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Merino Wool Clothing

Merino Wool Clothing

Hiral Sompura


Table of Contents

3Executive Summary:



7Economic & Financial Environment:

9Resources, Infrastructure & Level of Technology:

11Major Political/Legal Factors:

13Social Cultural Environment:

14Justification for selecting two countries: Canada & Argentina.

15TASK 2: Comparing & Contrasting between Canada and Argentina with examples related to merino wool women clothing :

15Economic and Financial Environment:

16Resources , Infrastructure , Level Of Technology :

17Political/Legal Environment:

18Social / Cultural Environment:

21Objectives and Strategies:

Executive Summary:

Making a success of a corporate decision to expand into a new market is always going to be a challenge. Advertising new items, securing new customers and fulfilling orders are always more complicated in an unfamiliar location with its own particular culture and characteristics. From VelocityNZ perspective, the core responsibilities are the same as ever: ensuring cash is available to fund the companys activities and to manage risk effectively. Again, however, the peculiarities of a different market can make these tasks more complex. In any new market, it can be difficult for us to forecast cash flows accurately, for example. In the case of a move into an developing business, extra confusions exist for a number of reasons. Levels of usefulness which are standard in the companys established markets may not be available in an emerging market.

The scenario where the requirement is to establish operations in a new emerging market. One of the greatest difficulties is to perceive when activities which may be taken for granted in a developing or developed market, that is CANADA & ARGENTINA present a significant challenge in terms of time or documentation. Understanding the potential pitfalls lie will help the company to plan the move into the new market much more efficiently.

It is intended to provide an independent assessment of how the programme is tracking towards its goals, and to give an opinion on future performance and funding requirements.

Velocity NZ is a worthwhile company that has potential to substantially transform the sheep industry and improve economic outcomes in the sector. This transformation will be dependent on further advancements in the analysis, comparing and contrasting, segmenting, targeting and positioning of product. Finally, a strategy is developed for an entry out of chosen countries, and marketing tactics are proposed. are proposed. I accept VelocityNZ items will be appealing in the Canadian market, since they separate themselves from the competitors.

Velocity NZ Merino clothing for women is designed and made in New Zealand. All through last recent seven years it has formed this brand into an established merino design label that is based on superior quality, comfort and style. Velocity NZ offers women of all ages luxury of merino clothing without compromising on style. Merino is gaining publicity as being one of the best natural clothing materials in the world. New Zealands Merino wool is known for its high quality as well as for being produced using environmentally sustainable practices and well-treated, healthy sheep. Due to this, 100% organic Merino garments purchased from the countrys wool manufacturers are considered to be superior to many other types of wool products.Benefits of Merino Wool clothing are as follows: Quality - that makes it ideal fabric to design and wear happily. Softness - provides luxury and supreme comfort next-to-skin. Sustainable, renewable and biodegradable fibre gentle on environment.

Warmth - ability to insulate the wearer from extremes of cool, and also help protect the women from excessive heat.

Breathable & Odour resistance - enhanced by Merinos insulation capacity.

Sweat & Moisture control.

Drape and Wrinkle recovery.

Natural Stretch fibres they move with the wearer ad garments resist losing their form over time. Fire and Static resistance UV Absorptive. New Zealand has also found success with Merino wool products. In the 1800s, wool was New Zealand's key agricultural export, and an enormous element of the country's economy. It has travelled a long and interesting path to become the highly-prized textile like it is today. If you are on the market for wool products, its worth it to purchase from organic New Zealand producers.After spreading all over New Zealand as a whole sellers and suppliers and looking today's business world, globalization has a great impact on management decisions, processes and the culture of an organization.The most important external driving forces of an increasing internationalization are the openness to new markets due to liberalization and deregulation, additional trends throughout systems and as well as logistics, along with smaller solution lifestyle periods, and homogenous consumer behaviour whereas internally the strategic-focused attitude of companies represents an essential factor. More and more companies do not only want to stay in a single market but aim to expand into foreign markets as well. Before entering an overseas current market, company has got to decide not simply for suitability but also should consider the main steps of the market entry framework. So here are 2 countries i.e. Canada and Argentina where I would like to do pestle analysis and do research for our future generating successfully market of clothing. Canada:

Canada is the world's second biggest nation by territory. Largest urban countries are Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa and Calgary. It plays a huge role in the world's economy and also is one of the largest trading partners of the United States. (Briney)Argentina:

Argentina is huge nation situated in the southern part of South America. The eighth biggest nation on the planet, second biggest nation in South America and its around 33% the measure of the United States. Argentina is flanked by the Andes Mountains and Chile to the west. (Geographics, 2010)PESTLE ANALYSIS OF CANADA & ARGENTINA Economic & Financial Environment: Canada: World rank 6 and regional Rank- 1.

Canada's effective economic flexibility sits on a judicial program by having a flawless history of independence and transparency.

Canada's prime federal specific money tax charge is 29 %, and their prime corporate tax charge is 15 percent.

GDP (PPP): $1.5 trillion

Public Debt: 89.1% of GDP

2.0% growth in 2013

5-year compound yearly development 1.4% $43,472 per capita

Unemployment: 7.1%

Inflation (CPI): 1.0%

FDI Inflow: $62.3 billion Canada's average tariff rate is 0.8% low and continues to negotiate free trade agreements but restricts dairy imports.

Financial institutions provide an array of companies, and also consumer credit is easily positioned on market terms. The particular consumer banking sector remains to be secure, and also securities investing arenas are very well developed. (Index of Economic Freedom, 2015)Argentina: World rank -- 169 and regional rank -- 27

Argentina's financial flexibility score is 44.1, creating its economy the 169th freest in the 2015 List. Significant losses have happened such as in government paying, expense freedom, business freedom, and property rights. Overall foreign direct investment in Argentina is very low compared to other countries in the region such as Brazil, Chile etc.

Argentina culture has been plagued by corruptions and scandals.

The reduced courts are abundantly politicized, and the genuinely separate Supreme Court has acquired heightened stress from the government

Argentina's personal and corporate income taxes are 35 percent. Other taxes include the

Value-added tax, a tax on financial transactions and a wealth tax.

Argentina has a 5.6 % tax rate. Non-levy barriers incorporate import authorizing and the state import substitution policy.

International expense in a few groups of the economy is regulated.

The federal government exercises significant handle on of financial activities.

Argentina's biggest bank, which will be state-possessed and the sole budgetary establishment in a couple of parts, has been known to allot credit fix on the political convenience.

5-year compound yearly development 4.9%

GDP (PPP): $777.9 billion

Unemployment: 7.3%

Inflation (CPI): 10.6%

4.3% growth in 2013

Public Debt: 46.9% of GDP

$18,749 per capita

FDI Inflow: $9.1 billion (Index of Economic Freedom, 2015)Resources, Infrastructure & Level of Technology:CountriesFunctionsResources, Infrastructure and Technology

CANADA ARGENTINAMarketingResources:

Labour High Tech Machines to process the wool.


Computer information systems to make better processing, and storage data.

MKIS Software to convert data into information, enhance data gathering systems

Hardware components- improve companys marketing decision-making process.

Personal Notebooks, Smartphones and Cell phones.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) method used for increasing your website presence in organic searches for creating potential customers.

Wi-Fi Hot Spots

Social Media

Face book & Twitter.






Market Researcher


Transportation Vehicles

Pesticides to protect wool from

Specialised technology used for packaging



Factory Outlet

Air transport , Railway, Sea , port ,


Processing wools from sheep to fabric like shearing, cleaning and scouring, grading and sorting, carding, spinning, weaving and finishing.

Mule spinning machine for the spinning stage of production.

Rollers in the scouring machines.

Metal teeth for straighten and blend into slivers during the carding stage of production.


Computers- robot-to control arms to do clipping for shearing.


High-density holding areas.

Forcing areas for drafting and working:

1. A combined lead-up race and force

2. Triangular force

3. Curved force

Draft Gates

Handling race

Major Political/Legal Factors:Canada: The nation has obvious regulations and straightforward, solid courts that safe property rights.

Its political scene is ruled by the Conservative, Newly Democratic & Liberal gatherings.

Government - Majority Government - Conservative Party

New Zealand lives up to expectations with Canada in the WTO to further worldwide exchange liberalization and advancement and to fortify a sound guidelines based framework for world exchange. Both nations are additionally individuals from APEC.

Canada is additionally a high esteem included business for other New Zealand fares, including specific assembling and different items and being a developing business sector for exchange and venture opportunities.

Canada is politically extremely stable.

The trade barriers and invest among the member countries are dispensed with, Canadian merchants/suppliers may incline toward to do business with organizations within the free trade area. On the other hand, the established infrastructure and relationship of NAFTA can help Velocitynz expand more easily with Canada.

There are a number of business associations and organisations that facilitate business linkages between New Zealand and Canada. (Solutions, 2014)Argentina: Far reaching debasement in general society part and the broad politicization of the legal present major difficulties for working together in Argentina.

Two-way trade between Argentina and New Zealand was esteemed at NZ$192.5 million in 2012. Fares to Argentina total. Totalled NZ$23.6 million, while imports were NZ$168.9 million. Machinery, raw hides, skins and leather and paper products dominate New Zealand exports to Argentina, followed to a lesser extent by electrical machinery and medical devices. There has been significant (estimated at over NZ$200 million) New Zealand investment in Argentina, especially in the dairy sector, and more recently, new ventures in pasture seed, high quality wine, tourism and veterinary products.

The political environment has been especially unsteady in the course of recent years. Besides, expanded speculator instability is activated by the absence of straightforwardness in government regulations and laws.

Argentina has a solid lawful and institutional system for overseeing pollution. Remote associations face challenges when managerial prerequisites during the time spent enlisting or acquiring import licenses in Argentina. Argentina turned into an individual from the Multilateral. Investment Guaranty Agency ("MIGA"), sponsored by the World Bank, which provides insurance coverage for foreign investments made by persons or legal entities established in member countries. Argentina is a part, among others, of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the Overseas Private Investment Committee (OPIC), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). (Solutions, Business Corruption in Argentina, 2014)Social Cultural Environment: Canada:Canada is socially diverse country.. In 1890s when it started welcoming all the individuals from all over the world to settle in this nation to help it make and create. Canadian movement plan was open, inviting and popular in list of its reasoning. This has showed into the mind of the country that individuals are urged to hold their social personalities, traditions, dialects & conventions, dialects. It is a nation without main religion. Around 75% of Canadian natives are Christianity religion- pluralism is an esteemed part of Canada's way of life.

Canadian qualities include: Equality- in respect of everybody's rights, social contrasts, Freedom, Peace, Law and request.Argentina: Most Argentines are principally of European plunge, which recognize them from Latin nations where European and Indian societies are more mixed. The family is the middle of Argentine existence with more distant families as yet having prominence. The heads of effective families order across the board regard, yet with this comes an obligation to nurture others as far as security, occupations, and so on and to keep up individual and family honour. Honour is in all regards the most important thing in the world and it routinely influences normal life at home, in the gathering and in business. The Argentine ensures religious freedom. Roman Catholicism goes about as the authority state religion. Argentine's are open, limit, and direct, yet have the capacity to stay careful and political. Argentine's are a warm people groups and their unreserved conveys to the fore their enthusiasm and sentimentality. Argentina is a relationship-driven society, so it is vital to fabricate systems and use them. Above all Argentine's like to work with individuals they know and trust. (Kwintessential, 2014)Justification for selecting two countries: Canada & Argentina. The market selection has been based on the following reasons:

Market concentration in countries that are good opportunities for winter wear for women. As Canada is developed country. Its entry gate to innovation + stability = Profitability Welcoming business environment.

Strong growth record.

Unparalleled market access.

Highly educated work force.

Low tax rates.

Financial stability. Also Canada is often associated with cold climate and snow, however actually, its atmosphere is as differing as its landscape. Winters are generally cold with periods of snow. (Network, 2009)Argentina is a creating economy and a creating market as well. Its economy was genuinely strong in the first piece of the 20th century, most genuine created nations, however began declining in the 1950s. It likewise adjacent to New Zealand if there should be an occurrence of exporting. Winter is damp and chilly.Rain falls as the year progressed, from 100 cm every year (39 inches) to less than 50 cm (20 inches). The weather becomes colder with a mean temperature of 0 degrees in winter.TASK 2: Comparing & Contrasting between Canada and Argentina with examples related to merino wool women clothing:Economic and Financial Environment:

Canada : Among its peers, however, Canadas 6th place ranking means that it sits in the middle of the class. Canadas Economy is useful for woollen clothes market. Canada's mirrors an expansion (alongside of the peer group), and for GDP growth, labour productivity growth, employment growth, and the unemployment rate. GDP (Purchasing power party)$1.51 trillion

GDP by sector

Agriculture : 1.7%

Industry : 28.4%

Services : 69.9%

Population below poverty line

9.4% - figure is the Low Income Cut-Off Inflation rate : 1%

Unemployment rate : 7.1%

When a company wants to establish itself in Canada, it must choose to incorporate the company federally or commonly. Consolidating governmentally implies an organization can establish itself anywhere in the country, while as yet being a subject to the different taxes.

Argentina : Argentina benefits from very rich common assets, profoundly educated population, a fare export-oriented agricultural sector and a diversified industrial base. From recurring financial emergencies, industrious monetary and current record shortages, account shortfalls, high expansion, mounting outer obligation, outside obligation, capital flight, a extreme dejection, developing. Capital flight, extreme gloom, developing open and outer obligation. The economy bottomed out, with real GDP 18% smaller than in 1998 and almost 60% of Argentines under the poverty line. Real GDP rebounded to grow by an average 8.5% annually over the resulting six years, exploiting already idled modern. Limit and work, a daring obligation rebuilding and diminished. Debt burden, excellent international money related conditions, and expansionary fiscal and monetary approaches. Inflation also increased. Argentina has high unemployment rate

GDP (Purchasing power party): $77.1 billion

GDP by sector: Agriculture : 9.3, Industry : 29.7, Services : 61 %

Population below poverty line

9.4%- data based on private estimates.

Inflation rate : 20.8%

Unemployment rate : 7.5%

(Tollefsen, 2011)Resources , Infrastructure , Level Of Technology :Canada & Argentina

Marketing in Canada - always remember that the mass media are much decentralised. It is hardly possible to use media with a nation-wide distribution. Moreover there are two distinct markets from thelanguagepoint of view and a number of regional differences.

Browse the over 450 advertising agencies to find what you are looking for in marketing. The biggest of these are subsidiaries and associated companies of the major US agencies and most of the top 20 are UK owned. Have to obtain information on the various agencies and the areas in which they specialise.

Exporters are advised to consult their advertising agents before embarking on an advertising campaign. Remember that the market is split in two different languages English and French. As a trade dependent country, Canadas prosperity is closely tied to its international commerce. In Canada, transportation networks, from infrastructure to operations, are optimal in efficiency, reliability safety and cost.

To remain competitive, company must continue to work with the private sector to improve the reliability and efficiency of our trade enabling infrastructure.

The Canadian government works with private sector operators and investors, provinces, territories and municipalities to ensure the optimization of physical and technological infrastructure that supports airports, seaports, marine industries, roadways and railways.

Direct marketing methods have renewed opportunities for E-commerce is increasingly a part of everyday life, giving a higher penetration of home broadband connections Argentina has 46 television stations. 8 million TV sets are being used, with a potential audience of about 21 million. Also 170 AM stations and 2000 FM radio stations and Nearly 12 million radio sets are being use, with a potential weekly listener audience of 21 million. 200 cable companies operate all over the country. Advertising in Argentina goes through agencies and management consultants. Usually there are members of the Argentine Association of Advertising, Agencies Advertising in print media is most widely used method, although television ,radio ,internet advertising are increasingly important. Actually, Mail-request advertising in Argentina is still not popular expensive, duties and taxes to be paid on international mail.

Increasing utilisation of Internet is empowering other firms/sectors to penetrate the market.

Among the most noteworthy operational setbacks are problems with border customs

Freedom, which can bring about expensive delays and setbacks at all major ports of entry. The significant steps to process wool from the sheep to the fabric are: shearing, cleaning and scouring, grading and sorting, carding, spinning, weaving, and finishing.

Political/Legal Environment:Canada & Argentina: Governments are in charge of passing and authorizing the laws of the country.

Most countries have a democratic model. The overall public has right to vote free elections. Person may possess property and run businesses and have free press and free speech. Most have a business or entrepreneur economy.

Totalitarian systems (North Korea, Cuba, and Myanmar) concentrate power and frequently use military control. Governments are single party or fascism. Citizens have little in governing but most have a command economy.

In reality most countries have a mixed system of government. Most countries also have a mixed economy, having components of both market and economies. The attributes of the agreement consist of removal of most barriers to trade and investment among the three countries, allowing goods and services to be bought and sold with less regulation

Canada is New Zealands 19th largest goods trading partner with the total of trade worth NZ$1.1 billion in the year ended December 2012. New Zealand and Canada have nearby and longstanding relationship. Our trade and financial relationship has much potential and Canada is a significant market of interest for New Zealand. Moving the economy forward Argentine leadership has been reluctant to change course because the policies being implemented were at minimum. Moreover, there is strong concern that making any economic issues public would lead to wide-spread unrest; the population would likely not remain silent if it was forced to endure a fourth economic crisis in three decades. Argentinas markets; a situation that can be easily managed once the government is willing to openly acknowledge and work towards reducing inflation. The part of the economic problem is political in all nations. Governments have introduced national strategies that stabilized exchange rates, regulated financial institutions and central banks. Latin Americas current growth trends and long-term stability relies on a number of factors, one of which is the quality and achievement of the Argentine market Progress has been slow as many Argentines have expected pseudo-authoritarian governance from national leadership, which has limited alterations to national policies and slowed economic progress.

(Trade, 2013)Social / Cultural Environment:Canada & Argentina:

Canada is culturally diverse, as people from all over the world settled in the country to help it develop and grow. Canadian immigration policywas generally open, inviting and libertarian in its rationality. This has also manifest into the psyche of the nation where people are encouraged and to retain social characters, conventions, dialects and traditions. As a result, Canadians are tolerant, polite and highly community- oriented people. They place a great deal of emphasis on the individual's responsibility to the community. This is seen as giving balance and a good quality of life.

There are some differences between regions, which can broadly be summed up as follows:

Atlantic Provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland)

The people are somewhat reserved what's more, commonplace, to the point that they are seen as dated.

Ontario is the business hub and the individuals tend to be business-like and conservative

Western Canada (Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan) - People are friendly, open and relaxed

British Colombia: The people are less conventional. This province is often viewed as the Canada of the future

Quebec: The French region has a distinct cultural identity. The people are extremely regionalist /independent

North: The people have a solid pioneer spirit

Most Argentines are primarily European descent, which differentiates them from other Latin American nations. Culturally and emotionally, they regularly appear to be more European than Latin American. The family is the centre of Argentine life with more distant families as yet having unmistakable quality. The heads of powerful families charge across the board with respect, yet with this comes an obligation to watch over others as far as security, employments, and so forth and to keep up individual and family respect. This ought to be remembered when marketing in Argentina.

Honour is essential and it routinely influences everyday life at home, in the group and in business. Argentines are all in all open, warm and direct, yet have the capacity to stay thoughtful and political. Their unreservedness conveys their passion and sentimentality.

Also they are close communicators physically so will often touch one another when speaking and maintain little physical distance between speakers.

(Kwintessential, 2014)Porters 5 Forces Model:Canada:

In order to analyze the industrys attractiveness, I have used Michael Porters 5 Forces model. It evaluates the rivalry among existing competitors, the threat of substitute products, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of new entrants and the bargaining power of buyers. In addition to these, an Extra force, called bargaining power of consumers.Rivalry among Existing Competitors: After the store check, it was discovered that there are a lot of competitors selling merino wool clothing. According to store managers the biggest competitors for VelocityNZ are Icebreakers for wool base womens garments. According to store managers, the customers prefer low quality cheap or shorn wool, some buyers, prefer merino wool. With the relatively high number of brands selling womens clothing, the team assumes the rivalry among existing competitors to be high.The Threat of Substitute Products: Substitute products to Merino wool women clothing are mainly Shorn wool clothing. These products are easy to get hold of as they are sold in every clothing store all over Canada. The cost is approximately $15. Canadians are generally less concerned about what they wear. Substitute products for base layers can be fleece and other light weighted sweaters that are warmer. Any brand selling this type clothes offer these products meaning there are a lot to choose from. With this, the threat of substitute products could be seen as high.Bargaining Power of Suppliers: VelocityNZ has merino wool of New Zealand. The price of the raw wool affects VelocityNZ production costs however, this cost can be seen as constant, unless an epidemic breaks out within the sheep herds, which would likely push the wool prices up. This increase in price may affect the whole value chain.The Threat of New Entrants: Canada is one of the worlds largest exporters and importers, despite that the costs of importing (US $1,660 per container) and exporting (US $1,610 per container). The foreign trade procedures are viewed as simple and time-efficient; therefore the team considers the threat of new entrants to be high.Bargaining Power of Consumers: What decides the degree of the consumers bargaining power is the number of consumers, competitors, and to what extent the consumers know about existing competitors. If a company has a lot of competitors that offer the same sorts of products and the consumers are well aware of these, then they will have a high degree of power, since the cost of switching is considered low.

There are a lot of competitors in the Canadian market, and since Canadians are less concerned with what they wear, they have a high level of bargaining power.Bargaining Power of Buyers: Relatively few, large companies dominate the Canadian retail sector. With fewer buyers, the power increases, as they tend to buy large quantities giving them the opportunity to push the prices down. A trend in the retail industry is that the suppliers get more dependent on one single. Other possible buyers of VelocityNZ products are the nationwide department stores.bjectives and Strategies:


Merino Wool Clothing segmentation is shown below:

1. Demographics:

Age: 22 65 years

Gender: Female

Income: Middle class, upper middle class and higher class customers.

Education: Any

Ethnicity: Any

Marital Status: Any

Occupation: Any

2. Geographics:

Canada 3. Psychographics:

Basically I am targeting the customers who are fond of woollen clothes, fashionable, confident personality, who loves trendy looks and design, professionals working in any industry, managerial professionals.4. Lifestyle:

Hobbies: fashionable, who loves to wear different styles of clothes.

5. Beliefs and Values:

Targeting all kind of customers from political, religious with cultural beliefs and values.

Market Targeting:


I would prefer to conduct surveys like email, mall intercept surveys in order to understand the likes of the people, buying power, style, personality and their convenience before launching any product in the market. I would design and re-make my clothes considering the weather condition of Canada. I would target all the customer groups and classes of women in Canada.


Minus 33 and Aritzia are the main woollen clothes brands of Canada. Icebreakers brand of New Zealand has gain a very high position in terms of their product and market positioning. Therefore, even they are a big threat to the woollen clothing market.Life Stages:

As per the product life stages cycle shown below, my product is at the introduction stage. After understanding the market, I think its advisable to target North Canada initially because the weather conditions are extreme than Southern Canada.

Promotion, Pricing and Distribution:


Advertise in the local TV channels. Mall Intercept


Collaboration with other famous brands

Pricing: Understanding the competitive market of Canada and as my product is at the introduction life stage, I will have to decide on my price which is more affordable and competitive without compromising on the quality. Strategy: I will use the more-less strategy which means that give more in less price. I would design a product which will give more quality in competitive price. Below graph shows the line moving upwards more towards the right side which less price and more quality. The strategy I will use to attract more customers is design clothes which are light weight, competitive price, good quality and which provides maximum warmth from the extreme weather.










Distribution:Following are the distribution channels I would prefer for increasing customer database, sales and profit. Manufacturer





CustomerPositioning Strategy: HIGH QUALITY Icebreaker Velocity NZ (My brand) LOW PRICE



As shown in the above product positioning graph, I have shown that Velocity NZ is in the quadrant of Low Price and High Quality. The reason I have chosen this strategy because of the following reasons:

Canadian market is very volatile and competitive.

Canadian weather is very extreme so there is a demand of the woollen clothes. One of the reason for choosing this country is because of the weather and demand of woollen clothes.

Brands like Iceberg, Minus 33, Aritzia etc are all famous brands but too expensive for the customers to buy. Therefore, providing the same quality of products with low price will help me increase my company profits, sales and customer database. Specifically,

Target middle age women.

Increase market sales.


Feedback surveys for existing and new customers.

Quality inspections.


Increase sales by 5%.

Increase customer database up to 50%


Recruit expert staff members.

Design clothing relevant to the fashion and demand in the country.


1 Year

OFFICIAL NAME: Argentine Republic

FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Federal Republic

CAPITAL: Buenos Aires

POPULATION: 41.5 million

OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, Italian, German, French

currency: Argentine peso

AREA: 1,073,364 square miles (2,780,400 square kilometres)

Population: 35.1 million

Capital: Ottawa, Ontario

Area: 3,855,085 square miles (9,984,670 sq km)

Bordering Country: The United States

Coastline: 125,567 miles (202,080 km)

Hiral SompuraPage 21