Download - inSpirit Magazine Spring 2009

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n her own words

Paranormal Investigator

Crystal Healing with Moldavite

How normal is the Paranormal?

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Produced in conjunction with The

Australian College of Mediumship,

inSpirit Magazine is designed to

provide a respectful forum for like-

minded souls to share in a community

which aims to provide informative

views, opinions and education

regarding the experience of living with


CWA King St

Campbelltown NSW, Australia

Ph: 0416 070 141



Believing in the paranormal is like believing in truth. Your perspective influences your reality.

Kerrie Wearing


Managing Editor: Kerrie Wearing

Phone: 0416 070 141

Published by: ACOM


Enq: [email protected]

V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 3S E P T 2 0 0 9

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

F R O M T H E E D I T O R 3


I N H E R O W N W O R D S 7




S P I R I T P H O T O G R A P H Y 10

M O L D A V I T E 1 3


1 4


1 5



1 6

R E S O U R C E D I R E C T O R Y 1 9


While every care has been taken to provide the reader with accurate, inspiring and thought provoking information, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of information and views expressed by the

contributors. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers.




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The paranormal is such a popular topic at the

moment, and we here at inSpirit love the experience

of a ghost tour or investigation, so we thought it only

pertinent When the inspiration arose, that a paranor-

mal edition would be perfect for you.

So we’ve put together some interviews from

the experts, myself included, to hopefully broaden

your knowledge and interest too. Hear from Ghost

Radio owner Lia Ramses and the extraordinary stories

she has to tell. Darren Croese’s knowledge on investi-

gating and spirit photography is well worth a read, as

he demystifies it all for us, and show us how easy it

would be to mistake camera work for the appearance

of Spirit.

Hear also from Raphaela Elizabeth and her

heart touching experience of being visited by her very

own Angel. A must read!

Write to Us!

Send your stories, feedback or

just drop us a line to:

InSpirit Magazine


[email protected]



We’ve also incorporated the results of a survey

conducted by Rosemary Breen from Monash University,

which we hope will highlight just how normal an everyday

experience is with the Paranormal. I always say, it’s as

normal as people changing jobs, moving house etc. We just

don’t talk about it. But once we do, we learn everyone has

an experience to recount. Rosemary surveyed over 4000

people in 2006. The results are thought provoking and

quite interesting.

As usual, Val shares her insightful crystal

knowledge, this time on Moldavite. And lastly, don’t miss

the interview Rita conducted with me. I get a chance to

share some of my thoughts and beliefs on the spirit world

and the paranormal.

Remember, we always like to hear from you and

we thank each and everyone of you, who emailed your

photos and experiences of the paranormal. We do

apologise if they were not included.

Until next issue,

May the Spirit in You seek to be expressed!

With Love and Gratitude,


Regular Contributors: Kerrie Wearing,

Rita Maher,

Andrea Kaldy,

Val Maher.

Contributing this issue: Lorraine Aston, Malvern Worcestershire, UK


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As far as experts go in the paranormal, here in Australia you simply cannot go past Lia Ramses. Lia, along with her husband John, is the owner and operator of Ghost Radio, the rst Australian internet paranormal radio station. Since establishing Ghost Radio and her own radio show Underworld in 2006, Lia has spoken with some of the most well known people involved in the paranormal, from internationally recognised Anthropologist Richard Boylan to Medium Clairvoyant Lisa Williams. She’s even been known to go one on one with a sceptic or two. With this wealth of knowledge, we thought it only pertinent to speak with Lia about her own journey and her thoughts on the paranormal.

What inspired your interest in the paranormal?

Probably my family. Some families are sporting families,

shing families or whatever, it is what they love to do. My

family’s always been a spooky family. My great grandmother,

Nanna Barker, was a member of a Spiritualist church,

running her own development circle. She passed all that

down to my grandmother Joan, so it’s just been something

I’ve always grown up with. I think it’s certainly what made

me so comfortable with it all, although there is no one else,

except maybe my mum, that is so absorbed with it all as I am.

Do you have a particular area of interest within the


I love the really, really old paranormal researchers. People

like Harry Price and how they researched poltergeist type

phenomena. There just doesn’t seem to be the same kind

of activity around anymore. The old stuff I nd really

fascinating; the amount of research they used to do. Harry

Price spent years at the Borley Rectory. He actually lived

there detailing and documenting everything that went

on. I just think all of those old time spiritualists were so

precise in their work and they seem to have had so much

more poltergeist activity back then to investigate. I think

our technology has certainly given us new and exciting ways

to investigate the paranormal, however, it also seems to have

taken a bit away as well.

So, do you think it’s just the advance of new technology

that has taken away from that kind of activity?

I think we’re busier and we think we are so much more aware

of what things could be now. We don’t have the time to pay

attention. For example, say it’s your grandmother’s birthday

and her picture frame falls over on the bookshelf. No one takes

the time to consider that anymore. We’re so busy rushing off

out the door, we don’t take the time to sit and consider what

the implications of that might mean. We don’t take the time

to talk with Spirit, commune with Spirit, nding that balance

of Spirit in our lives. That’s one of the reasons, and then

we ll our time with other stuff, like computers, internet,

twitter, Facebook and things like that. Technology has given

us EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and ITC (Instrumental

TransCommunication), so it’s certainly given us something,

but I don’t think it’s given us as much as it has taken away.

Do you think it could also be a little about evolution?

That humanity has come along, where the focus used

to be about physical activity in the way you are

describing, while now mental Mediumship has just

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grown considerably world wide. Perhaps we now

are just making those connections in different ways.

Probably, I think it is just coming in differently and like

you say, it probably is an evolutionary thing. As we develop

and move on with the times, so too does the way we look

at things and experience things. I just love to read all the

old research of people such as Colin Wilson and Harry

Price. They were all just so concise in what they did and

in particular, if the sceptics knew about a lot of the work

by the Parapsychological Association from years ago, they

would nd it a lot harder to be a sceptic. These days it’s

easy to be a sceptic, but if they knew about Harry Price and

his experiments, where he would tie people to chairs and

watch what was happening while they still levitated, then

don’t you think it would be much harder to be a sceptic?

How did Ghost Radio come about? What inspired you

to create the station?

Ghost Radio came about because of Art Bell and Coast to

Coast, an American radio paranormal radio show. It’s been

around for years and I think it would be ranked up there as

one of the all time greats of any genre. As the internet came

along, we were able to tune in and listen to all of Art’s shows,

so we’d tune in every week. We’d hear all these great people.

Then there were other shows that came along as well, which

we were listening and subscribing to. My husband John is an

absolute technical wizard and one day just said, “We can do

that”. I said, “Oh really” and he said, “Yeah, you like to talk a

lot”. We wanted to do our own show, so that’s basically how it

came about. We wanted to showcase Australian people like Art

Bell was doing in America. Primarily that’s what I like to do.

Give the Australians as much air time as the overseas guests.

You’ve been doing Ghost Radio since 2006. Of all the stories and

interviews you’ve done, is there one which stands out most in your


Probably a story with a man named Charles Hall. He’s a lovely

man. He was a weather balloon service man in America at Area

51. His job was to go around to the remote little weather stations

and document the weather. Long story short, he ended up meeting

this race of beings called The Tall Whites, who were actually living

underground at the base. They wanted to meet a human, and Charles

was “volunteered”, as happens when you’re in the services. Anyway,

he had this extraordinary relationship of being the human subject

for The Tall Whites to come to know him. They didn’t experiment

with him in any way, but they observed him, asked him questions and

it’s just quite an extraordinary story. Thirty, thirty fi ve years later he

wanted to document his story to leave to his grandchildren so they

knew that it did happen, and that the government does know about

extraterrestrials, and in fact he had had this experience with them.

So he wrote this book called Millennial Hospitality, which has since

become very well known in ufology. He’s just such a humble man,

and I never doubted for one second anything he was telling me.

Even though it was so extraordinary, you could tell he was simply

relaying something that happened to him that he still didn’t quite have

a handle on. Why it happened or why him? It certainly answers the

questions as to whether the governments do know about other races

and whether we interact with them or not. It was two hours where I

just kind of sat with my jaw hanging open thinking “This is amazing”.

Can you recall what you think is the most

compelling piece of evidence in your mind, to

prove the existence of other worlds or dimensions?

There is a story known as the Mayanup Poltergeist. Back

in 1955, an Aboriginal family on a property at Boyup Brook

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in WA were harassed by what they called a Jannick. I don’t

want to speak for an Aboriginal person, but I think the best

way to explain that would be a ghost, or a spirit, or something

connected to the land. They were never hurt, just harassed by

the phenomena of rocks. These rocks would just start falling

from the sky; they would appear out of nowhere. Some of

them were quite large, almost a kilogram. This phenomenon

went on for years and years. At one stage there were about

150 people camped on this property with, I would say, about

a third of those, journalists. They spent weeks camped out

documenting this spirit stone phenomenon. Experimenting

with things like painting the rocks, throwing them back into

the bush and they would be thrown back out immediately

or appear seconds later in somebody’s boot. They were all

convinced it was a hoax. There were so many people involved

but they couldn’t nd any answers. The stones would hail

down, stop and then start again. To me, to have that many

people involved documenting over such a considerable

amount of time has got to say it’s more than someone playing

tricks. Why would you play tricks like that for ten years?

How can you trick fty journalists and everyone else? The

magazine, The Post, ran a series of articles on it, as did the

Sunday Times in WA and recently a documentary was made

on it which incorporated the Aboriginal viewpoint. Here we

are so many years later and people are still talking about it

Lia, why do you think that kind of evidence gets lost in the general


I don’t know. That’s the honest answer. To me it’s so fascinating. I

just think this type of evidence is amazing and the most extraordinary

thing, that I just devour it all. Either people don’t have the time or

they just don’t care. Or, if people really did have a close look at it, it

would tip their world upside down. Their priorities of what’s important

to them would get tipped about and mucked about, and that, I think

is the basis of what it’s about. Often we are unhappy with our lot,

but not unhappy enough to question or step out of comfort zones.

You’ve recently started a course to become a qualifi ed

parapsychologist. Would you like to tell us a bit about that?

Would you mind explaining to us what a parapsychologist does?

A parapsychologist investigates the evidence of life after death. It’s

probably better to say what a parapsychologist doesn’t do. They don’t

investigate UFOs, they don’t investigate anything New Age, so they

don’t get into anything like crystals. They primarily focus on life after

death, although it’s branched out a little bit into telekinesis and things like

that, but basically paranormal activity that can be tested through science.

How does one become qualifi ed for something like that? What’s

involved in the course?

The course I’m doing is with Dr Lance

Storm, who has a background in psychology.

The program has 10 modules, of which you need to successfully

complete 4 to receive a certifi cate before you can go on to the advanced

modules. It is going slowly, because it is a lot of work. I’m really

enjoying it but it’s not a walk in the park. I do believe, however, that

it is making me a better paranormal researcher. It teaches you about

investigation methods, why they are so important, why documentation

is important, and why jumping to conclusions is not important. I’ve

always tried to do that, but when you have a science to fall back

on, it helps you with those boundaries even more, which in the end

can make any kind of true phenomena that much more startling.

Please tell us a little about what is coming up for you and Ghost Radio.

Lisa Williams, I’m very excited that we are having her on while

she’s here in Australia. I call her the Hugging Medium. I’ve been

doing a lot of Cryptozoology as well. That’s things like Yetis and the

Loch Ness monster. I love all that stuff as well, it’s another one of

my passions. I recently had Nick Redfern on who is an international

Cryptozoologist. Generally, I like to keep abreast of what’s going

on in the world and showcase some of that on Ghost Radio. I’ve

also got a few things happening in regards to TV, so hopefully

that will come along and open up a whole new direction as well.

Thanks for your time Lia . We wish you well with your future

endeavours and we hope to hear more from you in the future.

Ghost radio can be found at

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The story starts when I was eleven, and at a sleepover. My three friends had fallen asleep (finally), though I was still awake, positioned nearest the living room door. Suddenly, a girl came up to me. She was about nineteen, and looked quite like me, with blonde hair. She appeared confused, and I attempted to help her. I said a prayer for her, and she left. I wasnt frightened. I was growing up in a dysfunctional family, and when DOCS were ready to move in and take me so I could heal, my father saw a lawyer, who urged him to put me in the care of a private clinic. They would sign over guardianship, and that way, DOCS would have to close the file on my family, as I would be away from them. They found nothing wrong with me, but kept me nonetheless. I was the youngest person in this place, at fourteen. One of the older patients (a heroin addict and drug dealer), became obsessed with me and attacked me on an outing. Nothing was done to protect me. One day, he showed me a photo of a young woman he had been going out with, but whom had died three years before meeting me. It was the girl who had come to me the night of my friend's sleepover. She had been found in a surf club's toilets, her death a mystery. Time passed, and I turned fifteen. The story ends when he takes me, stores me in a friend's flat overnight, and the next evening, his family call, warning that detectives have been to their home and are looking for me. They suspect he has me, and are on their way over to the friend's flat.He panics, and drags me across the road to a High School. I am made to climb an outside staircase. I have always felt Christ near, and certainly did this particular evening. I believe more in free will than karma. I believe that life can change on a dime; that it

is meant to. That's what second chances are made of; joy, suprise, redemption. This man was using his free

will to attempt to destroy. I was using mine to mentally, spiritually and e m o t i o n a l l y accept that I had little physical chance of overpowering a man twice my size and age. When I said to Spirit, "My life is yours, and I hand over everything to you," a deep peace flooded me. He pushed me and I

fell close to thirty metres. I had beautiful experiences of seeing my movie played on an ethereal screen, conversations and a home-coming. I decided to go back, and when I woke, he was standing over me, cursing me for not having died. He grabbed my arms, and began dragging me across the ground. I prayed and just as he was lifting me up, determined to take me right up to the top and throw me onto concrete (I had landed on dirt and bark chips, swollen with winter moisture which had helped cushion me), a vision formed near my feet. It was the girl, and she looked straight at him. He then heard a bone in my spine snap, dropped me and ran away. This was how the paramedics and police found me. I have had many operations for my injuries over the years, but am happily married and have a miracle IVF baby, Elizabeth, who is turning three soon. I am a Christian, as this path has always reasonated with me. Jesus didnt judge, but was full of compassion. He loved to have fun, loved being amongst the people, was a feminist, a libertarian. He has even sent quite a few angels to help guide me on my way! I am using my free will to help others who have endured violence, and I love that every day I have choices. My lovely angel had choices too, and she chose to assist a fifteen year old who was very close to the end. Sometimes, I still dream of her.

n Her OwnWords... personal experience by Raphaela Elizabeth

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Darren CroeseParanormal investigator

Giving you insight into the world of a Paranormal investigator.

e don’t really don’t understand anywhere near enough about it”.

Let’s take a look at what is on the other side. What is out there to be investigated, and can we tell real from fake in the paranormal world? Darren Croese is a member of the Australian Ghost Hunting Society (AGHS) and a founding member of the Society for Anomalous Research Australia (SARA). He has been investigating paranormal activity for many years and here he shares with us some insight.

Firstly, thank you Darren for taking the time to talk us.When did you rst become interested in the paranormal? Was this interest evident as a child or has it been developed later in life? The rst house I lived in was, I believe, haunted. It had all the classic hallmarks: phantom footsteps, locked doors opening and closing, and it was the house where I got my rst EVP even though I had no idea what to make of it at the time. I suppose a lot of what I have done since is trying to make sense of what I and others experienced then, but then again I do have an overall interest in science and fringe science.

What to you is paranormal activity?What an interesting question! I suppose anything that happens that shouldn’t, given our current understanding of the laws of nature.

This includes, but is not limited to•Hauntings, ghosts, poltergeists•ESP, clairvoyance, psychokinesis•Cryptids (bigfoot, mothman, big cats etc)•UFOs, alien abductions

I realise that to many people the last two categories (cryptids and UFOs) would not be seen as paranormal, but they do at times share some remarkable similarities with the classic ‘paranormal’ categories. Examples of this are creatures that are shot at but never killed (or even wounded), creatures that step behind trees and are never seen again, etc.

How can one be sure that what is being seen or heard is not fake? I have to assume that you mean unintentionally fake here because it is virtually impossible to rule out a deliberate fake when someone presents anything to you as evidence. To guard against deliberate fake, all you can do is evaluate how well you know the person in question before considering whatever evidence they put before you. Accidental or unintentional fakes are another thing. This is the

situation where experience can count for a lot. When looking at photographs there are many, many mundane causes that can result in weird looking results. The more investigators familiarise themselves with photography in general and with some of the more common results of poor photography, the better positioned they are to be able to point out simple errors or likely causes to people. Of course shattering people’s dreams like that rarely results in their efforts being appreciated, but that’s another story. When you are taking photographs or recordings yourself you are a bit more in control. However, because the phenomena we try to study is both transient and unpredictable means that it is not reproducible on demand. As such it is dif cult to ensure that a location is ‘clean’ at the exact instant that the phenomena occur, but what you can do is:

• take multiple shots from the same and different angles– this will enable you to re-examine them later for re ective surfaces, light sources, etc, that weren’t noticed originally

• use a hand-held recorder to record any notes about the location. Not only will this result in more information being recorded, but there’s also the chance of an EVP.

You have a keen interest in

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EVP. Can you explain to us what that is and your belief as to how they are formed? What is the best EVP you have heard, investigated?

EVP stands for ‘Electronic Voice Phenomena’. Originally it was used to mean the anomalous appearances of voices in recordings but in the digital age it has been expanded by some to include approaches that to my mind come dangerously close to intentional pareidolia. Personally I limit my usage of the term EVP to include only the original meaning. As to how they are formed, I really don’t know and there may be more than one method. There seems to be evidence that at least some of them could be the result of a very short duration, medium-trance like event. Indeed I have seen one event that could fall into this category. However, this could not explain examples where the recording has been achieved in an empty room or when unattended by people. The best EVP I have ever heard was the one I got when I was a kid in that haunted house I was talking about earlier. Even though I had no idea what it was I had captured on the tape, at the time I guessed it was important. I hung onto that tape for years but nally it went missing during house moves. As far as I could make out it said, ‘Please help me, Mister Body, I’m dying’. I knew it was odd because it was distorted (speeding up and slowing down) in the way that is now expected of EVPs but all I knew at the time was that it was vaguely disturbing and that it really should not have been on that tape. An EVP I got at Junee cemetery I consider to be quite good, because I know for a fact that there was no chance of contamination by any other person. I sat and watched the tape for the entire ten minutes it was set. If there is anything that I could actually put my hand on my heart and swear that it is the genuine article, it is that short tape.

During your investigations what type of equipment would you use?Is there any that is better suited to an investigation? You mean apart from a torch?My favourite pieces of equipment are my voice recorders; they go pretty much everywhere with me. Whether they are

set up somewhere xed or in use as a dictaphone, they’ll be around. One new approach I’ve been trying lately is the use of webcams attached to a laptop to detect and record events but so far they haven’t caught anything too interesting. And the humble old torch should not be forgotten. Preferably it should be small and have a dull light so that it doesn’t destroy your night vision too much. Some people go to the extent of covering the lens with red cellophane to achieve this. It’s just personal preference.

Do you believe there are factors that may make one place more susceptible to paranormal activity than others? That certainly seems to often be the case. Numerous locations are promoted as being haunted and may well be. There are also accounts of locations being more prone to be haunted on speci c dates – usually anniversaries of tragic or notorious events. I also have come across examples where activity occurs with no link at all to the place’s history. In these situations it can only be attributed to being based around a speci c person, if anything at all.

You have researched extensively in the area of paranormal research with places like Maitland Gaol, Picton Mushroom Tunnels, Junee, Monte Cristo. Out of all the places you have researched which one has been the most memorable and why?Junee/Monte Cristo are memorable simply because it’s just so damn nice out there at the right time of year.

The most memorable research I’ve ever done happened when I was running ghost hunting workshops at Maitland Gaol, NSW. I would get individuals to walk in their own time and at their own pace through a designated route in ‘C Block’. After they had done their walk I would get them to sit down and write down anything that they considered signi cant that they thought or felt during their walk. In one particular group of 5 we had a startling sequence of results with the rst person feeling nothing,

the second a little uneasy, up to the last person who thought they saw a black gure. Most importantly all who felt anything nominated the same cell. When you consider there were probably 70 cells that they were passing during their traverse and that all felt uneasy about the same cell, as well as the gradual ramping up of the experience for each successive ‘volunteer’, I consider this to be an amazing result.

Apart from the classic location investigations, what else have you been up to? First, some background. In the 1970s the Society for Psychical Research in Canada conducted what I consider to be an utterly incredible experiment which has become known as ‘The Philip Experiment’. An account of this is available in the book Conjuring Up Philip: An Adventure in Psychokinesis, but in a nutshell a group of investigators decided to invent a ghost and then to try to communicate with it. The objective was to prove that they were able to manufacture paranormal phenomena simply by focussing the group’s subconscious. To this end the character of ‘Philip’ was invented and all team members were thoroughly versed in Philip’s totally ctitious history. The team then sat around a table and attempted to communicate with their ‘entity’. And succeeded! Not only did they receive audible raps from the table, but they also achieved table rotation and movement.

con’t page 12

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Image of a girl in

Picton Tunnel

Apparition on

the lounge chair

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Light anomalie inBerrima Courthouse

Light anomalie inBerrima Courthouse

Hand print on a Picton ghost tour

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In 2002-2003 I was part of a group of interested people who met in Sydney every fortnight and attempted to achieve the same thing. We invented the entity ‘Skippy Cartman’ with a background story that, looking back, was just too silly to really take seriously. Eventually we abandoned the character and story and simply addressed the table. After persevering with this approach for a while longer, we rst managed to get creaking noises, then audible raps, then louder raps, then spinning, and nally movement. And yes, we have numerous audio and video recordings of the meetings and of the events taking place. Several of the people who attended these table tilting sessions, including myself, went on to form the Society for Anomalous Research Australia, or SARA for short.

For anyone out there wanting to research paranormal activity what is your best advice to them on how to go about getting started? I am very tempted to answer with the classic ‘just start’, but this eld really requires more than that. If you go wandering around in the dark you run the risk of serious injury. If you investigate someone’s home you always need to remember that you are their guest and behave appropriately. It’s always a good idea to have someone with you just in case something does go wrong, or to provide a level head to avoid panic. My real advice would be to nd a group who are active, preferably in your local area. They can give you the low-down on whatever location you are thinking of heading to, and more importantly let you know what to avoid; not so much for fear of anything spooky,

but more for fear of meeting anyone you would really wish you hadn’t. A group of like minded, but also open-minded and critical thinking people to bounce ideas off is an incredibly useful asset to have. Also, writing up notes to publish to the group will make you more diligent in your note-keeping, etc, which you will appreciate if you stay in the eld in the long run.

And nally, DON’T be d e f e n s i v e about your ndings. Be truly open-minded: put your pictures or whatever you have gathered to your group p r e p a r e d to be shot down. It’s the one or two that are truly unexplainable that make it worth the effort, not the hundreds of shots that look good but which are easily explainable. Remember: We all make mistakes. We all get false positives. Don’t be embarrassed, just keep trying.

You have a great photo, “The Demon Dog”, a great example of what many will take as paranormal activity that can be explained. Over your time investigating what has been the most common explanation for an alleged paranormal photo, EVP or activity? What has been the most intriguing explanation?

My beloved ‘Demon Dog’ is one

of a number of shots I have taken to tryto assist people in understanding how common occurrences and mistakes can produce camera images that appear unusual at rst glance. In my opinion if we are in a position where people come to us with pictures and ask for a judgement, then we need to be able to

provide some intelligent feedback. The most common explanations for odd photos are:

• The combination of ash photography and camera (or subject) movement

• Cigarette smoke• Water vapour/mist• Dust

The most intriguing ones are always the ones for which there is no simple explanation. One was sent to me once with what appeared to be a skull re ected in a mirror behind some people getting a family portrait taken. Apart from a deliberate fake there seemed to be no rational explanation for it.

What is the most important thing that people need to know about all things paranormal? That we really don’t understand anywhere near enough about it, and if you listen to someone who does claim to have the answers then your experiences may be shaped by that person’s beliefs. If you are going to read up on the subject, then read lots on the subject – preferably from authors that disagree with each other. That way your experience will be broader and you will be able to pick and choose which parts of what you have read seem to mesh with your own experiences.Thank you, Darren for sharing with us.You can nd more information about Darren at the Australian Ghost Hunting Society.

appreciate if


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Moldavite is a

stone of the New Age.

It is a dark green crystal, often glassy

or has a folded look. It is a form of Tektite

that is formed when a meteorite hits

earth and the heat from this collision

melts and forms a “glass-like” crystal. It

comes from the Czech Republic and Germany, and can be found along the

banks of the river Moldau, where it gets it’s name from. It has a limited

supply, and so will become rare in the future.

Moldavite was formed when a large meteorite hit Earth. The heat

from this caused the fusion of extraterrestrial matter and that of Earth, so it

has the combined energies of the universe and of our planet. It is therefore

a very powerful crystal and you will need to be grounded when using it.

Hematite, Jet or Smoky Quartz will aid with this process.

You don’t have to believe in little green men to understand the

power of the universe. Waves of energy are constantly coming from outer

space, the tides are formed by the pull of the Moon, as well as some

people becoming affected by it’s phases. All things from outer space bring

with them their own energy, and Moldavite has the power of two forces

together. Because of this, it is believed to help with the communication

between other worlds, and encourage spiritual growth.

It has been used since the stone age as an amulet for good luck

and fertility. Many people believe that it is a New Age stone and is to

be used for the aid of Mother Earth in her transition, and as an aide for the

new children, such as the Star Children who are very sensitive.

Moldavite helps you to communicate with your higher-self, and

with the higher powers of the universe. It can put you in touch with the cosmic

messengers and ascending masters. It will take you to the highest

spiritual dimensions, transcending time, leading you to the future or the past,

teaching you or showing you the results of actions taken, or where an action

may lead in the future. It greatly affects the energies of other crystals that

you can use with it, increasing their vibrations.

Moldavite has a high vibration rate and can help accelerating

spiritual growth. It helps clear blockages, and aligns the chakras. Placed

on the throat chakra it helps communication with interplanetary messages

about the ecology of the Earth and its health. On the crown chakra it will

take you to the highest level for spiritual guidance, and on the third eye

chakra will transcend time and teach you what you need to be doing for

the future .

Moldavite has no crystalline structure, and can take you beyond

your limits. Mentally it assists in helping detachment from worldly worries

such as money and the future. It can provide the reason for this incarnation

and spiritual purpose. It also supports empathy and compassion, and can

release xed ideas and archaic beliefs. It may give you an unexpected

solution to what you need and can open latent memories to access spiritual


Physically holding Moldavite can give a huge rush of energy and

help download information from the Akashic Records. Processing this can

take time but will help spiritual growth, and this is where you need to be

grounded or it may leave you spaced out.

Moldavite does not heal in itself but will show the cause and then

support the healing process. It will also will show you the gift of that illness

and help you to use this to go forward. It can make you aware of emotional

needs and the need to be loved - other crystals will need to be used to help

with these emotions. It is a great tool for diagnosis for those who practise

healing as a true gift. Moldavite is a very fragile stone and care should be

taken when cleaning it. Salt should not be used as it will scratch the stone.


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Nature Incidence and Impact of Spontaneous

Parapsychological Experiences

By Rosemary Breen

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Psychic children are materializing at a rapid rate. This magnifi es the volume of children with vulnerability to negative interference, not forgetting our beautiful creations with challenging behaviours and learning diffi culties, who are hypersensitive to the spiritual realms. They too experience heightened senses to the unpleasant energies. Most of us have heard of the evolution of the Indigo Children, followed by Crystal, Rainbow, etc… and more are being discovered every day, increasing the risk of child psychic attack. Recognising this widespread problem and defi ning a resolution has not yet been widely brought to parents’ awareness, with insuffi cient support and guidance available to both the child and parent. So through my impromptu spiritual education as a Child and Young Adult Healer, my fi rst lesson, was to learn about the protection and the adverse effects of negative attacks, subsequently learning appropriate solutions. There was great pleasure in discovering that Spirit have offered a new support network to tackle negative attacks with simplicity, allowing both child and parent to work together or individually, yet safely. Fairies... those beautiful petite elementals who can teach both adults and children so much, have at last expanded their roles. Today’s children of the earth have all been designated their own Fairy Guide. How humbling it was to have been involved in the preparations and activation of this project. And now a Fairy Guide awaits for you, the parent, and your child or teen… to simply connect. Connecting is simple, just simply acknowledge the Fairy Guide, thanking it for its present and future assistance and healing. To further your knowledge and understanding of working with Fairies, I recommend reading Working with Angels, Fairies & Nature Spirits by Dr. William Bloom PhD. Identifying if your child/ young adult is being attacked by any form of negative energies, including negative spirits, another child or person on this side of life, or even a form of psychic attack, can in fact be quite simple. For example, my daughter is at high risk of negative attacks, symptoms include sharp headaches, upset stomach, sharp pains in limbs, or feeling tired yet anxious. These seem to be her classic signs of her protection needing upgrading as she grows and develops physically and spiritually. Vomiting and sudden behaviour changes are also warning signs. On previous occasions I have found it hard to identify the difference between her picking up a bug from school or psychic attacks, but when accompanied with sharp pains, it makes it easier to identify, however, it is always best to discuss the symptoms with the child’s G.P. When my daughter is in discomfort while trying to resolve her situation, we simply ask her Angels and Fairy Guide to take the discomforts away after acknowledging where the problem is. I must also share with you that at the age of 11, she is being encouraged by Spirit to be responsible for her own healing and protection requests, and now we work together in requesting her Fairy Guide to support her in these matters. Another good indicator of a child psychic attack is if a sibling’s behaviour changes too. The next step would be to remove the negative/s in order to proceed with protecting your child/young adult. I have been given by a psychic friend of mine a very simple procedure to achieve this. Simply ask the Seraphim Angels to take all the negatives away and hold them to the light until the situation has been resolved and the negatives are ready to be released and dealt with accordingly, and take them to a place where they will receive appropriate love and guidance until they can be safely rehabilitated.

Upon identifying the problem, the next step would be to protect your child. Depending on the age of your child, and their psychic levels, this can be achieved by a variety of methods. Most children can be protected by a symbol or a visualisation. When my daughter was fi rst recognised as needing protection at the age of 8, I asked her, “What picture comes into

your mind as a symbol of protection from bad energies?” Immediately she said, “A teddy bear called Max”. Later that day we went into a shop and, lo and behold, there was that teddy exactly as she saw him, with patches on him to the detail. I later questioned the name Max. She replied, “It’s short for Maximum Protection of course”. Of course it was…giggle. For 3 years Max was protecting her and she only needed to recognise it the once, with a request that this teddy bear protect her from all negative energies always, until she needed a new stronger symbol as she grew and developed. In my experience, and in the knowledge of a good friend of mine who works mainly with clearing negative energies, up until the child is approx 8-9 years, their psychic protection comes under the umbrella of the family and home protection, and when it’s a foetus it comes under

the protection of the mother, so it’s important that your protection is maintained for the needs of your child. Other tid bits I have found useful, Pink Agate crystal is wonderful for assisting a stronger connection between you and your child, not just as a bonding tool, but also in terms of receiving inner nudges for their spiritual needs. I had a case where I was shown that a 10 month old child was ill, constantly vomiting for a week, not through any form of negative attack, but I was given the information through his Fairy Guide that he needed stability. My guess is that he has grown spiritually faster than his little physical body, causing his base chakra to work faster and harder. The base chakra is the fi rst chakra developed in a child 0-18 months. His base chakra needed to connect with mother’s base to slow his chakra down. Methods used was asking mum to connect with the Fairy Guide fi rst, then I was shown to visualise placing a piece of Pink Agate over his heart region to strengthen this connection between baby and mother. His symptoms improved from there on. Mother now enjoys receiving little Fairy nudges to spiritually and physically guide her son. So here is presented a simple guide to basic child psychic protection. Of course if the above doesn’t prove successful, there can be other issues involved including karmic or past life connections, amongst many other subjects. But if we can get into the habit of maintaining adequate psychic protection for today’s Children of the Earth, we are in turn encouraging them to craft their future from the heart, and not through the infl uence of the negative energies that are attracted to shading their

inspiring light.

Protecting the ‘Little Lightworkers’By Lorraine Aston

[email protected]

Lorraine Aston,lives in Malvern Worcestershire, UK, and

is child and young adult healer. Lorraine can be contacted

on [email protected]


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Kerrie Wearing, founder of The Australian College of Mediumship, editor of inSpirit magazine and soon to be seen on the TV show The Believers, has been working with the Spirit and Paranormal world for many years. Tonight I sit down with the gifted psychic medium and take a look inside her views on all things spooky and paranormal.

Firstly, thank you for taking the time tonight to introduce us to your views and understanding of the Spirit and Paranormal worlds. I guess my fi rst question is how did you start on this journey?

First, for me it was the experience of losing a loved one to suicide in 1995 that led me to question God and my beliefs in the afterlife, and needing to have some of those answers. One of my friends suggested that I read The Celestine Prophecy and when I did, it was like fi nding all the answers to the meaning of life. From there I found the spiritualist faith and the idea that you can learn to be psychic and develop those gifts. This then became a passion, in living my life spiritually. Moving into mediumship came from the desire to help others with their grief and my passion about the development of my psychic abilities.

How did you develop those medium and psychic abilities?

Like a lot of people, I started in spiritual development circles and it really became about practicing what I was being taught. Over the years I would have two people, who I would class as teachers, who taught me different things. Sitting in circle practicing what I am being taught and being brave enough to have a go. Within the rst the twelve months of seriously studying I was standing in church demonstrating as a psychic. Being brave enough to have a go and put yourself out there, is a hard thing to do on your own. I believe that having a teacher and a supportive group

is of great bene t.Then it’s about practice, practice, practice and patience.

In those early days what was the turning point or de ning moment that gave you the passion that I know you have for it today?

I think probably the rst time I ever stood up and did what we call a platform with mediumship and the fact that I was connecting with loved ones in the Spirit world. This was for an audience and I knew I hadn’t nailed it. Even though the people were relating to their loved ones who I was bringing through, I had no idea. I even said to them that I just didn’t feel like I nailed who it was. The lady said that it was nice and it just gave me such a thirst. I could not wait till I could do it again. I didn’t have the patience to sit there and wait to be asked to come along and do another one, so it was a couple of weeks after that I had the inspiration to do this in peoples’ homes., So really it was the rst time I stood up and did a platform with mediumship and not just psychic work.

Did that spur you on to start investigating what people consider paranormal activity or was that later?

That was later. I was setting up the college and some of the inspiration I received for my students was to take them on a ghost tour and get them to use their mediumship in other ways besides sitting in class. That was the rst instance. Initially, I wasn’t in favour of ghost tours. I was thinking things like it was just people making money from Spirit.

And then when I rst went on one, I realised that the tour guides are doing Spirit a service by bringing people to the doorway of Spirit and giving them an understanding

“It’s a little bit like, if a tree fell in the woods and there was no one to hear it, would it make a sound?”

The Paranormal and the Medium.

An Interview with Psychic Medium

Interview by Rita Maher

Page 17: inSpirit Magazine Spring 2009

they would not necessarily get: that the people that go on ghost tours may not come and see a medium but they are still getting education and the tour guides are doing the same sort of job that a medium might be doing as well.

From that point on I was far more at peace with the paranormal and ghost tour industry. Once Spirit asked me to take the students on ghost tours a couple of times, it just progressed from there. I then came in contact with a paranormal research team who asked me to work with them. My time working with them and lming some documentaries, I was learning from them and they were learning from me and it just went on from there.

Now I feel a little protective of Spirit and the paranormal and really want to try to ensure that the Spirit does have a voice in this arena. I think that Spirit and the paranormal world can easily be misrepresented, and it does get misrepresented with a lot of the TV shows making it out to be scary, and that Spirit is out to get you, but that generally is not the case. So, I feel a little responsible and I know that it is taking it on myself but I want to make sure that at least one or a couple of people are out there saying “hey, think about it, it’s not like that.”

That leads me to my next question. What are your views on TV shows showing the paranormal to be scary, that there are earth bound spirits to haunt us, or spirits that stay solely in one place?

Well rstly some of my beliefs are not the normal,and I don’t believe in earth bound spirits. I believe that they are not any more “stuck” in where they’re at in their beliefs or awareness, than you or I are. All of us have some emotional baggage, and so can they, and yes, they may have taken it with them when they crossed over. I honestly believe that who am I to say that they are stuck. I am not someone who can make that judgment for you, so why should I be making it for a spirit. I generally do not enter a haunted location with the intention of rescuing a Spirit and sending them to the light. I don’t think that I am that important that I should be making that call. They might be there and yes they may need some help with emotions and some form of healing but between the two of us we work out what they need. Sometimes that can be just their need to be acknowledged

Do you see a big part of your mediumship and your protection of the paranormal side and representing Spirit in the true sense of who they are, to be about being able to give that healing to those who need it as they are not there to do harm; not judging them, no matter what transpired in this life with them before passing to the next

De nitely, but I think that the mistake a lot of people make is walking in there thinking that is what is meant to happen. I come from a place where I walk in there saying, OK, I am here if that’s what’s needed, but ultimately it is up to the spirit to guide the process and say, yes I am here and I am presenting for that. Then I will ask how I can help them. It is not for me to go in there and make that ultimate decision that I need to cross them to the light. There is no rule of thumb. Each are individual and some will just want you to hear their story while others may need to be reconnected with family members; others love being where they are at and the part of them that

is connected to that environment is still there. They are happy to stay there and there is nothing wrong with that.

Do you think that is why some people who are in hundred or two hundred year old houses feel nothing? They don’t have any connection with Spirit there, while in some areas you will get more activity. Is this because the spirit has a bond or connection there? Are they staying there just for that reason?I think that there is an aspect of the spirit energy, and it’s only an aspect, it’s not all of it that is connected to that location, that it has an emotional bond to that location in some way. For the activity to happen I actually believe it needs energy from this world to help that process. It’s a little bit like, “if a tree fell in the woods and there was no one to hear it, would it make a sound”?

So, energy from this world, such as a family living in the house, group of people going in to do research are providing the energy link for Spirit to work with. It is like providing the charge. So, when we get calls from people saying that they have a lot of activity going on in their house, a lot of that is about the family that is living there. When you have the two mixed together, that is what gives the outcome.

For me, I come from the perspective that people can create their own poltergeist. Do you feel that the energy in those family homes can give that charge and can create their own fear as well?

De nitely. A lot of poltergeist activity does not have consciousness, this is different from Spirit which does have intelligence. A lot of this energy is manifested fear. This does not happen consciously from the family, they are not aware that they are creating this. Either way, it is healing and understanding that helps.

There are a lot of words thrown out there to describe activity: ghost, spirit, poltergeist, entity. Do you see them as the same? Are they interchangable words or do they have different meanings for you?

The words spirit and ghost I tend to interchange and that means that the energy has a consciousness and can communicate with the medium. They are aware of what is happening in this world and their world.

The world entity I cannot stand. I don’t like that word at all, as people tend to use that word to describe anything that they don’t understand. I cannot imagine being a Spirit in that world, someone’s mum or grandmother and we call them an entity. It just doesn’t sit well with me.

Poltergeist for me is when we have physical activity going on in an environment and there is no consciousness associated with it.

What would you de ne as paranormal activity?Pretty much it is any event, occurrence or happening

that is unexplainable and cannot be by a scienti c explanation, so when science has no explanation as to why an occurrence happened then it becomes paranormal. Saying that, a lot of people think that paranormal covers only ghosts and hauntings, but under that umbrella also come things like ufology, cryptozoology (which is things like yowies and the Loch Ness monster), telekinesis, telepathy, levitation etc. However, for me, my area of

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expertise is dealing with Spirits, ghosts and hauntings.

In dealing with the spirits and the ghosts, you are currently running ghost tours at Berrima Court House. How did that come about and what can people hope to experience there?

It came about because when Spirit asked that I take the classes on a ghost tour, one of the students had been involved in the tours that were running there in 2006 and felt it was a good place to go. So, we headed there for our rst tour. It kept our interest over the years and we felt connected to the energies. It was when the interest in the college community grew in ghost tours, that we decided to approach the Court House and see if they would allow us to run the ghost tours there.

What people can expect, I guess, that this is one of the places that you never know what to expect. Even for us as tour guides that work there, no experience is ever the same. We feel that our energetic connection is strengthening, so we will see more activity. You need to know that you will spend lots of time in the dark. The experience there is not what you will get on a historical ghost tour, you are not just walking through being told the history. We are trying to give them an interactive experience there, where they can sit and we ask Spirit to communicate with them. However that happens for them will be what they will experience. It’s something you need to come along and have a try and see if it’s for you or not.

You have recently shot a pilot for a TV show called The Believers and have recently visited Monte Cristo at Junee. How did you nd that experience and has it changed any of your views going down there and working with a production crew?

The experience was a whole lot of fun and it was different incorporating the whole camera and TV into it,because that was my rst serious work with them.

The understanding I received from working down there was that different places have different energetic characteristics. Depending on the characteristic of the energies will depend on which chakra or energy center they want to connect through me with. So, in Monte Cristo I had only just walked in the door and within the rst 10 -15 seconds the energies of the place connected straight in with my base chakra and started draining me. That didn’t just happen to me, it happened to a couple of the crew too. We weren’t ready for lming, so we had to go back outside and wait for the crew to set up before we went back in. For me that tells me a couple of things about the energies in the place already. Firstly, that I really need to make sure that my protection levels are high, not from Spirit, but the physical effects that the energy can have on me. Secondly, as it connects into my base Chakra it tells me that the energy in the place is inherently physical by nature, as our base chakra is about the physical levels of energy. So, that’s why down there you will hear things like footsteps or see things because it is physical in character. Depending on where we go will determine which chakra will be used. I guess that cemented that learning for me. It was a very interesting place.

During September you had the Magic of Spirit festival in Newcastle. Where else can we hope to see

that being taken to?We are planning for places like Bathurst and

Lithgow and around that region; also we are planning to take it to Canberra and possibly Darwin next year. Of course if anyone would like to see us come to their area just send us an email and let us know. We would be looking at Melbourne as well.

For people sitting at home reading this, thinking, “hey, I have got activity in my house, where is this coming from, why is it happening and what do I need to do about it,” where do they need to look to nd answers?

Besides tapping in with a professional to help them uncover that, which is what I would really recommend, just ask some questions. If you think it’s a loved one then ask them questions like, “if that’s you, Nan, give me a sign that shows me that”. You may get a smell of fragrance that reminds you of her soon after. Don’t sit there in fear and discount it. If you hear a noise, ask if that’s Spirit, can they please do it again. If it is like a tapping, say once for yes, twice for no and see if you can get some answers. Most of the time they are there to reassure you, it’s not about anything scary.

I honestly believe that the true malevolent spirit is very rare. In your own life, think about how many malevolent people do you know? Anyone who has murdered someone? Most of us don’t. It’s rare to know someone like that and I believe that the malevolent spirit is even rarer; most of the time it is our loved ones, unless of course you are medium and do not realise it. So, just ask questions and don’t be afraid of it. If you feel more comfortable to get a professional in, be careful. I don’t believe that you should be charged hundreds of dollars for it.

Finally, what would be your message that you wouldlike to share with everyone about the paranormal or spirit world?

Firstly, that it is not all like you see on the TV shows, that the Spirit world is not all that different from our world. Think about it as if we didn’t have a body but it was still us, When you are connecting with Spirit, most of the time it is just people with intelligence, who have an understanding that they are there to communicate with. I think that most of the time it is us and a lot of times I think half of what we experience when it’s negative is about our own fear. I think some of what is on TV now helps to generate that even more. However, saying that though, those TV shows have raised a lot of awareness about the Spirit world and the paranormal and that is a good thing. It has got people questioning and seeking answers. And for those of us in the industry, it is up to us to help people understand that it is about positivity, love and greater understanding.

For more info or to contact Kerrie, please visit


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Coming Up Next issue

The December issue will be highlighting

The wonderful relationships we all have in our lives.

From pets, spirit guides , friends and family to the search for a soulmate…

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Lisa Williams.

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Psychics &and Mediums

Rita Maher

ACOM Accredited Platform Medium

Ph: 0434 867 426

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Healing Modalites

Sophie Cram

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Ph: 0422 112 795


Psychics &and Mediums

Sonia Choquette

International Speaker, Author and

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Lisa Williams

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Law of Attraction

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