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Emma Dempsey

Inspiration for Film Poster

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Page 3: Inspiration for film poster

‘The Bone Collector’

My group and I like the layout of this film poster as it includes the two main characters and places them in such a way that it presents their relationship to the audience; they appear to have formed a united front against the unseen antagonist. This is shown through their positions; they are standing close together and appear to be looking at the same thing suggesting they have a common goal in mind. The poster also includes an action shot at the bottom, it is of the character Amelia Donaghy searching a railway line with a torch and light, this suggests she is investigating the murders with the help of Lincoln Rhyme, played by Denzel Washington. The colours used suggest that the characters are being lit by a candle’s light or some kind of naked flame, this suggests the theme of mystery and uncovering secrets, therefore presenting the poster as a psychological thriller.

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Similarly to our film ‘Eve’, the producers of ‘Chloe’ have named their film after the main character. However, the focus of the poster is not on the protagonist but the antagonist. My group and I like the idea of having an extreme close up and making the film poster highly cryptic however, we would really love to feature both the protagonist and the antagonist in our poster. The photo of Chloe has had its contrast and brightness increased suggesting extreme exposure to light and introducing the idea of secrecy and uncovering it.

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Similarly to ‘The Bone Collector’, this poster includes an action shot of the character Clay Beresford on the operating table with the possible antagonists around him. The character of Sam Lockwood is in the foreground suggesting that she is the protagonist, her husband is in the background, looking down at the operating table suggesting a supernatural element to the film. My group and I like the contrast of dark and light and think the mystery that surrounds the poster causes it to be extremely intriguing.

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‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’

My group and I like the layout of this poster as it displays both protagonists. However, the way in which it is presented causes the audience to question the relationship between the two characters featured. Placing the character of Mikael Blomkvist in the foreground looking directly at the camera suggests he is the main protagonist and is unaware of the presence of Lisbeth Salander who is positioned in a profile shot. The profile shot suggests Lisbeth is somehow an echo of Mikael and presents the film as a psychological thriller. The colours used suggest a foreboding atmosphere or the theme of secrecy as the grey background is reminiscent of fog or mist. At the bottom of the poster, a shot of a house covered in snow is used, this suggests the main setting of the film or the source of the mystery the protagonist is trying to uncover.

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Chiaroscuro lighting

Many of these film posters use an effect called Chiaroscuro. Chiaroscuro in art is "an Italian term which literally means 'light-dark'. Chiaroscuro lighting is an artistic term dating back to the Renaissance that is noted by the contrast between dark and light. It is often used in a bold manner so that it has a noticeable and dramatic effect on the entire composition of a work. Many psychological thrillers use this technique in their film posters because the contrast between light and dark creates a sense of mystery and obscurity, it also adds clear tonal contrasts which are often used to suggest the volume and modelling of the subjects depicted.