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Instrumentation and control requirements for deployment of modular High Temperature Gas

Cooled Reactor in Indonesia Widi Setiawan

Centre for Accelerator and Material Process Technology – BATAN [email protected]


Modular High Temperature Reactor as an optimal choice due to its inherent safety chracteristic, and Prof Kugeler from Forshunszentrum Juelich called modular HTGR as a 'catastrophe free‘ Reactor

Zero emission energy conversion

Hydrogen economy

Water splitting

Thermokimia Elektrokimia

Lebih ekonomis?

High Temperature Reactor Module kogenerasi

TRISO coated particle fuel

Melting free reactor

(Hydrogen as fuel for fuel cell Emission: H2O)‏

Light Water Reactor (PWR, BWR)‏

Program Jangka Panjang (Learning & Growth)

• Penempaan kemampuan teknologi proses sol-gel

Pengembangan proses pembuatan kernel UO2

• Penempaan kemampuan teknologi proses fluidized bed chemical vapour deposition

• Penempaan kemampuan teknologi proses pemisahan Zr-Hf (Zr utk pengganti Si di masa mendatang)

Pengembangan proses pelapisan kernel UO2 dengan SiC & PyC

• Penempaan kemampuan teknologi proses grafitisasi

Pengembangan proses pembuatan moderator grafit

• Penempaan kemampuan teknologi molding grafit dengan matriks kernel berlapis SiC

Pengembangan proses pembuatan bahan bakar bola

Modular High Temperature Reactor is an optimal choice because of its inherent safety characteristic

Noise thermometry at AVR (experimental HTGR) Juelich Gemany

Temperature measurement at THTR 300 Hamm Uentrop Germany

Problems in Industrial Noise Thermometry wich have to be solved 1. Sensor Material: A decisive criterion for the service life of sensors in the high temperature range (e.g. in core temperature measurement) is choosing the sensor to be compatible with the materials of the sensor environment. As the thermal noise is independent of the material used, the obvious choice in a carbon environment is carbon or graphite. 2. EMI: The detection and the avoidance or rejection of EMI (Electromagnetic interferences). Noise signal from the sensor will be chosen in a certain bandwidth and cross correlated to eliminate the uncorrelated EMI. The cross correlation is performed in frequency domain using Fast Fourier Transform or time domain using time averaging. Detection and elimination of EMI in the measured signal of noise thermometer can be conducted in frequency domain (for narrow band EMI) and time domain (for wide band EMI). High attention in the design of shielding and grounding have to be performed for avoidance or rejection of EMI. 3. Transmission: The cross correlated noise signal from sensor is compared the cross correlated noise signal from another sensor which is located at a reference temperature. The measured plant temperature is calculated according this comparison. In industrial plants, the transmission of measured noise signal from sensor at plant measuring location is different to the transmission of noise signal from sensor at referance temperature. This cause a transmission error that have to be calculated to correct the measured temperature.

The other important issue of Instrumentation and control system (ICS) in Indonesia is obsolence factor. This factor arise if a module is defect and the manufacturer doesn’t produce the module anymore. This obsolescence factor cause need to import a new equipment and related to high cost and also plant down-time.

Obsolescence factor‏

technological & industrial infrastructure


In form of services, components and ability for refurbishing in the user country.

Experiences on this obsolence factor:

1. The instrumentation and control of TRIGA reactor at

Bandung is a computer based system, which is operated

through software. The hard disk was defect, so that the

reactor can not be operated. The TRIGA did not produce

anymore the same type of control system, so that the control

system has to be replaced with the new type.

2. A module of the S5 type PLC for Reactor 30 MW at

Serpong was defect. Siemens did not produced anymore S5

type PLC, therefore the PLC system has to be replaced with

the new type, S7 type PLC.

It will be a very serious problem, if there is only one

manufacturer which supply the module in the market or the

product is a first-of-a-kind (FOAK) technology, like noise

thermometer. Noise thermometer is also not yet provided in

the market.


R. Ka.Bid.

R. Ka.Sub.Bid.

Acquisition & Control System

instrumentation & actuator

Operations Console


Instrumentation & Control (I&C) Development System


RS-485 bus

Ethernet bus


Acqusition Computer


Acqusition & Control Computer



Actuator Module for 3 Control Rods

IEEE-488 bus

Vibration Analyzer (FFT & pattern recognition)‏

Trouble shooting expert system

RS-485 bus

Fuel Temperature Primary Coolant inletTemperature

Primary Coolant outlet Temperature Primary Coolant Debit Secondary Coolant Debit Primary Coolant Level in the tank of reactor core

Primary Coolant Pump

Process Information System Computer

Ethernet bus


BATAN Plant Server


NM-1000 Logic Module





Switching Module

Servo Motor Actuator for 3 Control Rods

Acquisition & Control Computer


Control Algorithm PD-PID or Fuzzy


Trip Status

Position of 3 Control Rods

Thumb-wheel Power Demand


Dynamic characteristic

of Kartini reactor

Conversion from neutron flux to power

Simulator Heat removal system

Turbine & generator

Nuclear Power Plant Dynamic Characteristic Simulator

Dynamic Characteristic of Kartini TRIGA 100 kW instead of point kinetic equation


Generally, the requirements of I&C Sytem for HTGR is similar to safety

critical process industries, but a credible temperature measurement is a

crutial requirement to ensure the melting free characteristic of modular

HTGR which has supported significantly to public acceptance in

Indonesia as an argument against some nuclear power plants accidents


Due to decalibration problem in the conventional temperature

measurement (thermocouple as the best practical sensor in industrial

plant at present), research on the application of noise thermometry for in-

situ calibration in high temperature industrial plants have to be conducted


To avoid obsolescence factor, Instrumentation and control, especially if

using a FOAK technology, have to be designed as a multi vendor system

and technological & industrial infrastructure in the user country.

Pusat Teknologi Akselerator dan Proses Bahan - BATAN