Download - International Journal of Infectious Diseases - · Review Update on pulmonary disease due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria Jason E. Stouta,1,*, Won-Jung Kohb,1, Wing Wai


International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134


Update on pulmonary disease due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria

Jason E. Stout a,1,*, Won-Jung Koh b,1, Wing Wai Yew c

a Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Box 102359-DUMC, Durham, NC 27710,

USAb Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul,

South Koreac Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


Article history:

Received 20 January 2016

Received in revised form 6 March 2016

Accepted 8 March 2016

Corresponding Editor: Eskild Petersen,

Aarhus, Denmark.


Non-tuberculous mycobacteria

Lung diseases





Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are emerging worldwide as significant causes of chronic

pulmonary infection, posing a number of challenges for both clinicians and researchers. While a number

of studies worldwide have described an increasing prevalence of NTM pulmonary disease over time,

population-based data are relatively sparse and subject to ascertainment bias. Furthermore, the

disease is geographically heterogeneous. While some species are commonly implicated worldwide

(Mycobacterium avium complex, Mycobacterium abscessus), others (e.g., Mycobacterium malmoense,

Mycobacterium xenopi) are regionally important. Thoracic computed tomography, microbiological

testing with identification to the species level, and local epidemiology must all be taken into account to

accurately diagnose NTM pulmonary disease. A diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease does not

necessarily imply that treatment is required; a patient-centered approach is essential. When treatment

is required, multidrug therapy based on appropriate susceptibility testing for the species in question

should be used. New diagnostic and therapeutic modalities are needed to optimize the management of

these complicated infections.

� 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases.

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International Journal of Infectious Diseases

jou r nal h o mep ag e: w ww .e lsev ier . co m / loc ate / i j id

1. Introduction

Pulmonary disease due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria(NTM) has emerged as an increasingly prevalent clinical entityin the past two to three decades. Advances in imaging andmicrobiological techniques, particularly molecular techniques,have significantly enhanced our understanding of this disease, butmany uncertainties remain, especially in epidemiology and clinicalmanagement. The aims of this concise and practical review arethreefold: (1) to provide an update regarding the small proportionof the approximately 160 known species of NTM that arecommonly associated with lung disease in humans;1,2 (2) toelucidate the clinical approach to these pulmonary infections; and(3) to focus attention on areas of NTM pulmonary disease in whichfurther research is urgently required.

* Corresponding author. fax: +1 919 681 7494.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J.E. Stout).1 Jason E. Stout and Won-Jung Koh were equal contributors to the manuscript.

1201-9712/� 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International So

license (

2. Global epidemiology

Over the past two decades, improving microbiological techni-ques have enhanced the recovery of NTM from the respiratorytract, and there has been a growing appreciation of their clinicalsignificance. Perhaps driven by these phenomena, but also inaddition to them, there seems to have been a genuine increase inthe prevalence of pulmonary disease due to these organisms.3

Interestingly, the increase in proportion of pulmonary diseasecaused by NTM seems to be associated with a simultaneousdecrease in the incidence of tuberculosis.4 However, obtaining anaccurate picture of the epidemiology of NTM disease is compro-mised by the fact that these infections are not reportable in most ofthe world. Much of the available epidemiological data onpulmonary NTM therefore come from sentinel surveillance andmicrobiology laboratory-based studies, with the attendant limita-tions of those study designs.5 Furthermore, describing theepidemiology of NTM pulmonary disease is complicated by severalchallenges: (1) case ascertainment (e.g., patients are variablysymptomatic, and the diagnosis often depends on computed

ciety for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND

J.E. Stout et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134124

tomography, which is not universally available and/or used); (2) thepresence of the organism in the environment, which clouds thesignificance of a positive culture in an individual patient; (3) adisease definition based on scant evidence; and (4) reporting of thedisease is not required or performed in many jurisdictions, resultingin spotty population-based data. As a result of these challenges,many authors focus on reporting disease prevalence (defined as theproportion of individuals in a given setting/region with diseaseaccording to a standardized definition, often but not always based onthe American Thoracic Society/Infectious Diseases Society ofAmerica (ATS/IDSA) guidelines).6 Another commonly used measureis isolate incidence (number of individuals with NTM newly isolatedfrom a respiratory source during a time period, without regard todisease status). NTM disease incidence (defined as the number ofpersons with a new diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease by astandardized definition) is rarely reported because it is challengingto meaningfully describe given uncertainties in timing of diseaseonset and variable timing and rate of ascertainment after onset.

In Ontario, Canada, the annual prevalence of NTM isolationfrom respiratory specimens (without considering whether truedisease was present) has recently ranged from 14.1 to 22.2 per100 000 population.7,8 In one study, the prevalence of disease wasestimated to be 9.8 per 100 000 in 2010.8 With the exclusion ofMycobacterium gordonae, Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)was found to be the most common species both isolated from therespiratory tract and associated with clinical lung infection,followed by Mycobacterium xenopi and the rapidly growingmycobacteria (RGM).

In Oregon, USA, the estimated prevalence of pulmonary NTMdisease was 8.6 per 100 000.9 A population-based study in thesame state highlighted increasing pulmonary NTM incidence from4.8 per 100 000 in 2007 to 5.6 per 100 000 in 2012.10 In other partsof the country, using laboratory surveillance complemented byelectronic medical record review within four health systems, theprevalence of pulmonary disease due to NTM was estimated to be1.4 to 6.6 per 100 000.11 In 2007, using data from ICD-9 coding(International Classification of Diseases ninth revision), a diseaseprevalence of approximately 47 per 100 000 was observed amongadults aged �65 years in the USA, although there was quite markedvariance in the regional prevalence of NTM pulmonary disease indifferent parts of the country.12

The available information from Central and South America hasbeen limited, with significant potential for selection bias that callsthe generalizability of the data into question.13 The estimatedprevalence of NTM lung disease, as reported, was around 1 per100 000 or even less. MAC was generally the most common speciesisolated, followed by Mycobacterium kansasii and the RGM.13,14

In Europe, due to varying study methodologies and differencesin underlying populations studied, the reported prevalence ofisolation of NTM from respiratory specimens and the reportedprevalence of such disease have been discrepant. For example, inthe UK, Greece, and the Netherlands, NTM isolation rates ofapproximately 2.9 per 100 000, 7.0 per 100 000, and 6.3 per100 000, respectively, have been found, and the prevalence of NTMpulmonary disease has been estimated to be 1.7 per 100 000,0.7 per 100 000, and 1.4 per 100 000, respectively.15–17 For thiscontinent, recent data have also revealed marked geographicvariability in the species isolated from patients.18 MAC wasisolated more frequently in Northern Europe (44% among all NTM)than in Southern Europe (31% of all NTM), with M. avium being thepredominant subspecies. M. xenopi was more frequently isolated inSouthern Europe (21% of all NTM isolates) than in Northern Europe(6% only).

In Africa, there has been recent enthusiasm to search for NTM inpatients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis.19,20 While thesestudies have not categorically classified NTM lung disease, their

findings suggest that a proportion of patients with suspectedtuberculosis (3.7–15%) might actually have NTM disease instead oftuberculosis. Likewise, other studies have suggested that asignificant proportion of patients with suspected multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (18% in each of two studies) might haveNTM pulmonary disease instead.21,22

In Asia, there has been no population-based study regarding theepidemiology of NTM pulmonary isolates and NTM pulmonarydisease to enable in-depth understanding of the size of theproblem. The available data come from studies undertaken in somecountries and geographical areas of Eastern Asia, notably Japan,South Korea, India, China, Thailand, and Taiwan.23 A recent studyfrom Japan estimated the national prevalence of NTM lung diseaseto be 33 to 65 per 100 000 in 2005, with most of the cases due toMAC.24 The leading role of MAC in the pulmonary isolates of NTMwas also observed in most of the other countries in Eastern Asia.23

The other frequently isolated species included RGM and M.

kansasii. Mycobacterium scrofulaceum and Mycobacterium szulgai

were also occasionally found in respiratory specimens. A studyfrom Taiwan reported an estimated prevalence of 7.94 per100 000 inpatients in 2008, with the disease occurring largely inelderly subjects.25 In some Asian countries where the mainstay oftuberculosis diagnosis is the acid-fast smear, there are concernsthat a number of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis, especiallyputative drug-resistant tuberculosis, might actually have NTMpulmonary disease (30.7% of isolates that tested resistant toisoniazid and rifampicin and 4% of tuberculosis retreatment casesin one study from China, similar to the African data mentionedpreviously).26,27 For example, a study from China demonstratedthat 3.4% of smear-positive sputum specimens grew NTM,primarily MAC.28

In Australia and New Zealand, there have been a few robustpopulation-based studies to address the epidemiology of pulmo-nary NTM isolation and disease.29–31 The most recent data havesuggested a rising disease incidence/prevalence (it is oftenchallenging to distinguish the two) that reached 3 per100 000. MAC has consistently been the most commonly isolatedpulmonary NTM species associated with pulmonary disease.29

Thus the available data, especially those derived from popula-tion-based studies undertaken in countries in North America,Europe, and Australia, have suggested a continuing rise in theprevalence of pulmonary NTM isolates and NTM disease in thesecontinents. Studies from some countries and geographical areas inEastern Asia, such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, have echoedthis phenomenon.5

The increasing prevalence of pulmonary disease due to NTM isespecially notable among the elderly, particularly in the context ofaging populations in many countries.11 The gender predominanceis frequently confounded by the differential prevalence ofsmoking-associated lung damage between men and women.5

NTM are ubiquitous organisms found in environmental sourcesthat include drinking and natural water, as well as soil and dust.Human subjects can inhale or ingest NTM in water, aerosols, or dust.NTM are quite resistant to water disinfectants in common use, suchas chlorine.32 This resistance likely contributes to reports describingfrequent NTM detection in potable water within Australia and theUSA.32,33 The ability of NTM to persist in urban water supplies maytherefore be contributing to the increasing prevalence of pulmonaryNTM disease in many countries. The relationships betweenenvironmental conditions, exposure, and development of diseaseare poorly understood and bear further study.

3. Host susceptibility and disease pathogenesis

The early concepts of NTM in the respiratory tract described adichotomous scenario of colonization versus invasion.34 In all

J.E. Stout et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134 125

likelihood the situation is more complicated than a simpledichotomy and is more of a spectrum, as modeled inFigure 1. The outcome of respiratory exposure to NTM likelydepends on a complex interplay between exposure-related factors(particle size, number of organisms, duration) and host-relatedfactors (immune status, genetic background, presence of localizedor generalized lung damage). Most of this interplay is poorlyunderstood at present, but some recent data have begun to revealcertain of the key factors at work.

The microbial factors and the host susceptibility factors arediscussed in the subsections below.

3.1. Clinical relevance of NTM species

The pathogenicities of the various NTM species vary widely.Figure 2 shows the most important species that cause pulmonarydisease. These pathogens include slowly growing mycobacteria,notably Mycobacterium malmoense, M. szulgai, M. kansasii, and M.

xenopi, as well as the RGM, especially Mycobacterium abscessus

(subsp. abscessus and bolletii).17,35 MAC account for the plurality ofpulmonary isolates as well as disease worldwide.12,24,25,35,36

Interestingly, the clinical relevance of NTM isolation fromrespiratory specimens appears to vary by geographic region,presumably due to variability in both environmental microbialdistribution and the prevalence of host risk factors.

3.2. Exposure dose of NTM

Aside from pathogenicity of the NTM species, the quantitativeexposure to mycobacteria appears to be associated with thelikelihood of progression to clinical respiratory disease.37 Howev-er, the critical exposure dose remains unknown, and almost

Figure 1. Interactions between NTM and the host that determine the clinical

outcome (NTM, non-tuberculous mycobacteria).

Figure 2. Clinically relevant species of NTM arranged according to relative


certainly varies by host susceptibility. At an extreme end of thespectrum, hot tub lung caused by NTM (which afflicts immuno-competent hosts) occurs in the setting of indoor hot tubs, withpresumed exposure to large numbers of organisms due to acombination of high organism burden in the water and concen-tration of aerosols within closed indoor spaces.37 The relationshipbetween quantitative mycobacterial exposure and disease in othersettings is not well understood.

3.3. Impairment of host local defenses

A number of diseases associated with structural lung damagehave been cited as predisposing to NTM pulmonary infection.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has frequentlybeen associated with NTM lung disease.12,15,38,39 Pneumoconiosessuch as silicosis have also been traditionally mentioned as riskfactors,40,41 although the relative importance of these conditions isdiminishing as their prevalence diminishes worldwide. Althoughthe available evidence is limited, there is some suggestion thattobacco smoke and alcohol (whose mechanism may not be relatedto impairment of local host defenses) may be cofactors in thedevelopment of pulmonary involvement by NTM in the humanhost.42,43

Cystic fibrosis (CF) has frequently been associated with NTMrespiratory colonization and disease, and NTM infection has beenincreasingly relevant in CF patients as medical advances haveprolonged the life-spans of these patients.44 NTM have beenisolated from between 4% and 32% of respiratory specimensobtained from CF patients.45–48 Interested readers are directed torecent references that touch on the epidemiology and transmissionof NTM in this population.49–51

In recent years, the relationship between NTM and non-CFbronchiectasis has been further elucidated.52 Some authors haveposited that gastroesophageal reflux may cause bronchiectasis andpredispose to subsequent NTM pulmonary disease due to chronicaspiration, but published associations have not been consis-tent.52,53 There is a reciprocal relationship between bronchiectasisand NTM pulmonary disease. NTM can cause bronchiectasis bydestroying the bronchial anatomy, and bronchiectasis can predis-pose to NTM colonization/disease due to impaired host localdefenses.54,55 NTM pulmonary disease in bronchiectasis can alsobe complicated by co-infection by other bacteria, especiallyPseudomonas aeruginosa,56 and fungi, including Aspergillus spe-cies.57 Bronchiectasis and other forms of lung damage caused byconcurrent or prior Mycobacterium tuberculosis are also associatedwith NTM infection; whether this predisposition is due to localimpairment in host defenses due to lung damage or to a commonunderlying immunological defect is unknown.43,58 NTM arefrequently found in respiratory specimens from patients with M.

tuberculosis pulmonary disease, but the clinical significance of theNTM in this setting is unclear.59,60 In a systematic review, theoverall prevalence of NTM among patients with bronchiectasis was9.3%. Subgroup analysis revealed that the prevalence was higher instudies with a larger sample size, time of study at 2002 or beyond,and Asian locations.61

A number of miscellaneous disorders associated with pulmo-nary abnormalities have been associated with pulmonary NTM. Inpatients with ciliary dyskinesia, 10% of adult patients had NTMisolated from their sputum.62 In addition, some patients initiallythought to have idiopathic bronchiectasis were found to have CFtransmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutations;63

whether a proportion of them might have had a ‘forme fruste’ of CFis currently not known. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency andpulmonary alveolar proteinosis have also been reported aspredisposing conditions, presumably due to a combination ofanatomical abnormalities and impaired macrophage function.64,65

Figure 3. Nodular bronchiectatic form of pulmonary disease due to Mycobacterium

abscessus in a 62-year-old female patient. Chest CT shows severe bronchiectasis in

the right middle lobe and the lingular segment of the left upper lobe. Note the

multiple bilateral small nodules and tree-in-bud appearance suggesting


J.E. Stout et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134126

3.4. Impairment of host immunity

Immunosuppressed hosts are at increased risk of NTM disease,more commonly disseminated than pulmonary.66 Immunosup-pressive conditions associated with NTM disease include HIVinfection, hematological and lymphoproliferative malignancy,stem cell and solid organ transplant, and inflammatory disorderstreated with biologicals.66 Among the anti-tumor necrosis factoralpha (anti-TNF-a) agents, infliximab and adalimumab seem topose a greater risk than etanercept.67 A recent population-basedstudy has also suggested that inhaled corticosteroids increase therisk of NTM lung disease among patients with chronic respiratorydiseases (notably those with asthma and COPD).68 The proportionof NTM disease involving the lungs varies widely among variouscategories of immunocompromised patients, ranging from lessthan 5% in patients with HIV (who primarily develop disseminatedNTM) to close to 70% among patients on biological agents such asTNF inhibitors.66 Complicating evaluation, NTM are not infre-quently isolated from respiratory specimens among persons withHIV, but most of these are not associated with clinical disease. Forexample, a study of patients in Southeast Asia demonstrated that21% of 1060 HIV-infected persons evaluated had NTM isolatedfrom respiratory specimens, but only 19 (2%) had NTM disease,only nine of whom had pulmonary disease (the remainder haddisseminated disease).69 An evidence-based case definition ofpulmonary NTM disease is definitely needed to clarify thedifferences between colonization and disease in HIV-infectedpersons.

A number of rare inherited and acquired immunodeficienciespredispose to NTM infection. NTM disease afflicts persons withdefects in the interleukin-12/interferon-gamma axis, chronicgranulomatous disease, and common variable immunodeficiency;the former two are commonly associated with disseminateddisease.65,66 There is also some evidence for an associationbetween MAC pulmonary disease and polymorphisms in thenatural-resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 gene.70

3.5. Host susceptibility of unknown cause

Pulmonary disease due to NTM was first reported in elderly,non-smoking, thin women with nodular bronchiectasis, initiallyreferred to (somewhat disparagingly) as ‘Lady Windermeresyndrome’.71,72 In a study of six families, clustering of pulmonaryNTM disease was noted, and the affected women similarly had lowbody mass.73 In addition, 51% of patients had scoliosis, 11% pectusexcavatum, and 9% mitral valve prolapse.74 Subsequent studieshave confirmed an increased prevalence of these characteristicsamong both patients with NTM pulmonary disease and theirrelatives.75,76 Stimulated cytokine production in the commonlyincriminated pathways of primary immunodeficiency was normal,but interestingly 36% of patients had CFTR mutations. Recent datahave extended these observations, noting an increased prevalenceof mutations in genes controlling ciliary function, connectivetissue, immune function, and the CFTR in patients with pulmonaryNTM disease compared with population controls; the investigatorstermed the combination of these mutations ‘Mendelian suscepti-bility to mycobacterial disease’.77 These data strongly suggest thatpulmonary NTM in otherwise healthy persons is a manifestation ofa complex genetic disorder determined by interactions amongmultiple genes, as well as environmental exposures.

4. Diagnosis

The diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease is complicated by thepresence of the organisms in the environment and the widespectrum of clinical manifestations. Accurately assigning this

diagnosis relies on a constellation of clinical features, radiographicfindings, and microbiology studies.

4.1. Symptoms and clinical features

The diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease is frequently delayedbecause the symptoms are non-specific and often occur in thesetting of pre-existing lung disease.15,55,61 Furthermore, patientswith radiographically minimal disease (e.g., solitary or few nodules)may be entirely asymptomatic, and the bronchiectasis or nodulesthat lead to the NTM diagnosis may only be detected incidentally viaimaging studies performed for another purpose.78 Historically,significant overlap between the symptoms of NTM pulmonarydisease and tuberculosis has been described,79 probably becauseclinicians were looking for a disease resembling tuberculosis. As thespectrum of NTM pulmonary disease has been elucidated over time,it appears that most patients present with chronic cough, oftenwithout symptoms such as fever or weight loss, which tend to bepresent only in patients with advanced disease. 71,80,81 Whilepatients without pre-existing lung disease tend to have certainmorphological features (tall, thin, pectus excavatum, kyphoscoliosis,and mitral valve prolapse),74,76 these features do not have adequatepredictive value to be diagnostically useful.

4.2. Radiographic studies

Once the diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease is entertained,the initial diagnostic tool is often a radiographic study. Typicalradiographic findings include a spectrum from a solitary nodule tomultiple nodules with bronchiectasis to extensive fibrocavitarydisease (Figures 3 and 4). The preferred radiographic study for theevaluation of suspected NTM pulmonary disease is a high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scan, although recent datasuggest that thoracic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) orpositron emission tomography (PET)-CT are emerging modalitiesthat may be useful in the future.82,83 CT scans are significantlymore sensitive than plain chest radiography for the detection ofbronchiectasis and pulmonary nodules.84 The finding of nodulesassociated with areas of bronchiectasis has been deemedparticularly suggestive of NTM pulmonary disease, but the positivepredictive value of this finding has ranged from 34% to 53%.85–87

Furthermore, nodules associated with bronchiectasis are muchmore commonly associated with NTM pulmonary disease thantuberculosis,88 so this finding may be helpful in sorting through the

Figure 4. Fibrocavitary form of pulmonary disease due to Mycobacterium avium in a

53-year-old male patient. Chest CT shows a large cavity in the left upper lobe. Note

the severe emphysema in both upper lobes.

J.E. Stout et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134 127

differential diagnosis while microbiological confirmation ispending. Among patients with CF, the presence of at least twocharacteristic findings (cystic/cavitary disease, subsegmental orlarger parenchymal consolidation, pulmonary nodules, or tree-in-bud opacities) in patients with at least one sputum culture positivefor NTM was positively associated with meeting ATS/IDSA criteriafor NTM pulmonary disease and subsequent progression of CTfindings.89 Extensive bronchiectasis as well as bronchiectasisinvolving the right middle lobe and lingula also favor NTMpulmonary disease over tuberculosis.84 The presence of a cavity onCT (in addition to nodules and bronchiectasis) also suggests NTMpulmonary disease;90 in one study, 47% of patients with NTMpulmonary disease had a cavity compared with 9% of patients withother diagnoses.86 Immunocompromised patients are more likelyto have cavities noted on CT than immunocompetent patients, butotherwise the radiographic findings are similar.91 Cavitary NTMpulmonary disease is radiographically and clinically indistinguish-able from pulmonary tuberculosis,92 which may lead to misdiag-nosis in low-resource, tuberculosis-endemic regions.22

Table 1Microbiological tools for the diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease

Tool Utility

Acid-fast smear (Kinyoun or


Rapid identification of mycobacteria in


Positive test thought to reduce the likel

organisms are contaminants

Mycobacterial culture Obtain an isolate for subsequent identifi

possible susceptibility testing

Line probe assay (e.g., GenoType

Mycobacteria Direct)

Direct identification of organisms in spu

specimens (M. avium, M. intracellulare, M

M. malmoense)

Gene sequencing (e.g., 16S, hsp, rpoB,

16S–23S ITS)

Identification of organisms to the species

grown in culture

MALDI-TOF Identification of organisms to the species

grown in culture

NTM, non-tuberculous mycobacteria; ITS, internal transcribed spacer; MALDI-TOF, mat

4.3. Microbiological diagnosis

The microbiology laboratory is essential (but not sufficient) forthe diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease. All microbiology resultsmust be interpreted in the context of the patient’s clinical andradiographic data to determine whether the patient truly has NTMpulmonary disease. Even among patients with a positive respira-tory culture for an NTM commonly associated with lung infection,only 25–60% will meet criteria for NTM pulmonary dis-ease.9,11,17,29,38,39,93 Proper microbiological diagnosis relies on asequence of events: (1) adequate specimen collection; (2) propercultivation techniques; and (3) accurate organism identification.For a comprehensive overview of the microbiological diagnosis ofNTM, the reader is referred to the recent review by van Ingen.94 Abrief list of microbiological tools used for the diagnosis of NTMpulmonary disease is given in Table 1.

NTM organisms demonstrate a range of pathogenicity; somespecies are usually associated with pulmonary disease whenisolated from respiratory specimens, while others are more likelyto be either transient colonizers or laboratory contaminants.95 Thediscussion below therefore focuses on the situation in which anNTM commonly associated with pulmonary disease (e.g., MAC, M.

abscessus, M. kansasii, M. xenopi, M. malmoense) is isolated from therespiratory tract. Because all of these organisms are found in theenvironment, it is often difficult to determine the significance of asingle positive culture from a respiratory specimen, particularly asputum specimen. For example, only 14% of Korean patients with asingle positive respiratory culture for MAC, M. kansasii, or M.

abscessus were subsequently diagnosed with NTM pulmonarydisease after a median 30 months of follow-up.96 For this reason,the most recent ATS/IDSA guidelines suggest that at least twopositive cultures from separate expectorated sputum specimensshould be obtained to make the diagnosis of NTM pulmonarydisease.6 However, a significant proportion of patients (particu-larly with nodular bronchiectatic disease) will be unable toproduce a sputum specimen, so bronchoscopy and/or lung biopsyis frequently required to obtain a diagnostic specimen.71,87,97,98

Once specimens of sufficient quality and quantity are obtainedand an organism is isolated, it is essential to correctly identify theMycobacterium at the species level. Older techniques, such as highperformance liquid chromatography, have been superseded bymultilocus gene sequencing and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF).94,99 Correct species identi-fication has become increasingly important as data have come tolight regarding the relative proclivity of different species to cause



ihood that

Poor sensitivity for NTM pulmonary disease, especially nodular


Unable to distinguish mycobacterial species (morphology not


cation and Solid and liquid media systems are complementary

Specific decontamination procedures (e.g., 5% oxalic acid) may

be useful in certain populations (e.g., cystic fibrosis patients)


. kansasii,

Poor sensitivity (�60%)83

Not useful for rapidly growing mycobacteria

level once Cannot discriminate down to the species level using a single

gene for some organisms, particularly some of the rapidly

growing mycobacteria

Multiple gene sequencing can discriminate species, but is

relatively costly

level once Species identification depends on database quality; publicly

available databases are often incomplete

rix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight.

J.E. Stout et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134128

NTM pulmonary disease. For example, in a cohort of patients withMAC isolated from respiratory specimens, patients with M. avium

or Mycobacterium intracellulare were significantly (2–3-fold) morelikely to meet criteria for NTM pulmonary disease than patientswith Mycobacterium chimaera.100 Other authors have foundrelative differences in the likelihood of M. avium and M.

intracellulare or even M. avium subspecies to be associated withpulmonary disease when isolated from respiratory speci-mens.101,102

4.4. Immunological diagnosis

Given the non-specific symptoms of NTM pulmonary disease,the limitations of radiography, and the fact that invasiveprocedures are frequently required to make the diagnosis, otherdiagnostic modalities are sorely needed. Skin testing using NTMantigens has not been useful for the diagnosis of NTM disease. Skintest reactivity to NTM antigens is common among healthy persons,and there is immunological cross-reactivity among NTM andbetween NTM and tuberculosis.103,104 Interferon gamma releaseassays have been used to diagnose tuberculosis infection, but noneare commercially available for NTM. These assays are unlikely tobe helpful for NTM diagnosis; patients with MAC pulmonarydisease actually demonstrate less interferon gamma release inresponse to MAC antigens than persons without disease who havea positive skin test response to MAC sensitin.105 Serodiagnosticassays that detect antibodies against specific mycobacterialantigens are increasingly being tested for MAC and M.

abscessus. One assay that has been examined uses an enzymeimmunoassay that detects IgA antibodies that bind to glycopepti-dolipid, which is found in the MAC cell wall. The reportedsensitivity of this serodiagnostic assay for MAC pulmonary diseaseranges from 70% to 92%, depending on the population and cut-offvalue studied, and there appears to be a positive associationbetween antibody levels and disease activity (although there iscross-reactivity with M. abscessus as well, so the assay is notcompletely specific for MAC).106–113 A second serodiagnostic testexamines IgG antibodies to mycobacterial antigen A60 as adiagnostic for M. abscessus pulmonary disease. A60 antibody titerswere found to be relatively sensitive (86.7%) and specific (95.1%)for M. abscessus pulmonary disease among patients with CF, andseemed to correlate with disease activity.114 Unfortunately, A60antigen is not specific for M. abscessus, and these antibodies may be

Table 2Conditions that predispose to NTM pulmonary disease

Category Condition

Structural lung disease Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency



Ciliary dyskinesia

Cystic fibrosis

Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis


Immune deficiencies Chronic granulomatous disease

Common variable immunodeficiency

Hematological malignancy


Interleukin-12/interferon-gamma axis defects

Inhaled corticosteroids

Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease

Transplant (stem cell or solid organ)

NTM, non-tuberculous mycobacteria; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

elevated in other mycobacterial diseases such as tuberculosis.115

While neither of these serological tests is ready for clinical use,they represent a line of research that could significantly advancethe diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease (Tables 2 and 3).

5. Treatment

5.1. Treat or not

A diagnosis of NTM lung disease alone does not obligate theimmediate initiation of treatment directed against the NTMpathogen. Instead, this decision should be based on the potentialrisks and benefits of a prolonged course of multiple antibiotics forthe individual patient, taking into consideration age, comorbidmedical conditions, and disease type.6,116 Patients with fibroca-vitary disease usually require immediate treatment becausecavitary disease is associated with a higher rate of mortality dueto NTM lung disease.117,118 Conversely, nodular bronchiectaticdisease tends to occur in the absence of significant comorbidityand often progresses slowly.119 Therefore, early treatment of mildand indolent nodular bronchiectatic disease may not be advisablebecause of the adverse effects of the long-term use of multipleantibiotics.6,116 The decision may also be aided by molecularanalyses, because specific mycobacterial genotypes have beenshown to be predictive of disease progression or treatmentresponse in patients with NTM lung disease.120,121 Becausemicrobiological cure can be difficult to achieve in a substantialproportion of patients, other treatment goals, including improve-ment in quality of life, may be more appropriate.122,123

Once the decision has been made to initiate treatment for NTMlung disease, the treatment regimens should be formulatedaccording to established guidelines, understanding that a substan-tial proportion of current guidelines rely upon expert opinionrather than randomized clinical trials.124 However, adherence tothe current guidelines for treating NTM lung disease is poor, andsuboptimal or potentially harmful antibiotic regimens arecommonly prescribed in practice.125

5.2. Antibiotic therapy

5.2.1. MAC lung disease

Newer azalide/macrolide drugs such as azithromycin andclarithromycin (subsequently both referred to as macrolides here)


May be predisposing or result of NTM infection

Presence of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene

polymorphisms without cystic fibrosis disease may predispose to NTM

infection by increasing the risk of bronchiectasis

Impaired macrophage function in this disorder may augment the risk over that

conferred by structural abnormalities

May cause bronchiectasis or other airway abnormalities; possible shared

underlying genetic vulnerability with NTM

Both of these are more likely to present with disseminated than pulmonary


NTM infection relatively uncommon compared to disseminated disease; M.

kansasii and M. xenopi more likely to cause pulmonary infection

Disseminated disease more than pulmonary; genetic disorders rare; acquired

autoantibodies to interferon-gamma increasingly recognized

Local immunosuppression

Likely under-recognized underlying deficit in ‘idiopathic’ NTM pulmonary

infection—complex, polygenetic disorder

Table 3Antibiotic treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacterial lung disease

Species Recommended antibiotics Alternative antibiotics

M. avium complex Non-cavitary nodular bronchiectatic form:

Clarithromycin 1000 mg or azithromycin 500 mg TIW plus

Ethambutol 25 mg/kg TIW plus

Rifampicin 600 mg TIW

Fibrocavitary form or cavitary nodular bronchiectatic form:

Clarithromycin 1000 mg or azithromycin 250 mg daily plus

Ethambutol 15 mg/kg daily plus

Rifampicin 450–600 mg daily and/or streptomycin 10–15 mg/kg IM TIW or

amikacin 10–15 mg/kg IV TIW




Inhaled amikacin

M. abscessus complex Amikacin 10–15 mg/kg IV daily plus

Cefoxitin up to 12 g IV or imipenem 1000–2000 mg IV daily plus

Clarithromycin 1000 mg or azithromycin 250 mg daily





Inhaled amikacin

M. kansasii Isoniazid 5 mg/kg daily up to 300 mg daily plus

Rifampicin 10 mg/kg daily up to 600 mg daily plus

Ethambutol 15 mg/kg daily


Clarithromycin 1000 mg or azithromycin 250 mg daily

Rifampicin 10 mg/kg daily up to 600 mg daily plus

Ethambutol 15 mg/kg daily

TIW, three times weekly; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous.

J.E. Stout et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134 129

are the cornerstone of MAC treatment. The current guidelinesrecommend three-drug macrolide-based therapy, comprising themacrolide, rifampicin, and ethambutol, for the treatment of MAClung disease (Table 3).6 Streptomycin or amikacin is recommendedfor patients with severe and advanced disease, especiallyfibrocavitary disease, although the benefit of these drugs is notentirely proven.6 Antibiotic therapy should be continued for atleast 12 months after conversion of sputum cultures from positiveto negative. In non-cavitary nodular bronchiectatic MAC lungdisease, intermittent (three times weekly) therapy has beenrecommended over daily therapy because of better tolerabilitynoted in observational studies (Table 3).6 Intermittent therapy haspotential benefits in decreasing adverse drug effects and medica-tion costs and increasing the rate of adherence to the regi-men.126,127 After an initiation of antibiotic therapy, sputummicrobiological analysis including semiquantitative mycobacterialculture and CT follow-up can be used to monitor the treatmentresponse.128,129 Current guidelines recommend antimicrobialsusceptibility testing for the macrolides (clarithromycin) only,130

and emerging data suggest that testing for amikacin susceptibilitymay be useful as well.131 Susceptibility testing for other drugs isoffered by some laboratories, but the results of such testing havenot been significantly correlated with clinical outcomes,132 so suchtesting is generally not recommended.130

Drug–drug interactions, especially between rifampicin andclarithromycin, lead to a reduced plasma concentration ofclarithromycin and may lead to a suboptimal response to antibiotictreatment for MAC lung disease. Low serum concentrations ofmacrolides, presumably caused by drug–drug interactions, arecommon in patients with MAC lung disease treated with amacrolide and rifampicin.133,134 However, it is unclear whetherlow serum concentrations of macrolides are the cause ofsuboptimal treatment outcomes, and whether increasing themacrolide dose, substitution of another drug for rifampicin, oromitting rifampicin entirely and using a two-drug regimen(macrolide and ethambutol) could improve treatment outcomesof MAC lung disease.135

Treatment outcomes of MAC lung disease are unsatisfactory.Discontinuation of treatment due to adverse drug effects isfrequent (10–30%), and the overall treatment success rate is only40–60%.136,137 The treatment success rate is higher (70–85%) inpatients with non-cavitary nodular bronchiectatic MAC lung

disease than in those with cavitary MAC lung disease.126,127 Insome patients with non-cavitary nodular bronchiectatic MAC lungdisease with persistently positive cultures after intermittenttherapy, switching from intermittent to daily therapy may resultin a microbiological response.138

Even after successful completion of antibiotic therapy, micro-biological recurrence (predominantly due to reinfection ratherthan relapse) is relatively common (30–50%), especially in patientswith nodular bronchiectatic MAC lung disease.126,139 Treatmentsuccess rates even in macrolide-susceptible disease are suboptimalbecause of the prolonged duration of treatment, drug side effects,and frequent reinfection. Moreover, treatment outcomes are verypoor in patients with macrolide-resistant MAC lung disease.140

Risk factors for macrolide-resistant infection include macrolidemonotherapy or combination therapy with a fluoroquinoloneonly;140 poor physician adherence to NTM treatment guidelinesmay also be a contributory factor.125

The efficacy of adding drugs to standard antibiotic treatment ofrefractory MAC lung disease has not been established. Somestudies have suggested that clofazimine with a macrolide andethambutol may be as effective as the currently-recommendedmacrolide–rifampicin–ethambutol therapy.141,142 Moxifloxacinand inhaled amikacin have been associated with microbiologicaland/or symptomatic improvement in some patients who fail torespond to standardized antibiotic treatment.143,144 However, therole of these agents in refractory MAC lung disease is currentlyunclear.145

5.2.2. Mycobacterium abscessus complex (MABC) lung disease

The treatment of MABC lung disease is problematic due to a lackof effective antibiotics. MABC is resistant to many antibiotics andonly typically susceptible in vitro to the parenteral agentsamikacin, cefoxitin, and imipenem, as well as sometimes oralmacrolides.6 Drug susceptibility testing for agents that may haveactivity is recommended,130 and limited data support an associa-tion between the results of such testing and clinical outcomes.146

Susceptibility testing for the macrolides (using clarithromycin asthe class agent) is complicated by the presence of a functional erm

gene in many isolates; this gene codes for inducible macrolideresistance. Testing for inducible resistance using 14-day testing inthe presence of clarithromycin is recommended at this time,130,147

although molecular tests are being explored that may obviate the

J.E. Stout et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134130

need for such testing.148,149 Current guidelines recommend aregimen comprising two parenteral agents and a macrolide for 2 to4 months (Table 3).6 The reported treatment success rate rangesfrom 50% to 70%.146,150–153 However, these studies were retro-spective, involved various regimens with different treatmentdurations, and many patients also underwent surgery.154 There-fore, the results cannot be generalized to all patients, and theseregimens should be applied with caution in individual patientswith MABC lung disease.

MABC lung disease can be further subdivided by causativeorganism: M. abscessus subsp. abscessus (hereafter M. abscessus), M.

abscessus subsp. massiliense (hereafter M. massiliense), and M.

abscessus subsp. bolletii (hereafter M. bolletii).155,156 However, thetaxonomic status of MABC is still a subject of debate.147 It isimportant to identify the exact species, because M. massiliense hasbeen consistently associated with a higher probability of treatmentsuccess than other MABC organisms. For example, one studyobserved sustained negative cultures in 88% of patients with M.

massiliense lung disease, compared with 25% of patients with M.

abscessus lung disease.157 Similar results have been reported inother studies.158–161 These differences in treatment outcomes areattributable to differential macrolide susceptibility among mem-bers of the MABC. M. abscessus and M. bolletii display induciblemacrolide resistance conferred by the ribosomal methyl transfer-ase erm(41) gene.162–164 In contrast, M. massiliense strains do notshow inducible resistance because of a large deletion in theerm(41) gene that renders it non-functional.162–164 However, apolymorphism is present at position 28 of erm(41) (T or C) in M.

abscessus.165 The majority of M. abscessus isolates are of the T28sequevar and exhibit inducible macrolide resistance, but 7–18% areof the C28 sequevar and susceptible to macrolides because of lossof function of the erm(41) gene.149,166,167 Thus, both thesequencing of the erm(41) gene of M. abscessus as well as preciseidentification of MABC are important for predicting treatmentoutcomes.149,166,167

None of the commonly used MABC treatment regimens iscategorically safe, well-tolerated, and effective. The prolonged useof parenteral amikacin is limited by nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity.Inhaled amikacin can be considered as it might have lower toxicitythan parenteral therapy, albeit with limited efficacy data.144

Clofazimine, linezolid, bedaquiline, and tigecycline show in vitroactivities against most isolates of MABC, and two-drug combina-tions, such as clofazimine and amikacin, clofazimine andtigecycline, and clofazimine and bedaquiline, exert synergisticeffects.168–174 Treatment with an antibiotic regimen containingtigecycline for >1 month was shown to result in an improvementin >60% of patients with treatment-refractory M. abscessus lungdisease. However, 90% of patients experienced adverse reactions,largely gastrointestinal in nature.175 Bedaquiline as salvagetherapy for advanced M. abscessus lung disease was also shownto result in improvement in six out 10 patients.176 Therefore,experts currently believe that curative therapy is possible only inpatients with limited disease using a combination of surgicalresection and chemotherapy, particularly for M. abscessus lungdisease.177–179 Suppressive therapy using periodic parenteralantibiotics or oral antibiotics to control symptoms and progressionof disease may be appropriate in some patients.6

5.2.3. Mycobacterium kansasii lung disease

Rifampicin is the most important drug for the treatment of M.

kansasii lung disease because it is associated with a high cultureconversion rate and low long-term relapse rate.6 The guidelinestherefore recommend a rifampicin-containing regimen in combi-nation with isoniazid and ethambutol (Table 3).6 This regimen hasshown a high sputum culture conversion rate and a low long-termrecurrence rate. Treatment for this disease is recommended to

continue for at least 12 months after negative sputum conversion.Because antibiotic treatment shows an excellent outcome, surgicalresection is not recommended for this disease. Substitution of anewer macrolide for isoniazid was recently recommended becauseof the efficacy of new macrolides against M. kansasii; the limiteddata on this regimen are encouraging, but additional study isneeded.180,181 Fluoroquinolones may help in the presence ofrifampicin-resistant M. kansasii lung disease.182

5.2.4. Other NTM

M. xenopi infection is commonly associated with underlyinglung conditions such as COPD, and the prognosis is poor.183–185 Therecommended treatment regimen is likely a combination ofclarithromycin, ethambutol, and rifampicin, with or without aninitial course of streptomycin. Moxifloxacin can be substituted forone of the recommended drugs, as guided by drug susceptibilitytesting.6,186 Regarding the treatment of M. malmoense lung disease,previous studies have suggested combination therapy of isoniazid,rifampicin, and ethambutol, with or without fluoroquinolones/macrolides.187,188 Most M. szulgai isolates are susceptible in vitroto many anti-tuberculosis drugs. Treatment with isoniazid,rifampicin, and ethambutol or macrolide, rifampicin, and etham-butol may lead to favorable outcomes without microbiologicalrecurrence.189–191 The optimal antibiotic regimen for Mycobacte-

rium simiae lung disease is unknown. Although combinationtherapy with clarithromycin, ethambutol, and rifampicin issometimes recommended,6 treatment outcomes in M. simiae lungdisease are typically poor due to high rates of resistance to thesedrugs and a likely lack of rifampicin–ethambutol synergy.192–194 Atreatment regimen including both a macrolide and moxifloxacin,and one or two additional drugs based on drug susceptibility testresults, or adding clofazimine to an amikacin-containing regimen,has been suggested recently due to their synergistic activity.169,193

M. scrofulaceum lung disease is associated with old tuberculosisscarring and silicosis,195 and there appears to be no optimaltreatment regimen. Currently, rifampicin, ethambutol, isoniazid,and perhaps macrolides/fluoroquinolones, can be considered withsome guidance from drug susceptibility testing, similar to thesituation for members of the M. simiae complex.6,196

5.3. Surgical therapy

Because the success rates of combination antibiotic treatmentfor NTM lung disease are unsatisfactory, adjuvant surgicalresection could be considered in selected patients with localizedrefractory NTM lung disease who can tolerate the procedure.Although the sputum culture conversion rate among patients whoundergo resection is >90% with acceptable morbidity andmortality rates in many reported series, postoperative complica-tions including bronchopleural fistula have been reported,especially in patients with fibrocavitary NTM pulmonary dis-ease.197–199 The optimal selection criteria, timing, and duration ofpostoperative medical therapy require further evaluation.

6. Epilogue

There remain considerable gaps in our knowledge regarding themanagement of NTM lung disease. Microbiological eradicationusing currently available antibiotic regimens is difficult andmicrobiological recurrence is common even after successfulcompletion of treatment of NTM lung disease. The role of drugsusceptibility testing and therapeutic drug monitoring has notbeen fully established. Discrepancies between in vitro drugsusceptibility and clinical outcomes and the lack of pharmacoki-netic and pharmacodynamic indices for the currently used drugsmake the selection of the optimal antibiotic and determination of

J.E. Stout et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45 (2016) 123–134 131

the appropriate dosage difficult.200,201 The increasing rate ofantibiotic resistance to commonly used drugs for NTM lungdisease, such as macrolides, is a challenging problem.202,203 Thereare currently only limited data on the efficacy of repurposed andnew agents. Perhaps most importantly, our understanding ofpatient-relevant outcomes for the treatment of NTM pulmonarydisease is still quite premature. Given that survival among patientswith NTM pulmonary disease is primarily determined byunderlying comorbidities, rather than by the NTM disease or itstreatment,117,118,204 studies focusing on the impact of NTMpulmonary disease and its treatment on patient function andquality of life are of paramount importance.122 Such data areparticularly relevant given that preliminary work suggests weakassociations between traditional ‘hard’ endpoints such as micro-biological culture conversion and radiographic improvement andpatient-centered endpoints such as quality of life.123,203 To thisend, quality clinical trials focused on such patient-centeredoutcomes are needed to delineate new regimens or approachesin the management of NTM lung diseases.

Ethical approval: Not required.Conflict of interest: Jason E. Stout, no conflicts to declare; Won-

Jung Koh, no conflicts to declare; Wing Wai Yew, no conflicts todeclare.


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