Download - INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Page 1: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...


Design of deep hollow core sectionsDesign of deep hollow core sections

Bruno Della Bella Bruno Della Bella -- Precompressi Centro Nord (Italy)Precompressi Centro Nord (Italy)

LeuvenLeuven, 25 , 25 -- 26 September 200326 September 2003

Page 2: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Design of deep hollow core sectionsDesign of deep hollow core sections

•• Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technology

•• Section characteristics and reinforcementSection characteristics and reinforcement

•• Applications and construction detailsApplications and construction details

•• Normative and design referencesNormative and design references


Page 3: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technologyTecnologia produttivaTecnologia produttiva

Armatura taglio nelle nervatureArmatura taglio nelle nervature e e allall’’intradossointradossoShear reinforcement of webs and bottom flangeShear reinforcement of webs and bottom flange

Grandi solaiGrandi solaialveolarialveolari

Deep hollowDeep hollowcore slabscore slabs

Page 4: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technologyTecnologia produttivaTecnologia produttiva

Grandi elementiGrandi elementinervatinervati

Deep beamDeep beamsectionssections

Armatura taglio nelle nervatureArmatura taglio nelle nervature e e allall’’intradossointradossoShear reinforcement of webs and bottom flangeShear reinforcement of webs and bottom flange

Page 5: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technologyTecnologia produttivaTecnologia produttiva

Produzione di grandi solai alveolariProduzione di grandi solai alveolariDeep hollow core slide forming in progressDeep hollow core slide forming in progress

Page 6: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technologyTecnologia produttivaTecnologia produttiva

MacchinaMacchina vibrofinitrice per vibrofinitrice per grandi alveolarigrandi alveolariVibrofinishing machine for deep hollow coreVibrofinishing machine for deep hollow core

Page 7: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technologyTecnologia produttivaTecnologia produttiva

Vista Vista macchina dai tubi formatorimacchina dai tubi formatoriSight of Vibrofinishing machine from the backSight of Vibrofinishing machine from the back

Page 8: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technologyTecnologia produttivaTecnologia produttiva

Taglio pannelliTaglio pannelli con disco con disco speciale daspeciale da 1800 mm1800 mmCutting operation with saw disk of 1800 mmCutting operation with saw disk of 1800 mm

Page 9: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technologyTecnologia produttivaTecnologia produttiva

Produzione di grandi elementiProduzione di grandi elementi nervatinervatiDeep beam sections slide forming in progressDeep beam sections slide forming in progress

Page 10: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Manufacturing technologyManufacturing technologyTecnologia produttivaTecnologia produttiva

CaricoCarico e e stoccaggio alveolaristoccaggio alveolari H 600 L 18 mt.H 600 L 18 mt.Loading and storage deep H.C. H 600 L 18 m.Loading and storage deep H.C. H 600 L 18 m.

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Section characteristics Section characteristics and reinforcementand reinforcement

Caratteristiche della Caratteristiche della sezionesezione e armaturee armature

ArmaturaArmatura a a tagliotaglio continua e continua e specifica allspecifica all’’appoggioappoggioContinuous and specific shear reinforcementContinuous and specific shear reinforcement

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Diagramma luceDiagramma luce--sovraccarico alveolaresovraccarico alveolare H 800H 800LoadLoad--span diagram of deep H.C. slab H 800span diagram of deep H.C. slab H 800

Section characteristics Section characteristics and reinforcementand reinforcement

Caratteristiche della Caratteristiche della sezionesezione e armaturee armature

Page 13: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

TraviTravi PAV con PAV con lamierelamiere grecate per grecate per il gettoil gettoBeam element with corrugated plates for topping Beam element with corrugated plates for topping

Section characteristics Section characteristics and reinforcementand reinforcement

Caratteristiche della Caratteristiche della sezionesezione e armaturee armature

Page 14: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

AlveolariAlveolari in in luce nettaluce netta e in e in continuitcontinuitààH.C. composite connection and in continuityH.C. composite connection and in continuity

Section characteristics Section characteristics and reinforcementand reinforcement

Caratteristiche della Caratteristiche della sezionesezione e armaturee armature

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DettaglioDettaglio del del traverso intermediotraverso intermedioMidMid--span transverse reinforcementspan transverse reinforcement

Section characteristics Section characteristics and reinforcementand reinforcement

Caratteristiche della Caratteristiche della sezionesezione e armaturee armature

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Edificio scolastico di Edificio scolastico di 3 3 piani piani L 20 L 20 mt sovrmt sovr. 650 kN/. 650 kN/mq mq REI 120REI 1203 story school span 20 m, load 6.50 kN/3 story school span 20 m, load 6.50 kN/mq mq REI 120REI 120

Istituto BVM - Merate

DEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGDEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

GRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAGRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

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Istituto BVM - Merate

DEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGDEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

GRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAGRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Vista e Vista e pianta solaio pianta solaio auditoriumauditoriumView and floor plan of auditoriumView and floor plan of auditorium

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Solaio Solaio in in fase di posa fase di posa e e dettaglio alldettaglio all’’appoggioappoggioH.C. slabs during erection and detail of supportH.C. slabs during erection and detail of support

Istituto BVM - Merate

DEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGDEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

GRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAGRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 19: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Grandi alveolariGrandi alveolari con con travi travi in opera in in opera in spessorespessoreDeep hollow core with cast inDeep hollow core with cast in--situ shallow beamssitu shallow beams

Centro Commerciale - Ravenna

DEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGDEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

GRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAGRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 20: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Solaio Solaio H 600 L 19 H 600 L 19 mtmt per per sala congressi sala congressi in in fase di posa fase di posa Erection of slab H 600 L 19 m for congress hall Erection of slab H 600 L 19 m for congress hall

Hotel Dino - Baveno

DEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGDEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

GRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAGRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

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Parcheggio interrato - S. Donato MI

Pianta Pianta e e sezione solaiosezione solaio con con travi travi in in spessorespessoreFloor plan and section with cast inFloor plan and section with cast in--situ beamssitu beams

DEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGDEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

GRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAGRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 22: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Vista Vista parcheggio parcheggio in operain operaViews of finished parkingViews of finished parking

Parcheggio interrato - S. Donato MI

DEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGDEEP H.C. FOR BUILDINGConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

GRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAGRANDI SOLAI IN EDILIZIAEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 23: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Stralcio pianta viadotto Stralcio pianta viadotto a a pipiùù campate campate continuecontinueFloor plan of multiFloor plan of multi--span viaduct with H.C. slabspan viaduct with H.C. slab

DEEP H.C. FOR BRIDGESDEEP H.C. FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Viadotto Centro Comm. - Vignate

Page 24: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Sezione tipo Sezione tipo e e dettaglio appoggio dettaglio appoggio in in continuitcontinuitààBridge cross section and H.C. continuous supportBridge cross section and H.C. continuous support

DEEP H.C. FOR BRIDGESDEEP H.C. FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Viadotto Centro Comm. - Vignate

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Vista del Vista del viadotto viadotto con con grandi lastre alveolarigrandi lastre alveolariViews of viaduct with deep H.C. slabsViews of viaduct with deep H.C. slabs

DEEP H.C. FOR BRIDGESDEEP H.C. FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Viadotto Centro Comm. - Vignate

Page 26: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Ponte stradale - VignatePianta pontePianta ponte a 3 a 3 campate travicampate travi H 650 L 15.5/18/15.5 H 650 L 15.5/18/15.5 mtmt33--bay bridge with beams H 650 L 15.5/18/15.5 mbay bridge with beams H 650 L 15.5/18/15.5 m

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Sezione trasversale impalcato Sezione trasversale impalcato con con travi travi PAVPAVCross section of bridge with PAV beamsCross section of bridge with PAV beams

Ponte stradale - Vignate

Dettaglio parapettoDettaglio parapettoParapet detailParapet detail

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 28: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Dettaglio appoggi laterali Dettaglio appoggi laterali e e centralicentraliExternal and intermediate continuous supportsExternal and intermediate continuous supports

Ponte stradale - Vignate

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 29: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Vista del Vista del ponte ponte con con travi travi PAV PAV vibrofinitevibrofiniteViews of bridge with slideViews of bridge with slide--formed PAV beamsformed PAV beams

Ponte stradale - Vignate

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 30: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Pianta Pianta e e dettaglio dettaglio guardguard--railrailBeams distribution and guardBeams distribution and guard--rail detail rail detail

Ponte stradale - Como

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 31: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Vista Vista travi durante travi durante la la posaposaPrecast beams during erectionPrecast beams during erection

Ponte stradale - Como

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 32: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Impalcato Impalcato con con travi travi a a pianta trapeziapianta trapeziaBeams distribution with trapezoidal elementsBeams distribution with trapezoidal elements

Galleria in curva – Como Brogeda

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 33: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Vista galleria Vista galleria artificialeartificialeViews of artificial tunnelViews of artificial tunnel

Galleria in curva – Como Brogeda

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 34: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

TraviTravi PAV con PAV con getto pieno getto pieno e post e post compressionecompressionePAV beams fully PAV beams fully casted casted + post+ post--tensiontension

Autostrada Milano-Malpensa

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

Page 35: INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CORE ASSOCIATION · Microsoft PowerPoint - Leuven.ppt Author: SMA Created Date: 3/14/2011 1:22:30 PM ...

Particolare di Particolare di postpost--tensione nel getto tensione nel getto in operain operaAdditional postAdditional post--tension in cast intension in cast in--situ webssitu webs

Autostrada Milano-Malpensa

DEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESDEEP BEAMS FOR BRIDGESConstruction examples Construction examples and detailingand detailing

IMPALCATI STRADALIIMPALCATI STRADALIEsempi applicativiEsempi applicativi e e dettagli costruttividettagli costruttivi

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Large span floor for civil/industrial/parking buildingLarge span floor for civil/industrial/parking building

-- Eurocode EN 1992.1.1 and EN 1992.1.2Eurocode EN 1992.1.1 and EN 1992.1.2-- European Standard EN 1168 European Standard EN 1168 ““Hollow CoreHollow Core”” where applicablewhere applicable


Shear reinforcement recommendedShear reinforcement recommended

Limit percentage Limit percentage of of load distibution load distibution

Renforced topping Renforced topping 6060--100 mm 100 mm recommendedrecommended

Fire resistance analysis requiredFire resistance analysis required

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-- Eurocode EN 1992.2 (Bridges)Eurocode EN 1992.2 (Bridges)-- European Std EN XXX (Precast bridge elements)European Std EN XXX (Precast bridge elements)-- Fib Fib State of Art State of Art Report Report ““Precast Precast bridgesbridges””-- State or State or Regional Regional Road/Road/Railways Railways CodesCodes


Large span floor for bridges and road protectionLarge span floor for bridges and road protection


Shear reinforcement requiredShear reinforcement required

Mid transverse reinfMid transverse reinf. . Required Required L L > 15 m> 15 m

Renforced topping Renforced topping 150150--200 mm 200 mm requiredrequired

Interface steel Interface steel connectors notconnectors not requiredrequired

Min thickness of Min thickness of webs webs and and supsup//inf flangeinf flange

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Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention