Download - Installing Dokmee Enterprise SQL 2008

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Installing Dokmee Enterprise with SQL 2008 

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1. Install Microsoft SQL on a server or local computer that everyone can access. Make sure that you have .NET Framework 3.5 installed. If you go to the link below, it will tell you if you have .NET 3.5 installed. If you don’t have it, go here

You can use the express version or the full version of SQL. You can get the express version here

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2. Start the installation for SQL server 2008 Express Edition (click SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU.exe).

Click Installation.

Select New SQL Server stand-alone installation.

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If everything completes without a problem then click OK. If you receive a problem it

will give you some helpful details to fix the issue.

Click Install.

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Click Next. If you have an error here, then you might need to update one of these

packages. Search for it on Microsoft’s website.

Choose either to install a new instance of SQL Server Express, or if it is already

installed, you can create a new instance of SQL here. Click Next.

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Choose ‘Specify a free edition’ and select Express with Advanced Services from the

drop down. If you have a full version a key can be entered here. Click Next.

Accept terms and Click Next.

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Select Database engine services, Full-Text Search, and Management Tools - Basic.

Click Next.

Here you can rename your SQL instance and choose the root to install your database

files. Most users can use the defaults. Click Next.

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Click Next if everything is correct.

Under the account name column on the SQL Server Database Service, Click the drop

down and select NT Authority\SYSTEM. For Full-Text Filter Service NT Authority\Local Service should be selected and the SQL Server Browser should contain NT Authority\NetworkService. These can be changed for your networks


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Select Mixed Mode radio button and enter in a password that will be used as the

systems administrator for SQL. Remember this password for later when we enter it in the Dokmee connection settings. Then Click to Add the Current User to specify the SQL administrator or add multiple users by clicking ADD. The data Directories tab

allows you to change the location of the SQL files if needed. Click Next

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Click Next.

Click Next.

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Click Install.

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Installation Progress.

Finished Installation. Click Close

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3. To set-up the connectivity of SQL go to Start->Microsoft SQL Server 2008->Configuration Tools->SQL Server Configuration Manager.

Double click on Server 2008 Network Configuration. Single Click on Protocols for

SQLEXPRESS. Right click on TCP/IP. Select Enable. Double click on TCP/IP.

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Select IP Addresses Tab. Under IPALL, enter 1433 for TCP Port. Click OK. Close

Configuration Manager.

• Next Restart the SQL service by o Right clicking on My Computer, Select Manage, select Service and

Applications, click services. o Right Click on SQL Server (SQLExpress), and select Restart.

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• Or, you can restart the computer to restart the Service.

4. We are going to create a folder on the local drive for the images. You can place this folder anywhere, such as C:\Data. Create the folder by right clicking in the explorer window at the C:\ location. Select New Folder. Name it Data.

In Windows XP: Right Click and select Sharing and Security..

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Select Share this folder. Click Permissions.

Check Full Control. Click OK.

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Click OK.

In Vista: Right click and Select Share.

Click on the down arrow and select everyone. Click Add. Click share.

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Click Done.

5. Install Dokmee Enterprise ( click DokmeeEnterprise.msi).

Click Next.

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Agree to terms. Click Next.

Click Next.

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Click Next.

Click Close.

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6. Open Dokmee.exe located on your desktop.

Click Options.

Enter in the IP address of the computer with SQL Server.

To find your IP address, go to Start->Run and type cmd in the box and Click OK.

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Type ipconfig and hit Enter. This should give you your computers IP address to be

entered into Dokmee.

Port: 1433, User ID: sa,

Password: the password you created when installing SQL,

Next, Click the Database Tab

Data Path: Path of the shared folder. In the example above, it is located on another computer on the Network.

Click Test Connection. Click OK.

Check Login Required if the Data folder that you created on the Server has limited privileges. Have a user with administrative Privileges to this folder enter their credentials

for User Name, Password, and Domain (optional). Test Login.

• Now you should be able to create a new SQL database in Dokmee.