Download - Integrating Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing The Challenges & Benefits

  • Integrating Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing The Challenges & Benefits

    Frank Garcia


  • SIX SIGMA or LEAN MANUFACTURINGNeed to lower costs & reduce lead time? Material flow is poor Error rate is high Cant deliver ontime Equipment too slow

  • Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing?LEAN MANUFACTURING:

    Reduce Lead Time by eliminating waste in the Value StreamProvides the Game Plan and Plays


    Reduce process variationProvides the Play by Play Analysis and Instant Replay

  • Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing?LEAN MANUFACTURING:Flow Focused

    Lean cannot bring a process under statistical controlSIX SIGMA: Problem Focused

    Can not dramatically improve process speed or reduce invested capital


  • Integrating Six Sigma with Lean ManufacturingIncreases customer satisfactionImproves profitability & competitive positionHas historical integration problemsRequires a different system modelRequires implementation & sustaining plans

  • Lean Manufacturing SystemGoals areHighest qualityLowest costShortest lead timeAchieved by eliminating waste in the value streamIndustry benchmark: Toyota Production System (TPS)TPS is applied I.E. and common sensePrinciple: organization supports the value adder

  • Definition of Value -AddedValue is added any time the product is physically changed towards what the customer is intending to purchase.

    Value is also added when a service is provided for which the customer is willing to pay (i.e. design, engineering, etc.).

    If we are not adding value, we are adding cost or waste.

    90% of lead time is non-value added!

  • Value StreamThe value stream is the set of all the specific actions required to bring a specific product (good or service) through the critical management tasks of any business:1. Information Management2. Transformation

  • The EIGHT WastesInventory (more than one piece flow)Overproduction (more or sooner than needed)Correction (inspection and rework)Material MovementWaitingMotionNon-Value Added ProcessingUnderutilized People

  • Six Sigma System A defined management process and CTQ goal (3.4 ppm) 3 sigma is 66,807 ppm!Driven from the topFocused on Voice of the CustomerA data analysis and problem solving methodologyStrong focus on variation reductionSupported by highly trained problem solvers

  • ScrapReworkWarrantyRejectsUncovering Qualitys Hidden CostsTraditional(Tip of the Iceberg)LostOpportunities

    Additional Costs of Poor Quality

  • Six Sigma Variation ReductionVariation Reduction is Cost ReductionProcess Variation Should be Less Than Specs

  • Six Sigmas () Focus: Reducing VarianceA process mean tells us how the process is performing while the variance gives us an indication of process control.

  • What is Six Sigma () Quality?Population mean () or averageWith 6 Quality, approximately 3.4 items in a population of 1,000,000 items would be unacceptable.

  • Six Sigma System 20% margin improvement12 to 18% increase in capacity12% reduction in number of employees10 to 30% reduction in capital

    Improving Profitability A 1 Sigma Improvement Yields..Source: Six Sigma - Harry & Schroeder

  • Six Sigma Financial Impact Areas: The Savings CategoriesCost Reduction (including cost at standard and costs not included in standard cost)Cost Avoidance (can be difficult to document)Inventory ReductionRevenue EnhancementReceivables Reduction

  • Six Sigma System Customer centricity: What do they value?Financial resultsManagement engagement & involvementResource commitment: 1 to 3% of staff full timeExecution infrastructure: black & green belts, teams

    A culture characterized by..

  • Six Sigma Problem Solving Steps


  • The DMAIC CycleDefineImprovePlan-Do-Study-ActMeasure &AnalyzeControlManagement CommitmentPlan-Do-Study-ActTeamsBenchmarkAnalysis toolsID variabilityEmployee InvolvementDesign of ExperimentsSDCASDCASDCA = Standardize-Do-Check-AdjustSix Sigma In Action

  • Six Sigma ToolsCheck Sheets: Checklists of what is to be accomplished,etc..Scatter Diagrams: A graphical representation between two measurements (variables).Fishbone or Cause and Effect Diagrams: Provides a starting point for problem analysis. Problems are diagrammed into categories of Machinery, Material, Methods and Labor (Manpower).Pareto Charts: A method for organizing errors based on the number of errors created by a particular attribute (ex. Machine, Supplier, Product, Individual, etc.).

  • Six Sigma ToolsProcess Maps or Flowcharts: Graphical representation of a process or system showing process or product transformation. In other words, what is being done, by who and what choices are being made.Ideally process maps should include cycle times, defect information, etc. FMEAs (Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis): A detailed document which identifies ways in which a process or product can fail to meet critical requirements. X-Y Matrix: A ranking method used to prioritize process inputs (Xs) to process outputs (Ys).

  • Six Sigma Tools - Process Maps or FlowchartsWhat are the Xs (Input variables) at each process step?What are the Ys (Output Variables) at each process step?Remember Y = f (x)Remember Valued Added versus Non-Value AddedRemember Cycle Times and Defects

  • Traditional Six Sigma Implementation- Who is Involved

  • Six Sigma Information Flow

  • The Bad News:Six Sigma Program: Implementation IssuesSome of the facts:

    80% of Six Sigma Implementations fail.

    Traditional Six Sigma implementations have largely been attempted at large Fortune 500 Companies due to the large investment in people, training and overall support.

    Training costs alone for a wave of 25 people can cost $250,000 for this 4 to 6 month training period. Training costs and personnel requirements can overwhelm many smaller organizations.

  • Need for Six Sigma & LeanQuality, Warranty, and CostCustomers Require Six SigmaCustomers Require Lean ManufacturingCompetitors are implementing Lean & Six SigmaStaying in business

    External - Satisfying Customers..

  • Need for Six Sigma & LeanOperational Cost ReductionImprove ProductivityReduce Scrap and ReworkReduce Inventory & WIPEngineering Design Cost Reduction Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify (DMADV)Stabilize & Quantify Process CapabilityInput for Product and Design Process

    Internal - Improving Profitability through..

  • Lean Six Sigma Model

  • You Can Apply Six Sigma Techniques to Complement Existing Lean CapabilitiesLean Training & ImplementationVSMInventory Reduction & ControlWaste ReductionProcess variation

  • Lean Six Sigma Implementation Only Six Sigma or Lean Implemented - big $ savings but money left on the tableSeparate Six Sigma & Lean initiatives competing for best resourcesDifficulty in sustaining the gain

    Historical Implementation Problems

  • Lean Six Sigma Implementation Need to implement in the correct orderPolicy deployment to align business objectives (Flow, Waste & Variation Reduction)Focus on shop floor results, not class room skillsExperienced teachers & coachesStandardized work to institutionalize the gains

    Some Solutions.

  • The Lean Six Sigma Strategy :

    Lean 6 is a CHANGE STRATEGY for accelerating improvements in processes, products, and services to improve a companys performance leading to improved financial performance and competitiveness of the organization. Goals:Improved Customer SatisfactionIncreased ProfitsImproved Process Capability by Reducing VarianceIncreased Market ShareSupport Continuous ImprovementSustained Gains for Completed Projects

  • Lean and the 6 StructureLEAN Manufacturing Practices Problem Solving Yellow and Green BeltBlack BeltM.B.BProblem Solving Team MembersWaste reduction and Continuous Improvement

    Functional 6Sigma Team Member. Familiar with toolsProblem solver, assists Black Belt. Working Knowledge of toolsProblem solver,Proficient with toolsProblem solver, Teacher, Mentor. Expert in use of the toolsFULL TIME COMMITMENT25-50%Training Costs- up to $2,500 Week (excludes lodging, travel and salary)

  • Why Not Rent a Belt (Black, Yellow or Green) Pay for only What You Need to Solve Real Business Problems?Easier for Small Business to JustifyFocused on Solving Companies ProblemsJoint Problem Solving and Knowledge/Skill TransferEasier to Meet Customer Mandates to Use Lean Six Sigma TechniquesProvides Evolutionary Approach to Lean/Six Sigma Implementation and Training

  • How Do We Use Lean Six Sigma Techniques Get Management commitmentAssess the operation & understand the Process using a Value Stream Map (Product families & Production data)Identify lean improvements & kaizens without automation Implement lean improvements using VSM planIdentify processes requiring Six Sigma analysisAnalyze, eliminate, and control variationStart the cycle again!

  • The Lean Six Sigma CycleCommitment &AssessmentImplementationPlanRecommendedSolutionsDO IT!Continuous ImprovementSet UpLayoutCellsVisualVariation ReductionInformation SystemsVSM

  • Understanding the Process: The 1st Step and Foundation of Lean Six SigmaY = f(X)are a functionThe Lean Six Sigma process attempts to control the outputs by controlling the inputs (those Critical to Quality or CTQs)

  • Value Stream Map An Assessment ToolThe value stream map follows the production path from beginning to end and shows a visual representation of every process in the material and information flows

    Shows how the shop floor currently operates

    Foundation for the future state

  • Using the Value Stream Mapping Toolproduct familycurrent state drawingfuture state drawingplan and implementationUnderstanding how the shop floorcurrently operates. The foundationfor the future state. Designing a lean flow

  • Soak & DryPackagingLabelingCase PackingCartoningShippingIIIIIIC/T = 25 - 65 min.C/O = 10 min.Rel. = 100%C/T = 1 sec.C/O = 5 min.Rel. = 85%C/T = 3 sec.C/O = 2 min.Rel. = 80%C/T = 1 sec.C/O = N/ARel. = 100%C/T = 2 sec.C/O = N/ARel. = 100%up to 250stonesin WIP001 Operator1/2 Operator1 Operator1 Operator1/2 Operator125 Cans of Oil20,640 Round Stones49,000 Shaped Stones 4290Stones90,504Stones VariousCustomersAndrea Aromatics (Scented Oils) New Jersey Porcelain(Round Stones) Alanx(Shaped Stones)30 Cans of OilEvery 2 Weeks59,000 StonesEvery 2 Weeks50,000+ StonesEvery 2 Months (via stringer)Average of 6,000Stones per Dayin Various SizeOrders (8 to 20 case& 200 to 400 caserange mainly)Production Control Randomly PlacedOrders (Various Sizes)Orders Every 2 WeeksOrder as NeededBi-WeeklyProduction ScheduleDaily Shipping Orders11.6 Days65 min.0.7 Days7 seconds15.1 days27.4 Days Lead Time

    65 minutes, 7 seconds Value-Added TimeValue Stream Map (Current State) DailyShipmentsExisting Work Cell AmeripackFlow Packager APAIAutomatic StaplerManualManual Multiple Batch Tanks

  • Soak & DryPackagingLabelingCase PackingCartoningShippingIIIIIC/T = 25 - 65 min.C/O = 10 min.Rel. = 100%C/T = 1 sec.C/O = 5 min.Rel. = 85%C/T = 3 sec.C/O = 2 min.Rel. = 80%C/T = 1 sec.C/O = N/ARel. = 100%C/T = 2 sec.C/O = N/ARel. = 100%up to 250stonesin WIP001 Operator1/2 Operator1 Operator1 Operator1/2 Operator75 Cans of Oil40,000 Round Stones25,000 Shaped Stones 4290Stones30,000Stonesin a supermarkettype arrangementwith stocking levelsby shape and scent VariousCustomersAndrea Aromatics (Scented Oils) New Jersey Porcelain(Round Stones) Alanx(Shaped Stones)12 to 16 Cans of Oil Once aWeek30,000 StonesOnce a Week25,000 StonesOnce a Month (via stringer)Average of 6,000Stones per Dayin Various SizeOrders (8 to 20 case& 200 to 400 caserange mainly)

    Production Control Randomly PlacedOrders (Various Sizes)Orders Every WeekMonthly OrderBi-WeeklyProduction Schedule(large orders)Daily Shipping Orders10.8 Days65 min.0.7 Days7 seconds5.0 days16.5 Days Lead Time

    65 minutes, 7 seconds Value-Added TimeValue Stream Map (Future State) DailyShipmentsExisting Work Cell AmeripackFlow Packager APAIAutomatic StaplerManualManual Multiple Batch Tanks4 Cases IncreaseReliability

  • Questions to Ask About the Value Stream Is the step valuable?Is the step capable? Is the step available? Is the step adequate (capacity)?Is the step flexible?

  • Lean ManufacturingConcepts & TechniquesFlow: Setup Reduction, Cellular Manufacturing, Batch Size Reduction, Visual Workplace, Layout

    Pull: Kanban Systems, Supply Chain Management, Point of Use

    Perfection: Quality Systems including variation reduction, Training

  • Road Map to Lean Six SigmaLean to improve flow and reduce inventory & lead time Six Sigma for Process Variation in Value Stream

  • Stamping








    Run: 200-600pcs/minC/T = .003 min/pc.

    C/O = 4.5 hrs.

    Available: 590 min/shiftRel. = 90%

    C/T =10 hrC/O = NoneRel. = 80%

    2 Hours

    1 Operator


    50 to 70Racks

    100 to 125Coils

    20 to 40 Bins

    1 Dayto12 Weeks


    Brass (40%)4 Weeks LT

    Beryllium Copper (30%)6 Mos. LTIn Stock- 1 Week

    Phosphor Bronze(30%) 10 Week LT6 Weeks Reroll

    Every Week

    Every Week

    Every Week

    Average of 1 mm pcs per dayin Various SizesOrders (2 to 13)

    Omega PrecisionProduction ControlVista Software System

    Randomly PlacedOrders (Various Sizes)

    Projected requirements

    Order as Needed

    Weekly Production Schedule PressroomManager

    Weekly ShippingList

    10 Days


    2 Days

    2.25 Days

    1 Day to 12 Weeks

    16.75 Days Lead Time+ coil lead time per average order3.75 Days ValueAdded Time

    Value Stream Map (Current State) Stamping Orders With No Plating or Heat Treatment(Potential Future State Changes in Red)


    1 unit


    11 Stamping Presses

    6 Operators

    10 to 24 coils3 times/week

    Average order = 208,000 pcs252,000 strokes

    Standard Timefor SetupAdjustment


    Visual Statusof Presses

    SankyoCoil Feeds

    ReduceCycle Time

    Layout isa Problem



    Single Pointof Control

    2 Baskets - Strip1 Basket - Pieces

    C/T = 2 Hr Strips Max 1000/Basket Min 200/Basket = 30 Min Pcs. 25,000 Pcs/BasketC/O = NoneRel. = 95%

    Combine?Lot Control ImprovementHandling Reduction

    Review WorkSchedule withSuppliers

    Pre-Control forRoll Changes

  • Low Productivity Electrical Device AssemblyThe Challenge in Two StepsClient wanted wave soldering and robotic pick and placeFunctional operational layoutReject rate 5 to 8%Extensive material stagingNo spaceInitially, 13 people in Aurora cellLow output: 300 units/day

  • Lean Six Sigma Techniques UsedProcess mapping

    Cellular Manufacturing & Layout

    Balance Cycle Times Between Work Stations

    Reduce Batch Size & parts staging

    Quality Data Collection & Analysis (Reduce Reject Rate)

  • Cellular Assembly Layout



  • Lean Six Sigma Changes Cold staking fixtures

    Powered screw drivers

    Light test & Soldering fixtures

    Quality data tracking via % defect control chart (p chart)

  • With Lean Six SigmaThe Results Balanced cell at 24 sec per work stationTwo U-shaped cells3 piece flow1000 units/day per cell vs 3006 people per cell vs 13Faster identification of quality problemsOperating at 5 to 6 sigmaBetter teamworkNo backlog

  • Reducing Lead Time & Improving Quality Steel Panel FabricationThe Challenge Client wanted to reduce lead time to less than one weekAutomated equipment had been installed but had problemsPanel rejects & rework (5%)Material flow problemsFew process controls or data collection

  • ShearNotch Corner PunchStake & LabelBendShipping IC/T = 4 min. C/O = N/ARel. = 99% C/T = 2 min. C/O = 4 min Rel. = 95%C/T = 2 min.C/O = up to 30 min.Rel. = 99%C/T = 2 min.C/O = N/A Rel. = 99% C/T = 5 min. C/O = 30 to 60 sec. Rel. = 90% 1 Operator1/2 Operator 1 Operator 2 Operators1/2 Operator Various Distributors(~ 24 for Smith Corp. &~ 6 for Jones SystemsSheet GalvanizedSteel (4 by 8 or cut)Up to an averageof 130,000 lbsdaily in peakseason Production Control(normally working24 to 48 hours ahead ofpromised shipment)Randomly PlacedOrders (normallysingle unit orders)Blanket Annual PurchaseOrder with Daily Releases 2 to 5 days 4 min.2 to 5 Working Days, Lead Time

    32 minutes, Value-Added TimeValue Stream Map (Current State) DailyShipments1/2 OperatorAdd Z Brace C/T = 7 min. C/O = N/A Rel. = 98% to 99%1/2 Operator 2 min. 2 min.5 min.2 min. 7 min.DailyProductionReports Daily Shipping ScheduleRack1 MaterialHandlerDailyProductionReportsAverage volume of 1000systems per month in peakseason.Customers are mainlydistributors. There are afew dealers. C/T = N/A C/O = N/A Rel. = 100%Radius & Band C/T = 8 min. (average) C/O = 2 to 30 min. Rel. = 80% to 100% 2 Operators 8 min.Sheet Galvanized Steel (4 by 8 or cut)

    Sheet Galvanized Steel (4 by 8 or cut)

    Sheet Galvanized Steel (4 by 8 or cut)

    2 to 5 daysdependingon pre-cutsize1 AccurshearAutomatedShear (P-3)1 ManualNotcher (S-23)& 1 AutomatedNotcher (R-3) 3 Semi-Auto Punches (S-1, S-2, & S-3) 1 ManualBrake (R-7)& 1 AutomatedBrake (R-13) 1 AutomatedMachine (R-8) 1 AutomatedMachine (ACR) 1 Manual Table,1 Jig-lessMachine (R12),& 1 Jig Machine(R1) Specialty PunchC/T = 2 min.C/O = N/ARel. = 99% 0 Operators 2 min. 4 Semi-Auto PunchesIn StraightPanel Dept.

  • Lean & Six Sigma Techniques Used

    Value Stream Mapping

    Process flow diagrams

    Setup time Analysis

    Quality Data Collection & Analysis (Reduce Reject Rate & Variability)

  • Rack1 MaterialHandler C/T = N/A C/O = N/A Rel. = 100%Radius & Band C/T = 8 min. (average) C/O = 2 to 30 min.Reject rate = 5% Rel. = 80% to 100% 2 Operators 8 min. 1 Manual Table,1 Jig-lessMachine (R12),& 1 Jig Machine(R1)Improve reliability and changeovercapability of R1 and R12 machines.Reduce panel reject rate.

    Work to 1 to 2 days lead time

    INITIAL IMPROVEMENT CONCEPTS2 to 5 Working Days, Lead Time

  • 6 Foot Long Custom Radius Panel Fabrication Partially finished panels are stocked insixteen different configurations. Panelsare finished to order. Work is done inthree different areas as noted. RawMaterial Stock 14 Ga. Galvanized Steel(pre-cut 53-15/16 by 63-15/16 sheets)Notch& Punch(TrumpfMachine)ShipBend& StakeAdd Z Brace(s)(if required)LabelRadius& Band(R12 - JiglessMachine) WIP Stock 16 Different Panelswith Various CutoutsTrumpf AreaCustom Panel Dept.Straight Panel Dept.PanelMaterialRackRawMaterial Stock 11 Ga. Galvanized Steel(4 by 8 standard sheets)Shear& CutBandMaterial

  • Process ImprovementsSeparating Process & Machine IssuesCommon setup procedureReplace measurement gagesEstablished process capabilityImplemented process controls for panel dimensionsIdentified realtime data requirementsCompleted identified maintenance actionsImplemented PM program

  • Why Lean Automation?After implementing lean improvements such as cellular manufacturing and setup reduction, selective automation can add value and reduce human variability.

    Richard Schonberger, June 2002

  • New Radius Bending Machine R13 Automated band cutting Servo driven adjustments from panel bar codes Online radius measurement and tracking

  • R13 Capabilities After Lean Six Sigma

    Operates as a cellRuns two product familiesChangeover in less than 5 sec. within and between product familiesCycle time reduced from 5 min. to 1.8 min.Realtime auto check of each panel with data collectionOperating at 6 sigma

  • As lead time decreases.. the need for realtime data increases!Lean Six Sigma in the Fast Lane!

  • Automation Provides Realtime Data to Control Variation for Six SigmaEnhances Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control methodology (DMAIC)

    Online measurement of process parameters

    Direct data input into control charts

    Provide realtime controls as control limits are understood

    Process Control

  • R13 Process Controls & System Status

    Realtime Data Collection for Six Sigma AnalysisDiagnostics for Rapid Identification of Problems

  • Realtime Data From R13


    Index Count V2022Target Chord Height V2030Top Chord Height V2046Bot. Chord Height V2066Delta Top / Bot. V2032Top Dev. V2050Bot. Dev. V2070Bend Angle Offset V1610Bend Angle Factor V1612Bend Factor Top V1614Bend Factor Bot. V1616Panel Radius (Feet) V1706Panel Length (Inches) V1710Cycle Time V2014RemarksTemplate Dev. TopTemplate Dev. Bot.Inspect Dev. TopInspect Dev. Bot.Inspect Delta (Bot.-Top)Template Delta (Bot.-Top)



    214.05114.08913.9470.1420.039-0.1040.0001.3250.7810.8804.00075.375132.9general, using values from 3'R
























    2614.05114.08914.1040.0150.0390.0540.0001.3250.7970.9214.00075.375131.6bands from stock, COE belt broken









  • How Do We Use Lean Six Sigma Techniques Get Management commitmentAssess the operation using a Value Stream Map (Product families & Production data)Identify lean improvements & kaizens without automation Implement lean improvements using VSM planIdentify processes requiring Six Sigma analysisAnalyze, eliminate, and control variationStart the cycle again!

  • Lean Six SigmaOperating costsProcess speed(lead time)

    Inventory & invested capitalQualityCustomer satisfactionOperating flexibilityMethodology that maximizes shareholder value by achieving the fastest rate of improvement in..

  • Contact Information

    Advent Design CorporationCanal Street and Jefferson Ave.Bristol, PA 19007


    Frank Garcia, Director Engineering [email protected]