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International Recruitment

-Prof. Nishikant C. Warbhuwan

Research Scholar, S.R.T.M. University Nanded,

S.R.T.M. University, Sub centre, Latur, India.

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International Recruitment

While recruiting people for international operations, the international HR

managers must identify the global competitiveness of the potential applicants at

the time of the recruiting process.

Approaches to Recruitment in IHRM Though the general aim of any

recruitment policy is to select the right people for the right task at the right

time, the HR department of international companies may adopt one of the

following three specific approaches available for recruiting employees for

global operations.

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International Recruitment Approaches /Sources

1. Ethnocentric Approach

2. Polycentric Approach

3. Region-centric Approach

4. Geocentric Approach

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1. Ethnocentric Approach

Under this approach MNC’s at their headquarters formulate mission, objectives,

important decisions for the subsidiaries and expect the subsidiaries to implement them

and report back to all functional managers at headquarters level

Therefore it sources HR for subsidiaries from its own countries or the country where

headquarters are situated

When a company follows the strategy of choosing only from the citizens of the parent

country to work in host nations, it is called anethnocentric approach. Normally, higher-

level foreign positions are filled with expatriate employees from the parent country. The

general rationale behind the ethnocentric approach is that the staff from the parent

country would represent the interests of the headquarters effectively and link well with

the parent country.

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1. Ethnocentric Approach

Ex- Procter & Gamble, Philips, Samsung

Philips filled important vacancies by Dutch nationals before 1990s as it was a Dutch


In 1996, 71% of subsidiaries of Japanese MNC’s were headed by Japanese nationals

Toyota, Samsung follow this approach even today

Why do MNC’s Prefer Ethnocentric Approach :

1. Non availability of qualified HR in Host country

2. High cost of host country nationals

3. Parent country nationals when work in foreign they are more committed

4. Parent country nationals when work in foreign shows highest belongingness

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1. Ethnocentric Approach

When Should MNC’s Prefer Parent Country Nationals:

1. During early stage of establishment of subsidiary

2. Inadequacy of managerial and technical skills in host country

3. Grater need for maintaining close communication and coordination with


4. . Grater need for maintaining uniform corporate culture

5. When the headquarters has core competencies

6. when home country nationals are less costly than HCN

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1. Ethnocentric Approach


1. Parent country nationals are familiar with headquarters, policies, systems

2. maintain close communication network

3. maintain close coordination


1. reduction in catching opportunities for host country

2. Decline in morale

3. Fails to get talent worldwide

Cross cultural management

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2. Polycentric Approach

MNCs under this approach treats each subsidiary as an independent company

and decentralizes almost all the operations and delegates decision making

authority to its executives

These executives formulate the strategies based on the mission and vision of

subsidiary, design product based on host country's environment

MNC sources perspective employees including senior managers for the

subsidiary from the host country nationals or local nationals

When a company adopts the strategy of limiting recruitment to the nationals of

the host country (local people), it is called a polycentric approach

Ex- Coca Cola

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2. Polycentric Approach

Why do MNC’s Prefer Polycentric Approach

Policy of developing HCN’s

Social Responsibility

High cost of Expatriates

Cultural fit for MNCs

Global Approach of MNCs

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2. Polycentric Approach

When Should MNC’s Prefer Host Country Nationals

During Growth Stage of subsidiary

HR of Host Country is developed and fully qualified

Distinctive in way of serving customers and mode business

Cost of expatriates is High

Host govt. conditions

When Head quarters do not have any competency

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2. Polycentric Approach


Less Cost of HR

Cultural fit

Employee retention

Employee job satisfaction

Appreciation by people

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2. Polycentric Approach


Coordination becomes complex

Less promotional opportunities

No hands on experience both in head quarters and subsidiaries

Limits mobility

Different cultures at head quarters and subsidiaries

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3. Region centric Approach

MNCs after operating successfully in a foreign country, think of exporting to

the neighboring countries of the host country

Ex- Hindustan Lever exports to Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh

At this stage foreign subsidiary considers the regional environment (Asian or

European) for formulating common strategies like pricing for that region

Similarly MNCs sources the prospective employees within the region in which

subsidiary is located

Ex- Bata (India) Ltd sources its employees from south east Asian regions

Ex- LG sources its employees from Asian regions

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3. Region centric Approach

Why do MNC’s Prefer Region centric Approach :

Non availability of qualified personnel from host country

Neighboring nationals possess more similar cultural values

availability of qualified personnel at neighboring countries at low cost

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3. Region centric Approach

When Should MNC’s Prefer Region centric Approach :

During transition between growth and maturity stages

When subsidiaries expand operations in neighboring countries

Inadequacy of managerial & technical skills host country

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3. Region centric Approach


Culture fit

Comparatively less HR Cost

Meets expansion needs of HR

Perform better in neighboring countries

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4. Geocentric Approach/ Global Approach

Under this approach the entire world is just like a single country for MNCs

They source all kinds of resources from all countries of world

Each subsidiary functions independently and autonomously

MNCs source for the best prospective employees in terms of suitability from entire


When a company adopts the strategy of recruiting the most suitable persons for the

positions available in it, irrespective of their nationalities, it is called a geocentric


Ex – Ms. Indra Nooyi, the Indian national appointed as a CEO of Pepsi Cola Ltd, Many

European MNCs follow this approach

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4. Geocentric Approach/ Global Approach

Why do MNCs prefer Geocentric Approach

Global Business Policy

Intensifying Competition

Technological Revolution

Innovative Practices in Functional Areas

Increasing Migration

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4. Geocentric Approach/ Global Approach

When Should MNCs prefer Geocentric Approach

Maturity Stage

Customer Awareness

Non availability of Talent in Home and Host Country

Absence of Restrictions of Host Government

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4. Geocentric Approach/ Global Approach


Competent Pool

Shared Learning

Core Competencies

Flexibility and Adaptability

Reduction in Resentment

Best Talent at Less Cost


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