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Education Sector - Types of Learners and Their Learning Styles

Interactive Learners Vs Solitary Learners - Their Learning Styles

KYKO High Socio-centric Dimension – The Sociable Personality

Interactive learners and their learning styles

The interactive learners like people and enjoy interacting with them. They like to share their ideas and notes with others. They like to discuss the subject matter with their peers and get others’ point of view before internalizing the subject matter into their memory. They learn best by talking and discussing in groups. They prefer oral instructions, like reading aloud and learn well by participating and speaking in group work. Interactive learners are gregarious, friendly and helpful. They do not mind sharing their knowledge with others. They grasp the subject matter faster by sharing and discussing with their friends.

KYKO Low Socio-centric Dimension – The Asocial Personality

Solitary learners and their learning styles

Solitary learners are uncomfortable sharing their ideas in a group discussion. They are more introspective in learning and understanding the subject matter. Solitary learners are inhibited, detached, reserved and impersonal. They like to do things alone. They prefer written instructions, like reading silently and often look for a quiet place for studying away from distractions or disturbances. They grasp the subject matter better by thinking and reflecting what they have learned. They learn best alone and through self-study