Download - Interactions Among Organisms Is mainly about competition and survive to adapt to their habitat. By D.J –Kenna – Kelsea.

Page 1: Interactions Among Organisms Is mainly about competition and survive to adapt to their habitat. By D.J –Kenna – Kelsea.

Interactions Among Organisms

Is mainly about competition and survive

to adapt to their habitat.

By D.J –Kenna – Kelsea

Page 2: Interactions Among Organisms Is mainly about competition and survive to adapt to their habitat. By D.J –Kenna – Kelsea.

The competition paragraph was mainly about organisms fighting for space, food, water, shelter, and sunlight.


Page 3: Interactions Among Organisms Is mainly about competition and survive to adapt to their habitat. By D.J –Kenna – Kelsea.

Predator and Prey.

The organism that is eaten is called prey. An organism that eats

prey is called a predator.

Page 4: Interactions Among Organisms Is mainly about competition and survive to adapt to their habitat. By D.J –Kenna – Kelsea.

Predator Adaptations

The predators has to be able to catch it’s prey with

different methods and abilities to survive.

Page 5: Interactions Among Organisms Is mainly about competition and survive to adapt to their habitat. By D.J –Kenna – Kelsea.

Prey AdaptationsPrey adaptation is mainly

about prey not getting eaten by predators. Prey can use

different methods like camouflage, or stay in

groups, or even run away.

Page 6: Interactions Among Organisms Is mainly about competition and survive to adapt to their habitat. By D.J –Kenna – Kelsea.

Work Cited• Slide1 – a picture of two bears – Clip Art 10/8/07

• Slide 2 - 2 pictures of rabbits and background and food-clip art 10/4/2007

• Slide 3- a picture of a predator attacking it’s prey-

• clip art 10/4/07

• Slide 4 - a picture of a tiger- Clip Art 10/8/07

• Slide 5 –a picture a bobcat and a deer - Clip Art 10/8/07