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Human Patient Simulation in a Pharmacotherapy Course

Amy L. Seybert, PharmD,a Lawrence R. Kobulinsky,b and Teresa P. McKaveneya

aSchool of Pharmacy, University of PittsburghbPeter M. Winter Institute for Simulation, Education, and Research, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Submitted July 13, 2007; accepted October 20, 2007; published April 15, 2008.

Objective. To incorporate human patient simulation (HPS) into a pharmacotherapy course and eval-uate its impact on students’ satisfaction and mastery of course objectives.Design. Various levels of HPS were used for clinical skills assessments, reinforcement of conceptspreviously introduced in class, and presentation of simulated patient case scenarios requiring critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities. Pre- and post-simulation examinations and a satisfaction surveyinstrument were administered.Assessment. Significant improvement was seen in students’ knowledge on post-simulation examina-tions. On problem-solving skills, the majority of student groups received a final case grade .95%.Students indicated high levels of satisfaction with the use of HPS in the course and showed increasedlevels of confidence in their pharmacotherapy/patient care skills.Conclusion. Human patient simulation provided a unique opportunity for students to apply what theylearned and allowed them to practice problem-solving skills. Students grew in confidence and knowl-edge through exposure to realistic simulation of clinical scenarios. Students showed improvement inknowledge and ability to resolve patient treatment problems, as well as in self-confidence.

Keywords: patient simulation, simulation-based education, educational technology, problem-solving skills,pharmacotherapy

INTRODUCTIONThe Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education

(ACPE) standards recommend that faculty membersshould use educational technologies and techniques thatinvolve various modes of educational delivery (eg, sim-ulations and case studies) and evaluation.1 These stand-ards increasingly support the use of computer andinstructional technology, laboratory experiences, casestudies, guided group discussions, and simulations to de-velop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.2 Someexamples include computer-based simulations,3-5 actorsimulations,6 situational pharmacy simulations,7 andstandardized assessments such as objective structuredclinical examinations.8-9 Simulation-based learning, anew teaching mode that is being incorporated into phar-macy curricula, has potential for a broad range of appli-cations, including human patient simulation (HPS).

HPS technology is a type of simulation-based learn-ing that provides a unique opportunity for students toapply learned principles in a context that realistically

mimics patient care, while providing a safe, controlledlearning environment. This type of experience immersesthe student in an interactive situation that encourages de-velopment of problem-solving and critical-thinkingskills, as well as interprofessional team training.10 In-struction can be standardized to present consistent, repro-ducible student experiences and can be customized tomeet individual or group needs. In addition, standardizedassessment/debriefing capabilities provide an objectivemeans of documenting learner behavior and outcomes.

The University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacyimplemented simulation education into the pharmacy cur-riculum through a collaborative relationship with thePeter M. Winter Institute for Simulation, Education, andResearch (WISER). The WISER Institute is located onthe University of Pittsburgh campus. The high fidelityhuman patient simulators at the WISER Institute havea palpable pulse; audible heart, lung, and abdominalsounds; and hemodynamic parameters (including non-invasive blood pressure and arterial pressure); in additionto having the capability to speak in response to anticipatedquestions. The patient simulators are controlled by Sim-Man software (Laerdal Corporation, Stavanger, Norway),which can be programmed with appropriate physiologicalresponses for a patient with the clinical condition that is

Corresponding Author: Amy L. Seybert, PharmD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 302 Scaife Hall,200 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Tel: 412-647-6170.Fax: 412-647-5847. E-mail: [email protected]

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entered for the simulated case scenario. The simulationroom is equipped with medical equipment that is com-monly found in a hospital room, as well as a monitor thatdisplays objective information pertinent to the particularcase scenario. A facilitator trained in the operation of theSimMan software coordinates the simulation session froma control room adjacent to a simulation room equippedwith one-way glass or from within the simulation room.

Simulation technology was used to present patientcases to pharmacy students in order to enhance their class-room learning with an opportunity to apply the knowledgethey have gained in a safe setting. While previous studieshave assessed the impact of HPS on gaining or reinforcingknowledge,11 within this course the simulation was usedto additionally assess students’ critical-thinking and prob-lem-solving skills. The purpose of this study was to in-vestigate the use of simulation in developing andassessing pharmacy students’ ability to use critical think-ing skills and knowledge in order to solve problems re-lated to cardiovascular disease.

DESIGNHuman patient simulation was introduced to the

Pharmacotherapy of Cardiovascular Disease course inAugust 2006 to provide an opportunity for students topractice patient care skills and apply classroom knowl-edge in a realistic setting. The objective for this second-professional year comprehensive disease-based coursewas to prepare student pharmacists to identify, resolve,and prevent drug-related problems in patients with or atrisk for cardiovascular disease. Simulated patient caseswere used to complement traditional teaching methodsfor developing clinical skills in cardiovascular pharmaco-therapy, as well as critical- thinking and problem-solvingassessments. Students were exposed to simulation tech-nology in a series of progressively complex applications,which were presented to groups of 6 to 7 students every 1to 2 weeks throughout the 15-week semester.

The first application of HPS that was implementedwithin this course took place during the second week ofthe course in September 2006 and was used for the de-velopment of basic clinical assessment skills, such as tak-ing blood pressure and listening for heart and lung sounds,which can be accurately assessed by the reproducibleresponses of the simulator. Using simulation technology,students learned and practiced taking blood pressuremeasurements, and subsequently they were tested indi-vidually on their ability to obtain accurate and reproduc-ible results.11

Recognizing that the pharmacotherapy of dysrhyth-mias is a difficult concept for students to master, wedesigned an observation session for students to visualize

the complexity of dysrhythmia management. The simu-lation program displays heart rhythms on the patient’sbedside monitor consistent with the diagnosis selectedby the facilitator. As medication is ‘‘prescribed’’ for thesimulated patient, the SimMan software automaticallyadjusts the physiologic parameters accordingly, sendingvisible hemodynamic parameters, including blood pres-sure, heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate, oxygensaturation, carbon dioxide, pulmonary artery pressure,arterial blood pressure, and continuous electrocardiogram(EKG), to a monitor. The pharmacodynamic and pharma-cokinetic changes previously programmed into the soft-ware as trends create consistency in responses for allsessions. Realistic situations are mimicked when an in-correct medication is selected; the simulated patient maybecome asystolic and cease to breathe if not treated ap-propriately or if not treated within a specific timeframe.

The observation session was part of a progression ofexposure to HPS in order to prepare students for the finalcomprehensive simulation session that was used for thecourse grade. This final session was an opportunity forstudents to apply the knowledge gained throughout thesemester to the process of critical thinking and problem-solving in cardiovascular medicine. Each student groupencountered a simulated patient who presented withone of the following diseases: hypertensive crisis, acutecoronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction, decom-pensated heart failure, atrial fibrillation, ventriculartachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or Torsade dePointes. Student performance was assessed in the follow-ing areas: communication with the simulated patient andthe session facilitator during the session; data collectionand interpretation; problem list development and priori-tization; pharmacotherapy plan development; monitoringplan development; and documentation of their clinicalpharmacy service. The debriefing tool, which was pro-grammed specifically for each case, provided an objectivemeans for consistent student assessment.

The debriefing tool is a unique feature in the SimMansoftware programming that allows the facilitator to recordeach decision made by the student. The computer deter-mined whether decisions were appropriate and given atthe appropriate time based on the preprogrammed sce-nario, and then generated a standardized performanceassessment for each simulation session. Appendix 1includes the basic outline of the debriefing. At the endof the simulation, the facilitator displayed the debriefingtool in the simulation room, allowing immediate feedbackto each student in an open environment where all studentscould ask questions. The log was printed so the studentscould keep a copy as a study reference. In addition to spe-cific feedback for actions that were taken, each incorrect

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answer referenced a guideline, publication, textbook, orother learning resource for the students’ further reading.

Student satisfaction with the simulated dysrhythmiaand myocardial infarction portions of the course wasassessed via a survey instrument administered at the endof the course. Student knowledge was determined throughobjective, written examinations. Completion of the sur-vey instruments and pre- and post-simulation examina-tions were completely voluntary and anonymous. Thedata were reported here through description statistics;the chi-square test was used for categorical data. Thisstudy was approved by the Institutional Review Boardat the University of Pittsburgh.

ASSESSMENTOne hundred two students, 40 males and 62 females,

completed the course in Fall 2006. Students were dividedinto 15 groups of 6 to 7 students per group for the simu-lation sessions. Scoring for the final case scenario is de-tailed in Table 1. Overall, 10 out of the 15 groups received100% of available points and the average score for allgroups was 95.8%. Student groups scored .95% on 6out of 8 domains. Data collection and interpretation wasthe area where student groups received the lowest numberof points; the average score was 7.9 out of 10, with only 11of the 15 groups receiving all 10 points. Areas with thehighest level of student performance included verbalcommunication of the plan, introduction to patient, pa-tient counseling, and problem list development.

Eighty-nine of the 102 students completed the sa-tisfaction survey (Table 2). Improvement was seen instudent confidence related to performing physical assess-ment and interpreting patient data. Students felt that sim-

ulation would improve their ability to solve problems anddevelop pharmacotherapy plans. Table 3 includes pre-and post-simulation examination scores on dysrhythmiamanagement. After visualizing pharmacokinetic andpharmacodynamic properties of several antidysrhythmicagents during the HPS experience, students’ understand-ing of those properties and the adverse effects they causeimproved. In addition, students’ knowledge of counselingpatients with myocardial infarction at the time of dis-charge and in selecting appropriate acute pharmacother-apy for these patients improved (Table 4).

During the final course evaluation for the semester,student comments showed that simulation ‘‘. . .gave us theopportunity to evaluate a patient before the responsibilityof a patient’s life is placed in our hands. This is an effec-tive teaching and learning method’’ and that simulation‘‘. . .was one of the best learning experiences that I’ve everhad.’’ Students also commented that ‘‘. . .providing anopportunity to reinforce the skills and knowledge gainedin the class helps me remember the information moreeffectively’’ and that this ‘‘. . .opportunity to think on ourfeet is a great chance for us to build our confidence in ourknowledge of drugs.’’

DISCUSSIONThe use of HPS within our course provided an oppor-

tunity for pharmacy students to safely practice clinicalassessment skills and apply their knowledge at no riskto patients and minimal risk to self. Both objective eval-uations of students’ knowledge and performance as wellas student survey responses show that HPS can be advan-tageous within a pharmacy curriculum. Student com-ments show that the immersive learning environmentoffered by simulation sessions allows for practical appli-cation and reinforcement of knowledge. According to theresults of student surveys, the HPS experience gave stu-dents more confidence in their ability to care for patients.Student pre- and post- simulation examination scoresshow significant improvement in knowledge, especiallyin the areas of patient counseling and adverse drug effects.

The systematic and objective approach provided bythe computerized debriefing tool was helpful in assessingproblem-solving skills and in isolating the areas of weak-ness in the students’ clinical skills assessment ability orcritical-thinking process during a clinical case simulation.By employing this unique debriefing capability, the defi-ciencies in collecting and interpreting patient data be-come apparent, allowing faculty members to reinforcethis area in the debriefing session or throughout theremainder of the course. For example, based on a defi-ciency noted during simulation sessions, faculty membersreviewed the method of the decision-making process

Table 1. Final Case Scenario and Pharmacotherapy PlanDevelopment in a Pharmacotherapy Course Using HumanPatient Simulation

Graded AssessmentPointsAllotted



Introduction to patient 5 4.38Data Collection/interpretationb 10 7.94Problem list development 10 9.94Pharmacotherapy plan development 20 19.38Monitoring plan development 10 9.56Verbal communication of plan 15 15Patient counseling 15 15Documentation 15 14.56Total Score 100 95.76aThe class was divided into 15 groups of 6-7 studentsbData collection/interpretation included: physical assessment, patienthistory, medication history, and diagnosis

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regarding laboratory and diagnostic data when evaluatingpatient data during classroom teaching.

The debriefing tool provides a standardized assess-ment with an accurate measurement of curricular out-comes upon conclusion of the session. Students learnfrom the immediate and specific feedback regarding stepsthat were done well and areas to improve. This typeof objective assessment for the students is not alwaysavailable during experiential rotations, where feedbackmay be more sporadic or subjective and may not includeas much detail. Another benefit to this standardized as-sessment is for faculty members to easily and objectivelyevaluate student responses to an entire case scenario, pro-viding a reliable and reproducible score from session tosession.

Another advantage of HPS is the ability to use repet-itive practice in developing clinical skills. For example,students are able to repeat blood pressure measurementsto verify consistency of technique and accuracy of results.This is not easily done using real patients, since the exactblood pressure is not known for each patient as it can varyeven from one measurement to the next. Data showingsignificant improvement in students’ knowledge and clin-

ical performance of blood pressure measurements whenusing HPS in the curriculum have been publishedpreviously.11

Published evidence on high-fidelity medical simula-tions to date suggests that the use of simulation facilitateslearning when used under the right conditions.12 Some ofthese conditions include providing feedback during thelearning experience, engaging learners in repetitive prac-tice, integrating simulation sessions into the overallcurriculum, individualizing learning experiences, andproviding clearly defined and measured outcomes.12

HPS allows for standardized assessments to documentachievement of course objectives, thus adding utilityand credibility to this type of learning.

Another program using simulation technology docu-mented high levels of student satisfaction, even whensimulation is used on a one-time basis within a course.13

However, one analysis reported a positive associationbetween the number of hours of simulation-based practiceand attainment of standardized learning outcomes.14 HPStechnology can be used for simple and complex scenarios,tailoring the session to meet the needs of the curriculum.The multiple exposures to HPS used within our course in

Table 2. Pharmacy Students’ Survey Responses Before and After Participation in a Pharmacotherapy Courses Using HumanPatient Simulation (N 5 89)


Student Responsea


Post-simulation P

How confident are you in your ability to interpret a basic electrocardiogram? 1.7 4.0 ,0.05Do you feel that patient simulation of the pharmacology and pharmacodynamics

of antidysrhythmics will increase your knowledge of these agents?4.3 4.6 NS

This experience has helped develop my ability to solve problems. 1.6 3.5 ,0.05How confident are you in your ability to physically assess a patient? 2.3 4.3 ,0.05Do you feel that patient simulation of a patient with myocardial infarction

will improve your knowledge base?4.3 4.5 NS

Are you confident in your ability to develop a plan for a patient withmyocardial infarction?

2.0 3.9 ,0.05

Do you feel that a didactic lecture alone on pharmacotherapy of myocardialinfarction will increase your comfort level and knowledge base regarding these agents?

3.1 2.9 NS

aResponses were based on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 on which 1 5 poor or strongly disagree and 5 5 excellent or strongly agree

Table 3. Pharmacy Students’ Pre- and Post-simulation Examination Scores on Dysrhythmia Management (N 5 89)

QuestionPercent CorrectPre-simulation

Percent Correct,Post-simulation P

Interpret the following EKG. 7.9 87.6 ,0.05List 3 common adverse effects of digoxin therapy. 24.7 82.0 ,0.05What is the pharmacotherapeutic regimen of choice for

pulseless ventricular tachycardia?4.5 89.9 ,0.05

What are the 4 pharmacologic properties of amiodarone? 7.9 87.6 ,0.05List 2 medications that can cause Torsades de pointes. 17.9 96.6 ,0.05

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a progression of increasing complexity involved clinicalskills assessment, observational learning, and critical-thinking and problem-solving skills assessment. Allow-ing students to first become comfortable with the patientsimulation technology and familiar with the skills andknowledge that would be required for the sessions en-abled the fair use of the HPS in evaluations that countedtoward the final course grade.

National organizations, including Association ofAmerican Medical Colleges (AAMC) and ACPE havesupported the use of simulation throughout healthcareeducation because of the numerous advantages the tech-nology offers, including: presenting realistic situationsthat can be used to observe or assess application of knowl-edge, providing a safe and immersive learning environ-ment, allowing an opportunity for repetitive practice,exposing students to critical or rare events that may notbe encountered in advance pharmacy practice experien-ces (APPEs), providing reliable and reproducible re-sponses, and finally, enhancing critical-thinking andproblem-solving skills.10 Simulation technology has beensuccessfully incorporated into the pharmacy curriculumat our institution in a number of courses.11,15

The goal of pharmacy curricula is to prepare studentsto optimize pharmaceutical care at the level of a phar-macotherapy generalist. Repetitive practice with variousdisease states and a standardized approach to problemsolving provide an avenue for preparing students to begeneralist pharmacists. This type of practice reinforcesconcepts gained through traditional education approachesin addition to the experience that the students will gainwhile on experiential learning rotations. One compara-tive assessment of the use of simulation in APPEs showsthat HPS improves student knowledge to a higher degreethan traditional didactic lecture alone.16 Similar resultswere found in studies with medical students, wheresimulation-based training was shown to be superiorto problem-based learning during experiential learningrotations.17

A limitation of this study is that HPS was incorpo-rated into the curriculum and not added as an independentresearch study, so it was not possible to establish a controlgroup. Our institution does not allow for such a compari-son in large classroom settings. Students are given a gradefor this course, so they must all receive the same teachingstrategies. The best way to achieve this type of compari-son is to perform a crossover trial; however, time con-straints and class size make this difficult to perform.

Incorporating human patient simulation teachingtechnology into pharmacy education has potential bene-fits, but a drawback to this technology is the accessibilityof this type of center and the training that is required toprogram case scenarios for educational purposes. Obvi-ously, use of HPS technology will not be attainable byevery school; however, at the time of this writing, at least9 schools of pharmacy utilize HPS and 5 more schoolsplan to utilize HPS in the near future. Pharmacy schoolscan collaborate with medical or nursing schools that al-ready have simulation capabilities in order to introducehuman patient simulation into their curricula. Numerousmedical centers have simulation training programs forhealthcare providers, so alternatively, pharmacy schoolscould explore educational partnerships with healthcarecenters. Collaborations between pharmacy faculty mem-bers in developing and sharing cases that have alreadybeen developed will further facilitate use of this technol-ogy among schools of pharmacy.

SUMMARYHuman patient simulation provided a unique immer-

sive and engaging learning opportunity for students ina Pharmacotherapy of Cardiovascular Disease courseto apply what they learned in the classroom. Simulationtechnology created a safe environment for students tocompletely assess a ‘‘patient’’ from the point of introduc-ing themselves to the implementation of a treatmentplan they devised during the simulation session. Studentsgrew in confidence and knowledge of cardiovascular

Table 4. Pharmacy Students’ Pre- and Post-Simulation Examination Scores on Myocardial Infarction (N 5 89)

QuestionPercent Correct,Pre-simulation

Percent Correct,Post-simulation P

Describe the symptoms of acute myocardial infarction. 95.5 100 NSList 3 important counseling points for patients

post-myocardial infarction.20.5 89.8 ,0.05

Why does metoprolol decrease mortality in myocardialinfarction patients?

54.5 87.7 NS

Which agents should be administered acutely to a patientwith myocardial infarction?

17.0 98.6 ,0.05

List 3 important counseling points for patientspost-myocardial infarction.

75.0 96.6 NS

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pharmacology through exposure to simulation technol-ogy. Faculty members may derive an added benefitthrough the use of computer debriefing capabilities forobjectively assessing student performance.

The profession of pharmacy is constantly striving toimprove patient care by training future pharmacists tomanage medication therapy for patients. Human patientsimulation offers a unique immersive and engaging learn-ing environment that fosters achievement of high levels ofclinical performance. As we continue to utilize humanpatient simulation, other applications should be exploredthroughout our curricula by combining this innovativeeducational technology with traditional methods oflearning.

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