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Quarterly Report | intouch | | 1

intouchISSUE 84 | AUTUMN 2015 | FREE

The magazine for residents of Wales & West Housing

In this issue...

Making a Difference Awards 2015

Build your skills: work and training opportunities

Your 50th anniversarycelebrations

Save money this Christmas

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Page 3: Intouch autumn 2015

Hi everyone, welcome to the Autumn 2015 edition of InTouch – the magazine for residents of Wales & West Housing.

Well, it’s been a busy few months as November saw us celebrate our eighth Making a Difference Awards at the stunning Vale Resort, near Cardiff. This year’s ceremony proved to be bigger and better than ever, and we were delighted to share some very special moments with those of you who came along. The MAD Awards are our way of honouring the community spirit, enterprise, kindness and commitment shown by so many of you who live in our homes across Wales. You can find out more in our special feature on P10, which gives you the lowdown on this year’s winners and finalists. Christmas is almost upon us and we’ve been hanging decorations ready! As fun as the festive season is, it can also be expensive. So on P35 you’ll find some top tips from the Money Advice Service on cutting the cost of a merry Christmas. They’ve also got a fab Christmas spending planner on their website (, which is worth a look. In other news, you may have noticed in previous editions of InTouch that we’ve been helping our residents to get back into work and training by providing some great work experience opportunities. On P22, you’ll find details on more great placements we have coming up in North Wales. You’ll also meet two of our residents, Shane and Ryan, who tell us about their successful work placements and the benefits they’ve brought about. So, if you’re looking to get back into work, learn new skills or you’re interested in a particular industry, why not take a look? Plus, stay tuned for more opportunities in South Wales in the next InTouch!

So until next time, happy reading and may we wish you a very happy Christmas. The Editorial Team

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Editor’s Letter Contents

Other languages and formatsIf you would like a copy of this edition of In Touch in Welsh or in another language or format, for example in large print, please let us know and we will help you.

Did you know that you can now get more news and updates online?

Follow us on twitter @wwha

Contact UsWales & West Housing, 3 Alexandra Gate, Ffordd Pengam, Tremorfa, Cardiff CF24 2UD. Telephone: 0800 052 2526 Text: 07788 310420 Email: [email protected] Website:

You can also contact members of staff direct by their email. For example, [email protected]

WWH News & General Information 04Making a Difference Awards 2015 10Going Green 16Development Update 18WWH 50th Anniversary Celebrations 20Making a Difference to Your Future 22Your Community 26Quarterly Report 27Making A Difference to Health and Safety 32Planned Maintenance 34 Money Matters 35Charity Update 37Your News & Views 38Birthdays & Anniversaries 42

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As usual we are closed from Christmas until the New YearIf you have an emergency during the festive season and need to contact us, then call the Customer Service Centre on

0800 052 2526

We are deeply saddened to announce that David Taylor, former Chief Executive of Wales & West Housing, has passed away at the age of 74.

David was appointed as CEO in 1982 and went on to lead the organisation for 23 years, before retiring in 2006.

David was much loved and respected by his colleagues here at WWH, as well as our residents, and will be fondly remembered by all of us who were lucky enough to have known him.

In memory of David Taylor

Christmas opening hours

David Taylor with Anne Hinchey in 2006







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Computer Recyclers UK are partners of Get Online @ Home, the Microsoft initiative to provide affordable, reconditioned computers in support of the Go ON UK national digital inclusion programme.

The family run business, based in South Wales, provides both PCs and laptops in excellent condition from as little as £99.

Did you know that we install carbon monoxide alarms, free of charge, in our residents’ homes?

We are fitting these alarms when we come to service your gas central heating boiler, which takes place every 10 months.

If you do not currently have an alarm installed and you do not wish to wait until your next service, let us know and we can fit one at your next repair visit.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that has no smell or taste. Breathing it in can make you unwell, and even cause death. It’s important to be aware of the dangers of CO and regularly check gas appliances in your home – which is why at WWH we place so much emphasis on ensuring you have your annual boiler service.

So if you would like to have a CO alarm fitted at your property, please call us on 0800 052 2526 and ask for Perry Dobbins.

And right now they’re exclusively offering WWH residents 5% discount when ordering online by simply quoting WWHA 2015.

So if you’re after a new computer, why not take a look? To find out more, visit or call 01443 434675

Free carbon monoxide alarms for residents

Looking for a new computer?

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06 | | intouch | News and General Information

RNIB Cymru has launched an exciting new lottery funded project to help people who have sight or hearing loss to get online.

Festive family fun in WrexhamFamilies living in Wrexham are invited along to a fun and festive event at Hightown Community Resource Centre on Monday 21 December.

Known as Carols by Candlelight, the Christmas event will open with Santa making a grand entrance on his sleigh at 5.30pm. There will also be children’s activities, face painting, a raffle and tombola. Free festive refreshments will be available and the event will round off with a carol concert.

Hightown Community Resource Centre

is now enjoying its second anniversary and is a fantastic facility that can be used by the local community at affordable prices.

To find out more about Hightown Community Resource Centre, please visit or call 030012 32070 to make a booking.

Helping people with

sensory loss get onlineKnowing where to start isn’t always easy, but the Online Today project gives support and training to help people enjoy the benefits of the internet.

The support is free and designed for complete beginners, as well as those who want to brush up on their skills.

You can start your online journey by calling the RNIB Get Online team on 02920 828518 or email [email protected]

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New domestic abuse campaign urges us all to speak up

The helpline is managed by Welsh Women’s Aid, and Chief Executive Officer Eleri Butler echoes the Minister’s message: “If you have any doubt in your mind about the welfare of someone close to you, it’s worth speaking to us.”

“Our aim is to raise public awareness of domestic abuse and demonstrate that it can happen anywhere, and to anyone.”

This is the second in a series of campaigns designed to support the ground-breaking Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act which received Royal Assent on 29th April.

If you think you know someone suffering from domestic abuse, or are a victim yourself, call the free, 24-hour confidential Helpline now on 0808 80 10 800 or visit for further information.

More than 47,000 incidents of domestic abuse were reported to the police in Wales last year, though sadly, it is likely there were many more incidents that went unreported.

Tackling this hidden problem is at the heart of a new Welsh Government campaign, which has recently re-launched; and this time, challenging bystanders to speak up is central.

Public Services Minister Leighton Andrews explains: “Domestic abuse is not always easy to spot and signs can go unnoticed for months, even years. With so many victims of domestic abuse, the chances are we all know someone who is suffering. We must watch out for the warning signs and speak out if we see them.

“You can call the All Wales Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Helpline at any time and I would encourage anyone who is worried that a friend, family member or colleague is a victim of domestic abuse to do so.”

The freephone, confidential All Wales Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Helpline provides advice and help 24 hours a day, while gives extensive information about the tell-tale signs to look out for if you suspect somebody is a victim of abuse.

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Coleg Llandrillo rugby academy’s season kicked off to a good start thanks to sponsorship from Wales & West Housing.

The rugby academy offers talented rugby players from across North Wales the opportunity to receive a first-class education while maximising their rugby potential.

WWH has sponsored the rugby kit for a team of 16-18 year-olds who have just started their new season. The students compete on a national and British level in the Welsh Rugby Union under-18 Colleges League, as well as the AoC Sport National and Premier Cup.

Anne Hinchey, Chief Executive of WWH, presented the team with their new kit. Anne said: “We’re delighted to

support the academy by kitting out the players, which can be quite costly for individuals. As well as providing much needed affordable homes in Conwy, we also aim to improve people’s lives. I wish Coleg Llandrillo all the best for their new rugby season.”

The college’s sports department has an excellent academic record in progressing students through to university or employment, and results are amongst some of the best in Wales. Its facilities at the Rhos-on-Sea campus include a full size, floodlit, 3G artificial pitch suitable for staging top level matches, plus a fenced, drained, floodlit grassed area.

Dafydd Evans, Principal of Coleg Llandrillo, said: “I am very pleased with this new and exciting partnership with Wales & West Housing.”

Rugby season kicks off to a good start

Anne Hinchey (centre) with members of the Coleg Llandrillo rugby academy

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To find out more, visit

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Organ donation ischanging in WalesDid you know that organ donation in Wales is changing? The Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013 came into force on 1st December 2015 and sets out the framework for how consent is to be given in Wales for the donation of organs and tissues for transplantation.

The new law creates two new types of legal consent for the donation of organs and tissues – these are express consent and deemed consent. Deemed consent means that unless a person has taken the deliberate step of recording that they do not want to be an organ donor after death, then they will be regarded as having no objection to organ donation.

Organ donation is a relatively rare event, affecting a small number of patients each year, mostly those who pass away in intensive care or emergency units. The Welsh Government believes the new law, which applies to people living in Wales, will increase the organ donation rate by around 15 extra donors each year.

Your vote counts!Registering to vote isn’t something most of us think about outside of general election time. But did you know the Welsh Assembly elections and Police and Crime Commissioner elections are coming up, as well as the potential EU referendum?

Being able to vote gives you a say on who represents you in your local council, in the UK Parliament and in Europe. In Wales, being registered also gives you a say in who represents you here.

In order to vote, you have to be on the electoral register. It’s easy to do, simply visit

If you are not sure if you are already registered, you can contact your local electoral registration office. To find out more about voting, visit

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10 | | intouch | Making a Difference Awards 2015

Making a Difference Awards 2015: here are your heroes

Over the past twelve months we’ve been asking you to tell us about the unsung heroes in your community – those individuals who’ve gone above and beyond to help others or even turn their own lives around for the better.

On Friday 6th November we recognized these extraordinary individuals at our eighth annual Making a Difference Awards at the Vale Resort, near Cardiff.

This year, the ceremony was bigger and better than ever, with more than 230 of us getting together to celebrate community spirit, enterprise, kindness and commitment – Wales & West Housing style.

Alongside our residents and staff, we were delighted to be joined by representatives from 40 of our contractor partners including main event sponsor Gibson, who altogether donated more than £40,000 in sponsorship – allowing us to host the event and also put money back into our Making a Difference funding pots to help you, our residents, improve your community, environment and future.

So here’s the lowdown on our winners from the night. Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate someone special, and a big well done to all our winners and finalists.

Good Neighbour Award sponsored by Cambria Maintenance Services

Winner: Una Roberts

The winners

Main Event Sponsor

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Since moving to Llys Jasmine extra care scheme in Flintshire, Una has consistently been a good neighbour to others. She carries out errands for those less able than herself, accompanies others to appointments, takes residents gardening and on visits to the garden centre, checks on those who are unwell and goes out of her way to help residents with dementia.

Una is the go-to person at Llys Jasmine and is a huge asset to the community. She may be 82, but she thrives on looking after others and caring for those less fortunate than herself.

Green Fingers Award Sponsored by EnviroVent

Winners: Can Do Garden Club The Can Do Garden Club from Ty Ddewi in Ton Pentre formed to improve the garden at their scheme, which was underused and inaccessible. With the help of WWH, this inspirational group has transformed the garden area to suit the needs of residents – with an

accessible path and patio area, sensory flowers for those visually impaired to enjoy, a greenhouse to grow fresh produce and some comfy furniture for residents to relax in the garden.

Fresh Start Award sponsored by Anwyl Homes & Construction

Winner: Shane Egan Shane came to Wales from Dublin with his partner and three young children in July 2013 to find a better life for his family. Upon arrival times were tough, and they had no home and no work.

In October 2013 the family was given a home at our Twyncarmel scheme. Shane’s next aim was to find a job, but this proved very difficult. Then one day Kristin, our Employment and Enterprise Officer, got in touch.

Knowing how keen Shane was to get a job following the arrival of baby number four, Kristin offered him a part-time work placement with contractor Greenwich on the site of our new development in Abercanaid. Hardworking Shane made a brilliant impression on his employers with his positivity, reliability and willingness to learn. As a result of this, Greenwich have now given Shane a full-time job at the site. Shane is delighted, and says he will keep on climbing the ladder to see just how high he can go.

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Eco Champion AwardSponsored by Contour Showers

Winner: Cwrt Anghorfa Gardening Club The residents of Cwrt Anghorfa Gardening Club from Bridgend have made a huge difference to the wellbeing of others living at the scheme. Since January 2015, the group has raised money to pay for an array of flowers, a rockery, a greenhouse and seeds. Indeed, they’ve grown a bumper crop of veg, which is shared amongst residents so everyone can enjoy fresh, healthy meals.

The garden has been transformed, and the hard work of these green fingered residents has helped make life better for many at the retirement scheme.

Local Hero Award sponsored by Solar Windows

Winner: Marguerite KinsellaMarguerite Kinsella’s daughter Jenny received the award on behalf of her mother.

Marguerite moved to Nant y Mor extra care scheme, Prestatyn, with husband Vince in 2011. When Vince sadly passed away, Marguerite continued to pursue her involvement with the community, supporting a local charitable group and becoming area representative for Christian Aid.

In 2012, Marguerite was badly hurt when she fell in her apartment and broke her neck, remaining very poorly for 13 months. A few months later, she also suffered a stroke. But this didn’t stop kind and selfless Marguerite.

She began to knit jumpers for St Kentigern’s Fish-and-Chip Babies – a cause to help clothe impoverished babies in Africa. “It’s been nice making the jumpers” says Marguerite, “and we just want to help these poor little babies.”

Community Project Award Sponsored by CJS Electrical

Winner: The Squirrel’s Nest The Squirrel’s Nest in Bridgend is the first working ‘Men’s Shed’ in Wales. It’s a group run by members of the community who have come together to create a place for men to socialise, do something practical and talk

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about health issues in a comfortable environment.

The group rents an industrial unit full of woodwork tools in Tondu, where they make everything from pens and bowls to clocks and ukuleles, which are sold to raise funds for the project.

Many members have experienced first-hand the issues of isolation and poor mental health, and have found support and friendship thanks to the project. Resident Derek Rose said: “Within days of attending the group I found I was not alone. I have seen for myself the difference The Squirrel’s Nest makes to people’s lives.”

Rising Star Award Sponsored by Thorlux Lighting

Winner: The Getting Together ProjectThe young people of the Getting Together Project were nominated by WWH’s Herman Valentin for their commitment and achievements in bringing the community together.

Based in Merthyr, the project was a joint venture between WWH and the Boys and Girls Club at Treharris. The youngsters involved learnt how to organise events and set about arranging successful community

activities to bring people together; including litter picks, football tournaments and even a community fun day.

The group are a real asset to the communities of Merthyr Tydfil, and a fantastic example to other young people in the area.

Special Inspiration Award Sponsored by Day’s Rental

Winner: Denise Edwards Denise from Wrexham is visually impaired and has battled with depression for much of her adult life. Sadly, Denise hit rock-bottom around 8 years ago and, when her relationship deteriorated and her partner took their children, so she turned to alcohol to cope.

Over recent years, however, Denise has really turned her life around. She volunteered with DAN, a Wales-wide drug and alcohol telephone support line. After 18 months this became paid work, which now also sees Denise providing dementia support and recently even help for victims of the Tunisia incident.

Inspirational Denise says her job is emotionally tough but feels that, as someone who has been through dark times herself, she has a lot to give to people.

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Special Inspiration Award Sponsored by Bamford Doors

Winner: Llys Jasmine Gardeners This group of green-fingered residents from Llys Jasmine extra care scheme in Flintshire have pulled together to transform their outside space into a welcoming place for all to enjoy.

In a real demonstration of teamwork, the residents have taken charge of a piece of land each, working together to ensure the scheme’s gardens are kept in tip-top condition.

They’ve selflessly worked to create a bowling green, beautiful hanging baskets and floral displays, woodland garden and vegetable plot – all for the enjoyment and benefit of those living at Llys Jasmine.

Good Neighbour AwardWilliam Tomlin, CardiffMaggie Dollah, CardiffSharon Menzies, Tracy Coppack and Emma Stant, WrexhamDoreen Nash, Rhondda Cynon Taff

Green Fingers AwardWilliam Shellard, CardiffJohn Jones, ConwyRobert Simpson, ConwySydney Hall Court Gardeners, Flintshire

Fresh Start AwardMichael Ellis, WrexhamRhian Stenner, BridgendJoyce Bailey, Powys

Eco Champion AwardHope Court Gardeners, CardiffHanover Court, BridgendSpring Chickens Club, CardiffSt Mellons Community Garden, Cardiff

Local Hero AwardTerry Moore, FlintshireRoyston Hill, RhymneyStephanie Brickwood, Wrexham

Community Project AwardAngie Roberts, DenbighshireJan Derrett, Vale of GlamorganWestern Court Eco Warriors, Bridgend

Rising Star AwardKerys Roberts, Merthyr TydfilJames Kelly, Vale of Glamorgan

Well done to all our finalists!

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And a big thank you to our sponsors:

Main Event Sponsor

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16 | | intouch | Going Green

Staff muck in at Cwrt Andrew Buchan

Staff from Wales & West Housing & Cambria Maintenance Services came together recently to help residents build their new garden at Cwrt Andrew Buchan in Rhymney.

The team worked tirelessly - despite the wet and windy October weather – getting their hands dirty with plenty of digging and moving soil and slabs.

The project itself will provide an accessible pathway, greenhouse, shed and a raised bed so the keen gardeners who live at the scheme will be able to get out in the fresh air, work together and grow plenty of fresh fruit and veg for healthy meals.

The work has been funded by our Making a Difference to Your Environment grant, which has helped many of our resident groups across Wales improve their gardens, learn new skills and provide accessible spaces.

Resident Royston Hill explained how beneficial the gardening project will be for himself and others living at the scheme, stating that “the project will lift my mood and provide a new focus.”

Sarah Willcox, Environmental Assistant for WWH, has been working with the residents for many months to organise the project. She said: “It has been great to see staff from Wales & West Housing and Cambria Maintenance Services giving their time to volunteer and get involved. The residents at Cwrt Andrew Buchan cannot wait to get their gardening project off the ground.”

If you would like to know more about our Making a Difference to Your Environment grant and starting a gardening project at your scheme, please call Sarah Willcox, Environmental Assistant, on 07823 342292.

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Ty Ddewi get together for a garden partyThe residents of Ty Ddewi in the Rhondda got together recently to celebrate the completion of their scheme garden.

The party was also attended by staff from Wales & West Housing who have worked with the residents to create the garden, as well as Anne Hinchey, Chief Executive of WWH.

With the help of WWH, the Ty Ddewi gardening group came up with designs for the garden which suited the needs of residents at the scheme; including an accessible path and patio area, a greenhouse and some comfy furniture for all to enjoy.

Since its completion, the group has kept the garden in stunning condition. Indeed, they were even recognised for their achievements at our recent Making a Difference Awards, where they scooped the Green Fingers Award.

“The residents have chosen to grow everything from seed and have created one of the best floral displays I have seen” said Sarah. “They have even grown fragrant flowers around their seating area, so these sensory plants can be enjoyed by those who have difficulty with their sight. I’m very proud of what they have achieved.”

The group has also started growing vegetables for other residents at the scheme to enjoy - including peas, courgettes, tomatoes, and beetroot and kidney beans.

Resident John Mann said: “We love our garden; it has given us a purpose and a reason to get up in the mornings, rain or shine. We are now in the planning stages for spring and summer next year.

“We would really like to Thank Wales and West Housing, especially Sarah Willcox for her dedication in working with us.”

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18 | | intouch | Development Update

As the need for more affordable housing becomes greater, WWH is investing heavily in North Wales, with work starting on a number of sites across the counties.

Following the opening of the £16.9m development in Hightown and Rivulet Road, more homes are being built in Wrexham.

In Bro Gwilym, Cefn y Mawr, eight homes and four flats are being built and are expected to be completed next year.

In Gwersyllt, four homes are being planned and in Acrefair 14 homes are being built and are expected to be completed next spring.

In Ruabon 14 apartments and three bungalows are being built in the centre of Ruabon. The first phase is due for completion this autumn.

One excited resident who is looking forward to moving in is Katie Griffith, 18, who said: “I love my new apartment. I’m chuffed to bits! I want to move in now!”

Another resident, Adam Buckley, agreed. “I’m very grateful, Ruabon is a nice place to live - it’s like winning the lottery!”

In Flintshire 58 homes are being built in Glan y Don, Greenfield, comprising 44 houses and 14 apartments. These are due to be completed next summer.

Seven houses and one bungalow are being built in Mancot, which face completion in March 2016.

In Mold, work is about to begin on 20 apartments that are being developed on the site of a bakery in Glanrafon Road.

Just off Hillside Avenue in Connah’s Quay, three homes and four apartments are under way, expected to be completed next spring.

Furthermore, WWH is hoping to build around 20 homes on the former site of Ystad Goffa housing scheme in Flint, as well as a small development in Earl Street.

More affordable homes in North Wales

Katie Griffith is thrilled about moving into in her new home in Ruabon

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WWH has completed 40 brand new homes in the popular seaside town of Porthcawl, Bridgend, to help meet the demand for affordable housing in the area.

New Road Court, an innovative development of 1 and 2 bed apartments, has been built by local construction company Jehu for WWH working in partnership with the Welsh Government and Bridgend County Borough Council. The unique development cost £3.9m with the Welsh Government’s Housing Finance Grant providing £1.8m.

Carwyn Jones, AM for Bridgend, visited New Road Court to see the scheme and meet residents recently, accompanied by Cllr Huw David, Deputy Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council, Cllr Hailey Townsend, Marc Jehu, Director of the Jehu Group and Anne Hinchey, Wales & West Housing Chief Executive.

Gemma Roberts, 27, and her carer Clive Thomas, 55, were amongst those residents who welcomed the visitors.

Speaking about their new two bedroom apartment and the difference it has made to Gemma’s life, Clive said: “Gemma’s a lot happier and doing more things for herself now we live here, she feels far more secure. We watched New Road Court being built from our former home, a caravan in the holiday park, and Gemma would say how much she would love to live there. Now her wish has come true.”

Bridgend AM Carwyn Jones said: “New Road Court is a fantastic scheme. It was great to have the opportunity to have a tour and to talk to some of the residents who have recently been given the keys to their new homes. I hope that they and the other residents continue to be happy living there.”

Councillor Hywel Williams, Bridgend County Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “This scheme is a further example of our ongoing successful partnership with Wales & West Housing. High quality developments such as this are making it possible for us to provide affordable housing in Bridgend County Borough.”

Marc Jehu, Managing Director of Jehu Projects, said: “As a family run business, we are pleased to be working with Wales & West Housing in partnership with the Welsh Government and Bridgend County Borough Council, providing local families with quality new homes.”

Anne Hinchey, Chief Executive of WWH, said: “Our vision at Wales & West Housing is ‘strong sustainable growth to make a difference to lives, homes and communities’. New Road Court is an excellent example of how we turn our vision into reality.”

Stunning affordable new homes in Porthcawl

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Throughout 2015, WWH has celebrated its 50th anniversary – and we wanted you, our residents, to celebrate with us. So we introduced a grant of up to £250 for you to host a WWH 50th anniversary party at your scheme or in your community this year.

It’s great to see that many of you have got on board and hosted events at your scheme already; indeed, we’ve received tons of photos from your parties so far this year! From tea parties in the communal lounge to a get together for dinner, here’s just a snapshot of some of your fantastic events.

Sylvester Court, Wrexham: Residents held a

special Italian themed party, where they cooked a three course Italian meal together.

WWH 50th Anniversary: Join the party!

Llys Hafren, Powys: Around 28 residents and WWH staff attended a lovely party

at the scheme, where they enjoyed food provided by a local


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Station Court, Wrexham: There was lots of family fun at this special street party, as well as some very delicious cakes!

Chorley Close, Cardiff: WWH’s Claire and Herman get in the party spirit at Chorley Close, where the sun shone for this spectacular street party. The kids had lots of fun, with a DJ, sweet stall, balloon modelling, face painting, football and bouncy castle!

St Catherine’s Court, Caerphilly:

Residents raise a glass at their party

in the scheme’s communal lounge.

If you haven’t held a party in your community yet, then why not apply for a grant and join in with the fun! To find out more, simply speak to your scheme manager or housing officer, or call us on 0800 052 2526.

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22 | | intouch | Making a Difference to Your Future

Build your skills:Work and training opportunities in North WalesRecently, ten of our residents in South Wales have gained valuable experience taking part work placements with our contractors, developers and even at our head office.

Now we’ve created a range of opportunities for our residents in North Wales to get involved with work placements too! These unpaid opportunities are great for your CV to impress a future employer, or help give you the confidence to get back into the work place. Plus, our Community Enterprise Team will be on hand to provide additional support and help you find the perfect job afterwards.

So whether you’re looking for work experience, want to find out more about a particular industry, update your work history or build you confidence to get back in to

employment, why not consider one of our work placement opportunities?

In this article, you can find details on each of the companies and the type of experience they can offer.

Furthermore, WWH offer grant funding to help residents who need support to attend training; covering out of pocket expenses to help you back to work - from the cost of work clothes, through to short-term childcare or travel costs.

All residents, both North and South, can register their interest in work opportunities anytime! Simply visit and head to our resident’s area where you’ll find the ‘get job ready’ section.

If you’re interested in our work placements and would like to find out more, call our Community Enterprise Team on 0800 052 25 26 or email [email protected]

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Opportunities around Mold, Flintshire.Snowdonia Windows manufacture uPVC windows on site in Mold, which are made to fit based on what the surveyor and processing team recommend. As well as the initial sales, the company deals with commercial clients too such as WWH, as well as all the administration processes these orders create.

Snowdonia Windows/ Wall Lag also provide cavity wall and loft insulation, as well as solar panels and all the electrical and plumbing work that runs alongside to support these. They even have their own vehicle garage and print shop to help run the fleet and print marketing materials.


Opportunities around Holywell, Ewloe and Wrexham.Cambria is WWH’s main property maintenance contractor and was created as a social enterprise nearly 5 years ago, expanding in to North Wales in 2013. They deliver a wide ranging service encompassing general property

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repairs, fitting new kitchens and bathrooms, fencing, walling, painting, electrical and gas repairs, servicing and installation work.

Having successfully supported a number of apprenticeships across Wales, Cambria has continued to expand and looks to recruit where people have demonstrated interest and commitment through an initial work experience placement – like the one we are able to offer you in this article.

Most of Cambria’s operatives are “multi-skilled”, and have a wide range of trade skills enabling them to undertake a huge variety of different jobs. Operatives are supported by managers and a small administration team, so again there are a range of potential opportunities available to you.


Opportunities in Prestatyn and Mold. Based at WWH’s extra care retirement schemes LLys Jasmine in Mold and Nant y Mor in Prestatyn, Castell Catering prepares and cooks meals for our residents.

There are commercial kitchens and restaurant areas at both schemes, where we have both kitchen staff and chefs.

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All training will be provided and there are a number of casual contracts currently available if you have relevant experience, or potentially after you have gained some through this work placement.

We also have opportunities in care and support on the horizon, so register your interest now to be considered when they arise.


Opportunities in Abergele and Mold.

This is just one of the construction opportunities with our contractor partners, for our ambitious new-build programme planned for the next year.

Whether you’re completing an apprenticeship, or looking to start at the bottom and work your way up in construction, we’re sure we’ll have an opportunity for you.

WWH can support with relevant site training and provide protective equipment to get you started you on site, and give you the chance to experience either part of the build or help

24 | | intouch | Making a Difference to Your Future

to oversee the whole site progress through supporting the site manager.

If you’re not local to Abergele or Mold then talk to us to find out what opportunities may be in your area soon.


Opportunities around Flint

At WWH we are always busy helping our residents with their tenancies. Depending on your interests, we may be able to provide work placements with our housing, property services, administration or public relations and marketing teams.

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Making a Difference to Your Future | intouch | | 25

Our residents’ stories…Our work experience placements have proved a real success in South Wales. Here are just a couple of our residents’ stories.

Rhys, 21 (Merthyr Tydfil)

Work experience: multi-skilled operative, Cambria Maintenance Services

Rhys really wanted to work in the construction industry, but failing to find an employer or apprenticeship he enrolled into college on a full-time plumbing course. It was during his time at college that Rhys got in touch with Cambria, who offered him work experience.

On 20 August 2015, Rhys started his two week unpaid work experience. He impressed his colleagues at Cambria so much with his positive attitude and commitment that he was given a four week paid work placement, before progressing onto a traineeship within Cambria.

“I am really grateful for the opportunity and I’m enjoying the experience. I have learnt lots of new skills and my knowledge is always growing. I have a great mentor who’s taught me so much and trusts me to complete tasks. This traineeship means the world to me.”

Shane, 31 (Merthyr Tydfil)

Work experience: construction work, Greenwich Communities Ltd

Winner of the Fresh Start Award at our recent Making a Difference Awards, Shane is a father of four who moved to South Wales about two years ago. Shane struggled to find work when he first came to Wales, and so our Employment Coach Kristin stepped in to help.

Shane was offered part-time work experience with contractor Greenwich Construction on the site of our new development in Abercanaid, which he started in September 2015.

Hardworking Shane has made a brilliant impression on his new employers with his reliability and willingness to learn and, as a result of this, Greenwich has since provided Shane with a full-time job at the site until the end of March.

Shane, understandably, is delighted. He says that his life has been turned around and the difference a job has made for the family financially is unbelievable.

Keep an eye out for the next edition of InTouch, which will include more work opportunities for our residents in South Wales!

Resident Shane Egan at work in Abercanaid

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26 | | intouch | Making a Difference to Your Community

What’s going on in your community this winter?

Residents at Hanover Court, Barry, have been getting together to learn a new hobby to keep them busy in the cold winter months.

Under the guidance of Janice Derrett of Oakmeadow Court in St Mellons, the ladies have been making beautiful handmade cards. Jan, whose own group is aptly named the Crafty Nanas, has been making cards for some time now and kindly offered to share her skills further afield.

Both groups have had the materials needed to start their craft groups paid for by our Making a Difference to Your Community grant.

Our grant can help you to kick-start community activities where you live too. You don’t need to be a formal group to apply – just a group of neighbours who’d like to get together to do something regularly and hopefully build a closer community.

As well as craft equipment and materials, our grant has also paid for all sorts of items for resident groups, including:

• Cooking equipment and utensils

• Gazebos and outdoor furniture

• Bingo machines, dabbers and tickets

• Wii fit consoles, boards, controllers and games

But these aren’t the only things we’ll fund – if you have an idea for an activity that you and your neighbours would like to try, please get in touch with Claire Hammond (Resident Participation Strategy Officer) by emailing: [email protected] Or call our freephone number 0800 052 2526 and ask for Claire.

Hanover Court residents with Jan Derrett from the Crafty Nanas, Oakmeadow Court, get together for card making activities

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Quarterly Report | intouch | | 27New residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 9.2 out of 10 for the service they received from us when finding them a home

Residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 9.2 out of 10for the repair service they received from us

Residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 7.5 out of 10 for the anti-social behaviour service they received from us

We asked new residents what they most liked when moving into one of our homes

We asked new residents what they would like to see improved when moving into one of our homes











We asked residents what they most liked about our repairs service

We asked residents what they most liked about our anti-social behaviour service

We asked residents what they would like to see improved about our repairs service

We asked residents what they would like to see improved about our anti-social behaviour service


























We built a total of 77 homes during 2014!






Quarterly Report: Keeping you in the picture

Our quarterly report is a regular feature of InTouch, designed to keep you updated on how we’re doing as an organisation as well as what we’re doing to improve our services.

These new infographics present the key information about how Wales & West Housing is performing in a pictorial format, as you’ll see over the next few pages.

Within our infographics we’ll give you the key information on each of our main systems, which are:

• Building homes

• Repairs

• Rent

• Neighbourhood nuisance

So in this feature, you can find out everything – from how many homes we’ve built so far this year and what you think of our approach to tackling anti-social behaviour, to how long it

takes to fix a repair and how many homes we’ve let.

In each edition of InTouch, we’ll also provide you with additional information on one of these key areas as part of a special ‘focus on’ feature.

This time, we’re taking a look at our rent system. Here at WWH, we want to help you stay in your home for as long as you would like to. In order to do this, we try to make it as easy as possible for you to pay your rent, and we also aim to help those residents who are struggling by providing financial advice and support through our team of Tenancy Support Officers.

So, please take a good look and if you have any comments, or if there’s something further you’d like to see within our future infographics, please let us know.

You can email us on [email protected] or call us on 0800 052 2526.

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98% 19 DAYS 6,309






We’ve built

1 4 5new homes

so far in 2015




Neighbourhood nuisance






02013 2015

We’ve let



On average it’s taken

54days to leta home

57 52

126 56

6 35






575 homes let in total this


We built a total of 77 homes during 2014!

New residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 9.2 out of 10 for the service they received from us when finding them a home

Residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 9.2 out of 10for the repair service they received from us

Residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 7.5 out of 10 for the anti-social behaviour service they received from us

We asked new residents what they most liked when moving into one of our homes

We asked new residents what they would like to see improved when moving into one of our homes











We asked residents what they most liked about our repairs service

We asked residents what they most liked about our anti-social behaviour service

We asked residents what they would like to see improved about our repairs service

We asked residents what they would like to see improved about our anti-social behaviour service


























We built a total of 77 homes during 2014!






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98% 19 DAYS 6,309






We’ve built

1 4 5new homes

so far in 2015




Neighbourhood nuisance






02013 2015

We’ve let



On average it’s taken

54days to leta home

57 52

126 56

6 35






575 homes let in total this


We built a total of 77 homes during 2014!

New residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 9.2 out of 10 for the service they received from us when finding them a home

Residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 9.2 out of 10for the repair service they received from us

Residents gave us a satisfaction rating of 7.5 out of 10 for the anti-social behaviour service they received from us

We asked new residents what they most liked when moving into one of our homes

We asked new residents what they would like to see improved when moving into one of our homes











We asked residents what they most liked about our repairs service

We asked residents what they most liked about our anti-social behaviour service

We asked residents what they would like to see improved about our repairs service

We asked residents what they would like to see improved about our anti-social behaviour service


























We built a total of 77 homes during 2014!






Page 30: Intouch autumn 2015

By helping our residents to manage their finances, the number of evictions due to rent arrears has fallen in recent years.


So how long do residents stay in a our homes?

Working with residents who have part of their rent paid by Housing Benefit, to have this paid into their own bank account and then to pay us their full rent by Direct Debit.

Making it easier for residents to pay by Direct Debit, which can now be set up over the phone and paid on any day of the week or month.

We have seen a big increase in residents paying their rent by Direct Debit, with 2274 of our residents now using this method.

is the average length of a Wales & West Housing tenancy7


The majority of tenancies last between two and ten years


Some residents have lived in a Wales & West Housing property for more than thirty years!





2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015YEAR






2012 2013 2014 2015











You can set up a Direct Debit payment over the phone, it’s simple – just call us on 0800 052 2526

disabled residents are better off by between £50-140 per week, after TSOs helped them to apply for the disability related benefits they were entitled to.

It’s theeasiest way, with payments taken from your bank account on a fixed weekly or monthly date that’s most suitable for you, so you don’t have to worry!



RENT-INFOGRAPHIC.indd 2 17/11/2015 09:52:33

We want to help you stay in your home for as long as you want. So if you find yourself struggling to pay your rent, don’t be afraid to let us know as we’ll do whatever we can to help you.

Our team of seven Tenancy Support Officers have helped over 1000 residents to manage their money and stay in their homes.

In 2015 alone, we’ve helped hundreds of residents:

?What are weworking on?

Working with Housing Benefit Departments to see what can be done to improve the time it takes to have your housing benefit paid.

Identifying and helping those residents likely to be affected by the new benefit cap starting next year.

Improving our Housing Officer’s access to up to date information when in residents homes, to help give accurate and timely advice.


residents received

help to furnish their


with white goods

and household






TSOs helped residents to renegotiate £200,000 of debt with creditors, helping to relieve financial stress.


disabled residents are better off by between £50-140 per week, after TSOs helped them to apply for the disability related benefits they were entitled to.


residents have been helped to maintain their income and afford their living costs.


Some of the top issues our TSOs assist with include: helping residents to apply for disability related benefits helping new residents to furnish their home advising and assisting residents affected by debt




RENT-INFOGRAPHIC.indd 1 17/11/2015 09:52:33

Page 31: Intouch autumn 2015

By helping our residents to manage their finances, the number of evictions due to rent arrears has fallen in recent years.


So how long do residents stay in a our homes?

Working with residents who have part of their rent paid by Housing Benefit, to have this paid into their own bank account and then to pay us their full rent by Direct Debit.

Making it easier for residents to pay by Direct Debit, which can now be set up over the phone and paid on any day of the week or month.

We have seen a big increase in residents paying their rent by Direct Debit, with 2274 of our residents now using this method.

is the average length of a Wales & West Housing tenancy7


The majority of tenancies last between two and ten years


Some residents have lived in a Wales & West Housing property for more than thirty years!





2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015YEAR






2012 2013 2014 2015











You can set up a Direct Debit payment over the phone, it’s simple – just call us on 0800 052 2526

disabled residents are better off by between £50-140 per week, after TSOs helped them to apply for the disability related benefits they were entitled to.

It’s theeasiest way, with payments taken from your bank account on a fixed weekly or monthly date that’s most suitable for you, so you don’t have to worry!



RENT-INFOGRAPHIC.indd 2 17/11/2015 09:52:33

We want to help you stay in your home for as long as you want. So if you find yourself struggling to pay your rent, don’t be afraid to let us know as we’ll do whatever we can to help you.

Our team of seven Tenancy Support Officers have helped over 1000 residents to manage their money and stay in their homes.

In 2015 alone, we’ve helped hundreds of residents:

?What are weworking on?

Working with Housing Benefit Departments to see what can be done to improve the time it takes to have your housing benefit paid.

Identifying and helping those residents likely to be affected by the new benefit cap starting next year.

Improving our Housing Officer’s access to up to date information when in residents homes, to help give accurate and timely advice.


residents received

help to furnish their


with white goods

and household






TSOs helped residents to renegotiate £200,000 of debt with creditors, helping to relieve financial stress.


disabled residents are better off by between £50-140 per week, after TSOs helped them to apply for the disability related benefits they were entitled to.


residents have been helped to maintain their income and afford their living costs.


Some of the top issues our TSOs assist with include: helping residents to apply for disability related benefits helping new residents to furnish their home advising and assisting residents affected by debt




RENT-INFOGRAPHIC.indd 1 17/11/2015 09:52:33

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32 | | intouch | Health and Safety

Don’t have a nightmare

this ChristmasWe want you to have a safe and happy Christmas. In this article, you’ll find crime prevention hints and tips to help keep you and your property safe this festive season.

Heading out for some Christmas shopping?It’s easy to get distracted amidst all the hustle and bustle on the busy shopping streets at this time of year. Here’s how to help keep your belongings safe:

• Ensure your bag is closed/zipped shut properly at all times

• Keep your purse at the bottom of your handbag or in an enclosed zipped area, so that it’s not easy for someone to find

• Don’t keep your wallet in easy to access places that you can’t keep an eye on, such as your back trouser pocket

• Keep your handbag close to you at all times – if you have one, use a strap that goes across your body to keep your bag secure

• Never leave your bag or personal belongings unattended, even if it’s just for a moment

• Waiting to pay or board the bus? Have your money, card or pass out

ready and your purse safely put away, rather than trying to juggle it with all your shopping.

Did you know?You can register your personal belongings on the UK national property register. So if your phone, computer, bike or any other registered item is stolen, you can use the database to instantly tell the police, insurers and the second-hand trade.

Registering your property can help to improve the chances of it being recovered. It’s easy to do – simply visit

Putting all your presents under the tree?

A house full of Christmas presents can be an attractive prospect for potential burglars. You can help to protect your home by taking a few simple steps:

• Don’t leave presents in full sight under the Christmas tree, or anywhere that can be seen from outside

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• Ensure your doors and windows are locked at night, when you’re out and even when you’re at home during the day

• Don’t leave your key in the back of the door lock

• Keep house and car keys out of sight and reach of windows and doors

• Shut curtains and blinds in the evenings so no one can see in

• Register high-value gifts on the UK national property database,

• Don’t leave spare keys hidden outside – a good burglar knows all the hiding places

• Consider marking your property with a UV pen, noting your postcode and house number or house name

• Break up packaging for all those gifts and put them out of sight in the recycling bin. Leaving boxes in sight outside of your home will advertise your new goods to thieves.

Loading presents into the car?After a big Christmas shop, you can find your car laden like Santa’s sleigh! Leaving shopping on view in your vehicle, however, is a way to tempt any prospective thieves, many of whom are opportunist. Here’s how you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim of vehicle theft:

• Take your belongings with you when you leave the car, or if that’s not possible, at least lock them in the boot so they’re securely out of sight

• Always keep items out of view

• Ensure all windows and doors are locked when you leave your car – even if you only leave it for just a moment

• Don’t be tempted to keep presents in your car as a hiding place from the kids. Store them out of sight in your home.

• Furthermore, keep travel items such as your Sat Nav, phone charger etc safely hidden away

• Never leave your keys in the ignition when the car is unattended – even if it’s just whilst you’re de-icing the vehicle or paying for petrol

For more crime prevention advice, visit:

Health and Safety | intouch | | 33

Did you know?It’s important that we all work together to keep our communities safe. So if you spot any suspicious behaviour, you can report it to your police force via the non-emergency number 101.

Remember, in the case of an emergency always call 999.

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34 | | intouch | Planned Maintenance

Cambria cook up a treat for Val

Val Caunce from Becketts Lane in Buckley is really proud of her new kitchen, thanks to Cambria Maintenance Services.

BathroomsHolly Leigh Court, Wrexham

Sir Davids Court, Cardiff

Windows/RooflineTatem Drive, Cardiff

Chorley Close, Cardiff

Monkton Close, Cardiff

St Fagans Road, Cardiff

KitchensPen Onnen, Brackla, Bridgend

Rhiw Las, Brackla, Bridgend

Ffordd Hirwaun, Prestatyn

Cwrt Berllan, Prestatyn

We will be liasing with the residents about how the works will be completed across the scheme

“I’m absolutely over the moon with my kitchen and love my tiles. Within an hour the team had cleared everything out – it was impressive. The work didn’t take long and Dennis later put everything back as it should be. I want to thank Ken, Tom, Carl, Andy and Ant as well – they were all fab! I couldn’t wish for more.”

Below are the properties that we plan to upgrade from January to March 2016:

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Money Matters | intouch | | 35

The Three Wise Spends: Saving money this ChristmasIt’s the most wonderful time of the year, as they say… but also the most expensive for many of us!

With all that shopping and present buying, Christmas can certainly hit the bank balance hard and leaves many people with a hefty bill in the New Year.

Here, the Money Advice Service gives their top tips to save money during the festive season.

1.Set a budget!The average Christmas spend per household is around £500, which includes food, presents, travel and decorations, among other expenses.

Make a list of family and friends you will be buying presents for and allocate an amount for each person. If you are hosting dinner, consider how many people will be coming over and how much you will need to spend on food and drink.

Resist the temptation to overspend on presents – although it’s tricky, be strong and stick to your budget for each person.

2.Start some new Christmas traditions!Pressure to please loved ones and to give children the perfect Christmas tops the list of reasons people overspend during the festive season.

Consider starting some new Christmas traditions that the whole family can join in with and save some money along the way.

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36 | | intouch |Money Matters

or £2 coins into a jar each week. If that works, try setting aside a bit more on a regular basis. The MAS website can also help you figure out how much you can save after essential bills.

Alternatively, you could look at using a Christmas savings scheme. These savings clubs – whether offered by the Post Office, national retailers and other providers – typically work like this:

• You pay in small amounts of money throughout the year to save for Christmas shopping

• When the season arrives, your savings will be exchanged for shopping vouchers, gift cards or goods and services from the provider

On another note, make sure you join a club that is a member of the Christmas Prepayment Association (CPA). They have developed a code of practice for the industry which includes rules about how their members must look after your money once you’ve handed it over.

For more free financial advice, visit the Money Advice Service website or call MAS on 0300 500 5000.

Firstly, start early. Picking up Christmas essentials like crackers or decorations in the sales can mean big savings, sometimes around 50%. If you know what gifts you need to buy, it can help to pick up an item a month to help spread the cost and save you the hassle of shopping when everyone else is.

You could also embrace the digital age and email Christmas cards to save on postage. There are lots of free websites that let you create your own cards, with family photos and videos.

A pre-Christmas clear out with the family will not only help you to get in order for the festive season, but could also put some money back in your pocket. So why not make some extra cash by selling you unwanted goods online or at a local sale. If you time it right, you’ll find plenty of people looking for second-hand gifts.

3.Saving for SantaIt’s best to start saving as early as possible for Christmas. Even a small amount over a few months can make a big difference.

Treat saving in the same way as you would a bill. Committing to saving a regular sum is more effective than simply saying you’ll save whatever you have left over. Try to be realistic - it’s better to commit to a manageable amount than to aim too high and give up.

Not sure how much you can afford to save? Start small – put your spare £1

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Charity Update| intouch | | 37

In the last edition of InTouch, we asked our residents to join us in supporting Operation Christmas Child.

The scheme, led by the Samaritans, sends gift-wrapped shoeboxes filled with presents to children around the world who would otherwise not receive anything.

As you can see, we were overwhelmed by your generosity, with donations of toys, sweets, stationery and toiletries flooding in. We even received a bag full of lovely home knitted goods from one resident, and the kind residents of Wilfred Brook House in Cardiff donated enough goodies to fill 13 boxes!

Thanks to your generosity and that of our staff, over 80 filled and wrapped Christmas boxes are now on their way

from our head office to some very deserving children worldwide.

And that’s not it, asmany of you have also been packing and sending your own boxes too.

The residents and staff of Glan Yr Afon Court in Bridgend are one such group who have been busy gathering gifts for Operation Christmas Child. The residents saved for 12 weeks and then went to local businesses, who kindly offered discounts for the cause, to buy children’s items. So a heartfelt thank you to everyone who so kindly supported Operation Christmas Child this year, including all those we just haven’t had the space to mention. Your support is very much appreciated.

Staff and residents make Op Christmas Child a success!

Elise and Emilia help mum Louise pack boxes at the WWH Cardiff office

Residents of Glan Yr Afon Court with their boxes wrapped and ready

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38 | | intouch | Your News & Views

Your News & Views

Residents from Merthyr Tydfil enjoyed lots of fun family events during the half-term, including some spooktacular Halloween activities.Children enjoyed creating some fantastic Halloween pictures and paintings, as well as carving some very

James Rides from Cardiff sent us this photo of residents enjoying the new mobile library van that visits Pontcanna. To find out more about Cardiff Council’s mobile library service, visit

Residents thank contractors for their

hard workThe residents of Ty Gwyn Jones in Abergele kindly threw a surprise party for the men of Gibson Specialist

Halloween fun in Merthyr Tydfil!spooky pumpkins, which had been kindly scooped out by South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Red Watch, based in the town.

Meryl Thomas, WWH Housing Officer, said: “The event was a real success, with over 20 children coming along to take part. Next year we will need to purchase twice as many pumpkins!

Families enjoyed carving pumpkins One of our budding pumpkin artists!

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Your News & Views | intouch | | 39

The residents of Sydney Hall Court in Flintshire are delighted with their access to free WiFi-based broadband and training.

Residents enjoy getting online

WWH has been helping residents in its schemes to get online as technology plays a more important role in our lives. Being online helps residents to stay in touch, get the best deals and will soon be the main way of applying for benefits.

The residents were particularly pleased with Dave Cummins, from

Cambria Maintenance Services, who was responsible for the installation and answered their questions with ease. They also welcomed trainer Keri Sampson.

It’s great to see our residents making the most of their new WiFi access!

Pictured: Dave Cummins, Linda and Carlo Danzi, Elizabeth & Roy Bailey, Keri Sampson and scheme manager Alison Moody.

Technical Services, to thank them for doing a fantastic job in installing a new heating system at the scheme.

The residents even bought a very special thank you cake to mark their appreciation, for which the Gibson team were incredibly grateful...and thoroughly enjoyed!

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Henllan Flower Show

40 | | intouch | Your News & Views

Thanks to our residents who have sent in photos of from their Wales & West Housing 50th anniversary parties. Here’s the residents of Bodalaw, Merthyr Tydfil, raising a toast in the communal lounge at their recent party (above left). Whilst residents from Old Garden Court, Cardiff, enjoyed drinks and a meal at the Dynevor Arms to mark the special occasion (above right).

Henllan residents celebrated their 43rd Flower Show, thanks to support from WWH.As well as the flowers, the show depends on a huge marquee to showcase the fruit and vegetable exhibits alongside craftwork, cakes and preserves. However, the usual supplier closed their business, so the organisers were left without a marquee.

Show organiser Roberta Roberts turned to WWH, who have homes at Cil y Coed in Henllan and are building more next year. Roberta received £500 towards the hire of the marquee, supplied by upMarquees of Caerwys.

Roberta said: “We were delighted with Wales & West Housing’s sponsorship –

without it and the support from Henllan Community Council, the show might not have gone ahead. Even the sun shone on the day, with a great turnout from the local community.”

Wales & West Housing also sponsored the Best Kept Gardens and Best Hanging Basket categories. Vy Cochran, Community Development Project Officer for WWH, was one of the judges. She said: “It was a pure joy to experience the wonderful sense of community and creativity of so many lovely people.”The winner of both the Best Kept Garden and Best Hanging Basket competitions was Mrs Gwyneth Wynne of Glasfryn, Henllan.

Henllan Flower Show is saved !

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Your News & Views| intouch | | 41

Residents raise money for MacmillanMany of our residents across Wales have been busy raising money for Macmillan.

In Nant y Mor, Prestatyn, residents enjoyed an afternoon of Devonshire cream teas organised by Lily Whitley, raising £318 for the cause.

Back in Cardiff, the residents of Carling Court held a coffee morning and sold

Despite the pouring rain there was a good turn-out as several families tucked into a barbecue, thanks to chefs Cllr Graham Rogers and Chris Reynolds. Asset Management Officer Darrell Smith braved the stocks,

Community enjoys family fun day

for a pelting with wet sponges.

Hannah Gater, resident, said: “It’s busy here. Despite the weather it was worth coming out with my daughter, Ivy-Rose, 3, who is loving it!”

Barracks Field Tenants Association organised a family fun day at Luke O’Connor House which included face painting, the stocks, wing boats, a bouncy castle, an army scramble, cake stall, crafts, tombola, and a 5-a-side football event.

some delicious homemade cakesThe also held a raffle, picture auction and ‘guess how many spots on the cake’ competition. The group managed to raise a fantastic £236 and hope to hold similar events next year.

Cream teas were enjoyed at Nant Y Mor

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42 | | intouch | Birthdays and Anniversaries

Happy 103rd Birthday, Vera!A local girl born in 1912, Vera was one of six children. After completing school, Vera fulfilled her wish of moving to London and headed to the big city, where she started an apprenticeship in drapery. However, Vera’s aim was to become a nurse and in the 1930s she was accepted to train at King’s College Hospital.

Following the outbreak of WWII, Vera moved back to Llandrindod Wells and was employed by the Civil Nursing Reserve at The Pump Hotel. Vera went on to join the Queen Alexandra’s Corps in 1941 and travelled to Palestine, Egypt, Tripoli and Italy.

Vera once again returned to her home town in her forties, where she and her sisters opened a drapery shop. During this time, Vera also did a lot of

voluntary work and was Commandant for the Red Cross, as well as helping at the British Legions, the Hospital League of Friends and Grosvenor WI.

Vera also helped out at Llandrindod Hospital as there was no occupational therapist at the time, so Vera would give her time to teach crafts to the patients.

Vera loves to travel and was lucky enough to have visited Austria, Italy and Yugoslavia (her favourite) to name but a few. She says that she would have liked to have joined the regular army and gone to India.

Vera has now lived at Christchurch Court for over 26 years and is well respected by those who live there with her.

A very happy birthday to you, Vera.

Vera Vaughan of Christchurch Court, Llandrindod Wells, turned the magnificent age of 103 on the 2nd September.

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Birthdays and Anniversaries | intouch | | 43

Ivy celebrates her 102ndbirthday Residents at Llys Jasmine extra care scheme in Mold held a surprise birthday party for Ivy Heaphy to mark her 102nd birthday.Ivy was born in Shotton, North Wales, back in 1913 and was one of nine children. When she left school she went to work at Courtaulds Mill (a UK based manufacturer of fabric and clothing) and learned sewing in her spare time. Ivy then went on to work as a house maid in Chester, London and then North Wales.

She met her husband when they both worked at Trevor Hall in Llangollen when

Mervyn turns 90! Happy birthday to Mervyn Bevan of Danymynydd, Bridgend, who turned 90 recently. Mervyn has lived in the Garw valley all his life, where he worked as a mine official. He is a wonderful darts player, and has lots of trophies on display in the scheme.

Mervyn is much loved by his fellow residents for his wicked sense of humour, and gets on with everyone.

Pictured is Ivy at Llys Jasmine at her 102nd birthday party

he worked as a chauffeur. They had four children.

Ivy lived an independent life with the help of family support until the age of 100, when she then moved to Llys Jasmine in Mold, Flintshire, and still lives independently with the help of the supporting care team. Her secret for her longevity is enjoying good food and drink!

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44 | | intouch | Making a Difference to Your Community