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Interior Design Tips the Pros Use

Whether you are planning to put your home on the market, or just want to add some style and improve your living space, the concepts of interior design will serve you well. Interior design is a profession as well as a discipline, and it refers to using both creative and technical solutions to enhance an interior space.

The way that interior designers are able to completely transform a room might make them seem more like magicians, but they do follow a process that helps make such transformations possible.

Set a BudgetThis may seem like a given, but it’s

surprising how many people create a vision without even thinking about money and then spend a lot more than they’d like. Before you make any purchases or create a detailed plan of the work you want to do, set a budget. Make your budget realistic for your situation, and if possible leave a little wiggle room in case you have some extras to buy near the end of the project.

Set Some GoalsIt may be tempting to run out and start

buying fabrics and colors to match the images in your mind, but you have to get yourself organized. A professional interior designer knows that setting some design goals is the key to seeing your vision turn into reality.

Keeping your budget in mind, make a list of the specific goals that you want to accomplish. Your budget may not allow you to complete everything you want to do, and if that’s the case, prioritize your list. This way, you’ll at least get to the top few goals before you run out of money.

Many interior designers like to follow the 60-30-10 rule, which states 60% of the room should be designed in the dominant color, 30% in a secondary color and 10% of the room in an accent color.

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Gather SamplesOnce you have a budget and a have set goals, it’s time

to visit a few home design stores and showrooms. Look for samples of fabric, paint, tile, upholstery, carpet and window treatments. Get as many samples as you can, and then bring them home with you.

Make some notes about how each sample looks at various times of the day, in different lighting.

Keep in mind, that if you want your space to seem big and open, opt for softer colors like cream, gray and beige. Also, keep the ceiling color lighter than all other aspects in the room.

If you’d like the room to fill smaller, look for strong colors for the floor and walls to help draw them in toward one another.

Pin It UpAnother important tip that the pros use

before going out and making big purchases is to ensure all of the fabrics, colors, patterns and pieces work together. Nothing would be worse than to think you have everything you want, only to find out that two or more items don’t work together once you’re finished.

Make yourself a design board and arrange everything on it so you can get a true sense of whether they work together or not. Take a little time to let it all sink in, and ask yourself if you’re going to be comfortable with these patterns and colors in your living space. Don’t be afraid to mix and match the colors a little, to help make the space a little more vibrant. It’s also a good idea to check back with your goals to make sure you’re still on track.

Check the LightsBefore you blow your whole budget on

fabrics, paint, carpets, etc; it’s wise to consider your lighting. The lighting in the room can completely change the look and feel of your design job, so don’t just assume everything will work out with what you have.

Explore the different lighting options and how they will project light onto the colors you’ve chosen for your redesign. In some cases, you may be fine with what you have, but it’s definitely a good idea to check it out.

If you want the space to seem bigger than it is, look for a soft and even source of light that eliminates shadows, and try to stay away from ceiling lights because they’ll make the ceiling seem lower than it is.

If you want the feeling of a cozier space, use directed light that will create shadows and try out the ceiling lights you were avoiding when making the room appear larger.

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Make a Floor PlanAs a way to find that perfect balance and make

sure everything fits well, professional designers make a floor plan. You can use designer software or just use a simple pencil and paper, if you prefer.

Sketch out where you want each piece in the room to go, and which colors are to go where. If you don’t already know, measuring out the square footage so you’ll know exactly how much paint, carpet and other supplies you’ll need to buy. The square footage also helps you determine if new pieces of furniture will actually fit into the room.

Find a Point of InterestMost professional designers like to create a

singular point of interest that’s intended for people to notice as soon as they walk into the room. The point of interest might be a design on a carpet, a piece of furniture or a special piece of artwork.

Sometimes, more than one point of interest is used, but you have to use caution, because too many will make the room look cluttered and too busy.

Hire a DesignerWhile some people really do have a natural

talent for interior design, most do not. If you are one of the lucky ones, following the tips above will help you get organized and turn your vision into reality.

For the majority who can’t seem to get a handle on the actual design part, hiring a professional is always a good choice. Many people aren’t interested in spending the extra money, but a lot of the time you’ll end up spending more through your mistakes if you try and go it alone. Every homeowner definitely has the choice, but sometimes deferring to an expert just makes sense.

If you do choose to hire a professional, approach it like you would if you were hiring any other professional that was coming into your home to do work. Ask for recommendations from people you know, ask around at different retail design places or look online.

Once you’ve found a designer that has the credentials you like and fits your budget, communication is the most important thing. You must be able to accurately describe your thoughts and visions, so the designer can make it a reality. Take advantage of his or her expertise and ask for opinions, but also look through magazines and online to find examples of what you want.

Answer all of the questions as honestly and accurately as possible, and before you know it you’ll have the space you’ve always dreamed of having.