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International Business Communication

Global Bridge Communications. LLC

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Prepare For International Business Meetings.

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Be respectful of the culture.

Bridge the communication gap.

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Asian and European Communication

Use the last name till invited to use first.

Dark suites with light color shirts.

Greet with and shake. Have knowledge of

history for small talk. When giving gifts they

should only be professional.

Read business cards before you put them away

Slight bow in Asian countries , but in China slight nod with your head.

The person who invites you to dinner pays.

Alcohol is dunk, and they will test your limits.


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Mexico and Middle Eastern Communication

Men should not wear jewelry.

Women should avoid pants, and should wear baggy concealed cloths.

Only use the first name if you know the person.

Most businesses are closed during the 5 prayer times.

Don’t change the topic unless invited to.

Eye contact should not be common, avoid looking at other too intently.

Arriving on time is not important, however they expect Americans to arrive on time since it is their culture.

Providing food is a show of respect and friendship.

Invitations to meals are common but seldom is business talked about.


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Implications Cultural differences have on business communications.

With all the cultural and religious differences we face as we start to look at globalization of our businesses how can we prepare thisunavoidable direction? Effective use of cross cultural teams can provide a source of experience and innovating thinking to enhance the competitive position of organizations.  

Research the business and its countries culture you are looking to partner with.

Be ready to apologize if you offend someone.

Be ready for change.

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How should you prepare

With so many cultures their practices and beliefs how can one prepare for a career in the International Business filed.

Take classes such as Cultural Anthropology, Humanities, World Religion, and Global Economics along with core business classes.

Americans are known to be loud, but try match the tone of our foreign partners.

Embrace the differences between cultures. While most countries business partners are fluent in

English, it is important to try and learn some of the partnering countries native language. Saying hello like: 您好 (Ní hǎo), Bonjour, Hola, नमस्का�र (Namaskāra), こんにちは (Kon'nichiwa) can go a long way in creating a partnership.