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Using Neuro-Linguistic

Programming in the Workplace (NLP)

Mark HodderMaster Practitioner & Trainer of Neuro

Linguistic Programming (NLP)

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In a few words or a sentence describe…

• The best team you have worked in…

• How you make decisions…

• How you know you have done a good job…

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In this Session

• What is NLP?

• Rapport – Body, Mind & Language • Increasing flexibility in your communication • The Principles of NLP

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Definition of NLP?

N - Neurology: The study of the mind and nervous system; how we think

L - Linguistics: The study of language and how we use it.

P - Programming: The sequence of our actions; how we motivate ourselves to achieve our goals

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What NLP really is• A users guide to the brain

• Psychology of Excellence

• Modelling Excellence

• Art and Science of Peak Performance

• The principles of communication

• Influencing with Integrity

• Awaken the Giant Within

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Five Principles for Success

• Know Your Outcome

• Take Action

• Have Sensory Acuity (notice what you notice)

• Have Behavioural Flexibility

• Physiology and Psychology of Excellence

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Calibration Vs Mind Reading

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Calibration Vs Mind Reading





Skin tone

Skin colour

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Time for a Test

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Your Preferences

The Representational System Preference Test

For each of the following statements, please place a number next to ever phrase. Use the following system to indicate your preferences:

4 = Closest to describing you 3 = next best description2 = Next best 1 = least descriptive of you

I make major purchases (house, car, expensive items):

_3_ gut level feelings_4_ which way sounds best to me_1_ what looks best to me_2_ precise review and study of issues

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Scoring Your Preferences

Scoring The Representational Systems

Step one:Copy your answers from the test to the lines below:

1. _3_K_4_A_1_V _2_Ad

V A Ad K

See Hear Rational Feel

1 1 4 2 3 2 3 4 5


Then copy the scores down to the corresponding letter eg:

Question No’s


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The 5 SensesHow we re-present the world to ourselves:

• See

• Hear

• Feel

• Smell

• Taste

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Beliefs, Thoughts and Behaviour


Thoughts (Self-Talk)


Comfort ZoneR.A.S

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NLP Communication Model




FiltersInternal Representation



External Event



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Voice Qualities




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RapportPhysiology (55%)


Facial Expression and Blinking

Tonality (38%) Tone (pitch or frequency)

Tempo (speed, pace or rhythm) Timbre (quality)

Volume (loudness)

Words (7%)PredicatesKey Words

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Cause & Effect

Cause Effect

Get Results Gives Reasons & Excuses


• Which side of the cause-effect equation are you on?

• Be at cause for empowerment and changing behaviour

• If you are not 100% at cause you will miss the mark by the % you are misaligned

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Perception is Projection

What we recognise outside ourselves is what we are inside, otherwise how would we know what it was?

So what is outside you is really you.

The moment a projection or judgement about someone or something else comes into consciousness, its your


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The meaning of communication is the response you get, regardless of what you intended by that communication

If what you are doing is not getting the outcome you want then do something different!


If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got!

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The Principles of NLP• There is No Failure only Feedback

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The Principles of NLP• People have all the resources they need to make the changes they want

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The Principles of NLP• Possible in the world and possible for me is only a matter of how

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The Principles of NLP• People are doing the best they can with the resources they have available

• Behaviour is geared to adaptation

• Accept the person, change the behaviour

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Beliefs, Thoughts and Behaviour


Thoughts (Self-Talk)


Comfort ZoneR.A.S

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Changing Beliefs


Cliff Young’s Belief Other Athletes




Practice was running around the sheep station

Special training was needed

Overalls and boots should be worn

Special equipment was needed

You should shuffle along

He didn’t know sleep was allowed

Run like a marathon

Run 18 hours, sleep 6 hours

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Cliff Young

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Eye Accessing Cues

Feelings and bodily sensations

Visual constructed images Visual remembered images

Constructed sounds Remembered sounds

Internal dialogue

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Taking NLP Further


NLP CoursesPractitioner and Master Practitioner

Language Patterns and Reframing