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Lecture 07

Motivation, Personality, Lifestyles

and Emotion

Internal influences

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Source: Quester et al., (2014), Consumer Behaviour: implications for marketing strategy 7th ed, McGraw-Hill Education, page 26

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Learning objectives

• Understand the nature of motivation

• Understand some theories of motivation

• Be aware of how marketers can appeal to

consumers’ motives

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Emotion 3

Learning objectives

• Understand the underlying aspects of the

theories of personality

• Understand the relationship of personality

to marketing

• Be aware of how emotions can be used in

marketing strategies

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Learning objectives

• The nature of emotions

• Types of emotions

• Emotion and marketing strategy

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Emotion 5

The nature of motivation


• The energising force that activates or

triggers behaviour

• Provides purpose, direction and drive to

that behaviour

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Theories of motivation

• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

• McGuire’s psychological motives

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Emotion 7

Physiological Needs (food, water, air, shelter, sex)

Safety and Security Needs (protection, order, stability)

Social Needs (affection, friendship, belonging)

Ego Needs (prestige, status, self-esteem)

Self-Actualisation (self-fulfillment)

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

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Ví dụ: Nhãn hiệu

NIP Model (Nhu cầu – Thu nhập – Sản phẩm)

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McGuire’s psychological motives

• Cognitive preservation motives

• Cognitive growth motives

• Affective growth motives

• Affective preservation motives

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Emotion 11

Motivation research techniques

• Association techniques – Word association/Successive word association

• Completion techniques – Sentence completion/Story completion

• Construction techniques – Cartoon techniques

– Third-person techniques

– Picture techniques

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Discovering purchase motives

Manifest motives

Latent motives

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Emotion 14

Latent and manifest motives

• Manifest motives

– Motives that are known and freely admitted

• Latent motives

– Motives that are either unknown to the

individual or are such that the individual is

very reluctant to admit them

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Latent and manifest motives in a

purchase situation

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Emotion 16

Source: Quester et al., (2014), Consumer Behaviour: implications for marketing strategy 7th ed, McGraw-Hill Education, page 307

Marketing strategies

based on motivation conflict

• Approach–approach motivational conflict

– A choice between two attractive alternatives

• Approach–avoidance

– Consumer faces both positive and negative


• Avoidance–avoidance

– Consumer faces two undesirable alternatives

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The nature of personality


• refers to those relatively long-lasting personal

qualities that describe how individuals respond

to the world around them

• Characteristics based on consumers to be

categorised into different groups

– Psychographics/lifestyle segmentation

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Emotion 18

Personality (cont.)

• Individual personality theories

– Sigmund Freud

– Neo-Freudians

– Trait theory

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The five-factor model of personality

Core trait Manifestation

Extroversion Prefer to be in a group than alone, talkative, bold

Instability Moody, temperamental, touchy

Agreeableness Sympathetic, kind, polite

Openness to experience Imaginative, appreciative of art, find novel solutions

Conscientiousness Careful, precise, efficient

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Emotion 20

The use of personality in marketing

• Brand personality

– A set of human characteristics that become

associated with a brand

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Dimensions of brand personality

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Emotion 22

Source: Quester et al., (2014), Consumer Behaviour: implications for marketing strategy 7th ed, McGraw-Hill Education, page 314

The nature of lifestyle

• Lifestyle is the expression of the

individual’s situation, life experiences,

values, attitudes and expectations

• It is defined simply as how the individual


• ‘Lifestyle’ has been used interchangeably

with the term ‘psychographics’

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Determinants of lifestyle

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Source: Quester et al., (2014), Consumer Behaviour: implications for marketing strategy 7th ed, McGraw-Hill Education, page 403

Continuum for lifestyle measurements Lifestyle measurements can be constructed with varying degrees of specificity.

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Source: Quester et al., (2014), Consumer Behaviour: implications for marketing strategy 7th ed, McGraw-Hill Education, page 405

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Several components of AIO questionnaires

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Source: Quester et al., (2014), Consumer Behaviour: implications for marketing strategy 7th ed, McGraw-Hill Education, page 405

VALS Lifestyle System

3/10/2018 27

Source: Quester et al.,

(2014), Consumer

Behaviour: implications

for marketing strategy

7th ed, McGraw-Hill

Education, page 407

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The 8 psychographic segments of VALS

• Innovators

• Thinkers and Believers: ideals motivated

• Achievers and Strivers: achievement


• Experiencers and Makers: self-expression


• Survivors


704003 - Demographics, lifestyles,

Household structure and consumption



The nature of emotions

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Source: Quester et al., (2014), Consumer Behaviour: implications for marketing strategy 7th ed, McGraw-Hill Education, page 316

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Types of emotional states

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Emotion 30

Emotions and marketing strategy

• Emotion arousal as a product benefit

– Sad movies

– Disney World

• Emotion reduction as a product benefit

– Retail therapy

– Flowers

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Emotions in advertising

• Humour, disgust, children, and pets have

been used in order to get noticed and

evoke a response from consumers

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Emotion 32

Topics covered in this lecture

• The nature, theories of motivation

• How marketers can appeal to consumers’


• The underlying aspects of the theories of


• The nature, types of lifestype

• How emotions can be used in marketing


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Next lecture

• Lecture 08: Social influences:

Demographics, Household, Reference

group and Social class

• Case study:

– The Mickey Mouse aura (p. 366)

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Emotion 34