


IEEE ITS SOCIETY NEWSLETTEREditor: Prof. Bart van Arem, [email protected]

Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2005

In This Issue

Society News 3From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Message from the IEEE ITS Society President . . . . . . 3Calendar of Society Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Message VP Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Message VP Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Message VP Technical Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Bookreview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9IEEE Trans. on ITS Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11IEEE Transactions on ITS - Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Technical Contributions 16Research on the GPS/GIS Based ERP System in Singapore 16

Non-Society ITS News 21A Glimpse on the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21An overview of Intelligent Vehicle Activities in the United

States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Call for Papers V2VCOM 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Call for Papers Journal of Human-Computer Studies . . . 277th Short Course on ”Dynamic Traffic Flow Modelling

and Control” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Upcoming Conferences, Workshops and Symposia . . . . . 29

Web Archive

All past issues of this Newsletter can be reached through theSociety’s Official Web Site at:

Electronic Newsletter Subscription

To obtain a free short announcement in your e-mail as soon asthe next Newsletter issue is available, please sign in through theSociety Web Site at:

ITSC Executive Committee————–

President:Charles J. Herget, [email protected]

President-Elect 2005:Fei-Yue Wang,

. . . [email protected]

Vice President Conferences:Paul Kostek, . . . . [email protected]

Vice President Publications:Emily Sopensky, [email protected]

Vice President Finance:William Scherer, [email protected]

Vice President Technical Activities:Stefano Stramigioli,

. . . [email protected]

Vice President for Adminstrative Ac-tivities:

Daniel J. Dailey, . [email protected]

————–Transactions Editor:

Alberto Broggi, . . [email protected]

Newsletter Editor:Bart van Arem,

. . . . . [email protected]

Information for contributors————–

Announcements, feature articles, booksand meetings reviews, opinions, lettersto the editor, professional activities, ab-stracts of reports, and other materialof interest to the ITS community is so-licited.

Please submit electronic materialfor consideration in any of the fol-lowing formats: LATEX, plain ASCII,PDF, or Word, to the Editor [email protected] at least 1 monthprior to the newsletter’s distribution:

Issue Due dateMarch February 1st

June May 1st

September August 1st

December November 1st

Permission to copy without fee all or part of any material without a copyright notice is granted provided that the copies are notmade or distributed for direct commercial advantage, and the title of the publication and its date appear on each copy. To copymaterial with a copyright notice requires specific permission. Please direct all inquiries or requests to IEEE Copyrights Office.





President: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles J. Herget, Livermore, CA 94550, USA

President-Elect 2005: . . . . . . . . Fei-Yue Wang, CAS, China and U. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

Vice President Conferences: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Kostek, Seattle, WA 98103, USA

Vice President Publications: . . . . . . . . Emily Sopensky, The Iris Company, Arlington, VA 22207, USA

Vice President Finance: . . . . . William Scherer, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904. USA

Vice President Technical Activities: . . . . . . . . . .Stefano Stramigioli, University of Twente, Enschede,

NL-7500AE, The NetherlandsVice President Administrative Activities: . . . . . .Daniel J. Daily, University of Washington, Seattle,

WA 98195, USATransactions Editor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alberto Broggi, Universita di Parma, Parma, I-43100, Italy

Newsletter Editor: . . . Bart van Arem, University of Twente, Enschede, NL-7500AE, The Netherlands



Society News

From the Editorby Bart van Arem

Dear Readers,I am pleased to offer you the second newsletter of the IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems Society. In

this second newsletter you can already witness the changes that are taking place. Our VP Conferences PaulKostek announces two additional conferences supported by the ITS Society. Our VP Technical ActivitiesStefano Stramigioli announces his plans for a technical activity board, in which committees will be initiatedfor a range of ITS subjects. I encourage you to read these new plans and to join our activities. Thisnewsletter features one technical paper on electronic fee collection. Besides our traditional news sectionswe are introducing two new sections. The first is a book review section which will be coordinated byAlgirdas Pakstas, and which contains a first review on ’Economic Impacts of Intelligent TransportationSystems’. If you have books to be reviewed or would like to submit a review, please contact AlgirdasPakstas: [email protected]. The second new section is reviews of research programs. Manyinteresting research programs are being started, conducted and finished throughout the world. This sectionaims to review these programs and indicate ways of getting involved. The first contribution is made byRichard Bishop: [email protected], focusing on Intelligent Vehicle research in the USA. Ifyou also would like to contribute please contact me: [email protected].

Please let us know if you enjoy reading this newsletter!

Message from the IEEE ITS Society Presidentby Charles J. Herget

We have now operated for over three months as a Society with only a few startup problems. We havenearly achieved our goal of 1,000 members in the first year. I am sure that we will eventually be a societyof several thousand members.

We will have the first election of members of the Board of Governors (BOG) later this year. TheNominations and Appointments Committee will select a slate of candidates that will be submitted by mailballot to all members of the Society. Five members will be elected for a term of three years. There is aprovision in the Society Bylaws, which can be found on the Society’s web site, for nomination of candidatesfor the BOG by petition. The deadline for nominations by petition for the BOG has passed.

The BOG elects the officers of the Society. This year, the BOG will elect the Vice President for ConferenceActivities, Vice President for Publication Activities, Vice President for Member Activities and Editor-in-Chief of Transactions at its meeting in September to take office January 1, 2006. The Bylaws also contains



a provision for nominating candidates for office by petition. There is still time to submit petitions for theelection of officers in September.

As always, I am asking for volunteers to help keep our Society running. Please send me an email if youwould like to volunteer to participate in any of our activities or if you have any suggestions for improvingthe operation of the Society.

Charles Herget 2005 President, IEEE ITS Society [email protected]

Calendar of Society Eventsby Daniel J. Dailey

Up Coming events for ITSS:

ITS Society Meetings:

• IEEE ITSS Board of Governors: June 5, 2005, Las Vegas, NV, USA.• IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium: June 6-8, 2005, Las Vegas, NV, USA• IEEE ITSC’05: September 13-16, 2005, Vienna, Austria• IEEE ITSS Board of Governors: September 17, 2005, Vienna, Austria.• IEEE ITSC’06: 2006, Toronto, Canada.• IEEE ITSC’07: 2007, Seattle, WA, USA.

ITSS Officers and Committees can be found at: Calendar and Related Events can be found at: Pages for past, present and future Conferences: your IEEE membership to include ITSS at: and click Update

Message from the VP for Conferencesby Paul Kostek

This year ITSS is pleased to be adding two additional conferences to our present offerings. ITSS will nowbe the sponsor for The International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics and the Interna-tional Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety. We feel these two Conferences will be an excellentfit with our current Conferences: the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium and the Intelligent TransportationSystems Conference.



Coming in 2005The IEEE InternationalConference on Intelligence and Security Informatics was the first ITSS SponsoredConference of 2005. The Conference was held May 19-20 in Atlanta, Georgia and details are available at: The Co-Chairs for the Conference are Ralph Merkle of Georgia Tech,Atlanta, Georgia, USA and Hsinchun Chen of the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Next will be the Intelligent Vehicles 05 (IV05) symposium which will be held in Las Vegas June 6-8. Youcan learn more at The Chair for the Conference is FeiYue Wang of the University ofArizona, Tucson, Arizona.

The ITSC05 will be held in Vienna, Austria September 13-16. ITSC05 planning is on schedule and papersare now being assessed/selected for the Conference. Thanks to all who submitted abstracts. You can learnmore at: The General Chair of the Conference is Reinhard Pfliegl of Via Donau,Vienna, Austria.

The fourth Conference ITSS is sponsoring this year is the IEEE International Conference on Vehicu-lar Electronics and Safety. It will be held October 15 - 17, 2005 in Xi’an, Shanxi,China. Learn more at: The Chair is Nanning Zheng of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.

2006 and BeyondIn 2006, the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium will be held in Tokyo, Japan. The contact for IV06 is KatsushiKeuchi of the Institute of Industrial Science University of Tokyo.

ITSC06 will be held in Toronto, Canada. The contact for ITSC06 is Baher Abudalli:[email protected] of the University of Toronto.

Proposals for IV07 are now being accepted. The location for the 2007 symposium will be Europe. Pleasesubmit proposals to me: [email protected].

ITSC07 will be held in Seattle, Washington and the contact is Dan Daily: [email protected] ofthe University of Washington.

Proposals for ITSC08 (North America) are also welcome. Contact me if you are interested in submittinga proposal.

ITSC2005 in Viennaby Reinhard Pfliegl

The organisation activities for ITSC 05 are in full progress. ITSC 05 - 8th International IEEE Conferenceon Intelligent Transportation Systems - will be held from September 13 - 16, 2005 in Vienna, Austria.With the target of 300 submitted papers reached at the beginning of March, 200 selected papers will bepresented during the conference. Since the review process is nearly finished, we would like to thank theentire International Programme Committee and Reviewers for serving on ITSC 05 and the ProgrammeChair Stefano Stramigioli for handling the review process. The Programme Chairs will now compile thetechnical/scientific Programme for ITSC 05. Moreover there will be Workshops held on Tuesday, September13 and Technical Tours on Friday, September 16 within the scope of the conference.

Registration has already started. Forms and online registration are available on the conference website,including hotel reservations, sightseeing programme and technical tours. The Exhibition will be situatedclose to the Plenary Room. If you are interested in presenting your company or project in a highly interna-tional community please contact the responsible exhibition agency Media Plan. A wide range of SponsoringOpportunities offer an additional possibility to promote your company. There will be an extensive coopera-tion with Universities, research institutes and national organisations to present the state of the art evolutionsof the conference matters.

I invite everybody to participate in this state of the art conference in the heart of Europe. Furtherinformation can be found at the conference homepage





Message from the VP for Publicationsby Emily Sopensky

Exercising Your SubscriptionSpringtime evokes sights and sounds of renewal and of new ground being broken. IEEE Xplore, IEEE’s

portal for online access to its digital media, is no exception. Version 2.0 is easier for users. Access rights areautomatically recognized based on IP address. Non-subscribers can search abstracts at no charge. Previously,they could only browse titles. Payment is required only if the non-subscriber decides to download the fullarticle.

Stay current on the ITS research by accessing online the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Trans-portation Systems. Access is free to members of the ITS Society. If you are not already a member of theIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, now is the perfect time to join. IEEE dues are half-pricethrough 15 August when you visit

Access to the ITSS newsletter is free to IEEE members and non-members alike. Go to and sign up. Each quarter, an email notice is sent to each subscriber with a linkto the newsletter in pdf format.

Spring time is also a time when fitness programs are invoked in preparation for the long year ahead. Ifyou haven’t been reading IEEE Transactions on ITS, now is the time to start your exercise program andread vital new research in the field. Recent papers include:

• Geometric Travel Planning by Stefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar & Thomas Willhalm, coveringoptimal route planning using GPS trajectories refined by geometric filtering and rounding algorithms

• Advanced Traveler Information System for Hyderabad City by Praveen Kumar, V. Singh& D. Reddy. An ATIS provides vital information to travelers regarding traffic regulation, route andlocation guidance, hazardous situations and safety warnings.

• A Framework for Real Time Behavior Interpretation from Traffic Video by Andreas Hegyi,Bart De Schutter & Hans Hellendoorn. Dense freeway traffic can cause shock waves, which result insudden, large variations in the speeds of vehicles, which could lead to unsafe situations. Dynamic speedlimits could be the answer.

ITSS members may read these and other peer-reviewed papers online at


Emily Sopensky Vice President, Publications IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society

P.S. – Want to find out more about the articles mentioned above? You can read the brief online abstractsfrom all of the papers in the March 2005 issue of IEEE Transactions on ITS here:



Message from the VP Technical Activitiesby Stefano Stramigioli

The Technical Activity Board (TAB) is starting to shape up! We have decided to form a set of TechnicalCommittees in order to structure the technical activities of the society. Two technical committees alreadyhave a chair and for the others we are looking for volunteers which would like to lead them, so take initiativeand contact me!

The two initial TCs are on ITS Technologies and another on ITS Applications. The initial lists follow:

• Technologies TCs

– Hardware and Data Processing

– Traffic Modeling

– Traffic Management

– Control

– Vision and Sensors

– Reliability and Quality

– Computer Tools and Simulations

– Human Machine Interfaces

• Applications Fields TCs

– Logistics and Services (chaired by Prof. Robin Qiu, Pennsylvania State University)

– Mobile Communication Networks (chaired by Prof. CK. Toh, University of Hong Kong)

– Standards

You certainly may have some questions like: “What should a technical committee do?” or “What is theresponsibility of a TC chair?”

A TC should be the contact point for a certain expertise within the society in many different ways. A TCchair should promote the field by organizing special sessions at conferences, special issues, tutorials and/orworkshops and any other topical related event. It is expected that every year a couple of these activitiesare organized and promoted by the TC and the VP TAB will keep account of the involvement and theproductivity of each TC. The society will do its best to recognize the most active TCs in a way or anothervia this Newsletter or at conferences.

Organizing these events is not all. Conferences are one of the major activities of the society. After somebrainstorming with the VP Conference, we think it would be a good idea to combine the synergies of theTAB and the Conference Board. This may be done by creating a Conference Editorial Board which will beinvolved in conference paper reviews year in year out and will get a recognised status. In this way we wouldensure quality and timeliness of our conference review process. Each TC chair would nominate a personwhich will be a Conference Editorial Board Member (CEBM) in charge of finding a trustful, professionaland motivated number of people which will serve as International Program Committee Members, serving acertain number of years. Members will function similarly to Associate Editors (AEs) for the transactions.

Each TC chair will prepare a short report at least once a year in order to present the activities whichhave been organized or planned for the future.

This is all for the moment. If you are interested in chairing one of the available technical committees,please do not hesitate to contact me at: [email protected]! We are looking for volunteers!



Bookreviewby Algirdas Pakstas London Metropolitan University

Introduction to the book review section

We would like to introduce a new section of the Newsletter which we hope to become active from thenext issue. This section will be edited by Prof. Pakstas from London Metropolitan University,Department of Computing, Communications Technology and Mathematics. Prior to establishing IEEEIntelligent Transportation Systems Society Prof. Pakstas served as one of the representatives from IEEECommunications Society to the IEEE ITS Council. His interest to ITS mostly from the Communicationsprospective. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, IEEE Computer and Communication Societies as well asmember of ACM and the New York Academy of Sciences.

Book reviews will include the following elements: relevance; scientific quality; awareness of state of theart; accessibility (and for which levels of readers); readability; usefulness to scientists, practitioners, students;bibliographic details. We invite readers to provide other topics of interest regarding book review contentsas well as suggestions for titles which are worth considering. Prof. Pakstas can be contacted by [email protected]

Economic Impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Innova-tions and Case Studies (Research in Transportation Economics, Vol-ume 8), Editors: Evangelos Bekiaris, Yuko Nakanishi, Elsevier,2004, Hardbound, 655 pages, ISBN 0-7623-0978-4

Economic valuation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is very com-plex task because traditional methods of quantitative analysis may not beappropriate in accurately and reliably assessing the economic impacts of ITSs.Many of the technologies associated with ITSs are still relatively new, and theiruse may be found only in a few countries. Information and statistics aboutITSs are mostly of anecdotal character and focused more on benefits ratherthan costs. There is not much of the historical data and ”lessons learned”which can be used for planning future ITSs. ITS technologies have differentlife cycles, cost structures, and a number of interrelated elements as compared with traditional transportationinfrastructure.

Thus, there is a need to address these concerns and discuss new economic assessment techniques and/ormodifications to existing ones - and that is exactly a goal of this book which is a result of efforts of thebig group of authors (47 authors from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Greece, Japan,Korea, Sweden, UK, and USA). Editors of the book are actively involved into EU (Evangelos Bekiaris)and USA (Yuko Nakanishi) projects related to ITSs. The book includes case studies covering a wide rangeof ITS technologies including freeway management, electronic toll collection, advanced driver assistancesystems, and traveller information systems from many North American, EU, and Asian nations and majormetropolitan areas.

The book consists of 10 parts. Part I introduces the reader to the area and background of ITSs aswell as framework for an economic evaluation of transportation investments (43 pages). Part II (39 pages)supplements the introduction, giving background information on the relevant technologies and market. Inparticular, ITS clustering and terminology are described: Presented infomobility services are considered asan emerging market.

An array of evaluation techniques and assessment methodologies is presented in Part III (151 pages).Here are considered issues of application and limitations of Cost-Benefit Assessment (CBA) for ITSs as



well as analytical alternatives and applicability of multicriteria-analysis in ITS evaluation. CBA-relateddiscussion is also focusing on the role of discount rates and pilot projects. Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) is considered for performance assessment of ITSs. Additionally, framework for investment decision-making under risk and uncertainty for infrastructure asset management as well as detailed case study forhighly congested network in South Jersey that evaluates the economic impact of Variable Message Signs(VMS) route guidance using microsimulation are presented.

Parts IV-IX focus on actual case studies of benefits, costs and impact measurement performed by re-searchers and practitioners.

Incident management on freeways is considered in Part IV (90 pages). An incident delay model forthe evaluation of incident management strategies is presented in the context of the IIMS project whichis currently being implemented in the New York City. Strong empirical evidence of the safety benefits offreeway management systems and motorist assistance patrols is provided through two case-study assessments- one in Phoenix, Arizona and the other in St.Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Part V (68 pages) is focused on electronic toll collection and commercial vehicle operation. A case studyon technology considerations for the implementation of a statewide road user fee system is using data fromstate of Oregon, USA and due to its typical functionality concludes about generic applicability of the findings.Active dedicated short range communications application for ITS and its economic evaluation is consideredusing data from City Bus Information System (CBIS) and Electronic Toll Collection System in Korea. ACommercial Vehicle Information System and Networks (CVISN) programme began in USA in 1996 - first inMaryland and Virginia and was later extended to California, Colorado, Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan,Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington. A benefit/cost analysis of the CVISN program is presented.

Case studies related to public transport are subject of Part VI (36 pages). A study on prioritizing varioustechnologies and incorporating ITSs and other telematics projects into public transport is presented withsome details on Chicago Transit Authority projects. Perceived benefits of improved information exchangeis a subject of the next research paper from Sweden - a case study on rail and intermodal transports ispresented based on the data from the Swedish National Rail Administration (Banverket).

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and driver/traveller information are features of Part VII(38 pages). The projects ADVISORS and TRAVEL-GUIDE were co-funded by Directorate General ofTransport and Energy of the European Commission. The strategic evaluation of new technologies throughmulticriteria analysis is presented using data from the ADVISORS project (pan-European study in 2000-2002 which involved various public agencies, publicly funded research institutes, transport and insurancecompanies, and automobile manufacturers from 10 EU countries - Costsand benefits of ITS systems and their application in the infomobility services have been evaluated within thecontext of the research project TRAVEL-GUIDE (11 participants from 6 EU countries, including automotiveand ADAS industries as well as relevant city authorities and research partners).

Part VIII (40 pages) is considering effects of using advanced computing technologies such as VirtualReality (VR), Virtual Environment (VE), simulators and digital road data in ITSs. The first paper isdiscussing how to balance costs and benefits in applying VR/VE tools in the ITS sector. The second paperis presenting a new way for quantifying impacts of different ITSs and other applications using a vehiclemotion simulator (Vemosim) combined with digital road data. This is illustrated by two case studies fromFinland: (a) use and impact of information technology on timber transportation, and (b) impacts caused bycongestion on fuel consumption, emissions and fuel tax of a truck plus trailer combination.

Assessing the Impact of ITS on the overall economy of country is studied in Part IX (43 pages) using twoholistic case studies - first from Japan and second from California, USA. The study on Japan is assessingimpact of ITS on the country’s economy using a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. Produc-tivity benefits and cost efficiencies from ITS applications to public transit are discussed using an example ofthe evaluation of Advanced Vehicle Location (AVL) applications in California.

Planning perspective and policy recommendations are topics for Part X (67 pages). It suggests ways inwhich utilization and merger of the new ITS impact assessment techniques may be fulfilled within existingtransportation planning processes. Evaluating benefits and costs of ITS elements from a planning perspectiveis considered in a context of the design and development of a computer-based decision system for New YorkState Department of Transportation. Case study from the ADVISORS project is used to illustrate designof the ITS implementation policy for two ADAS clusters: Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and IntelligentSpeed Adaptation (ISA).



Recommended publisher’s price for this book is 150 USD.The intended audience of the book includes researchers and postgraduate students in transportation, civil

servants, policy makers and consultants. The book is the summary of the research done by the contributors,but supplemented with some background descriptions of analyzed problems. It can help a less advancedreader to understand the main idea of the featured problems.

Report on IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systemsby Alberto Broggi

The March 2005 issue was devoted to the publication of the remaining papers from the special issueassociated with the IEEE ITS Conference 2003, together with a set of regular papers.

The June 2005 issue is now in preparation at IEEE Headquarters.The current backlog of papers ready for publication is increasing. The September 2005 issue was already

full, while we are still working on the December 2005 issue. Therefore, we have negotiated an increase toour page budget for 2005 and for the coming years.

I’m proud that the average turnaround time (the time from submission to decision) for the paperssubmitted from January 1, 2004 up to now (excluding special issue papers which got a fairly higher processingspeed) is still less than 100 days: Again I’m indeed working to further reduce this, towards the ideal of 10weeks maximum.

Many submissions in the last few months included additional files (e.g. movie clips) to present the resultsobtained in the work. Currently these additional documents are considered only by the reviewers and arenot passed on when the article is published.

We are currently looking into the possibility of publishing papers on IEEE Xplore together with theirmultimedia content, if any. There are many possibilities to include multimedia content within a paper andwe are investigating all options.

We also are testing and customizing –with the help of IEEE staff– the new version of Manuscript Central(Version 3.2) which is going to replace the old version in mid 2005.

During 2005, Manuscript Central will be populated with new features, including a tool to help authorsto check their graphics attachments before submitting the final version of their papers, and an automatictool to generate the copyright form, just to name a few changes. IEEE staff can now handle a larger numberof file formats. This will ease authors’ preparations of their final papers.



The attached figure shows: in blue the number of papers submitted in each month from April 2003 (whenwe switched to electronic submission), and in red the number of papers sill without a decision; this meansthat either the first submission did not come to an end, or that a new revision is currently under evaluation.

The figure shows that the trend is positive and, a part from isolated cases, all submitted papers receivea notification in a reasonably short time.

The next Editorial Board meeting will be organized in conjunction with IEEE ITSC 2005, in Vienna,Austria.

IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems - Indexby Simona Berte

To go directly to the online Transactions Table of Contents, click on ”Index” above. IEEE ITSS membershave full access to the papers. Non-members can browse the abstracts, which are provided below.

Vol.6, No.2, June 2005

• On-road Vehicle Detection Using Evolutionary Gabor Filter Optimization , by Zehang Sun,Ronald Miller and George Bebis

Abstract: Robust and reliable vehicle detection from images acquired by a moving vehicle is animportant problem with numerous applications including driver assistance systems and self-guidedvehicles. Our focus in this paper is on improving the performance of on-road vehicle detectionby employing a set of Gabor filters specifically optimized for the task of vehicle detection. Thisis essentially a kind of feature selection, a critical issue when designing any pattern classificationsystem. Specifically, we propose a systematic and general evolutionary Gabor filter optimization(EGFO) approach for optimizing the parameters of a set of Gabor filters in the context of vehicledetection. The objective is to build a set of filters that are capable of responding stronger tofeatures present in vehicles than to non-vehicles, therefore, improving class discrimination. TheEGFO approach unifies filter design with filter selection by integrating Genetic Algorithms GAs)with an incremental clustering approach. Filter design is performed using GAs, a global opti-mization approach that encodes the Gabor filter parameters in a chromosome and uses geneticoperators to optimize them. Filter selection is performed by grouping filters having similar char-acteristics in the parameter space using an incremental clustering approach. This step eliminatesredundant filters, yielding a more compact, optimized set of filters. The resulting filters havebeen evaluated using an application-oriented fitness criterion based on Support Vector Machines(SVMs). We have tested the proposed framework on real data collected in Dearborn, Michiganin Summer and Fall 2001, using Ford’s proprietary low light camera.

• Real-Time Freeway Level of Service Using Inductive-Signature-Based Vehicle Re-identifi-cation System , by Andre Tok, Stephen Ritchie and Cheol Oh

Abstract: The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides a method for determining the level ofservice (LOS) on freeways to evaluate freeway performance. Apart from being essentially an off-line decision support tool for planning and design, it is also based on point measurements from loopdetectors, which may not provide an accurate assessment of freeway section performance. In orderto meet user requirements of advanced traffic management and information systems (ATMIS), newLOS criteria based on section measures are required for real-time freeway analysis. The main aimof this research was to demonstrate a technique for development of such LOS criteria. The studyuses a new measure of effectiveness, called re-identified median section speed (RMSS), derivedfrom analysis of vehicle inductive signatures and re-identification of vehicles traveling through amajor section of freeway in the city of Irvine, California. Two main issues regarding real-time LOS



criteria were addressed. The first was how to determine the threshold values partitioning the LOScategories. To provide reliable real-time traffic information, the threshold values should be decidedsuch that RMSSs within the same LOS category represent similar traffic conditions as much aspossible. Also, RMSSs in different LOS categories should represent dissimilar traffic conditions.The second issue concerned the aggregation interval to use for deriving LOS categories. Twoclustering techniques were then employed to derive LOS categories, namely k-means and fuzzyapproaches. Wilk’s lambda analysis and LOS stability analysis were performed to design newLOS criteria. Six LOS categories defined in terms of RMSS over a fixed 240 sec interval wereidentified as the best solution to meet two major considerations described above. The proceduresused in this study are readily transferable to other similarly equipped freeway sections for thederivation of real-time LOS.

• Development and Field Test of a Laser-Based Non-Intrusive Detection System for Iden-tification of Vehicles on the Highway , by Harry H. Cheng, Benjamin D. Shaw, Joe Palen, BinLin, Bo Chen and Zhaoqing Wang

Abstract: A real-time laser-based non-intrusive detection system has been developed for themeasurement of true travel time of vehicles on the highway. The detection system uses a laserline that is projected onto the ground as a probe. The reflected light is collected and focused intoa photodiode array by an optical system. Vehicle presence is detected based on the absence ofreflected laser light. By placing two identical laser/sensor pairs at a known distance apart, thespeeds of both the front and rear of a vehicle are measured based on the times when each sensoris triggered. The length of each vehicle is determined by using these speed measurements and theresidence time of the vehicle under each sensor. Using real-time software, the speed, acceleration,and length of a detected vehicle can be calculated and displayed simultaneously. A new prototypesystem has been tested on the highway with different types of vehicles and scenarios, and theresults are presented here. The tests have also been carried out for different weather conditionsand road materials. The results indicate that the laser system operates well under real highwayconditions.

• Detecting Stress During Real-World Driving Tasks Using Physiological Sensors , by Jen-nifer A. Healy and Rosalind W. Picard

Abstract: This paper presents methods for collecting and analyzing physiological data duringreal world driving tasks to determine a driver’s relative stress level. Electrocardiogram, elec-tromyogram, skin conductance and respiration were recorded continuously while drivers followeda set route through open roads in the greater Boston area. Data from twenty-four drives of atleast fifty minute duration were collected for analysis. The data were analysed in two ways. Anal-ysis I used features from five minute intervals of data during the rest, highway and city drivingconditions to distinguish three levels of driver stress with an accuracy of over 97and driving days.Analysis II compared continuous features, calculated at one second intervals throughout the en-tire drive, with a metric of observable stressors created by independent coders from video tapes.The results show that for most drivers studied, skin conductivity and heart rate metrics are mostclosely correlated with driver stress level. These findings indicate that physiological signals canprovide a metric of driver stress in future cars capable of physiological monitoring. Such a metriccould be used to help manage non-critical in-vehicle information systems and could also providea continuous measure of how different road and traffic conditions affect drivers.

• Detection of Loitering Individuals in Public Transportation Areas , by Nathaniel D. Bird,Osama Masoud, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos and Aaron Isaacs

Abstract: This paper presents a vision-based method to automatically detect individuals loiter-ing about inner-city bus stops. Using a stationary camera view of a bus stop, pedestrians aresegmented and tracked throughout the scene. The system takes snapshots of individuals whena clean, non-obstructed view of a pedestrian is found. The snapshots are then used to classifythe individual images into a database, using an appearance-based method. The features used tocorrelate individual images are based on short-term biometrics, which are changeable but stay



valid for short periods of time.this system uses clothing color. A linear discriminant method isapplied to the color information to enhance the differences and minimize similarities between thedifferent individuals in the feature space. To determine if a given individual is loitering, times-tamps collected with the snapshots in their corresponding database class can be used to judge howlong an individual has been present. An experiment was performed using a 30 minute video of abusy bus stop with six individuals loitering about it. Results show that the system successfullyclassifies images of all six individuals as loitering.

• Optimal Vehicle Routing with Real-Time Traffic Information, by Seongmoon Kim, Mark E.Lewis and Chelsea C. White, III

Abstract: This paper examines the value of real-time traffic information to optimal vehiclerouting in a non-stationary stochastic network. We present a systematic approach to aid in theimplementation of transportation systems integrated with real time information technology. Wedevelop decision-making procedures for determining the optimal driver attendance time, optimaldeparture times, and optimal routing policies under time-varying traffic flows based on a Markovdecision process formulation. With a numerical study carried out on an urban road network inSoutheast Michigan, we demonstrate significant advantages when using this information in termsof total costs savings and vehicle usage reduction while satisfying or improving service levels forjust-in-time delivery.

• Receding Horizon Control for Aircraft Arrival Sequencing and Scheduling , by Xiao-BingHu, and Wen-Hua Chen

Abstract: Airports, especially busy hub airports, prove to be the bottleneck resources in theair traffic control system. How to carry out arrival scheduling and sequencing effectively andefficiently is one of main concerns to improve the safety, capacity and efficiency of the airports.This paper introduces the concept of Receding Horizon Control (RHC) to the problem of arrivalscheduling and sequencing in a dynamic environment. The potential benefits RHC could bringin terms of airborne delay and computational burden are investigated by means of Monte Carlosimulations. It is pointed out that while achieving similar performance as existing schemes, thenew arrival scheduling and sequencing scheme significantly reduces the computational burden andprovides potential for developing new optimization algorithms for further reducing airborne delay.

• Reliable Method for Driving Events Recognition , by Dejan Mitrovic

Abstract: Motor vehicles greatly influence human life, but are also a major cause of death androad congestion is an obstacle to future economic development. We believe that, by learningdriving patterns, useful navigation support can be provided for drivers. In this paper we presenta simple and reliable method for the recognition of driving events using hidden Markov models,popular stochastic tools for studying time series data. A data acquisition system was used tocollect longitudinal and lateral acceleration and speed data from a real vehicle in a normal drivingenvironment. Data were filtered, normalized, segmented and quantified to obtain the symbolicrepresentation necessary for use with discrete hidden Markov models. Observation sequences fortraining and evaluation were manually selected and classified as events of a particular type. Anappropriate model size was selected, and the model was trained for each type of driving events.Observation sequences from the training set were evaluated by multiple models and the highestprobability decides what kind of driving event this sequence represents. The recognition resultsshowed that hidden Markov models could recognize driving events very accurately and reliably.

• An Expectation-Maximization Based Interacting Multiple Model Approach for Cooper-ative Driving Systems , by Dongliang Huang and Henry Leung

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel combined sensor registration and fusion approach forcooperative driving in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). A realistic augmented registrationand fusion state space model in three dimension is first developed for dissimilar sensors. In orderto have unbiased sensor registration parameter estimates, the expectation-maximization (EM)



algorithm is incorporated with the extended Kalman filter (EKF) to give simultaneous state andparameter estimates. Furthermore, the interacting multiple model (IMM) filter is introduced herefor collaborative driving in order to deal with the jumping model problem occurred in differentvehicle driving status. To evaluate the registration and fusion performance, a new recursive re-lationship is derived theoretically for computing the posterior Cramer-Rao bound (PCRB). It isshown by simulation that the proposed EM-IMM-EKF method has a more robust estimation per-formance than the conventional approach. The performance is furthermore verified by comparingthe mean square error (MSE) with the PCRB.

• Range Policy of Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles for Improved Flow Stability and StringStability , by Jing Zhou and Huei Peng

Abstract: A methodology to design the range policy of Adaptive Cruise Control vehicles and itscompanion servo-loop control algorithm are presented in this paper. A nonlinear range policy forimproved traffic flow stability and string stability is proposed and its performance is comparedagainst the Constant Time-Headway policy, the range policy employed by human drivers and theGreenshields policy. The proposed range policy is obtained through an optimization procedurewith traffic flow and stability constraints. A complementary controller is then designed based onthe sliding mode technique. Microscopic simulation results show that stable traffic flow is achievedby the proposed method, up to a significantly higher traffic density.

• Acoustic Signal Processing to Diagnose Transiting Electric-Trains , by Marco Cerullo, Giu-seppe Fazio, Maurizio Fabbri, Francesco Muzi and Giancarlo Sacerdoti

Abstract: This paper deals with a method based on vibro-acoustic techniques to diagnose electrictrains and other important railway components. The proposed method can detect the followingmain subsystems: pantographs, electrical contact lines, rails, bogies, wheels, etc. Signal processingtechniques are thoroughly applied to acoustic vibrations that are directly acquired on the fieldwhen the train is transiting. Signals are picked up, processed and stored by acquisition systemsinstalled along the railway on structures jointed to the soil. The processed data can be sentto a remote, dedicated diagnostic center to get continuous monitoring and supervision of therailway system. The received diagnostic information can be conveniently used to improve safety,schedule a correct maintenance and reduce costs. The results of the experimental tests conductedto validate the method during an extensive measurement program are reported and commented.

• Tracking Trains via Radio Frequency Systems , by Antnio Jos Duarte Santos, Amrico RodriguesSoares, Fernando Manuel de Almeida Redondo and Nuno Borges Carvalho

Abstract: The technological evolution which occurred in digital systems favoured the appearanceof new services to be applied in railways. Radio communications played an important role in themanagement, exploration, and maintenance of railway transports. Due to the vital importance ofsecurity, the Track-to-Train communications system is studied in depth, with significant changesthrough the integration in its operation of the GSM and GPS systems. This paper presentsan integrated system that simultaneous includes a radio communication system and a locationsolution. The proposed network will work as a redundant and also as a unique system for secondarylines where no other system is available. Moreover the paper also presents a low budget systemto track the trains inside tunnels.



Technical Contributions

Research on the GPS/GIS Based ERP System in Singapore1

by Xu Aigong, Department of Surveying and Mapping, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin, LiaoningProvince, 123000, China,Ling Keck Voon and Law Choi Look, Positioning and Wireless Technology Centre, Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity, 639798, Singapore

I. Introduction

ROAD pricing in Singapore has been effectivein managing congestion on roads in the Central Busi-ness District (CBD) since its inception in 1975, andin recent years on expressways and other major roadsoutside the CBD [1,2]. Changes have been made to theroad pricing scheme since its implement from a man-ual scheme based on paper permits and applicableduring the morning peak period only to an electronicversion in 1998 that operates almost throughout theday presently. Technologies had helped to make theexpansion of the original road pricing scheme possi-ble; and the authorities are still keeping tab on newdevelopments in road pricing technology to furtherenhance the world’s first Electronic Road Pricing(ERP) system. A new charging scheme for the nextphase of ERP system based on Global PositioningSystem (GPS) and Geographic Information System(GIS) is presented. The new scheme charging willbe based on distance vehicle travelled in differentareas determined by integrated GPS positioning anddigital road network database in GIS. This makesthe new system not only more consistent with roadpricing principles and objectives of reducing trafficcongestion and air pollution, but also more flexible forthe integration of ERP system with other IntelligentTransportation Systems (ITS) such as emergency as-sistant and dynamic traffic assignment. At the sametime, it has lower capital investment and operat-ing costs, and is relatively simple to implement andmodifying with the expansion of CBD and changesof traffic conditions due to nondependent on gantriesas current system [3].

II. System Design

To meet the requirements of an effective and fairroad pricing system, the characteristics should be re-flected from different perspectives. The users alwayshope the system is easy to understand, convenient(i.e. does not require vehicles to stop at toll booths),different options (alternative modes, travel times,routes, destinations), payment options (cash, prepaidcard, credit card, etc), transparent, and anonymous.The traffic authority wants the system to be less traf-fic impacts, efficient and equitable, flexible, reliable,secure and enforceable, cost effective, minimum dis-ruption during development phase and can be ex-panded as needed. From the society’s perspective,it is to be positive net benefits when all impacts areconsidered, politically acceptable, positive environ-mental impacts, and easy integration with the samecharging system such as parking, public transit, etc.The proposed GPS/GIS-based ERP system is thebest method to balance the requirements from dif-ferent perspectives. The new GPS/GIS-based ERPsystem consists of In-vehicle Units (IU) and the Con-trol Centre System (CCS). The block charts of IU andCCS are shown in figure 1 and figure 2 respectively.The IU provides continuous vehicular position deter-mined by integrated GPS/Dead Reckoning (DR) po-sitioning device and transmits it with vehicle ID toCCS. Data fusion is mainly for fusing all the sensors’data to get more accurate, robust positioning infor-mation. Display function shows related informationto the driver, such as guidance, charging informationor map interface. Transceiver provides two-way datalink via wireless network and IP based packet datatransmission. The data would be broadcast into theInternet so that any authorized user can make full

1This paper has not been subjected to a peer review process. The responsibility for the content lies with the authors.



use of them to provide value-added services. Smartcard interface is for charging via pre-paid smart card.

Figure 1: In-vehicle Unit

Figure 2: Control Centre System

CCS is functioned to track, monitor, charge, andprovide guidance to all vehicles travelling on the road.Charging is based on the road links vehicle trav-elled matching with map database and determinedcharging standard. Charging standard is availableon Internet for all drivers. It can also be checkedthrough IU if it is functioned. Upon receiving thevehicle position, CCS matches vehicle trace with theroad links through map matching and calculates thevehicle cost. Payment can be made through smartcard in IU immediately afterward or later on monthlybased.

III. Technical Issues

Technical issues included in the system are roadmap database structure, integrated DGPS/DR posi-tioning, map matching, and communication betweenIU and CCS.

A. Map DatabaseEfficient map data model can improve the algorithmssuch as map matching and route selection which de-

pend on map data. The node/link planar and non-planar models are effective data models and the pla-nar model is currently one of the most commonlyaccepted models because of its least complexity andmost efficiency. Besides, the planar model and thereal road or street map is conceptually similar. Itis also an effective model to meet the needs of newcharging scheme of ’link by link’.

Figure 3: Representation of links and nodes

In our database, the road network is composed oftwo elements, links and nodes. Every road intersec-tion must be indicated by a node and road betweennodes is a link. Link is a single line representation ofthe road. Associated with each link and node will bea set of attributes, conceived as the entries in one rowof a list of rectangular tables. A graphical representednetwork of figure 3 can be modelled in several tablesas shown in figure 4 and figure 5. Different from usualones, the link table contains a price field to sign thecorresponding link cost. The whole Singapore roadnetwork includes more than 13,000 nodes and 17,000links. In order to improve the efficiency for the nav-igation system, a unique hierarchical database struc-ture is designed to divide the map in 2 layers and 194regions.

Figure 4: Link table (sample)



Figure 5: Node table (sample)

B. PositioningIntegrated Differential GPS and Dead Reckoning(DR) system is used for vehicle tracking with highaccuracy and continuously. Singapore IntegratedMulti-Reference Station Network (SIMRSN) hasbeen developed as shown in figure 6. It can be usedfor real time differential service.

Figure 6: Singapore DGPS reference stations

To insure continuous positioning in the down-town area, a low cost DR system consists of mag-netic sensor HMC 1022 and accelerometer ADXL202for heading and velocity or distance information isintegrated with DGPS. Test results show that thepositioning accuracy is within an acceptable rangeduring a short time interval [5,6].

C. Map MatchingMap matching algorithm in CCS processes the re-ceived vehicle position and searches the map databaseto create the list of road links the vehicle travelled.The required payment is calculated according to theroad link price in database and deduction is madefrom prepaid card or stored to the vehicle ID accountfor monthly-based payment. Different from vehiclenavigation system [6], map matching for ERP doesnot require real time calculation. This means thatthe searching of road link vehicle travelling on cur-rent can use not only the past and present vehicleposition but also the following vehicle position. Theoff time matching makes it much more accurate andreliable. The matching processes (as shown in figure7) are: initialisation (O), position between intersec-

tions (M-N), position near intersection and no turndetected (M), position near intersection and turn de-tected (P), and re-initialisation.

Figure 7: Map matching process

A probabilistic algorithm is designed to matchthe initial position of the vehicle. Since the actuallocation of the vehicle is never precisely known, sowe determine an error ellipse, i.e. confidence region,that vehicle is likely to be within. From estimationtheory, the input and output signals can be modelledas stochastic process. Variable associated with thetrue and measured values can be modelled as randomvariables. Variance-covariance information is propa-gated through appropriate algorithms to derive thevariances and co-variances as functions of the orig-inal random variables or as functions of parametersestimated from the original observations. These vari-ances and covariances are used to define confidenceregion. The determination of the confidence regionshould also consider the map accuracy as well as theroad width. Searching process proceed until there arecandidates within the region. A match completed ifthere is only one road link cross or within the region.If more than one candidates exist, the candidates areeliminated with the following standards until the onlycorrect link is matched: direction difference betweenroad link and vehicle travelling, traffic restrictionssuch as one-way road, distances between vehicle po-sition and candidate link. One matched link can beused to verify the immediate past link with theirtopology relationship. After a valid start point isknown, only three situations are to be considered:vehicle on a road link between intersections, vehiclenear an intersection while no turn is detected, andvehicle near an intersection while a turn detected.Suppose the route travelled is O-M-N-P-Q, the mapmatching processes are as following (fig. 7).

• Matching the start position to initial locationO on link L1, record the distance OM by GPSand DR distance sensor.



• When vehicle near node M, three possible con-nections are considered and match to link L2while no turn is detected at M.

• Among 3 possible connections at N, when aturn is detected, link L3 is selected accordingto azimuth measurements or angle turned.

• Repeat the same processes above.

• The vehicle trace recorded is L1-L2-L3-L4, . . . .

Suppose the recorded links in one month for avehicle are Li (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,m), then the monthlypayment P for the vehicle can be calculated accordingto price scheme in the database,

P =m∑1


D. Communication

Wireless communication is used to transmit all thevehicles positions to CCS and broadcast differen-tial information to the IU. Current cellular mobilesystems or third generation wireless communicationcould be employed and the mobile set could be em-bedded in the IU. As 2.5 Generation wireless commu-nications, General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) hasquicker session set-up, permanent connection, lowercost, and higher data rate performance. Furthermore,it is IP based data transmission so the transceiver isunnecessary in the management centre, which is con-nected with Internet. It is a good choice for GPS-based ERP system and can be easily upgraded intothe next generation wireless communication.

IV. Test Results

Tests have been made on expressways and majorroads all over Singapore Island. The devices used areshow in figure 8. Vehicle tracing data and its overlayon road network based on map database are shownin figure 9 and figure 10 respectively.

Figure 8: Devices used for tests

Test results show that positioning output is avail-able continuously in all areas of Singapore Island.The deviations between digital road link and trackedvehicle trace are within 30 metres on road links.Deviations larger than 30 meters happen only nearintersections (nodes) where slip roads are not ex-pressed in database. Map matching can process thesecases and there is no influence on the tracking results.

Figure 9: Tested vehicle traces

Figure 10: Vehicle traces overlay on road map



V. Summary

GPS-based ERP system is proposed and techni-cal solutions are investigated. Test results show thesesolutions work well in all Singapore Island. Comparewith the currently used ERP system in Singapore,The GPS-based system has the advantages of loweroperation cost, more user convenience, more flexibil-ity and easier integration with other ITS systems.Despite the technical feasibility, more investigationsare necessary on issues for implement GPS-basedERP system. These include integration of ERP withother ITS systems, price criterion, possible influenceson travel behaviour, privacy concerns, and relativevehicle policies.


1. Lim Lan Yuan, A Case Study on Urban Trans-portation Development and Management inSingapore, Urban Infrastructure Development:Proceedings of the Second International ExpertPanel Meeting on Urban Infrastructure Devel-

opment, 8-9 December 1997, Bangkok, Thai-land, pp165-177.

2. Chin Kian Keong, Road Pricing Singapore Ex-perience, The 3rd seminar of the IMPRINT-EUROPE Thematic Network, Brussels, 23rd-24th October 2002.

3. Hideki Hashimoto, Kazuyoshi Hayakawa,Yoshihiro Miyazaki, Multi-lane Electronic RoadPricing System in Singapore, InternationalConference on Transportation into the NextMillennium, 9 - 11 September 1998, Singapore.

4. Victoria Transport Policy Institute, On-line Transportation Demand Management En-cyclopaedia,, Up-dated January 31, 2003.

5. Yang Dongkai, Law C L, Nagarajan N, XuAigong, Land Vehicle Positioning Using GPSand Dead Reckoning, The 4th InternationalSymposium on GPS/GNSS, Wuhan, China,Nov. 6-8, 2002.

6. Xu Aigong, Ling K V, Law C L, Yang Dongkai,In-vehicle GPS/DR Navigation System Devel-opment and Test Results in Singapore, The4th International Symposium on GPS/GNSS,Wuhan, China, Nov. 6-8, 2002.



Non-Society ITS News

A Glimpse on the Web

by Alessandra Fascioli

This department is dedicated to catching a glimpse on the WWW trying to discover interesting ITS relatedWeb resources. Reviewed sites range from research programs and projects, to software packages, databases,associations, non-profit companies, and more.Every suggestion or contribution is welcome and should be addressed to [email protected].

• PIARC, the World Road Association, is a non-political and non-profit association whose mis-sion is exchanging knowledge on roads and road transport policy and practices within an integratedsustainable transport context. PIARC wants to be an international forum for analysis and discus-sion of the full spectrum of transport issues, related to roads and road transport. PIARC createsand coordinates Technical Committees, organizes a World Road Congress and various technicalseminars and publishes a large number of documents including a quarterly magazine. Link to PI-ARC site:

• The aim of the Society of Automotive Engineers is sharing information and exchange ideas foradvancing the engineering of mobility systems. SAE is a resource for standards development, events,and technical information and expertise used in designing, building, maintaining, and operatingself-propelled vehicles for use on land or sea, in air or space. SAE International, through the workof committee members and participants, maintains a number of technical standards and relateddocuments. Through its ITS initiative, SAE has identified key intelligent vehicle (IV) functionalareas as prime candidates for development to improve basic vehicle functions that, in turn, providethe basis for improved safety/security and information/entertainment functions. Link to SAE site:

• The University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Tranportation Technology (CATT)Lab works to provide safe and efficient transportation systems through improved operations andmanagement by means of research and development, technology implementation, training and ed-ucation. Research focuses on Archived Data User Services, Data Visualization, Image Processing,Traveler Information Systems. Link to CATT site:



• The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) is a statistical agency aimed at data collec-tion, analysis, and reporting and to ensure the most cost-effective use of transportation-monitoringresources. BTS brings a greater degree of coordination, comparability, and quality standards totransportation data, and to fill important gaps. Its mission is developing transportation data andinformation of high quality, and to advance their effective use in both public and private trans-portation decision making. Link to BTS site:

An overview of Intelligent Vehicle Activities in the United Statesby Richard Bishop Bishop Consulting

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) initiated its ITS program around 1990 and has con-ducted significant IV R&D since that time. From 1992-1997, research and prototyping of automated highwaysystems was conducted, which culminated in the very successful Demo ’97, showcasing automated vehicletechnology on highways in California. During that time, early work in developing performance requirementsfor first-generation crash avoidance systems was also conducted.

In 1998, work was re-focused to emphasize near-term safety research under the Intelligent Vehicle Ini-tiative program. IVI continued through 2004, at which point new initiatives were defined, which took intoaccount progress to that point and future trends. R&D under IVI is reviewed briefly here, and the remainderof the article focuses on the new activities.

The significance of active safety systems for meeting U.S. road safety goals has been recognized. The chiefof the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration within USDOT, Dr. Jeff Runge, stated in 2004 thathis agency should “shift the focus of safety efforts to avoiding crashes instead of simply protecting peoplewhen a crash happens. The future will be about crash avoidance”.

Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) Program

The IVI program ran from 1998-2004. The program objectives were to prevent driver distraction andto facilitate the accelerated development and deployment of crash avoidance systems. IVI addressed fourclasses of vehicles: light vehicles, commercial vehicles, transit vehicles, and specialty vehicles. The programis focused on improving safety under three driving conditions: normal driving conditions, degraded drivingconditions, and imminent crash situations. The majority of the IVI investment during this time was in theimminent crash domain.

A significant portion of the R&D was focused through the Collision Avoidance Metrics Partnership(CAMP), which was led by Ford and GM and also had participation from BMW, DaimlerChrysler, NavigationTechnologies, Nissan, Toyota, and Volkswagen.

Some key projects are described below. The final reports for this work have either been completed or arenearing completion. Access to find the reports which have been published.

• Naturalistic Driving Study: 100 vehicles were equipped with unobtrusive instrumentation in order toobserve regular drivers on actual roadways. Researchers report that, in addition to significant amountsof basic data, several crashes also occurred in equipped vehicles, providing a unique opportunity tounderstand crash dynamics.



• CAMP: driver workload metrics and test procedures were being developed to assess the impact ofvarious in-vehicle systems on driver workload. Experiments were conducted using a driving simulator,test track, and public roads.

• CAMP: in the Enhanced Digital Maps project, the feasibility of improved digital maps to supportcollision avoidance systems was investigated.

• CAMP: detailed requirements for Forward Collision Warning Systems were developed.

• CAMP: in the Vehicle Safety Communications Project, the potential of Dedicated Short Range Com-munications (DSRC) for supporting collision avoidance systems was investigated.

• Automotive Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) project: in the largest operational test within theIVI program, USDOT has partnered with General Motors, Delphi, and others to equip ten Buickswith both forward collision warning and adaptive cruise control. The cost-shared project was fundedat $35M. A key goal of the testing was to determine if this technology can truly lead to fewer crashes,and if the performance of the system can meet customer expectations.

• Passenger Car Road Departure Avoidance: a $16M field operational test in which the system warnsdrivers when they are about to drift off the road and crash into an obstacle, as well as when they aretraveling too fast for an upcoming curve. Technologies include a vision- and radar-based lateral driftwarning system and a map-based curve speed warning system. The radar sensors enable the systemto scan for any roadside obstacles and adjust warning timing appropriately.

• Passenger Car Intersection Crash Avoidance Systems: The IVI program’s key emphasis in cooperativevehicle-highway systems was in the area of intersection crash avoidance. Such ”intersection decisionsupport” systems were prototyped for traffic signal intersections, stop sign intersections, and left-turn-across-path situations. Both infrastructure-only and vehicle-infrastructure cooperative systems weredeveloped and evaluated. This research was performed under the Infrastructure Consortium (IC), apartnership of California, Minnesota, and Virginia, in-state universities, and FHWA.

• Evaluation of Active Safety Systems for Heavy Trucks: Field operational testing in IVI centeredon heavy truck systems and evaluated Driver Fatigue Management, Vehicle Rollover Stability, LaneDeparture Warning, Forward Collision Warning, and Electronically Controlled Braking.

• Special Vehicle Driver Support: USDOT worked with the University of Minnesota to evaluate a driverassist system which indicates the vehicle position within the travel lane (on a heads-up display) evenwhen visibility is at or near zero due to blowing snow. The lane information relies on differentialGPS which is augmented by magnetic markings in the pavement. Forward and side-looking collisionavoidance provides warnings as to any obstacles ahead.

• Transit Bus Collision Warning Systems: prototyping and evaluating collision warning systems for for-ward, side, and rear-impact collisions. The outcome of the program will be performance specificationsfor such systems, to guide commercial developers and transit agencies in commercialization. In ad-dition, optimum driver-vehicle interfaces are being investigated, particularly for the case of a systemwhich integrates all of these functions into a single system.

New Initiatives

In 2004, the USDOT ITS program was reorganized into a focused set of nine initiatives. These are:

1. Mobility Services for All Americans

2. Integrated Corridor Management Systems

3. Universal Electronic Freight Manifest



4. Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Systems

5. Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems

6. Emergency Transportation Operations

7. Vehicle Infrastructure Integration

8. Nationwide Surface Transportation Weather Observation System

9. Next Generation 9-1-1

Three of these initiatives are of interest from an IV perspective: Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Sys-tems (IVBSS), Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems (CICAS), and Vehicle InfrastructureIntegration (VII).

Integrated Vehicle Based Safety SystemsWhile there is an extensive body of knowledge on countermeasures for unilaterally addressing individualcrashes; the Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Systems initiative will be the first attempt to fully integratethese individual solutions. Goals are to:

• consolidate current information about available countermeasures

• perform additional research into integration of the driver-vehicle interface (DVI)

• develop objective tests and criteria for performance of systems that simultaneously address commontypes of crashes

• design appropriate data acquisition systems.

The idea is to integrate crash warning systems for forward collisions, run-off-road, and lane change crashes,which together account for 48of crashes in the U.S. Systems could of course be deployed which address thesecrash types separately, however USDOT officials believe that an integrated system will ”increase safetybenefits, improve overall system performance, reduce system cost, enhance consumer and fleet operatoracceptance, and boost product marketability.”

The IVBSS program plan calls for a partnership with a private-sector consortium which would includevehicle manufacturers as key players. In this way, they seek to create a strong link with commercializationand the real-world issues that must be resolved to get there. Engineering activities call for the development oftechnology-independent performance specifications, building and testing prototype vehicles, and determiningdriver and fleet operator acceptance of these systems. Further work will address safety benefits and thedevelopment of objective test procedures. Objective test procedures are seen by USDOT as a way to provideconsumer information on these systems and to potentially create active safety ”star ratings,” similar to thoseissued now by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for crashworthiness (no decisions madeon this at this point, though).

A more detailed view of the flow of program activities follows. Following industry and stakeholder input,system functional requirements based on target crashes and dynamic scenarios will be developed. Keyquestions must be addressed in this phase. For instance, should the functional scope be warning only or alsoinclude control intervention (such as active braking)? Further, should system development address both costand performance goals, or performance goals only?

Evaluation requirements will also be defined, which includes data needed to capture a visual image ofthe driving scene and the driver, as well as numerical data needed to evaluate system performance and toidentify and study crash conflict events. This is likely to be based on experience gained in the ADAS projectoutlined above.

Business cases and deployment potential will be addressed as well. Definitive cost-benefit analyses aremost relevant for commercial trucks and transit bus operation as compared to cars sold to the general public.

In the system design phase, the industry partners will design, build, and test sensor subsystems, developthreat assessment algorithms, and design the driver interface. The intent is to deliver an integrated systemthat exceeds the performance of current single-function systems such as ACAS. Sensor fusion and sensor



complementarity will play a key role here. Advanced technology subsystems such as enhanced digital maps,driver state identification, and vehicle-to-vehicle communications may also be employed if the vehicle industrypartners deem these to be sufficiently mature and practical.

Research and definition of an effective driver-vehicle interface (DVI) is absolutely central to the IVBSSeffort. Since crashes are rare events, it is quite likely that a driver will have never experienced the warningsprior to the critical moment. The DVI must be simple and intuitive enough that drivers are able to assimilateinformation almost instantly about a developing crash situation and respond appropriately.

Following system design, prototypes will be built and tested. A key parallel activity is the development ofa data acquisition system to collect data required for performance validation. Validation tests are expectedto comprise a series of controlled test scenarios and procedures on a test track or pre-defined on-road publicroutes. The IVBSS FOT approach is expected to be similar to previous USDOT FOTs, in which fleets of 10- 15 vehicles were deployed and several dozen drivers had use of the vehicles for several weeks or more. Datawill be gathered on driver performance with and without the assistance of the integrated safety system.

An independent evaluation will be performed to assess the safety benefits and driver acceptance of thesystem. A key challenge will be to create tools to effectively wade through the vast amount of multi-mediadata expected from the FOT.

The program plan calls for kick-off in summer of 2005, with initiation of the FOT in 2007 and theprogram completed late in 2009. In the end, the government expects that the IVBSS program will produceperformance specifications, objective test procedures, prototype vehicles, a database of driver performancewith and without the assistance of integrated safety systems, and an evaluation report on benefits and useracceptance.

An open solicitation for proposals for IVBSS is expected to be released in May 2005.

Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance SystemsBuilding on research conducted to date by the Infrastructure Consortium, the Cooperative IntersectionCollision Avoidance Systems program approach will pursue an optimized combination of autonomous-vehicle,autonomous-infrastructure and cooperative communication systems that address a wide range of intersectioncrash problems, culminating in a series of coordinated field operational tests. These field operational testswill also help achieve a solid understanding of safety benefits and user acceptance. VII will provide theenabling communication capability necessary for cooperative crash avoidance systems.

The R&D phase will focus on assessing safety performance and user acceptance via field operationaltesting. USDOT sees the auto industry coming together with IC researchers from State DOTs to definepractical systems which are feasible for deployment. USDOT has set a goal to develop and deploy systemsat 15of the most hazardous signalized intersections nationally, with in-vehicle support in 50

R&D solicitations for CICAS are expected to be released later in 2005.

Vehicle Infrastructure IntegrationUSDOT’s work to pursue the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) will potentially result in a sea changein the relationship of roads, vehicles, and drivers. The VII goal is to achieve nationwide deployment of acommunications infrastructure on roadways and in all production vehicles and to enable a number of keysafety and operational services that take advantage of this capability. The envisioned approach calls forvehicle manufacturers to install the technology in all new vehicles, beginning at a particular model year,to achieve safety and mobility benefits while, at the same time, federal/state/local transportation agencieswould facilitate installation of a roadside communications infrastructure.

To determine the feasibility and an implementation strategy, a partnership has been formed which consistsof the seven vehicle manufacturers involved in the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative, the Association of StateHighway and Transportation Officials, and USDOT. Discussions are focused on a decision point in the2008/9 timeframe regarding proceeding with full-scale deployment of communications technology in boththe vehicles and the infrastructure: what questions must be answered, and what analyses performed, inorder to make this decision? As a technology enabler for VII, USDOT is continuing to support DSRCstandards activity, and has initiated a program to build prototype DSRC communications equipment to testthe viability of these standards.

While most of the VII activities are kept within the circle of stakeholders noted above, a public informationmeeting on VII was held in February 2005 to update the broader community. It is expected that such meetingswill be held in the future as well.



Call for Papersby Onur Altintas

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications workshop

San Diego, CA, July, 2005 in conjucion with MobiQuitous 2005 or


High-tech sensors, radars, cameras, navigation sys-tems, and tens of microprocessors are some of thetechnologies that are already being used in vehiclesto enable systems such as parking assist units, lanekeeping assistance, adaptive cruise-control systems,and more. These technologies have all brought moresafety, comfort and convenience to drivers and pas-sengers. Coupled with the advances in wireless com-munications technology, recently, governments, high-way authorities and automobile manufacturers pushthe move from ”passive safety” to ”active safety”by employing communications functions in vehicles.Once the communications and networking capabili-ties are integrated into vehicles, not only safety ap-plications, but also many other applications rangingfrom intelligent/interactive transportation systemsthat could help smooth the flow of traffic, to ve-hicular diagnostics, mobile commerce, and businessservices could become a reality.


This one-day workshop intends to bring togetherresearchers, professionals, and practitioners to dis-cuss and address recent developments and challengesin deploying vehicle-to-vehicle and infrastructure-to-vehicle networking technologies, as well as theirsubsequent applications with a focus on safety as-sistance applications. Specifically, we solicit originalresearch contributions addressing the following areas:

• Vehicular mobile ad-hoc networks

• Potential applications of vehicular networks

• Vehicle-to-infrastructure communications

• Role of V2V communications in IntelligentTransportation Systems

• Routing protocols for V2V communications

• High-speed mobility management for V2V com-munications

• MAC layer issues in V2V communications

• Physical layer and RF level issues in V2V com-munications

• Antenna technologies for V2V communications• Security and authentication issues in V2V com-

munication• Cross-layer designs• Radio resource management and QoS support• Mobility models and mobility management• Experimental systems and testbeds• Algorithms, protocols and systems for data dis-


Submission guidelines

Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to20 double-spaced pages, including references, fig-ures and tables. All submissions should be sub-mitted electronically in Postscript or Adobe PDFformat to both of the workshop co-chairs: OnurAltintas [email protected] and Wai [email protected]

Important dates:

Full Papers due: May 25, 2005Notification of Acceptance: June 6, 2005Camera-ready Manuscripts due: June 20, 2005Workshop Date: July 21, 2005

Organizing committee:

V2VCOM Workshop Co-chairs:Dr. Onur Altintas (Toyota InfoTechnology Center,Japan)Dr. Wai Chen (Telcordia Technologies, USA)V2VCOM Workshop Program Advisor:Prof. Tadao Saito (Professor Emeritus, Univ. ofTokyo, Japan)

Program committee:

Dr. Stephane Amarger (Hitachi Europe, France)Richard Bishop(Bishop Consulting, USA)



Dr. Jasmine Chennikara-Varghese (Telcordia Tech-nologies, USA)Prof. Eylem Ekici (Ohio State University, USA)Prof. Mario Gerla (UCLA, USA)Dr. Kenneth Laberteaux (Toyota Technical Center,USA)Dr. Thomas Luckenbach (Fraunhofer Institute forOpen Communication Systems, Germany)Prof. Ken’ichi Mase (Niigata University, Japan)Dr. Carsten Metz (Bell Labs, Lucent, USA)Prof. Guevara Noubir (Northeastern University,USA)

Dr. Sadao Obana (ATR, Japan)Prof. Umit Ozguner (Ohio State University, USA)Prof. Dipankar Raychaudhuri (WINLAB, RutgersUniversity, USA)Prof. Behcet Sarikaya (University of Northern BritishColumbia, Canada)Matthias Schulze (DaimlerChrysler AG, Germany)Prof. Sirin Tekinay (New Jersey Institute of Tech-nology, USA)Prof. Ryuji Wakikawa (Keio University, Japan)Prof. Halim Yanikomeroglu (Carleton University,Canada)

Call for Papersby Pierre Fastrez

International Journal of Human-Computer StudiesSpecial Issue on Driver-Centered Design

General Theme

I n recent years, Driver Support Systems (DSS)have become commonplace in cars. Nowadays, Intel-ligent Driver Support Systems (IDSS) are intendedto enhance driving by providing continuous feedbackand control augmentation instead of taking controlover the driver to perform sub-tasks. In this perspec-tive, IDSS have to be integrated with the driver’scognitive processes.

This evolution calls for a paradigm shift, wherethe design and evaluation process is grounded on thekey component of an IDSS: the driver. Understand-ing and formalizing the drivers behavior, perceptionand sense-making is obligatory to design intelligentvehicles that respond in relevant ways according tothe drivers perspective.

Many complementary approaches and disciplinescapture knowledge of drivers needs for technologi-cal design. They may for instance make use simula-tors and statistical validation, or explore the varietyof real-world situations by using ethnographic tech-niques.

In this special issue, we propose to explorethe foundations of a new driver-centered designparadigm.


Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, we intendto focus on the following topics:

• Theoretical frameworks Experimental setup• Technical tools for observation and analysis• Capturing cognitive processes and specifying

contextual needs• Acceptability of a new system• Technology interaction and integration


Original papers presenting unpublished material re-lated, but not restricted, to these topics are invitedfor submission. Manuscripts should not exceed 8,000words.Important dates (may change in the future):

• Submission deadline: 1 August 2005• Notification to authors: 15 October 2005• Final submission: 15 November 2005

See for detailsand up-to-date information.

Guest Editors

Jean-Baptiste Hau, DCog-Hci lab, UCSD:[email protected] Fastrez Dpt of Communication, UCL, Bel-gium: [email protected]



Announcement Short Courseby Markos Papageorgiou

Technical University of Crete Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory Chania 73100, Greece


Lecturer: Prof. Markos PapageorgiouDate: 3-7 October 2005Location: Chania (Crete), GreeceFee: 1.200 EURO (for graduate students: 800 EURO ) 20% reduction is granted in case of more than oneparticipation from the same institution)


The design, analysis, and evaluation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) requires a good knowl-edge of traffic flow modelling and control techniques as well as of powerful methodologies from the areas ofoptimisation, control, networks and dynamic systems. The purpose of the intensive 5-day course is to coverthe basic theory and tools necessary for efficient design and evaluation of ITS on highway networks. Thecourse will begin with traffic flow modelling and validation that includes a coverage of the various trafficflow models, the modelling of traffic networks, and simulation tools. Measurement devices and estimationproblems in traffic networks, that include automatic incident detection and O-D estimation, will be presentedand discussed. The state-of-the art techniques on freeway control, road traffic control, and integrated controlemploying ramp metering, signal control, and route guidance via application of modern optimisation, con-trol, and estimation techniques, together with several case studies will be presented. Some 45 exercises willbe used for consolidation of the provided knowledge. Extensive written materials, including all transparencycopies, will be handed out.

Who Should Attend

Graduate students, engineers, researchers, consultants, and government employees who are interested inimproving their understanding of advanced traffic flow modelling and control tools and in becoming familiarwith their application in ITS.Please forward the information about the Short Course to any of your colleagues who may be interested.

For More Information

To take more information (Detailed Course Contents, About the Lecturer, Fee and Registration Form,Location, Accommodation, Evaluation of previous courses) please visit the site: or contact:

Prof. Markos Papageorgiou Director Dynamic Systems & Simulation Laboratory TECHNICAL UNIVER-SITY OF CRETE University Campus GR-73100 Chania, GREECE

Tel: +30-2821-0-37289 Fax: +30-2821-0-69568/69410 E-mail: [email protected]




Upcoming Conferences, Workshops, or Symposiaby Massimo Bertozzi

This section lists upcoming ITS-related conferences, workshops, or exhibits. Contributions are welcome;please send announcements to [email protected].

ITS in Europe 2005http://www.itsineurope.comHannover, GermanyJune 1–3

IEEE IV 2005http://www.ieeeiv.orgLas Vegas, USAJune 5–7

ESV 2005 Enhanced Safety of Vehicle Conf., USAJune 6–9

3rd Intl. Driving Symp. on Human Factors in DriverAssessment, Training, and Vehicle Designhttp://www.driving-assessment.orgRockport, USAJune 27-30

The 16th Intl. Symp. on Transp. and Traffic Theory Park, USAJuly 19–21

IASTED Automation, Control, and ApplicationsNovosibirsk, RussiaJune 20–24

ITE 2005 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, AustraliaAugust 7–10

Asia Pacific ITS Conference & Exhibitionhttp://www.itsindia.orgNew Delhi, IndiaAugust 9–11

IEEE ITSC 2005http://www.itsc2005.atVienna, AustriaSeptember 13–16

Biennial on DSP for in-Vehicle and Mobile Systemshttp://dspincars.sdsu.eduSesimbra, PortugalSeptember 3

IASTED Artificial Intelligence & Soft ComputingBenidorm, SpainSeptember 12–14,♦ submission by June 1

ISPA2005: Computer Vision in Intelligent TransportSystems, CroatiaSeptember 15–17

IEEE 61st Semiannual Vehicular TechnologyConf. (fall)http://vtc2005fall.orgDallas, USASeptember 25–28

IEEE 63st Semiannual Vehicular TechnologyConf. (spring)http://vtc2006spring.comMelbourne, AustraliaMay 8–10, 2006,♦ submission by Semptember 16

IASTED Intelligent Systems and ControlCambridge, USAOctober 31–November 2,♦ submission by June 15

IASTED Robotics and ApplicationsCambridge, USAOctober 31–November 2,♦ submission by June 15

ITS Worls Congresshttp://www.itsworldcongress.orgSan Francisco, USANovember 6–10