Download - Instagram

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By Cassidy and GiovannaINSTAGRAM

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It’s a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your

photos with friends and family.

Snap a picture, choose a filter to transform its look

and feel, then post to Instagram. Share to

Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr too – it's as easy as

pie. It's photo sharing, reinvented.


Instagram is a free app where you get to edit pictures, post them onyour page, and share photo’s with your friends.

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☆ 100% free custom designed filters and borders such as XPro-II, Earlybird,

Rise, Amaro, Hudson, Lo-fi, Sutro, Toaster, Brannan, Inkwell, Walden, Hefe, Nashville, 1977, and others.

☆ Linear and Radial Tilt-Shift blur effects for extra depth of field.

☆ Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Foursquare, and

Posterous ☆ Unlimited uploads

☆ Interact with friends through giving & receiving likes and comments ☆ Full iPhone 4 front & back camera

support ☆ And much more...

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Most of the users on Instagram are teens and young adults. As of April 2012, there were over 30 million

accounts set up. Instagram quickly became one of the most popular social networking site/app out there. As with all social networks, there are users that are obsessed with it, people that hate it, and people that use it every once in

a while. Some reviews of users: “This app has kept me out of trouble on more than one occasion and gotten me into some! If you know what I

mean… Winky face! What?” ~riceburglar (rated five stars)“SUDDENLY SHUT DOWN MY ACCOUNT WITHOUT


“Love it!” ~Megan Griffin (rated 4 stars)


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This may come as a surprise to some of you, but instagram has the right to sell your photos without your permission or

notification. With the new policy, Facebook has the right to license all

public instagram photos to companies and other organizations, for advertising

purposes, which would transform instagram into the world's largest stock

photo agency. This means that any picture that you post on instagram can be taken without you knowing and put into an ad. For example, if you were to go to MacDonald's and take a picture of

your burger and say that it was awesome, you may find your picture on

the next MacDonald's ad.


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A benefit to using instagram is that it allows you to take high-class photos without having to

carry anything besides your cell phone, which most people carry around with them everywhere

anyway. One of the best attributes about

instagram is that it greatly accomplishes its original goal: fast, easy, and efficient photo-

sharing.It also gives you the option of posting the photo onto other

popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and



Positive Negative

A bad factor about instagram is that it has the right to reuse,

redistribute, and reproduce any of the images that users have uploaded to their feed. This creates not only a privacy

concern, but a financial one as well.

Another thing about it is that instagram allows every type of photo to be posted, even the

ones that are tasteless or poorly composed. Not everyone who

creates an instagram profile is a professional photographer.

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Anyone can follow you on Instagram and see your pictures and comments but you can stop that, you can limit it to certain

people. To do this:1. Click the menu button from the right side of the app (figure 1)2. Then click on the little gear in the upper right corner (figure 2)3. Scroll down to Photos are Private. By default it’s OFF but you can turn it on. Instagram will ask if you’re sure and you want to

click “Yes I’m sure.” You can always change this later on. (figure 3)

Figure 1Figure 2

Figure 3

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This lets users know where your pictures were taken. When you click on your own or someone

else's profile, you'll not only see but also a new photo map section, which is essentially a geographic album that highlights were each

image was snapped.Instagram said that with every

major release it picks a theme, and this time around the company

focused on improving the photo-browsing experience.


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FeedFrom within the “Feed” tab you can scroll through posts

by all of the users you are following by swiping up. To get to the Feed tab, tap on the icon that looks like a

house to the very left. Click on the refresh button in the top right corner to reload the tab. This will show you the posts that have been posted since you opened the feed. You can click the “like” button or click “comment” to

share your opinion of a photo with other instagram users.

ExploreTo use the explore tab, go to the tab that is second to

the left. It looks like a star with 8 points. It’s purpose is to search users and hashtags so you can find pictures of specific things. To search, you tap on the search bar at

the top of the screen. Then you pick either user, or Hashtag. You can then type in what you want to search.

ShareFrom within the “Popular” tab you can see photos

uploaded by other users that are getting attention from the instagram community. The popular tab is visualized

by a star icon.Clicking the “Share” tab will allow you to snap photos or

select photos from your device’s photo albums. Click the camera icon in the center to snap a photo. (This requires an device with a camera

such as the iPhone or an Android phone.)

You can also click the small icon on the bottom right to enable and disable your device’s flash, if supported.Alternatively, click the layered photo icon from the

bottom left to select a photo from your photo albums.You can optionally apply a filter to your photo. Click on the intertwined squares at the bottom left to choose a

picture to work with, then select a filter from the choices that appear. Click ”Next” when you are finished.

On an iPhone, this will be a green check mark on the bottom of the screen, while on an Android, tap the

double arrows at the top right corner to move on. Enter a brief description of your photo in the “What?” text

input field. You can also optionally select the “Where?” tab to add location info to your photo.

Click any of the social networks underneath “Sharing” that you want to post your photo on. Click any of the

social networks underneath “Sharing” that you want to post your photo on. Enter the username and password

associated with your account to link it with your Instagram account.

Click “Done” to complete the process and post your photo. Your photo will appear in your “Feed” and also the feed of other Instagram users that are following

you. It will also be posted to any of the social networks you selected.

The Feed, Explore and Share Tabs

Share Tab Continued


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The second to the right icon is your

news tab. The news tab shows

you the notifications. If someone liked

your photo, commented, or

started following you. Tap on the

“following” bottom to see what recent

activities people you follow have

done, or the “news” button for your notifications.

Tap the furthest right icon to go to your profile. This gives you all the info on

you. It will show you your photos,

followers, who you are

following, your profile pic, and

your description of yourself. You can look at your photo map, and

edit your profile.

News tab Profile tab


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Some things you should do for safety purposes:

Set your account to private. This will prevent pedophiles from being able to see

your profile and pictures. Don’t share photos that show nudity or

mature content. If you wouldn’t show the photo you are thinking about uploading to a

child, or your boss, or your parents, you probably shouldn’t share it on Instagram.

The same rule applies to your profile photo. Accounts found sharing nudity or mature

content will be disabled and your access to Instagram may be discontinued.

Pick a strong password: Use a combination of at least six numbers, letters, and

punctuation marks (like ! and &), Make sure your email account is secure, log out of Instagram when you use a computer or device you share with other people, and

NEVER give anyone you do not know and trust your password

Make sure you have a safe password!

Make it hard to guess!

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