Download - International roundup a comprehensive report on the state of the global macadamia industry – kenya

Page 1: International roundup   a comprehensive report on the state of the global macadamia industry – kenya

Nut Processors

Association of Kenya

Global Round Up Presentation

Macadamia Symposium

Brisbane, Australia.

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Pioneer of Macadamia production in Africa Over 2million smallholder farmers Home to great tasting Macadamia nuts Great prospects, huge potential A soon to be global leader in quality Macadamia Production

Kenya: Snapshot

Kenya -African Macadamia Pioneer

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Strategic outlook…

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Macadamia Growing


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Number of trees typical spacing and Varieties

• Estimated at 2million trees at different stages of growth .

Numbers of trees

• .Average 8m x 8m Spacing

• Macadamia integrifolia and Macadamia Tetraphyilla

• Zonal varieties

• Murang’a 20

• Kiambu 3

• Kirinyaga 15

• Embu 1


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Yields per hectare in

shell and kernel

• 40 - 60 kg/tree/year

• 1.8 tons

Yields per hectare (Shell))

• 400kgs Yields per

hectare (Kernel)

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1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025




n (


) In




Crop Estimates: Production Trend (In-shell)

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Present Challenges

• Chinese traders and their chain of brokers who perpetuate premature harvesting and stripping nuts from the trees

• Prices are set by external markets and trading partners

• Smallholder production system fragmentation undermines competitiveness and quality standards – we have very few plantations

• Poor crop husbandry. Need for better farming practices

• Post harvest care inadequate – improper drying and packing

Unfair Playing Field/Practices

• We look forward to government support to value-addition of Macadamia nuts in-country.

• Taxes, cost of power and high wages

Policy Consistency and cost of doing


• Physical infrastructure investments, warehousing and information systems are needed

• Poor roads network

Infrastructure Investments Needed

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Steps Taken and Next Steps

• Licensing of all Macadamia handlers from farmers, transporters, processors and Exporters


• Development of standard quality parameters to be upheld by all Macadamia processors including opening and closing dates of the crop seasons.


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The Building Blocks of a Sustainable Macadamia Industry in Kenya

Farmer training Organize farmers New plantings

Technology Crops Management


Prices and Payment

Provide certified seedlings -Using improved planting materials and improving husbandry practices

Introducing the crop in new areas that have shown some potential for growing the crop.

Educating farmers through training of various technologies and skills of Macadamia nuts production.

Assisting farmers to form associations under which they could access information and extension services, markets, and credit.

Ensure farmers are paid justifiable and fair prices by eliminating brokers and middlemen.

New planting materials and installation of cutting edge macadamia processing facilities

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Looking into the future with confidence : Kenya’s Potential

• New plantings in new areas promise significant output in the coming years.

Acreage and new ecological


• Easy to multiply number of macadamia trees as we have a potential 500,000 farmers to contract

Huge farmer-base

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Major Threat!!!

•Harvesting immature


•Continued Smuggling of

In-shell nuts by Chinese

traders and local proxies

•Stripping nuts from the

trees leading to eventual

death of the tree

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