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  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    25 Nov 2015 STORYBOARD

    Data center network designmoves from tree to leaf

    Leaf-spine designs are pushing out the hierarchical tree data center

    networking model, thanks to the popularity of Ethernet fabric


    Explained: Leaf-spine data center network


    The old data centernetwork designshould make like a tree and leaf.

    For many years,data center networkshave been built in layers that, when

    diagrammed, suggest a hierarchical tree. As this hierarchy runs up against

    limitations, a new model is taking its place.

    In the hierarchical tree data center, the bottom of the tree is

    theaccesslayer, where hosts connect to the network.

    The middle layer is theaggregation,ordistribution, layer, to which the

    access layer is redundantly connected. The aggregation layer provides

    connectivity to adjacent access layer switches and data center rows, and in

    turn to the top of the tree, known as thecore
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    The core layer provides routing services to other parts of the data center, as

    well as to services outside of the data center such as the Internet,

    geographically separated data centers and other remote locations.

    This model scales somewhat well, but it is subject to bottlenecks if uplinks

    between layers are oversubscribed. This can come from latency incurred as

    traffic flows through each layer and from blocking of redundant links

    (assuming the use of thespanning tree protocol, STP).

    Leaf-spine data center architectures

    Inmodern data centers, an alternative to the core/aggregation/access layer

    network topology has emerged known asleaf-spine. In a leaf-spine

    architecture, a series ofleafswitches form the access layer. These

    switches are fully meshed to a series ofspineswitches.

    The mesh ensures that access-layer switches are no more than one hop

    away from one another, minimizing latency and the likelihood of bottlenecks

    between access-layer switches. When networking vendors speak of

    anEthernet fabric, this is generally the sort of topology they have in mind.
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    Leaf-spine architectures can belayer 2orlayer 3, meaning that the links

    between the leaf and spine layer could be eitherswitchedorrouted. In

    either design, all links are forwarding; i.e., none of the links are blocked,

    since STP is replaced by other protocols.

    In a layer 2 leaf-spine architecture, spanning-tree is most often replaced

    with either a version ofTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links(Trill)

    orshortest path bridging(SPB). Both Trill and SPB learn where all hosts areconnected to the fabric and provide a loop-free path to their Ethernet MAC

    addresses via a shortest path first computation.

    Brocade's VCS fabric and Cisco's FabricPath are examples of proprietary

    implementations of Trill that could be used to build a layer 2 leaf-spine

    topology. Avaya's Virtual Enterprise Network Architecture can also build a

    layer 2 leaf-spine but instead implements standardized SPB.

    In a layer 3 leaf-spine, each link is a routed link.Open Shortest Path Firstis

    often used as the routing protocol to compute paths between leaf and spine

    switches. A layer 3 leaf-spine works effectively when network virtual local

    area networks are isolated to individual leaf switches or when a network

    overlay is employed.

    Network overlays such as VXLAN are common in highly virtualized, multi-tenant environments such as those found at Infrastructure as a Service
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    providers. Arista Networks is a proponent of layer 3 leaf-spine designs,

    providing switches that can also act as VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints.

    The merits of white box switching

    Modern infrastructures are based on commodity, non-proprietary hardware.

    People have used commodity servers for a long time, but now we are

    seeing commodity switching gear too, on which we layer open network

    operating systems. This is a promising area, writes Ethan Banks in "Why

    White Box Switching?" An offshoot of software defined networking, "white

    box switching might survive on its own merits -- even if SDN falls by the


    Modern infrastructures run on open source software, finds Ed Scannell in

    "Opening Up to Open Source." The reasons for today's surge of open

    source projects aren't the same as yesterday's -- whereas open source

    used to be about saving money, now it's about exploiting "the latest Web-

    based technologies for mobile, cloud and analytics platforms."

    What makes one infrastructure "modern" and another not so much? That is

    continually up for debate, but there are definitely some common themes.

    Read on to learn more.

    The case for a leaf-spine data

    center topology

    Three-layer network designs are last season's topology. The leaf-

    spine model is coming in hot, but can the advantages made data

    center designers forget about the weaknesses?

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    Three-layer designs arefalling out of favorin modern data center networks,

    despite their ubiquity and familiarity. What's taking over? Leaf-spine


    As organizations seek to maximize the utility and utilization of their

    respective data centers, there's been increased scrutiny of mainstream

    network topologies. "Topology" is the way in which network devices are

    interconnected, forming a pathway that hosts follow to communicate with

    each other.

    The standard network data center topology was a three-layer architecture:

    theaccess layer, where users connect to the network; the aggregation

    layer, where access switches intersect; and the core, where aggregation

    switches interconnect to each other and to networks outside of the data



    The traditional, three-layer network design

    The design of this model provides a predictable foundation for a data center

    network. Physically scaling the three-layer model involves identifying port

    density requirements and purchasing an appropriate number of switches for

    each layer. Structured cabling requirements are also predictable, as

    interconnecting between layers is done the same way across the datacenter. Therefore, growing a three-layer network is as simple as ordering
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    more switches and running more cable against well-known capital and

    operational cost numbers.

    Why three-layer falls short

    Yet there are many reasons that network architects explore new data center


    Perhaps the most significant is the change in data center traffic patterns. Most

    network traffic moves along a north-south line--hosts are communicating with

    hosts from other segments of the network. North-south traffic flows down the

    model for routing service, and then ack up to reach its destination. Meanwhile,

    hosts within the same network segment usually connect to the same switch,

    keeping their traffic off the network interconnection points.

    !owever, inmodern data centers, compute and storage infrastructures alterations

    change the predominant network traffic patterns from north-south to east-west.

    "neast-west traffic flows, network segments are spread across multiple access

    switches, re#uiring hosts to traverse network interconnection points. $t least two

    ma%or trends have contriuted to this east-west phenomenon& 'onvergence and


    'onvergence& )torage traffic often shares the same physical network as application

    traffic. )torage traffic occurs etween hosts and arrays that are in the same network

    segment, logically right next to each other.

    *irtuali(ation& $s "T continues to virtuali(e physical hostsinto virtual

    machines+*M, the aility to move workloads easily has ecome a mainstream,

    normative function. *Ms move from physical host to physical host within a

    network segment.

    unning east-west traffic through a network data center topology that was

    designed for north-south trafficcauses oversuscriptionof interconnection links

    etween layers. "f hosts on one access switch need to communicate at a high speed
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    with hosts attached to another access switch, the uplinks etween the access layer

    and aggregation ecome a potential--and proale--congestion point. Three-tier

    network designs often exacerate the connection issue. ecause spanning-tree

    locks redundant links to prevent loops, access switches with dual uplinks are onlyale to use one of the links for a given network segment.

    $dding more andwidth etween the layers in the form of faster inter-switch links

    helps overcome congestion in the three-layer model scale, ut only to a point. The

    prolems with host-to-host east-west traffic don/t occur one conversation at a time.

    "nstead, hosts talk to other hosts all over the data center at any given time, all the

    time. )o whileadding andwidthfacilitates these conversations, it/s only part of the


    A new topology in town

    The rest of the answer is to add switches at the layer elow the access layer, and

    then spread the links from the access layer to the next, across the network. This

    topology is a leaf-spine. $ leaf-spine design scales hori(ontally through theaddition of spine switches, which spanning-tree deployments with a traditional

    three-layer design cannot do.

    This is similar to the traditional three-layer design, %ust with more switches in the

    spine layer. "n a leaf-spine topology, all links are used to forward traffic, often

    using modern spanning-tree protocol replacements such asTransparent

    "nterconnection of 0ots of 0inks+T"00 or)hortest Path ridging+)P. T"00

    and )P provide forwarding across all availale links, while still maintaining a

    loop-free network topology, similar to routed networks.
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    $ small leaf-spine network

    The advantages of leaf-spine

    0eaf-spine topologies are now the de facto standard --it/s difficult to find a design

    other than leaf-spine among vendors/ various 1thernet faric designs. There are

    good reasons for this--leaf-spine has several desirale characteristics that play into

    the hands ofnetwork designerswho need to optimi(e east-west traffic&

    All east-west hosts are equidistant.0eaf-spine widens the access and aggregation

    layers. $ host can talk to another host on any other leaf switch and know that the

    traffic will only traverse the ingress leaf switch, spine switch and egress leaf

    switch. $s a result, applications running over this network infrastructure will

    ehave predictaly, which is a key feature for organi(ations running multi-tiered

    2e applications,high-performance computing clustersor high-fre#uency trading.

    Leaf-spine uses all interconnection links.The traditional three-layer design uses

    spanning-tree, a loop prevention protocol. $s mentioned earlier, spanning-tree

    detects loops, and then lock links forming the loop. This means that dual-homed

    access switches only use one of their two uplinks. Modern alternatives such as )P

    and T"00 allow all links etween leaf and spine to forward traffic, allowing the

    network to scale as traffic grows.

    It supports fixed configuration switches.3ixed configuration switches ship witha specific numer of ports, compared with chassis switches, which feature modular
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    slots that can e filled with line cards to meet port density re#uirements. 'hassis

    switches tend to e costlycompared to fixed configuration switches. ut chassis

    switches are necessary in traditional three-layer topologies where large numers of

    switches from one layer connect to two switches at the next layer. 0eaf-spineallows for interconnections to e spread across a large numer of spine switches,

    oviating the need for massive chassis switches in some leaf-spine designs. 2hile

    chassis switches can e used in the spine layer, many organi(ations are finding a

    cost savings in deploying fixed-switch spines.

    0eaf-spine is currently the favored design for data center topologies of almost any

    si(e. "t is predictale, scalale and solves the east-west traffic prolem. $ny

    organi(ation whose "T infrastructure is moving towards convergence and high

    levels of virtuali(ation should evaluate a leaf-spine network topology in their data


    The cons of leaf-spine

    0eaf-spine isn/t without shortcomings. 4ne drawack is that the high switch countto gain the re#uired scale. 0eaf-spine topologies in the data center need to scale up

    to the point that they can support the physical hosts that connect to them. The

    larger the numer of leaf switches needed to uplink all of the physical hosts, the

    wider the spine needs to e to accommodate them.

    $ spine can only extend to a certain point efore either the spine switches are out

    of ports and unale to interconnect more leaf switches, or the oversuscription rate

    etween the leaf and spine layers is unacceptale. "n general, a 5&6

    oversuscription rate etween leaf and spine layer is deemed acceptale. 3or

    example, 78 hosts connecting to the leaf layer at 69:ps use a potential maximum

    of 789:ps. "f the leaf layer connects to the spine layer using 7 79:ps uplinks,

    the interconnect andwidth is 6;9:ps, for an oversuscription ratio of 5&6.

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    4versuscription etween network layers

    0eaf-spine networks also have significant caling re#uirements. The numer of

    cales re#uired etween the leaf and spine layer increases with the addition of a

    spine switch. The wider the spine, the more interconnects are re#uired. The

    challenge for data center managers is structuring caling plants to have sufficient

    fier optic strands to interconnect the layers. $lso, interconnecting switches do(ens

    of meters apart re#uiresexpensive optical modules, adding to the overall cost of a

    leaf-spine deployment. 2hile there are udget-priced copper modules useful for

    short distances, optical modules are necessary and a significant cost in modern data


    Modern data center strategy:

    Design, hardware and IT'schanging role

    Newer data centers look far different than they did just a decade

    ago, and strategies for design and style continue to shift under the

    weight of big data, cloud computing, mobility and other technology

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    Data center strategy for a hybrid environment

    'ompanies now use the pulic cloud as an extension of their own data center, mixing pulic and private clouds

    with colocation and on-premises "T to ecome as efficient as possile.'ontinue eading


    Meet tomorrow's computing demands with new technologies

    2e-scale "T organi(ations reap efficiency, agility and performance enefits over typical enterprise operations.

    "t/s time to change that.'ontinue eading


    Start with cloud, SDN and virtualization to modernize your data


    'loud computing, flash storage, software-defined networks +)

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    What's driving the DevOps movement?


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    The latest in data center infrastructure

    0ooking at emerging technology is important for the future of data centers, utwhat aout today/s data center@ These tips on cloud computing, converged

    infrastructure and the data center show the current trends to follow.


    Flashy innovations inside hyper-converged offerings

    'onverged and hyper-converged infrastructures are getting a oost from all-flash storage components.'ontinue



    The many faces of converged infrastructure

    "T vendors are riding the converged infrastructure wave into data centers y laeling their wares with the term,

    ut very few platforms are truly converged.'ontinue eading


    Cloud computing risks from a data center perspective

    "T has three choices with pulic cloud& steering clear, maintaining its entire environment off-site in the cloud or

    seeking the est of oth worlds with the hyrid cloud model.'ontinue eading


    Become the cloud service provider your enterprise needs

    The traditional data center needs to survive the cloud era -- y emracing it.'ontinue eading


    Build a better private cloud than AWS

    Most private clouds fail on the first deployment. Take these tips to heart when designing a cloud move.'ontinue


    4Crunching numbers

    Big data, data center applications
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    ig data has estalished its place in the enterprise. )taying on top of the latest

    software and hardware changes ensures that your company will make the most of

    the data deluge.


    Academics teach commercial enterprises about big data

    ig data analytics was once an area of technology reserved for scientists, ut corporations now need the

    technology to analy(e huge volumes of data for a host of usiness reasons.'ontinue eading


    Big data = big changes in the data center

    race yourself for ig data. "f it hasn/t already hit your data center, it will soon and it may place new demands

    on your "T infrastructure, operations and data center strategy.'ontinue eading


    Legacy applications in the cloud: What's ahead?

    "T industry watchers predict that within aout five years, legacy apps that are currently difficult to deploy to the

    cloud will ecome etter suited to a cloudy home.'ontinue eading

    NewsHow cloud apps impact data center infrastructure and management

    educing servers results in smaller data center facility concerns and costs, ut migrating apps to a )aa) model is

    not without its own uni#ue hurdles.'ontinue eading

    5Take the temperature

    Data center cooling

    $gility, efficiency and moility are three aspects of modern data centers, and the

    facility is a ig part of it. 0earn how to monitor energy use, remain flexile and

    save the environment.


    Keep data center energy use in check with PUE metrics
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    Metrics tools that examine energy efficiency provide road measurements that are helpful for enterprises that

    want to minimi(e energy use.'ontinue eading


    The big green payoff

    )ustainale data center operations are imperative for the era of ui#uitous computing. 4n a practical level, green

    facilities can also save money.'ontinue eading


    Q&A: How to keep up with massive Internet growth

    Aevin essler, director of gloal product management for the enterprise networks division at T1 'onnectivity,

    discusses the rise in employee device moility and how data centers must evolve to meet user

    demands.'ontinue eading


    Renew the data center

    3or the largest, most power-hungry data centers, renewales like wind and solar are picking up some of the

    power load.'ontinue eading


    New technology, trends to cool off the data center

    )tagnant strategies for data center cooling will keep energy ills climing ever higher, ut a more modern data

    center strategy can ring them ack down to earth.'ontinue eading


    An example of upgrading on-premises

    2hen it came time for a new data center, *)1 decided -- after much research -- to uild rather than outsource,

    and repurpose its old e#uipment for

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    The total number of network-connected devices under management is

    increasing significantly, which creates more data to store and process. Sowhat does this mean for your data center network architecture?

    The TechTarget Networking Survey asked IT pros why they were upgrading

    their data center network. Overall, 44% of respondents said the upgrade is

    in response to increased applications and data. New information is likely

    due in part to big data initiatives. In theTechTarget 2015 IT Priorities

    Survey, 30% of respondents said they planned to implement big data

    projects in the coming year. But with this upsurge of information, storage

    and networking concerns are likely to arise.

    A majority of respondents take to upgrades to handle the amount of data

    coming in. While only 20% upgrade to move toward converged storage and

    networking resources, it is likely that a large portion of those who upgrade

    their data center network architecture to accommodate more data do so

    with storage in mind.

    "People attach an increasing amount of storage via the data network --

    Ethernet -- as opposed to traditional fiber channel storage area networks,"

    said John Burke, CIO and principal research analyst at Nemertes Research

    in Mokena, Ill. Data center managers look for switches that handle low

    latency and zero-loss Ethernet loads.

    Enterprises have the option to store big data in the cloud. Significantpercentages of the TechTarget Networking Survey respondents said the

    data center network needs an upgrade to support private (26%) or hybrid

    (21%) cloud.Cloud storageoffers improved scalability and agility that

    traditional in-house storage deployments can't match. In the future, more

    enterprises might need a big data network to stream information to cloud-

    hosted storage.
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    Only 15% of respondents in the TechTarget Networking Survey intend to

    upgrade to implementnetwork programmabilityorsoftware-defined

    networking(SDN). Of those IT pros, 44% said they will consider purchasing

    from an SDN vendor and 41% will evaluate a traditional network hardwarevendor that offers an SDN product. Despite major vendorsmaking a push

    for SDN, a slightly higher percentage of respondents -- 46% -- don't plan to

    consider an SDN vendor at all, and will look to vendors with technology

    from a third party. Respondents could choose more than one option,

    implying most are willing to entertain traditional as well as SDN-specific

    vendors for this data center network architecture change.

    Their choice will likely come down to price and vendors' technologicalofferings, but also existing relationships.
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    "People are willing to look at their traditional network vendors now doing

    SDN because a relationship has already been established and a trust

    level found," Burke said. Purchasing SDN from a familiar vendor eliminates

    the fear of a new company being acquired or disappearing.

    Burke added that those looking to new SDN vendors are not concerned

    with protecting existing relationships or trying to make SDN fit into a current

    vendor's marketing or sales strategies.

    "[New vendors] offer a way to make a dramatic change and to shift rapidly

    to a network driven with and by orchestration tools and automation," he


    The Disaggregation of Networking, The Open Source UpstartsAnd Legacy Vendors' Business

    Recently I wroteabout some announcements by upstartnetworking vendor Cumulus. To summarize what Cumulus

    does it is important to explain the way networking

    traditionally works. Existing networking vendors such as

    Juniper and Ciscotake generally proprietary sotware and

    tightly couple it with their own hardware. This! or so these

    companies say! gives customer the best perormance and

    ensures their networking works as expected " sotware iscreated to run perectly on highly tuned hardware.

    Companies like Cumulus are disputing this claim and helping

    move towards a disaggregated networking paradigm where

    organizations can buy any hardware #be it rom the

    traditional vendors or cheap commodity hardware suppliers$

    and run open source sotware on top o that hardware. These

    vendors point to cost savings! lexibility and the shit to one
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    operating system being able to work across dierent

    hardware platorms as the reason that this disaggregated

    approach will become the status %uo in the uture.

    &hen I covered a partnership between Dell! Cumulus

    and VMwarearound networking! I received a airly lengthy

    reply rom Cisco's (R olks disputing much o what I said. I

    thought it worth revisiting the discussion and responding to

    the dierent points Cisco makes. I'm not a networking

    analyst! however mapping onto the networking world some o

    the impacts that virtualization has had upon the servermarket! can inorm us o some possible outcomes. )tarting at

    the top*

    +$ ,etworks aren't servers. )erver virtualization thrived because servers were grossly

    underutilized. ,etworks are oten oversubscribed and rarely underutilized. Customers don't

    need better network utilization- they want inrastructure that responds to the needs o

    applications. It's a dierent problem.a

    There is some validity to what Cisco says here but it has to besaid that hardware in the networking space is becoming less

    and less dierentiated today. Customers are oten looking to

    the webscale companies like Facebookand GoogleGOOGL

    +0.00%and seeking to emulate their approach delivering

    complex applications on simple andor commodity

    inrastructure. It is not about underutilization or not! it is

    about being able to deploy and migrate workloads. Thenetworking has to match storage and compute and allow or

    ast and lexible workload orchestration. It has to allow

    hardware to rapidly be added or removed to allow or erratic

    load proiles. /s 0an Conde rom another networking1

    involved company! 2idokura! said to me regarding Cumulus*

    The key thing about Cumulus 3inux it that it is not 43inux based5. It I) 3inux. This creates a

    standard interace with which to program and conigure the devices using conventional3inux commands! and in theory enables you to load your own sotware on the devices.
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    Cumulus 3inux switches are more o a server with an 6) that has capabilities to process

    network packets and control the network processor 7 which can be aBroadcomBRCM

    +0.00%chip! or example. The programmability provides the hidden beneit or users 7 you

    can now conigure and manipulate switches en1masse 7 using scripts like (uppet! Che or

    C8 Engine. )o rom the point o view o an )0, partner toCumulus

    NetworksoVMwareVMW -1.69%! it means that the network device is also as programmable aspure sotware components.

    9oing back to the Cisco response to my post! the company

    stated that*

    :$ The notion that disaggregating hardware rom sotware saves customers money is a myth.

    ; compared to white box

    approaches when you consider the total cost o ownership.

    I don't want to pit one analysis against another but last year

    I wroteabout a Credit )uisse report that deeply investigated

    what networking disaggregation would mean or

    Cisco's businessgenerally! and networking business inparticular. )uice it to say that the report pointed to huge

    margin pressure upon Cisco that will come rom networking

    disaggregation. /dd to that the customer"beneit that users

    can now reuse the same operational tools or networking that

    they're using or their compute and you have a buy1side and a

    sell1side economic impact that is hard to argue against.

    D$ /s a related point! separating hardware rom sotware also complicates trouble1shooting.

    &hether you have white boxes or Cisco switches! problems can occur anywhere in a network!

    and with the dis1aggregated model! customers lose the ability to troubleshoot across their

    entire network. /nd hardware matters when it comes to scale and perormance. That's

    another huge limitation o the sotware1only model.

    Cisco has a point here. &ith the aggregated model o

    networking! customers have 4one throat to choke5. 6ne

    vendor delivers both hardware and sotware and thus there is
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    no doubt who is to blame when something goes wrong. ut

    it's hard to argue this point as a continuing actor

    as enterpriseIT rapidly moves towards a distributed!

    disaggregated and composible paradigm across the board.Enterprise IT is becoming! by deinition! a more distributed

    operation. /ny CI6 worth his salt has thought about trouble

    shooting within a ar wider context than previously. /nd on to

    the last point*

    F$ 3astly! )0, is not a dire threat to Cisco. &e are embracing )0, " and leading in )0,. /s

    I said above! what customers really want is IT inrastructure that is more automatically

    adaptive to the needs o applications. They don't want sotware1deined anything or the sakeo it. &e've embraced that challenge with our /pplication Centric Inrastructure strategy!

    which " by enabling policy1led! automatic inrastructure coniguration o both physical and

    virtual networks " reduces the time it takes customers to deploy or migrate applications

    rom months to mouse clicks. That's what customers really care about. ,ow! you may call

    that more 4Cisco spin5 but we'll let the results speak or themselves* ater less than one

    month o availability o our ull /CI suite! we have G< paying customers. It took some o our

    more1hyped rivals hal a decade to reach such numbers.

    Clearly Cisco isn't going away any time soon " enterprises

    have too much invested in existing solutions to evencontemplate ripping them all out. ear in mind the number o

    mission critical applications still running on mainrames

    around the place. The %uestion isn't whether )0, will destroy

    Cisco! but rather whether the margin and competitive

    changes that )0, brings will prove suiciently corrosive to

    Cisco #and it's ilk$ in terms o margin to cause some long term

    systemic implications.

    It's a ascinating progression to watch " expect more

    ireworks! more argument and more heads to be raised above

    the parapets on this one.
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    A disaggregated server proves

    breaking up can be a good thingSplit up and go your separate ways for cost efficiency. With

    disaggregation, systems separate CPU, memory and I/O for more

    flexibility, no hard feelings.

    The frequency with which components of data center systems break up

    could put some Hollywood couples to shame.

    While the "in" thing in system design isconvergence, some forward-looking

    technologists are aiming toward disaggregated servers. It's conscious

    uncoupling, data-center style

    Networking and storageare frequently purchased and configured

    separately from servers. Disaggregating systems takes things a step further

    and targets the processing, main memory, and the input/out (I/O)subsystem -- "the three piece suit" which makes up every system, said Dr.

    Tom Bradicich, Hewlett-Packard vice president of engineering for servers.

    Disaggregation is particularly attractive among hyperscalecloud service

    providers, which see disaggregation as a way to achieve more flexible

    systems and fewer underutilized resources.

    "In the public cloud, you're playing a multi-billion dollar Tetris game," saidMike Neil, Microsoft general manager for Enterprise Cloud. "You have all

    these resources manifested as physical systems, and the challenge is to be

    as efficient as possible with those resources."

    CPU: Memory: I/O
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    "n today/s traditional servers, the ratios of 'PB to memory to "C4 are mostly

    unchangeale. 2ith disaggregated servers, those systems are separated into

    discrete pools of resources that are mixed and matched to create differently si(ed

    and shaped systems.

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    the 2U M-Series chassis holds eight processing cartridges that contain

    CPU and memory --connected to disaggregated storage and connectivity

    resources via Cisco's Virtual Interface Card.

    The holy grail of disaggregation is etween 'PB and main memory, so systems

    vendors need to deliver etter, faster andwidthetween those components.

    DThe iggest challenge of disaggregation is the interconnect,D said !P/s

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    distances, ut an expensive interconnect technology will eat into the potential

    utili(ation enefits and derail the whole plan.

    )ystems designers might find that emerging 1thernet standards provide sufficientperformance and low enough latency to support disaggregation. )everal systems

    designed for hyperscale systems rely on 69:1. 2hen grouped with =uad )mall

    3orm-factor Pluggale transceivers, 1thernet can go to 79:, said Aevin

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    orchestration framework to assemle and disassemle systems from the resource

    pool, said "ntel/s Ayathsandra.

    "ntel demonstrated the system within a single rack, and will share the results withthe 4pen 'ompute Pro%ectfor hardware designs and 4pen)tackfor cloud

    orchestration, to encourage openness and adoption. DYou should e ale to have

    different racks from different vendors, and get the same hardware-level

    information from each rack,D Ayathsandra said. The goal is for different

    orchestration layers to work together seamlessly. D"t shouldn/t matter whether you

    are using *Mware or 4pen)tack,D he said.

    Disaggregate in the face of danger

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    internally for pulic consumption. DThey/re saying /hey, we/ve already done the

    heavy lifting. 0et/s ring this to the enterprise./D

    'isco announced the B') M-)eries Modular )ervers, the first example of a

    commercially availale disaggregated system, said rannon. The front of the GB

    M-)eries chassis holds eight processing cartridges that contain 'PB and memory

    --connected to disaggregated storage and connectivity resources via 'isco/s *irtual

    "nterface 'ard.

    Ericsson Radio

    With the introduction of the Ericsson Radio System we are also introducing theindustry's most energy efficient and compact radio solution, maintainingperformance leadership at half the size and weight known as the Radio 2217.

    This is the smallest and lightest macro coverage radio in the new portfolio with avolume of approimately !" liters and a weight of !# kg. $t is designed to support%TE and W&() and (ulti*standard mied mode with up to +" (z of %TE andup to - carriers of W&(), all within a +" (z of instantaneous andwidth/$0W1.

    With +*way R diversity ecoming increasingly more important to improve the2plink performance in many systems, the new #R unit Radio 0208 provides an
  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    easy and fleile way of e3uipping sites with W supporting this functionality.Radio "#"4 has small form factor or - liters and an weight of 4kg and integrateswell with any other radio to constitute a +R5#T system.

    )nother new addition to the Ericsson Radio System portfolio is the smallest, most

    powerful outdoor microcell on the market, the Radio 2203. $ts sleek, minimalisticScandinavian design complements any environment.

    The radio e3uipment used for the R0S -""" family supports multi standardoperation, which means it can operate on any of the standards, either in singlemode /one standard at a time1 or in mied mode /simultaneous operation onmore than one standard1.

    The radio e3uipment can e of two types6

    Radio units for installation in macro cainets /R2s1 Remote radios for main*remote configurations. These can e either

    remote radio units /RR2s1 or antenna integrated radio units /)$R1.

    The RR2s are designed to e installed close to the antennas, and can e eitherwall or pole mounted. There are different versions of RR2s that support (acro or(icro configurations.

    $n the )$R units on the other hand, the radio unit and the antenna are cominedinto one single unit and installed in the usual antenna location.

    The radio e3uipment is multi standard capale, which means that the differentunits can operate on all standards 7S(, W&() and %TE. Two standards canoperate simultaneously.

    M2M India Conclave 2014

    Smartphone users in urban India will cross 1! million in "1! compared to #1 millionusers in "1$ %India is $G & !G 'ead( with a mobile subscriber)s base o* o+er ,# million% -ne o* the *astest growing & largest telecom market place in the world. /elco)s in Indiaare e0cited and ha+e realied importance o* machine-to-machine2M"M3 market whichis growing worldwide at a *ast pace. M"M technologies allow both wireless and wireds(stems to communicate with other de+ices 4 s(stems o* the same abilit(. Inno+ati+eapplications like smart cars5 connected homes5 smart metering5 remote management andindustrial data collection would be the ma6or re+enue dri+ers o* ser+ice pro+idersworldwide in the *uture.

    M"M is touted as the ne0t big business opportunit( *or /elco)s and Vendors 7 8ccording toa 6oint stud( conducted b( GSM8 and Machina 'esearch5 the number o* total connectedde+ices would grow *rom more than , million toda( to "! million in "". 8ccording to

    latest industr( reports5 India M"M modules market would reach 9S:,;.$; million b( "1

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    In India M"M market has now started e+ol+ing % India M"M market will be ma6orl( dri+enb( 8utomoti+e & Commercial /elematics5 =ousehold Monitoring & Control5 FinancialSer+ices & 'etail5 Smart =omes & Smart Metering5 Manu*acturing5 /ransportation and>ogistics.

    In India market 8utomoti+e5 /ransport & >ogistics industries lead in terms o* M"Madoption. =owe+er5 9tilities will dri+e *uture market growth as the Go+ernment o* India isincreasingl( taking serious initiati+es to deplo( smart energ( meters to address theconcern o* increasing power the*t and round7the7clock monitoring o* power suppl(.

    Bein India!" #i$"t Convention on M2M % No& into "'cce""('l 4th )dition 7 /he*orum will o?er a world class plat*orm *or understanding business +alue proposition o*M"M and how M"M technologies and applications will help businesses to *uel growth andproducti+it( in India market.

    ual carrier S8)6 &*S8), &*S8)

    * notes or tutorial of the asics of ual carrier S8), &*S8) whichutilises two carriers on the downlink * &*S8), or ual carrier S8).


    S8) $ntroduction


    S8) channels

    S8) categories


    S28) categories

    S28) channels

    Evolved S8) 5 S8)9

    Evolved S8) ($(:

    ual &arrier S8)
  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    To further improve the S8) performance a scheme utilising two S8) carriers to increase the

    peak data rates has een made availale. The scheme known under a variety of names and

    acronyms * &*S8), ual carrier S8), ual &ell S8), and &*S8), ual cell S8),

    also etter utilises the availale resources y multipleing carriers in the &E%% & state.

    &*S8) or &*S8) enales etter utilisation of the resources, especially under poorchannel conditions where signal to noise ratios may not e as high as normally needed for high

    data rate links.

    &*S8) 5 &*S8) ackground

    2(TS 5 W*&() was initially conceived as a circuit switched ased system and was not well

    suited to $8 packet ased data traffic. :nce the asics 2(TS system was released and

    deployed, the need for etter packet data capaility ecame clear, especially with the rapidly

    increasing trend towards $nternet style packet data services which are particularly ursty in


    The initial response to this was the development and introduction of S8), followed y S28)

    for provide the comined S8) service. These were defined in ;788 Release < = -. %ater this

    was further developed and deployed in some areas to provide even higher data transfer rates as

    S8)9 which occurred in Release >.

    ) further release, Release 4 detailed the dual cell S8), or S8), and then a comination of

    &*S8) and ($(: eing defined in Release ?.

    &*S8) 5 &*S8) asics

    The concept ehind &*S8) 5 &*S8) is to provide the maimum efficiency and

    performance for data transfers that are ursty in nature * utilising high levels of capacity for a

    short time. )s most of the traffic is in the downlink direction, dual carrier S8) is applied to the

    downlink * i.e. S8) elements, and therefore dual carrier S8) is also known as &*S8).

    The concept of packet data is that it data is split into packets with a destination tag, and these

    are sent over a common channel * sharing the channel as data traffic from one source is not

    there all the time.

    &*S8) seeks to take apply this principle to the multiple carriers that may e availale to an

    operator. :ften 2(TS licences are issued in paired spectrum of either !" (z or !< (z locks* two or three carriers, for uplink and downlink.

    2sing 2(TS, S8), or even S8)9 these carriers operate independently, and dependent upon

    the usage, one carrier could e fully utilised while the other is under used. &oordination etween

    the carriers only takes place in terms of the connection management, and the dynamic load is

    not alanced. &*S8) 5 &*S8) seeks to provide resource allocation and optimisation.

    This @oint resource allocation over multiple carriers re3uires dynamic allocation of resources to

    achieve the higher peak data*rates per S8) user within a single Transmission Time $nterval

    /TT$1, as well as enhancing the terminal capailities. The use of &*S8) is aimed at providing

    a consistent level of performance across the cell, and particularly at the edges where ($(: is

    not as effective.

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    &hannels for &*S8)

    When implementing &*S8), the channels present within the system need to e modified to

    enale the system to operate as re3uired.

    HS-DPCCH: While it would have een possile to utilise two S*8&&s, one on each

    carrier, only one is used * the feedack information eing mapped to the single channel.

    There are either < or !" &A$ * channel Auality $ndicator its that are used. Bive are used

    when only one channel is utilised, and ten when two are in use. The compound &A$ is

    made up from two independent &A$s6 one for each channel. Cew channel coding

    schemes are defined for the overall )RA feedack format.

    HS-SCCH: The S*S&& is transmitted on oth the anchor, or primary carrier as well

    as the supplementary one, and the 2E has to monitor up to four S*S&& codes on

    each carrier. owever the 2E is only re3uired to e ale to receive up to one S*S&&

    on the serving or main cell and one S*S&& on the secondary cell.

    &*S8) signalling = scheduling

    :ne of the key processes re3uired within &*S8) is that of scheduling the data to e

    transmitted as this has to e achieved across the two carriers. The scheduling algorithms

    re3uired developing in a manner that provided ackwards compatiility for single carrier

    transmissions while providing throughput speed improvements for the dual carrier scenarios.

    The 3ueues for data to e transmitted are operated in a @oint fashion to provide the optimum

    fleiility in operation * it enales the carrier with the least traffic 3ueued to e used /not all 2Eswill have the dual carrier facility and therefore one carrier may e loaded more heavily than the

    other, etc..1

    :ne area which did re3uire addressing was the operation of the ()&*ehs entity within the Code*

    0 stack. Within S8) this was designed to support S*S& operation in more than one cell

    served y the same Code*0 and therefore etending this for dual carrier operation re3uired only

    minor changes.

    Separate )RA entities are re3uired for each S*S&. $n this way the transmission is

    effectively two separate transmissions over two separate S*S&s * each one has its own

    uplink and downlink signalling.

    Each carrier has a transport lock that uses a Transport Bormat Resource &omination /TBR&1

    which is ased on the )RA and &A$ feedack sent over the uplink S*8&&. )ny

    retransmissions re3uired y )RA will use the same modulation coding scheme as the first


    2E categories for &*S8)

    2E categories were developed to enale the ase stations to e ale to 3uickly determine the

    capailities of different 2Es. The numers re3uired etending for S8)9 and &*S8) 5 &*


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    () C: :BS*S&&:ES


    ()$(2( R)W)T) R)TE


    #! Rel 4 !< !-*A)( #;.+ &*S8)

    ## Rel 4 !< !-*A)( #4." &*S8)#; Rel 4 !< -+ A)( ; &*S8) 9($(:

    #- Rel ? !< !- A)( ".- &*S8) 9($(:

    #4 Rel ? !< -+ A)( 4+.+ &*S8) 9($(:

    &*S28) and (ulticarrier S8)

    The concepts ehind &*S8) can e taken further in a numer of areas to provide further

    improvements in the performance of the overall S8)9 system.

    The first of these is to utilise a similar dual carrier system for the uplink. 2sing dual carrier

    S28), &*S28), would provide similar gains in the uplink as &*S8) provides for the

    downlink. The road implementation would also e similar.

    )nother way in which performance of the system can e further pushed is to utilise multiplecarriers, eyond the two used in &*S8). D aggregating further carriers the improvements

    gained with &*S8) can e further improved along higher still peak data rates.


    igher performancefor the uplink.The popularity of smartphones has created significant demand

    on uplink network capacity. 2plink traffic consists of user traffic

    and application signaling. ) prime eample of uplink user traffic

    is picture sharing, which generates significant uplink network

    load particularly during special events, such as professional

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    sports. While instant messaging status updates are an

    eample of uplink application signaling which is sent

    periodically or in response to user status changes that add to

    uplink loading.

    $n general, smartphone traffic is FurstyG which is particularly

    suitale for multipleing on a shared data pipe. $t has een

    demonstrated that significant capacity improvements can e

    achieved for ursty smartphone data traffic y aggregating

    multiple carriers into a single shared data pipe. &*S28) is a

    carrier aggregation techni3ue for addressing the uplink

    challenge using an operatorsH eisting carrier resources.

    The following diagram illustrates the &*S28) concept6

    In essence5 DC7=S9@8 combines two uplink carriers into

    a larger data pipe with 6oint scheduling o* uplink traAc

    across the two carriers. It allows mobile de+ices to

    make use o* instantaneous spare capacit( a+ailable on

    either carrier5 thus achie+ing multiple0ing gain and load

    balancing. /he benet is a signicant eAcienc(

    impro+ement which leads to higher s(stem capacit(.

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    The following graph shows the gains achieved y &*S28)

    over two standalone carriers. The vertical arrow shows that for

    a given numer of users, for instance eight users per sector,

    the uplink user urst rate is almost douled when &*S28) isenaled. This essentially reduces signaling and the data upload

    time y half, which in turn improves the service response time.

    Bor eample, the latency of picture sharing through instant

    messaging can e significantly reduced y enaling &*


    DC7=S9@8 can also impro+e cell capacit( *or a gi+enuser e0perience. /he horiontal arrow in the graphillustrates this concept. It shows that at the gi+en user

    e0perience le+el5 DC7=S9@8 can impro+e sectorcapacit( b(

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    time can e reduced y +4I when &*S28) is enaled.

    Similarly, wepage time*to*contents during uplink congestion

    can e reduced y ;

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    0&*S8) was initially standardized in the ;788 Release

    ? to support the following and cominations6

    Ca$$ie$ 1 Ca$$ie$ 2

    Band I 2"1 M=3 Band VIII 2, M=3

    Band II 21, M=3 Band IV 2"141E M=3

    Band I 2"1 M=3 Band V 2;# M=3

    $t was further etended in ;788 Release !" to support the

    following new and cominations6

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    Ca$$ie$ 1 Ca$$ie$ 2

    Band I 2"1 M=3 Band I 21!# M=3

    Band II 21, M=3 Band V 2;# M=3

    2nder most of the aove and cominations, 0&*S8)

    aggregates a high and carrier with a low and carrier. The

    availaility of the low and carrier significantly enhances cell

    edge and indoor performance compared to &*S8) with

    two high and carriers. $n addition, field test results have

    demonstrated more than #"I cell edge throughput gain and a

    significant reduction in device power consumption from 0&*

    S8) compared to &*S8).

    D98> C>> =SD@8

    $mproving capacity

    and performance yaggregating downlinkcarriers.

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    ual &ell S8) /&*S8)1 aggregates two ad@acent

    downlink carriers to achieve higher downlink capacity and

    etter user eperience. Burthermore, y comining two carriers

    into a single data pipe, &*S8) increases the peakdownlink data rate to +#(ps. The following diagram illustrates

    the &*S8) concept.

    &*S8) was standardized in ;788 Release 4. Today, more

    than !

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    Smartphone traffic is typically FurstyG which is particularly

    suitale for multipleing on a shared data pipe. ;&*S8)

    comines three downlink S8)9 carriers through @oint traffic

    scheduling to form a larger data pipe. )s a result, it deliversetter system capacity and user eperience compared to three

    carriers operating independently.

    The diagram elow illustrates the high*

    level ;&*S8) concept6

    The following graph shows the system capacity and user

    eperience gains from ;&*S8) compared to a comined

    ual*&arrier /&1 S8) and Single*&arrier /S&1 S8)

    deployment scenario. $n this analysis, user eperience is

    measured y the user urst rate. $t is defined as the ratio of thedownlink data urst size in its to the total time it takes to

    transmit the entire data urst to the user.

    The vertical arrow shows that for a given numer of users per

    sector per carrier, in this case eight, the user urst rate is more

    than >"I higher compared to the &*S8) 9 S&*S8)

    scenario. The horizontal arrow shows that for a given user

    eperience, ;&*S8) can more than doule the carrier

  • 7/23/2019 Interesting Technology Market Notes Ashwani Nov 2015


    capacity in a sector. Cote that ;&*S8) achieves the

    improvements without adding new spectrum resources.

    #o'$ Ca$$ie$ *SD+A .4C-*SD+A

    ;788 R!" also enales the aggregation of four downlink

    carriers in the same sector. (ore information to come.