted streamflow in an actual stream from historical precipitation data

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Discuss the rainfall-runoff relation as a quasi-linear system response (w/ cautions)Quantitatively separate five (5) hydrographs for different storms for the same watershed, comparing and

discussing results – consider antecedent conditions.Determine a unit hydrograph for the catchment.

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Determine the S-curves = Cumulative hydrographs, for all events. Determine unit hydrograph from functional “fit” to S-curve.

Derivation and Application of the Linear Reservoir Model: Fundamental differential relations; and solution using integrating factors.

Impulse response of stream discharge (output) to a unit precipitation event (input).Synthesize predicted stream stormflow for an actual observed precipitation event employing the convolution of

the unit impulse response of the catchment with actual precipitation.Unit hydrographsSynthesis of streamflow events

Level pond routingStreamflow routing

Streamflow statistics (compute peak flow probabilities, exceedence probabilities, etc. from observed data.)Compute a simple characteristic residence time (Vol/Flux) for a specific system of linear reservoirs and

compare the result to a more quantitative metric.Exercise: Create a theoretical unit hydrographExercise: Create an actual unit hydrograph from observed dataExercise: Compare composite hydrographs for twice the rain per unit time to unit rain for twice the timeExercise: Generate a hypothetical flood by synthesizing elementary stream componentsExercise: Generate the predicted streamflow in an actual stream from historical precipitation data


1) Water Wells: “Windows” to the subsurface (L/D 21)(How to drill a well and optimally utilize its information)

Production versus monitoring wellsSite locationDrillingLoggingDevelopment

Initial testingSurgingHydrofracturingCleaning well of drilling fluids

Well tests (or “pump” tests)Exercise: Analyze well test data from a confined aquifer to determine the principal aquifer properties.

2) Theoretical and Physical Foundations of Ground-Water Flow (L/D 22)Conservation conditionDarcy's lawPressure and hydraulic headHydraulic conductivityEffect of matrix and fluid properties on mass transportInhomogeneous versus anisotropic mediaLateral inhomogeneities: Discrete or "block" discontinuities versus smoothly varying propertiesConcept of flowlines and flow netsRefraction of fluid flow across a material boundaryExercise: Given a set of piezometric observations in monitoring wells, and information on the elevation of local water surface water elements (streamsa nd ponds), construct a flow net/

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Computing anisotropic properties from physical, first principles.Averaging lateral inhomogeneities: Discrete or "block" discontinuities versus smoothly varying properties.

Physically-consistent averages versus simple arithmetic and geometric means.Concept of flowlines and flow netsExercise: Given a set of piezometric observations in monitoring wells, and information on the elevation of local

water surface water elements (streams, lakes and ponds), construct a flow net.Derive conditions for refraction of fluid flow across a material boundary

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3) Physical Processes in Aquifers (L/D 23)Conceptual models of the hydrogeologic environment

Infiltration dynamicsCapillary forces and soil moisture tensionUnsaturated or vadose zone characteristics

Aquifer characteristics, divisions and classesConfined aquifersUnconfined aquifersPerched aquifers

Potentiometric (piezometric) head versus the "watertable"Compressibility, pore pressure and effective stressAquifer flow parameters

Transmissivity & storativity for confined aquifersSpecific yield for unconfined aquifers

Simple steady-state models for confined and unconfined flowUnconfined flow with regional recharge

Generic Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Review (or derive if necessary) the fundamental principles of hydraulic.

Develop, program and analyze steady-state models for confined and unconfined flow with infiltrationExercise: Analyze well test data from a confined aquifer to determine the principal aquifer properties.

4) Flow Lines and Flow Nets (L/D 24)Mathematical basisQuantitative relationsQualitative relations and constructing flow nets by handApplication to regional flow patterns

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Mathematical properties of potential fields and streamin potentials in 2D.Quantitative foundations of streamlines from the calculus of analytical functions.

5) Subsurface Flow to a Discharging (or Recharging) Well (L/D 25; L/D 24)Confined vs. unconfined flowSteady-state vs. transient conditionsEffect of local boundaries and local recharge zones: Method of images

Topics & Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Radial Flow in a Confined Aquifer to a Discharging (Recharging) WellMethod of Images for Steady-State Confined Flow

Application to Bounded AquifersWell in the vicinity of an impermeable boundaryWell in the vicinity of a supply channel

Flow in Leaky Confined AquifersFacilitating assumptions for flow in an unconfined aquiferThe Discharge Potential for Unconfined Flow

Application to 1-D Steady-State Flow in an Unconfined AquiferApplication to Two-Dimensional Unconfined Flow: Radial Flow to a Well

Fundamental Relations for Transient FlowDiffusion Equation for a Confined AquiferControlling Parameters for Confined DiffusionImportance of the Elastic Properties of an Aquifer

Release of water from storage by compactionRelease of water by decompressionTotal water released as specific storage

Various Forms for Diffusion EquationDiffusion Equation for Hydraulic HeadStorativity of a confined aquiferDiffusion Equation for Discharge Potential

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Application of Diffusion Equation:Transient 1-D Flow in a Confined Layer

One-Dimensional Diffusion EquationPeriodic Solutions of Diffusion Equation

Harmonic Time Dependence: Fourier Integral TransformsCharacteristic attenuation lengthPhase velocity and characteristic delay timesIntrusion of Tidal Effects into a Coastal Aquifer

Aperiodic Transient Flow in a Confined Aquifer1/D application

Two-Dimensional Transient FlowTransient Discharge from a Well Pumping a Confined AquiferTheoretical foundations for pump testsInterchange of distance/time observations

Facilitating assumptions for transient flow in an unconfined aquifer(Discussion of adequacy of assumption in actual field situations.)

6) Well Tests and Monitoring Wells (L/D 25)Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Determine the principal hydrologic parameters of an aquifer employing actual

field data. Discuss sources and magnitudes of various classes of uncertainties.

7) Regional Flow Patterns (L/D 26)Transient vs. steady-state conditionsConfined vs. unconfined aquifersHorizontal vs. vertical recharge processes

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Discuss and analyze with model simulations:Magnitude of transient vs. steady-state conditionsModels of recharge processes versus true discharge processes.Effects of alternative ways of formulating boundary conditions on resulting flow conditions.

8) Flow in Coastal Aquifers at the Fresh-Water/Salt-Water Interface (L/D 27)Ghyben-Herzberg freshwater "lens"Details of fresh groundwater flow to oceanIntrusion of tidal effects into a coastal aquifers (phase and time lags)Flow toward a well in a coastal aquifer

Tasks Specific to 158 Material:Construct the flow net for a specific Ghyben-Herzberg freshwater "lens"Details of fresh groundwater flow to oceanCompute the intrusion of tidal effects into a coastal aquifers (phase and time lags), or, vice versa,

the drainage of a precipitation event from the landward side of the coast.Practical considerations in mitigating salt-water intrusions into coastal freshwater aquifers.

9) Water Quality: Watershed Pollution & Contaminant Migration (L/D 28)Physio/mathematical representations of diffusion and dispersion"Point source" pollution

Chemical & fuel spills (or leaks) LandfillsWaste treatment facilities Septic systems

"Non-point" or distributed contaminant sourcesAgricultural: Feedlots, Fertilized fieldsCommunity: Pesticides & herbicides, Composite septic fields

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Discuss in detail:Physio/mathematical representations of diffusion and dispersionModelling “plume” generation and morphology

10) Modeling Contaminant Migration (L/D 29)"Capture zones" & "zones of influence"

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Particle tracking algorithmsTasks Specific to 158 Material: Discuss in detail:

"Capture zones" & "zones of influence"Particle tracking algorithms

11) Mitigating Contaminant Migration (L/D 30)Well head protection plansRecovery wellsDispersal, soil "washing" and biodegradingControlling the “source”

Tasks Specific to 158 Material: Discuss in detail:Well head protection employing an array of recovery/diversion wells.

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Background Reading List

Bachmat, Yehuda, John Bredehoeft, Barbara Andrews, David Holtz, and Scott Sebastian, Groundwater Management: The Use of Numerical Models, American Geophysical Union, Washington , D. C., 1980.Black, P.E., Watershed Hydrology, 2nd edition, An Arbor Press, 449 pp., 1996.Bras, R.L., Hydrology, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA, 643 pp. 1990.Chow, V.T., D.R. Maidment, and L.W. Mays, Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 572 p., 1988.Davis, Stanley N., and Roger J. M. DeWiest, Hydrogeology, 463 pp., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.Dingman, S.L., Physical Hydrology, Macmillan Publishing Company, 575 p., 1994.Domenico, Patrick A., and Franklin W. Schwartz, Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, 824 pp., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991.Eagleson, Peter S. (Chairman), Opportunities in the Hydrological Sciences, 348 pp., Committee on Opportunities in the Hydrological Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1991.Fetter, C.W., Applied Hydrogeology, 4th edition, 691 pp. (includes computer disk), Prentice Hall, 2001.Fetter, C.W., Contaminant Hydrogeology, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 458 pp., 1993.Foley, D., G.D. McKenzie, and R.O. Utgard, Investigations in Environmental Geology, Macmillan Publishing

Company, 304 p., 1993.Freeze, R. Allan, and John A. Cherry, Groundwater, 604 pp., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1979.Gabler, R.E., R.J. Sager, and D.L. Wise, Essentials of Physical Geography, Saunders College Publishing, 559 p.,

1991.Heath, R.C., Ground-Water Regions of the United States, Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2242, United

States Government Printing Office, 78 p., 1984.Heath, Ralph C., Basic Ground-Water Hydrology, United States Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2220, 1984.Heath, Ralph C., and Frank W. Trainer, Introduction to Ground Water Hydrology, 285 pp., National Ground Water Association, Dublin, OH, 1992.Hermance, J.F., A Mathematical Primer on Groundwater Flow, Prentice Hall, 1998.Kazmann, R.G., Modern Hydrology, Third Edition, 427 pp., National Water Well Association (now National Ground Water Association), Dublin, OH, 1988.Keller, E.A., Environmental Geology, Macmillan Publishing Company, 521 p., 1991.Mayer, L., Introduction to Quantitative Geomorphology: An Exercise Manual, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 380 p., 1990.McIntyre, M.P., H.P. Eilers, and J.W. Mairs, Physical Geography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 536 p., 1991.Postel, Sandra, Last Oasis; Facing Water Scarcity, 239 pp., W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1992.Rahn, Perry H., Engineering Geology: An Environmental Approach, Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1986.Roscoe Moss Company, Handbook of Groundwater Development, 493 pp., Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990.Schwartz, Frank W. (Chairman), Ground Water Models, Scientific and Regulatory Applications, 303 pp., Committee on Ground Water Modeling Assessment, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1990.Serrano, Sergio E., Hydrology for Engineers, Geologists, and Environmental Professionals - An Integrated Treatment of Surface, Subsurface, and Contaminant Hydrology, HydroScience, 1997.Todd, Keith David, Groundwater Hydrology, 535 pp., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980.Walton, W.C., Principles of Groundwater Engineering, 546 pp., Lewis Publishers, 1991.Wang, Herbert F., and Mary P. Anderson, Introduction to Groundwater Modeling: Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods, 237 pp., W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1982.Ward, Stanley H. (Editor), Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics, Volume I: Review and Tutorial, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1990.Ward, Stanley H. (Editor), Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics, Volume II: Ground Water Exploration, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1990.Watson, I., and A.D. Burnett, Hydrology - An Environmental Approach, Buchanan Books Cambridge, 702 p., 1993.

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Pedagogical Framework6

The pedagogical objectives of this course are threefold:

a) To develop insight into watershed processes through testing models and hypotheses through data observations;

b) To sharpen critical analysis skills;c) To communicate effectively using a variety of graphic, computer, oral and written media.

The latter requires that the student will produce professional, aesthetically pleasing reports that meet professional standards for quality. Reports and term papers that do not meet a minimum level of quality will not be accepted. This semester will continue our experimental use of the web and other electronic media for communicating results. The course will consist of the following activities.

Provisional Core Activity7 (Expected of all students, unless prearranged otherwise.)

1) Two to three formally scheduled 1 hour lectures and/or group discussions per week, presented or supervised by the instructor (J.F. Hermance). Lecture periods will also be used for class discussions or for presentations by class members. Students are expected to contribute to class discussions.

2) Practical applications of hydrological principles in lab and the field8. Computer, field, and laboratory exercises consisting of 2 to 3 hours per week at times to be arranged (8 such meetings total).

• Depending on student interest, several field trips will visit various hydrological sites in southeast New England, and expose students to a number of sampling or data gathering procedures. (It is possible that, because of scheduling conflicts, not all students will be able to participate in these.)Some examples:— Field trip to inspect typical southeast New England upland geology, with a visit to a producing

community water well-field. On-site discussion of engineering & geological aspects— Field trip to inspect typical southeast New England watershed— Demonstration of non-invasive geophysical investigations— Observation of gauging operations

- Streams - Depth to water table (and gradient)- Precipitation - Infiltration

• Students will perform several (4) measuring procedures in the field or laboratory, such as:— Soil properties: Grain size, density, porosity— Retentivity — Permeability — Infiltration— Water quality — Surveying techniques

• Computer demonstrations & hands-on activities (4 selected from below) will assist in visualizing and quantifying several hydrological processes:— Accessing environmental data bases

- Precip - Temp- Streamflow - Evapotranspiration

— Accessing standard computer applications- Basic - Fortran - Graphing- Surfer - DeltaGraph - Excel

— Regional groundwater flow (steady-state & transient)— Storm flow and stream flooding. Demonstration of HEC, SCS and EPA computer models— Groundwater flow. Demo of MODFLOW

Flow to a pumping/discharging well Development of the "cone of depression""Capture zone" for a recovery well Contaminant migration

6 Any substantive departures from the schedule and changes in course expectations will be conveyed in writing.7 These expectations may be modified somewhat after assessing the background and interests of the students.8 Each exercise is to result in a formal report that is professionally prepared in terms of grammar, scientific content, originality & graphics.

Students may collaborate on field reports, homework exercises and final projects, if each contribution is properly documented, but such joint efforts will be accordingly prorated by the factor: 1/sqrt(n), where n is the number of students. Joint efforts should easily be able to compensate for this penalty by the added quality of the final product, which will usually receive extra credit.

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3) Three, in-class (45 min) quizzes held at various times throughout the semester @ 8 grade pts each. No final exam.

4) A weekly, written synopsis of the water-related technical article. Due the Wednesday of each week beginning in week 2. A total of 10 due throughout semester. The format alternates between the following two versions:

a) One week a common article will be assigned for all students to assess. In addition, a group of two or three students will volunteer or be requested to develop a class presentation on the material for group discussion.

b) The second format for the alternate week will be an individually-selected "topical news story of the week" from the news media, technical journals or the Web dealing directly with the topic currently covered in class. A printed copy of the actual article, or articles, used should be appended to the student synopsis.

For both formats, the student will compose a 250 to 400 word review, professionally presented with citations, etc. Late submissions not permitted. Generally 3 grade pts each providing they contain some thoughtful analysis, but some may warrant extra credit. Some less; 1 pt for a minimalist contribution. Extra credit if you really “get off” on the subject with graphics, etc. The group presentation might receive an additional 3 to 5 (or more) credits.

5) Problem sets or written homework assignments, sometimes based on material in text or assigned reading not covered in lecture. Style will be graded9. (8 planned exercises; usually due on Friday).

6) Surfing the Web:

A) Each student is expected to identify a total of 3 unique water-related resources on the Internet, respectively, on 3 separate occasions throughout the course of the semester (i.e. approx. 1 resource every two weeks; up to 3 pts each). These will be appropriately documented and reported. Include the URL and a representative hardcopy (printout) of representative material.

B) The following is totally student-initiated:

"Event" Monitoring on the Web

At their own discretion, students should monitor specific Web pages of their choosing on the Internet for a period of days, during which they will systematically download, on a daily basis, key hydrological data or "events" from specific watersheds that they will analyze and, at some point, disseminate to the rest of the class. (This will be done on an ad hoc basis throughout the first half of the semester, typically for a maximum grade point accumulation of 6 points, although this could be arranged for more if prearranged with Instructor (Jack).)

7) Occasional informal exercises (approx. 6) that the student may perform on the computer, at his or her convenience as part of their regular homework. Some assignments may be individualized to address the needs and interests of particular students, and can be implemented by oneself, or in close interaction with the TA(s) or Instructor. Actual (or extra) credit will often depend on what the student does with the exercise.

8) An individual research project(s) of the student’s choosing (in consultation with Instructor). Can be done individually or in small groups providing the contribution of each student is unique and clearly identified. A list of possible projects is available. These typically run from 10 to 15 pts, but may be worth from a few to upwards of 20 grade points. Projects will all be selected before mid-semester, with final results submitted by class-time on Monday before Reading Week. Text and math formulas should be typed; explanatory sketches done using computer graphics, with full citations and headings. Students may get extra credit for orally reporting on individual or group term project(s). The presenter(s) will meet with the Instructor or TA at least 2 days (48 hrs) prior to their talk to rehearse material, show visual aids, etc.

9) Oral report(s) on special topics to be assigned. Approx. 10 minutes in length. These will be integrated directly into the regular lecture/discussion format. Above guidelines apply (see Item 4).

10) Optional mathematical exercises supplying intermediate steps in theoretical derivations. (Up to 8 grade pts, total). These might be student initiated, or be explicitly flagged by the instructor.

9 For any assigned exercise, the "correct" answer is given only partial credit (approx. 50% of the grade). The correct answer and a routine explanation, figures, etc. is approx. 75% of the grade. The latter, plus a little creative insight or effort is worth the full 100% credit. Truly exceptional responses are given extra credit above and beyond the assignment value.

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In addition to the above formally scheduled sessions, occasional informal demonstrations or tutorials might be offered to individuals or small groups of students who may opt for additional background. The latter will be supplementary credit activities and usually given 1 to 4 grade points.

Important Note: In all cases (formal field and lab exercises, computer demonstrations, informal demonstrations or tutorials), students are expected to submit short, written reports on such exercises. Such reports will be evaluated on their substance, creativity and aesthetic quality of presentation (spelling, grammar, syntax, citations, quality and organization of figures, etc.).

Problem sets, computer exercises, short quizzes, oral reports, the research project and current events will form the basis for active class discussions in which each student will be expected to participate. Students will be expected to cultivate their presentation skills throughout the semester.

Consider turning in a "portfolio" at the end of the semester: This might include all of your class notes, your homework or/and any special projects or special homework. Your portfolio would serve as a basis for a final overview by the Instructor of your semester's activity.

Extra credit is given for special projects, exceptional homework exercises, expanded class notes, etc. Discuss these opportunities with the instructor or graduate TA, before mid-semester.

Special Note 1:

Minimal expectations for a superior grade (“Baseline Proficiency” required for an "A"). Beside a cumulative gradepoint of 90 pts, students desiring an “A” will successfully complete the following tasks10.

General:Delineate a watershed.Compute the characteristic time of a hydrologic system.Describe the properties of the exponential function:Asymptotic properties, characteristic time, 1/e property,

area under the curve.Submit at least one professional quality report with

figures, captions, headings, citations, near-perfect grammar, spelling and syntax.

Surface Water:Do a proper hydrograph separation.Construct a unit hydrograph from actual data.Synthesize composite streamflow from a complex storm


Practicum:Determine depth to watertable in a borehole.Acquire water sample from a borehole and from a tap.Determine water quality.

Groundwater:Construct the watertable from observations.Determine groundwater flow from watertable data – 2D

and 3D patterns.Describe groundwater flow in composite media.Use groundwater flow patterns to predict contaminant


10 In exceptional cases, students may petition that one or more of these requirements be waived.

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Special Note 2:

Late Work Policy. Because of the fast-paced nature of the course material, and the interconnectedness of its various elements, all assignments are expected to be completed on time, which is considered the beginning of class on the date due. Most assignments will have a week preparation time – a few however will be due the next class11. Some assignments12, because they serve an integral function in a particular class, will not be accepted after their due date. These will be so announced ahead of time. Late work, if accepted, will be penalized and must be handed personally to the Instructor or TA, and appropriately dated by the student indicating that it is overdue. Late work placed in mail boxes, slipped under doors, etc., will not be acknowledged. The grade on late work will be prorated by the following scale: 1 hr to next day, 90%; next class, 80%; next week, 50%. No work will be accepted that is overdue 1 week or more. And no work (unless prior arrangements are made w/ instructor13) will be accepted after

1700 hrs, April 23rd.

Special Note 3:

Handling Proprietary Information. At times (because we are trying to keep you close to the cutting edge of the science), you may be purposely or inadvertently exposed to proprietary information of a relatively sensitive nature — it may be serving as the basis for regulatory enforcement, litigation, property transfer, etc. You literally may hold the future of some individual in your hand, or have access to information on a million dollar property transaction or damage settlement. You are expected to use professional judgment and discretion in discussing or disclosing this information outside of class.

Special Note :

Intellectual Property Issues. All computer programs, data, interpretations and reports developed by students as part of the activities in this course will be considered the public domain of Brown University. All course material developed and distributed by the Instructor, copyrighted by him, is freely available to the student for the duration of the course, but is not to be reproduced or disseminated by anyone without his explicit written approval. The substantive elements of all student projects (including labs, field reports, final projects, etc.) will be archived at Brown University. Students desiring copies of the same should make them before turning in the material, or make special arrangements ahead of time with the Instructor. Any future use of student derived materials will follow conventional professional standards for acknowledgment, citation and credits.

11 So-called “short fuse” assignments.12 So-called “drop dead” assignments.13 Alternative arrangements might be accommodated in exceptional circumstances providing the student is in good standing, and the

intellectual objectives merit them. Such arrangements must be made prior to Spring Break.

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Pedagogical Framework

Provisional Core Activity14 (Expected of all students, unless prearranged otherwise.)

1) Required15: Two to three formally scheduled 1 hour lectures and/or group discussions per week, presented or supervised by the instructor (J.F. Hermance). Lecture periods will also be used for class discussions or for presentations by class members. Students are expected to contribute to class discussions.

2) Optional: Depending on sufficient resources being available from the university for any specific semester, we will arrange a series of optional weekly computer, field, and laboratory exercises (2-3 hrs/week) at times to be arranged (up to 6 such meetings total).

• Depending on student interest (and available resources), several (2 or 3) field trips will visit various hydrological sites in southeast New England, and expose students to a number of sampling or data gathering procedures. It is possible that, because of scheduling conflicts, not all students will be able to participate in these. Possible examples:

— Field trip to inspect typical southeast New England upland geology, with a visit to a producing community water well-field. On-site discussion of engineering & geological aspects— Field trip to inspect typical southeast New England watershed— Demonstration of non-invasive geophysical investigations— Observation of gauging operations

- Streams - Depth to water table (and gradient)- Precipitation - Infiltration

• Students will perform several (4) measuring procedures in the laboratory, such as:— Soil properties — Retentivity— Permeability — Infiltration

— Water quality — Surveying techniques

• Computer demonstrations & hands-on activities (6 selected from below) will assist in visualizing and quantifying several hydrological processes:

— Accessing environmental data bases- Precip - Temp- Streamflow - Evapotranspiration

— Accessing standard computer applications- Basic - Fortran- Graphing - Surfer- DeltaGraph - Excel

— Regional groundwater flow (steady-state & transient)— Storm flow and stream flooding— Groundwater flow to a pumping well

- Development of the "cone of depression"- "Capture zone" for a recovery well

— Contaminant migration in subsurface waters

In addition to the above formally scheduled sessions, occasional informal demonstrations or tutorials might be offered to individuals or small groups of students who may opt for additional background. The latter will be supplementary credit activities and usually given 1 to 4 grade points.

Important Note: In all cases (formal field and lab exercises, computer demonstrations, informal demonstrations or tutorials, and video viewing), students are expected to submit short, written reports on such exercises that will be evaluated by the graduate TA and the Instructor. Such reports will be evaluated on their substance, creativity and

14 These expectations may be modified somewhat after assessing the background and interests of the students.15 The term “Required” needs to be interpreted very loosely. Due to the flexibility of grading, students map “opt out” of most

any exercise and still do well in the course. This term is used to indicate that future work will draw on information systematically developed in this category.

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aesthetic quality of presentation (spelling, grammar, syntax, citations, quality and organization of figures, etc.).

3) Optional: A weekly, written synopsis of the water-related "news story of the week" from the news media, topical technical journals, or the Web. A hard copy of the actual article, or articles, used should be appended to a student composed, 250 to 400 word review, professionally presented with citations, etc. Due the Wednesday of each week beginning in week 2. A total of 8 due throughout semester. Late submissions not permitted. Generally 3 grade pts each providing they contain some thoughtful analysis, but some may warrant extra credit. Students will be randomly selected to present an informal, spontaneous oral overview to the class each week.

4) Required: Problem sets or written homework assignments, sometimes based on material in text or assigned reading not covered in lecture. It is recommended that text and math formulas be typed; and explanatory sketches done using computer graphics. Style will be graded. (8 planned exercises; usually due on Friday).

5) Optional: Surfing the Internet Web: A) Each student is expected to identify a water-related resource on the Internet, respectively, on 3 separate

occasions throughout the course of the semester (i.e. approx. 1 resource every two weeks; 4 pts each). These will be appropriately documented and reported (see Item 2, above). Include the URL and a representative hardcopy (printout) of representative material.

B) The following is optional and totally student-initiated. At your own discretion, students should monitor specific Web pages of your choosing on the Internet for a period of days, during which you will systematically download, on a daily basis, key hydrological data or "events" from specific watersheds or regions that you will analyze and, at some point, disseminate to the rest of the class. (This will be done on an ad hoc basis thoughout the first half of the semester, for a typical maximum grade point accumulation of 8 points, but more may be negotiated in advance.) Must be completed by the end of week 8.

6) Optional: An individual research project(s) of the student’s choosing (in consultation with Instructor). Can be done individually or in small groups. A list of possible projects is attached for illustrative purposes. These typically run from 10 to 15 pts, but may be worth from a few to upwards of 20 grade points. Projects will all be selected before mid-semester, with final results submitted by class-time at the end of week 10. Students may get extra credit for reporting on individual or group term project(s). Each presenter will meet with the Instructor or TA at least 2 days (48 hrs) prior to their talk to rehearse material, show visual aids, etc.

7) Optional: Oral report(s) on special topics to be assigned. Approx. 10 minutes in length. These will be integrated directly into the regular lecture/discussion format. Above guidelines apply (see Item 5).

8) Optional mathematical exercises supplying intermediate steps in theoretical derivations. (Up to 8 grade pts, total). These might be student initiated, or be explicitly flagged by the instructor.

Problem sets, computer exercises, oral reports, the research project and current events will form the basis for active class discussions in which each student will be expected to participate. Students will be expected to cultivate their presentation skills throughout the semester.Students will be evaluated on their preparation and class responses. All formal activities will be completed by the beginning of reading period so that the remainder of the semester can be used for singular opportunities that may have spontaneously arisen during the semester from a student’s individual initiative, class discussions or student reports.

Note 1: At times (because we are trying to keep you close to the cutting edge of the science), you may be purposely or inadvertently exposed to proprietary information of a relatively sensitive nature — it may be serving as the basis for regulatory enforcement, litigation, property transfer, etc. You literally may hold the future of some individual in your hand, or have access to information on a million dollar real estate transfer or property settlement. You are expected to use professional judgment and discretion in discussing or disclosing this information outside of class.

Note 2: All computer programs, data, interpretations and reports developed by students as part of the activities in this course will be considered public domain. The substantive elements of all student projects (including labs, field reports, final projects, etc.) will be archived at Brown University. Students desiring copies of the same should make

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them before turning in the material, or make special arrangements ahead of time with the instructor.

Note 3: All material (paper copy, computer material, data, etc.) supplied to the student by the Instructor and Brown University will be inferred to be, and will remain, the property of Brown University and the Instructor, and should not be reproduced and circulated to non-class members in any format, or as any product.

Assignment of Final Grade

Evaluation of student performance will be by the Instructor (in consultation with the graduate TA), and will be based on:

Core Activitya) Required: Written Homework: 8 exercises @ 6 pts each; up to 48 ptsb) Optional: Field, computer & laboratory activities. 6 exercises; up to 30 ptsc) Optional: "News Story” or “Case Study” of the week.

8 @ 3 pts each; up to 24 ptse) Optional: Internet resources. 3 @ 4 pts each; up to 12 ptsf) Optional: Internet "event" monitor up to 8 ptsg) Optional: Individual Initiative Project(s) up to 15 pts(Can be negotiated for more or less credit if appropriate)h) Optional: Class presentation(s) up to 4 ptsi) Unprepared for class or lab (also optional, but not recommended) Minus 20 pts


Subtotal : 141 ptsOther Optional Activity (Student Initiative)

k) Participation in study groups; up to 10 ptsl) Optional points for special effort on, or exceptional

quality of, individual exercises. up to 15 ptsm) Optional contributions to mathematical derivations up to 10 ptsn) Class Participation (from minus 20 pts) up to 10 pts

To allow each student considerable latitude in assigning their individual priorities for what they expect to obtain from the course, the above subtotal of 141 points will not be prorated to a maximum course grade of 100%, but the grade will be based on the actual cumulative grade points.

Students are encouraged to complete all homework as well as an independent research activity for "super-A's", but such is not required for "simple-A's". A "super-A" student will be one who wants to obtain the most from her/his Brown experience, and/or who might want to call upon the instructor in the future for a singularly positive recommendation.

Based on the actual cumulative grade points, in general16, a grade of 90 points or greater will be an A, 75 points or greater will be a B,60 points or greater will be a C,59 points or less will be a no credit (NC).

16 The Instructor always reserves the right to lower any of these ranges by one or two points to accommodate the occasional case where a student clearly merits subjective recognition of her/his contribution to the class activities which is not conveyed by a strict numerical grade.

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Note regarding alternative learning styles: The class is purposely designed to naturally accommodate the different ways in which students learn, and can easily adjust to particular situations. This may be particularly beneficial to students with alternative learning styles (including, but not exclusively, special needs, such as learning inefficiencies, health considerations, physical needs, etc.). Students who might want to enhance this feature of the course – such as those who simply “learn differently”, and would benefit from alternative requirements for assignments, assessments and/or tests – are encouraged to advise the instructor (Jack) as early in the semester as convenient. Some students may simply “learn differently”, and would benefit from alternative requirements for assignments, assessments and/or tests. Students with diagnosed special needs should also contact the instructor early in the semester, regardless if they anticipate special accommodation. All such arrangements will be confidential.

Standard Policy Toward Late-Work: All assignments are due on the date and the time indicated. If this is class-time, then assignments will be collected at the beginning (precisely!) of class. After that time, until 4 PM the next day (unless there is a persuasive case made by a Dean), homework will be prorated to 90% of its normal, on-time grade. By the beginning of the next class, the grade will be prorated to 80%. After that, to the beginning of the next class, grades will be prorated to 70%. After 1 week, homework will be prorated to 50%, and will not be accepted after 2 weeks from due date, or past the beginning of reading period.

Policy toward plagiarism or other academic misconduct

Students are encouraged to work together and collaborate on homework, writing and projects – however, you need to keep me (Jack) informed as to what and who this involves!

Recognizing that the majority of students in this course may not be familiar with the instructor's broad & liberal style of assigning grade credit (which is virtually anything goes, if it makes sense to your learning hydrology), it is important that each participant be aware that there are bounds on proper performance.

The instructor is most generous in recognizing individual interests and career objectives of the student, and how this interest can bridge across two or more courses and their independent research at Brown University or elsewhere. Since the instructor's interpretation of the relevance of certain material to hydrology is so broad in offering the maximum opportunity to the motivated student to explore non-traditional areas of inquiry, it is possible for some to abuse the situation. Students should be aware, however, that transgressors will be summarily dealt with.

While students may — and are encouraged to — discuss their homework with other class members (or prior class members), it is expected that each person will contribute an independent component of an assignment — an independent component that is specifically and unequivocally identified.

The discovery of plagiarism of another's work in any form, particularly copying — in spirit or substance — another student's homework from this semester, or from previous semesters, without proper and unambiguous acknowledgment, will immediately result in a "No Credit" for the course, and notification of the Dean's Office.

Students working together on an exercise or a term project, and submitting virtually the same response or report, should clearly identify each individual's contribution. In some cases, a student may contribute little or nothing to a group activity, but still passively participate for informational background, etc. This is acceptable in some circumstances, and such a student may receive partial credit for the work, providing she/he clearly states the same, and describes the level of (or lack of) their participation.

Relation to Projects in Other CoursesIn some cases, it may be appropriate, even encouraged, for a student to continue, extend, or supplement activities that developed in a previous or a parallel course, or from independent research. However, if a student uses material from other activities to be assigned credit for the present course, such material must be identified. Discovery of

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failure to do will result in the student receiving a No Credit for the course.

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!!! Note the Following Important Dates & Deadlines17 !!!(Provisional Calendar)

January 26 First meeting

February 9 Summary of 1st Web resource

February 23 Summary of 2nd Web resource

March 8 Summary of 3rd Web resource

March 10 Mid semester. (Should be discussing possible research topic with instructor)

March 17 Preliminary (1 paragraph, draft) proposals for special projects must be submitted to Instructor.Students should have expressed interest in any "special topics" to be considered in future lectures by instructor or discussions in class.

March 24 (Spring Recess Final scope of work for special projects must be submitted to Instructor.starts tomorrow)

March 25-April 2 Spring Recess – enjoy!

April 10 Begin last phase of scheduled class presentations. Do not forget to meet w/ Instructor or TA 3 days before talk to go over format & content.

April 24 Final projects due.

April 28 All course materials & written exercises must have been submitted to Instructor unless previously arranged otherwise.

April 28-May 9 Reading period. Reserved for required special activities (to be announced). No class activities are formally planned at this time.

17 Dates are for Academic Year 200X-200Y, and will be accordingly modified for future years. All deadlines are specified relative to the beginning of class-time on the date indicated. These are strictly adhered to. Beside these “Special Dates”, there are deadlines for regular homework and the “News Story of the Week”.

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“Jack” (John F. Hermance)

Professor of Geophysics/Hydrology, Brown University. Ph.D. in Physics, University of Toronto, 1967. Major research interests: environmental geophysics, particularly those activities related to groundwater and watershed studies. Has directed numerous geophysical field projects in Iceland, the Azores, the Yukon, Canada, major volcanic centers in the western United States, and the Northeast U.S. Author of 70+ publications. Research Associate, MIT, 1967-68; participant in NASA/MIT Apollo Applications Program: responsible for designing and assessing feasibility of various radio frequency (MF, HF & VHF) electromagnetic "sounder" experiments during manned lunar landings. Joined Brown Faculty in 1968. Visiting Faculty Fellow at Phillips Petroleum Research Center, Bartlesville, OK, 1974; Visiting Senior Research Associate, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, 1975-76. Member: American Geophysical Union, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, National Ground Water Association/Association of Ground Water Scientists & Engineers, Society of Environmental & Engineering Geophysicists. Best Presentation Award, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting, 1974. Member NASA/MAGSAT Investigators' Team. Member Inter-Union Commission on the Lithosphere/CC-5. Executive Committee and Board Member of the DOSECC Corporation (Deep Observation and Sampling of the Earth's Continental Crust through scientific drilling), 1984-87. Scientific Advisory Committee for Long Valley Deep Exploration Well, DOE/GTD & Sandia National Laboratories, 1985-94. OSHA Certified: Health & Safety Operations at Hazardous Materials Sites 29 CFR 1910.120 (e) (3).


Senior Geophysicist; Conrad Geoscience, Corp. (Current).Principal Coordinator, Geophysical Sensing Experiment on Kilauea Iki Lava Lake, Hawaii: A cooperative

experiment of Sandia Laboratories, U. of Texas at Austin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the U. S. Geological Survey, Brown U. and Columbia U., 1976-81.

Associate Editor, Environmental Geology, 1980-82.Chairman of Thermal Regimes Panel, National Academy of Sciences Continental Scientific Drilling Committee,

1982-85.Associate Editor, Tectonophysics, 1987-1992.Chairman & Principal Editor of Proceedings of the Workshop on the National Geomagnetic

Initiative, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, March, 1992.Author of textbook: “A Mathematical Primer on Groundwater Flow”, Prentice-Hall, 1998.Member, Standing Committee on Hydrologic Measurement Systems, Consortium of Universities for the

Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. (CUASHI), 2001-2003.Current research includes:

• Watershed characterization, groundwater studies, aquifer characterization, & subsurface flow modeling;• Development of adaptive signal processing techniques to extract temporal and spatial vegetation signatures from remote sensing data;• Site studies assessing presence and potential migration of hazardous materials, including chemicals, solvents and fuels, among others;• Development of new geophysical procedures applied to groundwater investigations, as well as to delineating subsurface infrastructure: pipelines, underground storage tanks, foundations, etc.

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