Download - Internship Report at Janata Bank


CHAPTER-11.0 INTRODUCTION Inmoderncompetitivebusiness, service-orientedcompaniesplayasignificant roletoshape the economic structure of world economy. Especially depository institutions such ascommercial banks are the major service-oriented businesses that deal with customers toserve their needs at a peak level. Now-a-days to attain the specific goal companies striveto build a sustainable and profitable relationship with their employees. An organiationwithhighlysatisfiedworkers is always inaflowof successive improvement initsoperation. I am doing my master paper on !ob satisfaction of bank employees 1.1 Problem Statement!obsatisfactionofemployeeisaveryserioustopic."heorganiationsperformanceismostly vary due to the variation in satisfaction level of employees. "he study will try tofind out the following #uestions$ %ey factors of bank employee&s satisfaction 'oot causes of employee dissatisfaction1.2 Objectie!"his work will help the (anker to understand what he needs to do in order to satisfy theemployee in the organiation. "his will also helpful to future researcher who will makenew research on banking activities and job evaluation. "he main objectives of the workare to$ "o achieve deep knowledge about employees job satisfaction level in differentpositions of bank. "o achieve deep knowledge about employees job dissatisfaction in performingjob in bank. "o gives recommendations to the top level managers so that they can solve theproblem "o help policy makers in taking policies.1 1." #iterat$re reie%& !obsatisfactionhas beendefinedas apleasurableemotional stateresultingfromtheappraisal of one&s job) an affective reaction to one&s job) and an attitude towards one&s job.*eiss +,--,. has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchersshould clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect +emotion.,beliefs and behaviors./reativeresearchintheareaofjobsatisfactionhasbeenconductedoverthepastfewdecades +(oshoff, /illiers 0 1an *yk, ,--2) (uitendach 0 3e *itte, ,--4) /alder,,---)3erlin 0 5chneider, 6778) 3olliver, ,--2) 9oole 0 1ermeulen, ,--2) %h :etle, ,--4):alherbe 0 ;earse, ,--2.. 9owever, a scarcity of studies eace value of per share "%. 6-- per share5hareholding ;attern 6--@ 5hare owned by the Eovt. of (angladeshDome!tic Net%or3No. of (ranches F7BNo. of 3ivisional Cffices 6-No. of Area Cffices 8BNo. of /orrespondents6,,223ivision6-3epartments 2F4 No.of Employees 64,-B6 Oer!ea! Net%or3Numbers of (ranch -8Aocation Abu Dhabi; Dubai; Sharjah; & AL-AIN.GAE - /hief E