Download - International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

Page 1: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS)

ISSN-2348 –3733, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2016


Abstract— Green sand moulding process is traditional and

common in practice of manufacturing castings. Here, the focus

is made on use of cement, as binder instead of bentonites and

other additives. Number of samples in different compositions of

silica sand, cements,and additives was prepared and tested. The

important technological properties like Permeability, Green

strength and Shatter index were tested. The moulds prepared

with various compositions of cement and bentonites with silica

sand were poured by molten steel . The castings obtained was

inspected and the results shows that the addition of cement and

moisture at appropriate composition with silica sand increases

the surface quality, and reduce the mold defect such as metal

penetration, sand inclusion etc.

Index Terms— Silica sand, Cement, Casting, Bentonite,

Mould, Binder.


The casting process involves the pouring of molten metal into

a mold therefore, the mold material and molding method

must be selected with care. The castings are made in sand

molds because metallic molds cannot be used for ferrous

metals production. Selection of the molding material and its

bonding system depends on the type of metal being poured,

the type of casting being made, the availability of molding

aggregates, the mold and core making equipment owned by

the foundry, and the quality requirements of the customer. A

thorough understanding of all of these factors is

necessary to optimize the molding system used in the

foundry. This article will discuss the various materials used to

produce molds for sand casting. These materials include

sands, clays, and additives[1].

Sand grain represents the coarse particles liberated by the

weathering of rocks. The natured moulding sand occurs as

deposit in various parts of our country such as Kanpur,

Jabalpur, Bhavnagar, Secundrabad, Guntar, Damodar,

Barakar, Burdwan and Jamalpur.[2]

Principle ingredient of moulding sands are Silica sand

grains,Clay(bond) and Moisture. [2]

Steel :-Steel is an iron-base alloy fairly low in carbon content.

All of the carbon in steel is dissolved in the iron so that no

carbon is present as graphite. The outstanding characteristics

of steel castings are their high strength and toughness. With

steel, it is possible to make castings stronger and tougher than

with any other common casting alloy. Steel retains its high

Manuscript received February 18, 2016

Avinaw Pratik, Student Department of Foundry and Forge

Technology,NIFFT Ranchi, India

Ajit Kumar, Student Department of Foundry and Forge

Technology,NIFFT Ranchi, India

strength even up to fairly high temperatures but can become

quite brittle as low temperatures. The main disadvantages of

steel as a casting alloy are: (1) it melts at a high temperature,

(2) has a high shrinkage during solidification, and (3) is

difficult to cast. Except for specially alloyed grades, steel will

rust or corrode and is magnetic. As a general rule, low-carbon

unalloyed steel is harder to cast than high-carbon or alloyed

grades. [3]

Defects in Casting:-

Metal Penetration:- When metal goes in to voids between

the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect,

which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

severe cases the metal may fill in the pores completely or

penetrate to a depth of few sand grains, leading to excessive

fettling time or, in extreme case even in scrapped casting.

Large casting poured with high metalostatic pressure undergo

more severe pouring condition are more prone to penetration

defect. [4]

Dirt inclusion, cuts and washes:-

Sand or dirt inclusion

could be the results of cuts and washes. Cuts and washes are

due to erosion of the sand by metal flowing over the mold or

core surface. These defects may occurs directly in front the

ingate or in other parts of the casting. [5] Erosion Scab: An erosion scab occurs where the molten

metal has been agitated, boiled or has partially eroded away

the sand leaving a solid mass of sand and metal at a particular

spot. Some of the sand that was eroded away generally finds

its way to the cope of the casting as dirt inoculations. [6,7]

Portland Cement:- Cement is a material with adhesive and

cohesive properties which make it capable of bonding

minerals fragments into a compact whole. For constructional

purposes, the meaning of the term "cement" is restricted to

the bonding materials used with stones, sand, bricks, building

stones, etc. The cements of interest in the making of concrete

have the property of setting and hardening under water by

virtue of a chemical reaction with it and are, therefore, called

hydraulic cement. The name "Portland cement" given

originally due to the resemblance of the color and quality of

the hardened cement to Portland stone – Portland island in

England. [8]


Setting refers to a change from a fluid to a rigid stage Cement

+ water → cement paste → lose its plasticity gradually→

when it lose its plasticity completely → setting occurs. The

stages of setting include:

Initial setting

Final setting

Sand Process Control for Steel Casting using

Cement Mould (A Case Study)

Avinaw Pratik, Ajit Kumar

Page 2: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

Sand Process Control for Steel Casting using Cement Mould (A Case Study)


It is important to distinguish setting from hardening, which

refers to the gain of strength of a set cement paste. The two

first to react are C3A and C3S. The setting time of cement

decreases with a rise in temperature. The importance of

setting in concrete works comes from the importance to keep

the fresh concrete in the plastic stage for enough time

necessary to complete its mixing and placing under practical

conditions. But, from the economical side, it is important that

the concrete hardens at convenient period after casting. [9]

There are four main stages during setting. 1) Takes only few minutes after the addition of wate to the

cement. The rate of heat generation is high, due to

wetting of cement particles with water, and the beginning

of hydrolysis and reaction of the cement compounds.

After that the rate decreases to relatively low value.

2) Dormant Period:-

Takes 1-4 hours with relatively low speed.

The initial layer of the hydration begins slowly to

build on the cement particles.

Bleeding and sedimentation appears at this period.

3) Heat of hydration begins to rise again due to the

dissolution of the weak gel layer formed in the

beginning (first) on the surface of C3S crystals – so the

water able to surround the particles surfaces again – and

forming gel of calcium silicates with enough amount to

increase setting.

The activity reach its peak after about 6 hours for

cement paste, with standard consistency, and might

be late for paste with higher w/c ratio.

At the end of the stage, the paste reaches the final

setting stage.

4) Hardening and gain of strength Vicat apparatus – use to

measure the setting time for cement paste. Initial setting

time – refers to the beginning of the cement paste setting.

Final setting time – refers to the beginning of hardening

and gain of strength.

Advantages Of Cement Molding:

Useful bench life (15-20min)

Large size mold.

Good shakeout property.

Large size ferro casting.

Comprative bech life.

CO2, Fesi-less

Cement-10-20 min.

Dicalcium silicate-25-30 min.

Great hardness strength.

Considerable accuracy of mould making.


The main objective of paper is to (1) make sound steel casting

.(2) Study the property of sand. (3) Study the green

compression strength, shear strength, shatter index and

permeability of sand mix using Portland cement as a binder

instead of bentonites. (4) Making mould by using appropriate

composition of both clay (Portland cement, bentonites) and

compare the result by casting of steel.


Steps involved:

(A) Testing of moulding sand.

Clay or A. F. S. clay content.

Moisture content.

Size and distribution.

(B) Preparation of the test specimen.

(C) Evaluating the properties of sand mix.

Green compression strength


Shatter index

Shear index

(D) Melting practice of steel.


Testing of moulding sand:

Clay or A. F. S. clay content:

The material which fails to settle at the rate of 25 mm/

minute is known as clay or AFS clay.

The sample under test is dried and cooled and then 50 gm is

taken into a jar. 475 cc of water and 25 cc of NaOH are added

to make the solution which is added to sand sample. The jar is

sealed and made to rotate at 60 rpm. After about an hour, the

jar is removed and it is filled with water upto 150 mm from

the bottom and the contents is allowed to settle for 10

minutes. Excess water above the level of 125 mm is siphoned

off. This is repeated a number of times allowing only five

minutes to settle. The remaining sand is filtered, dried and

weighed. The difference between this weight and the original

weight gives the weight of clay.

AFS clay includes all particles finer than 20 micron whether

they are clay, silt or organic matters. Thus AFS clay includes

even matter which will not function as clay.

True clay = AFS clay-(wt. of organic matter & moisture)

= silt + dead clay

Moisture content:

a) Heating to 110 C and then difference in weight gives this


b) Moisture teller: chemical reaction between calcium

carbide and moisture generates the acetylene gas and its

pressure is directly calibrated with the % of moisture present

in the sand sample.

Size and distribution

Grain size of foundry sand fall mainly within the range of 0.1

to 1.0 mm. Grain size and distribution of the base sand

influence many properties of moulding mixture. High

Page 3: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS)

ISSN-2348 –3733, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2016


permeability is characteristics of coarse and uniformly

distributed sands while surface finish and low permeability

are characteristics of fine sand. Coarse and uniformly

distributed sand are associated with high flow ability and with

maximum refractoriness.

The grain size of sand is expressed by a number called ―grain

fineness number‖. To measure this, the sample sand which is

washed and dried is placed on a sieve set which contain

several sieve one above the other, having varying but known

number of meshes (mesh size).

The coarsest sieve is kept on the top and finest at the bottom.

Whole set is shaken for a definite length of time. The amount

of sand retained in each sieve is then collected, weighted and

expressed as percentage of the original sample weight. The

percentage collected in each sieve is multiplied by its own

multiplying number- a constant given for each sieve and all

the products are added to get total product.

G. F. N. = Total product / (Total sum of percentage

collected in each sieve)

Preparation of the test specimen

The test specimen used for measuring the physical properties

of sand mix can be cylinder with 2 inch (5.08 cm) dia 2inch

(5.08 cm) (AFS Standard). It was contracted by means of

three blow from (4 lb weight) falling from a height of 2inch

(5.08 cms) on the sand in a container. The appropriate

quantity of sand weighted out and placed in the container.

The container was placed below and rammed head lowered

gently until supported by sand. The handle operating the cam

was turned 3 times with 1 sec interval between the turns.

After the third rams, the top of rammer rod, or red mark

should come between the tolerance mark.

Evaluating the properties of sand mix

Green compression strength:

To determine compression strength of prepared specimens of

green sands and unbaked core sands by applying a

progressively increasing spring load to the specimen until it

collapses. The machine consists of a spring balance and a pair

of self-aligning compression heads all supported in a strong

metal frame. By means of a hand-wheel, a load can be

applied to a sand specimen held in the compression heads, via

the spring balance. The load required to cause the specimen

to collapse is recorded on the dial of the spring balance by

means of as lave pointer which indicates the compression

strength in psi using an AFS 2 inch diameter x2 inch height


Three ranges of spring balance are available for this machine


0-4.5 psi, 0-12.5 psi and 0-31 psi on a 2 inch diameter x 2 inch

height specimen. A sample holder is provided with each

machine to facilitate the positioning of the specimen in the

compression heads and in the case of the low capacity balance

a special sample plate is supplied on to which the specimen

can be stripped directly from the split specimen tube when

dealing with very weak sand mixes.


Permeability is defined by the AFS as that physical property

of moulded sand which allows gas to pass through it. It is

determined by measuring the rate of flow of air through the

AFS standard rammed specimen under a standard pressure.

The general formula for the calculation of permeability may

be expressed as follows :-

Where , P = Permeability number

v = Volume of air in ml passing through the specimen

h = Height of test specimen in cm.

p = Pressure of air in cm of water.

a = Area of cross-section of specimen in cm2

t = Time in seconds.

Since the standard method requires that 2000 ml of air should

be forced through a specimen2 inches (5.08 cm) and 2 inches

diameter (20.268 cm2area), by substituting these values forv,

h, and a, and measuring the time in seconds, the formula

becomes :-

P= 30072/ (air pressure in cm of water x time in sec).

Alternatively, for routine control purposes, calibrated orifices

may be used to meter the rate of flow of air to the sand

specimen and by measuring the pressure between the orifice

and the specimens, the permeability may be obtained by

referring to the attached table or using the transparent direct

reading scale.

Shatter index

Shatter index is measured of toughness of the sand


For testing it standard sand sample(2" × 2") prepared

from the sand mix is weighed and placed on the

anvil of the testing machine. A steel ball of 510 g is

allowed to fall on the sand sample thriugh a standard

heigh. Broken pieces of sand sample is placed on 12

mm mesh sieve.

The amount of sand retained on sieve is weight and

shetter index is expressed as :

Weight of the sand mix retained on the seives ×100

Weight of the standard sand sample taken

It is indicative of the toughness of sand mix i.e high strength

and low deformation . its value can be between 30-90%

Green Shear Strength

(a) Place the shear test heads in the lower position in the

machine, with the head having the half round holder attached

to it in the pusher arm.

(b) Raise the weight arm slightly and insert an AFS standard 2

inch diameter x 2inch height specimen between the heads.

(c) Ensure that the magnetic rider is resting against the pusher

arm and that there is ¼ inch clearance between the rubber

bumper and the lug on the weight arm.

(d) Apply the load uniformly until the specimen shears.

(e) Read the lower edge of the magnetic rider on the scale

designated ―Green Shear‖.

Melting Practice:

2T capacity of induction furnace is used. 14 kg capacity of

ladle was used for taking the melt.

Induction furnace melting practice.

Raw Material: Generally foundry returns such as riser ,

gatings, rejected casting etc. were used as scrap.

Page 4: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

Sand Process Control for Steel Casting using Cement Mould (A Case Study)


Table 1: Specification Of Ferro Alloy used :

FeSi ( low c)

Si 60-65%

C 0.1% max

S 0.05% max

P 0.05% max

Al 1.25% max

Composition Control:

Melt was adjusted by the addition of ferrosilicon ,

ferromagnese and other alloying. After achieving the required

composition the melt temp has raised to about 1620 o C and it

was poured to the ladle .

Ladle Used And Preheating OF Ladle:

14 kg capacity ladle is used. It was lined with basic lining

material i.e Magnesia powder with boric acid . the steel was

made up of mild steel. The ladle was preheated by producer

gas burner for 35 to 45 min to attain temperature of 600 0

C700 0 C.

Deoxidiant addition to ladle:

When the metal has about to tap , the molten metal has taken

into the ladle (about 10 kg). the deoxidant Al and Ca-Si where

added separately, to the each melt in the ladle and mixed

thoroughly to get completely distribution of deoxidant in the

solution . the addition of Al and Ca-Si were carried out in

different ways.

Aluminum addition: after taking melt into the ladle Al

shots were added to the melt and was stirrered.

Calcium silicate addition- at steel making temperature

the Calcium vapour pressure is 1.6 times the

atmospheric pressure . so if the Ca-Si is added in the

same way as Al it won’t mix with metal and the

vapour comes out . to avoid this the Ca-si powder

was kept inside a pipe of 10mm dia and injected into

the ladle. So, that it will be released at the bottom of

the ladle .with this practice good result were


As soon as mixing was over , the molten metal was

poured into the mold. Pouring of metal into molds.


Test performed on Rajmahal sand:

Clay percentage test:

Sample of 50 gm rajmahal sand is being taken and mix with

475ml of distilled water and 25ml Of NaoH . stirrer for 15

min then water is removed by siphon process then put it into

moisture teller for 20 min for dry.

Result- 47.7gm after removing clay.


50-47.7 = 0.046 percentage=.046*100= 4.6%


Sieve analysis:

Table 2: Sieve analysis for rajmahal sand. Sie





S std








% A














1.4 14 .


.8 6 4.


1 18 .


1.4 2.2 9 12


.71 25 2 4 6.2 15 60

.50 35 4


9 15.2 25 22


.35 45 8




31.8 35 58


.25 60 1




63.4 45 14


.18 80 1




87 60 14








11 98 81 89


.09 17




1.4 99.4 118 16








.2 99.6 164 32






.4 100 275 11



Total product of AFS no calculation=5145.4

AFS number = Total product /Total present retained

= 5145.4/100 = 51.45

Page 5: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS)

ISSN-2348 –3733, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2016


Fig 1. Graph between sieve size and product of A

and B in Rajmahal sand.

Fig 2. Graph of percent retained on each sieve

vs. sieve number of Rajmahal sand.

Moisture test :

Sample of 50 gm clay sand taken (rajmahal) put it on hot dry

baking oven for 30 min.

Wt the sample after drying = 49.8 kg


(50-49.8)/50 = .004 = .004*100 = .4%

Test performed on allahabad sand :

Clay percentage test:

Sample of 50 gm allahabad sand is being taken and mix with

475ml of distilled water and 25ml Of NaoH . stirrer for 15

min then water is removed by siphon process then put it into

moisture teller for 20 min for dry.

Result- 48.5gm after removing clay.


(50-48.5)/50 = 0.03 percentage=.03*100= 3%

Sieve analysis:

Table 3: Sieve analysis for Allahabad sand.


Total product of AFS no calculation=4208.84

AFS number= Total product = 4208.84

= 44.2

Total present retained




























1.4 14 .67 1.34 6 8.04

1 18 .2 .4 1.7


9 3.6

.71 25 1.2 2.4 4.1


15 36

.50 35 9.6 19.2 23.


25 480

.35 45 14.


29.8 53.


35 1043

.25 60 7.3 14.6 67.


45 657

.18 80 9.5 19 86.


60 1140



120 3 6 92.


81 486

.09 170 .9 1.8 94.


118 212.




230 .1 .2 94.


164 32.8



.2 .4 95.


275 110

Page 6: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

Sand Process Control for Steel Casting using Cement Mould (A Case Study)


Fig 3. Graph between sieve size and product of A

and B in Allahabad sand.

Fig 4. Graph of percent retained on each sieve vs.

sieve number of Allahabad sand.

Moisture test :

Sample of 50 gm clay sand taken (Allahabad sand) put it on

hot dry baking oven for 30 min.

Wt the sample after drying = 49.7 kg

Calculation: (50-49.7)/50 = .006 = .006*100 = .6%

Since Allahabad sand GFN is less than 50 and for steel

casting the GFN no should be more than 50 is required and

the refractoriness of Allahabad sand is less than rajmahal

sand and GFN no of rajmahal sand is 51.45 so we choose

rajmahal sand for the sand mix testing.

Table 4. Effect on Green compression strength with varying

percentage of moisture and cement.

Fig 5: Green Compression strength vs.

percentage of moisture.

Fig 6: Green Compression strength vs. percentage

of cement.

Effect of moisture and clay content on the molding



ge of


Green compression

strength (kpa)

Percentage of cement

3 4 5 6 7 8

2 310 311 365 414 328 358

3 281 310 371 418 395 396

4 273 290 352 413 356 385

5 233 284 321 363 356 391

6 180 232 262 333 341 352

7 121 200 242 296 312 313

Page 7: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS)

ISSN-2348 –3733, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2016


It can be observed from the figure that with the increase of

moisture content the green compressive strength increases

and reaches maximum value. However the further increase of

moisture decrease the strength.Clay acquire its bonding

action only in the presence of requisite amount of water when

The water is added to clay ,it penetrates into the mixture and

forms microfilm which coats the surface of each flake. the

molecules of water forming this film are not in original fluid

state but in a fixed and a definite position. The rigid coating

of grains may be forced together, causing a wedging action

and thus developing strength. The bonding Quality of the clay

depends on the maximum thickness of film it can maintain as

the moisture content increased, the water film become thicker

and the layers midway between the flakes become more

plastic at certain water, content, the randomly oriented water

particles produce clay with maximum stickiness or bond, up

to certain addition of water the clay flakes receive water

films. Creating on atmospheric gel firmly holding the sand

grain, creating the bond or adhesion and help to develop the

strength for the molding sand when rammed in the molding

box. Any further addition of water will not strengthen the

micro-coating, but will create loosening of bond there by

weakening it. Presence of much water causes excessive

plasticity and too little water fails to develop adequate

strength and plasticity. Thus it essential to control the water

addition to close limit. The correct amount of water which

gives the peak compressive strength to the sand mix is called

tamper water.

Table 5. Effect on Shatter index with varying percentage

of cement and moisture.


age of


Shatter index

Percentage of cement

3 4 5 6 7 8

2 81.3 82.2 84.1 85.9 81.2 80

3 80.2 82 83.9 85.3 84.3 83.1

4 79.3 81 81.2 87.2 84 84.3

5 77.4 79.3 79.2 82.1 83.7 86.3

6 77.1 78.4 78 81.2 78 84.3

7 76 77.2 77.6 78.6 75 80.2

Fig 7. Shatter index vs. percentage of moisture.

Fig 8. Shatter index vs. percentage of cement.

Effect of Moisture and Clay On Shatter index:

The effect of moisture and clay content on the shatter index of

molding sand mix. It can observed from the fig that the

shatter index increases with the moisture and clay content.

This implies that the amount of work necessary to break a

sand specimen increases with the moisture and clay content

with in the practical work limit.

Table 6. Effect on shear strength with varying percentage of

moisture and cement.

Page 8: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

Sand Process Control for Steel Casting using Cement Mould (A Case Study)


Fig 9. Shear strength vs percentage of cement.

Fig 10. Shear strength vs percentage of moisture.

Table 7. Effect on permeability with varying percentage of

moisture and cement.


age of



Percentage of


3 4 5 6 7 8















































































Fig 11. Permeability vs percentage of cement.

Fig 12. permeability vs percentage of moisture.

Excessive moisture not only reduce the bond strength but

create problem to lower permeability, since the presence of

excessive clay and water closes the molds between the sand

grain by filling them. For given clay percentage permeability

of the sand mix increases with the increase of water content,

attains a maximum and subsequently decrease on further

increase in water . The permeability of sand mix is highest

when the clay particles absorbed that quantity of moisture

which imparts to them maximum stiffness so that they hold

sand grain furthest apart when sand is rammed. This

condition exits when the sand is at correct temper.

Page 9: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS)

ISSN-2348 –3733, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2016


Table 8. Effect on Green compression Strength with varying

percentage of moisture and cement after 1hr.

Fig 13. Green compression strength vs percentage of

moisture after 1 hr.

Fig 14. Green compression strength vs percentage of cement

after 1 hr.

Table 9. Effect on Shatter index with varying percentage of

moisture and cement after 1hr.




Shatter index (after 1hr)

Percentage of cement

3 4 5 6 7 8

2 83.4 85.6 84.2 80 79.2 79.4

3 85.2 88.2 84.4 84.3 80.2 76

4 87.3 81.4 90.3 91.6 86 84.3

5 82.4 83.2 92.3 90.2 83.7 85.3

6 76.8 78.4 88.7 82.3 78 76

7 74.4 77.2 76.3 78.2 75 71.3

Fig 15. Shatter index vs percentage of moisture after 1 hr.

Fig 16. Shatter index vs percentage of moisture after 1 hr.




Green compression

strength (kpa) (after 1 hr)


of cement

3 4 5 6 7 8

2 316 331 379 365 345 323

3 292 321 368 392 370 352

4 284 296 356 482 373 358

5 272 271 321 472 414 421

6 211 235 285 338 395 413

7 198 215 262 287 348 384

Page 10: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

Sand Process Control for Steel Casting using Cement Mould (A Case Study)


Table 10. Effect on shear strength with varying percentage of

moisture and cement after 1hr.




Shear strength(kpa) (after 1 hr)

Percentage of cement

3 4 5 6 7 8

2 78 79 81 83 73 74

3 81 86.2 88 84 83 88

4 84 90.6 94 98 81 85

5 76 84 83 82 76 79

6 77 79 80 75 74 77

7 65 63 77 72 68 71

Fig 17. Shear strength vs percentage of moisture after 1 hr.

Fig 18. Shear strength vs percentage of cement after 1 hr.

Table 11: Varying percentages of cement, moisture and

sodium silicate.

Sample A B C D E F

Cement% 4 5 6 7 8 9

Moisture% 0 1 2 3 4 5



.8 1 1 2 3 3

Green strength


10 43 48 52 54 32

Shatter index


77 75 73 70 68 65




135 133 124 112 100 92

Fig 19. Graph showing effect of cement, Moisture and sod.

Silicate on green strength.

Fig 20. Graph shows the effect of moisture ,sod .silicate on

green strength ,shatter index and green permeability.

Fig 21. Effect of moisture, cement and sod. silicate on


Table 12: Cement Mold using Sodium Silicate

Cement 8% Sod silicate 4%

Moisture 3%

Sand (rajmahal) 40 kg

Mulling time 6 min

Page 11: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS)

ISSN-2348 –3733, Volume-3, Issue-2, February 2016


Fig .22 Sample of cement mold using sod. silicate.

Table 13: Cement Mold without Sodium Silicate

Cement 6%

Moisture 4%

Sand (rajmahal) 40 kg

Mulling time 6 min

Fig .23 Sample of cement mold using Rajmahal


Fig 24. Cement mold casting sample after


Table 14: Cement Mold using Allahabad sand.

Cement 6%

Moisture 4%

Sand (Allahabad) 40 kg

Mulling time 6 min

Fig 25. Sample of cement mold using Allahabad


Fig 26. Bentonite Mold Casting sample (Failure

occur At Time of Machining

Page 12: International Journal of Engineering, Management ... · the sand grains, it creates metal penetration.This is a defect, which causes casting surface to become rough, some times In

Sand Process Control for Steel Casting using Cement Mould (A Case Study)


Fig 27. Cement Mold and Bentonite Mold for gear


Fig28.Gear made in bentonites mold.

Fig 29. Gear made in cement mold


1) By graph we found that at 6% of cement and 4% of

moisture the Green Compression Strength , shatter index

and permeability is better.

2) Making the mold of composition of 6% cement and 4%

moisture in Allahabad and Rajmahal sand gives better

surface finish less sand fusion take place with respect to

bentonites mould of composition 6% of 4% of moisture.

3) 8% cement, 3% moisture, 4 % sodium silicate is not much

better in comparison to 6% cement ,and 4% moisture

giving 20 min setting time.

4) Fettling done easily in case of cement mold when gear

manufactured .

5) Tooth of gear do not break in case of cement mold but in

case of bentonites it breaks.


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Avinaw Pratik- M.Tech. (Foundry-Forge Technology) from NIFFT Ranchi

in 2013 and B.Tech (Mechanical ) from RVSCET Jamshedpur. Paper


(1) ―Effect of section thickness on

microstructure and hardness of grey

iron‖Published in IJERT Vol. 3

Issue 7, July – 2014 .

(2) ―Multi- Objective Optimization of

Forging of an Automotive

Component‖ published in IJEMS

(Allied Journal) Volume-2, Issue-1,

January 2015.

Ajit Kumar-M.Tech. (Foundry-Forge

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(1) ―Effect of section thickness on

microstructure and hardness of

grey iron‖Published in IJERTVol.

3 Issue 7, July –2014

(2) ―Multi- Objective Optimization of

Forging of an Automotive

Component‖ published in IJEMS

(Allied Journal) Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2015.

(3) ―Mechanical properties and structural evolution during Warm

Forging of Carbon Steel‖ published in IJEDR Volume 3, Issue
