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Internal Customer Personas

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Because of her lack of marketing experience and time, she does not have the energy or capacity to research everything that she needs to know about marketing her business. Marketing feels like an overwhelming, intimidating process to achieve by herself. In addition, Bianca has been in the workforce for a decade or more and has developed her own expertise within her specific field, and marketing is not her strong suit. She knows this, and so, she seeks consistent, easy-to-understand and implement, education to teach her the foundational concepts. Ultimately, she wants to create a meaningful brand that brings her joy, is authentic to her vision, and she wants to be able to clearly communicate what she does to the right audience.

How do we know all of this about Bianca?

A little bit more about Bianca...

Because we have personally talked with hundreds of female founders/entrepreneurs and heard from them first hand what their biggest branding and marketing challenges are. Of course, there are plenty more challenges and information about Bianca that we could have listed here, but for the purposes of this document , these are the major highlights.

Primary Membership Persona - Bianca Johnson

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Secondary Lucy Lab Persona - Leena Davis

Bianca loves the community and the pace of going through the courses and materials on her own time. Leena likes the community too, but desires a tighter structure and RESULTS at a faster pace. Their pain points though are very much the same with the biggest di�erentiator being their intent and pace.

How is she di�erent from Bianca?

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A little bit more about Leena...

All of Leena’s friends and general network know her as the lady boss, she gets shit done. She is a no nonsense type of gal who believes when there's a will, there’s a way, and if not, she will make a way, she is THAT driven. She is a well respected professional who is not unfamiliar with hard work and using her savviness to get shit done. Leena is at a place in her life where she is ready to invest resources and time into her business. She is long past the point of questioning if should she start her own business - Or - Should she begin marketing her brand? She knows what she wants and is committed to delivering on those expectations she has for herself and business.

Leena is not a marketing and branding guru and she is aware that while this is not her strength, it is critical to the success of her business. What sets her apart is that she has the will and drive to learn everything she can about the subject. Leena seeks a curated, high-impact, program (like our Lucy Lab Marketing Accelerator) that will tell her exactly what she has to do and give her the tools and resources she needs to do it. She is particular when selecting this accelerator, as she expects the program she chooses to be nothing short of excellent. As such, she is willing to pay a premium price for this experience. She also seeks to have direct access to her coach/mentor so that they can hold her accountable. In turn, that intrinsically holds her to doing what she has set out to do. She is not in the business of letting her goals slip away from her and has a deep desire to see her business become what she knows it can be.

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Everything we do centers around the needs of these two personas. At the heart of it, we are here to empower,

educate and serve the Leenas and Biancas of our world.

Sohuis has now grown our community and worked with many di�erent kinds of women with various types of businesses. We have received specific feedback and gathered data that suggests we have many women who are our primary persona, Bianca. But as we've grown, we’ve noticed we also have women who are working at a faster rate and who are ready for a more curated, exclusive membership experience alongside their asynchronous learning from the Sohuis brand. Here enters Lenna. Lenna wants Jessica as a one on one mentor and marketing coach, and they are ready to take their business soaring. She does not just want a community or guidance, which she also values, but she is looking for a plan of action to execute and deliver on, right now and not in 1 year or even 6 months.

How do we know all of this about Leena?